HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-25, Page 4,-' -,t,, .. ... �. •.•.----- y r 4-Thaxsda7, April 26, 1929. JUST RECEIVED A Nitµ' SII ll'MI.N'I' t IF Men's and Young Men's Spring Coats and Men's and Young Men's Tweed Coats In plain grey or fawn or 'alley overchecks :n Guard. style. Sires A3 t') 42. Special $9.95 to $14.50 COME IN ANI) SEE THESE VALI'1;� newt• •t M. ROBINS Exclusive Agent for Tip Top Tailors -- $24 The Complete Men's Store in (i.•.L riell ••••s•••••••111 MODfl THAT9E Weak of April 29th to May 4th Monday and Tuesday - Sakti $arthelmess and IMA Caiapson in e Hery r••,oauee ,,t 111t1 w•a' I:.•1 mutiny, flanoi1•:essi,•u, blazing s•h resent' tine ,,, .'d-urriIc •ca druice r fileted. "SCARLET SEAS' t:.s.ramis•wi. 1 "Till ('II.LF.t,I.\N Wednesday and T9turaday-' . Belk Bennett with Carroll lye and Holmes Herbert present an intensely human drama of to- day. Tense drama, w.ui-,.tirriIIg thrill. and ry•ignent lore scenet, help make a great pictureof "THE SPORTING AGE" Pathe e'„nt,d% - 'Smith'• Catalina Race' Friday and Satanist, - Reginald Denny sail the seas of merriment with the 11.2 •1 hilafiou. couasly. Full speed ahead a rth a capacity cargo of Ih•nny laughs. a ship- load of r .,tame,• and a goat hutting lin "CLEAR THE DECKS' t.lucauonal ('. t dy-"III)T tn.!. Matinee Saturday at p m. COMING -"TRAIL OF 98" SEE IT ! I ! 000000e+000000 .Perhaps it', too mtn•h to hope tla:,t the Invpsligatioti win sow.• cede the desa+ier. hirrhener i:• is Chrysler Service _Station nvcru:,,ll :u.+' oink, of ear CHRYSLER and Used Cars for Sale •n01 ar•l ion our aint REG McGEE I'lnun Hamilton Dye fabrics perfectly and cleanly by smiling them with - Maypole Soap. Sold by all leading druggist+. STOVES The best Stoves at the best prices New and Used Furniture Don't buy until Ojai see what w e have to offer you. We positively save yon money BLACKSTONE'S 'FuI'niture Exchange On the S•ottaty of ";•",f' -' Footwear for Spring • The new mod. l. in Footwear are particularly attrieti%' They comopri-c an extensive and complete range of styles r'or every member of the household. Extremely stylish and tip to the minute itt every respect. v.•t not 1"travagant in design Never imfore has it been po--this t„ , nuhin,• .n tinny desirali!,• qualiti.- in Shoes at spoil r . • pri. - Astoria Shoes for .-len arc :-r tC in stock GEO. MacVICAR NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH • THE SIGNAL, SHEPPARDTON Sl 10P4'.\R1Y1'()N, April '23.-Mlee Mar- Metter). spent Sunday visiting friends in Dungannon. %1'e were eii•rry• to hear that Mina h:dna Crawford underwent an opasra- tiun for appendicitis in Goderich boa - 051 on Toewiay morning. filer many friends hope she will 'aoen he quite and home again. • The W. M. 'D. nwt at the home of Mrs. Gurdon' Tart Thursday. There a !ante attendance and a quilt wit- quilted at this meeting. W ESTI IELD \\"b:sTrit;I,D. April 2. ---Mir. and tl Barry lfeaamy, .1 Toronto, ,•,1 one day las; week at the Inure ,'1 the hatter's sister. Mrs. Colin ng4wf. The farmers have been working oa ',e 'land for the past week.' Stone ,.:,ie a rwall percentage of their grain GODERICH, ONT. euoceasten of haat waw'auOah, to )lit twenty-third 7eaIt Iu JanuaryCltay. ton contracted sender fever and from his run•dowu eo❑ i 1 ""1 meningitis .tereloped on the > lay previous to his death. lila tar anis bit Ce tuytored down wt 'I'•:''.'I.y• but he8IIICwas unconaetoua then. I'••' his parents, he leavait Mx bre Charlie and tieorgt• of Iletrol, . .. of Mitchell High School and u. Massa and Roy at home, and sisters, Mrs. Jue Ttxawpeou of II hell and Mur - gar t slid Hutt at ,ray He was to have been wat•rlec Sear to Miro Iteta dlamllton ut nru, a former tenches in ttNrtie ps told to her and the bereaved hem I'I+ a Uulmunit� extenoh+ deepfwt q :r•, ••' any. A private funeral wens held Santrday trues the 1"'Ifs to Fast \1,tit)UOrlr 10 Wing- hnat eeuettsry, w1:,•r,• minty sympa• Mixing friends, u,=''1i•a', and trela- Itrta had gathered. - is e \Ir Wtai. Match and esu, of Clin- and Mr. and Mrs. Jamie* Mitch. \ ,urn. were Westfield visitor, on AV- J. E Ellis spent the weekend ,ala her .inter*,. Mire It. Coventry alai' 11r.. MI. 1.ittiu of \1'inglutul. Mir'. \\'w. nudger was in G,slerh h sit turday undergoing treatment f,.r. ..•1• Plea. NILE NILE. April 23. -Mins Charlotte Spence returned to itarrie on Tilerlay after Sending several months at the home of ler. :oat Mr. June, Itlioer Mrs. Ellen Porter. of Detroit, Mich, vi+iter) with her daughter, Mrs. James ML•intyre. during the Darn week. The farmers are'busy tilt,. Nerd, at the seeding. The warm'sunshine and winds of the past few days have dried the land up wonderfully. At the (:Irby"guild meeting held at ::.e home of Miss Ethel 'Tubb on Tues - ,!ay. April Pith. 11 was &witted to hold a Ilouleauade baking stale la Gwlen.h ,•n Saturday, April 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Ilarri,►nn, of I',,rter's Hill, eLiitett at the home Mr. and Mrrr. James McIntyre ou -nnday. .1 homemade baking :ale under the u'etdc,w of the "Girls' Guild- of \ile *ill is. held on^Sa\tpr,tay, .April _Ttfi, in the cornier Humber stand on t:.'• Squire. 1V11I'I'Ia'IIURCH 1V11IT}:'111' 1:e'11. I:.•rt It.r•d rreived ,hit his;Arr. Mr-. ,ors very lee In an 1.1 N.. hole for her I b•. -on. !Syron. 1.. .\Iril S. -Mir. word last week Jae. D. Bailie. Edmonton h.•spi- recovery i,. heli. •rionetly ill there: DUNGANNON 111'XG.\NN.I. , .% Mfrs. 1;. M. Meii, llnl.olm ...wilt Sun at Mrs. Eetily, of MI 1,1, her -un, lir. Hebei ' • Mrand lin. R.• '1'''' il%. of Stratford, s,. home of the lady-- .,vita, Mr... T. G. Alien. Mi"w Eva Garth.. - •,•rat the wet'k- ,•r,l .at her home 11, \• ''•• •1• Mrs. Melvin Rev,' ,: .•hlldr ti of Lntkuow. spent St of her parent., \I Mrs. Jar. I. Mr. and and Master Clinton. iw vle.tlu;; and f:,111 tolay ,111Udar at tir 1... Mr. an 1 London on Tuesday, art delegate of the Liberal Association of North Huron. Mrs. B. Comfort and son Innis, of St. (`atharles, are the'gneats of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Blake. this week. The Late Mrs. Riehardnoa-.Ashfield kat a moat worthy citizen In the per- son of Mrs. William ltiohardeou, who passed away on Wednesday, April 17th. at the home of her son, George It Wile Hem, Port Albert, after a few weeks Mama. Deceased, whew maiden name was Mary Ann Simpson, was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Simpson, lel r settler, of the 2ud concession of Ash - Held. turd was in her eighty-ninth year. Her husband predeceased her In April, 191(2. A family of live' children sur- vive: Mr. iViIllains 11Iar•riet1 and William, of 1betrolt; Mrs. Morrlron (EIIza I. of Texas. 1'.S. ; Mns. Ihigh Stewart (Mary l ani* George, of Ash- field. Surviving also are two sisters told owe brothers: Mr's. William John- ' si.n. Mrs. James Young. Janus and Will Simpson. all of Ashfield, and thirteen zr:tndrhtldn•u. Ail the fam- ily nits the graudehiidreu were present at the funeral erept Mr. Morrison. Inrwt.rd. who was a kind friend and I,.riltg soother. will 1e greatly mlaaed•{ in the home circle and the catittunnity I in which she lived r. long and loved w' well. She was an .Unglt.aa In re• llgton. t faithful member of Christ ...Mimi.. fort Albert. The funeral was held uu friday afternooui from the home of her ton George. The servers the le•no• :et Niue.. turd grace-ide were conducted' by Rev. W. E. l'erry, rooter of St. Slittvin 1 Pau+. ga • I:hem anon, and ('hrlst ehnmh lir. and Mir. Ja•' \'t•',. of 1.nek- I Port .Allert. Interment w:ts in fort now, spent Sunda? the home of Albert cemetery. the pallbearers lasing their Leon, lir. Cha, .%;tot l four grandsons: Vk•tor Green. \\'illie Mrs. Jas. Mea , -:, ane children.' itk'hartsnn. \Vilbur Stewart and !tar- ot. London, are vi- '.ort -les par.nta, i nil Stewart. There were tunny bean - lir. and Mrs. R. A u lienzie., I tiful dorsi offerings. which bore route Commencing May 1-r the Roo to wilt , mespagew• of sympathy to the bereaaresl close every Wedne'-• n afternoon un- ' taintly. til September. Mrs. Robt. Davidson left on M .itt1lny f..r i eoudnn w .1 . will attend t hPre to Liberal women's convention.- London she will jai to Hamilton to at- tend the rr.nventleii •,f : •• Mashy terian Women's Mls+.•,t: ,r. :...lets. Mr. Lorne MtKea' ,• h.t- -••ld new car. to Messrs_ •A% '>•:.+• r• Case Black and Harold 1:' ,Ise . Mr. Heber Eedy - ir_:nI and making improvemeir • residence and bakeshop, In to meet the growth of boniness Mr. and Mrs. Ber• Wiggins, or Tob- ertnoraytt the.ck-end at the •.pen o ., home of the former'- .,rent Mr and 1I r-. Thos! Wiggins. Master Thornton feel, .•ntertaiped n number of his hos ' •,.i+ last Satin - day, it being hos el. • !, birthday Rev. J. Walker - •. Toronto till: week attending n r. ,•naary meeting The many frier .f lir.. Brine t tray will to please.' , know that be has graduated from Emmanuel ('.1 - lege ns a minion., 11)e 1'nit,-.l l'hnreli. Mr. Gray .,t;•ptie,F in the Ab. We.tbtvuk. of Pre.bytr•rinn share•'. - .,t MIr laud Mrs. Ih:nrimm�r iondon. and Mr. and Mrs. Ia•n \Vett an,l Port Albert . yen r+ ac ..rook, of timleri.:h, "Tent -Sunday with while a student. 'heir amt. Mrs. Jas. Cornelitu. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1'hillilr., of ,:..ieri.•h, spent a ,lay 111'1 week w:til \Ir att.i Mrs 'W R. Fafirter. Mr.. 11.y Mel." spent 'a few days I:F:XMII.I,}:R. :\ .i1 24'-'‘, very +.;li ler snot. Mrs. Will F'rn+trr, Wine -delightful', Sunday '4• ,.ping war ascot Maui. he the Tnnng Peapl.•s Cloth tinder the Mr snot 11 .. John Falconer iiit1 lireetion of F.ieiyn Lr'ng of the e.ti- \or:th ut,1 '1r rand Mrs. Jaa. Falconer 7,enshit, dPprlrtwt- Th( snag Po n•�d Charlie 'tient the weck•en,l rat I•IP 'f Xnrt11-e'ei. Gmlerlch, rare. _sessile anti MU. ams llr..,lat'u sentorl the prograatrm for the rreu t, c. which was in either'. n' MnrJoe:c Death of l'L•tyton Raihimmitt. Their Ilctha•rit.ctnn. '1'1.. Script irelew.m -•'.1 away oa Wedue.,lay. .\Pril 17•• west read by G. P. Je.httvtn,. .\ most • laoiou hospital in Detroit,Mien-seine store Will w.-!1 tuft! hr Robinson , third w'n of Mr. Finn rlornec. \cho detcrih l irltphi-' 11"1""."" of the lith I rally her rtt,`riPn,va ea.Aeiii .ch.aa 714 Pars Lake. near 1•• -t .Arthur The settlement consist- . • rirely of Danish unntter:nit.. who. Ito hewn i1ENM11.1.ER "The Tightwad" •fhrc,•-act coned} by Robert Keith presented by the Anglican Young People's Association St. George's Parish Hall AI i iv. 'I Il -da,%• snot \\ : -,i ,, - • , pitta -. May 6th, 7th and 8th at •.I-' big laugh imnt 11.mtnuing to end Adults 50c ChildreuSe at doer CHRYSLER "75" ite)YAi. SF.DAN.S19AS , ► alts/r• t.e•e shah Amoral Until you drive a Chrysler You'll never know real performance S.1.11' into a (:hryslcr-"75" or "65." 1Start to drive. Instantly you ex- perience a difference in performance as real and impressive as Chrysler's out- ward beauty. E\•t. r .ince its inception Chrysler has be -:1 the admitted pacemaker in per. fo nice to:r the entire industry. Today 1I slcr is further ahead than ever. Because III t'icluslve features pioneered and perfect.d by Chrysler through the apnlicaiion of advanced engineering prin- ci_ .:.•s, Chrysler reaches new peaks of pt •,ticiency in speed, power, pickup, sliming, safety and long life. A1akc it a point today to see, to ride in and to drive a Chrysler "75" or "65." Once you learn the differ- ence between Chrysler performance and other performance you'll never again be content with Tess. No OTHIiR CARS OFFER SUCH ADVANCED FEAT! 'RES • a•tyllader high•taw►reuion elitist it/Chrysler "Silver - Done " srhuipit • 7 -bearing, counter - "reedited crankshaft • Weatherproof Interoal-erpand- int 1 •eheel btvdrarlir brakes • .Cpriog-rads anchored in blacks el live rubber, ,,,!rad of natal shackle, • ilydraulir .hnrb a',ar►nt • Inrnr-Start piston. • R.M,r exotic •anuntincs • Mohair qr A, ore'•I•'`. ohAaliten optiep,11. c•irbert ex,ra r er. lir., cl, CtiRY MAIN "(oSS' Ruviaesa Coupe, $1325; Roadster 1 trier re it teat), $1150; 2-1)onr Sedan, 51311. Three u er body styles, 5137" to 51450. (-11RYst i'R "1." =Ro,al Sedan, SI';1+5; 2•passenger (nupe,S14k5; twister tears ►r'shle teat), 52010. tit• other sly styles, 52140 to 530511. W ire wheels extra: All prices I. o. b. ' Windsor, Ontario, including 'standard factory equipment (freight ape thea radar. 2 2 5 RYSLER (�1 CHRYSLER MOTORS J. W. McGEE HAMILTON STREET 1'1401) 1.1 CT GODERICH nut bonne. In the hush. . tiny: 1.011• wood In the winter and working in the• factories at Port Arthur in the .runnier. The leans are making go...l as Cnnnd1-.n citizens. Ming inxt ,. 1 Icarn English.' and bating eoltrage to undertake pioneer wort. Miss Monter 1• tit to commended for the rent mla- sionnry- spirit in whkh she neeept+ her ardnops and self-denying task. ire•- w!dew the dor school for the children -he tenr•he. the men In the might -• • inol. The women also rare n+king for training during: the slimmer. Thr ori-ienl part Of the program was very pleasing ins was. mneh enJoyed. Evelyn Fowler sang very beautifully -Flee as a 'Bird.- The Happy Henri eltinrtette. con"i'ing of . Ilnn Pent- l:ntil, Rer. Fisher. Geo. Iiurhenna and Jim Sutherland. rendered two well- hnlnmrd and full -toned quartettes. .Alma Howell pre.ieled rat the piano in n very 1WPIPM11111.114,1 rind capable num per. A vote of nppreetatinn was tend erect the yieiting young people 1.' Stan - Inv Snyder. pre.;dent of Benmlller (-Mb. The meeting was closed with the Mizpnh Ieneaktlon. After the meeting n norm ter of snapahots taken by Miss Horner wore ;waged around. The 1%rtr'Hehl young peolde w•111 present their friar. "The Path Across the dill." on Fr .fay evening. Ilay rat ltenm111er ,•hnrch. Massey -Harris KINGSTON STREET t'a11 nn•1 see oar WALLIS TRACTOR AND SEA- SONABLEIMPI.EMENTS ICY BALL REFRIGERATOR makes it, own ire for 2c per day USED MACHINES Titan Tractor. Wagon. gneiss. 1'.r•kstove. 11 lids, warming closer and n•s•rroir. only used short tin's H. Clements Phone 'est, G,slericIL lint ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Curtain Net by the yard. This i- a newshipment. 1R inches wide, in different patterns with lace edge. Special at, yard 29C Genuine Swiss Novelty Curtains. Regular $2.75 values. Selling at, Per pair $1.98 If you're LooklflgfOr CHARACTER THERE are people who look for "char- acter" in the car they buy. They want performance. ' They expect appearance. They appreciate luxury. Nut they demand individuality. It was for such people that this finer Olds- mobile was created. Leaving aside its astonishingly low price (now lower than ever) Oldsmobile is an exclusive car . . a car of character and distinction. It is a fine car with all the engineering excellence,all the distinguished • style, all the quiet elegance and luxury, with all the easy mastery of miles and minutes, and all the desirable Attributes of a fine car. And the attraction that Oldsmobile - sesses is more than the result of its 62 hsps high -compression engine . . more thin us handsome Bodies by Fisher . . more than its Lovejoy Shock Absorbers and scores of fine crr features. It is the blending to- gether, in one easily attainable car. of all the qualities which spell "character" in an automobile. tl t 21C MacEwan & Tebbutt Goderich% - Ontario O1t1s BI LIE , PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, 1 r'1.1rT1-1) ■ 11$111111■1■■■■■■ iOTELS MADISON AND LEN OX MADISON AVE Ist,f NSA. &R .a eel( I s res D ETRO IT Motels of (hamster and Iti.tiotrion Rept ab.,s up to Modena Steeeler is Rote. '2•-s`te'41O stair f..tst 11 tsne.mo et . II SIN ■ ■■■■1■ wawa 11111111111111111111111111111111■ ■ BEAUTIFUL NEW House Furnishings 111•1 We have a complete line of beautiful new Curtain Nets, Madras, Marquisettes, Silk Filet Nets, Rayons, Swiss Curtains, Frilled Curtains, Chintz, Cretonnes and Draperies A FEW OF OUR SPECIAL VALUES t h e yard Pawls. Remarkable valve. Scrim ('attaining by � 5c swiss � 8 at, per panel ........_..... 9C Special, at per card - 1 ASiiFIEL■ t) ■ .% S 1 I F i F)I 7x r. .t Pell 22. ---Mr. I1. .1. Itlake. who h•,+ Leen under the dnr•- tor'+ cur for some weeks. tock a seri- ■ on. turn fart Neck, Mr. Cecil and InMllss Alma mak.- were called horn, from lie:roil. 11 . Alun returned to • Dior, '1 `'attirda. We hots• to hear ■ of Mfr. Wake'.-, •.'A,• recovery. Mr. fever G . • of 'Deft' .11. and a slsler. Mfrs. 1101,• \rahltt. and .lnngh terse. .. Illyth. ;, idea the funeral of !the lot.. Mfrs. It. prism at Port .\I- ■ lert 1 int week. 1 Ihr.:u,•1 Mrs. .1 •rasa Introit) of Mel for;. !task., enll,,, an Mr. and )(re U Wt11i;un turnip : 1 other friends here las.. mirk. ■ 1 IIr :ro1d n In Toronto Inst wtr11'k amt1tl.,bravekPwaborne• Whippet w•dnn, wMeli he purchased Mg Mr. Lorne Mlokatnaa le, lm nl gent Iat Dungannon. Mei.. 1)tinean Matheson and child- ren. of PetrnlIa. have returned home After flitting with her father. Mir. Tlnimss Ahatklet,nt, fora couple of walks. Mn. Richard M. Whinney Is nttend- ing the nnnnal tm•.•Nng of the Ontnrlo Ymvinesal \\'.Mt S of the Pre.1 tertnn iTnrch In Hamilton this week Me. }rush Stewart ban pnrllaved from Mr. Thnrnn. Rtebtardsm'. ear . i44' farm nn the Division line. Mtw. Rnhert rlsvI.1enn wattend ioM Ontartn l'tiu 11(151 ,vmventnnill of the Woman's iiberal Aimda(Inn in ■ Chintz in dainty patternl. Price. 25 per ynrd C Fine Frilled Voile Curtains with n,.,•, blue and gold trimming. Six'cinl $2.50 at, ler pair An Extra Special in Ladies' Raincoats Duro Glos.- Itnincoats. Sue-. Ili, 1• nod '(1. Choler of popular robin.. Reg- $8.7 5 alar $l1.10 value. For Children's and misses' Raincoats in popu- lar Rhadet of green, red and him.. C)u.ek S lining. Sizes up to 14. Regular II values up to $5.00. Special at, each Boys', Young Men's and Mens Suits See our n e w shipment of boys' Suits, latest shades and patterns. Also young men's and men's Suits Ilan rare 10 61141 10 conte in and too (hent over This store will be closed on Wednesday afternoons from May I to Sept. 30 A. CORNFIELD ",clltlf' WHERE tilt i rF: INVITED To .diol"' Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont. a ■ ■ 1i 1/ i ■ 1[ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ $ ■ • • ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ a ■ • •11111111111111• 11111111111•• ■■■■■■■■ ■1I■■■■M■■■■■■■■■1r■■ 1114 4 • •