HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-11, Page 5•
Ftte . •:1t',
At this
Spring Tonics
season of the year we often feel Iaggy and
Tone up the system with a tonic.
We have all the advertised Blood
Purifiers and Tonics
Brussels, visited at the home of the
latter's mister, Mos. W. J. Thompson.
Sundayatwithi friendsmat Clinton.
Mr. and )trs. Gordon Taylor motored
to Is,udwt oue day last week.
14T.- HELENS, April S. -Mr. W.
Lerch and Mrs. 11. Kurgar, of 1Jetrolt,
motored up and Nls•ut the week -end
with friends. Mr. Ewan McPherson
returned to Detroit Milt them on -Mon-
day for a few tley a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Douglas's and
,laughter Wanda, of Mitchell, were
clslter• with Mr. John eanterun during 1CINGSFAR'ITICri:. .\fret a Itec. F.
flier week. )[r. and Mrs: Geo. Walker and three M,CardJe leo a -Ouew
.144 f lrq
i t.."a�
Y. r. `; t* u:.ltn 1.71"tftlr• - w
SITS ,�'Yethery, of ilamllton INDIAN SUMMER.
Anojthher &nil ter, Mrs. Kelly,`tiled
some years 1e' There are four sia- Ia Nota Fixed Brawn In the radon.
Mime Agate HaM,a,n, Mr.. Fred dam, Mays Writer.
Hook, Mrs. Jobe wait and Mrs. Will
Stott, 'and '0 brother, Mr. ttotrt.
Harrison, Tho funeral, which was
iankely attended, woo hell ou Kelm -
day, April Oth, Dem her late reel leier,
6th concession }art 11'awan,wh; Tee
service was coni sled Ger the tooter,
Rev, W. It• ALP, tntereteht la• g made
In Brandon cemetery, Itelirn hitt
1s extea 11. I„ ,I'.,. soreow•ing
trlen itt a+d�s
110 ,e were visitors with Mr. and \I ret ' ' , t rldsutobg'1 e coupe
\1'..1. 1Inmphri'v Mrs )tichnel lnalror: 1,31 yl•i!iuY her
BENMILi.F.R )I1M tirWa \►ebb, of 1•uekI'' slr'ttt sister, Mrs. John It,yle Q„der:eh.
••••'•.0'0r00. Ilte w'ts•kmp at her hump here. I)r. L. M• )lrlre ;,t..l r` \\'. Shan•
� )!r. W. 1. )tiller attended the meet- nna, ,,C G,rleri,h. Is•ut .�tndny with
tag of the Huron l'rw hytery aofNstll Vr. Ned 11alu+a.
e.I:N)Uii1,F:11, April T►te Young l.t•agu4' at (Tinton last week. Ids. rod lire..;n< Kinahou sad
MODEI 1'II[AlR[ I'eY1pie . ('Inh meeting hoe Sunday Mrs. Arians Barletta anti 1edrby totally, of St. Aut:uain•'. •1e•ut fronds►
ecr•nlna was In charge of Nihon Dorothy I l'hillilos, of portion. smitten Faster' with heS harettts. )tr. nn.: )free )l. J..
Welters The 1 war reed be ww 6 t u 1 t NI"' It j' Wootl t t► (oo
t 11 e r
Week of April 15th to 20th
Monday end Tue.day
Billie Dove with Antonio Moreno
presents an exelie drama set :ooitla the
glittering splendor of old R,t..ria xud its
aristocracy. A Naming picture...4 love,
hate and jeahawy.
Sr the ever !similar- "t'i11.1.11i1ANS''
Wednesday. Thursday and Friday -
The Year's Most Likeable Pieter,
til• e�M1n ... . N'll I Or. -
F:ca Penman. A review of 1te4,ert' air Elliott )filler. Mr. \ u ee Mr. Walter Meet,. o.. !wood, mo•
1 Itrownlui:'. ••Piplrt 1'noees" was given 1 Miller, lli'o. E 1. Thom and Mr" J. tareII": me over rhe wt. 1 sd.
be !tort. 11111. Stanley Snyder contrl-i )tiller. sr.. motored to Fore:t,471S111:41:11(
n Sutr
bated its ,lea+Ing mintier a reading i day to attend the funeral of the Ian• �Mr. )ttehuel l +,Iter, „f Gnderleh.
Ire'+, se -ter -In -tow. Mrs. .e; Wallace. tc'Wited with friend. here.
;...1:1::;‘,0 11'rr•k t. Ila• Hoyal Helm." '
ThL,+og was the pianist. , t• At! Mr. Httttinde$itle„Weste'ltnitlntttrlt tunnhorYsemslowlLt,:' Thur:,ihty rIt.t(^.iu-
eir work
itnacherr. are 1 n k , Mio t
i their work again after a well-earned ; llhi.rthoru Breeders' eun,tlgnrrMnt rile 1 Mitre Magdalene IS„icier spent the
Easter holiday at their home. High'; at London la.t week. Mr. Rutherford ,, holidays
o f Colborne
auto. 31 r4. Jot. Chi.
to Ctrl-•Irtngltt the grand champion calf at the
t• c 1. }:voice Long lino gone ,ac • t
, Stratford Normal Steleed. Lents Silty- -
Erroneous beliefs Conc.-ruing lnr
dlan summer are pointed out by. the
U. 8. Weather Bureau,• luilitln sum-
mer Is the name applied in .flue
country to a period of, mild Fall, w•wit-
ther following a spell .of,;uhseieson-
ably cold weather kgown as " Sttu:(W
Winter." It 1s sot a tieed aett,utt tie
the calendar.
t In wany years •lt .la intermittent;
that la. there may he.sevi•ral Denali
summers• its one autumn. TI+•oe au.
to notes un weather condition. a
Concord, Mass', from 1951 to 1 "4o. r,
;•ords the occurrence of Indian Suite
men: oli dates ranging from .t pieta-
'ber 17 to December Di. •
In Europe as well as its Otto roue•
try 11 t• popularly beliee,•.I shut a ',-
newel of guild weather occurs ever) '
autumn, dud the dates of it. supposed
occurrence are more detiuttet; tta••,l ,
than Is the case in America. The tier- I
had ii associated with the 11:111, ' of
vuriou. saints.
The mild period, thu.,' Is ktoove in
different parts of Europe as "St. Mar- '
tin's Summer." "St. Luke's Summer'"
, or "St. Michael's Summer." and :ra
' dltlou rosters the idea that 11.1e al
ways mild and waren shout 'throne,
if there'cartoua saints' days. Cliuta
4 Mite:teal facts, however. do' no. al -
way. square with Chir belief.
t'HIA►Kt)l'OIER.MI U PLA\Tri. •
w•hntd Inial+ have returned
ri 1 1 back to sale.---
, ,ler and Dori. 11111 are at Clinton > ASHFIELD
Iiusiness ('allege again. We wish „ ,
teacher. and windiest the very hest of
tette,•,',s in the last term of their year's
' ASIIFIELTS April R. -The wrcice•: ,
I in Ashfield Presbyterian church „n
— :fit%Il i Sunday were 4.111114111.44.41tT4"h by Rec. Mr.
AUBURN ,I (SundaJackson. of Fennel. Two very good ,
By !ferrite Beecher Stuwt __
Hermon. were eben.
NOTE -One Show Each Night Starting . Mla+tw Anna and Bessie )Iat-KPnxie
AI'ltl'RY. .tpril ii..- ilr. and Mr+• left on Fntunloy for Toronto to IP
y Norman Garrett. „f Myth. Were re'lt some filets duties after spending the
or: at the hon1P of )1 r. and Mr+. W. holiday at home. )Ries Lottie Mae
T. Rohl/eon,til las week. • Keusle went to Sarnia.
)1r nod )tr. Ilepry .Snyder, of M-,, are „army to report that )i r.
at 8 o'clock p. m.
The old fa,oritc• story and stage Ila
Induced on a lavish settle and pn•sented
as an epic of the screen. II , laths,
action and mutants' T.lwy and Eva
Lawyer Marke, all the eell-knovin char- ,
eteeen cast
f II 'atter'. parolee )1r. ante Mr. John 1
Antw•st hes b >+ Pur the Trauephtnttlta I
Mr. Reg. Met:et• heti a vete .n,.•eSit . „t Tees.* a and Plan/r. 1
frill reale ktet Wedaewla,1 Successful usa of rnaesthetiee tut
)ire T4'or gamest„ . las pun hared s I the u:,n-plantln* of trees and plant-
new MI{' number I'r.B; tractor:
- � -whit ,at shock 1e described by Mr.
Quite a number Iran here tee 4 attended Herta•rt G..411..., ngfnrd In a ieatt,•t pub
the play "Rescan lathy." ne Lackuoty Iished M' Women's Faris and
hell •nn Thurakn lair. a1.n, tht. Jau,v t:artl.•:, Asso, iation, Engtteed.
in t' tlutlsh on Friday night. Both Fr.nt the nouns of , xpi•rltuentr
were much enjoyed tfip Int shuwu,: h. yltihle records Chet all
''aI °� tc planta bave nerves which re-
- +'•' °i�'. ,...._.__. .,..,..tr ,end heat and
of tou
nil a pulse whiett variett as that
an twine. waiting or nleeping
"isford develops the theory
'are attracted or repilsee
.sence of rumen beings in
among trees
ease of the -Itemiltive
hrinks at the silelit-
r the influence of .
nett Under the
drug's influence it y lo. cut or mai-
noon. Mrs. Craw. will
treated without reap nee. thottgli It
was home for Week-ettil front ; that tr.,
1 Detroit.
the sant,
ThureallY. ALMS 11, 1900.•�l
Durant, Hudson and Essen, General Motors Automobiles and Trucks
Expert on Electric Troubh• We Specialise Tv Brake Service
Yen eau incite Polite 1,i pt't'tinn when. they art n>paire- II,y u-
Autoriwtbile Supply. Electrical Parte.for All Make* of Autos in Stock
t• 'I'. hilt,me who tan bring a car we ralt't rtpair-f=',
Smith's Art Store
Window Shades
All eidore awl sizes et isl,ades
kept in stove:
Any /ewe:shade made 4.1 order
Shades delivered and Ming for .
' yeti free of t•barge
Kirsch Curtain Rods, all sizes
when passIn
,,, • 1 Mr. end Mr.. Fred Roo. anti eon Quoting th
0" 1466" Yull Must‘N°e, Miss.:: • Dowild. of leittgaltitott. N irdeil at the mr. and Baln Moellfhnalil. who visited their berithee Mr. :time tote_ • ,slaut... wh-hot
Eve gs trte and 751% m'Ittnee ' °elm' Movie of Mr. and Mr.. Jetne. Nfolte hot relent their holidays with their many ' Sunday. est touch. 'Mr.
day at 4.1:.-Adittiesion 25c and hie• , a44.k. . friend. iti A.htlelii. returned on Mott- There he a Meting the wo- „Place it un
they to their home In Sernin. men ttf Deekett. 111M,.• and Zee, be- ; ohloreform. and I
Saturdey Only -
Jacqueline toga., Hobart Bosworth
and Richard Arise,
medalled Of all wit drama..
aritt 43:0015 SD. and James, .1rm.treng. of
Mr. Wm Smyhe *pent a few days in
Mr. and Mrs. F 11,igerson were Sun -1
t tiny Visitor., ilt the lloille of Mr. anti
Mr.. W. T. mihkon visited her
mother. Mr.. Ne.C.,4,1 of Clinton, titleI
Mr. and Mr.. W. T. itiddeil niotored
in the
Assittlieg Artist, Henry A. Clark,
Violinist, of Stratford
Prottra.,, con.isting of orchestral
sel,ctioh,.. choruses, quartette-,
trier. oohs., vielin sell -mem. an I
See Printed Programs
1). NIA.111 IR. Director ,if 'Music
mid Aec
Adults 35e. Modest* 2Sc.
you MUST operate, trinsils are dis-
eated. We said NO, and Mrs, Sy -
WIN Spaltes Ttmeilitin woe applied.
Tovails healed, operation cancelled .
Try it, it'. guaranteed.
long a trl short straw
team and single harness.
collar and harness
boots and shoes at right
We Solicit Your Business
A. Rollinson
Harness, Boots and Shoes
Auburn, Ont. Ph. Blyth 32-1 5
attended the enneert Lneknotir
Miss, F. Andrew ws. the attest ef
Fr141:ly sr la.14 week.
week for mony year.. D ,11.1 bo seri-
otio ilamage except to the roads.
A large erow,Dat tended the do nee in
fewhalsh hall on Friday evening. The
ia.e.ratttilleorthnizo,a tet.nr,:lr;;rmen lite.. Mit .all re -
Mr.. NI. C. Slie-Kenele vieited
O1..1.4- Imektrow ••11 Sattnrday.
fore•ord and preset I.-4 her nith an
Nfr. Andrew 61111I, and Mi.. Tillie
r- 1 Sherwood were uneel marriage ,,,,
etes church, on till- liturrelav after-.
the open air."
their tie,:t wishes t., Mies T1111... who
was, erten to serer 1,1' ronne4tion with
them. The torepar .,f nut et *mini;
. lowed by short preeem. et the ehiee
of which Tillie wa. 41-e-ented with n
beautiful- kitchen cc!, re• and fernery.
Harken. In n neat 4•40 oneech 'rime
thanked the people f,,r their totem...,
and good wishes. 'Pe metuber. of
WESTFIELD. April 9.-311.4..
returned on, Thursday to To
willo afire- spending few weeks wit
i, elation In TorolliQ 111-t Week.
I Mr. T. Cook 'visited la.t week with
I feetels lie Myth,.
Mk., 11.:11:1 S,,Werby IlfiA returned to
her .ehool hti.re toff ill'Ildller term, with
WIIITECIICIP 'II. April S. -511. -
Relit. Stewart of Kinkel,.
Mr. A. E. Code. of Toronto, and Mrs. with her pitgent•. Mr. and Mr.. Merl..
A Nethery. of Hamilton. were home Peuiiiiiece.
attend the furter:II of their mither. ND-. John l'ann.14.11, of .1ylmer. siont
'1141 • 'e bel I on. a feel' (MY. ef ea. holidays with le.
parents. Mr. and um. rhelfs. Campbell
1)eitth of. Mrs. David Cook. -This ,If marnocn.
The reetihr meelIntr of the
Thurolay. April 4411, when Niro. David
helid on Wedu.esd.,y last at the 1141tIle
niany nionthe whieh she , Sir. and -Mr.. Joe Thompson awl
bore ivitiently even when the hours
were often long rind weery. Pefere Ntr and Mro. J. It Beeeroft.
her mnrriage tlecea.ed Waif Rebekah Mk. Merle ainnt rielting her
liarrient. She woo in her seventY- Aster, Mrs. NormAn Wilkins of Wiar-
fourth year. Thew are left to Molirn ton. Mr. end Alre T1101. Gaunt
her It," the owrowing live .074. motored to tin 001.14r with her.
mei three daughters: Mr. Alfree Cook. Mr. and Mr.. Daniel Steele and Mr.
of Toronto; Leonard. Fred W.. Derry :lad NIRA. Arno. Ctonellus 'spent Sinelay
end Telferd, all of lea.t Wawanosh: with Mr.. ittek NI Knight of Auburn.
Mr.. Fred .1. rook . ef East Wawa -1 Tile .ympatity of this community i.
Mie George Coi4pk. of Belgrave.1 extended to Mr. and Moe Iturgman. of
4-Winglinm. in their ead bereavement.
The firer netter team high and their
'.,„11 %Ana rifle of ti,ctotya win, ventured
The New Ford ToWn
The Nen Ford Town sedan is designed for
those who desire the convenience of moderate
size and t he distinction of fine ear construction.
It makes a modern and most convenient kind
of family 'conveyance -pow ered to meet present
day requirements. The body is longer than
other Ford passenger ears, thus affording an
unusually roomy interior. In appearance The
Town Sedan is quite imposing. It is of the
three-witidow. four -door type. The lines are
low, long and straight. And this suggestion
emphasized hy the'sniart French roof quarters
and the belted' 1 WU It I I la Which Hilts sharply
hackfroni the radiator and circle,. the entire
body. Tfcit Town sedan -I:4 offered it) a number*
lamps. radiator And door lian'tllem provide at-
tractive touches of brightness. There are niek•
(•owl lamps. too, and the smartest sort of
finish strip at the jtinei tire of hood and eowl.
The plan of the body affords the utmost room
and eomfort. An abundance of room behind
and in front. The driver's seat is adjustable.'
On Display Friday and Saturday of this Week
Goderich, Ont.
Ford Dealers
1,1,0 and 11. they went to turn the
tidat ea IISI7A4 Two swam to the
:here, twn held to thy.. boat for awhile.
one was re.ened t the dam anti one .
wee teemed from tree into which he
climbed. lett 311- -Tturgnian's son
,onld not he tone The water 14 11.1:
*TH./118111y high :01,1
110411-011 Wednesday. April 3, to
side. a son.
Mr. Cherie. Slartin efvent two doe.
IllAt Week n hue news Dee genie)
thinni. who wilt TO 'riled on SntunitlY•
Whilechnreit trite to Mr. Andrew
.1% .piritlile pie; 4311riotA Nit liteill:11:11. Pen
pareonnge Lite,' qr.
loge fel per fret.) :
1 Form V.- lime ay Simpeon 70 pm
1 Pr. IV.- Crailie Pewter 77 ner cent
001. Joe. Ilitekett GO. Moto NI o.lreeto
, to.- ontirlee 11,,elee SO per eerie.
!Robert SImpeon 74 11111; rollin.on Oh
1 flilly Drennan goo'
'Robb,- macuretor citeenent. Harold
I, sawnetnn fair.
Jack Drennan geed
Monday, April 15th
the County St miler.' Dramatic
Society will inaugurate a series•of
pregreneive euchre. MO tiancte, in
liood iirites4 at every party. and
twii grand prises at the end ,if the
or -ries. live -piece orchestra
time. music. throughout Me serien.
Itelle4 Will IX' Midi. at the ippentitg
Admission 50c, including lunch
.tdvertitie it iti.The, stoat
on loor
ism ey lath*
Long Service
at Low Cost
1111 will \\ Ol‘S We elin Offer
mittli attractive patterns in
thus.. long -wearing
Congoleum Gold Seal Art -Rags
ut such moderate price.'
&stilton Street Goikrich, Ont.
Canadian Magazine
On Aide at your newsnizents, or
send 1 t c 317 Adelaide Street
West. Toronto .2. Onterio
Saturday, April 13th, to Wednesday, May 1st
will be
Floor tovering ee s
This means sale prie;s:7ha\7 lower than ever
Compare our krices with any simil advertised .Floor Cov-
ering and .yon tvill find that we e save you money !
Measure your rooms and choose during Floor Covering Weeks
your requirements trom our huge letv stock
Congoleum Rug Prices
Oilcloth Rug Prices
t. 1 Our Price on Heavy Printed Linoleum •
2, 3 or 4 yard width is 89c square yard
FLOOR OILCLOTH Width 1, 1'4, 11;, 2 and 2'
yards ----SALE l'RICE 49c square yard
We reeeiv•ti *lilt, week n big Shipment of
new '41114.40nm, .1 Stinworthy
Some Other Sale Prices on Home
Requirements Are :
Window Shades 36 x 72'4 each... 99c
Flannelette Blankets (large size). pr. SI.98.
Checked Wool Blankets. Regulat
The SI A. Gray Co.