HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-11, Page 7County and District
The llenwlll spring show was held
Tuesday of last week and was well ate
tended. The exhibits of horses and
? ,mottle were numen,ue and of excellent
George N, 11111, one of Muesli's
oldtet reeideita, died eudek•uly curly
Sunday morifug at lib. 'tome.. His
being traneferree to llnlui4,on, .11,11
will be aueeet•da•t) here by 1,. A. Fiunee.
who evrnu•a front New Hamburg.
A wedding ie* whir h Lueknuw 1*0.
pie are 1tItereeted took place In Er,-
.4kim• Culled. church, Toronto, on
March til►, whew Jteu, yottnitest daugh-
ter of Mr". Sidireller of 'i rLmto and
only htuneddale "retying relative le n the late 1teiewie Seituiicr of Lurkaow'',
grandson', /land(' ttuuu, with w•hotu twellita• the bride of itobert 1►i 'jird!,
he lived, wen of the late Mr. atld lire. Hobert A.
\\'lll'taw J. Jacques', of 1'.l.urne, died Bell of Vittoria !harbor, int. .1r. mud
en Good Friday at the age of ,A,1 y.
Mr.. Bell will reside at M'urbore.
four years. 1'►ev:te.•d wale a uat1'e of I--------
1'sber,e and Ilred yin the (own.hip all 111f1'K'SE1.iti
hist life. Ile wits not niurrled, but is
r•urt'Ivtxl by several brothers wad civ
lets, tlt'r an Illness er se•yerul weeks
Ctrs. ()liver, widow of the. late Fran -
At the Untied ?rhumb )ar,nnu,ge, ,.is 11iher, pI..e,l 11way ort April 3rd
4'toil-ttal411, on Saturday taste ,gist In her eiti,tyeightth year. Two tone'
Annie (Namur, ,hitighter ut Mr. and and dire deitghti•re eursine: John, al
Meta., U. H. Connor, wu.4 mantel iii inner- Itnt..e•1.4; }'rank, of Frankfort, N.Y.;
tinge to 'reheard Willard of Exeter., Mrs. Jame 'rhom)T'on, el Breese/et:
'1'tm ,r•remnuy wt.4 eel -fie -toted by !tee._ Alr+. ,Lein Bell. of Wurke-iw•i're, and
It. }•. Irwin. The young couple will Mrs. %Villeeu !taker, of newton.
re --ids in Centralia. ' .li<: Muriel 1(14.1..1 hare resigned her
SI. ('ulunlbun t Itureh wa, the west is..41 ,.n a.r• ortctnist of Itruseeke United
of a happy !'hent ..n 11'rdii"t1oy 111,1414. Phut,'!..
Big, April 8r.l. alien MEIN Camilla, The ,letuh of ill.+ i•:Ila efelatrtrrlt. n
daughter of )Ir. uud tere fetter uses former a -ell -known re.idlest of the
Grtth of SL l'osuml.au, w.1s uuitrrt fn', towu.hip of Grey, 4teeltrrell suddenly
marriage to .tagu+ 1..•w9s Kennedy, f "11 Friday evening Leet 1,l Toronto.
Duly ,Nm of 'Wove noised Kean"ly where she had resided for several
• wad Mn+. Kennetjt- of Tut•ker.mith. year'. The rs•mallw were bn.ugh4 f1'
Hee. Father IMnteer oflhee,. i. The!
ltreesels tar interment.
. hippy 1em4d' left on a huueymoon trip
to points M41411, and en their return .-_-_--
will male their home On the green'', IiL1•TH
faro, Un the )ti)1 read, Teeler.mith.
Aliso Hamel PM.1,. left Piet week for
SIBA4'ORT1l letud..n, where elle has a )w.+itiuu with
?#iter 1.mduu life Beeman.. 4'44,
.RI,rth orelfestra will firni"h the
The animal meting of the S.'aforh wtri.- st I;oeerleh I'at•Hien tering
Gel( and Country .Fath was held •'4t' Ahty and June. •
=nil. A very .thee ••t, 4 year was re- Mr. fuel )Ire. E. r. iJlnndv have re--.
f.orlwl. TIN• memie•r+lrlp 'met yeer turned to town offer •peteling the
,t ime..•real 112..41%4 .ladies Noe flfiy- winter at Ni:teemN Falls rand huffs!".
Iwo men. K. Al. M,•IA•,u• was ele,•ted John 4',.te Ma. I4asl'd his fart near
president ; J. 4'. Greig, viesepre.1dent ; J:lyth h, Wm.,Ienkiue end le removing
J. 4i. Metleq, w"•n•tary; 1t. Al.-Jott.•., 1 to I:odertiih, where he will work at the
treasurer. Mrs. ua•ur N(•il is Keel- 'elevator '
dent of the 1a41e,.' to""tion, 111111 Mho -ii .'Airs. A. B••N «Int I'',Iw'in 11NYP t1'.
Daly ,Nx n tarrnx4,.urrr
,?live t
I moved to reernie. wIwrt' Sint, Hell has
Mr. and Mr-. le M Jones left hart a ?emitter
week on a toss month-' trip to the °4) l Hee. E. 1.. Anderson, 1I.,1:, of Monk-
v'.nlntry' 1,tna. has tteeei•ted a rail from the oft-
- W. -t' Wright hra• leirehneed the ,-dal ?tear.! of ()mem street 1'nited
lee -emus writs bla••k. '
unth and rarrlkge rhurelt. Itlyth, le become minister of the
.•hop and will mot*, )ti.:nrtge howl- 'berth here for the pmatnrai term heel
clew to the Meek. ' girnlitr,, July tet, 193n.W. 11. McLeelate a native of Slee•
f•.rth, tote leen 11p(1.iut•'d 1'rerinelal
lnnitr - preneeer fur S.o.ketehewra11.
. V Jr rnU M t" 2" tUr J•llit
1 oiled t ehnreh p:,r.onage, 4nn,'rkip, Heron. Un the anniversary relate...,, The death' of etre. 4 ''rethy 1h.t►ghIc I4t'v. (4. T. Shield« nm'I:,,ing. creep- And intiq,ale frirnrls were p1,• -end f.
wid,'h se•urd•01 ••.n Fr411my, mato, their return frown the wielding trip ,11aner. (;414.44. e•Ime (rete !Bullet
nir; remeeee one 'f 1.11tka.4W', i.„, tidy will ready up•Ir Myth. NI -) diol, t'linteh. Goder4, it. !:endo
known an,) ?west leveel n••ridents. Air.. . . _ - . _,_ 4'Ctri.it olid 1'un[iNe, )lith.. ;end mor
taometsr w1,,, over eighty yeare of age, EXETER rafts and' .'ongratulah,ry nit -seg
nml nearly 'eery yeer.. of her life 4. 1wPpt. rl.•eiced.
1"..r.* "PI" ii 1,e* •know•. She waw lie firer. Stanhury, widow of the late T
only dmnghtrr of Mr. and tire. John "' F.xet••r baseball p•:uu will pray r'tanlmry: died here en Sunday, in ie
Heigh. pi •r residents of Kettles.: in a N.' tern . 4h (1i'in 11300101 righty -ninth; veer. She w• s. f•.
year. formicr a eireeit t' n rine
fow•p,.tiip. }'ifr�•nen' gray,. 1,¢o +tit• i'"1, -nee:, th1. rrsid'ut .•f Ilartlrid. Where her fat
easy mlrrird t" !,.•erg.• female.. carne %• tiff! I.tait.ta,. Sint t hr1 ;1 add 1...neon. hm.tan,l, oris 11 practising phyedeiru
.1441' it'
l lea, having hrr with eawi•e 'fle .c,mnululty w•s..h..41.ie4 4.5- the She .- sureivrel 1y t-- a0 1 on
four 1• I ref 111 and tire. \l t ¢ 1 John. of 'lornnUr .1.G
uo loll ,UCH
ox,geAt »lt
WINTER, with its in-
door life and sunless
days, has reduced the
oxygen supply in your
blood. Ybu need Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills now
to enrich and revitalize
your blood stream.
They will invigorate
the entire system and
give a happy zest to
springtime. For more
than forty years, men'and
women in many lands
have relied upon these
famous Pink Pills as a
safe and effective Spring
At your druggist's or
any dealer in medicine or
postpaid, from the Dr.
Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ontario, Send
for free booklet—"Build-
Ing up the Blood."
"A PO,rae.'oie 1a..'.
.w dei COItNTNre• -
pettish Took lr'orntal I'uu.nswlutt
Island on January 914, 174s
-Nursed by Filmier.,
"Australia 1)*1" la celebl:a ed o* i
January 26.
In 1786 the Brltl14h Government
despatched CaPt.$1 Arthur philllp !u
chafge of a fleet of sailing v1':341, t.,
ezplore the eastern coa14t of
rttorydiscovered by Captola
1768-70. Thus terrltnry . w' ie: „f
(►curse, the land thus was s��s.Ou.-ut
le called Australia, hu: at U,;,t.itwe
It was nut known that It w',e an
laland as large In urea as th'• t nitrd
States of 'An,erila. At 'aril• r {,''clods
the Dutch had torched the West
Coast when storms drove their ship+
out of the regular rout.- from Hol-
land to Java. Thee* early i,4rh have -
gator. did sot katiw 44 - y , , I ,ter•,
the coast line of as tsla! ,',;,inn, itt;
they assumed the laud seeit,•d by
them to be small Weeds lying to (ler
south of the Malay Archie, Ltto.
• CaptsAn Phi)IIP. ie* the r„ urQs of
lieu expedation, at*t' d: •
"1 bad the satlaf;,, ries of r: Abe
the finest harbor it the weee, it1'
whleh a thousand sail of the lin, may
' ride In the most perf.ct see W;,y,e
The harbor waw Puri w3adeet.Ap, ,nn
which Sydney stands --nor a e,.. of
fly ISAB}:1.1IA31Il,TtiN.
1iederich, Ont.
Sciatica? Neuralgia?
Yea can hags relit!- 'Mrs. T. e
Sheeh,u, of Windsor, Ont., waalbrlplsaa
with IutLunuatory Ithcunwtirm. She
oouldn't evert move her eyes, and plant
*early 61,000 for treatmt•nte. She
writes: "Thee boxes of T -1t -("a made
me completely well". T -R-( "aareequal-
ly trod for S•'iat t,�1, Nedralgin, Neuritis
Ste. Iwrael's gentle. Shepherd «(lauds andLumbaR,,. (1 rtek. Safe, No barmful
Willi all -engaging elierlus ; drugs, 50e & 61 at your druggist's. 117
4Ittrk! huts ile 41411.. the tender lambs
And told, tht•In ie* Ili.'. arWs• �~R Cel T =pct
We.a ra
Perut4' them to approach, ile er;ew.
Nor stora,tieir hluntde n:nu.•:
For 'rawer to bless ,.n,•h •ou n+ Ihrsl• se, 4111' truth about' our moral and
Fir le.rd of angel,. .;lite . •p rilu14: 'au1verse • there erre. when
- Philip 1,,..1.iri,1t.'•,. •le.li.4 ihurt. and tlu4elli• ,wigs. '1 am
the gay. Ne truth. nue the I.',' uo
1'6114:8 m:n, rumr444 to We Father i,1,4 by tie,'
it is nut s"11114' arbitrary ..mer e' re:lk-
u Almighty God, Thou \\'I�e ,.iulwt in,;, it l+ •!?•yawl ?:feet .fieakit,-. Ont of
ou the throne, make all thinee within the Mem ..f truth to the heart of rl•a-
us new ally 11:1\. •Itei*t. 1411r faith,' fit>r. 1 'hri.t 1. the w•uy, aa.l if He ran-
aud ho(N•,.utul love. Renew out• will.. I not .1.151' the world 1 do not Ilrink it
the? we may slerve Thee mune gliell3 ,;u1 i;' -.14 .1.e St:,ole}
and a:uehfully than ever; renew' Derr
,(elicit in The word and Thy %verdrile -"
'!4•111.51 'i,r jac in Thee; renew our
1'u err that all may kmo4v '1'lar•: re
nen enc de+iter tend htbor., to sent' 5. e. No. 6. 410 :1111;11 '1"'1i \144444'
million Inhabitants. The British-'.''' Har "11tt'rr,; uud ,.e take ,•are of us, 7'147 Thr (ollowiag t. the n•I,•r, of Union
was unfurled at Sydney ('une nn Jan., t'1'opl.', who emhn„e 1(,,. Crow of 'fby N'ioN,) No. et, Guderit)e fort a -hip, for
26, 1788, and on that dace ('aplala
mid deo,* to walk L, the light: the winter term. Names :,re 1'i order
Phillip took fornsal poss,•srlen ef'th1 ,'1,a( l«hoer of Thr Spirt a«w
land where he had dee„1.•11 to plant
b). new settlement.
It waw Matthew }'llsd.•rs who sr_ --
leeled the name Australia.' ire was
writing his "Voyage to Terra Anatra-
1414,” while held a t•ri.en••r by the•
French In Mauritius f:r m 1x1'3 to
1810., and It oecutl'--i ie lieu! tit:tt
"Australia" would b. , _..ud 11. rtir.•
• able name. He did not ...en the word
De Brousseee to his ' Hiatuirt des
Navigation, ult„l rx,v._ Australis"
(Paris, 1756) had u;..( the word
"Australasia" as a name for a dive
Mon of the globe, and the hiaorett,
Dalrymple (London, I77t4) suecested
"Australia" as a nen., ter Hie region
east jaf South America. Howe -v.-, it
1s not probable that :Matthew Fitn-
i'lcerurore; through J.•.u+ Christ our of merit •.
Sr. IV. .Evelyn Sower1.3. lithec4
f:'y.1 turd Saviours .\niers. -The Bet- a eke.
1-.4, Weekly.
Jr. IV. ---Clara Harmer. R-•-- Sow. i
S. S. LESSON FY►8 .►PRI, 21st. 4919 ethy.
Sr. 111. Join. IL,arfw'r. %L eiriae Me -
Lesson Topic—(%enfort for 41.K1's !Iwai,, Menet, .etteele,ter
People. Jr. lit. Willie 1'ert!•r, !tirlwrd
lesson l teeage—Isaiah Jt1:1.11. Porter. Jean' Soaerhy. Stanley \tell•
Golden Teel—Isaiah tiff:l3.
The ,'ut.jeet of t1u• whole pn'phe.•n 5511 by. 4braid 1'►rr, Graham .ohn,ron.
• e itaili e in ,eetterr liege; to intro 11. --•[trey tle,tlli.lt•r. Ai:usriee Ilmr-
luee,4 in .,'r11•. 4. _ 'flit g4'a4'ra1 de- Wood. 5!,t 14wd Fuli'r, Inrrrnt+
ign i• t„-,Ttnfurt the alrliete,l and Powell. Herbert fume!!. `
'ppre.w' i People of t:u.l. They are 1.- Mildred Powell, Arnold ,Fluller> -,'
....nameplate,' as ire I1ubyIola. and no Number on roll, .9t; acert.e attend -
ear thee, est of the e�':It. J,•rn+elein . ante, 17.:1. .
re_er'ied arc ie* ruin•: the ,nn.1 is' I: M. SNi:LI., 'reedier,
ea -tar and !testate*: die •'41,v and the
:•aapl.• nit .h•+?roue.:.• their ca(.tiv(t%
dere hae ever sees) three puhiie,i.,ns. ` ahem to Piet, amt the peotd' •4!441)4? ••*HIt+T:"
An Australian historian, Prnf. Ernest 11'' I,'•r•wsore,l t.. their «1511 I•ind. In ' . _
Scott, has remarked. that "Flinders: �'a,4111 11+,11• the l.ruPlIet i+ dire,pr,l deftly a l'orrtiption of :w•andlosavlatt
i,r• . U
r. w 1. �o 'sol•
ehglc. has been abucdaie,It• justified, f e u uieu to Ili*
and there is some Batl'tartlo "Vhrt• '••rl.:wd long-eaptive Jrw+ ,,seri Word "Whisk:'
to .
membering that the eeee.horne by to teeeere them' snit, their ealnwitie+' How nsany people who play whist
Australia was given b. t., -r by one of u•1' ab,mt tr. .'lest•. Jeru•alens-now know• hoar it derived it, nate..? The
the most Intt3pid and skillful''? herr " Iola' -w• • Is 1.. he assured that the 11111141 •'xphutatlon•ls ;hat, alibi* Is s''
t , 'marine explorers, rad one who war "ad of 11'r de-•.lniion w.t- w'. r, for ca4led 1"4-a41414' It impnsos 'filen" 1,h
The mar,ter • '.d . tuna Magililyme • shun tuf . nutlet I. ,In 1,► 1 tht•y retired b:rt an ample purse-huarut liar! teem those who ploy it. "N'Itlet"' (or
!gayer daughter of Mr. Potter of Myth,' from the'term lend moved fes Exeter, 11, the full sense a man i,f `ri•nee."
to t;1' ,rgr 1;nu.ts ,i' tri4+"u,• st'r•on1 Where they have since resided of Prior to the year Ivor, c44.11 for all here -des "Hist:") 4s, of roarer. a very old Pz-
th i ontAl• y
,i r: eat t Aust Iia eoa"D-'''''' l 'ix col- 114 ‘,.1.-,..3-• the 1 r 1 y l ,t a I, 14 n, m dein . 41' 1,e,
' arse? Mr+ :. r 1'a
son, ales, of Itlyth, ?.N,4. )dare st the ,'1u111ne'W
„ tan f M tame \\1t their family of iwteu, fire emnh••,
p 11 , 1'e N r.• 1,•e-1'1 + arm o - r • •'� .'•
conies of Great Brita1h. 1,,• 1x9;. -N 'I t• ,;rli.rrat,.e uad'r tet, 'tet, a -taken it has now leen di�rutered, hew-
delegates from the w y. rat eoL.nl •e ,,.r"1,i the u.•,reh ,.f nerd!, eine.. The ever, ?hal "whist" w.ss originally Call-
's met In eonference and dr,tfr. a ,t hill "' ''' ' f •i, berald' 4. t1'•srd In the oil '•d "Whisk " Trne, rhe 01141" can fro
'(r having for eta objective a 1,41.•ration. •','rt"' d, nctktug .r•le, et,t„ion thee, 1.423"1 twth'r It .h,• rule of sil.'neo
In July. 1900, (h4 r' .tI 'assenf teas ''trey. •t , iii .pon4t le, rPuno',I, that ubtulns, • bur Ila prem ut name pas
11' seven to Yhe'1tt eetablls',uac. the (;oy •t.•bovah n.ight'1. 11r,'.,r, %4..e* .s.n,hh•t-
ry eminent ' nd Parttime r•' of t1P.''etn- 44'4'' h,,. 1■'op'•• .t 1. 1114'( .oh,te t.'•I
i'1' 1 monw'a h of Australia - it is hot . them from the 11 . -',f 1:geld. se H.•
( wfthour nterest to ir1 .;d that re tits,. ftie-.?!silt 1.. ,..11.14.•'1 t4 rnttfn.11i VA....
)r•' anguished Australian renstirielenal I'»1. ,i',,,) to ,-44,t1' 1.ai41-in Jere -fi-
lawyer, the late Sir }',lmund lttrtun, I'm .11,11 14 •'tf+e . 4.'ni 4.•. IA•tw.r•u
r who was one of the .easter+ of the
l:abelod 1,1,11 Jrrn•alrm there 1,a• un
t' Australian Conatltuilor.. and at a lit- inuarnw• tr,.et of ....entry abi••h tae
,. 1'r date .first Prime eleestee of the ' I':uLle». 4'w•r. ,t higllaac wood
e Qommnnwealth of d ;stu,lta, re - tilt" 10 be made. ewer el,leh the (w•..
marked: pi.,m4.bt t,;,.5* in ,.aft'i% Bit. u..
S. "I feel sore that 't any one dad lloly Spirit who dere-tea 11 114 114.141r•
lawyer -dole-, 1'w who attend'd the;
Australian Fed••re11 Co,l''reee,• he
would have frim! •np1,,,1r exrr:tet11
' from the writioo, of alexend.•r Ham- 4
'1"41111f 1 4''14'? '51e:villi Simnte.t., ' n n. ant
y"nog '•hildr•ri These, fire 4.41,4 Hari r"r' daughter: • rr, o
.:tai¢ stere. alt survive. 'I I . a r r� rr4.. Simeon,+ of btirrrrer, of Exeter, nod Mn R.
acct );ower?, tt''iHt tt,t G1e,rgr. t(1,. 4 ...n, which m•e•rt re.l in Vittoria le"' Stell.. of . }1.lmohton. The tuner.
Temp4e '4 lark and .4'1,1, all of 1,n'k. petal. l tin. jr, incl! 1st. The t,wik (dart 'on Tuesday to ituy9e
wow; Mrs. 4'. le. lti.tnr.i.em. o! T.e.-.'youue nein. wi, wear only in his 1114,etrr3'.
aster. nrs4 Iwdi'1, of 1'4)rUhArn. There vir„1lttentl+ 3'144. fete been employed
Are alio. ten ttran.k•tlildren and ton with rhr !!1•I! Telephone 4'.1. at tt'ind-
er":,t-grnnd.•hi;dreu. The finersl t,,'.k
4444.44 to 'Kin4»,e IemPter) on 41 Orly• the tn.•rrriae of hie brot4aer 4'1144.1,4•1.
April let re Itis. Irrue }rurnr i,1, Alpnf, alrth. Al the manse, leet.i.v4oro'. uta R'e,4,
lam oto,' w1,. 1,t. ILlmilron n few loin before bieola3. .1 lril 30. 1 104 •( NEW ('1t :1►1.t\�.
war and a:une Beet 1'r .I1' present 1,t WING/LAM
41 examined the poek.t--01 each 'of Ilii• the prupht't th.eles1ks1 langttA;i' the,
id „,„11,1IN' npp►irflde Ion Inc ?,anti! fm-
eertent went when the herald of the
AI"'iah .hoped annen: a 11;-• remise
1'le• 411.1 ht •thin, wheel the ..•,'• a;,.
erre i. re/we-entre. '
1 in v.•r-.•: • e:..
That wee. ,hat Jetocah '. I. i'i,''1,'
!1:• t,r'n,4w••. tool rh.t it
ren, %yenld 11'• •vert tin',
3thn,eke rydnldI1,l,•a,,4% 'hr
\t til C II He 1444.4 taken i44 1 1 f 1 � Janet th \ I
hug week attending the wedding of hl+ the tt •tiny ou 1 Ilii r,itm' .'4,•nlna hr. yenasr,"-4 . ,4•nt.hter ,.f .11 r. 11,
•..., dent !!tyre AGt ry. b. Jruii.a'Ci.•:a 11' ,,,_ taken to the hosl'ital at Lender„ 311-. S A1eVItt i'. !Am ites4)ore', was
of • Munition The marrie�n• t,N,k ''rr an atN•ral4on. Ills untin,'k ,14 441, ,rilited 4e* tnurr.l::,• 4" Jay. 11. S*•ott.
pins• inertly "a TueslaY eveniris The , r n- shadert' of }lis,n! .ever the• ,.t,itw: •et of Air. anti ‘1!.°. A".1.
.rrN,m i' an in••trurt"r In tht•'I',•.•hni- I:or,eh,rLf that liar! }lief been sn'rny 1Cir.�h:uu.
eel, the
• 1,l $, hoof 1,t 11r1tn11ten . 1 ! pedaling L -t n ul. s. .
1t. f10.1 1) m ha. a•wlune�l his dnt:e: Hydro was off for twenh--font ho11rw The nuirriagf• •of 1A.rnthy• sernn/l
;i- eillsgr e-ma11.I'( U1r eariy )salt of Its -t wnbk a1' Ie*' re• dan.hter of Mr. and Air.. 11..hert
ILSt. K'ileoa. manager ..f the hs•A1 •1114 of the 'torn►,, stet nuu•h in•'.nn• Baird. Myth. Jumoe 4ru4•'kaaii k,
t,rsnib n! the Hoak uf.4'.nutnrn4.. is •4onep was euus"1. The npwt •mrd- yena0est -.0 of 31r. and tin'. George
,0114 h'•,• .N•rts'•inne01 ants 1,t the He. l'rli-k•ttauk, \1'tuglr,,m, took pht'•e a
-- •z:,rth lathy etklek hatchery, where t'11,0"14 3!i4' 4. :htth, itey. .t. A
• hent 71t.1NI° 1'¢g,, were in pewees of Holmes ls'rterming the aereno,ny.
nen-hatiota. The intnhmters are heated The• hem.. of 31r. er11.1 3!r... I1'. II
from n ferhaee, lint elr'trie fans are Gurney, \\'e iglalm. was the ,.tele of a
n - ed for .•4r'nlaarie the air. VIri041 pretty we,Plirtg on Wednesday. April
mean+ were n•eerft'e1 t !h t4e effort :trd, whe•ri their only ilntghtt•r. Alar -
t.•• keep the ale in eirrnbltien. and the jerie \1'4lhelndm. became the. bride of ,
Patent of th4'',1lsmage 41' not yet Hobert Edon Al.-Kinneyof Tnrunto,
known. ..on of the lire 31r. rind Mre. Jeer. Ale.
34r. and .firs. ,iottn 7i. Medd. of Exe- Kinney of illiterate. The reremenr
ter. .•..hairli e] the rattieth annl"'ersar* tins ;w•rierr/ne,l toy lies'. 1)r. I'errie. The
"f their wedding on Sunday, Marsh tv.xl.iIug nnlar wNs iria;yed by flims
John 'Henry Medd nrre Elie:a• Ile/le j•'ergtt•+m of it1•tgrit-e. ?Miss };tea
• Peet, itrn'e were milted in marriage .it Itiatnn! ems trielttemaid and .Wallace
the bride's lion!' 11, the township of Gentry. 4n,ther 04'the bride, was lest
o'er/Wright- nr1 Nfareh Mot, 1.019. The nen. The happy 'e,tple left jay muton
.'.ling t•o114)14' immediately cattle weer for A(untreni and other earner!) 41 .11te.
, Huron comity -and settled nn a 1111,1 "4, their refute will reside in
,-fly elenred faros on the 7th corsets- Toronto. -
10,000 Bottles a Day
1:•• try dee 10,1100 Rumen buy a
bottle of Lydia f:. Pink ham's Vege..
table ('ompound. They know that
there is no better remedy for their
troublesome ailments with their
accompanying nervousness, back-
ache, headache, "blue" spells, and
rundown condition.
Lydia F. Pinkhanl's
Vegetable Compound
B'ganl"I he I'hilIl
l'r.wh/e•thut In
Canada's n' w
18 noweOnlpkt.• '4
nomin,ltl ms w•, n'
The stamps are sr.
officials to h" r.
taloue n(n•
Ns the finers(
a. FItio.t .1-s wenhl either, tb4 !hewn. ..•,,tial i
.toy l'ouplt•y, 1,,i' Ili•• ,_people 1111111.4 .lie bill
.•tuftal S.:1/14,I'ip 1,.r•. 1L, N,•r.l of Jel,ev.h %torah' 4s• ,;i re,1
..11' four' .tr_..• rl• .1,a. 411:.4 thi,. 5•',44 Ie• m:,1' • •
On sal, rrr. 11 Ir. -n rhr role:••• .N 1Le 10,01.• -. ..
1101 by 1'ust. t) l.-1' Len. anal le* Ili.• •elllht. el :I,. \I•'
irded by phllxlel- slab.
production to ane •1114• me-u,•h:,n• th t t.ro,cbt *Ie-,
zls.l reeling- to.Irr'nsa len, 'u rthotter(
t Iaeh section et Cnnada is !.'pre- t,• oniee tee the 1)11444.1 new,• 4,, liar to
• nen:ed. The one feeler etnmp'car,-ies umin4n. vine" •.f Judah' -to z.. to an
a picture of the 1'.:iiament Buildings 11Witema• to lift up the r..:.'.• rine 1„
and is significant of the central part nn•r'i:iiIII that Iheir 11o.1 11.1.1 '•nue
of the country, i'or- the elaritinu•s (verse 9).
the 50 -cent denomination shows •he 111, vier-,'. Ip,II the' n'sur:u,r•• is.
schooner Bhn•no,' . winning the in., ' Livrti 111:u' 1I' w00)4 .eine -4..1' •',o :,
ternationai fishermen's race._ 'l'4te'stron, lime,!" .eltnighty. and 10.'1' to
Quebee bride,. .,prey rs on th, t e ,•.•a, IKne: Ile it “4114 1.0fIl' :re a u:1104t'.'r u,4
stamp. The i'ralrles are typified in gt'ntl' -hyphen'. rrgar.Iibz ••.;s•eiall,
the 20-eent stamp 4iY a picture of a the weak 14(1,1 1.,a4'1r of 111. lra,ple
western wheat 11. 1.1. The ten -cent litngln,g'alike t;''1 taht• t' 4;,.'1. "4'''
stamp hears a "r -fresentatinn of a '6"11411 .4' ?net the p"tp4' from eel .'
mountain In British Columbia with 10 their "wen land, and 4.. the .Me•••lah
Ask for Purity ; -' -
Ask for Purity
Hot I3iscu iITi* aTreat
MAKE a dozen delicious biscuits this way. Sift together
twice, 2 cups of Purity Flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder,
1 teaspoon salt. Cream 1 tablespoon each of lard and
butter and mix with the dry ingredients, using the tips of your
fingers. Add !i cup each of milk and of water, mixing with a
knife until you have a very soft dough. Pat out Lightly on
mixing hoard until z t inch thick. Cut out and hake in hot oven
for 15 minutes. These biscuits will keep moist for several days.
Be sure it is Purity Flour, milled with the utmost care from
Western Canada's finest hard wheat, the best all-purpose flout.
A rasa rude to !endue? ren4r -ear 700-rwiyr Purity Floor Cash 8*ck—
am you for ST tort to yr ilk. "PIMtoday feeJ ropy.
Polds nn the border. The try..pia t then n A r.. tint owl, 4 ,
Tbe:1ower denominations carr-; the -11"1- rho Sh.y,herr4rf 4 r:,,'1, Inn r..
King's head. Alt numerals are tare-� •tes,i' 1'4,14.4 the t,00d Sh,p4,r,l. wh,,
1'r than in previous issues. I anther,. the mea{; t.t4,4 '.1r11t'ing ones in
Th.' stamps are stated to he among `the arms of 11i" ;rimer .flat of 51114.'))
r nes exam 1,.e- O the e
.th fl t f engravers 11 11' hall 14 .11.1' to pl'n k them 1,1"1.11
— art. 4'nder the nuer1ecnpt• the win- 1 111, _e i 1'"n.'r•n+e•,I from Bale's' Corp
doors 11, the Parliament Buildings tnentary.
1 may he counted, nn.1 figures of hoc.,',.- - - f 3'.ri trio or the tiny print,. io -
in the Britl.rh 4'olumhist etamp,1 ' N'OR1,(4.111KSIfINK 4'•I14e1,.11 - au- that are s,.. o,er•
I thou,:h entailer than a pin head, are, "I will tel! yon why 1 llenk Gesell! "1"4"1in11y i'-i,1,::,r 11155, elle year
replete with detail. I dee» net 41,1,4 God. (h•
I.: :Peking far• , 11ienpi-•• r;.• ,110“1/!1'• 1.1,41• t al through Urn 111111 ?ilei Ilu•'.1rc- 1,g,, .i,•rf...4 eh.- di-'pTeyee nil ..ser
14oth4ne toile with that tart. "Whist"
is nu•r''h a cor'upt4on 01 "Whisk."
"Whisk" 42 a Scandinavian were,
%teen ori inallp au. au 1h.• tippet nn
a w,tn:ttr', dress. Tie- tippet was at
tan eitelt •, with merlappirrc panels of
4.:110.41 450rf, Bilk. 31101 sU uta
p.•opL• 4).•)414,1 1e* 4'::1y ,:,7,111 they held
Mete in feta furnietl"a..:111d they thea
leek••,1 '1xaerle Lk, the tipp. t
Fashion Fancies
The 1.4agif folkslh,t t. a 14 -item.-
HHE.%ltl► IN ill l: IL 8IItIT.11N, ! lids!:? ,• .supl,.,.o I erode trite
11Mose t thnot.ii the tlrahn,o 1,p
I'Irttirosgan Phys•.''. aru1 ljuab►t EI.;' i, o:If-I , 4t-wi11 113 it. the mime o4 the
plesalnms Mill survive. ,,eek'r flint God 4s 1'k,• Melon" in
h41aeli•r. If 111' i' like• ltralen:, 111' 4-
A ro141111 and: n• s"ttds n fro spm-! I,.u.. than (....l. , 4r •;...1
mens still to he heard In Bevon- Ke:-Lua;ik' in e•herneter_ t '-en
If a child is in tater, It Is eAfy 'and-,' ifro* 441ns.4 II,4" nt. "It',).r 415.4t? f tlun4l rn'n r5* r.
know t.•r, '1,.' r•:'r
Amar '; if not, o} en Iltlle toad." men leiter ;a, ,
"Jul:nny %'ortnicht" le a paeknnln• wa+. t
11.4 of thi'tn c.111 from ho11se Int le- like than t„ der, I i,1' rto- I;
nn.e ..rice a fortt,lt:tit. heart of the
1 I.,1bu'r of the
A decielfel person fs known Rs a tie,• owe ei'ntlr 4,'nrt flier? !ryes,
"hoakent-eninivey"; while "i ally. the !'row Hr (.811,110%-e my h•' 1 r:
Hat o).. is an nverdrtpred woman. not g1n1'int•attl,n 7111.1. w•41ho+rt r, •,. ,
"Filtyloo" means uproar, and le an time
old Saxon word, which has emu,- •nrbere 14 ;tilt/that eke 1h3' rt pr
down ntmnsl Mirhange4 from those
early days,
lint weather k '. -mrd "pressing";
and "dlnlpsy," .: dimmita," 1a the
•u tight,
nrltaln'N 4'.1151 Hill. •.w
Coal weighing about 200,000,000'
ton. h burned every year , the Felt-
ed Klhedoni; of tris about .01000.-
0,000:000 lone are Burned In & mew°
grates. ,
Nota Scotia trialserlea,
ft to estimated that the vnlee of
the Nova Scotia fisheries for 1128
exceeded $11,000,000.
Fox Hanr•hing la 5.8. .-
rug ranching i• ,,ll44ing 1,ennd 1, '
the vicinity of fie.?. iflvt- f.srm '141
'kav, recently hart• -1 to breed on s '
small scale, to begin with, the put -
chase of a pair of fosse hemi some•
WO.pe*alts, taigas trout 1409
The) pre -eel a Inlprn ••Lan.:•
ti.•„tr1*-t,1;lit, uud make 1,1. ef-rt r
ter •.'tnl.h• aft'rre.,e ,4r,' _,',. 4.
. w.armee-1 b1 '1011 rail,¢ bt a pi'ee fru"k
htot• 11 'aryl?•+ N 4i...4. nate,..
t[ a whi. l, t -r. •i1 freed•
til .ne.litCrnnp le reemehtly
e l,evediryonwapplwahnno(-
VA 12 c Rva
Owe 23 Milltea .Ars Ural Y.ar(r
✓ .
ea prepared 1'o
Wath ram-fuk
for any
.. •r•.wtr : .. 4441/e.; ��_ -w -- �"w•5*-TT...._�.-. - .
moi. 'a®. 1, i♦",,, •/jte.1,. •!,1✓•- ey.1 :. !/,.>e�,•,�. �,. .. ., a--- . ,• 'M
��tlRa• . "....r i,.,,...1'.,. _ �•"'+�..;;,,,,IN,yps,A, , -r,�.... �,•.u�
Thursday, AprII 11, 1909.—T
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
N'r 1puun1 t*'4 1.111 113dr-r
t..r ):.110 trait. are.
West aide of Square Gederich
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Pocohontas t 2 by 4 egg)
I con supply your wants in
any of the above fu.'l. Prompt
service and reasonable priers.
9'eleplaon' J ; Sj Godericb
Hardwood Flooring
Let us give you a price on
material or Doors complete
Robt. Standish
Raft St. Phone 369 Goderich
Have Your, Clothes
Cleaned and Pressed
4,, Ito- 1,p-t1,-,lnl,- tc:15
(Muds called ter and delivered
Full line of Gents' Furnishings
II t -. r•heiter:ued Ivry ('h',. r r
West Street Phony 339
• Solicitous
of Your PatronaQ'e
•«'4•-t •t re.•t. up -tau-- over
!'rbfutt'. I1ar,Io ir,-
I el' Appoint -metal Photo. 2:19
Oren eten,ngs by appointment only
Anything and Everything in
Radio and
Electrical Supplies
Electric Ranges, Elect t tc
Washers, etc.
--Electric Wiring and Repairs
W. MacDonald
4':1'44 retia)!
Britannia Rd. Telephone 174w
rirocery Specials
Get Your Supplies
at Sparr's Grocery
:i1'e1r0 y1111'h.•-1 1"
Choice Ciroreries, Olives, Oranges.
Bacon, Fags, Butter, Candy, etc
('arrots,Beett. Tomatoes, Leaf or
Head Lettuce, Turnips, Radish,
Onions, etc., etc.
full in 1411,1 leek uremei. A tilt)!
"Mei. %Iit 4•,1nvnr•• yeti.
I'r,r fe'I4 4,r, rte',•?1'14
Sparr's Grocery
He. -stens of "attshietten"
Hamilton Street
Goderich Phone 146
11'f: 1)}::,I\'1k i\ T1111' ,