HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-25, Page 7-;lahe, t..
at 4.
P I.N-
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-` �alftfA
"`- ' Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Erie
on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada
ETHER raveling by mut or auto. enjoy an all night's ride on beautiful
Lke Ens. CatB line Steamers are assnufu tot 8gttna hoists. wnh luset-01 •
Sortable wtouoms, excellent dining twinter n.chant,. utcudente•
e !od
Haat( and Mauna 00 theism( slue SEEAND1EE"
Autoiro, area day (AB Line way. Avuui mulct sod maks of coogeated roadway.
Baal, sad Cleveland Di.iw. Pt. %sky, Cat, .d a wield Dir.
Each tar• every aught, !cavinngg at 900 Daily sery ce, lavityt Pon Smiley, 4-.00
V m two mg) 40 a. m., IE.5.T.) s. m. arnvtna Cleveland 9.30 p.
leas tat to November 15.1.PM . June lto Septctatiet elh.
CoawRbarst t]seetaa4 roe Cedar Poiet, Pata•.BN. Derek. Palau wast .s4 wt►waat
Now Low (64.50 one way - BUFFALO to CLEVELAND - (9.so rd. trip
ll Autos Carried $6.90 and up
Tarn t13.0Oonc way -PT. STANLEY to CLEVELAND-65.00rd.trip
Autos Carried :4.50 and up
Irrrk /seafood:as C68 Trio gk Tier
Pon Scadey,e;aoads Buffalo, New York
( ' fi
IIIIa1N11NIrIT ill•
aDy `R. 1. 'Nachman
(lltau-a, Mareh :.O.- The budget de-
bate Slew hard. Though She budget
Itself has beeen debated. voted upon
anti accepted by a majority of twenty-
four, the separate items have to. passe
the scrutiny of the Hous- in committee
and sometime* these individual Itrws
lead to i great deal of diseuaalon.
A man may accept the general prtu-
eIple of the budget, but he may hope
to see acme particular item amended,
Nod so be bghtsswben the question
comes up iu committee with all the
tenacity of a terrier w;urry'lug a rat.
The tariff ltews dila year should not
call for prolonged tiji uaslun. Tbey
were remarkably trivial in themselves,
though sometimes a principle is in -
Sciatica? Rheumatism?
T -.11-C• easj., Jufalfoar Neuritis.
Mr. W. R. Dads of Grand Bend, Ont.,
bad this eo badly that his wife had to
dress bim. T -R -C's made hon well.
Lie mays, "My wife also used them for
Arthritis. She wouldn't be afire but for
them." T -R -Cs are equally good for
Neuralgia" a
Sale. ?to harmful
dremt 80esnii01-00at your druggist's.
volved and a 01;111 may fight for tt
principle though there be no earthly
or political reward for ea) doing.
One item -the duty un cts•uauut --
t-uused quite a storm. Formerly,
wider the old tamer, t!•e rate was five
cents under the British preterentr,
WIZ tents a pound under the intertuedi- I
ate, and mix cents under the general
rote. This applied to desiccated (Ni-
eto/nut, sweetened Or unsweetened.
,tome wise man conceived the Idea of
having a lower rate upon the uusweet
recd cocoanut so that he, might Import
it, spray it with a little sugar and
thus be able to collect quite a slil,stan-
tipl sum of murrey for the not Yell
elaborate proe.s of sweetening cocoa-
nut. So the tariff was arranged Hutt
way ; that Item eau divided in two.
Sweetened cocoallnt W449 admitted at
the old rate -the unsweetened comes
in at :'. 3 1111d :t 41.11 lel per pound. The
fortunate mantas, tore,.. gets a pro-
tective tariff u( three cents for sweet•
ening 1as•oanut and the Government
loses some revenue!
in the 1191:4 111'4;111. the duty was
lowered upon aitIQlllubilea. Funnerly
It st.axl at Xi per cont.. but On the low-
er-priced ears it wax brought down to
211 Per cent. Afterwards the Govern-
ment made ,t 4/image. In cowm(ttee
tbey quegl.ied Witt by imposing un ex-
cise upon imported ears, but exempting
the home product from this tax. This
uas .Ione nu the direct pr.wrtise of ter
Automobile 914i,ufactureru .4s1•ocia-
thn that they would not take advant-
age of the protection thus afforded.
Xuw 11 seems from the evidenl'e its
t the }louse that, hissing received this
. additional Amount of protection, 11e -
cause an•excise tax in that particular
.1NOTII JR CANADIAN ('IT121:\ 1\IIF:KI'1. ()I 1, 4' 4,1:1 U r
Richard flu Matadi% who for 2.' years hag
Ile earliest on hlwina,•u 3. a painter and decorator, ha- I„•,,,ac 4',xute Uu \4.. .'ir .i.•
den dentis of his father In Pari.. He 81.4t Inherit* a t t..• "`,! c1u1A•au tie:1r 1133e0a
t'alllhla in 1(N(.'. and worried Mi... Margaret liescblt!:.;.-' \4' ul,rath. utr.,l thee ba41
tions. Our pili tire show. the 111.41 1 ',lilt.• 41 MI t hula',-- I• \7,,,.., r 4in-1t, :ttr,1 111/•:4•
,mouth. 1111 the 1eranduh are see l : Left t.'. right- 1!. r _ ;! ,. ,.. 4:nlchtcr:
the eldest .sou, Wilfred.
care' %%oi l„r wooly the spare IA. tarilr
prittect ion. the 'ctlauufarturcrs were
not nil enthusinatic as they seemed to
to when t'Iu'y Made -the promise The
question. has been raised to the Howie
las- to .whether they have lived up to
!hair prom..'. Mr. foots, the member
for Macleod, who has always taken a
Leen interest lis this question, s-anrt.,
that they hare riot. Mr. Rabb retorts
th•,t the ease is not proved. On whom
doe. the proof rout? Surely' if 1111.0
favor were granted to the Csnmdi:1,
tun mato 'turetie of automobiles they
ought to he willing to submit- the ae.
uutl b10113•4 In proof of their (lonlen-
tl,nt at they bare not taken rads wa-
nCe 0 their position.
The* were given this favor at the
time with the idea that it would help
theltl. They were given it with the
iit,•u that they would not take ailsaltf-
sge of 1t, but that It would serve as an
a'Iditint'at pn,ttr'tiun r„ e,h,hlc them
to secure a larger :there of the home
market. What Am they dots& about
1t? Are they living up to thelr
promise? Or are they nut? If they
are not livinyf up, to 111, the` tax ought
to he re inured •
old the result " a,
:e1 lower-prieu .
Ilm,iniou of 1'L• 11.41,
1,1• a rather 4•I..n•rful
in my who 11114,• r„n•'
new' cars. hub )„-. •,',
than ever since
„iekel and nth. r 1
-1. • -r 1,•.1 tar
,41 WWI la
'at .L,;,,+ in the
arnl that wvntd
alIg...rt ion for
titp!a;.• 4 ha itlg
• e• tate more
'• in
But the poise • : •
that the onus to: ;•r
,•u 414' ea 1111111111 11r3 1r
„nu', 'ver.\! i.
.L••n!d rest up -
:'u -'(1rcr. When
t 1'I
.i Ita41 1hr„4 c', ' ..• .
l'ntna.. 11,• c,•,, •.
4•.r tbiliglt,'r'. .,c,( lk,-
tioslest home hi
1.t•" ('"int.•: 111• I'n11.
141:•rri.11:1t• 4,11.. :.:n• Lr . '131 tr. 1 In 1
•...•cent a4rt..0.111 ' , • 11, ,. ,•''
ill I!:, „I , 4 . L:! . , :r .
1-.41 4: 1•(11 4•4 .1 , ,lentil.' ,11.44 ,
loge '.01x,1 4h,. v. ;,1 .4' "i1,
}11d_li1.3 1 -I 44. ,' 41.I'. .... IL.•
Sen444,.1''i , •he Il.;r'• „' t'
'1'114• I, I!. 44 „.. !,i ,-„u,• , , Its 1.
11..;1 .•:4-1.411 44.44 ' -1!, : '
11(111,01.1.' .a er the, roe, :•,ti; ci'•r i- :r;
a twirl re,elree.a {atrti,•uiar favor from It 44,j1 h! '1r a- .. ; !• ,1 .
the Government tinder detwlitl• :til I •'P' I ,I :,- ,lis 1
•.4p ecitie (.r.111ah.'. rlu 1, it -1'a1N oily I:.h 1 iu:r. Irl Er, t
reit .01111 Me that •'4161 protide frau 44111,'11111 iu rh I( ••.- n,• -ion
((me to Nene ' • ,,,f, lb,at 1,e i.•,1 the 44 ..1 ., t'„•„
lichrg uprto t' • ,•, ,!'i -.( )1 '!:•• .,411•. 46,! r' t!;!n_ u, -
he la not, t1..• ,r::r r.-ua•nt !nide 1'14111
4101114 ls' 'ahru_ .h4nll,1 iw• l'(.•1, ! •'•, ,'•,I44 - , u
petition. roasts. -us rrl'ytpri'4 1'I,Illi-I...i ihly ,•; u, 1r,1 to
regulator. .r (1: , I.
11it4irre •i,l e•a, f .4
These wicked' m.•n auJ %Aaron,
1. :r nti •;,•4'•',,.-n 41,
will not lead a I'' ..f ,tnmcet1c felicity
but quarrel like M1la•hny cat. because ''lieu talar 1►uud.l4'rib
they happen t., br•'t:A,l together ►.y'
Your Opportunity
to find out the DIFFERENC'E
Final v,...•ek of
Leen-the:Di ereivsge,"
Come In -See -Hear
-Learn! Drive a
Only a few days left to Icarn the
high points of Plymouth during
"Learn-the-Difference"fortnigh t.
Here is your chance to find out for
yourself what scores of your friends
and neighbors have Iearned-
the decided difference between
Plymouth and any other car in
its price class.
We know that fifteen minutes
behind the Plymouth wheel will
convince you that Plymouth is not
only different in the big obvious
things, but different also in the little
things that mean so much in the
pleasure and convenience of driv-
ing a motor car.
We are eager to hese you realize
tka many ootstaadisg advantages
of the Plymouth. Come and drive
the oar -see for yourself how sad
why it eacel,. There is not the
feast obligation. Come in today!
We know you will recognize
Plymouth is a full-size car, not a
miniature -in point of size and
seating space it overshadows every
other offer at this price.
We know you will recognize
Plymouth has distinctive
Chrysler -like style and manner,
and richness and dignity not to be
found in other low-priced cars.
We know you will recognize
J. W. N4cGEE
Plymouth is typically Chrysler in
performance -so swift in traffic, so
eager on hills, so easy to control
and so safe with weatherproof
internal -expanding four-wheel
hydraulic brakes.
We could pack Ibis whole page full
of type telling why Plymouth is so
vitally different --in .tyle. quality,
performance, dtpendr;nlityand
economy. 13ut fit) c minute inspec-
tion followed by a brief drive will
tell the story far more graphically.
That's the reason for Plymouth
"Learn -rife -Difference'. fortnight
-why we urgc you totakcadvantage
of this opportunity to learn the all-
inclusive superiority of Plymouth
-to see it, experience it.
Come in today! Get the facts, See -
us now -before the bigcvcnt is over.
2 4 6
• s
1.,7.4 Calif.. -.1(4, 41 I'
for \VlI.. Ipc't \.r; ' , •,II.• \I'
\1•'u.4.µ, 4th no, ! , .•
'•nW5.ie til 41 441 :' _- t, 1'. 1 - ..
"INT " 'H11111u.n with 1 rap 1 lea 1.,1' . .� -
Ux:ng 4vt h words would 111,4 be i
•IM•r4l4ket. , 111' Slit.:es!e'1 that -tile
(louse of commons ...144141 to
tlieSe iudlcAura bit(.. 411ud) tb.tu, 1
over and generally mall over tire whole
situation. fie 44,14, nut ;41.(111.: ti. 111'
guilty or i..,•44.410, :toy A,•t ,w114•11.1.4• .
did out know what' he was doing,
That m:I1 be a f„t''y 101..1i,34 0.7, 14
trent. !,1,: 1 , Ire 411,4.1• 11, the )!un
h„ trot that t(iry ran '.
t!u.• 4 , ut
,tri Il „ns:!:+r 44
'It ,n1.,ri`1 01,1 !hat�u-:I 1,41
:mist 1„ , ,tc.4 to ,•.Iro011111V. .
1...: .• ,':'.14'' , :I 11:0110.,..
kay, of si>oaR i f'•
! '•1 :
a real Itatttr'.
Nimes. ?usluftie•
'Tina trouble all ,411) o' "f t I, •
mnaN•1-uhlp at- r r .l <• .
was re R,.t
lit.' was
rid 11.t,•
�. 111.
VW' ;
111,• 4)'.1 1.0,rJ
44 :.
••• 1i I,
111' 141,.
I 11,::
1 ,
Fashion Fancies
F Orn N ,L lrttrMltic.
rl. „ 1:.11 t 11.11'4111
(11„-1 118.1,
)10i11!1'4, to !I,. .
tie. .141',1 44 :1 , .
.-reach,_ a •, 1 .
to bl.s•k thc44 .
Mote,. 1.11:e-•.
or VI.' 1 •,II1Ij,. - .1
111,1 .. .
111011 „J. -1,r ;1. 1 ,
-e34 l3,i iu file-tn.: -
1., !n• N:-•''111 :!'4,! •,
N,1I73 .l:ly. ,•M,!::,' .
41 %VIII l,.• 141:1, . , ,
Ih n • .141 .4 11:1311 1110 '.I1'' '-, ,.1,1 .
Intrnduriti Nr.' I'o.hn:1-t, r tiei4•ral
1 ,
The Leading
Men's Store
fit'rr t'rhiog /hut s nett) in
.Lfen's If„ ltrr
it tai' 4 17„•ia1
!,. \ •.1. NI ,_11r(,
Chas. Black
l 111, 1. 219 1.,
1, 14 .1 _ ,1 ,'h Of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc,
EIE.• Ut img of All Kinds
Frank McArthur
1 r 1, 1l,l,11\
L _
Brophey Bros.
1111 I.F. 11)1\I:
1I �F.Itta. INKF:('7V1RS
t\U l:NItAI:NF:Ks
Ambulance service
hours, da} or night.
-lore Ites •21
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral (lirl•etor and
F mlualnler
t 1'4 '1.4,'.4 at, el t„
•--4 4
or tii;tlrt
11.•-, 1cuce :3.1544
'1 ,. - Goderir!.
1111,3, .„•11'
Ulm/ 4, I•' .,n 117"
He open 1.41 4cul:
the atln,•k, np.,t, \1'
9r11u'1 01113 6y 3313:4. n
Melt' 11 a.11 the nth,•:--,,.+,
ttmt is, ite111 1'•t104•11 •
ling tbcm•elti', n.•;t
fe11a'• i. ❑tit t✓11'11,','
the not 49111.11 .,. :4,
Minard's is the enemy of .,11 cold
weather troubles. ,For sore
7hront, gargle 'with, Minard's
m water. Also take half n t. a?
•.px,nful in syrup at night.
Quick relief assured for quip<4'.
croup and other upubler.
The Great i-I'hite liniment
r r:
ell n;•
1. 4 I:
I,t1, .
tau.; i
darned a, min.*.
Cleveland's Bread
4., any
111 1' • ,:.141'1 1e11d-
I1 .• . -1 h' 4L'• r.• -t ,d 144:1111:1111.,
1111„I4\' 141.1 44. 1111111'1. lwltY•
•ur1, ••t „ur 4 rcA,(4- 344'. other.
1 1,, 111.41...• 11 11.'1., 'w,, a, it
ll.,- tn,• ! 141.liL4t,l t111.1.nnllfI,biller
i'Lul,c 1 1 1 41 , -• -I
Clubbing List
the y.enal and the Toronto
(.lobe 16.50
The S'gnal and The Toronto
1)44414 Star 6.50
The Signal and The London
Advertiser 6 50
The Signal and The London
rte.. Pres 0.50
The Signal and The Toronto
Mad and I rnpire 6.50
The `414nnl and The Farmers
Sun 3.25
rh. Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
11,. `.,gnat and Saturday
Flight 5.50
II). `'.,twat and The Hew
(Outlook 3.110
lb). Swan! and Canadian
• Hones and gardens 4.85
The Signet and The Catholic
Fierord 3.75
The Signal and McLean's
M1t ietu,e 3.75
the 'utensil and Montreal Wit.
nes•, Ienewnl 3.65
new ._ 3.50
The Signal a n d World
Wide renewal 4.25
new 3.85
rhe Signal and Youth's`
Cnmpamon 3 80
Th. Signal and The Toronto
44tsr Weekly 6.75
rhe Signal and Rod and
c:un 3.85
The Signal and The Canadiaa
Countryman 2 NI
C(.bht+rt•4illtisi With' Other Peri-
odicals May Re Had on