HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-25, Page 8.9.9-9.911•9•••••19-
6.--Thuttsday. Apair k r�rRn'7Rr tet' " .� - • �"! ,n• Jr s
County and District COULD NOT
Hawaii Bremen are planning a '24th nig suffered rather tonere latiries. ANN
celebration. a the aericl,.nt she was
May ce her lov' t
George Williams,a resident , of etldlgrd to resign
} r died teacher.
there on April 5th at the age of rev- Extending Hydra constitute
enty-sig Y Owtug to the lucnay' 'ti
ht ors. Ile watt in the employ aim's :it tirauJ-41rud
of the C.V.R. for many years'.. lion of Hydro t
The marriage of Miss Jean 11O11s• 1 slue 1926. wht'u it w:t. installed, it
boner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 bus been found necessary to install',
Moser Holtzhauer, to Joseph I'osliff. heavier equilrweut. This work is al
both of ,Iuntic•sttoro'. was w)leuutirad ready under way duel Iti11 coot ap
by Itrv. 1t. Snell at elle Staffs iwnn'u- i proximately $4,000. Some rural line
aIle on April 9CIt. Mr. and Mrs. 1•os• extensions also are keens wade to the
1{ff will reside at .Loudatetwr Alun. of niu`herii7tpart
tl of o fh,llnomit). thus alt l
Mr. and Mrs. Jewett M.
Amberley, announce the engagement on the 2nd cuice9•siou of 1'elrortu• and
[ daughter. Sarah 1t .idulplt tuwushli,s :u:.l 11 hurl .•ties 1
Eflfaprrtli, to Peter only son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neavie. 1Yin Valuable tklwlatalsip
of a result t Ill nus as
o dwkh for thirty -live years.
E their youngest e"
Pet Elymcr RrnVir.'.,,,❑ south of liruu,t I:,anl
Heu`a ll.
[wan eLaird lo.,tit of
4th concession of Huron [,. Robert
the marriage to take place the early ,wthful Ptudent at to 1't ernuy of
part of May., Weetterii Ontario. London. has been
Janet Towers, widow of the late 1 „warded a schularertti1, iu I,ush,t•., ad -
John Carmichael. died at her house at ntlnistntt' by the t ,iiter.tt of',
Hensel) on April 17th. aged seventy- I
;Chicago. The scholan•hlp i, talusl t:d :
use years. She i survived by one She, mow. Mr. Joy Id will graduate
daughter, Miss Nellie. at home. and' frau the University at London [hisniedIeloll
nue ,stn: John, of Detroit. also by sec- i y,,,,t., with Wilton.. f:lib-ring the 11:. -��
hen he ‘,.4,.
eral brothers and sisters, be
ins the tint break iu a t u church. He expis•ts to Islets Egin ttel-
teu. uturkable iteholuotit career there in
A quiet wedding took place in the ',the business administration coarse. Ile- %ilk. at the cid of •Illi°• aft.•r a Iws
on Saturday. I ins near the tap of bier class each „watt, of sls ; eurss' 1.It,s•kcr piny'•
Mary Lee. daughter term. 1 cut herr tine eight
of Mr. mud Mrs. Arthur Woolley o !students ever a layers
Lost seek: 'There -were nine P
Brucefield became the bride of Bert' veraity. \fir. -tsynt d,.gn9will
the ,receive
etauug'e,tl each side told the total tally was in
Restored to Neth, by
Lydia E. Pin' s
Vegetable Compound
Port tom. N. K _' Ihr three
moatha, I was nervous and weak with
= feelings and
not do my
A friend ad -
me to take
E. . 1'ink-
s Vegetable
nd and I
got goal re -
from it and
d it to
their+."- Lits
Ar1.�r Fort El -
r death be- I cei.try ejvt• yrurss ago. w -
family ,•f t tither %ealr. old. hr "ha. hada 1:
tally the sued me and Pedes
filen* that pass, an, It is expected
:that some system of osseus sisal".
will be Installed.
The faurlller of Ezra Sender and
Vernon Shatz have m,ite•,I w town
from Dashwood.
Miss Vera IL Laugh,. ,itt;gbter or
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. lean. i., of Tronto,
,� auil Maurhv' E. Ford, of the late
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. F. of Fseter,
wen• uwrrle•I at Toruli •ii •t ptil 1bth.
Nlr. aid Mrs. Ford will ', i tt' at Vfln-
u t I*•r;.
Ganiet MoF'all,, who etas injured in
1 an automobile accident rl•,e'ntly ,while
dr'viug to 1VItidssr, duel who was
1niken to Victoria he•I,tal. j,enulun.
Iw trealeel fur Iw711. t%owtde, was
able to return to Ida leen,' here last
I'hnee' of the local ulrr,ga;ltlt, bare
:uutiuutced (hut after M i 14 they will
i conduct business oil a strictly cash
Aaron 4:iugerich h 1. purchased
depeca trot,, the estate of his t.,llter, the late
b! i Itaiiiel (Hugel -telt, the too -acre farm
+,n cul h {'+ cut 2 i, l'ullces..au.la. idly, uu
---- .:1..• I:nnwou flue.
-\t the 1►rysdale R •' church. on
.%I•ril 1',th, ,:ertrnde, , ,iIgbter of Mr.
nut Mrs. John 1)ucharm•• and bolls
Ihtrtud. sun art !antis 1luraud, all of
Sto11Ity township, were ,tiited in mar-
riage. Hest Father Nandtauil utt-
tVhile air. and Mr•t. 'Citiuu Xt'rcher l
art l Mrs. Henry 1Crneg''' ti. r. driving
on ebr Zurich road ser lienee 1, Mr.
Kcrcher lost control of •l:c- • ar of ac-
..unt of the ruts 4n th. : •.i.lway, mud
the' car upset in the die I. Nit's. Krtle-
,•er. had her cwllartaae r. .�••it. Mr. sus+
V r-. Ker•her escaping •t 1. a .'Vere i
shaking up.
Andfileen ehunh, Ilentall. a was one of the ss each ate, h t,l Ittu M I
youngestApril lYth when M y1
f f attoud Western Cid- rw held +( tournament
ihillen• amu of )!r. and Mrs. John bachelor ,• is f rt, if lrth i• to 3s. A n-
11 The ceremony meas performed I euiy,xea(ion, and will take
foil sldVpro 111 be played cruel t
ars! Mrs. Pullen will reside at Sana.
Mimi Elizaleth Wilson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, 7th eons
cession West Wawanoh. who had
been teaching at Normandale. neat
Port Dover. 1s at her Kolar atter
spending a week in the Simette hoepi- 1 murntuz last week be net hr•
tat. A short time ago Phe triliiwd on 1 eery unusual flue large bird.* ,wins- `
it buy's hoop on the sidewalk and fall- i win?. ,i hist. fond of water upfswiti' i
1 the ,road, and upon farther in5estiga- I
�-'Hen found that these One. snow -whits' At the annual
a•Inwetint wof the
and majestic -looking hints were white . howltug '
,.emu• in their natural wild state. and day, June 19. was chosen ass the date
apo„ approaching them they /slowly I for the annual tournament Officer*
'row room the water and first• towards fur tits year our,• elected a.•t follows:
the lake. Mr. Smith a19., advises esIron.;prc•shlt'tlt• Dr.. w'. J.
that there,hase been hundreds ..f wild 'president. F. It. 1
ducker. and also large !mintier, of wildide•uts, It. It: Watt and A. W. Rulritta.tit:
' gees• found lodging oaf this little sheet i-so.-retttry...l. 11. Cult , treasurer. A. 1V:
of writer this spring. .1s there, wart Culp.
• very•rlittlte frost, this*' 1.{nit' found it Blyth twlthalnts will uleserve the
safe Lassa of met for the it i'1it. if , %V' Intwluy - aftcnloott half-hollejay.
sirnet•ue had the• spirit and ambltliut during the summer months. cotd-
' art n Jack Miner and would milks ala`- mewing May +st•I,ott.•r, I a+ n•Cnrtssl
.%Vide nceommtaiatitin' Mrs. Wall:) .. (•...
effort to rr of
e'i+ll e I cru rhe
hu• 1
and also pmt ample food there. this Mens• after six
w nl I iidesd make a cert intereestlug months with her daughter, Niro. Malt-
lll I
at l
I. i Il•11 at
tae favor i herr
.' inn, game,. w
by the rector. Rev. Mr. Jones. Mr. ,wed to (itt ,e o, there
s'o• ma, also la• a routr•t whit for luck
age of the s•holarshi, whish hr haw
wall. now experts.
Suggests Wild $1rd'Kefuge Saatfarth'ss lady lawn howlers, to tie
7.tiu . tt Herald: Mr. t' rl. Smit • f •,�uuu',wrlt ift Mrs. trtt.,,lliSpruat aw t'alsaiit
the 11:ie water Highway. joist
cit J•weph, adVls,.o i, th;ti aur And MN. tls,•,ir Neil the -caption.
. et III -
A// Your
: e
ti t _ ". off.,
1 11
for pipe,•,, t
_ icily she underwent Ina operation f t
i `lEAF'ORTH 1 goitre. :u1.1 11;19 in couv'queue•e ranch
I101p tired ill health.
Rev. W. 1). McDonald. {castor of F:g•- Sime the .recent iaccident at the•,
third C.1' It
level cn.++ing here figs tb
m Milli• United church. h....-isi Warier. ,•rinks accident within a few. mouthC
K United hnr•h at
set to th ru, an, u.
ride some furthi•r protection. rn
b'w b to the :n ti••n of the to
'i: i tie
iirier+ets lawn bower. r-. held their
animal meeting last sass's :in,' elect.,
oditrrss as follows: Hun. president. A.
4'. [tardier; president,. Robert 'tow mail :
rice-pre•ahlrut, Walter S Scots se•e:t•e-
taty-treastrer, D. M. )I 'frit' i.1 The
club. with an Incnea-c,i nemb,•rsldp
the last two year,, is to •hitt{, f,.rward
to a ,111•ee,tttul season.
s1 (inlet Wedding tio's place at the
Melville ehureh [nano•. itruwielK,
a Call fr sox ' 1 has at the 1'.1'.It. evidently intends to pre
Agincourt el
meted su )
1tVttlut•sday, April -111th, when Misr,
Margaret Elizabeth Cuitkc. niece of Mr.
and Mrs. Wart. Illolltieer •f Grey
.•x. A.
township. tecutlw the Lr .;c of .V
Alexander. son of Mn': 4't•xaider and i
the late John A,exam cr of Molis-
worth. The ceremony w.is p5•rforitted
by Rev. F. G. Fowler, t
reception' was given
aunt. NIr-. Hollinger.
Mr. and Mal. A. 31 1'i
Kenneth have return)'
spooling the winter at s'
settlement enptnlittr,• of the rutted hate been Florida. •
Red Seal Continental Motor
Derain four • Wheel Brakes
Morse Silent Tiariet Chain
Ertl Forte Feed Laibricatids
Passenger Cars
Fours and Sires
from $675 to $209$
f.o.b., Leaside, Ont.
Standard Factory Equipment
Taxes Extra
Prove Durant Quality
Yourself ! ,
QJOU see the attractiveness of a Durant car as it passes down
`/'j/ the street .... you hear about its economical service from
the owner .... you become interested when his testimony is so
often repeated by other owners.
There is a Durant car awaiting your inspection at your local
dealer's; also the opportunity of verifying what you have seen
and heard by taking it out, yourself.
Make your comparisons, today!
PETER GRAF, Goderich, Ontario
fa..t-1111 tia
{ P
the brute 11
THE nerves are fed by
the blood. Poor blood
mans starved nerve tis-
sue, insomnia, irritability
and depression.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
will enrich your blood
stream and rebuild your
over-worked nerves. Miss
Josephine M. Martin, of
Kitchener. Ontario, testi-
' Pies to this :
"I suffered from a nervous
breakdsarqy" she writes. "I
had terrible' sick headaches.
dizziness; felt very weak an i
could not sleep; had no appe-
tite. I felt always as if sone,-
om ti
thing terrible were going to
happen. After taking oth.•t
treatment without success, on
my ester's advice. I tried Dr.
Williams' Pink Pitls,and nos
all these symptoms are gone,
and 1 am strong and happy
Btty Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills now at your druggist's
or any dealer to medicine or
by mail. SO cents, postpaid.
f nom the Dr. W dliarns Medi.
rine Co., Brockville, Ontario.
O �
w, 1O�O COUNT Mate
at as
. wssltl..P�ste wttttpt..
The following la Has report for the
l/uuiult /0 '11001, S.S. No. A, Oolborue.
Titlereport included the results of the
Easter exuwivatious:
V. (tutu) marks 0111 anti lou per
cent.) -•Erie Quaid 435 m. anti TS per
cent. •
Sr. IV. (hula' marks in IV. and lit.
1(80 and 1W {s'r cent.) --)Phyllis Hor-
ton 8(12 w. and ts2 per c'eut., Frank
Horton 718 m• and 88 per cent.
Sr. IIL--Fraut•is Linklater 9L1 art.
and SM per cent.. love Horton 1177 in
, Sew
Fulton( rd
and Bet la's cent., Louis F
and Ott per Bent.
Jr. III.--1Freddie Jewell 7110 w. and
74 per cent., Billie Farris!' 7(11 w. and
7'2 per cent.. Verne Jewell (177 it. and
IH Iter real.
11. (tiital 854) marks and eta► Per
cent.) --Walter Chisholm 479 m. stud
74 per went.. Bobble Farrfah 476 tar.
and 73 per twat., Harry Chisholm 3M
w. and 55 per cent.
,1.--•Uayld Parnell (excellent),
Kathleen Chisholm (very good).
Pr. -la) thing:as Bogie. 40) Harold
Number on roil. 1(t; average, 16.
iras'tl and title Market
(St. Cathatittat Standard) 4
Henry Fon" 4nupltt•d something of
`a botnbshell the otlwr day when he in -
I permed nn interviewer that he (Fldu't
I know anything about the stuck market.
1 adding 111a1 he 'totter lucked et a aetork
market quotation In his life." The re -
1 porter wits trying to tied out what
Ford thought of the r'oeut collate•,. of
the New' York Exchange. He went to
I the richest and moot suct9vesful nista
iIli the world for the upiniott but ale
pareutly he should have appntnohed
the butcher or (Iw baker lir the eautdle-
i •!leek maker.
widow, and one tun. John. who has re-
side,, }lith Ilia patents.
was old
the town
� meeting wet
Mall Tuesday evening of last week in
the interer+is art the League of Nations.
and was addressed by F. G. Moffatt.
11 l' P Hee F 1). Gallaher. Mee.
.. of
C4:aw and others. A comm(tN
c itirens wits apporinted to repres the
the Canadian ,League of Nations
Johnstone. 1.
•awford and
hottw after
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg)
I can supply your wants io
ally of the alxovc fuel. Prompt
s,•n'ir,• null reasonable prices
The Taal Driver and the Ike
ITorpulo Telegram)
Iteurslutt of a Ise hits a Hamilton I
taxi resulted In an ac,•ideut in which
six pastemgrrt were Injured.' The
driver ware fatting hy the hie. and now l
he hits leen stung It it jury. Ile must
juts alar damages.'" the driver let his ear run w•litt'l
while he ,eased a Mout wit), the tee, i
nu.hetitt lie was negligent. The duty he
owed - to hiss tatswttgen. required 111%1
he should stop life' ear. if he had n
chime to dose. ta•fore taking tarries
I with the iee.
1 But if the iter entered suddenly avid
imtuediateli transfixed the driver with
I Its sting. It wialld he difficult to sty the•
idriver 55 is negligent if-hla instinctive
effort In brush his assailant away
'brought disinter to the car and its
ocu{atnts. In such a c'a9e• e %till
be nil more negligent than if he had
t t .11
of of gl
t bolt iSt •else
e•. t a
been ire al 1 y
rimy. this commlttaw belay eunllara'd rung.
of Incas n `tidda1l, Its. , It is n,tt likely that this arrdlrt
Now Open Between while the driver will alertly,* lw re -
r. Mea. scums a precedent. Each Newfoin, Rev. -F.. 0. llallahe oft t {
t'ntn :art Mrs_Mut'die. of the kind will have to Me judgi•11 on1
the surrounding elreumstauoes. And
%faramer Sere
. Plast Week attending the coato,•at,,,i, of ()be of the earlti't openings in the and car' to his work. It Is pot to he
Knox College. at wbi•9t their sun, 11.1 history of theClevelandacrd Buffalo presumed that the law will require
K. i'errie, B..t., received his diploma. liTrantit company le being male tlitw him to ,display ru{s•rhuman atoleiam
year when the C. & II. Llnc Steamer ngalnst the
°°reel assault of a
Mr. 1'r.iti won the tt ,a M. liislop ('14v of Erin' starts froth the }last I bee•.
it t taratip, the gseond ,a, 1i t',tu p he
Iha9 taken iu his t{itrrl •girul runs,"•. Ninth Street Pier, .Cleveland, this
11'inghanu lawn trontere are pre- Thursday evening (April i.Mt at 9
parilig for an attire seawop. (rtth,ers pin. for Buffalo. This opens daily Jt
eervity' between Cleveland and Buffalo,
ateami•ra leaving eaeb way every night
at 9 {t. m. and" arriving it the opposite
terminal at 7.30 a.m
Everything hart been in shipshape
(lir days- waiting for the ice eend�itione
at. the Buffalo harbor to permit an
early ripening of lake travel this year.
.aye Mr. P..J. Swartz• general,manager
nt thea Cnmjralc.
This route is becoming more popular
every ,year for the auto tonrlttt as
well :19 those who travel hy rail and
Telephone 171j (ioderich
Have Your Clothes
Cleaned and Pressed
itt the tip -to -.late way'
titx,dr called for and delivered
Fall line of Gents' Furnishings
Haberdasher and l try t'I,•auer
West Street Phooa 339
kvelland and Buffalo (mired to Ow the maximum attention
etre and 11n. i'errlr iy.•re :it Toronto
t t ret.,
for 19220 are: Hou. president. It. [tole:
president, A. .1. IYtlwn;- secret:try-
1reawurer: .1. M Graham; cat -votive
cottuuittee. A. I'osliff, It. Viistoue.
Dr. Irwin..1. Mason.
11 hook ass if s •frball wit 1 he the
popular gattte in ,Winghara tins year.
A .•hedule is ,wing arrwnged aril play
will 1e commenced early. '
• (in Saturday afternoon loot, .at the
Wellington ,•tract United Chltrch per-
sonage, le.mdott, 11.5'. J. 1V.' ilibhert
Milted in mtarriage Shirley {Vinnifred, width to enjoy the twenties of iwke
slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin
Erie and rest while the. travel.
•f Teeewater. and Clayton William F,ir auto tourists C. & B. Line car -
1:t1 fogle.
ar--F'ryftrgle, e1,IrR ..m of Mr. acrid Mns h',. -steamer sen{ie sage's maur mflew
.1 no. Flyfe,gle of Witixhatn. The etteplr of deicing steer congested mad. and
were attended by \4r. and Mn'. F. W. leaves the additional time fur stght-
Smith. uncle 'anti stmt of the groom. seethe at points 0[ interest.
11r. and Mrs. Fryfogle will make their •Anyone planning a tour which will
botuc in Wingham.
tragus McKinnon, one of the Pio-
neers of KIttIttAt loom hip, died April
-111 h. hit ring alne,st completer) • hie
,eighty-fifth year. 11e was horn on the
1.0• of F.igg. Srottltnd. and came to
Canada with his parents at an early
age. The family settled on the 0th
com•averion of Kinloaa, where he re -
until hi,. removal to Lucknow
in the year 1917. Ilia wife, formerly
Catherine McKinnon of Seaforth. snr-
vites him. with int,• sons and four
daughters. There are twenty grattd-
childre•tt and two groat -grandchildren.
Four.yearsager Mr and Mrs. McKin-
non celebrated) their golden wedding.
The death tot Neil Murdoch on
April 11th removed another old resi-
dent of 1.uekmaw. Mr. Murdo•h's
,sassing was quite sudden; he' died
shortly after breakfast, from an at-
tack of heart failiire. j)eeeatted lived
for many years at Paramount, Ashfield
township, before removing to I.ucknow
ten years ago. Snrviring are the
bring them in the vicinity of Lake
Erie this ,+rammer will ie intertltted in
securing a copy of the new C. & Il.
folder which contains auto maps of
this terrifory. 11 will he mailed free
noon request by addressing inquiry to
Nir. Frank W. Milton, (1.!'.A., The
Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Com-
pany, Cleveland. Ohio.
le*. v
0. i-Aledge,
Masked Teresa
Makes dyeing es racy as asking.
t'we Maypole .ark your
for It.,
-they call him
-The man you can? rattle'
Many successful business men
regularly use Wrigley's. The act of
chewing has a soothing effect. The
healthful cleansing action of
Wrigley's refreshes the mouth -
gently stimulates the flow of the
natural juices -steadies the nerves
aids digestion.
Purity Fruit
Lcup butter, 1 cup brown sugar, 2% nips
purity Flour. % lb. raisins, yi Ib. citron, 1
teaspoon cinnamon, %a teaspoon nutmeg,
y, teaspoon ginger, 2 eggs, ', up (scant)
molassesV, cur sour cream, 7. teaspoon
Flour the fruit. Bake in moderate
(wen (375°I•
How to get Better Results
in all Cake Baking
A baking expert says "Purity ilrties�g,
rich flour with great expanding qua • •
if your rake recipe calla for ordinary pastry
flour use 1 tablespoon less per cup of Purity
and it milk is felled for
use alone tends ilk d
hall water (lukewarm),
make the cake dry. our month use 3
For pastry that melts in 7
tablespoons less per rap of Purity Flour and
1 tablespoon mor. of shortening Roll it dry.
For extra rich pastry use hill batter and half
Being emitted only from .elected Western
hard «hest, Purity Flour has the strength
end Quality to mak. It "hest
for an your baking.'
Get a sari from your dealer to -day
Ow forma 700-retipr
Perin Finer Cook Rai it wadedf r irk. Fria fn ire
WS Cassia i u titles Cs baeted• Tweets (a.
of Your Patronage
N est street, upstairs over
Tebbutt'i Hardware
For Appointment Phone 239
Oeen evenings by a4powtment only
Still des
Beet fete
Anything and Everything in
Radio and
Electrical Supplies
Electric Ranges, Electric
Washers, etc.
-Electric Wiring and Repaits-
W. MacDonald
Britannia Rd. Telephone 174w
Grocery Specials
Get Your Supplies
at Sparr's Grocery
and enjnytlie best in
Choice Groceries, Olives, Oranges.
Eggs• Butter, Candy, etc
arrob, Beets, Tomatoes, Loaf or
Heed Lettuce, Turnip.. Radian.
Onions, etc., etc.
Cali in and look around. A trial
order will convince you.
For your protection
Sparr's Grocery
' Tlie -1,,n• of Satisfaction"
Hamilton Street
Goderich Phone 146
Brace St. Telephone 105 Goderich
Town of Goderich
Hydro Electric
Light :end 1'ow.'r
Will Be Off
Sunday, April 21
Sunday, April 28
Sunday, May 5
from one o'clock to three
o'clock in the afternoon
Water & light Commission