HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-11, Page 6--per w�-
S-Rfrealdag, Aped 11, 1,20.
• Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Erie •
on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada
WHFTHER traveling by train or auto. enio an all night's tide on beautiful
Lake Fite. CAB Lot Steamenaremum otkeat Boat ins hotel t,wnhlatte
icnabla staterooms, eats Ilene d,mna room service,pf,d courteous attendants.
Mu..c and Dancing oa the greet ship SEEANDBEE"
Atsoins, save a .:ey c B Lute say. Avoid miles and auks u(coa4ettel rn.denr.
Polio aid Oereland Dirieiss R Slaale7. Cas., alad Oe,elatd Div.
Each way, every ny;ht, leaving at 9:00 Duly scrv,ce,leaving Port Suntey.4 10
p. m., arnvtna 7 w a. m . tE S.T.) D. m. unvtn� CJevelu,d 9 to p.
May it* to November 1)th. bone 30th to Seerern r nth.
CautaeU msatamlass tor Cedar Peat. ent.in•Bay. Detroit, pint* woo ane uwthewt
84.50 one way - BUFFALO to CLEVELAND - $5.50 rd. trip
Neu, Lew Autos Auto. t:arrted $.S0 and u
Parrs 183.00 one w•ai- STAN
L and pD-$f.00rd.triD
AutoFriar fee dearth on C &B Tri.esk Tear
Port Stanley. Camels auado; New York
hu, uunaun11811111111111111Itflrlaugirt'!
ZINNIAS FOR ti,e plant but
- • cer it* the .ort
Nitrate of Soak' KetomnN•uded as jd t to wooer tot U:.•
Fertiliser rate of vii.+tot an unlace to the gall. il •
Where OHO 54 :ui,kt'' for 's.otu.•11.'tic andsprinkle. or it may be taro:car1•t
to grow cicely- it* Nae dower leu.• al by La ml .htritig or Just before a rail:
yet he sure of abmu:apse .,t. 1.1.11 ,1,: tall air before the have or irrig..tion
bkwm. both in 1h' gar.:,•u and tor till- ,)stein is ttorue.' " uu. praeti.•ully aU'
Ing the wawa 1114» r-. there is nothi1.i the market garde ers u+s• 'n pim•h 4
that will till the Lill any better than t,:;rl,ir of soda lies :1 pick-ue in trail+
the zinnia. 'Thi., it :111 iouiial- swot it .l i IIng head !clime. tomatoes. c:Ib-
carmes in a range of ,odors ri'31titig 1.,;(e •. and similar things. About :Is
eve -
Joseph's volae. 'They oho particularly
Notch as can la• pluee.l on a small eve-
well•in a new garden. true c:un get .out piece is 411151.•iwa (or rash punt.'
them lu the smaller size,. for blooming.Pia*
at the (rout otitis. keit. atoll from there
right up to tlw latest 4iaut+ which The 'deeper !Le s..114. ,'.i 5tapat. Rhe•
• 1 f t high toad have dowers larger and the higher quality the Ix s
t erre ee , r urn•
grow T�+� _
. Iarke us the dahlia. They tdoom . Codi soil for lie rto.'t,L50 i!produce its
early and t•outtuueusly from early
summer until frust. They can be mn•im$' yield oon this,acrouut
started early indoors and trail ethanted must e planted iltfdvitefairly early 'fhlsidt•u t
aside after all danger of frust is Over' 1 H,e• soil 1
or eau syr blunted as seed at the hatter 1111111on will ,oryu tot
time. For big. individual duw,'re..it Is all'' shit ruul,a to penetrate to greater!
well t t off half the ..Ids sh.w1• depth where 11147 ore cooler and will I
e u pinch
u gather more feint. It 5415111e, to IW'gin
d ahead the aorta• number of loads,h I terxs
au k of sot r oar ur ,
harluR'at.out [hfce flowers coating on thinmi. ne of
at a time. All catalogues ,•uutaiit now lel this c1411x Will come the
about a tinge devoted to zinnia earl- round -seeded tutrts which will stand'
t' from which a s_.i..,i.a. call Idea slightly more frust 5141111 the liner
Tl:e political for.w,r of Great Britain sire motile al: follower under their banners to preplan• for the great OdsI:iught which will take
Place oto May, 2'n. w to n( record troll le expected. If ' •• orient bye -elm -Gone in the Old Country are uuy eriterlun the outlook w,ndal appear bad
for Prettify!' Stanley taldwiu and his Conservative GO.. :ueut. JJs. Ramsay Macdonald teeth. leader of the Labor pert%. Is very 1•ottlident of vie.
t..ry in %'le'w of the ftec\t� that billet,' Per tent. of llha el. -'.•- with the Government and Liberal virile.' in the by4.4444tiou• have rerwaltel in his favor.
• while :Ur. Lloyd Gir.rge. war -time Premier and leader the Liberal party. expects to turn the scare with hie new unemployment platform. I'r,•mier
• Baldwin 4inset 4 saysnething but continues enlllingly .•t, his way. ile knows that his Ga%erumeIlt was re.gouaall'Ie for the fruncliiv' meetly given
to talc female voters lu'the Old Country and that men, .'.,iaa4IM) more voter,; this coming May. It rrmaitis to be :ism how the screw voters will
e �%ct t -e Ilu•,r iutlueriee.
is particularly es-ontigl where\one t.'
,:el••nding. un e.•mmereial (ertillre
\'cry light iteiP will be henetitt t by
plenty of strawy manure. and \ the
same treatment plus n little ap%illeen•
lion of ashes or sand will loosen, lei
In nncoverine the perennial+. are
must be exercised net to dietnth smelt.
early gruwere as htlips.and other felt.
pinnttel hulks and the herbaceous
[•wnnials which will now be pushing
their wily through the melt
_ 1
TOWNSHIP COUNCILS I elite• do . $ls.w►; 11. Curran, , 'en.,
�s4._3: W. Cnizier, do., $1.
Moved by l',nuneillors Swan and
GODERICH TOW'Nii11' 'Anderson and carried that Jaeda Reed
The co- .•il met In 1lolmesvllle on attend the tru1�etw's' and ratepayers'
Monday. .%*sail 1. A reply from the contention in pronto.
llydro eomnli.sion. regarding the ream; The clerk woo Instructed to get four
lution of the cnnneil favoring the strep aline.
,t,h•dopnwut of p.,w-cr on the Malt• I stn motion ..r l'ouncillurs Swan and
hand River, gore the eetimstel cost Ititehle, copncit adjourned until April
iter horse power at $6.7 This' the , 15. at 1 p.m.
t t'ommisslnn • deems exce,eire. being C. E. McDONAGII. Clerk.
much more than the liresent nate. A
letter from the Deputy Minister of
Education. re the procedure to M' fol-
lowed' in the. formation of a union
school section, was read and tiled for
future reference. Some of the gravel -
pit owners approached the council
masking that the price ..t gravel he ad -
ranted to 15c. The council. honorer,
Ile•Idet to leave the price the same as
formerly, namely, 12c.
M. H. Lowden wrote claiming dam-
age./ to his property by water. .1s this
I 3hurre 74; Frances was quite .out of order. the letter was
to he tiled.
IThe following accounts were ordered
paid: Superintendent's pay voucher,
No. 4. $292.60; Austin Sturdy. au.Ut-
ln ; JutJohnston. auditing and
g, get , J R
I postage. $$.40; Reg. Sturdy. Taluing
i sheep, $4.
The conned adjpurned to meet on
1 Ni lay'. May 8. at 1.:50 p.m.
cent.. Evelyn Plaptrer • 77. Marjorie
Arthur 89, Margaret King ,k7. Stewart
Ferguson 64. Gordo: Adnn1. 3S.
lint Class -Mary )1 'writ 90 par
,cent., 11a Craig 9n, Fern Lawlor 84.
Illlly Hill 83, Nornein Carter 74, Ruth
Arthur 70.
Number on roll. :1; : average attend -
a nee 35.
KATHLEEN M. t%tl,SH. Teru•her.
e nes o quality and later wrinkle.) peas. Of
dranging from cn•Iam, moue and 1 •
the earlier varieties perhaps the
pink to dark brown. yellow' and scar.
let. The phloxes. marigolds. g•*k'Iia, i .ttne•ricau Wonder and tattle Marvel
butterfly dower, petunia, ,alleop ieaud are Hest known. They are both dwtirfs.
eoreopels are also recounnendt•d where take up little spino and yield very
the choice is limited. Owns,'• 'thoukt Well. A little later oto. sumo of the
also be added which will grow with [Axton variety may be used as well as
•utile atter unr th1Ti } f •rse many
Report of S. S. No. 5. Mullett, East
and West Wawanosb :
• n• . enol•••. len ate. o e . I . Sr. I1'.- Mary' itubie 72 per cent.
ringing from the
prat tie ally. no aro
ning and weeding. high which can
A Sheet Cut i 11e planted In double rug's and will be
Even In a late season. vegetable. „,,1f-sup.wrting to the taller sorts
growth .an be brought up (o normal j which run np, to four anal a -half feet I
sly using a little quickly available fer-',,nd mow diene support Pent should
yll • variety when the +un 1s ,ui.l the e0Mm so tint tri. delicious,
G liberate the rte-; vegetable may be had for at least a
varieties an,t type: r:
11111,' chili a'f.out a foot
Jr. IV. -Bernice Lawson
tent.. Margaret Ferguson 73,
Lawlor 60, Reg. Asquith 63.
('rnlg 58 (element), Elizabeth
(ab.N'nt a.
Mixer, like nitrut IB During' la planted with an err on the Sr. 111. --Franklin Carter 78 per
the; lira c•,d weathe
not strong enough
74 per
Wilbert, Sr. 11. -Ada Furnnt 78, Otadyi
Dorothy Tarrant\ 70. a :
Good 50 Jr. 11:Valets 4'raddo.•k 73, Jens
8. 8. NO. 1. GODF.31011 TOWNSHIP
The following ie the report of 8.8.
\o. 1, -Goderich t••wnahlp, for the
moth of March:
Sr. IV. -Orville Oke 84, Marlon
Iantprey 76.
Jr, IV. -Everett ('raddock 63.
Sr. I11. -Mervin Elliot 81.
tura' nitrogen Int fe troll. which is the month or more Inters(' of just it week.'
great stimulant of leaf and stock { footing at intervals of one week and
growth, this fertilizer will bring j using varieties ranging frim the very 1
things along as rapidly as nature 1 early to the very Tate will extend the'
would unaided later on. in ordlnnryl.teason very materially.
gardens. a heaping tea.poonful Is mufti -I
dent for a square yard of soil, with Gerdes Hints
150 to 3111 pound• per acre for the Gardeners are advised to apply an
larger plaeae. This fertilizer should be I nii'Ihartiun e.f hydrated line. about
applied at Intervals of ten days to One pntl111 h' two square yards every
three weeks avid it: ah••uld not be al- year or two, te sweeten the soil. This
Coutocil mot !larch 11. All maniere
Every 'Dotter wishes her child or! present. Minutes of February mcet-
cent., Mary Asquith 75, Gordon Dottie
Jr. III. -Beryl Wilson (18 per cent.,
Martha Adams 63, Maurice Bean 62,
Keith Arthur 80. Francis Good 54,
Lloyd Miller 52. Irene Letherland 40.
Gladys Good (nh*ent).
$1. 11. -Jack Weir 74 per cent
Harold Asquith 68, Bob Craig 6'..
Garth Rli•e 81, Eileen Carter Ciao, -Aortic
Let1N•rinnd (absent).
Jr. IL -George fetraughan 7s per
Elliot 60.
EllioSr.tt 7L
Jr. I. -Genre's Beattie 88.
Pr.-Pearl\Ferrant 8S, Billie Barns
1. LOWERY, Teacher.
A new conception of beauty
A new peak of performance
T�E new Chrysler "75" -with its
1 fresh interpretation of the pnnci-
pies of classic beauty -Ls vivid proof
that fine art can exist in stern metal.
At the same time, Chrysler genius
in engineering has given this mag-
nificent car a range of power and a
rhythm of motion that create, new
ideals of motoring ease.
With its famous "Silver -Dome'
compression engine; with a co
balanced 7 -hearing crank-
shaft; with iso -therm Invar-
Strut aluminum alloy pis-
tons; impulse neutralizer and
rubber engine mountings, th e
"75" has speed, acceleration.,
smoothness and endurance.
' high-
Pivotal steering and balanced front
wheels, rubber shock insulators on
all springs, together with hydraulic
shock absorbers, insure exceptional
ndmg and driving qualities. The just-
ly celebrated Chrysler weatherproof
internal -expanding 4 -wheel hydraulic
brakes are a source of utmost
safety and constant peace -of -mind.
The Chrysler "75" impresses you
immediately with its impos-
ing proportions and conse-
quent Itutury, just as it car-
nes the certainty of road ease
and restfulness not to be
expected of motor cars of
lesser specifications.
"75"-h'.ne bodv
1' &I.r.y.ty totIosn.
.411 p,seet f • b.
i(Snd,oe. ()wenn, ,n-
riat nr tisndard fee
tory eqrpssnu (fent&
ad town nerd).
children to be well and happy ; 10 be ; 114 were read and approved on motion
bright-eyed, r..sy-cheekel ts.yt' and of 1'oun,•Illon .tnder(ipn and 11itehle
girls. No ret .her, though, (hp expect The cultpeter reported all taxes for
her children 'n escape all tbe.lhs of ,
1 1.r�c paid except
t'abyhr.Nt am( cMldhwd,\irut rhe can;
do mach to lett, them Ogb\t the battle) Merril by Councll'lore Swan and
for health. \ itlnek that the collector he relieved of
All prudent mothers `eonstantty the roll an(' be paid 1.nlance ,Tile. • •
keep at baud the mean.4•f aiding 3inred by councillors Black and
ttwir little c:les when sickness comes Atodrnton, that by:.iw No. 1 be
suddenly -se it generally dlx i 111 the am,•ndeh m11khag Resat Me Whimsey
e,Is' of eb Idreu. IB every' home fence viewer insteu.l Of Jame. Mc-
wIN•re there are Infants and Touug
children Bari'', Own Tablet.. Id ., tow nney, also appointing H. C. Hays
lie found. Read what Mrs.Mary township solicitor.
11511, Centre 'I►ummer, Ont., says eon- I On motion of Councillors Ritchie
eernhag the.. Tablets: -'•i am 'the land Black the following hilt; were or
mother of PA children and would not 'altered [lid: IAN•111 INNIrd of Health.
hi. without Baby'. Own Tablets. Th(y i t.wo meeting's, $26; clerk, quarter sal -
are a woneerful medicine for little ary pins postage, tdt:.: Reeve McKim -
once."' ale, pert salary, $25; Deputy Reeve
lindersou, do.. $25; Councillor Ritchie.
.., $25; Councillor Swan, do., 825:
unclRuy Black, do, $25; Collector
leaven, postage, $4.50; road super -
dent, annual fee to
Ron.M As*wtatlun, $5; .xpctterl
to TIPFOIIte, $15; exlr'tu•e re law snit.
$:I: Ilerb. Curran, part pray for tare of
Sirs. Saunders, 425; John Bennett,
broken .Apring 111 auto. A3.7.5; Jacob
Ilnnter, %glow road, 45.25; Chas. Rite
Rabbis Own Tablets are a mild hitt
thorough iasaelve which regulate the
bowels anti sweeten the stomach Indic
thw break np colds and simple fever, Tr
banish emastipatlon and Indigesthut in,.
anal allay the Irritation accompanying fern
the cutting of teeth. They are abso-
lutely safe 1 are pleasant to take.
The •Tablets are sold by 'a11 medicine
dealers or by tools at 25 cents a box
from The its. 1l'Illlams' Medicine Co.,
Itras.kville, Ont.
Anions the Best 8s11*ra.
On the shelves of bookstores to
Paris, the New Testament. bound fa
paper covers Is to be found. Its pile*
Is the same as that cif any pa,er
covered novel-Ottec'n francs There
is no preface and the matter Is not
arranged In testa, but 4. printeo solid.
Cross heads give It a modern ap-
pearance and guide the reader
through the Gospel. A table of con-
tents arranged like the coatentr of a
novel. ends the work.
Skis 1. Tough.
The American negro is less suscept-
ible than ' he white• man to dlaeasea
which enter the body by way of the
skin. a zoologist ■f,the l'nlvcrdty of
California says.
The Mechanical Toy.
,The , arll:•.ti known mechanical toy
dates hark to about 2up0 "LC, and to
of Egyptian origin.- •
Rub well with Minard's,
working the lammtnt well
in with the finger tips.
Minar.l ersi..v., the stiffness,
ours pun. soothes the acting
bplendil far stiff neck, sere
O,ta.le., s,r.uns and hruiaea
The Great White
Liniment ea
• ••. . ,,:.M N,..
. .. ..
Itchen the Linke of Glonce+ter (Prince Henry a. left, a5t.ndeo the (ilott eetcr Society dinner in London
recently, 1,r wee preu'nted with s twenty four ponn.l cheese (centre of tate.). Behind the gift 1s lord
Blcdislee, while on the right of the picture Is tion. ere. Bathurst.
The Leading
Men's Store -
Everything that's new in
'Men's Wear
Hand Tailori and Special
Order to Your Measure
Chas. Black
, Phone '2,19 Coderieh
V.'r carry a good stock of -
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
- hsUu,atrs gi,vu o11 application
Frank McArthur
Telephone 82 West Street
Brophey Bros.
Mabel/ince service at all
- boors, day or night. .
I'llt►NES: Story 120 Res. p7
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly- attended to
day or night
Store 336 itesidence 355w
Hamilton Street, Goderlch
-Cleveland's Bread
is a tete' sing r 'dement to any
neat-de•licn.ms in Seen and lend-
ing reel to the nest of the menu.
Your -family will ,lehunil twice
as b of oar Reread a. any other.
Encourage them to dO eel, a• it is
Ow noise healthful and nourishing
foul they can take.
Phone 114 West St.
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toronto
Globe 16.50
The Signal and The Toronto
Daily Star 6.50
The Signal and The L.snden
Advertiser ._ 6.50
The Signal and The Leads*
Free Press . 11.10
The Signal and The Toronto
Mail and Empire 6.50
The Signal and The FarNIori
Sun 3 25
The Signa) and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
The Signal - and Saturday
Night 5.50
The Signal and The Haw
Outlook 3.90
The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Gardena 4 65
The Signal and The Catholic
Record 3.76
The Signal and MiLM's
Magazine 3.75
The Signal and Mambusl Wit-
ness meows' 3.56
sew 3.50
The Signal and World
renewal 4.25
sew 3.86
The Signal and Youth's
Companion 3.80
The Signal and The Tweet*
Star Weekly 11.76
The Signal and Red and
Gun 3.85
The Signal and The Canadian
Countryman 2 95
Clubbing Rates With Oskar Peri-
odicals May Re Had on