HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-2-28, Page 14til. ✓fits .-
15-Tbureday. April 4. 1929.
sr IoT
Just Ri*ht for This Weather res >ro>Q PRIMING
�Ht Pea++ yi old lir Planted F:arl
far (..o(,d Kraulta
This Is the time fur jruntIl . All of
nand camel i ItOU d l.o: renllr\•l4t
frulrJ foie ra+{•l%•crit puch, as well lK
' the spindly ones , among floe lieW
growth. Seam of the Miler wood
shol14 tH• rut :Iway from the .si=r-
..,+raa O lie,
beech's II. rurr:uus, e:rm t tugo
trimmed lip early to avoid es esslve
bleeding. With grape's. out, may rut
ii Way all'w'eotl,but a mere skeleton, as
Y. -••S E. I the fruit k borne on the ucw• year's
_rowth, lis handling fruit the-, o:e!I
,F -tom, rip tM iM ill sunlight Iu111 +nr, :old eIIt
out branches that nth agliu t lin-
tii le in calories and warming carbo- dhPr :Ind remote weak CrOteMe In
pruulitg roses one should t(heemtar
- -just warm that they. like grapes, produce flower,:
hydrates -No fuss or bother
.:If 1111' IIPw Wield of IIIP.ta11•"11. and t:'
in avzn and serve with hot milk I,rvagv ywtl flowers im must 1,:•to
»Iongrowth of yyI>od. Tr,tm heel to
Company. Ltd a few goal br:nu•he+. removing alt
_ weak stenos. 1'ruuitig of the hybrid
Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat
Quiet, Homelike.
Many - travelers stop at
our HO ELS because they
find quiet surroundings.
homelike atmosphere and
comfortable accommodations
at ,moderate prices.
perpetr,.11s +hound be done early in the
np•pearinlr. Cut each cane back to aux
or eight hints from the ground. always
erring ju+t above a had pointing out -
Pard. The weaker -growing hybrid
te•.s aro prune.! more aererely. 1f
size ergo III gnalitc of, tt.•w'cr+ are
ought, :i11 but tic.' shoots aro
Ilse hair• and ea.•Ii of Ihcso•r4Nhaiui;,c -
•tine :- .;:t kid: to three or four buds. are protected from est and trans.'
Testing the �ttil
Serious result-• are sure to follow- Planted outside later. ndhoti!- disturl.
the working of Ilie cull t•io soon Let IUg the mite. SImiJ. remove the bot-,
sj.nng just before the new growth Is'.
Toronto, It t,: - aaunitn�•ed in New York, will lye the scene of title
year's Internatlo . I Typewriting Contest, where Albert '1'altOpra 11eft
world's ehawpl. typi-t. will defend his title aguinat all ci.Uw•rs. One
of AIIIcrt's most • •rlltl,luble opj■meutr will be Irma LVright 1 right 1 of
T.routo, world's ,Oitauear ch: 11111Mn. It Is •largely as a cumplimeut to
the rututdlan gin . succi.+s in last year's international event at Sacra-
mento that this : •Wars contest is tM lee tyis•.t off in her home tatt0 till
September :.."ill. 'funs I, the first Hum in a quarter of a .'••usury that
the chawpioashi,. has been held outtride the United States.
• Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Eric
on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada
WHETHER traveling by min or auto, eine. an all night's ride on beautiful
Lake Erte. CAB Late Sreamrn are magn.h, cot timing hotels. with Wee cum-
fottabid staterooms. excellent .luting room aervite and courteous attendants.
Music and Datums oo the great ship SEEANDBEE"
Maoists, Saves day CAB Ltne way. Avoid roam and mace ofcoward ?m �.
Maio and Cleveland Division R Stanley, Gd.
Each way. every night, Insole at 900 Duly xn�.e. leaving Port Stanley, 4 00
p m arriving 7 30 a. m:. (E S.T.) P. mit arriving Cleveland 9 t 1
May 1a w November 15th. June 3u to September Nth.
Cana.raoaa u C lonstaad for Cider Paint. Pot.la•Bay. Detroit. aoieta wear and aouthw.at
$4.50 one way - BUFFALO to CLEVELAND - $a•50 rd. trip
New Low Autos Carried $6.50 and op___
Farest3.00oneway-PT. STANLEY toCLEVELAND-$S.00rd. tri p
Autos Carried $4.50 and up
1rri , fee dari.ft .. C&B Triangle Tsar
Port Stanley, Canada Buffalo. New York
t t1 I 1 1111 11 luuw:nr' (,B •tit
11 I I I 11 11111 1 1 1
the ground I ...... dry ; if soon.
•• ry tum of the lux : the cost cl,t tt 1
work orf your .fever oa indoor planting will have ebuse.l the +•.1 to stock well
r indoor planning.. It .is a simple together so that the!, .s wo shaking of
thing to test whether the w,tl is ready ' tile'rod4, and plan,
or rot LII that is necessary is ho' Betts and t'atvofs
rake til, a handfiul and squeeze. If. it No vegetable gar 'en. ,,,f course. is
ani{vu t- into a lump In the hand. It eomplete without a tow rows of beet-
- ton wet to work. but if. on the con- „and carrots. But w•.:o trot mean or 51 11{Fa.l•:q..
It fs dinars He'f't. and carrot-. Now=adays,.-
- -
Watch your
WATCH the health of
your growing children!
See that they have the health
and energy neceuarY
their school work and play.
For growing children -par-
ticularly girls --a rich supply
of red blood is essentiaL
Languor, nervousness, dc -
pression„ fickle appetite or
pallor indicate anaemia.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
enrich the blood, prevent
anaemia and build healthy
bone and tissues. Thousands
of mothers have proved this.
"Mer twelve-• ear -old girl."
writes Mrs. Robert Devitt of
Broughams. Ontario, "became
so pall, so ill and nersous
that we had to take her out of
school. 1 tried Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for her and
she gained in weight and
strength. SI: is now the pic-
ture of health."
But. a box of Dr. V.'dliatna'
Pink Pills at all druggists and
deal.rs in tried:cine or, post.
pa.d. b3 mail at 50 cents a
bon iron The 1)r. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ontario. g ri
pkwtings can often follow early crop
Mt Idtn.•e, spinach and radish. 1)„
not lie afraid to grow plenty of bect-
:uld carrots. are what cannot be . use,.
during the summer and full may be
storey{ away for the winter and the
larger. coarser time% will lie relished by
the chickens. rabbits, or other live
st:+ k.
The Leading
Men's Store
Everything that s new In
Men's Wear
!laud Tailoring and Special
Order to Your Measure
Chas. Black
Photo. '2111 (io.len.h
• eery. it. crumbles when +ynet•zerl
probalih• in just the rigiht e.aiditlo n , one plants. with-deanite purposes lit ,
for working. , view. Thus, for rill niugaria salols.
Sweet Peas ' where the whole leo t Is used. .small
Sweet peas must be planted earls or round beets are c•••,sidereil the best.
the results will be dlsappntertnte;: 1.1 and -fur--early. eau..., whirlt_may he;
some 'isn't% of the --•..• J. the vine-' used when they are a. big as your
are probably up by now. If the sea thumb, shorter type- •1 this vegetable
ss .m is leiter than usual. do not wait ' are advisable. R•''. can 1..• s.Iw-u
until past the usual planting time int ..111+t as soon as the _r. 1 is ready
'secure some old berry -hoses or eon'. and further plantings ''for later use'
I boxes Nought for this puss's.. put in at Interval4 of twe weeks rip tri
from any seed supply house and plant, the first of July They sbnuhl he happen, and ill dont,.0 gives inform -
these. Some people have used half sown in row's about two ftfet Apart. or Nihon which should enable . nthusia$
,' shells with gat results. Fill with wl1'r P'hrre horse cultivation is used,. tie listeners to Improve theft a.•ts,
fine soil, plant sour %weet peas well' and thinned to ati•ntt an inch and a- iThe transmission of electro - mag-
apal•ed, water and place in a sunny ' half apart in row •'. Side -dressing of netic waves such as water. heat, ant
window. ,When the ground is fit for nitrate of soda is advised during the a.m. forms the bakic'prtnctple of re-
working outside. take these boxes or carie growth of tb'-e vegetables. Take dao communication. "ttlrtron tells is.
egg -shells, gently remove the bottom' out every other plant when they have, These waves travel through the ether strange Bytes: of ll . to Pwedeed in
wlthont disturbing the roots inside grown a little, using the beet}, tubo at a rate of 300.000.00o metres per Afeiea r
and plant In the open. The soil, ofand .
course, must not be disturbed. �' a Ju-Ju--th• strange rystem n ma
transplanting, place in a shallow Itater"on. again take out every other! writes:
"If a particle of metal Is beat- tired to Afrry- by Mr Si Barbs
trench and heap Wil well ,up around root anti still later every other -one ed to a high temperature there lea practiced
them so as to develop a sturdy root again, which will give the vegetables a (marked tendency for the atoms to Baker, the well-known explorer,
growth. It may necessary to pro- chance to reach full development. separate from one another . Al the Kodak I[agazlne
te•vt with little paper collars from cut f to of Tour hundreA veers gen. when
worms. A few early Mlle of corn may Portuguese mladnnarl• Ara ar
be started In this same manner, the L
ptnntst being warted Indoors where they
Et.t. '.. 5I n,a' 1,• \'ave. Siml!ar to
. c'lu'e• Kind,. of Waves.
11 w :i "s Air. less work' Why Is
it that toric, : components. joined fo-
ie 1tr.1 wt4Fw 1 . .it.- or ..ir.e muffin'',
1•' 1.i11 re..ults. Few pi opo, who own
winless seta yawn .yr muco of a0
exDlap'';i .n if' asked 'thy the 11 art
10 ''Wir"•Iess Step by Step"
'•Diet• ni•' explains Dost what does
ate ars
Dr 'illitums'
too sa CeuNre.a•
)fYR'TII:KY OP Jr -Jr.
d all as green' while the carrots
{ Light la thrown on the mystery rat
Whenmay be used in the ordinary was In chapter on valves "DlctrOfl f glc
Soaking the aee,1 overnight before
planting will hasten germination, and
in' de01 ing do not cover with more than
about half an ' inch of soli. Later
t •
C1RTrl [R yOTeRs paoopCY
Acar that doesn't say
rl 1 I `Y= SIZE
Tl I E. Chrysler -built Pivisouth
is a full-size car --roomy and
comfortable -freed from all of
the traditional limitations ofdimin-
utive cars so ordinarily associated
with a low price.
Plymouth has easv-
riding lengthiness and
• appealing symmetry -.ihe
dynamic grace and charm
so characteristic of all
Chrysler designing.
every time you see it!
Plymouth also has the smooth
power and supple quickness so
typical of all Chrysler performance.
The exclusive Chrysler Silver-
l)ome high -compression engine,
cushioned on rubber mountings
__with aluminum alloy
pistons, special manifold
and silcrome steel exhaust
valves- gives Plymouth
utmost vigor, flexibility
and responsiveness.
l rear..
N. r artery
1 -
Everything about Plymouth is
full-size and dependable. To-
gether with a sturdy chassis and
rugged axles, Plymouth has the
safe, sure, easy control of Chrysler
full-size weatherproof internal -ex-
panding 4 -wheel hydraulic brakes.
Yet, with all its bigness and
power, Plymouth can match
economy with any' ear -not only
in gas, oil and tire mileage, but
also in upkeep and long life.
No longer does a small price
limit anybody to owning a small
car. Plymouth fall -size, Plymouth
power, Plymouth beauty and
Plymouth econ tmv, make
Plymouth today the foremost in-
vestment in the field of lowest -
priced motor cars.
* * *
Coq', $82o; Rsed rn (*Mb PROW, Lott),
$850; 2-D•er Sea,, $860; Torneg,$70;
Dr Loxr,Ggr (testi rookie trotj, j870.
4- D•or Sed•s, ,t89o. A/I pre n r. o. 4.
N•r.dror, Churn, inhering stained fot-
o tory eqs:Purest (fright dad :axe. extra).
-RI, ye --
Canada's L02ttelt-Priced
Full -Size Car -
in the case o water, evaporationr1v•A
metals takes place under the Infio- of the West roma of Africa. Mr Aak-
eee:eof intense on consists Now the yeof K writes, on• of tbetr nemhc• r ivied
Dass toof separatition f merely of eonslderable followlnc from
a state of separation of a.oms who^b ft
become W violently agitated that he amongst the pi•ople of Renin This
more rapidly -moving ones break right was too much fnr the• Jr, .In d•:r':tr of
away from the mans of the metal. It [tie [time.he who
retaliated MID mud rder-
follows then, that 1t atoms can break 15g
elesth•s from the dead man and dos-
sed th• white reaenek and a crone
which had hong round his neck.
When the eminent wore out the an -
BRITAIN'S SHIPPING INDUSTRY. Ment Ju -Ju man smeared his Mods
_ I with • whit• chatky.euhetance which
One -Third of Lloyd's Register British he found on the banks of the stream
This custom of smearing the body '
away, W can electrons. This is the
basic princI le on which the ther-
mlonlc valve operates."
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring ot All Kinds
I -h u.,e;,'- ..., a �..il, I., .,..1r, n
Frank McArthur
I I It II:It 1\s.
Telephone 82 West Street
rophey- Bros.
Ambulaac. service at .11
hours, da; or night.
P1l4i �<. Stare l..'t Rei.
with a chalky solution has come down
In shipping. Great Britain still to the present day. and Is at111 am -
1 rules the world. ployed by th• descendant of the Jd- '
In 1828 there were on Lloyd's Reg- Jti man. Not only en. bit the .unto
' later -excluding vessels of less than cross 1e rellglourly worn whenever h•,
' 100 tons - 32,616 ships. making a Is taking part In 311.3! eeremonb•s
' gross tonnage of 64.784,370, and Hp- The hnshman reeogntsea the axis'
proximately one-third ot, these were once of a devil and attrtbnte. nos'
British. troubles to hkn. and to proplttat• him
Brttaln owns 10,5146 vessels wt;h a he gives him "•hop" (fond). in th'
gross tonnage of 22.270.124. old part of Renin -City. outside mans
The average tonnage of British a holm* at one stele of the •n'ranc
vessels 1s 2,053. while the ge for it Is a common elrht to a•e a little
the rest of the world Is only 1,986. niche In the wall containing an 'Inc,
The largest merchant navies atter of the devil. It mar b• oh.erved 'hat
Britain are those of the United State. the bushman has the humor and 11'
of America (4.627 Sesvls), Japan sense to keep the devil outside 1.1
(2,087 vessels, excluding sailing hoes•.
shops), Germany (1,986 vessels). Rhonld a man be robbed of hi.
Norway (1,844 •easels), and France non.y he will call In • JII-Ju man
(1,769 vessels). who will weave a .Dell to find th•
Balling vessels in the world's ship- culprit Tt Is said that within tht• -
ping number about one In ten. in the days the mnn•v will either by return-
Brttlah mercantile marine It is about ed or the thief be seized with violent
oneIn to 1826-eleven.27 dcknese.
the committee of . The Ju -Ju man Halms to have a
Lloyd's -Register passed plans 101;1 rem.dy for •very Ills ('harm. are
490 vessels of 1,834,920 gross tons- worn against afrkneaa or accident,
the highest since 1920 Of these ships against snake bites or twins The
two-thirds were to be built 1r, Britain Oba claims to lave power over the
and Ireland. During the same year elementa, and to snake the weather
223 ships of 978,146 tone were aa- fine or wet at will.
alined the society's elasel6cat)on, and Jn-iii may be both good nr bad.
187 of :hese, more than • halt, wort just as magi- may b• white nr black.
British.but by the whit. man It is generally
regarded as the mambo -Jumbo, or tet-
PIpe-smoking is growing kf 1u- tib -the belief in omens and charm..
Il '1ty is New York. it is, In fact. the name which envra
the unknown and the Unknowable.
J. R. Wheeler
Hamilton Street. G.slencb
Funeral Director and
promptly $ttel.ard to
day or night
Store 3'p6 Ilesl.leore 355ww
All culls
'Fruit-a-tives" Stopped
Pain and Terrible
it e.Pms almn.t ri miracle -the way
t'Irult-tt•lives" benefits women suffer-
ing at the change of life. "I was obliged
to go to Is d heenuSP 4.f the terrible
dizziness, pain and weaitne•ea," writes
Mme (in"aivne Bolin ot I'agtletvdle.
"'hiring this Crying time
'Fruit -a -lives' proved a godsend to
me, and now 1 am in perfect health.
I•.very woman should follow my 413 -
smile anti take 'Fntit-a-fives, ,and
they would sorely get the wonderful
relief that I did." Try it. Your dealer
has this wonderful fruit medicine -
25c. and boa. a box.
Cleveland's Bread
oi a tempting compleruent to any
oral .lrlcinns in itself and lend
ing rest to the rest of the menu.
Your family will demand twice
as mach of our Bread as any other
Encoring,' them to '1" w., tae it I'
the Intel healthful and nourishing
food they can take.
Hint, 114 \1 .--t "1
Silk Stockings Robbing Together
Cause Rattle in Film.
A film producer's difficulties are
numerous, and talking pictures have
added to th •m.
Silk Is the talking picture's deadly
enemy, and although silk alockinge
rubbing together make no audible
noise to those In the sound -prop
room where the picture Is being
made, when the 5110 1s run off nal' a
trial a distressing rutting nolle is
heard Bare lege are now ;he order
of the day.
Actresses have to wear cotton -mus-
lin batiste 'lingerie, for silk nnder-
garments produce the same "rattle"
AY bostery•. No taffeta frocks ran h••
used; silk linings meet he ;aketn nit
of entitle, while the Jingling of bead-
or metal trimmings is another
Repeated testa of a talking plcl.11.
ttaturfng Alter. White revealed a die.
treating rattle, although she was
wearing nothing made of silk. The
producers were nearly distracted 'ry-
Ing to locate the cause. At last 11 was
discovered that the electricity in her
hair, which had been freshly washed
and waved, caused the noise. The
hairdresser was called, the head pro-
perly oiled, aid the rattle die-
New York minister declares It a
great advantage for a young man to he
poor. Sof•, as long as he RtriePS (0
overcome hie advantage. --(Border
Cities Star.
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toronto
Globe 16.50
The Signal and The Tenet.
Daily Star 6.50
The Signal and The London
Advertiser 6 SO
The Signal and The London
Free Press 6.50
The Signal and The Temente
Mail and Empire '' 41.50
The Signal and The Fattier'
Sun 3.25
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
The Sigurd and Saturday
Night 5.50
The Signal and The New
Outlook 3.90
The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Garden. 4 65
The Signal and The Catholic
Record 3.75
The Signal and McLean's
Magazine 3 75
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
nas• ....._. renewal 3.65
new 3.50
The Signal a n d World
Wide .. renewal 4.25
new 385
The Signal end Youth's
Companion 3 RO
The Signal and The Toronto
Star Weekly 6 75
The Signal and Rod and
Gun 3.25
The Signal and The Canadian
Countryman 2 95
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odicals May Re Had on
Paoovrr d Chewier ea-
- shi►.
g�aiag aid . n.A
tai Plysa•nth hu been to
hems ita eneassaa
eat soeogtb, rvg�pss
freedom ham nadrtsaas o
accurst* trek that band d
beard the
Brim& pqie wke
Mimetic th.as immured yenta
drew hints drab
ago es peewit
every time you see it!
Plymouth also has the smooth
power and supple quickness so
typical of all Chrysler performance.
The exclusive Chrysler Silver-
l)ome high -compression engine,
cushioned on rubber mountings
__with aluminum alloy
pistons, special manifold
and silcrome steel exhaust
valves- gives Plymouth
utmost vigor, flexibility
and responsiveness.
l rear..
N. r artery
1 -
Everything about Plymouth is
full-size and dependable. To-
gether with a sturdy chassis and
rugged axles, Plymouth has the
safe, sure, easy control of Chrysler
full-size weatherproof internal -ex-
panding 4 -wheel hydraulic brakes.
Yet, with all its bigness and
power, Plymouth can match
economy with any' ear -not only
in gas, oil and tire mileage, but
also in upkeep and long life.
No longer does a small price
limit anybody to owning a small
car. Plymouth fall -size, Plymouth
power, Plymouth beauty and
Plymouth econ tmv, make
Plymouth today the foremost in-
vestment in the field of lowest -
priced motor cars.
* * *
Coq', $82o; Rsed rn (*Mb PROW, Lott),
$850; 2-D•er Sea,, $860; Torneg,$70;
Dr Loxr,Ggr (testi rookie trotj, j870.
4- D•or Sed•s, ,t89o. A/I pre n r. o. 4.
N•r.dror, Churn, inhering stained fot-
o tory eqs:Purest (fright dad :axe. extra).
-RI, ye --
Canada's L02ttelt-Priced
Full -Size Car -
in the case o water, evaporationr1v•A
metals takes place under the Infio- of the West roma of Africa. Mr Aak-
eee:eof intense on consists Now the yeof K writes, on• of tbetr nemhc• r ivied
Dass toof separatition f merely of eonslderable followlnc from
a state of separation of a.oms who^b ft
become W violently agitated that he amongst the pi•ople of Renin This
more rapidly -moving ones break right was too much fnr the• Jr, .In d•:r':tr of
away from the mans of the metal. It [tie [time.he who
retaliated MID mud rder-
follows then, that 1t atoms can break 15g
elesth•s from the dead man and dos-
sed th• white reaenek and a crone
which had hong round his neck.
When the eminent wore out the an -
BRITAIN'S SHIPPING INDUSTRY. Ment Ju -Ju man smeared his Mods
_ I with • whit• chatky.euhetance which
One -Third of Lloyd's Register British he found on the banks of the stream
This custom of smearing the body '
away, W can electrons. This is the
basic princI le on which the ther-
mlonlc valve operates."
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring ot All Kinds
I -h u.,e;,'- ..., a �..il, I., .,..1r, n
Frank McArthur
I I It II:It 1\s.
Telephone 82 West Street
rophey- Bros.
Ambulaac. service at .11
hours, da; or night.
P1l4i �<. Stare l..'t Rei.
with a chalky solution has come down
In shipping. Great Britain still to the present day. and Is at111 am -
1 rules the world. ployed by th• descendant of the Jd- '
In 1828 there were on Lloyd's Reg- Jti man. Not only en. bit the .unto
' later -excluding vessels of less than cross 1e rellglourly worn whenever h•,
' 100 tons - 32,616 ships. making a Is taking part In 311.3! eeremonb•s
' gross tonnage of 64.784,370, and Hp- The hnshman reeogntsea the axis'
proximately one-third ot, these were once of a devil and attrtbnte. nos'
British. troubles to hkn. and to proplttat• him
Brttaln owns 10,5146 vessels wt;h a he gives him "•hop" (fond). in th'
gross tonnage of 22.270.124. old part of Renin -City. outside mans
The average tonnage of British a holm* at one stele of the •n'ranc
vessels 1s 2,053. while the ge for it Is a common elrht to a•e a little
the rest of the world Is only 1,986. niche In the wall containing an 'Inc,
The largest merchant navies atter of the devil. It mar b• oh.erved 'hat
Britain are those of the United State. the bushman has the humor and 11'
of America (4.627 Sesvls), Japan sense to keep the devil outside 1.1
(2,087 vessels, excluding sailing hoes•.
shops), Germany (1,986 vessels). Rhonld a man be robbed of hi.
Norway (1,844 •easels), and France non.y he will call In • JII-Ju man
(1,769 vessels). who will weave a .Dell to find th•
Balling vessels in the world's ship- culprit Tt Is said that within tht• -
ping number about one In ten. in the days the mnn•v will either by return-
Brttlah mercantile marine It is about ed or the thief be seized with violent
oneIn to 1826-eleven.27 dcknese.
the committee of . The Ju -Ju man Halms to have a
Lloyd's -Register passed plans 101;1 rem.dy for •very Ills ('harm. are
490 vessels of 1,834,920 gross tons- worn against afrkneaa or accident,
the highest since 1920 Of these ships against snake bites or twins The
two-thirds were to be built 1r, Britain Oba claims to lave power over the
and Ireland. During the same year elementa, and to snake the weather
223 ships of 978,146 tone were aa- fine or wet at will.
alined the society's elasel6cat)on, and Jn-iii may be both good nr bad.
187 of :hese, more than • halt, wort just as magi- may b• white nr black.
British.but by the whit. man It is generally
regarded as the mambo -Jumbo, or tet-
PIpe-smoking is growing kf 1u- tib -the belief in omens and charm..
Il '1ty is New York. it is, In fact. the name which envra
the unknown and the Unknowable.
J. R. Wheeler
Hamilton Street. G.slencb
Funeral Director and
promptly $ttel.ard to
day or night
Store 3'p6 Ilesl.leore 355ww
All culls
'Fruit-a-tives" Stopped
Pain and Terrible
it e.Pms almn.t ri miracle -the way
t'Irult-tt•lives" benefits women suffer-
ing at the change of life. "I was obliged
to go to Is d heenuSP 4.f the terrible
dizziness, pain and weaitne•ea," writes
Mme (in"aivne Bolin ot I'agtletvdle.
"'hiring this Crying time
'Fruit -a -lives' proved a godsend to
me, and now 1 am in perfect health.
I•.very woman should follow my 413 -
smile anti take 'Fntit-a-fives, ,and
they would sorely get the wonderful
relief that I did." Try it. Your dealer
has this wonderful fruit medicine -
25c. and boa. a box.
Cleveland's Bread
oi a tempting compleruent to any
oral .lrlcinns in itself and lend
ing rest to the rest of the menu.
Your family will demand twice
as mach of our Bread as any other
Encoring,' them to '1" w., tae it I'
the Intel healthful and nourishing
food they can take.
Hint, 114 \1 .--t "1
Silk Stockings Robbing Together
Cause Rattle in Film.
A film producer's difficulties are
numerous, and talking pictures have
added to th •m.
Silk Is the talking picture's deadly
enemy, and although silk alockinge
rubbing together make no audible
noise to those In the sound -prop
room where the picture Is being
made, when the 5110 1s run off nal' a
trial a distressing rutting nolle is
heard Bare lege are now ;he order
of the day.
Actresses have to wear cotton -mus-
lin batiste 'lingerie, for silk nnder-
garments produce the same "rattle"
AY bostery•. No taffeta frocks ran h••
used; silk linings meet he ;aketn nit
of entitle, while the Jingling of bead-
or metal trimmings is another
Repeated testa of a talking plcl.11.
ttaturfng Alter. White revealed a die.
treating rattle, although she was
wearing nothing made of silk. The
producers were nearly distracted 'ry-
Ing to locate the cause. At last 11 was
discovered that the electricity in her
hair, which had been freshly washed
and waved, caused the noise. The
hairdresser was called, the head pro-
perly oiled, aid the rattle die-
New York minister declares It a
great advantage for a young man to he
poor. Sof•, as long as he RtriePS (0
overcome hie advantage. --(Border
Cities Star.
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toronto
Globe 16.50
The Signal and The Tenet.
Daily Star 6.50
The Signal and The London
Advertiser 6 SO
The Signal and The London
Free Press 6.50
The Signal and The Temente
Mail and Empire '' 41.50
The Signal and The Fattier'
Sun 3.25
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
The Sigurd and Saturday
Night 5.50
The Signal and The New
Outlook 3.90
The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Garden. 4 65
The Signal and The Catholic
Record 3.75
The Signal and McLean's
Magazine 3 75
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
nas• ....._. renewal 3.65
new 3.50
The Signal a n d World
Wide .. renewal 4.25
new 385
The Signal end Youth's
Companion 3 RO
The Signal and The Toronto
Star Weekly 6 75
The Signal and Rod and
Gun 3.25
The Signal and The Canadian
Countryman 2 95
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odicals May Re Had on