HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-11, Page 8h &-Tboraday, Ertl 11, 1920. 1 Semi -trimmed Wall Papers No trouble with trimming. It is all ready for the wall. 5c per roll • and up Cole's Book Store David Brown will put' highest cash privet for Goose and Duck Feathers Horse Hair Hides, Skins and Furs Phone 270 Goderich PROBLEM RESULTS FROM INCREASED 0.0.1. ATTENDANCE.; (Continued from page 1) the mutter off rather titan to deal •lith .t in a genuine 'way. - 1 The report wad referred to the water, light and harbor committee. •4 cuwwuslicatlou foul C. K. Saun- ders,treueslrrr Or last ;ear'* laud • emitter, elated that he had ftrr.lt' on hand unit asked what ,should ire 1 dune with it. Referral to i;l.trl4) • -ollllnittee. .tcknowlem ,tgent of • mevediges of •,,I,a111y from the council was rc • •.•d from Mrs. 11. is McLean end motto:re and Mr. 1V. 'I. Murrey and family. Scterat cuwl'laiut* e,. to rand cut- diii•a.- li• their reapctite neighbor-; hood:. were re•eiye'1 from Edw. Itrad- ley. Bennettstreet. Mrs. c'alla,hau., tl - I.-nt . Mr. Willis. 1;4.... M••I.eo1, Mailers•an•I lr• Wreme 41114 1.1.0111 1.1ed oil t•, the public works ,•••uwnw tt•. A comwuuit•iUi„n Crow the secrerar) i•t the lire brigadewas as (.11.••- the last regular meeting br'.,:hie it Was tm,ted and •ecolot' That 111e money the town protides tor •1 the brigose is to be us for tightiu:: lire, in the town tains o4):y.-e icr This was ordered tiled, the Mayor .taltinX .r w•o that cuiergenri.ahl he 11141a0 they arose. unrif!! 'o e t Reports itep,rt- ,•. ••owulare tecs were el .I •.1,':i••pde•yl without ••11xeuw+:ut1. Thu finance cuwutftte reported the wine re•awuum'leti.•tt.; That the t.• tenses lfutspitall begranted the ..! $500. on the same terrus 51114 ou.1:esus as last year; that the pub. , lic lona and separate "hoe', aeries •be at the same ruled as Not year; that ill_ br :t .•eplttt'frulu M. Rubin- ad plc 1111.1,1 of 192a business tux on the Hum - Notice All owners and oc- cupiers of premises are hereby notified that all garbage, etc.. must be removed from their premises by May 1st, 1929. . F. G. Weir Assistant Sanitary inspector Town of Goderich PUBLIC NOTICE Petitions for the construction of Cement sidewalks in 1929 must be filed in this office on or before MAY 1 Sth, 1929 No petitions aper the above date will be considered in the construc- tion program et this year. By order,of the Town Council. L. L. KNOX, Tows Clerk THE SIGNAL, 1 tut on for the ob.servant* of train; regulations. campaign would te I Reeve Turuer spoke about conditions matter woo harbor referred, Ids ho! l to *public workrt committee. The Reeve also urged the gravelling of outlying street. which had beeu neglected for year. , Attention N Outlying Streets unc•n ier Bailie. chairman of the is tic works tu111111 Mee. agreed Iths thecae *street* should receive attention. The IRO . "udition of the roads this esprie• wa he said. the result of the ,ttttut I *eu.rm. Ile Intended to hare survey. 0 a' Okra t IUI h. . e •o mince toter, 1,4) dor•Idr what work should be undertaken. 1t would cos a a'40,1 .:sal to tsracel all the street.that 1e- •tu:r.- •it. Iwlt he Inas a {day in elm)* w 001 be :mbullttel and which 14)• hop'• 1 Would he favorably received "1 fasten "t ' pat ill 1114 4'.,11i1111 14. )•'t teal, out:" councillor Hallie con- e I n d.•d. '1'h..... elves ordered the printing, of the I:enu+l nn her of copies of the :1 ll.lilar.' rep.rt ('his conchi.l,'1j the business of the inc. ' I:4.44. NEW BOOKS AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Ihirke1.•,t Ito•.in- I',Ilip table. The Itlesten 5Itwtcry\- It. W. Ken nes!\.\ 4'hi.biren .•f. the Wind h.oteis 1)4'4 'The .age of Reason -Ph Ip Gibbs. -1. W. 'anthers. s. w' t •� Hank -11. 'e ..un Ii 711 Story ,* rl ••,. r it t a r ai 1R ! stunk-gicir;, 1 ) --Van Iluren & Bemis. The \'acne'* Daughter -E. F1' Yout4 She Who sleep.- Sax Ro 1m! . GODERICH, ONT. OBITUARY of Toronto, and Mrs: (1. L. abetment. of Santa Monica, Calif, The funeral took place from the family realdeuce, Pleton :greet, on Tuesday aftenoou and was largely at- tended, those present lncludlug a num- ber of Mr. Mcalurchy's old uelghbora in Ash'tleld. From it. distant* there were Mrs. Burnie, Miter Kate Mcalur• cby, Mr. Duncan MoMurcbt, of King City ; Mr. Alex. McMueety, of Luck- MR43. JOHN BEN"FTT The death of Mary stud, h. widow of the late John Bennett „ Meth, occur- red Tuesday morning a the Ciluton hospital, In her sec•',:> third year. Itsweaceel was born to F0t Wawanoah and spent the great par: •' her Ir(e Ia Blyth. where she was -r, fitly esteem - et. Slice the death of r husband in now; Mr. Andrew M 'Murchy, of St. 114 $. she had made her !, ,,o'• with her Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mr*. 11. E. Wor- dau, iter, Mre. R. It. .,`'I'• Gaterit•II sell, • of Torouto; Mr. Samuel Me- towllehtp. She leaves +'u. Frank t'lure and Mr. and airs. J. A. Mk4'htre. Geo. un- n Mrs. Got . D e Toronto;r. ' a d Bennett. of Mooaeja.• `conk., and , f M Jour daughters: Mrs. .' Ni Hall, of bar. of Ethel, and miss timate Mc- Mhntreal : Mrs.. '11. t 'I'homu*, of Mur -hy. of i.ueknow. lairs. \Vorsell Guelph • Mrs Erie .101,-. of Toronto, had been here for some weeks mini* 'e -' tering to her other in his illness. 'rhe and Mea $loan Th �', reel takes K F The funeral services were conducted by 'dace this (Thursday 'Irraoon at iticth, where a service he held in Rev. R. C. M,Dermid, minister of Nt. Andrew', United c,.t,r•'h Knox church. and the pallbearers were members of the aeeslo11 of Knox MRS. ROBT. C 1t1..tCK Mrs. hotel. C. Black. a well-known resident of eluderich, ;,eased away at l41* itdraa hospital \t'eduesday' n,orniig. April 10th. The Otte Mre. ltla,-k was 1n her sev••nty-ninth year. Rhe was born in W.•; I latnl*.rnugh.. n.wushil.. Wentworth n'. and for 1 tiff had resided church; Messr*. A. J. \l,finy. F. Thomson, A. D. McLean, q Illlaw I l:oderich- township, on Friday. April \Vaite. 1'. J. Ma'1-wean and John ('nit. I lJth, at 1 o'clutk. T. Gundry &tion. Amour; the many floral tributes was an tuetloneerr. especially beautiful one, "Gates Ajar, r-uf by the daughter In California.I The interment was in alaithe fel PUBLIC NOTICE' cemetery. It's easy to get fast, bri111ant colors when you dye with Maypole Soap. Your druggist bar 1t. A silver medal contest till be held In North atreet tinned 'church on 'ruee day evening, April 2Srd, at 8 put Admission 25 cents, CARD OF THANE THE F.teM1LY OF 1111E LATE 31118. E l.1zAIIE+r11 Flat 1EIt desire to express► their sincere appreciation of sympathy a11'1 r h icexpressions it flit. Ina(J I J kluduess and the dural tribute* in euu- uer•tiuu with their ret•eut sad bereave- ment. ADMINI$TK►TIN' SALE ADMl.18T1LA'r1tIX' BALE OF FARM Jame° for Mrs. John Manner, Bayflcld road, stock, iwpleweut4 and furniture t le pant y.•r•terl y,. tae BRIEF'S i11 Goderich. Her hue, {ereelw4eatsrd her thirteen yearn. A miry of four *seas snin•i44: Reginal. of 4'asoa14.na• Formaldehyde for treating grad) Calif.: William, Char.- alai harry• Government standard ,Ir•ength. Cam{► ..f GudeIch; alae one -.sic,. Mex, bell'. Drug Store. - I V111E.-COMa1F NCIN1: M.55' 1st, ll half -holiday f th • medical j 1909 each \\eduesdat afterunon AUCTION -BALE C1.19ARIN(1 AU4 VION'+ SALE 01' HOt'-SI111OLD FUIINISHINOS. MISS B. Mo('ARTIIY will sell by public auction at her home, East *text, Coderieh, on SATURDAY, APRIL. 13111, eommeueing at 1.30 o'clock, sharp: lurlor and diuing•mou► rugs: 3 rocking chains; 1 Morria chair; pe- destals; parlor and dining room desire: 3 *wall tsbltsl; sewing mediate; 1 c ebourd : ai I 1 I r and • hese nitwit; •IR flat t diking table; 1 day eoueh; 1 parlor much; 1 iron bed and mattress anis dressier; 2 modern beds; 2 dreasers; wadhebinds ; linoleum; 1 carpet se vier; 1 coal oil heater; picture*: curtains and several hooked ruse; 2 feather beds; 2 pair of pillows; cook - 101114. bedding and linen; 1 kitchen (range:. 3 we:shine tutee; garden (4)4434: 11 lawn minter; 1 kitchen table; 1 3 - burner sat oil stove; 1 out and that• I treats new dishes, gl*i* ware. kitchen I utensils, u quantity of stealers, and I uuuu•rous other article*. Everything will 1x' sold without re - it -tate. a,. the !muse is rented. 'PERMS -lash. • T. G't' N DR i' & SON, atilt ler a . 'r ' Auctioneers. profesion One physici:tn will be on duty. cR►I►E)RN111 MEI►n'.v, SOCIETY.' NOTICE 1'11 CREDITORS Andrew Black' of. Lyndcn, Ont. The Encourage the t: ('. I. student+ and lute arra. Bract wa- 'whaler o4 staff ..: your attendant* in MacKay h and the Knox 'r u hoc rials t r I eI an • y e S n 19th. Ilxll A{ ell 1 th and ,iucted by n i funeral spikier h Ertl * will l l26 her minister, Rev. It • Mcleaftid. Maple -Lea Lwelaf ruuunnge hale April The funeral will take t� from the and 27.. _Anyone having old clothes, rrenencr of Ler son. al Barry Black. e•h•., will Please 'phone 52. II rood. t Main:, meter. on Reserve Tuesday, April 23rd, for N 1 tr t United church neon c . n a • silver medal contest to 1►e Field la fridaJ afternoon. WANTED --PLANER. ' ►1.A'1'HE, YI'F.I . .t . Q(eel*. Men Tv rill +u stutter and radial d t aceustomed to heavy marine engine work. Apply astatine experience anti wallet required to BOX 40, SIGN.tl. 1 1OF1FICE. - 31 held them 'rile 4'riiq'lesl Lady of Perth aka- - - The regular meeting of Ahmeek dung sworn t4); to the ❑udcrsigned or GEOFFREY -J. \tl'1.1.1NS Chapter. 111 D F will be held at the s t 11 MAID \Y ANTE:D.- .t l'- or leefure the twentieth 43:14 of April. I NtrfI*'F: IS IIF:ItEIIY' GIVEN Ter all- p•rems hating claims again,* 4 e111 late I, • u Herbert P. Y he •sill 11 t 1 1 ' •, rich who died 41u 'iw r � tie , the t n 4[ 1. •f or about the seventh day of March, i .\.1►. 1f►'_ t, to forward full particulars ni writirag Ir their claims in,l *tate- mends of their accounts and tlw' natgre" !'if the aecuritle*. if any. e + by. ,1. u. Curl o+. lap \ \E. .. v PLY at .t'LEX.\N11II-1 Iht`1'14 thctIxwutrixu.1 ntdbe 1ti,1 e«ttatetally►. '1•�l. proceed to distribute the said testate, N1 yFD MUD W ANTFlt , having regard only to such . Ialms as E ltittehart. It. J. Phelan of tow, .1.,-.1 ;p dew' nt 4µm. the nl h The New Temple -Johan Baler.\ tt..t, stent store; that { lac t.lut,d--Ethel lluc*ton. London on Tuesday 10.•.'4 ."1 was ever. Hear him trice "Mark An- r'rr board t.4• pain :l further (^4)a The Arhading Chance-Patrieid horn at Stratford an,l s1■•lit h1s twy thong's Oration" In MacKay Hall Went York 'on Saturday an « i:. bnrlea nt .7, 1f, Cameeon'1* as dramatic so t1E:NI_ .he shall then lace had notice. -\p{dy• to ({l►X 33. SIGNAI.I HAPS & r ) is rant. . 1 hood in London, but the major part of April 18th and 19th.HAYS. 'fhe public works colnwittee urad4• •Leu Stolen Idols -Frank L• l'aek-, 1ni+ life was agent In Talon+o, where Thr (;olerleh \\'nmcu's Institute will Il►F'F ICF. Hamilton.strep, ,he fellowilfl erutunieidatl•*4' That ari1. I lie was erhployed as an engineer with hold an at-home for the members and' - (iwlerk•h, On t. construction bylaws he pedaled and The Red Ledger -Frank I.. Packard. th Harbor Commie -.n f"r many 3t Solicitors fur F:xeiutrix. {seed for cement ridgwalks it, til -their families in Oddfellow� Hall on WANTED. -MAID FOR GENERAL low+: West aide. Maitlandl4k,O road from \ King by Night-F.dgnr Wallace ye s. He was a :list' of the Friday, April 19th, at R p•m• housework. .Apply to I'. 0, SOX' East to St. David's tenet, weer aide The Tlouse of Adccnrnre-Raralck 1'nl'eralty of Toren:, \Ir. 5lnlllna F. 11. Wield & soli make 41st i11telteen. 12. Goderich. 11I llw• ..a • else corked 111 the fr• .ht department Irl announcement of the new Furd 1{ritanniu to P g• oft old Grand Tnu,k ID+'1 •u • be- g ROOMS „ tr lul in the advertising colonies tNTF.I► Fc *glen; that notice to The Iteloyed woman -Kathleen Nor- Ihe 4-.„ a Rlca Railway at San Jose, on page :r of this issue of The Signal. or cottage it the e of July 1'ee•a1 p*l{a rr regarding 4 rill. resin illcw. He was hrothar of the n d �u, +. t. BOX 12, SIGNat. Ik on I R II'nlnler-sen street from .�a \lc Cee \Iter C Oemllr. g Iia Ito, rant side4lhit held road from • t { y p pas faun with 'wen's" ' i . -- 41t.i 11E1) fore 1 Ting to arcs t 1 e I t ro mths Britannia to R uPP1u'F 2t 1I Telephone No. 119. Sake •ttendt¢ to anywhere and every AI'ITIONEERINO THOMAS GI'NI)RT. GO1)ERiCH, LIVE STOCK ANI) GENRE Al'CTiONEER pul.IIshed In the {r't)tione for cement sidewalks; that Ilfldegarde-Kathleen Norris. late W{Rlpm E. Mc;;:ns, a pioneer the roque -t ..t 11. J. Fisher for lier. The Story of u Whim -Grace L. t hutnder of railways in Central Amer - mission. to Install two more gasoline 11.111. Ochs whose death a•'arrrd reeently, pumps and hanks on Ha)uilhnl start The Finding of a Jasper 'Bolt - loud Revere! brothers •,nd sisters SRI, ir• granted, 51r. Fieber prevfding the Crave 1.. ,11111. l t-ive, one of the brothers being Rer- usual bond of Indemnity.' "With. re- Nun -Sefton I Father P.' R. Mullins., of femme to the letter of March 1st from, Switzerland -Arnold Lunn. i Saskatchewan. the 4'.l'.R. asking If there would be l'1•r.• Marquette -Agnes Repplier. - any ebje•tion to *hemming the trestle Ilai•Ier. of the Beep -Lowell I MRS. STANTII'RY opening under their trucks cremes ' Thomas. On Sunday. April 7th. there pacers Wellinctou .treel'we recommend that'.I sly alystert Shim -Gordon ,Camp away at Exeter one of the oldest teal - the Company be notified that the cuun- hen, r11 4.4111141 nut consent." Tb. F:acur of ilnllnnd-.\dela dee , dents of Huron county. in the person The cemetery aria parks committee ieeuw. Iof Mrs. Jane Eliza Fanhury. widow recommended that a new• 110er be put I Court Lackner• -Lowell. Thomas. tot the late Dr. Rlct•a Stanbury of e4. nein mm a e saeI- nn i ill tl living n t the r •metrry mese Elisabeth and E Lytt Stra fou s hoose,. the interior be papered chey. Iand 'stinted. and some other minor I The Seven Torches of Character - repairs be made. Basil King. The tire committee reported that all Pomona Pictures -Charles L. Bar- i the a{gdicationee fbr building permits s.t.,w. Bar - referred to the committee at the last i meeting had been peened; the applies - They I ' Go ...... In DEE gibe went t I, of James Buchanan for a building! ti�lould Be Punished! I field as governess to the daughte n Int 1Kiv. NPwgnte street, being' eliysl' lap wu�liit seldom tum troprominent bl min i .` Rev. if Gien1e one of fhb pin - thended b• pr'n'idr for brick veneer t 1 ministers of the Presbyterian Chur the first story, with stucco and rota- lung troubles." re feel eontldeut' and tau years liter married her In 6ar!1 shingles shote. h"wrc4•r, [fiat there iR Rome apet*c-. ouncillnr Gould asked it anything t•auishment reserved for them else- husand, who predeceased her in 1911 had been done about the slop signs. •'herr: I 1 -'10.1111 committee. sail be ha.] taken Tinting and dyeing is ap47 and q* • up the matter of atop signs. lights. 44hen Maypale Soap dies the w. „• . with the, chief of p,ltce and a Your drug,ist cnn supply you. 1 Bayflellt. In her - ei,h y-uinth year. Born In Ireland on Sls 226th, 1540, deceased came to Canada i 1847 with her parents, Rev. .lames nd airs. Stuart. Her -father was n Auld Kirk minister and alertly afttr reach - Ong this country the family settled at 114 a r h. 1 From the early days of her marrfe' life she took a eery active part in the ilei community and church life of Bay - irk. field. 'With the old-fashioned tuning fork Phe led the singing in St. And• r,uncfllor ('mit chairman of the' G.C.I. Attendance In compliance with a request from th town council, Mr. J. P. Hunte, M"'- retary of the (collegiate ln'rtitute board, has submitted the following in- formation regarding the attenduii'e In the cnrlin . forms of the (collegiate Institute. as per enrolment in the year 1928-29: • TIIE RECORD BREAKING NEW NAS11 "Al 00" e TWIN -IGNITION MOTOR WORLDS EASIEST DIMING CONTROL IS4WDA1Lllt SiIOtZ AI SOROE:RS BURR (LNTRUJ7ED masts LUBRICATION FRONT AND REAR IUMPRRS ('ONTE% CAS INTERIOR FINISH 7 -BEAR I YC ('RA of LSII AFT ter. ..r-..�_.4._, 1 11 -these features.. All this extra equipment e e a at no extra cost 1 The new features and equipment of the Nash "400" have added hundreds of dollars of actull, visible worth to this famous motor car. They have added an incalculable meas- ure of enjoyment to Nash ownership. Yet they have added nothing So "Nash price, At no extra cost, you have the Twin Ignition motor, the year's outstanding motoring improvement (more power, more speed, less gasoline). You have costly car interior finishes, Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubrication, Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers, bumpers front and rear, even a spare tire lock, and not a dollar added to the price. Equipment which other dealers (not Nash dealers) charge extra for, at r!• tail prices, is included in every Nash "400" model, as it comes from the factory, at no extra cost. • That is why you will find that "400," fully equipped. delivered prices are so much less than other cars with similar or even lower factory (f. o. b.) prices. Compare the cars, compare the prices, before you buy your new car. TM=xewNAg-D 400" Leads Ike World an 4110ier Isar Value ( I,11'0KT4iT «too" I'E.ATr'KES-Xrl OTHER ('AR HAS 71117.171 .ELL Twin-Igninon motor 12 Air' raft -type stark plugs High comprettion Houdaille and Lovejoy shock absorbers (ffa ooc, Vasa.ewrral Salon Bodies Aluminum alloy pistons • I .ren 1rr.r.) New double drop frame Tersinnal vibration damper World'teasiest eeering 7 -bearing crankshaft lte,11.- MONAOM) Baur centralised chassis lubrication F.lectnc clocks Exterior metalware chrome plated over nickel Short turning radius Longer wheelhases One-piece Salon fenders Clear vision front pillar posts Nash Special Desist front and rear bumpers HURON MOTOR SALES IIUNe 63 H C. Young South Street, Gederich fly • .,; .. ,.a- . .a..as•sser r r. rARAGE FOR RENT.. -ON ST. VI.N- lJ 4'EVr stro4't. M. W. HOWELL. WANTED.-STENOC.RAt'IiE.R, EX - 1'ERIE:NCED preferred. State 'qualifications and salary expected. by letter. ELMiRA RUBBER FA. 1 TORY. I3lmlru, Ont. TO RENT I. effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. First year commercial...' t, 1 Second year eolnmercial.t.'0 12 a* Tl) RENT.--B1'11A/iNG LOCATED Farm 1B, 1st year •T and i a centrally 1n the village of Auburn. M. 15 20 35: Suitable for garage. blacksmith shop Forel 1(', 1st year T. and ' and chopping mill. Apple to RM. at. 27 S 35 i BOWES. IAy'th, Ont. Form 2, 2nd year T and M. 31 16 47 I'r) RENT. -STORE $,I'1TABLE'FOR Form 311. 3rd year T. end I grocery or office. /immediate pos- h is 1S 33 i session giver.. Apply t to CHAS. K. Form 3.5, 4th year T. end ! SA{'NDERS. Goderich. M. 9 7- 1f, ?ten, -1. :4311 year T. and 1 GRA" F'AILM TO RE\fit-R'F:ST NI. 14 10 24 , vI half lot No. 2. concession 6, tow11- - - - slip of 41.tatlel.1- 1(Ne acres. Well 102 >74 2:(: watered. Apply L. F:. DAN( E.\. •T. and al.- Tea''Ler$ tied matrlcula- t aderieh. 2t t ten. r. Hume add" that "the county has to ,r►ntrlhute its pro rata per dont• attendance of the In FOR SALE h �t te*'• r«w's church until subtle opinion per- he full cost of main- 'ears ower,1 a t four 1 teen nenod nt the *same fate uponne exer,i*es, when she betmme one t I per cent\ of the cote permanent ent netted t retie- first erdnnist •'f the congregation. a improvenavlts." {*,.•Itlun she herd for many year*. She '.n'. also preri•!ent of the W.M.S. and `t• upon her retirement ass presented . •e ith ii life -membership in the Society. !4•tentlst. Talo lora number of years Mrs. Stnnhury !:id mese her home In Exeter. where • -I, Made mane. friends She is sur- ' Edinbur.,i i. t -red Ly' ten ''.11.. Dr. John 89.nburys Gr' al 41 it..iu .41 1'.'r 1,1 ;, 11114 .1 G.:Banbtiry, barrister, t. nt effort has 4 , n reefer. rind by one daughter, Mrs. R. F. wick of Edmonton, another (laugh- ter, Mis* Reta, having died In 1903. The funeral avis held from the rest - ,:ewe of her son at Exeter on THIP! - ,lay forenoon 9. Bayfleld cemetery. The nesters were ronducted by Rev. .lames Mcllroy of Herunlll. awsasted by air. A. itretard Rhode*, B.A., of Knox Cjil.ge. At the cemetery a large I number et the hayfield friends met the i cortege and joine,) In the Inst tributes ler er respect to the one so lovingly re- membered in the entails• 1►ONAT,1) McMURCIIT GodrrHfi bad a Ane old citizen in the death of Mr. Donald MOMurchy on Saturdntt' last. Mr. McMnrchy had been in failing health for three or ' four year!, and for the last three months had been rnnflned to his holne, but he put up n gallant tight In the end against his in, reasing wet:knew. Mr. Wailingly was In hl* eighty- third year. lir was born November 4th, 1946, In the township of King, York county. and after hie marriage IN 14474 to his no bereaved widow he brought her to .\shfleld township, in this county, where they settled on a bush farm on the Lake Shore road. Here they met 11114 overcame the .11(3- °11MPs of pioneer farming, end In 144((5 they left the farm and e11gnged In the general more business at Moffitt. Eighteen year.. later they sold out the business and come to Goderich, where they had since resided. While a resident of Ashfield Mr. Mc- Sinrchy ,took nn ,t•tive part In public affairs. He was a member of the town hip council for seven year!, two of these Tears ns deputy reeve and a member of the county council. ifs Wena also trustee -of Ihe )(Intel! school for nercral years. On February 17th, 1110I, Mr. and Mrs. airMerrily •wlebratcd the fiftieth miniver*ary of their marriage. Mr. McMtirehy WISP the eldest of a family of twelve, of whom eight Fur- tive. five broths-„ and three tasters: Dr. Arch. McMon•hy, nt North Ray, Ont.; Peter, . 4 Bandon, Polak.; John, of Thnrnhury, (fact.; Thirteen. of King O1fy, Ont.; Alex., of intcknnw• ; Mrs. ITh.o. McMnr,hy, of wtsston, Ont.: Mee. John Dans anti MIM Kate McMurchy, or King city. Reside* hie Rltp, Mr. McMurchy leaves two sone and two danghters: Andrew, of Rt. real, Minn.; Archie, of Watrone, 9106. ; Mrs. R. 11. Worsen, 'r 14.55.s. 5:• m-ttteni •::1. of the dozen. -Order early, for struck i* limited. y W. S, BOWDEN, Keays street, (:od- f t,'• • e• hues fn erirh. ail intermit- _ lads• .1. meaner Fl In SALE..- $T4P1IY ANI► -A-11.\1,4' He)t'SE Fein JIAI.F:.--REI► BRICKboost. on Rnrl teoo. stent. lale;y I2,•lipied by the undersigned. WM. SIHARMAN. 624 Main street . Eat t. Hamilton. ,F01t SALE -A l'I (' W luICE (1i..t- I►h►i.i bulbs 2rt'• a : 30e nd 3:u• n WESLEY W. FISHER. Auctioneer. will conduct wales anywhere. Us terms are reasonable and 1 will en- deavor to give satisfaction. Pbgpe Carlo* 1314, or address R. R. 4, God- erieb. Inn; the qua* 1r: t.P violet rays. £dinhur.l from March.' 4024. to when the hi441' .1 mons was 4.2 in June of the fir The oilier- four tr•wns, taken occasional r'rnrd' arc\I.•'iees- ter, llnddorsfl, id. Mahcheate and Bezh111-on-Seat whirls stored a airy average of 6.i; during -Amus.. m - pared with the 4.17 nt Dos.is fry Sv;.l- Berland for the solum'*. Plymoul - and Blackburn measured their sun- shine. but nut its ultra -violet rays, and the Corporation chemist of Gla*-' gow has been conduc Int; experiments for ROM" time without being "satis- fied that his results give a true Index of the amount of ultra -violet rays reaching the city under varying wea- ther conditions." - Six centres took readings far every month last year -Hull. Rochdale, Lyme Regis, Torquay, Lowestoft, and London, the highest dally at,•rag, be- ing 15.53 at Lyme RI•gts for July, and the lowest 0.27 at Rochdale for March. In addition to hese, Pother', hang has actually begun to make nb- nervatlons, and Sheffield has ordered four actInotneters for that town and for herself. He runs ultra frame house in :end repair: sit- Jnok records al:u'• 19=a noted A lld west ofn\'ictolria streetesea t:t ni�r 144.4, 10411114111: elely ales -race` .tyle tight". MIVS. JANE LYNN. year. Gnderleh. chi hate •-• • DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER DR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG- LESS THRRAPIST GODERICH ' E1gnlpped with electro-angnete Cathie Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous diseases lady in attendance. Office boors 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 psis. excepting Monday and Thursday af- ternoons and evenings, and by ap- poletment. Residency and omen-Oornez ed South street and Brltanala road. MAY ILAT(ITIF)D CI111'KS-BAR- iLED ROCKS, 144*'; single comb white i.eghorne. 17e 4.41411. Hatching eggs . from April to July, re. each. Above prises tire for customers enuring to the faun for their purchase. ('hicks re &old in regulation boxes,' but cull- er must furnish container for cairn• you nn• 111 nasal of n new brooder founts, feed hoppers, etc., let me *leen- on Royal equipment.' 4' 11E1.1., Auhurn, (int., phone !. Geni'e's Daughter • Singer. Gloria Caruco, the nine- year - old daughter of the famous tenor, Is said already to have a voice of exceptional promise. Her training Is being super- vised by John McCormack, and every year until she Is sixteen a gramo- phone record will be made prlvatsl$ to show her vocal progress. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FRANK 1'. G1BBS. CHARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario street - Stratford. Phone 1560. Res. 1330J. F(111 SAT. .-A` 8-5100ME1) CE - i l MF,NT Meek honer. ' with modern equipment ands completely furnished, including piano iedio, 'phone, battery- charger. atterycharger. etc. Large lot with fruit trees and enrage. Near ('ollegiate- I$:t:,ltd. MRS. 1. Iti7FIf F.RiNGTON, Box 322. Galerleh. l one 183. FSiRABLE RESIDED PROPER- TY FOR SALE. -At corner of Bri- tannia road and William street Ten i•onms besides bathroom, cloat,m, etc. Good furnace. All 'conveniences. For terllrIed forther particulars apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. O. Box 457, Onderleh. tf ITI'RIGITr PiANO (BELL) FOR SALE. -in first-class condition. Apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. O. Roz 457. Goderich. DIED. at.\NSfllt. In finder telt town ship• on Friday. April 5th, John 3. Mnnser, aged 117 yearn. McaiClt(111\'.- in Godcrlch, on Satur- dey• April fah. Donald McSlurchy, in his N3rd year. R1.A(:K.-Tn Goderich, on Wednewfay, April 1011, Worthy Rennet, widow of the bite Robert C. 111ack. McHARDY.--At Alexandre hospital, Ooderieh, on Wednesday. April lath, ('harie4 Meltardy, 1n his 80th year. Tia funeral will take place from the rowidence nt ha! son -In-law, Mr. Melvin Tyndall, 44th cone,Fsion, C•ol- blorne township, on Saturday April 12th, at 2.30 p.m., to Maitland cemP- tery. Service at the house at 2 o clot#. t MEDICAL lR. F.J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late Douse Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital. atmistaat at Moorefield 'Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. Loa- don, on don, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S„ Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, on the evening of third Monday of eacb month 1111 the following day, Tuesday. at 1 p.m. NOTICE TO CREDi7ORd LEGAL CIt.N'1�;ST M. LEE. �i Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301• D u DILEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office --Hamilton street, Goderleh Phone 27. I' R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC_ Successor to J. L. Killoran. Pbone 97. Office -The Square. Goderich. PERSONS HAVING. CLAIMS against the estate of Valentine late of the township of Stanley, in the county of Huron. yeoman, de• erased, are hereby notified to send their Malmo with due proof thereof to the Executrix, Agnes Wild, et say - 11e141 Post .Ofl1e, or her snlltltot, os or. before the twentieth day of April, 1929. and that after the wild date the Executrix will dlatribiite the entire of the wild decensad having regard only to claims of which fate shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Marsh 27. 1929. W. 11RY iX)NF, Clinton, Ontario, 3t Solicitor for the Ezecutrtz. daps & daps BARR1.1Tuu', ETC. R.O.HAYS4-R.C.HAYS ,a.. B.A. Hamilton St., Godericn INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. McKiLLOP MUTUAL FiRE IN - Pt SURANCE CO. -Farm and tea laud town property insured` Otibcere-Jas. Connolly, Pres., God- erich P. 0.; Jas. Evans. Vice -Pres„ Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Sec. -Treat. 9eaforth .P. O. Director►' -A. Rroadfoot R. S No. 3, Iesfotth ; John G. Grieve, Na 4, Walton; WNllam Kinn. R. R. Na _ ReefortlPlishn iiennewless Brod- bagen ; Gen. McCartney R. R. No. S. 9eaforth : Robert Ferris, Barbet ; Murray Gibson Brurefleld; Jamas Evans. Beechwood: Demes connons. God.rich. Agents --J. W. Ten, Godlrtcl; Ales. Leitch. R. R. No. 1, Clinton ; John Murray, Seatorth ; E. Madder. Eleaforth. Policy -bolder* can make all payments and get their cards receipt - ed at R. J. Morrlsh's Clothing Stora, CMntoa ; R. H. Ostt's Grocery, E1ng- ikon street" Ooderieb, of J. A. i dI'r Gemmel Stora Hayashi