HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-25, Page 9LET NOTHINGKEEP YOU FROMeATTENDING I'llE LAST l'EN .11111T: LING M OF .NEWTON'S STOCK : - • POSITJVELYjoINc OUT OF BUSINESS The time is short and now is your best opportunity t save dollars bybuying spring y ng your spring and summer requirements for yourself from this huge stock of men's, boys' and children's Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Hosiery, Etc. For the past seven days we have been selling merchaase to the public of Goderich and vicinity at unheard-of lowrices New low price records will prevail during thejast ten`days. Enough said. Below are a few record-breaking prices Raincoats Men'. Raincoat, all colors and .izra. Values t.. 11:,.1111.' While they last, Special $1,98, $2.98 and S4.98 11'hy not lady a new Raincoat 'alien y..0 an buy it at Ube i,rice!" Sweaters .leen - alar! boys'. SalMtNn, and I rhino YeM, all -wool,, a,•nnt+1 colon and sizes. Valueslel. •.,o to > Uii. 1VI a tIn IM dal Boys' Suits 3:. IA,ys' snit• in tweak and •t•rg.4. all 'radon.. SIL'% i; 1•. 311. Short nod lung pant• WMie they hast. $4.95 Work Shirts 2l ) Itierl'M Work Shirts, in all cnlorn ars! sues. Vanier, to 62.410. While they Inst. SPECIAL 69c, 79c, 98c sad 51.39 Shirts and Drawers Boys' all - wool Cashmere Shirts and Drawers. Light weights only. Regular 111.00 values. While they last, 39c Lightweight Underwear Tigerbnpd and 1Vntw'n's light- Neight wtsll1'n t'nderwwr in sites :N to 44. Regular 62.00 to 63.110 %aloe's. Special Sale Price $1.39, $1.69, $1.98 Children's Reefers 1'hi!dr, n's navy Reefers 111 sizes 3 to R. Refiler 114.0o and 118.00 'alnes. While they last, s1'1 CIA1, $2.95 Mackinaw Coats Men's and young nlen',, Mac- kinaw ('nate. assorted %Dints and s1ZII. Values to Pi..'ill. While they last, Special 53.98 W•nderful bargains. ly not. buy now for nt• winter" Men's Hosiery Nrn'1. fang and p}laincash:nem Sox. light aril- i -avy weight Regular 5(lc and 71.c value- While they :ast. 29c and 39c int more than 3 pairs to :1 customer. Boys' Shirts 1)n..s-Itirts and is collars attl/Clen1 are! detat'i Size. 11 1-2 to 131-2, all . • . Whd.• they last. Sp•eial • 49c, G.1 mon' limn nn•e to clist..1,1,•r. Boys' and Girls' Golf Hose Boys' and girls l iolf Ilia,', I Novelty check patterns. Reg- ular 76c and Mc values. Special 49c Penman's Underwear Penman's natural Wool Un- derwear. Shirts and Draw- ers. Sizes :16 to 44. Regular $1.110 and $1.25 values. special `ale Pelee 79c and 98c Men's Shirts den's Fine si•irts, male of madras prints, broadcloths, cot- ton crepe, stripes, ehtrks and other fancy designs. Sites 11 1-2 to 17. regular $1.00 to $2.(0 %aloes. i4oing out-o(-bnsine ss sake prier 49c Boys' Suits "rN•etsls, cashmere, a n d Nor- •'tedn. limes 22 to 27. $3.:I0 to 1.1.00 vainer. While they Inst. $1.98 MISCELLANEOUS Hundreds of articles in quantities too small to advertise will be dis- played on special tables for quick and easy selections during this clean-up sale. Every Man and woman who will attend this last ten-day sale will share in special values which they will remember for many a day, no matter what goods they will choose Men's Neckwear men's and boys' Silk Tier, foie -i i.ltaridand boa., great variety oI colors, regular 23c to $1.2.5. While they last, special 10c, 19c and 29c Boys' Rompers R egul•Ir 7:".e to =1 till v .liar.- 11hi1,• they I,•' 29c Boys' and Girls' Play Suits 11 col .ry " Le- t., , Reg. 'Oar f I.2.1 to y2111 %slue,. 11'11il, they 1;1x1, 69c and 89c Handkerchiefs Men's colored and whits' llandkerehiefs Regular 15c to 25c value Special Rale Price 8c, 10c and 12c Men's Dress Gloves Regular $2.00 to $3.50 Social Sale Prise $1.29 to $2.48 Men's Hosiery .lien's 1.1e1e Socks, . - .,,•k brown and white. Regular 2:e• and :a•. While' they last, :pedal 9c and 19c BoysPants 1.I pain Rkeotow•. \lad.• it ,.vds, semen sr l cn•hriwm. -vas 24 to 35. Al: cubes While t I ,•y last. 'pr•iat 98c and $1,48 Men's Caps Alen'- a n .1 young men's tNWrl and N''rstedtaps, in latest .le•signs and odors. A11 tiro.. ((ego+ar 41.50 to $2.50. 98c Men's Silk Socks Colors black, frown, navy, grey and white. Regular 50ts. 75c And tt1.00'valtte While th,;c last 29c 2 Special Counters - Sweaters, Shirts at 25c Men's Underwear ALv1'. l:alhngeare .aid Mer- ino I'n(1rrwt-ar, two•pi.te•., 1'uloe 7:e-. Size1. 32 to 44. While they last. Special 49c , Boys' Suits 32 1t.yie fll.s.nu•r Pant. ',lits. in tweeds, -serge's and c.l-I111 n'n4. sizes mei to :Ai. .111 colors $2.95, $4.95, $6.95 Men's and Boys' Pyjamas Aw,rnni colors n13.1 t:a1„1t. ynnlitiew. All •i/e.heg- nlar VAX) to =:i. -.n value•'. t%li t, they last, $1.19 and $2.59 Boys' Jerseys (' •r, kflak i, ...and 1,r. 3 11, white and navy.. size's 24 to 32, Regular :Wk. to ;ie. 1:o- ing out of business Sale Price 29c Kant Krack Collars Men's Kant, Krack Col- lars. Sizes 14 to 17. Reg- ular 3.ie caltte't. Going L of husitie-- Mb' ioric.• 19c FIXTURES FOR SALE Five Showcases, 4 Counters, 3 Tables, i Awning, Blinds. t Desk, t Stove, t Safe and other display fixtures ATTENTION TO MERCHANTS Special Discounts Will Be Given on Quantity . Purchases Men's Hats \lea's Yale 111 sell•klt..Nti !.rands. all colors and sues. While th.•\ het Special $ 1.39 1'%ret.ti•.nel V111",' Men's Handkerchiefs ‘Ica'- 'Ilk 11:In.lk.v. t1,. 1-. r lar 541e, i:le and i eNt i;dile . While til/'s l l•I. yar•ial 29c and 39c Youths' Overalls Vont Its' Khaki i Overall :Itit-. Sizes :10 tet .Iii. i2./llt e:lhte While theY last, -1'Fi'1.1I. 98c Men's Overalls and Smocks k lutein, I,•nther 1.:I1 I ,c• "natipns.f, 1m,-1 famous hraicl, in Canada. .vet 32 to Pi. Blue. binek and blue and bite Stripes I:rgfil:tr 1:3111es • 1111', tlu'% Ia•t. $1.19 to $1.79 Boys' Pants Tweets, nnor-I e.1- an] serge. Sizes 24 to 31.. All color,. $1.50 to $2.50 WHILE THEY LAST 69c Boys' Suits '1n•l•• of'atl-wool ftanin.1 Sizes 2 to `I While they fa.1 $1.98 Men's and Boys' Braces I:t•gulnr 511• to $1.1K1 value - Going out of husines. sale prier 19c, 29c, 39c, 49c Men's Trousers 12•; pairs ..t men's a rid y011112 Mens Trousers, IMO... iu t t.v l.•, strg,•,, Illaekitlaw'., drills and worts. I,,. all col- ors. 'Ian, 32 to !!4.2. Values trout *2.(N) .to fes. Vie). Sale price $1.19. $1.48, $1,98.$2.48, $3.98 Soft Collars den's Soft and ilard Col- lum, Sits 13'4 to 17. While they last, Special 15c Boys' Hosiery I:nt'-' 'ttlo:.11il and (lilt( Ifuw•. 1 --.rte 1 'odors and hoot, -i'1 1 15c and 29c Men's Shirts -'111) men's Ire-. shirts is Forsyth, Itilumon , '1'.aoke. A 11 eal'1's and sin's. Value to y4.50. Mill' they last. •'51'E(' 1 A I. 98c Sweaters ,len - and boy.' Sweater - Regular *1 50 to $2 Ill %dries lt'hile they 1;1 • 69c Boys' Overalls 111ne :u d lr:rki,'. to N. iteirtllar 7:e' and $ I %alar. .11'hile they last. 59c Handkerchiefs :11.1 1, 1 I OC NEWTON'S FURNISHINGS STOKE WEST SIDE OF SQUARE .---,.4<- GODERICH, ONTARIO i, it.'�•+.-. wirrj,,N. w".. `r,i