HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-11, Page 4fr.!
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• 'T17."-91.r.T.a."14
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Every Man Can't be a
Beau Brummel
he can dress in the style
and fashion of the day at
a price within his reach.
Fashion -Craft clothes have
made this po,sible.
Priced reasonably
. -from $29.50 up
W. C. Pridham & Son
Stortswillt:the Stock
Mei'. and Boys' Wear Telepheme 57
Special Announcement
• For Men and Women
Wilkie Glove-1'1dt Shoe-. combine 111, ‘‘ott.1..11)11 -ming
insole with the verY latest iti lasts and leathers
W hill you 1/111 Oil pint* of love- Pi SIM)... y1)11 wonder
.isow there ean be so ntueh ditien.tice in these and other Shoes
t bat Jr* iitueli like tlient.
This line is made in widths from A to EE •
‘‘'i. have thein for 114111 174 i•fitek and brown ki.! Mueller
Balmoral., and Oxfords in black and tan calf and lilaek and
brown kill.
For 10.1ii,s we have them black kid -and brown •ki '
Far rcal comfort, styli. and 18, .tr try
Our Easter assortment of Footwear is very complete in all lines
lt ilisplay ti•i'm all in 111, 88I1111.1110. ;Ina
let yon range of Spring Footwear
Massey -Harris
MO ..18,1111'
mimes 44', 1111) lee for 2c per •Isy
Titan Traylor. Waaon. (Padre
Cookstove. 1; lids. %tanning chart
and rewn or. .•titx amid trlaort
H. Clements
1.411 11o•Ivrich. Int
The best Stoves at
the best prices
New and Used Furniture
Don't buy until you s....
'We have to offer you
11'.. positively nave yoti money
Furniture Exchange
"On tlie *Mut ot Merck'
w. II. s, umsiss.-Th'e smithy
DUNOAM'CON, Alol l6---141... II' j. 1
nassiing 0, 1.1. M. W.M S•• was held at
the h01114. ,•:- NIrs. John Kilpatrick on Crawfor
week's visit with frirti..la at ,I,uoknoW.
torte home of
, MM. Sii.i.• K:Itaitrlel presided 111 the
April pl. .. Ili a dame attendanee.
Easter holidays %. :!
6 hu warned home after a
t. s ands a tree,
At Demerol
. a 1,...n. e of •11.o. tirwitlift.111. 'Sim Menary. ittilin:gittol:liar:11)t. teraaseital:ar:: a!r*it.i.r.°1!miled.etulit'nlgTtniire of nature's be
, Mr Walker re'of the Scripture lesson. .lier parents. Dr. ' Thia-ileriu
11.4'..iwel, Mrs. Watt and Mrs.
suMmri.a3irtuadt two. I:1'i \ Mt:Kenzie spent tisailbc,iii:41 ill,",,,tcal
.:1*,..a ..% id. two
shaol.1:.ion g...• splendid- re.riVngs. A
duet woo rcu, or...! to Mrs :tam KU-
patrli.k and NI:- Watt Mrs. Crozier Mr* Rolit. Da..,,i-.•ti ha, returned thus presents
home from Toroi.i... where ..be had that other sire.
read !hr. third .11.1 pter in the Study
11,..•.k. mr• gh„,.kietna migt Air, s.,,,,, been attending 1 , nwetinz of the Borderland, wl
14 li..tri,•k. go 1.1* Plturt prayer... and t4ehit0l Trustee.' • A lta teisiorslkii.„ , lilt:* _Tait:out ,
M i Walker gave a talk on work In A'""I'llition.
. :.1i,;...N2.,1,:1:,.s:mr iifi'ii,..11.1att.erusgMri.:kiSl..rthe pink :of
.1d,ii.mr‘1;11rir. :.(utiiir.e.l:::..11to,imiiii,,,,. iosidIan„nruthvbeeul
i,,,mi.1the 1„.aedot„a. A,bintrand r. Care. a ‘v .11111. 14 91npN•4 a giaut 09
'1 1 ln11iihi8e::ea
. ,
1 'ord., 4;07 111111...?
NI 7( SI II .1:1' Itt.V. 11111101th Me. ' .1:1 T4 at their re...-. o homem. '
it. .11E11 lell TOWN:441W. littril 10. i Th.. local ft 4' ' •
Mr. tie... Valconer sport, .1 new I lioderich 011 Mot
. ____ ..,...
! oudie. after ,,,, , : t1';ierPi..;inolareer Ihh:.'ilir... intart.. with 'a girth -of fully chit..
•-.,••••••,.iiirned Jo. Tor- •branchea
141. rottiniir..1 to ...onw, of Its larger branches have be. u
' vitenclied off by storms,Ata trunk 1.
. ))1E111), at a height of live feet from 1h•
griiund. -
.111101914'e bulk unaided, and though
-in::: l'ailrjs..TISti .02.7
"lit,. last 1.•ridn, ..:,...r -.Ismailia the lit'w su 01)4)11' d
Paster holldars v lwr wren!" Mr. .
rip, lions..rsyde tree supports it.
1a1l-11. of. E...ter. will oconpr the. Rer m I. .4 ..` W1'41 4.111119. 11 is Inter...ring to note Ilia. a tra
%.iii 14.• 7,.. 1401111 4' :1 11.1U. 144111111,1). .,:iv.ImIllrli'nhclnarrtn.1 diiiienii ': morning and a h. -ii the barb. of Bewersyde in the
I li it le, dition still •$19t9 to the effect that
: 0. li.o.; at 2 ptn. • A .. impressive , distant past received their aueats
rt,bool IN -opened In S. rt. NIL 0 Illgi e aildreemeo 1 they wafted to give them the right
%lowboy afier the holidays wadi Mbar' S•bool re-op,..1. oa 11..11.1..y •after band of web•ome under this ancicut
L. NI. Snell teaolwr. There and three 1 the • Easter holidn.- , tree, But he that as it may, it 111 (0-
111.W p111•114. . i The death Of v ..• Wnt dtrither. rte.! day a peculiar titling companion 101
It is aitli deep regret that we 1....rn ':efirred on 171111.1417 :I) OW N.M.. .1 her I the' grey old pile opposite. for thcy
of the death of the late Mr. .1 -sm. %I r. S. 8. .11..•r• p.....%. and l Stand together, as they were standing
11, , -or: which ...lured tery suddenly 1 1 liners] take- ;.:, c on . Friday i on tha. uweneutous day in loge,
,-, Priday. The heartfelt sympathy of rtiri.,..tritr.l!fl.ii.rpken'ero ewhii r.,-,?!.....ii:,.t.1,..,1•11..‘,..f..t.tkr: itrihnv;11,1091n; 1,1,111:1111,001facNtoiirri.andy won a
is extended to Mr..
\Irtis.":ruirlaitill.tilitf'a mils. In tlwir *id. he. %f r. Slathers h.. • .: been a lifebmg :
•onventent. • . resident of Ast . ond a Woman HADDI.tN'S WALL %AVER
'11,.. vieekly meeting of the 7..Y.P.C. ..11.,e'"P.... _med. .
• wit be held on Friday. Aprt; I/ at the • .11 'AM imostor.-mtir ,i'..••••• has Pohl
hone. of Mr 1.. E. 4;roee, A ,,,,.hil his iwnetlee and ::.. • orty to Br. 'Yokes
oolle-tion will he taken for the pa Toronto. Th.. . , ,loetor wig- take
11.ners' Itelie1 Fund. 1 eltame tlw first %lay and Illr Riot Ono of the g' -'4t1 -at lo-. 01 I h.
ItOlhall OCtilipa.14in of Britain. Ilailr:
, Mrs. Came will b ...- at....lit the latter an's Wall, which stietches 70 tulbs
!' oart of Moy tn r• • ..• :it Toronto with from Carlisle to Watisend. near Now
their eon Benito, ;••.',. daughter Ethel. 1.t:tautrIke-noti-Tyne. 19.t0 be achedub•d 2:
- - •
1.1 11 \ I.. April 1 01 .1, reeent r..itor il 41‘...ihselleiewaereregirrehet. ..',111.:. it,,,rhearitis,1 Mr-. an ancient monoment by tile Other .1
• ... Ni• J. ht. T. . el- !..--- ,if• -•Wil 1.---t--114141.4 -.min ato m.,,., „,,,,,,. ‘,... ,,,i_ ••1. ilail tAL •10 „Jib ifixua•• Mina b.* to
Tewsley farm on the %tit 0•111...w...i.m. 1
ser, alio wa. brought, tos on the ..1.1 : „nine nit 1" prae. , ... , •
1 s sweep's.- i ., S ' t II 1 ni sues
property.- it WW1 i•tati.d. -and tle.
go, into tolicii with all the owner... I
' 11:11re here he attended semi.* In Ive'''' 1--,_ 1-__I .. "
smith., Jim ..1,,indi. the arwat time in l C., a'. -rreleaten Appointml.--At the work is by no nwans completc.l
forty-two years' he had been in the old i IIII"Iiir* "r the ..' ''. .11'. We't Wil. There are pla-es wbere •little of th.
ancient wall rimming• and a great deal
Mono ..hureb. . u•loosh Eire II • ,,,, .. , . 13.• yr,,,,tis
of local work him becn done by col
tii.e.h16°'.:11..14re".r :Ile.1.nv:1(314.111...'ITil:.1‘1.13tYst
.r. ' -Nlit.1.1""irlirmleinte.wfT:.:..r.:..-'.:‘ r'.-.':':1tel
lri*.e'lmlle. reapondents who have assla...d, out
.1M1111.4,1,,e. ,Rei.t.. hai,i 3 401mber of pew patty out of t!,.rt.. •',-,,. appneant, antiquari.s. .
, who' had responded • . the advertise- -1....nil..r 11,.-Att.-tent • NIonument
Act. 1 9 13. we have airrally scheduIrd
Mr Jahn Voittig. merchant 1.1 Loyal, . meta In the le .... • -.cr.. W.. ....n -
lois been under 'he weather and has' /mandate Mr. 'i . 'cc.- on his am 449)01 3.outt anci. at place* of natl. 1..,i
Inte'rest in th- coun.ry, and w ,..
net beefl. al.'... t....eart mit with his latintment. Mr 'I' 0; Allen Ttloote9.. hopin4 to so frhetillie i ::1'eat 111.1 1 t)
-•••••re on- wheeh." sii far nib, oeitiorri. ; the poorltion a' ' - '•8o1113 year,/ of
rtnrs are !ono with 97irinii opea
r. ' faithful merric....; , O...com
.pany. Mr. more.''
ti"n"' Vail' 9.11011' 1144 .onte- through .then• will hare • .•:.:.. for the in..tith the work ot sche.lutin4 thc wall
the winter in 1311). 11.,,e 4111.1 )1!)Ter al.... of Aprll and pat' •.' MoN'• • alt deavn:ri:i110 tttnia,t)11::::..117....Ain:g.,0:01d.Itadt.:::,
l': liiV1.1. ':11i;i"Cle. ef:in.-Irirt'ipiainr-t 1 1, 1. , week the
of rharlea Niel Ianly. :ill al .r.P. - of (11.1111:1-'•' 1111-4 to ..0 done by tinauth
•ariged and badly ill 6.illiZed ail.mual
an iic Ait Alexandria ho.pltal early Mi.: .iDll'ICE fo ..4'1101,‘Rs
_____,.. mi. work.
There was, also an announement r••-
...en! i.f 'till: 1018 11-.11iil. 9110 4,111,44.11
1.8,•,1.1,i..,..f:.1;1' i „inn:miring it: his„...ighty- ...flbe..-::,r.„,Mirar.aenE.,1,, •'. •..."1'..eintN aitftr.t.:1 "1.y"..::: 4wilivirtelYctohulitnilge‘ieurtai! tnibi.1-'41e1(!rit.tht." wilt.°
:1:ijr:."::er:r ist. 1.1r.:-...,;i;,;.;:r1.,:l.tel. ..rittii.,:;',111.1),!...‘,:;:111.: ft. r.183::.:1,91 4,:r"?.fril!.iiii-rrl,...411-kiviryt:. 7, :tt:1;e1crui titet-0,11,111,:',... .11; ,. Id l,r'Itt.i.jr4t,:,.11.1,97i ' st ritaellset7m:4. rt.,» •IonaW rr...'11..1,;1•••‘dr fol"rirItta,"ill'..4111 ;1'1
purposes. .
119o0i1.;,.• 1;o.'ori••11 Ilt 191 1.1.11 1 .iti r• thi:
firm :,,,111.1 lytar. 4.8 !)Il'' ..14, th...... who are
. 4-11114g: examit ' ..01.4 8'11101 WIII ile. Thi•rk• are sevcral ancient chrtuup
NI:1 la r,li 1 i.: 'red front . the
.1...3.1 I, .,r hi:. w'f.. be kid smolt mu h. termine their .‘• orress at sehisd?
which are also Vitig selloodulod awl
milts includ.•.1 in ih.• pros. ni ph:.
of the time a, .lie. home of Mr. and Amity than yet; reion of now: it mar
This Is per ' .•-• 41 greater ...iimr-
IN.1..r...i.iitT,J2,1:11112 ITI...i..1,11,:14iy,0101..rtnaili:411
.1 1 0;., .11111.41. n.11
,7ni‘y,:i..entrt ., 1
tig,f,fet niniAi rete. .ri.e.:
not t ong survive A further refer. '"1 repet te.1 fit•lureg• 811.4'‘1tnlimit In"
°nee will- lie made in thee,. (Amain. ' i••• 1-114Y. hilt to gime It M•ll oltOcor
144•8 1 8(9.1.
almost intrassible. There I. nothit ..:
I innweedble. in,! ilOW 4., 110. time for
1 you ti malo-mp your 1111111 about tha.
l'iiii noir I.• behind with viour yeir -
Asiiril,"1,ii rinvsiiii.. Awl: i.i.- ..- itc•rk, or yei may feel you tire not -el 1 -
!‘,V......1 111::: 11::1111.-.1%'1.1;111!..:;:,1;,. 11:::::111:::: 7411,:: ! 37,1:11ter '1'111 I17171111/lig;08 1f1'117'..". 11113;4%4 n .1;1441.1*; 111:17
(8 1844. 114... •,) 100 11 1 8.4. 0 -AN. „r 14,.. . 110,4' 1011 4.11 110 ii all your nre. but if
that she 1., .i,..11,0 to Make 1.er home for ' 1 1""lifti'D.rY 40 Yoll will dye It Yottr
!.1,1'111 rt lid s'to'k shiirtly. It i.; r,p.„eted ' you deternine that no matter What
1.1.111...r.rns.ionthn.t..rr,.... 1....p'e in OK. .t ery he -.t effort: or 1801118-4.17 11 I.' 1"
Mr. W. P. lipid 114.1 a 'oil,. of r3ror . itilr9.14-11r:ierlt tP."11 4nif yOthenu wi'1111.1417e fit:spinirninwl"at
iloolctesetit,s`gilid IfIfletiil.ery 4i 1114 11/110.1 Of fleillit ellrery sort of 114111,.te17
denee near Tateknow on $aturday yen rimy nem, with In yonr life h.-re-
11rient...11 1:1 .1. Then, 8114 a good after
..,r•ov•I iif men pre-'etit' and there were A little selfsdeniol of .eentincly 14.11I-
-011W good bargains 1111sellretl.
Mr. and I timate pl....iire and `Port. 1 little ex-
Mrt'- PeOlter rot :milt *0 11(9 tinw al •tudy early and bite. a lit-
-.arta. Ilellr Briteetleld on
•Iwir new 1
111141 big 111.110,11,,r4. too. felt highly 111. fle linen... enneentratinn nn the wort:
'Fite%ility of (1)44 week. Mr Pepper
dignant. and rightly too, that he had
.14. take his eatre twice to the atation.
.iti the esrly morning. opf Tute.day and
1 ca in .in't harAi.1%. bernre he email get
f be.111 flWay ilfl rho f'.N.11. oillr fir..014.11.
..iiihAr to sone. mistake Imhof made
lad emiped and plaeed in the ear on Pft."" ,i.,'... f tit lire ••••penda upon your diligent m.
the glory of our country. Tonr whole
a 1-.11t 0141411g' *1.111 1111. 1•11/1.1iP/1. he
‘1Ni11.1•171111.10vIrth,tiiniii..to be. kip* ond fe•1 there Every .•inveas to
The 11 11111(filihrili Young Pootolt.',1 1114t' .. 0.1,..:ar 4., the siwere ii...;-..,,hryoftlmiervitrz
There wen. 1NVICTI'
,1 Mfg.. timnber of visitors. S
ety wa. e
••,ntertained Iii the Mahe
• !lurch young' people on Friday nicht
1:1•t in *114'elitirch tool hall at Maki*.
-.411111) Of whom eontributed to a good
program for 11,.. s•rvice 'fh.. games
ii• the hall wi•rt: very thisoli enjoyed.
1-...1 the lunch.
1!O%!1Y W
apattl..h thost
Footwear for Spring
'di Reputed to fie OW
earl old.
I'. in front of the hls
the late Earl Haig
loved by all admirer,
.1 and noblest
syde gian, is a, Span -
id though it la reputed
900 >fare old; it stip
of vigorous growth. 14
A pleasing con ram tc
11 tree of the *mulish
ich, from 419 proximity
ay. is much be tot
ly, the Capon true, at
:ley of the Jett...a few
IburvIi. The latter MO)
t always rewinds l)ne
crutches, 48 ill: 1114111
, decrepit that they ars
. The new models in Footwear are particularly attractive.
They comprise an 191 felii4Vt• 11 Ild complete range of styles for
l'Very member of the houseltolti.-• Extrentely rdyits1 1 anti Up to
the minute in every respect, yet not extravagant in design,
Never before has it been possible to vombine so Illa 111 lieSirtlille
qualities in Shoes at nosier:de prices.
Astoria Shoes for men are now in stock
Appleg-- Spy.: and Ontario. pkg.... .
lAltite Syrup, 5 lb 1in
Golden -Syrup, lb 1iti
('orn Syrup. 5 lb t .
inlot Patto r, rolls
Toilet Paper Titan. 2 rolls
Ilrootii.. No 1 ....
Laundry Stan+, 2
1.11x, :1 pkg..
Rifts°, :t pkgs.
• ...
Babbitt. Cleanser, :1 tint; .....„rw,s1
I I 1.1 ihatelt Cleanaer, 2 tinr
La volute, 1 pkgs.
Keent. Hine, I pkg.
Purity Oats. large pkg. Except China
Phone 116
Kingston Street
pulpit la I hion chord'. 'Ile men iteetittlett 1114. 1.
ino.t Ilitnenit. and .% on will 1...
.itri,risisi how melt lost ground may
bp c.werel. und what itreittre.: (.1111 IT.
2111111"11. Voti hare 'plenty of time. two
h..fore titial examinatiot.4 to make
firr tlre Illinc•r of your 1101714., and
Will Re, reel Them id ilk Nluseum at
101881, to all utel ounilrv 1111M, ;‘, ri ;Del I arbenia4on)Mtnrobillefrunr:nuPt.71•1:-
":at here lir .1•11tip4d it rallied last tomer, or. 1,. ,rtg,ra, Nriehiganr. 11114 p4or-
0.4.1.• esPecially on Prialai 4)fti.rte9.11 fr..••h the Georgian 1-;11to'l13,•
s..nte or.. 'mite sure Jr never ri;ne i%lei ford. 'heir
rain.torm 1.4:11 Mundt!". •Ittritic „,riir•or ,•,.
upright At if ionar.
....ter. Ow thunder and lightning were. swam
%;..ek MO. l• weather 7. ne. reonesting ohipment
no%er it...NS. It 88'..third 0,i.hniarters 111 100lIril,,r0 11
The Nine Mil.' oroek area into a 01511411: aaTo,11
riter. N., one over •aw I higil4or Pare !flirt 44%, ,rapp„wer et,•••irb• neo,,r
a Iwo .t•itior 1..., J11111 110111 fi4 it,11Pr4 110 jui, almmi eon•tant
Ai oh...breakup of sprint:. It wt. 41
:r.. -1t 4" .1_ the rrog., , They sang 1491",•11111.1.1*r,!";7.:r'.r. Pstinicnet tl7e1 .tlialPysO.P.1(41'414.1t1-1
`1,114elte. 10,07.0
Gaunt -slier% nor1.--:i in.- of U.» moat it, 1,..tory in brief lo as fol
,..1.1111r terls of this 14.881 „Thr „nom was tiy
arid iss•anie a thi. wi+k. 1,4, of Galt. Canada 'West
h.. A.hneld chin. 11 parsonage tont... I., twAs. ft was operated In
oti Bator/lay afternoon, O. NIi•e•
'ril.th• 'therm *19.yommesf 1..:7'ilt;1,.;:i..1--.::;',Ildline,r15%inLerihtallrle4:"Itta•rflier0r1;
ter of Mr. and Mr- Stint. Sheraomi. of 1
tb.• loth of .1.1014.1.11. was itniTMV-114---. 1.1"till-W4:111•1. 1,3(11171Ingjr:41;14411'‘111.r."n1177n0t.o1
111:11T.1141. to Mr.' .111i1rew i1 1101 .21: (111,11•811,z ...monthly erer when It
,N‘,811;:i:,:113 11, f.‘,1:, tiegret :1%; ,Ar,b' gl trr:;:orirnfl:LI le[..et rine r..,11,,ruip.enr
British t;oterniseet Ai 111 Preserve
Relic of Roman liltt oim4 1011.
%le hal'« 411 014 U1119111 thi. i.o1411‘
for a 1111.10w &wig I.
9ish fernier. to ,w11 th.4
att.' adA•lili,...1%%aliih No IN. Lie Ilar
Tht-p• 8111..IRVII4ryf 00portlil'ity
0,r th.• nett man or ••iiialeav •-rets
in-i•li his r.-inneeth•nii an•I
4118 • 1,f1...01, h tor••ivii hat
goto4-w111 of 7ohno fartrwrs 1,47,141..
1.,01,14.4t.41...,1 0,1 149414 foraisha.1
...tit,. for st.st arm., thin'
0. -tad• a- 1,ii•muitil• onto, t with far
v•ii1,191111110.40,47 4114 r•fer.bo..., to
0,1, !..Wil.:N•tioN. Mir
James11.Wahli Ce.. Limited
Meet the representa-
tive of the "World's
Largest One -Price
Tailoring Organiza-
tion" here on
Friday, April 26
11.' will Belp you (Ito...,
the right roid.-t;-.1 Ass
your new suit. Thereat,
over 200 patterns and
weaves to (+nose Iron,.
All the very latest fabri,•-
int ported direct .f nun he
leading markets of the
world. Everything tail -
...red tn the individual
nitv-tire of the eustonitr
at one standard priee
Tip Top Clothes
Al! One Price
- •
Iti:MENlitElt Ti 1 1 al
Friday, April 26
The Complete Min's Store in Goderich
OROER FOR. 100001
You mai 'think that being a coal
dealer is a dirty, uninteresting job.
Ilut we,don't.
Wo are proud of the fact Ova we are
'furnishing you with warmth and
comfort. health and happines..
It is an intereating,study-the differ-
ent kinds of coal for each purpose,
the kin4ls betit suited to. your fur-
nace. your kitchen range or grate.
WRItt, help can Wo y•.0 v•ith your
Iktating. problem '
For Good Clean Coal
J. B. MUSTARD carin
Phone 98 - Godericb
Bruce St. Telephone 105 Goderich
We have just received a carloid of FROST STEEL
WIRE FENCING. The fence with the lock that. doesn't
slip. Wehave Barb Wire, Poultry Wire, Lawn Fence and
Steel Fence Posts.
Ifavniltim Streit t;oderieli. Ontario
RUN $11111111111 1111111•111111111 MUM 1111111111111• 111111111111111•NI11111111••
titer. Earl Sherwood, attended the, dea,„red 3 „mode of yeati ago to rmr- 1
young and old, gathered at the home (..,,,terich tannerr (the only difference Iff Ladies' Spring Coats
haN•A pair fill TIIA'Alitt f•VP/1111¢. 04.0 4).4„ ,,nohy. the mate of whiell 1
V'oll 2. it litre,. crOVril .,1 trewirigherq. 11.• hail I...light at that time frOm the ,,
of Mism Tillie itherwmar 1.. eelebnite
the a)itiailhoonamt of hp r a mw.rtehIng . 11811.4enrOfnallel"rif.,-h'nteninglnitelamehait•elnrg0af 111117Wireell. r A Ill'W shipment of lailit.s. (*.oats arriving this week -end,
marriage to Mr. John Andrew liannt.'43,aeter
Thp prenlhg WWI spent with musleand .
Bon of thelHaeltett ehtirch 8 h 1,11 amok, .4 ...yen feet)
comets and a lioneil nip. Perred. An !nnrahee:m.t.rne.ti: redirels.leiltnirl alit'
of the fine seperlees 4+1'11 10 the ettolr, headquarter% nf Mr. IFOril'f• wren*
thil'he reth:ierh•tierrl
addretis 1ms risa.i from the e•inttretra-
*Imlay school and Yonne reopie's no- Illant With 3 tablet °lei" 4 brief 144,
elegy. In all of which she ha• blown
g prominent part. .‘ pre.entatIon a
a 'Mellen cabinet 111)(1 oT fernery was
made to Mies nhern•iisi from the ma-
treglintfits PM it lovely ril.ir from bee
idiom etssa
Requirements for
ousecleaning Time
We don't like to remind the house-
keeper that Housecleaning Time
Is coming, but when it does come
there will surely be some things
,shell want to replace this spring.
hPiwthave a large stork of Curtains. Draperies, ete
Curtain Net by the Yard
New Prints, Magog Prints, Potter Prints, Tupcilla
Prints, all fast colors. Flowered Dimities, Printed
Piques, Fugi Silks in twenty newest shades.
tory of theIr Intimation* earper.
ffon't miss hearing J. R. Ciallneron,
WPM, Canadian entertainer, in
Seeteh oketra, ''The Minister'a Fid-
dle." at the mat eommencement In
Mackay 11.11 April 1811) and I"'
Ladies' Modish Hats
.% large selection of ladies'
Spring Hats, 11P9flif models.
. new 'straws, printed silks.
.•sifor rEfft.3,4: yew IRE 1% 1./Tfat To Nilo!" -
Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square
Phone 418 Goderich, Ont.
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