The Signal, 1929-4-11, Page 3a::3 .,.:...
Stop Advertising
and you let your business run
on momentum, and momentum
is a gradual move toward a dead
The Clubbing Rate
for The Signal and The Toronto
Mail and Empire is $6.5O.
You save 50 cents
\ u.ilur -acini; "n ,'tin -r 1,tily papers
YOUR experience tells you what your boy
cannot know -the value of money saved.
Teach him to spend his money in a bank.
His first thousand dollars may mean a life-
time of success.
Pia a swefth will gine bra 41000 M
The Royal Bank
of Canada
Goderich Brunch -
- F. Woollcombe, Manager
Hydro's Chief Engineer Says Mattlancl
River Development Not A(Irisuhle Large \tatllhee spciator, Fine
In response to the resolution of the 1!r_s, told Oat Ilu led 1..1,1- 1!1:,:. !..
town council with regard to the dc•' ;:ether with actual tri' ;,ria„r
Ito these wuuiclpyptle= ;.- P.._•
velupmeut of power on the Ma
River, the Ill'dro-Electric !'ower Cone
mission, 'Toronto, forwarded to the!
council u copy of the report submitted
to the Commission by its chief engi-
neer. Municipalities
T',e report is as follows:
i .
110rtegs :old Unit le
4•liul'i, .\llril 1 4'11441 - (111.011a1
sprit;; •tow held today under the aus-
pice', of Huron Central Agricultural
sc lets proved higkly wicces-fill. boat
.•. regards Ilse number and quality of
,cul rites and abos the .-ruwd `ill altl•ud-
:utee.11 urs+':, 410 II IN (Le*, proved the
malt, source of interest. 'I'Ire eaten: -
lurid 4444E heavy draught t'las,N'• were
o!' a44 esest'tiuutdly high standard.
The eu14.t' io .r1lu1. W N4 -;.4:,r;(4:,
4 I •"
_ ,:,s„ goo,[. there Icingtt.ecult I
the exhibited than in the 441st
ye - 1ltavy
COMMISSION ':oderfeh It. 1'. L... •.• C+. tal,�l a Dough;. Caledonia : j .
h'.rsa• W. J.
Marc , Sit n k1dl clow u.
Sirs,- - Sc.ifortll .......... 7'.1 1 41441 :.:..::�
Itt Maitland River devetoptnent- rest.- se:'forth R.P.D.• • • • i '_';' 0'''d. ,i t'Ivdewlnl F: \tall lh}ltrF. dear+ an.'.
lutiou from town u u ° of Rrus.ep.r ......ass. Ct:i t:au -aunt Deer --1, N111111.10: .
r.vvup•hip of \teKillup, county \t'ultoii K.l'.D. .. •:t rot 944::p \liohae;; a, It. D. Murdtx•k.
• n, uFct'
the alone municipalities requesting $.,:, 1.:1414. U \Lchael, w•44., ., Ltl.e ISS tat t corns
the Commission to investigate the de above tleurc• it ISA; IN• Heavy draught br,s.d more.: )
velupmeut of the Maitland River with Pruni the . abo Itltsir .14.‘4.1.4,4440,4.I ,icer' 1, Itr..a lr,od ltro4. Filly or
a view to obtaining a cheaper supply ...tat that the Ma ,.I.!tng. :: years am1over -1, Filly h
would not supply aulthile,4 ,:tpxicity to el, hotl:u ; S. Kenneth vehellar: 3, K.
.( trimer for that district.
A report was made la cunue,•t(un take cure of the tneen .•f t:odericl' 1 scot!: 1. Dray Bros. Filly ..r geld -
with this development in 191_'. and !t 11oue, and it would i 4 ;1914•al' a'1- _ ye.0 n :u,d nuclei a -1, Kruueth
tlual relent N`aa given un {atp�e 291 of c sable to deve:np p'wcr st a 11•st'of vl h• :i:,r : .. R,'. Itroadf,o'1 ; 3, Ilur•
the sixth annual report of ttie Com- `t' i per h.p. per year. „1,; \I"rn•1:. Filly ..r gelding. 1 year
mission 1'913. In this report we tind'. 1 would r,re4mmend ,',:,t letter. Is. ', al, 404 11' 2 L I;ruy lSr,.s.: _. T. 5.
that the minimum flow was- 75 cubic • forwarded to the mut, .c i.,'ahy frau: \N\lichaeh Horse, eult'or silly, under
feet per .alWIl1I, equivalent to sib can w11i.►1 resolutions have !"rt. re•reic.el I. year ---1. Wet.. McMillan.* Team ill
tinuoue horsepower. By iucreq'dng i giving sufticit•rtt• data as t, cost, to ex- harness 1. ' Kouuet44 McKegar • • 2.
the p,ndage, flooding upprux�ioately 4410141 the Impossibility ..r developing ,44141411 1.(.1.101.. :S. It J. $sats.• w„..1)-
,il11Nt ac•ten;-cuutlnternet11) er-powerts.wer out the Maitlan.l_it:.cer at !hi., .t•lk,'s.._..Itroadfuot lSrotr.
would b' approximately 1,450 Curse• i Iiwc. AtiltICI'imultAI.
Assuming.tbat 750 horsepower could ! memorandum from.H.E.R. Commission.1. .(•141`1: 2. Phos. Stevc:rt - ::. Alex.
14• obtained and at Hood' Periods 15thl' .\ novuorulul,tu4 aeielnrwed in 1'. .\, ,\\'right : 4, -\b, ILtewa d. Filly or
horsepower would be available. aiItots•, \L1'.i'.. by ;f.- chief ,•ngi-ig•(•Idiieg. 1 years and ova's -1. lt. J.
rough estimate of present-day cost of f the Hydro-Et...ark Power i w•.tt' " It i t't,•utti ; :S, Ke44uoth Mc -
t ti would be as follows:
li.,,:eriettt I' Is 1 ..NI 4:r1i!t
rte Judges mete.
Huron Investments limited
Stock Brokers
Bond Dealers
Royal Bank Building, Goderich, Ont.
Phones 430 and 445
,'li44t,u :':, fa141 ::7.!K: gala 1Sr:en.
h 12 1!r.'. It.P.I). ,., 1141 :;;,Ix; IigS't horses 4444,44 cattle, J.
"Maid Fourth" to Hold Reunion
Tile 4th Canadian Infantry Bat -
Callon Is to hold a reunion 144 Hamilton
ea tte 20th and 21st of April, 1929, in
commemoration of the second battle of
Ypres, In which this unit ,earn/ a
same that will go down In history by
iia gallant otan11 on that
mewlers who are 'interested are re- I proximately � per lip. per year. the power psrslbtlitlew :are rrsfrl les!
quested to write 11191. R. S. Watson. l The municipalities in Huron county to aactically that which can M''level-
4141 Beulah avenue, Hamilton, who will 1 which could be served by tying ill to .'ed on the basis of minimum stream
forward full particulars. It is ex- our 'existing 26,000,volt line. Strat- op
p,1e'd that upwards of six hundred ford to Goderieh, are Mated below, to -
will ,ttend. igetber with actual loads in December.
1 -
r Se f rth uud I:Irth 11.1' • " T. J \I•'
Huron. Ilubltl 7'1 ton 47 :k' Percher'oe stallion, J yt it and A rgsulutIon h1111 treed received Prow - 1. Thu+. 31Mit41eel, ren.: Thos.
Geo. Williams'
Iteeter 10
Fire. Are -hit -1d, Automobile, and
General Dolomites .Agent
Oflice. next to hank of Commerce
Phcio• ,:1 rl,slerich
1:u.4I'I'1 Slier INA) 1}:\It w•
The Armstrong Rea! Estate
and Insurance Agency
LIFE 1\!l 11 \('E (Sun lite Cs.).
Al'l'll/t:NT, SIl'ENE$•S, AUTO.
Souse real bargains offering just Sow to
quick buyers of houses and farms.
' Just a few of the many listed for sale:
Fine rural Gees. , cecellw44l location jest
,,inside corp•rati.•n ,.i 1i'•lericb, 1hen•fo0!
township tar, o0 cement highway, side -
.talk 4o Square, 1414. -hors bn,'k boll -e,
s lee rie iig.1itd. good 47 44htimi, cellar,
hand and salt water in 44''44-e•, garage,
-1111411 barn barn :u,d MrilLlc, four a. nM of laud,
Snit 4nns. Priv.• t:i44-o. A bargain. 1141•.
111•411at' p-.414•,„1011.
t Ire and one -half -dory heal -e. cement
baual:etion.cellar. electric lighted, water
ui Lou -c. co'•1 lot Located near Su44-e4
hotel. Terni-. 4'rtee $7ek1. R:tlancc--= to
ulouthly pacmelt/a Millie as rent.
'Iwo -story house. clo,.e to 454,41 111,ce,
ti,rlerich, cellar. water a n d toilet in
hods', electric lighted. Price $7+,t1.
4;... 1 brick house. 1,111 nirnleru Nulls.
peed. with I..t and garage, East strict.
l'rn•1' fl1'I41'.
Fine rel hriek h'ms•, newly decorated,
gond col,htion, light,., bathroom. $27111'.
R.41 brick leans., full Modern equipped.
I'rice 4310).
J. W. Craigie
neer o • -
('ommisslon, leve'. 1s,n14• a.lditi,nat, Kellar; 4, Chas. Stewart ; 5, Kennett
eons roc un
(:ost of dam and hydraulic d the '-"-'-developmlent Mehellar. Filly or egeltlu,a_. 2
Developing equipment for
1:1W) h.p.
Real Estate and Insurance
$500,000 notes
,...rt' NO. 1, which is fount on and • ter 3-1, W111 Chapman: -
Ttlomas 1Sntt; 3, Grey- ISr' se. billy of
gelling. 1 year and under _ -1. W. .1
Transformers and line
Total $050•000
On an average load of 1000 h.p., the
pains'. Wet of the fifth atintt11l report of
tion to the abnormal flow character- Mt -Brien. 1. T.J. McMichael. '. colt or leam i1
bales of the Maitland Sher which 1 y"
largely distraint Its value as.a source bailie -s.--1, It. J. Scott ; 2, R. J. Scott:'
.f plover. Due to the t,p.gruptly of :t. Kenneth McKellar. General pur-
the watershed the cost of adequate pose. IIIly or gelding.:i years or over'
'1� 1. \Vin. Dueler; 2. Wm. 'seeker; 3,
Vit. Decker; 4, J. B. Mustard. Team
in harness-- 1. Wm. 14r'ker: 2. J. H.
Mustard • 3. Eimer 7
„r Riley.
Mu 4,
Ontario horse breeder's' speeial, fur'
three ooiluals, 2 years old and under,
he t'omntissinn (1912•. draws alien
day All asst to generate alone would be ap '4. rut, re+•..01r. are pn•Inlativ.. ell
TO ;Q;u4►LIT"V
Rad Sed Continental Motor
Bendix Four -Wheel Braker
Morse Silent Tinting Cbain
Frill Force Feed Lubrication
Passenger Cars
Fours and Sixes
from $675 to $2095
f.o.b., Leaside, Ont.
SbndAnd Factory Erripment
Taxes Extra
All the Attractive
of the new Durant "60" will be thoroughly explained to you by
the Durant dealer in your locality.
He will tell you about the refinements to the Red Seal "L" -head
Continental Motor, about the new type steering gear, about the
Bendix Four Wheel brakes . . . about all the mechanical per-
fections and Fluality units that Durant cars possess.
He will take you out in a "60" ... or any model you wish - . .
and let you drive it, so that you can compare its performance and
excellent riding comfort with any other car at or near its price.
You will be absolutely free to make your own choice ... at
your core cnience.
u Iv N
PETER GRAF, Gode rich, Ontario
How. 1
\ galling station wa, cstabl the e sir.1d by a draft stallion. regiateri'd in
at Ren l'tain in May, 1911. and re -1 the l'an0dion National the sril•k re-
,rrds• obtaine•i over floe ,elir .1 rhate1Gray Woo.; 2. T. J. )Ica
that the maximum flow In the river \
was050(4 ►e.f.n.whiletheminimum S14.4'1111 township 'prize for lest
was only 120 c.f.•., giving a ratio of ttnw411111 y draft, agrlc'ultnral flr gcn-
minimum to lMaximum flow as 1 lelerah pmts{e ea hMR": any nge In halter,
UKi. This variation I/Aleates that the used out be O,.1 plraprrty of sue man.
ill t e 11lI' twentydounh'41r calieclty I,hnt must be owned in the township -1,
11( the it10.•k F1ole sit.1. undies 0 tca'1 K. M•'Kellar, Illbtert township. -hest
of So ft.. varies from 3410 11.11. to SOO; matched team in harness. an) color -1,
h.p.\Vin. L,s leer. Team ct.niiog gremlesl
-In general the einlit1Ms far level-distau.e' K4nne•th M.K.*1,'r, ('race
•rpnx nt .f power art tM lttack li•ile l marry. 111•st team. +Ire,l by I'ereheron
site are very unG•nvorabla due to the stallion
4.r tnllfons •\Vol. ``Iwr•k.1r.
extreme variation in the servant flow'' Light horses. stallion. st ntdtlyd-bred
which not Only aR/n!N the amnion cf . trotter 1. F:Ilerim$on :44.1 Stewar!
power flint 4;44041l o dAtri"I il, Int C.irriage bora' in harness 1. ,in+. Fo'
call: for abnormally !,ear, eapit,.11 ex suer: J.'Ilenry lr;icr; :S. 41:,41.11 Mo,is•4diture4 for 43111 eft*rn'•r1,+n t,, sell. Ito:ld-tor in W. '1'
eoOlt rut flood and st" 1age mndilio44+.
Mel avnl: 2. Holt. M,14710n; ;. Ju',
"Itegoort No. 4. which hi found ' e•u.!n4're: 1, aloe I'41-tl!I. (test geutl,
page 2"4 of the tifli, annual sport of maws „,11th 1, 3:r•. Forster: _ W 'I
the t'otntlli..ion a 11,1_0, wits pre airc'l \{, la•:w : 41.b4. M,1<tn•n, Kevan;..
it. cola:(s•ti.11 math .. prop/:e4
.Mn•1• s4,, -h '4 las. }'or -ter. bads 4ricerer
..potent about ,4( Innes from 1114' 4. mi.. 1'olencln : _. Mrs. taco. 15:14e: 1 -
mmuicipality .f \\'ingham. Ilue to the :i. M:-+ Je.111 3 •Esau: 4. ht •H cos.
topography of the roa:ntry, the (level- 1'ATI'LF:
opment ut this site eeould be v-ery- ex• Nhorthorns hull. 2 years or ever
Pensive. and a• the continuous 24- I, i:gash. Snell : _. )(''y. I'epger, hull.
Moir la.wer flair ...add be developed
111141.11' "vials,. 4, ntn•i'
wool.] he 111 11111 ne':hllorhn,si of 100 rlytretich.r ►tris'. '
h.p. it would indicate that development a Ye"' and over 1, \t ,
nt [lis site is not c'nmerciulh' tea.- ('rich; :S, M. ['rich. Heifer, 2 years
i11e." 1, {Joy I'''I'I9'r : -. M. 4'rich. Heifer.
)ear -.1. Kph. Snell ; 2. I Mtreich' a
Bros.: 3. yl. ['rich.
Bull. under 2 years -•1, siert I,••1'h
Sweet.tok.''. bull Shorthorn. Alie•r•
11 n, Augna or ilon•ford -F.. Smell.
k,ly neer steer lir heifer born on or
after January 1, PCS -1. (tstreicher
Bros.; 0, E. Snell; 3. M. ('rich ; 4, Roy 1
Pepper. Dairy e4141 nny age. ant
brass!- 1, S. E. 11.7.111; LS S. E. I{nz, i
3, S. E. 'brad!.hairy heifer, under
mins-- 1, S. E. 11974.11 ; 2, S. E. 'Cozen;
a, Roy Pepper.
Telephone 230
Mfasonie Temple Building
11,-1 brick Mow, good co111111 on, (1111
bathroom, elee•Irie lightd. line small
barn, including garage, eight. I.t1, /214[x►.
Brick house, hill Modern arplip Iwl and
41(1.41, hostel, partly hanlwoud floors,
I garage. Price $3'.1x1.
tiotad 1 1.3 story Nome, t w o lots.
belr,omis w►'11 arranged for con4I'Iience
Iand comfort, nicely d,condasi,_tine full -
equipped bath and unlet 1.0mis, eleCiric
lightd..11u1 finished. Couveuient W
i lei/late Institute a 0 41 Victoria school.
l Price $1500.
- Many more g',sl hotuses.with more or
_ k'.e m'sfern cunvenienres. Prime $1414414,
SCA 11 *',00,gelf . Ask about them. �tNK1,
• Iatrge fll'I Ober listed to tell, almost any
,,Vaca price, terms and local' desind,
ready now', iuuudiute possession.
For all partleulerw see or write
Real Estate Agent
Belt. U Square Goderich
An ideal sign for a pawnbroker
would toe: "Sae Me at Your Earliest
Itu•uuveuienee."--Sault Willy Star.
1\'illiuni \Vold, 41, bo411 .111 God-
erirh toonsl,ip eighty-three yea'P1 ago
find D41s•ed away la-: month at the
lion). of his daughter, Mrs. A. R.
itamshtlw, Longhorn. S11!411. 111s father
wav One of the 0111.1101 pioneers of
Goderich township and was known In
the old dnye an Di:11110nd Woncls, on
account of -his having come from a
pence culled '"the 14iamon(b" in Ire-
land. There were W -oral sons in the
family, two of wham, Matthew of
i,ucknow and John of Hayfield, nre
[.till living. The late Mrs. Alex. Sic-
I'hersim, an old-time resident of Dun-
gannon, was 11 skier. same of
Mr. William Woods spent
his early years ill the'1bwn. Ile was
In the employ of Janie., Watson, mer-
chant, 11111 Mayor of Goderleh when
that progressive 4.4ti7en bulk for him-
self the mansion that was afterwards
• ( 111'11AltO ROW
'rife fullneving is the report of
No. 17. West \\'uw•anosh, :
the month of March: -
Jr. y. --('buries McNee Ad.
Sr. 1V.--Meltvalrne Culbert 71
Ilildtt Finnigan 70.
Jr. IV. -Annie Sproul 89, 114'1^1'
Brothers S3, Carl Finnigan 70, Stanley.
Mot/rotten 114, Clifford Culbert (14'.
owned by the late JL 1'. Contemn and Jr, 111.- Russell who re 7;
fuer, iNen made over into the Marenret Elliott 71, .\mold ulcer
Emily Ref:ratten r14, Harold Ofuer ,1
Sr. 1I.---41arvey Sproul 7.I, Will
Spnnd. Jimmle-Leishman Ss, Harry 1
(;irvlu (12.
Sr. I.-- David vid Sproul 80.
Jr. 1.- dler.Id Elliott 61.
Sr. 1'r.- Shirly Me(tralten 76, 1- i,••,
Garvin 60. ' •
1,'•\ I. ('ARIL, Teacher
Alexandra hospital. Ile was always
gren4'y Interested in Goderteh and few
met, were [letter informed nn• the early
history of town and township. It was
n great regret to hilt that he could not
toe present at the ('en!ennialleelebra-
Moving from finder;. h township he
farmed for many year, In Kincardine
township, retiring to Kincardine town
a few year,' ago. Later he lived for
e short time In Lnr.d-'41, and at the
last mode his home e,'twlf his
ile died daughter
i • n Saskatchewan. 11
years ago. 111s family are all ,Ling,
well, two sons and ,"a daughters in
SO4kntette%an and sue .on, \\'illiarn, et
Alma, Ont. Active almost to the ,end,
kindly In disposition uaad Interested in
other people, ,Mr. Woods made friends
In every community where he lived.
Ile was a consistent member of the
United Church and the funeral ser-
vice was held In the lurch et Lang,
One of the reason= why organisa-
tions fail la that there ere too
many people In them who expect to
get more out of a 1'ncket than they
pet into it. --Oshawa Time.
S. S. NO. 1:,, \\'EST W.\1VANOSiI
The following Is the report of S. S
No. 15, Wes Wawanted), for the
month of March:
Jr. IV. --Graeme ('hamney 71 per
,int., Willie Craig 7 5.3, Gordon Koh
11«40 74.4,
Jr. 111. -Fernee 1'iowmnn 08 per
,rent.. Jinn R1binlem 74).
r. 11. --Melvin Craig 62.3 per cent.,
Sam Thnmpann O.
Rr. I.--Rtcwart Chamney 142 per
cent., Earl I'lownian tai, Edna Plow-
man Tri, Edward itohinann k2.
Jr. 1.-+1loward Thomp4,n 78 Ser
cent., Edwin Thompton 73.
Sr. Pr.--Iantise Thompson.
Number on roll, 14; average attend-
ance, 13.8.
L. I. JOHNSTON, Teacher.
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
ere:, -"I for the ninth suer'
al 14,aturi1 V ,lividen41 bowl -
Assurance ,n Forcr
Aso -t•
I/iv-nlct.l- to Policyholders if,
year in addition -to a 4p1•I•i
1.1111N ES :
1ltlice 11.5
District Al;rnt
\\'H: NuW OFNI•:It--
Second Standard Royalties
which will mean for you good
dividends with safety
:\rk tar h,p.klet 1411 Ka/y:'l1At, REAiuhich µll NV nS sMENT
Loyalties are the {;old hails of the oil industry
Initial Royalty of $4o,00o Has Been Paid
and Much More Is to Come
Agapism, (Okla. - Fortune hag
reached into thin little (Mater county
lt/d favor.el two orphaned
girls not yet •.Id em'ngh (o realira'
filly. their good 1 Iuc•k.
The girls tire 1MIin a n .1 Pito
Hemline, +' 84441 7 years old, rho
have just hewn notiticd that they
are t. ('lure in' a firs► 4'rya II y /my-
na -tit of $2113•r4441 from 111e f)arnl
their -parents left then.. Their share
N III atm .dint t. *40,000 and is only
thio beginning of wealth which V%ell -
1ua11) Nill e' -mc fmnl the eight pr.-
dllrimg ail Neils .4n their farm veer
Vaud. Okla.. in the cornier Set.i-
n,d,• Oil field area.
The girls jive with their nuns,
Mrs. A. C. Lemon, at App'n''n.
Their mother ,en her deathbed in
11x:4: i.Iaceri the gide 40 the care 01
her sister, Mrs. Lemon. The girls'
faker, Owen Hemline, died in
11r24 fr.111 injuries sustained Nheti
he fell fr.44i the nod of a barn he
NAI' building.
\\'h •n the mother died It debt of
se'ernl huidn-1 d.11nrs stand the
children in t h e fare. After the
father's death the mother barely
managed I. eke ant an existence
and conk! not reduce the debt.
\I rs. Lemon and her husband, how-
ever, after the mother's ,I.•nth,
n.anaged to keep the farm, then
Phone 292
thought to is' worthless.
Itnt now the girls and their
guardian. Bert Ilarris, Mand bank •
er, haw leen .nlend to appear in
court Noon to claim their share of
t111• .state w111e11 is Il'w worth a
a,lhon or so. It is a safe bet they
will be then'.
\Ir. !Almon has chit !ren of her
own, and the liollter in which the
fa44,ily lives, together with
the grandfather, 14. N. Itr.thcrs, is
no larger than the dnlinary oil field
residence --three or four roams, hot
there al%api has leen recon for the
orphan platens.
Fna, the elder, has started to
school, x10140,440 means a piano
ee sem !tiny take music lessons, and
m.ney for art 1.wsons for which rhe
shows apt Untie.
Neither girl els n comprehend
$40,1110 with more t. c. •, and
Doris, who doesn't dream them is
1}411,(*[) in the aiorld, merely grins
when she and her sister are inter-
viewee. They prefer to leave tin-
ancial w.atrie'$ to their aunt.
Ineid,'ntally, the girls have a
bn•thel*, .Alva, who 45 eight years
.Id and livor with Mrs. O le 11101411
at %Vashingt.n, Okla. Alva, tae,
will share in the royalty
but then this is a story of Rorie
and I'na.
P. 0. Box 438