HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-4-11, Page 1Classified Advertising
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lob Printing
First-class work at reasonable
prices. Call The Signal when you
want a job of printing well 1rme.
E IG l l'l'Y-S'}:('ON!) Y''SU NO. 15.
Report on Maitland River Power
Development Is Considered
Only six turtnhera were present at
the meeting of the town council on
Friday uight hist, the abseuteex being
Councillors Muuuiug'• McLean and
Mrs. Elmer !Sell was heard with
reference to the sewer rote+ charged
against four lots In 'yells survey and
her cemplaiut wits refcrnrl j4iintly to
the serial uud nuance committees for
it report..
Rev. J. E. Ford' addressed the legal(' h t tl • Collegiate Inrtl-
Season's Trophies Presented at Plea-
sant Social Etentat
The annual dean& end de of the
Maitland Golf`M:•lub to always one of
the outstanding aerial occasions of the
year. and this year's event. whleb took
plate at hotel Bedford on Friday night
last, was no exception. There was a
good attendance fed nothing was left
uudune to make it an eveniug or
pleasure for all who were present.
Comtnuuity, ringing during dinner
waw led by Ur. le T. }:getter, who also
sang two solos lu splendid voice. .t
aural trio by Rev. J. N: 11. Millar, Mr.
F. R. Darrow and Mr. L. S. Walker,
and u quartette by Messrs. It. J. Me -
Mellen, F. 11. Martin, C. F. Chapman
ami 1•. E. (';trey- demonstrated that gulf
to nut the only necomplisliment of
these gentlemen. Miss Gene Coulson
%vas the alle tecullli.UUI$L for the
musical numbers. ' •
e Il In u u
After dinner the presentation of tro-
tute board. with refe•rene to the pro- Weber 1ok place, the president iii+ the
posed addition of a classroom to it
accommodation at the school. The
I'rovimial Inspector •Mid practically
tkreatelied that times!' Pub• addition
were wade the grunt w4111ld lar with-
drawn or decreased. The board had
Clue, Mr. Chas. C. lee, doing the Aon•
4irs. The Lloyd ag
Mr. Jae. Donaldson, s. presented
1 is
very fitting manner. The nee bowl
was presented to Mrs. C. E. Chapman
for her sister, Mrs. Deviltry of Mont-
real. Mks Bertha& Fleming and Mr,
J. N. F lehiR, winner: of the Ellie retp
and the Burrow trophy respectively.
The News
Hubby Fair at Vittoria School
The annual hobby fair itt being held
at Victoria .choyrl today (Tburedaf)•
There are 773 entries., about 1Su wore
than last year. SVe.ezpect to have the
prize list for publication ueit week.
Petitions for Sidewalks
By adcertisemeut this week the
town authorities give notify that petl-
tiono fur ccmett sidewalks to be -in-
cluded iu this.year's construction pra6
gram must be handed in not later
Huth Maly 15th.
Gederieh Bowlers at Guelph
• Tyro fret.- of local howlers wutoredin a
The warriuge t
on Wtelnerday,
Godkiu, daughter o
1\'altot, to Mr. West&
erich. Mr. and
in Goderieh, Mr. M
managers of 'Hotel
There was u large
ai t ll at-huwe of
�.'„ on Frl
first 'cart of the pr
by the Brunswick T
R. G. Johnsttw, N.
chair. The Driver 0
meek. for the domes
the lunch.
AY' APRII. 11, 1929
the Town
New Ligltthoutte-keeper
et at YS'rlton i Mr. Leek., pert) Bogie, has.rieelv(•d
t of Nurah l the apeeiutmeut of lil'hthouee-keept•r
hj, Bodkin, of at 11tx1rru•h xud is uoyv W ,'Loch•' of
J Lltt, of God- I Ute llglus Mr. lt•d'ert M,itKay bell
tt will resi le
ag oue of the
the pu•ition lint year uu u tempttrarf
a}spoiutust•nt uwi,tiie•Itarged the duties
quite satlsfuctorilyr, but the pertuuueut
aptouttwent ie made -by the Federal
(i1'I1 Seryl •e (bulmisslou, who selected
1 Mr. teigie, who ie u teturuvd suldier-
THE SIGNAL 1.1INll'1N(: Co, LIMITED, Publishers
Large Audiences at Triple Prrtorns-
attce This Week
This is the week of the lions nen-
etre' show and Victoria Opera Mottos
eta, well tilled on Tuesday and Wed.
moldy nights, with prospects of elft•
other Iuwls I' house tonight. The
show is gIreu under the direetio11 of
Mr. Desire J. Bourque, who hue Wade
trete et loenl talent excluelvely in put-_
Iti^g ou the pr:_
indium The ileal tort 1s an i,ld-time'mius1rel
show the ,.retie bet11g laid ala pirate
'n Lodge,
at ode
m Lodge, No. !
ship 'mh !lye Mississippi ltit'rr. T
i [III
night last The To Debate the Ta
■ was put (AI r tiwe ago the Yuuuv Peuple'r i the part pirate butf Interlocutor.andwar alter
Of London, Mr. � tluatety of North street C11ited church takes
taemlpt•rr e.f the .•sew --1[d 1 Pars sus,
pc lug the rent a hal'euge for a debuts to Mei
Marie Sturdy.\i'n'ter 'Buchman and
n 1lupplied I c
latch Y'Y,R at Mitchell. Ti" wilt u.ccptwl, I Pr. j. A. I:rataem-an the funny cud•
.p with the result that u work teen Ln addition to the joke, an
Monday mixt representative* rida•k nod fire i1. W cm1111 an hour
to Guelph lust tt lie day and took {ort - )hits that kl e t the a 1 later. Their dniortore waw marked
ant held at the alleys 111 Soviet) are to g,. to Mitchell tl,uy► succession of laughs, there are s••ugw
by the endtuen cad hy' Mr. blurry by the blowinc .if whistle. by tet tither
that city. The local brew composed of
M. e', Cluies •,t►t�eme hold the low -tariff Lida of u debate on I
F. - Town/end, Wm. Bisset, C. Me- The Etwter ut-Some of the Ilene- that much dlecuesed subject. the tariff: ltarker and Mr. Cum{•bell 'l'w, 'Yr, jvawls in the harbor. The 1;. Rn+sell
Reg. Elliott and }'red !lout senates lance Club, ]tail uu 1'LOrptlay' Nest Monday bight a preliminary' de- and besides the minstrel circle gimps i'ubbir.I Is In charge of faro. Morin
Manus, It k
wtuuu • the prize-wiuuera, uiKbt Inst, was et4�Y:gt1 by a large I LHtr will he
held erre, the North ,d Talent Leather Girls- ant "Pie- I and Chief Engineer Ed e. Luz. The
figured b their friends. opposed by sotne I t
Ligwigreganing fourth s 33y. 'their first Mr-.numE.
of ux where sed street drlwterr befog IM rotes" lire inti.«board for solute of the ! Hurlbut SV. Smith Is commandtel i,y
u ••negate "wore was 3x37. The neat Mrs. J. 1'ridham *la itt Bret prose' twat {--lith-tl 't11en. This edould pro• ,.huruses. ✓ ,Capt. Warwick. 111 'flet alwrnee 1•f
kkyir. P Wtwm est' •r his to which
Unrl peltas were won by uruu or ladles a gt m•us wit a bright CH pt Cirl:on, who la 111. (Splpt. Sim-
• Iemeui t prize. Mi'u friends are incited. There will 1x n little playlet. '•Nquaring with The n+ ,• .in char¢(e.nf the Iletin» and
followed from d
of the I •• , t 1 ttdit•ncu u' rapid'
Harbor Is a Busy PL►. a with
Work on Elevator and Gov •
rernment Contracts
Navigation opened at this ptrrt .•n
Tue+day.aftern«tie, whelk three steam-
ers. Itetward M. Hanna. jr., C. Rowell
Hubteird and llurlbnt W. Smith, •
cleared light for Toledo. Ohio. Thin
is al --»t one week eirtie; Ihnn the
openlne of navigation last year. The
Hanna t.nd the Hubbard left about tS
'1' to I 1 11 t ' uls) attg r I vide an tuft r. fel t TLP +,uud par of '
tt:uus. TIM other local ttaW war t,ok the gent I
ctW{oscd of 11. L. Loyd, 1'. Bisset. C. M.•It:u• and Mr. F. T. seer took the i short social period at the close.
floss," given by Mr. Ne, 'V:ele, Mies `tet chief engineer is A. F. Barret it M
1' atptwi r h d 1 A Taylor. prizes Atter b daneiug ` -
1 ss ' abet on
twdy orches-, The meeting of the Yuuug People's and little' Ilope
the tart et
teocul erects Society ut North
Canoe Club
h t , T. I etc ar nut n) 1 -light Mulch. SI irs \tar ret ltantey, , not known when the tiro yew•! of ibe
canvassed the question whether etre - — ane t•ujoyed for a few is the mucic' SII 'Ilidna fey Speaks Mies }tyle Cormier, 1(. ti. Croft, mtasnn will artist.. but it will likely lie
increased 'attend,uice I w'Lfeh cerates . tra
t supjdieeh by the tees This Isla few weeks yet.
PERSONATE MENTION ora from -Myth. This tt tribe tilt•li {et of the crew,' on are TPIIlltlljjrg
the demand for the additional chow. Nem out reseal. a sere. of sucee+.fol fitting in eery ( other
rnomt could be 'wankel as permanent' V held by the S etti'et r s Sif.s by all uwalu, fuz fi''nmrr+ 111 port are hem and of .•r
and from all Information avalhtble• It .. farewell presentation was nettle to Misr Helen %nsvitz was a recent k tutees will clear w'ittlttt the next few
seemed that the attendance would like- Mr. E. V, Leislie, W110 IeNnaw shortly visitor In London. 'durlug the Itees-^-U 1 1' 1 gest utensl«•r, tcleerldnys.
ly road ' at the higher loyal. I1 had for Brookville. Mr. Lasalle 1s a char- n way that •l. fights
Ira --sed to make use of a tnnalt ter member uf• the Club and has been Rev. Father Sullivan, of Clinton, The feet In the lake has 'wetly all
Leen { 1 •
in town on .Tuesday.
.trit•t Cuitcd church
w Monday evening way especially In-
teresting. The spec 'ter wa
Edna hornet who has been teaching
,an,msthl• uud clere
member of the Ca
effie•Itve•ly and th
eluding utg t ii•'' you
k 1 eat i
for the Istat season at Parr Lnkc. "H takes her
room 1141 o w .n•e.tpitd sad try taking 1111 the board of directors savant eta
frownpartition provide a room large years. Mr. Lesslie for It inm'If amt
1 f the 'additional clxsa bat Sir.. Le.+lie thanked the Club for Its Miss Naomi Mcl)ermid spent Easter
A. enough
�t 1 settlement lu the !'ort 1 the audit t t.
For driving n car w>)NIO tatozicated
In the Magbd
remote IN. . t sr a Mies Helen
Arthur district. The tale of her ex-
wools, - r;lTlum, a n.ao, was Deuces, given In inform..& but .i.l•i1�►
sent to jail for ten tray by Ysglatrate style • fregn,•ntly sounded wore like a
or ee•
&herr•-ens some question as 1 whether gift, a golf club bug, and expressed work welts relatives in Toronto. Reid this monttng. offence war
this ,rmld the done withunt weakening their regret at Revering the pleasant • • • committed on the Prov l highway
the building. A "pedal stating of lite .!' ''fat' '4 they have enjoyed 111 MIss Juale Saunders iw visiting In Gtrderieb township. {
board would be held the following t:oderIeh. friends at Ottawa and Montreal. 011 Tne'dny Morris
r, of GM
week, and Mr. lrord incited the coon- Mr. W. A. CLui hursL chairman of • • • - i erieh, watt Neat up
so ,• . om 'perjury.
s e ml a I m cum- was fr o
ell to send same tit Its nremtatrs to this Ow golf Im flee. mole Mr. Ernest Pritchard up !charger t
meeting to join with the board in in-
specting the building and peeing what
s could he done.
in reply to a query from the coup -
,.ell, Mr. Ford said the change meant
the addition to the staff of another
• , o
.low t
teacher The hoard had 'wen
*erode to the inspector's( demand:
IM•11Is 1111011 the Club tournantetits and
thanked the memb•re for their co-
For the dance whirl' followed excel-
lent music was supplied by the Blyth
.er•hemtra. •
- -
when the building was enlarged a few AT Mac$AY MALL
Tenn ago the tonrd thought it w•a-
thrnn_t, with this snit of thing. "The End of Iha Lane" Presented by
The Meyer observed that another Victoria Street %nung People
teacher wou'd mean a mill and a -quar-
ter ore mill and a -half on the taree, In MacKay Hall on Thursday and
and asked. Could we metope to take in
pupils from outside as the city of
London is doing?
Reeve Turner asked what effect the
,jpl snIastloq _ a 'a-
( • 111=4 ayfateih of file Prov7nre wonld
h thett of attendance at
Friday evenings Ot last week the young
people of Victoria • street United
presented to al ,reciative audi-
encee the three -act
"Ibe Bed et tate 1
good attendance at Thursday Meat
performance: but owing to other at -
Toronto for a few days the past week. '• jury took place In
• • • Webber's trial two
Mr. Walter Shannon bas returned to having liquor unless -
town after spending the winter at on two charges• on
unless -
Ottawa. I was fined $100 and
• • • thus been entere,! evil
Was Jean Winter was home from i eonvietions,
'liorouto University for a few day
Mr. and Mre. Geo. Stewart are .11
Buffalo attending the American ftor-
lets' convention.
lust week..
• • •
• • •
Mr. grant Puler and Mr. and Mrs.
Sid. Holy, • T• onto, were In tows
The Knox
Char W ba
room of $Jtoz eh
eve tin J 1 16tp,
of the klrom
recital of pioneer history than a ,Wry
of the twentieth century. Quite uu-
cuneeiou.ely Mise lluruey g'ico her
os hro hearers au Impression of the very tine
Ieadenthip she Is giving in the cum -
Alleged per- triunity and church life of the people
with among whom she has been working.,
e,r I . at tit
b ago t There was u good attendance
rye was up meeting. Mr... Henderson contributed
Ot Retch Lela somal :oto •end Miss Meta Shelydow
u a�"t 1 an instrumental number.
ek of these
du *et ore
t Tueottay
1!s auspices
toe of the
d the sea-
t la three
New Bank pt Montreal Mona
The. Bank of SI.,ntre.1 :tuition
aptsrintmettt of Mr. It ,' Wit
mauager ut the lis al Kral
Dank. sun•eediug Nr E.
who has been pronsot1r1
agement of the 11n''kv1
Whetters, although ler
at Perth, Ont., enter(
. 11x•
11.7 us
I of the
the maw
otti.e. Mr.
Ali.l educated
the re
lame num
Loco Y'
,avitz anti Mr. lbeirgtte, disnppestree and the Imo' fishcrpten
nod r, "Tell Me, Conic." Slr• ideys to set nets.
chuuau sings "Was It' TLP most end of th t harbor to n cery
1 ise Mihlretl MacKay and ! hn.n• plum. Here the laying of tee
nine are the principals in a I foundation work f.tf the tt•w elevstnr
e untied •'A l.lvtug G:Irle•u." in -
le. tient troy'. The }creast ,Frill mow
r •ting some pretty data ing by is o e -rating in the eaeterni •Iii and on
s of roup iris. In Iw,. xcen,, 1 1
f g g o e la•l11 mnilr
ern, rr yes i(s R
pw'u ui�� the }'arm:' and '1'.m•uw n Iha i -lend 4 1 { trT
Dog." two new tamely star.. )bur• { In tIr• conaria. Uml ..f a new '1relge
e, its K{t.. a ...rig ,..•., 1.mpaztng,lo IPAyP within a
i.orrr Mt -Kay sad Bob Studdurt, Burst tool sena•for fpe Forrest outfit.
upon the local dramutlr flrnuemrnt.' ,Tier raltrerfora couuu,•nee I pork ,•n
Morrison does the euphi" ti.mtrrt Ia. ! the smith 'der the lost week Terre
de -da stuff. while Bob is the uncouth is it r,Insi.lerable pirtion of the yyr
and bumptious rustle. and the two to 10 re• nnwtructed In concrete and it
• • t
p n cam
u, •' n uthx t
Bourque , r , t a
Mr. )t ,• . n It 1
make a strong team 1 it t.,k » . I
siugs "When Sweet Susie G.mw Stdr the pre•a•nt contrail. -\ large num •r
ping Icy.' with a chorus of ••I'att•nt of men are hart n dy' to rommcp,e
la ether Girls;' hod he 1s again the, i,rrtlions nn the north pier and m•«•r.
heading ohmmeter 4n the closing scene.' int: crib con-tntetion Jule. 1t la
-in Sunny Spain," a brilliant spectacle la.. led fila this pili
in which Lila eta U till gtrld •
Rome eta. u1 'Toronto I»a orchestra of fifteen pure,.. Its part (brandies
for the meeting of the Ontario
Iwo' there will he chorii,e5tquartettes,' wets plan
ave an mn er Educational Association. trios. Nd,rs and' violin ohm -lions. A 1 avenue.
the Collegiate institute. If we r+»tlrl tractloss the audience a -as not so • • • I .rut -stet piarywill be the fellows( titer( of the . Liter 1.••
get over the present situation, the at- large on Friday night. Miss Kate Wild end Sl r. August third I«irt. Mr. lietir -\• 41rk, clu. baro. ;u
tendence under the new ayetem might The cast was as fulloww:•Jim'Isenver wild, left the 'rest week on a visit to liuis.t, ..t Straiten!. will ..te tointhe a1y••iutr
not require any Increase of aecommn- (n wanderer of unknown chn•ntage,. preening. Admission : -\•Iu114 3•r rends. Ilonl, u
I t \,•home. North Dakota. �_.1,1::_"1.11:'
hes in
dation. ,, Lorne J. Jewell; Harry Sounder,- . . •
'children p ratite:
Mr. Ford pointed tett that It was (Jim's pal), George ('Orrin; John tr. and, Mrs. 'Harrison. of Detroit, ,
proposed that collegiate, should. Rice Randall In rich farmer). George wore Ender s.'Hatt with the trait, 6oderieh Eataped Wily tl''
there. part of the present university cnnreP. Buechler: feud Mix (John linndall' n"
fin motion of 0nnneillnr Bailie the hired mane Jack Yuill; messenger leteents,.Jlr. and Mrs. J. S. llowrie. Great electrical stories, wkh henry t„ whirl
• • • downpours of rain, t'isited a Mlde area nsnuitr
on the
eel in
prim' led no manager to S1'ey
1 - ,4' 191' he has held the
of manager et Denali
1 of -the Bank's, Oise• -t bran -
he WC -t. A1'1,1't:cl' Interest - l
variety of &t+'(•hurl- urgauiza-
ere, the number of older• 11.
rr;tngetietwo •rugte4s Ute eat, o
be Will lie ntir•siet Sri the ...til
whirls he is leaving.
talo be
reiri,•s. . In 1.
•hart -r' of the l.•t:nt
C. .4tfl,•11•, titer year.
Mayor. the Reeve and the Depots Loy. Gus SVh rthy Coral , Ilnud tIi Miss I. 1-' Sharman attended the of the Province the {oat Tarek and
Reeve were appointed a committee t•• 1 1 1111 Itawl:tire only daughter), Ce- — —..—_ -- Il. k I'iuler. \1'm. Fainter. W. ,Ih.
1 (' 11 I t in•tiht'Nt Lanni iron a Randall, Sin }'red
annual cohveotion of the Ontario Edo- caused floods ahieh did great damage
its nal last many {lacca wcla widely -riser !landsmen Prepare far Season Th.nn-on. I:. SI. Ii.M It. C,. It.tss: SC.
a 'Seabrook FII 1 1 t ((' I I , haw7 New- \I ut hftw a no nil I IIT I' 111
o or throe I" LI alar al I
f 1 f the are cent sem; W Kett R tit 1 rf (Barry faith the � 1 1 tl w' 11 •u lyateta f the for ILP ,tuunk sir t 1 }•'f
Ct' i SSarte � ,I � 1 croft .1.N.-.•1.1 in,{ r a1 r .I k
I1 C t t Nrl The I i 1 1 lint t t is debar' a tl hope thU He •stn scald have {
h Sir. Pery Shenrdown, who i I t tittle I I 1 1 1 'h tele lu t.•w k - >_ 1
lei -iced his home herr .for ,n ft d I I i 't apt"'luted Ly the t
St P 11 it tee id f " 1 tl cdle 11 t tic Str, (raft paid. t t
� S(r. Friel Weston find S
m 11 1 h' If R tt I f •srr•u ••:•mint for 'the g
meet the n PR n r , Jewell;; I,•. 'a \stusclalimi at Toronto
manner n ' d n doer with Mr. 'off
-Ientnlr, and Mis. %nvitr, and .1 .
Iterinpte .141.oma pretty d:utt•htg.
'm x'11111111$1
w 414•1111111111
til Gene 1
11,11. r•nrire p•rfonutirx•e and her i
elecerne•it as an aerotu'oti•t -ttt lite
calutebia• 11 the nnrsieal nunsters.
itesidt•s those elrea.l' n,wltloned. N'i
SI,• -+rat. 1'. K. Saunders, }'Burk • 1111 - et
I«•rt :unl J. IL Kne•shuw take part iu 1
rhe 4.1«•uirt: melba•. 'rhe • 1'irutrs• :tin
. wbo
c..101..M. the min -fret damn.. are In
\It:n1 Srlsonie;d. Frank Wutn.lr•r:, N,rl
Sale. Itn.i Stlrly. George Itte bonen.
SCedneedat night. Mr Vert 'tome.
« incharge,
,w 1. e
r , n, tot.
The sertiee. tit the BapIi-t churls
11 Is• emiducled again 11011 ►tun•ly)
Hel. .1-11.44•n Melnb•-h, , f Tontutn
elm n'Kg1- r meeting of the W -KR
Nilinry of Knox church will to Leet
the 1e•tnr• room oft T»edey. bprrl
ns In any r.
ad gra Into this ..sitter ser. ,d the ..• . 11' It•• et Cnnnl, «• ytry Iran, prey
The • settop of Maitland cemetery looim friend). Mrs. Llmer Cranston; ' • • • tiled :rod at ulkert f, , e'awa, New art h baud 11, r {
.cited six fntrrmr•nts•In the month Mettle' }aizxbeth Ann (servant at the a s. 'ice oftr�ut fi.....1:, lu p,•yeral CaaP. there Iu•1., in the haul room at the toot, 1�'I mtk,• tet
Randall homPl, Sir.. George Ikea«•h or : - was Lr.. o life aa a n'- � t t ,e high ,m tat at r. « e ..f •, o,,••, n
of Nnrrl'' I'rv,nkilu •(Int . spent Easter wM-k i (
1 bn :11111 n,kiuR twenty,' i ncren, Keith Snnrelers, St:niley 'rat-
felhrw., aero referred 0 1 s u i; Mrs. a P . a u e, r laity's father, u a o 1 ne
t nrwuet ue x• ' , ,t+se•I .I 1'i.lr:ui reel .h«• no ler. i ty
mitis& esbie Stewart Henry, - gars at northers, Mrs. Unit Mil er. - • • • river. i t 1,11 t avis vi•Ire y ie:11 � 11t ro 8 1
ptenlnitr res , enr•t. ay.ev • ree rP comedy'. n l• ever one and i- rain•, in o11 acranii , i r. I, ve a .•lets m:eke u , vitriol.+ chonne mil
• a sanely- .' nf.l a .!nn• its• oou ".; 1'iretta. cot' 44 chorus.
sbn .tire ,tenet: reshingttng houses toll of wit and hunter from beginning 111' til the 1'Ulver•ity of Toronto, :Iasi ire porous soil had a trouble. tact 11111.
Anclw•a street: J.' it. Wheeler. gar- to cad. The first net of the ploy tnkta i day.- the storm Nhoaing it, ettcctit hero onl fart ti 1 1110 111 11 •r• of dart year's I'uent I1•.ither torte Beauty; ,horns.
?calcs re- place at a San Frandsen boarding w a i11 delayed trains, rot t water and anti, rotiunl, w• awn '1're•s• Tloders, t unhenrrim• d:na.s,,-.
age. Toronto street : .\:, O. ' R 1«• ue1' Tr' ballet g: r-- and their "' eerie,: dwelling, Palmerston 'street house. Ton penullatss wanderer. Jin' • • • •
Mal ,r«:
Ellett VLI .r�R i ora. r • tiled p a,ot ser Gulf, 1 - -
tve•ek, - I:n ••k.•r The h,rNi••a1f 11oy s a L..
,rv•-ant at the m,+
rel Sirs J F Robinson and ,n,(. r,• .bole Pore. Slnrrny 11,11.4•
1 I of 1 1 1 SI (I :cot, ••r 11 t 1arr1
Applications for Welding maestri, n+ IIiit-it Reed (»11 orphan), .titre .1. tit r Sir. IVillietil water. .\1 W111R aAut a y w:,s organizing
Cone—nor !,•r. IsohA Ll croft. Jetties Berhlirt.
Iha past week ,fined it would I
damp tellers. The aca:l10? ens fur ,o»ucil had r'
,Jervis Wilt's, garage. tic ,'s enter, rumen t en o pnssing se•tiso11a .h warty tit iteos tt.. m .os -4: nuke roma 11,111/11¢ ptuk.•• to pretty eddit' n t.. the
street : J,w. Sen r . , rn argue¢ gar- Imre• n At the song -suet simr o nlive I:rm P carrying nn • ,nes in which they appear.9,11•
f IMtr 'tvisited n[ the i, eon rr t n s are new - roup of 1, rt sm )II girl d sass r m 1k,
alae!. Elgin ArOnne. wealthy New York fernier, whose child f ter w rk I,. I weer of I •'.,• ub l bur.. The ¢Irl. of the !anon•
'I'n•g tt wain. o ul , this cntr.
A petition for read oil an ENO' was kidnapped twenty yenrs before, home of Mr. and JohnMrs. e. on at
It's a IAIng. lama Trail
Ther nn nahrr: ..f Oo uu
street, from ('amttrin road to the aim hoes' ther(t4y to repair his the atek-end. Tw0'rosoa I iris, Ilfe!a itlat.m and the uuanirn„sis opinion tsar the .•ni ,!:carni+ :Ire; In I'gltt Slcr, h: II.•'. it
C.N.R. stntinn, ars sent to the public brvrkeu )fortunes tied to gratify his •• • • Barbara 'thorn ng, mere In Goderlch sitter to &runlle nnatrerN l„•tlt,vu thr,ya1 tz.' I:ralyn la•,ni. 5111. SI Lo:rn
works committer. - longing for a Lame. The ,Iwep11,n is SIrr. Ir,uuU,1 T. Murray and two i,rcrr t;itu1,1:,y night on a 'hike” with bend and the towtt conn..,l •honbl b.• Itnrh •'onniel•, .Ic:,u 1 li tit N n'iina
n veal •' •t ss (incl art two opens with children are visiting with her rent., the 1'n.'ilfr cont am Ih.•ir objtrtfye. cnngros•d of bandsmen. Mr ('soft tx::.- lin >. Srlu.ittri,• le r!. riuer..n. Helen
Petitions for cement Sidewalks the scene at a farm in New Turk. ThP tit the ('olt10nse Apartments, after committee it,t'"filet•. Slarie nyun. NI1rs:rr•t Ship-
Thev had intended 'h, g.. pert of the n( tet npitefon 'teal 'siti'is ..The b•uols- hart Slargaret Il••n•ta,, lapruthy
Four petitions for ,anent sidewalks fernier, his wife, and hitt daughter re -1 spending the winter in Detroit.
were sent to the same committer: 1•,.It'e ,Sim with open arms, and Jim • • •
Atone side Britannia road, Bay fielr sten finds himself in ince with the
read to fiuron rand; north elle Elgin
avenue. Cambria rood to ''ictorta
street ; test elite Market street, Mon-
treal street to Elgin avenue; east side
Palmerston etreet, 11rttnnnin rood to
Ito glan street.
C. 11. Humber, serrehiry of the Cod -
elect' horseshoe Aswoclatlon, asked for
the privilege of the 11.1. of the lot at
the reser of the town hall. Referred
jointl to the public works and parks
daughter, who unwittingly returns hie!.
love. Mint the eremite of true love and
Of a well-planned fraud rune anything
hat smooth. A rival lover, Harry
Saunders, who happens to be a pal of
,Situ's, appeere on the Beene and things
tied me .rather emhnrrasing to Jitn.
in the fine) act of the play, which also
takes place at the New York farm
home, the hero (,Tim) trees himself
from the tangled, web of his own de-
ception and admits to the farmer end
- Exemption for New Annex itis wife that he iv not their long -lost
A comtnunlcatlon from the Goderich sone
Llrt•nlor I'o. naked that a hylnw he All the members of the east took
eutimitted to the nntelelyees to grunt their parte well, but probably special
to the new Met ator annex the some
tax exemption as le given on the pres-
ent plant, namely, exemption from all
but school taxe,. The Company asked
that the exemption he for the maxi-
mum legal term and date from the
year 19ao. -
The finance eninmittee wee emlaw•
creel to have the bylaw prepared.
An application from Miss Stokes,
stenographer et tee town hall. for an
Inerenet of eatery ens referred to the
Ananee committee.,
Report on Maitland River
The report of the Hydro-F:lertrie
(Power Commission on Maitland
River lower was mthmitted. (This is
pelhll.hed tlaewhere in this paper.)
The Mayor avid he did not consider
it n fair report. Ile did not think the
M»itin11d teat exeepthmal In the mat-
ter of t-arinlion of flow. There WAR
less dnrmege from frr•reiets en the Mn it -
land torn hn other rivers. 'However.
that Is the reason given- that the dam
wont., have to be string enough to
wltheennel the freshets.
Councillor Bnllfe agreed with the
Mayor in considering the report un-
fair. Aa compared with the SAnge•n,
the Grand and other rivers, the fresh-
ets on the Maitland were not No severe.
The Mayor mid he telt the report
had been 0401t'4 with a defile. to put
(Cont'nued on page 8)
mention might he made of Martha
(We. Ceti, Rambler) and )tied Mix
(.lack Yuill), who provided some
splendid comedy with theirfunny an-
tics. Rnd Is in love with Martha and
he woos her with gumdrops and Pen -
iiefore and between nits instr»-
mental music woe placed 1.y Mrs. M.
1'. l'trtt, Mira itelight Mulch and iter.
R. 1t- ('nmming•
way through the 1 tilted states, but at should Ire sit l.f31,tory.
SNrula they were tinned back hy the men considered the matter ,•trettii' .Itel„•rt.••n. teiri'et• 'tidies 1:ertrnd,•
Mrs. Sam elrardewn and two tans. United stater• lmmigrnti,•u authorittea, nal atoned Bandmaster I'...\. 1t. 55,11. 551ct•1er, Itetty Tho n,:r., Kohl.,,,,
rs. Will .iohit-gn :111d 113,11. i',,,,,,,. .Uma 411 ,,,I,, Verna_: C•t-
Waiter and Harold. have re- and so changa•d their route to go by Insou:.Ste .
turned home after spending the Easter w•ay- of Goderleh, Omen Sound 'end Carter the committee to deal a1111 1111 ,,,,I. .leuroe K‘1.'. Noriee Gr:tf,
holidoyt in Wondstoek and }:msec, Nudbiry. ... town cnuurtl daring 1921►. 51:,rt 11•1. tit, -r. l'hyl'i- Conl«'r. 1)1111
• • • members resent were nnani Stark. Irene 1'ellott, Phyllis It.d,th-
The girls were in hiking costume- Tim mem p
Dr. and lira. John l'i. Swarts and khaki breeches 111111 sweaters, high tttnusly in favor of retaining 51r. Wilk- sem. Si tre:ret Ilaruey. l- atelia )linnet.
two children. Tommy and Stilly, of Inced bots and "tants." Knapsacks Ines ae bandmaster. it 1+ expeelt•d Sargnret 1niufl1111- Ttwele Corot..
('hazy. N.Y., have returned Nene niter that rehearsal& will cnnstnenee shortly.. Shutt er ieletoit, Phyllis !law hlcr.
,pending Hester week with the late -
tar's 'wrests. Mr. 811.1 Mrs. Those
Swarte. reach the enlist some time in July. t tit unto
• • • After stnyiu the eight at bard- (Florida. ---lira ••uncus -, -4 . - ' Life:” etrninR. "Indkulual and •,
R lane of n St 1'etrrsh^r'g neer i.rittiiti Tagil i :unmpit .\.tit t
Mr. T. (:. Coley• of fort t t Sir• ing house here, they left ,:today morn-
1o'vr win be of inte•r'st In m,roy i^• 1S'i1l;nnl. bears \1':un1101d. SIiLUa.,I ''int rsbkirntions." !tSibhnth a•hrnd nnA
spent the weekend at the Lottie of Mr. nig for Kincardine, hoping -•with the (:ml. -rich. Suss Nvrrmn Whitely, tf•.cKoit I{ile•n rl'Itrieu. 1'Lein.• I:nr•, tlihl' clAsee•s of psoas The mattuP
end Sir -4. A. i.. ('ole. Mrs. iniac and asslmtt,, of friendly motorists -to bride-to-be, 1'. the dnngliter t.f the Late rtes Slsry F;cel n St•1�•nm. Sint seer ! 11111 are u.Is, hilly lit Iced to attend
daughter Helen returned home with Ret to 1)wen Sound that evening (Hirer C. 5),11Iely of (.,sheikh. nod 51.. 11.• toe loaning perve•e.
Boy Drowned at Wingham
Metiers. NnrmAp Mt'Phnil end Neil
MPDnnald, of town, were tit Wingham
on Saturday finnlAtlng in grappling for
,Tarhite /turfman, who w•as drowned to
the Maitland River there that day. The
fatality oeenrred when .the boat in
whleh Burgman and three other boy's
were rowing eapatze,l. Two of the
boys, Murray Rae end Harold Skt1d-
Ing, swam to safety, while young
Burgmen and Arthur Stone clung to
the cepslzedraft and were 'wept
over the milldam. Stone mnnnged
to grasp a tree in the stream and was
later rescued by men from the shore,
hot the ewift curried. from the (swnl-
Ian veniers carried Rurgmnn for hell-
o -mile, when- he disappeared from
eight. .The body has not yet been re.
esrered. Jackie Burgman was the
thirteen -year-old son of Mr. and Mrx.
W. F. Rurgman, of Wingham.
1111 their backs carried much neeem-
W,ries as they require. They left
Toronto on April bud anti hope In
Nei. tie :!,enol. Irate Sheplei14. 'I'le•I
at a.:us
The 15 -11.11 t 1 tutui'teranry peryt1��
,11 he 1.1! at North dart 1 uiTst
hnri L .•n tlllu:a%• April _tet. Tfc
I•r.•acher .for 1!•'llay will be itt•c. W.
'T i,itc ittteu. of Stratford. •'
The thunk ,Raring meeting of the
trtkur 4'1i' 4 wtli 1«• held in the 'los
11ne r•onr ..f Knox . h 111 a ..n Mal ay .
ec••Ii:u�. .S'•r 1 17.111. a' •• •'• i.irk. es
(:r!g. , •.:fort' oil give .in
bit. Ian: • \f'l'ab ., of }',•tart
1 r...•n!•r rhe 1o1p,r fu Vieb.ft*
1'nir.••I chane neat Sun,&. %: '
• e, at I1 ttru and 7 p m. }'.•L
1=hip .i„-• at 111+ Juts Somjity
-. ,...,I at 3 pm,
Il, t lieorrt• (tooth left on
ti Mrs. Itnoth and famih at Tor•
,,•.• and l,retwore for their long Joirtj•y
to Chinn. Sir. •1tooth ....copied the
Labbe I . f Knox chard, ..n Sunday (-ten's
II!.. gib lair a !'err intrrestanr rix'w r
rlrt i.e,' tit \••rl1 -t reef i'n d
lute• h nevi Suu•I:1i a- folloan; 'Je
a at. 5!••11'- club. -frll,tt-41,11 class end
Suasion b lid Forces that ,re
\!akin the' World Better- is the topic
to 1e inrrodn.id in the Siell's 1'1116 tic
Sir. 11. \1' Ieoaell. 1'mhli.t aonhlp,at
' 1I ti m, and 7 p.ni. • Smminy' school.a'
:S p.m.
W•rticctt Al Kgne chiriti n!•xt SUR.
- , I'n hire ('ertrlr `I.l,Irt Katie '':11 "s foliotls: Pub' ie worship at
Brit-- -'t {s Honored \I c Sltl Incl Iti r, 11, too -1.'1 Sermon 1 j i
n m 11" 7 , m - sn .. tr s •
fling item from a re. .:, r,1,r nrr;t . ' , morning: ''1'b• Christluin Meaning of
I s 1'1 clll K SI
him after visiting in Gmlerich the
past week. Mrs. Cole also returnell
with them.
• • •
Slims Carrie Mc('ann, who spent see -
Prat weeks with `friends in Guelph,
returned home on Sunday and was ae-
t•nmpnnicd to Godtrich by Mr. and
Mrr. Frank linker and children, Gloria
When they arrive at Vancouver they
plan to earn their livelihood
ffing a chicken farm,
In Memory of Marshal Foch
:\ large congregation Attended the
eerviee in• honor of the late Mnrehtel
Foch at St. (lrrrge'o Meares on Sine
day morning. The serl.ee was eon -
teeny renders of The Signal will dr ___ - i -The F:Nster tltiu,kr,ffe•rine of ter
by run• Tw'Ilight Recital ,yett`11t street 1'i ite.l • hnrdt nuxilipry
etre to Jnln in tet gon.1 wishes that
Ir•in_ fe•nder(r1 to her: S1- 1'onrlas (':unpbell, urgbni't nal ••f the•, W.SI s. till h• heel SVedn,e4uiy
1 ' A p011ily ap1ottafr,d bridge 1un.hnn ,.lo,lrin:'.'i,•r of North stmt 'Flailed arming, the 17th Inst, of S web...k,•in
waw given Tneednt at the Jungle hotel church. presented' a number of hi- the Snndny ei.dmrol none. The speak -
by Mrs. Laurer Robbins. honoring her, /midi.; iu n ,h•Iilhtfnl twilight recital or will die 511.1. '4'ioru Preston. of
Ile,, Suss NArmn Craft Whitely'• 1 »t his studio, RjUerloo street, lay>t notion. China. ,\ cordial incitation is
w•htwe engagement to M.- Stamey :MooF'ri,lay affi•rnron. Miss Sblrii'it 41)- g1t•t•n 1, ,11, w'ho would like to deer
!.tan of was nnnnutlyd, the It,'-. .opr;ehn s„loi.t, of Clinton. of couditioris In Chinn a(s full ey oar•
w'eddin '1,,41„1.',",t,„ event of April 27 tit a•+fisted in ter prognnn, singing tt•t• r•sider:l there for 11 11nmbr•r of yes
R1 R 1 Silas I'r•.h.n is ter :r»ndd:ntghtrr of
ter First 1'rPsbyterim, church. .'rhe ,•rnl Isaisln ,wd,w. Thr rhino nnm-
luntttt it table was chornelnelt nr- is'r- hy' Mr. 1t1rl.la•II's pnp1ts wore n- the late Rev. ,irinie. Preston, n Fortner
renged with epririg flowers, ti low howl foliose:. ''4:r1)atlt qr•r f:seen" ft.it isI l4 r of \„4th sect ehuri h. ' In atf
Collins, n( tArnln, to fulfill the er- „f which e8'itit e•linter ,aortic, site 1a•y i• Keith Cnllornr; "1'pin n Swing ,,lit inn to Miss 1'restoh'o address. aim
rangement under which he was to tale spray's nrnning tluc lent.-th of Ilio• 111114, 4l.iv t'7 4' Marian 4'hnpmnn ; "Ilan- a in he n one•aet play• entitled An
s•hrmt of , t.. gnrinn Ihencr” (};ngelmann r, Dora Irnlorttent (lnestitan.' M nle•tnber5 • t
and Baby Dawn, of that city. They �rhm•ted by the meter, hl'v. J. N. if.
were the gnssts of Mr. ,fames O'Neill. Mills, who explained that owing to the
• • • interruption of commie t'atione and
Friends of Mr. Gordon Zweite. were the bad roads cnuse,l by Fnldny'e
pleased to see him in town again this (storm it had been im1"tssihle for ('noon
week after a long stay In the hot/pled
at Lerndrrn. Ile Is ntm.vrt fully rr-
r•nverd from Alis illness and expects
shortly •lo resume hie work as ('.1'.11.
engineer. Mrw. %avitz, wen wee In
Lender] with her hushantl, will return
to town about the 1st of May, when
they alit again take up reeidehce here.
• • •
Mrs. A. FRPner, Pr. end Mrs. le. T.
Egener and sons, Donald and Teed,
end Mr. Norman Preston, of St. Cell
arfncs, spent s'verwl days of the pant
week ns gtlt.ts tit the home of Mee.
P. Mace/wen, (`Umbria road. On
their return nn Monday they were ar-
e,tmpnnied by M,Iss Margaret Mor-
e:wen. who will spend a few week's at
St. Catharines. Dr, Fgener assisted
the choir of Knnx church on Sunday
evening and sang a polo which wax
much apprealsted.
the svrrcice. Mr. Mills his ser rntwind with fern. :1 Stktu•on; "Sit iinka" Illetnsl, Annie
'old an eloquent relent. to Marshal and orchid ,was a:toiled out eRe�•ti%elc r 'n m: •' "Mazurka,'
I!'rin,l,. the I' 4; 1'r
•Etieh, laying stress upon :he fact that' In the de•nratitns. The cngagt'rne'nt \ k) tt
the great aoldler nom I relight up in A Brute \Vors,•It :• "Sweet Pream•
1 woo announced on tiny m1.;agte found. iTschnikowokc 1, Mete SheaMotcn GODERICH FUND FOR
Ikrd-k•nrhlg Larne and throughouthie 111 the centre of the corsage earrit'd by 1 The vocal •rias by Miss lahbine•
shmced that be end not forgetter the miniature bridesmaids nn i•,tch I weer N laddie Thayer I. In M. t
the example and the tea, of ,his place card. Milos Whitely Is tet (:nrlen" I Itol«•rts 1 ; "Murnit,g"
saintly parent,,, 11 was „ofta nein dnnghter of Mrs. Oliver C. Whitely of (Nlmttk'4. "i'nit' Moon" 4tergnni, ••in, The only .111'1111011 this week to.
whnar devoted prayers :,1 triad 1n the F:Imh»tst avenue. IMtrnit. Stich.. and
dwyw of tate In the (:rest Aar. Slay' Titre (Slots sit "Brown Itlr,l the fiuelr•rirh Fund for the hritlsh
The nervier. wens ettectled by lore) la mating her first visit to St. Peter+- Kin¢inR" ( Wood r. The AM."' ng Miners is the generous eontribIP
nxemhers of the Caundlan idMbn Inn burg. Mn. MacLean is the son of the were annoitneed ns the prireainners tion of Mniilanel Lodge, No. 33,
testy. The Dead march was played late Rev. and Mrs. John Norman Nal 1 in tl reent musical enmpeiti st e, r-' .t Ls, an,1 AMM.• 4-0.n11.•• Thi*
hy Mr. C. A. it. Wilkinson. organist of .,""•11, \ova Fkotla, tea ' huller Iso. SLtrion Chnproa..: 1 th fund in $ '1875
the church, and Mr. It•'blet Henry
eonaded last Post.
You can hay Maypole snap In Can-
ada Imo Try it --it makes all dyeing
easy. Ask your drnggtst tot R.
The Parade of Nations to be given
by the (1-('.i. atudenit at their com-
mencement in MacKay !Tall April 11i11)
and loth Is Jitet as popular VI ever.
Ile dirt to see it,
_nd, Gertrude Wheeler: senior I.I.: 'ren s t •
11111 Sutherland: 2nd, Jim t(niherinnd. As tliready announced, the fupd
will he elnxed nn Monday, ARM
Save time and assitre rl•enMs try lint- ifi
Ina end dyeing with llayts'ie tot ap. th, and the money will then be
Available at any drug More. 1 fflew 'iirded.