HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-2-28, Page 11Stop Advertising .and you let your business run on momentum, and momentum is a gradual move toward a dead stop. T The Clubbing Rate for The Signal and The Toronto Daily Star is $6.50. , You save 50 cents Asimilar saving on other daily papers ran SIGNAL PRINTING Co, LIMITED, Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, :trial, -t, 1999 \i) \I( \/, iI EVERY office of the Bank of Montreal has a Savings Department where small accounts are welcome and every depositor is encouraged to save regularly. Systematic saving Provides the money for family "good times." BANK OF MONTREAL Established liliT TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $870,e•oo,000 GODERICH BRANCH E. V. LESSLIF. - Manager. TO QUA L-A T'Y The Durant "40" De Luxe Coupe Red Seal Continental Motor Bendier Four -Wheel Brakes Morse Silewt ri.ning Omits Fall Force Feed Lubrication Passenger Cas Four; and Sixes. from $6'5 to $1095 f.o.b., Leaside, Oat. Standard Factory Equipment Taxes Extra J11E Durant "De Luxe" Models lead the way in incor- porating refinements that until now were not obtain- able in the four cylinder field. You will really have to examine these smartest -of -all fours to fully appreciate them. And you must convince yorn,rlf of thcir great performance range as well as thcir unique tiding and driving ease by taking one out on the road. Your dealer will oblige, without obligating you! et 71.4 Dv DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED TORONTO - CANADA DUftAN a 329 RUGBY TRUCKS IN y1 TON TO 11% TON CAPA( It irs PETER GRAF, Goderich, Ontario V KI Margaret and . , f 11. trolt, apeat the holidays sib the1r. par e1ts,. M and yea. i:d. F"Ie. Mr. Will Balton, .•f 1 . t:,..t. S• vf.it• 4 Ipg w•Ith Mr. and 111• '1.6,,.1.1;arv.•y. 1 Mr. Tho*,. (y'het'f.. I.,;.,hii vii...:: I versiry, spent the 1 •. •.:,iy , Mil. r the parwutal roof. Mlsw tlaunah 1141;,.:.o, G,sl.•ri, h, rlaltel frleu4s' here Mr. sad ]len. J*i 'h.•I,olul. of •',,:- borne, ,glrut Eaa1' ",i :l..y-` 1rt tilt' home 14f her Ian" >Ir au'1 Mi'. 11'm. Quigley. Miss Dorothy O'Ne.: 1,!,0 ',pent the KINGSHRIUCE COVER UNSIGHTLY FENCES WITH CUMBERS N11PBR1DGE• .\pr!: .R Helena F'nlrc a MisNP.l Hints on the Loosing of lama ental 'Tree. and shrubs Thaw ie.:cI+Ibles ..f '..hien . the leaves are 4.1,.•4*. snob u. •I•*1.1.11. tel thee. cress wl.f 71111+tnrd, should go il, flr. t. 'There I. 11111e danger of plautin Mew too 444.11. 11• app.! of Ilu'u7 a 111 *,laud •alar Trost. 'Plica may he plotted JM.t a. 441011 it. it 1. 1MIs,ible to get 1411 ' the lau.l. 'Phil.• Willett ate growl -1.'•' their bu11.' or rows, soak :I" palrsioi••- beets. ,,'rent+, only turnips noel o),6,r1+•. wily Le ld:ulted ulr.ut the • MU. Hail', alto 'h they :ire• not a• ha r.1) a. the first weutin11e.1. Peas Huron Investments Limited Stock Brokers Bond Dealers Insurance Royal Bank Building, 6oderich, Ont. Phones 430 and 445 winter with friends .4 hs •u. Mich,. .17ould not go du until the .we•ntbe•r returned home 441 1,' ,• .,y. - turns wanner. for. ,olthough 111ey as..• Mrs. Teresa Kean. .., . - n, Jr. 1'., of fairly hardy. they sore liable 10 rot if Humilt.ni, "lent Sul .., .11. Mr. and 11NIt in while the laal 1- void and Mel Mr... Wm. Quigley. (This applies to the vegetable pea 1111.1 CREWE CREWE. April . - V -• Laura 'iGuhlman,. It.N., of l.&rnosil, yisite.l her sister, Mrs. Joh:" K.lpatri.•k. trier the Iw,Ildayr. Mini; Ruby Kllpatr:., Mlle teu,•he•s at Ro•kwoo41. i. ,polo:,,: the (:aster ho11duys at her bonus here. Mr. Albert Mello... of visited Iris daughter. Mr". Vur:.,•r BiupNu•.. near Teeswat•r, on Sunday. The Sunday schen: n' crew.. i birch will .peen next Suncor att,'rms'n sot 1.30 o'clock. after heap; closed for the past three ON, Tie teaehere 611111 •4614.41, for the cemGn, 1,4•7lV,h were elected after the c:.ur•i. 44.,14,• un Sunday last. Sins. -John Menary i' spe,,,Iing the Easter holidays with niend4,rs of her family In Detroit. Born -At Te.'swater. ou Tioesday, Murch 211th, r.r_'9, 4.. Mr. al.! Mrs. Warner Smythe (formerly Miss Lily McQuold I. a daughter. Aldan hasty, who is attending High tichool lu Lucknow, .4 ,ry.'11d1ng the holidays with his parent., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hasty. NILE • not the kind growl) for flowers, wbirb are span Jua n" early .1• p...iblc inter -.0' n or ..•l 14111 tegot.11les a 1.• ••:Ild4eges, eau1i11ower. t at,4'+. 7u,•t 011 ruouneliers ern'. ce4erv. 'I'hev a 11 1111 Athol any trout unit 144 suet either be planted and protected in bol -.h••!, y141d-fru,e.:• or In the greenhouse un- til all da11ger of fro+( . Last. Noreen w'llh iFnl(agr • 141 r,• wooden (..t'e", es.•ii If 1wtInte.l do " nut make a(troctiie haekgronnd• for :toy garoleu'alol neither do barn+, garage". and 1 se walls. 111 moo* leases. these can 1rr very effe•Ilvely more•ened by tall -grow dug 41oa',•ra. creepers, ..r trailing vines. Where one owns the property the job 9114)411.1 lin Wade lerlaanent, using rhinos, o, 'shrubbery at the owners nod here 7ue: llwre hl front of the wall. or fences. and la•rlwulrnt ereetwr+. .00h •• Dutchman's file. Virginia ore per.. •.r Itu+lon ivy. no the 1'7111.. R'Ith the 411'19iou of the R.rotot, ivy and form of Virginia creeper. whl.l7 sore •.•If.•ITugine. these will need mane form or .apts.rt. With the latter and also' with the' climbing roses. it 49 well to have then) out from the wall or fence ! a little bit: In the case of a brick a'r '.tune wall which is 'alined to heat sop during the hot summer days and ruin . the b1.4r111,' if not the 1.1(1111 14 '.eI f.- It is almost essential to have the creeper at t least a foot away front the wall. DM! eon du this by erecting trellis work or wires -the wooden trellip Is prefrri,btr i bevauor It will not heat and burn the' plants -which is attached by shout 'aip4Nerta to the wall. Another way is to (,,tell hiM•ks (1r 11tnl,t pie1'. or wad uls.ut Mix much,'+ long to the w-1111 and string wires along these about wlx Inches from t11.• wall where 414• crepes are supported in this way. foliage and bloom w 411 last longer. be cause they are away from the reflected heat. and it IM al.. possible to get • hose or sprayer in behind them to fight atseet pests. Of course. this is a rath- er expensive process and is recom- mended may In the r71se• 141 eXpeliNive screening Material. Even where nue NILE, Aprl1 2. -Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Morrish, of Detroit. Mich., visited At the home of Mr. M,.rrish'e sister. Yrs. Jno. Tabb, (Over Good Friday and Easter. returning to their home on Tuesday. Min. Alice Shoppers' i, spending the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. L. Shepperd. Mr. Frank ILeilwain returned to hos home here the past %trek after spend- ing a month at Oshawa. Mrs. Wm. McIntyre is not enjoying her usual good health sat the prtwent time. Slimes Oral and Velma Finnigan are mending the Eater sa(4tion under the parental roof. R.' are sorry bo report that 11r. Is only renting the property Turd ex - Frank Hawkins is still quit.• ill and Iss to In1,ynext ynlr. vy 4Rectice under the doctor's care. w•mren11 , au bee ,na.k' a ifb ;rerurlet ltlrn• MLss Jane Tubb went to B.mfliller tier WW1.. morning glories, hops, ..r on Tuesday to assist is the hence of the iI erl•",ltly,•IrlddlH.^Iltphr.11:414,11,41,.;f11on•Nh Cw'l Mis+rs Stewart.l: .111 7nul Mr. Wm. Watson motored to Tor -flowers to cover anything they are ,at onto on Monday to attend the 1'rtivin• I bitched to. Sweet 14.44, . uuoruin: coal educational ,.4.ventlon which is glories and climbing ta.lurthinis c u, being held there Oils week. Ile wasI"nly fw limed on smaller building. or accompanied by Mr'. Wat' .n, Mn'. A. fence.. s.1+ they w1ll net gena' 11117.'11 Mcllw'ain and son frank. I ..ver flvo feet : bot the other. nnnw•d w•111 grow up to twenty feet. t14• hyo- .hirh .being this easily and providing •an nbundnnt .how• of %bite, purple and , 1411.' flower -spiky: ns well. For i, •!'IHtT .\LBF7RT standing .screen, such n+ is neessary Fbllnw'inc i+ the report of the In trent of the vegetable garden %here' standing i.f the pupils of fort Albert IwNlaps Ihere is 1141 fence, sunflowerr�. shook 44111111','... .1fri.•:ur 111:1rago!d•, .1:,11114*•• Sr. Il'. -F -.Ina Crawford 744. t'Iifford,.440,4 giant boll}hack+ may 14` used. The Hoy 77. tura I,icl.aon 74, Benson Mrger-genaing ru,nnal• can now. IN• Murray 14:o. Kathleen Crawford Z. u'P.1 5Pry4.e1T.r•eh•Ply In pone.• .1f chimps • Sr. Ill. -Ethel Mackenzie 7B. Mar. of lwrrnanent sbrnhMry. The writer garet rednnr 77, ('Ilford ('rawford 67. Mar - has grownflue 1.11,11,-rnarn.11 nod Wien• Arthur Murray 04;. Elton Draper lH. tines standing. f1yP fort high rind Mews tiring four feet across. To get best results In this case. one mot give plenty of room. otherwise the plants will iN' "spindly and go down witty the first heavy wind or rain. Geo. Williams 1)ealtr 1.. Wl'MLNl/1N, PR1111N1'L•U., 81UNI('IPAL AND I'OKPO- K 4IION BONA, Fire. Accident, A6tomobile, and General Insurance .)gent 4)tlic,•, next to hank , t 1 •.rnnicrre Plaine 53 J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance 0. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 M.1slnic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency • LIFO: INSURANCE (Sun 1.ife ACCIDENT. SICKNESS. Al TO. ETC., INSa•KAN1'E Some real barsa,n. offering ►u.t now to • quick buyer. of house. and farms Jud • few of the many listed for sale: NMI bt•ick h••IIr•, (nil u4'1'nreyulp. 4el, Milli Int and garage, I:l* .tn•.1t. Price WO"- ' W "- ' Fine rel brick haw, new ly decorated, good condition, lights., bathroom. !d:'pl. Red brie•k house, full modern equipped. I I; rpw $3104). Rel brick lame, good coalition, boll balLroon', e•le't•trie lighted. tier 4111,4111 • barn, including garage, eight Irate, $2941). Brick hots'. full modern equipped and Meant heated, partly hanll►oai floors, garage. frier y3.5.40, SCHOOL REPORTS Jr. Ii1.--Kathleen l.ednor 74. El - wool] Murray tie. Woodrow Iloy 67, Sara 11artii 03. Annie Young 61. Sr. IL -Charlotte Crawford 112. Fred f'rawford n', I Mory McMillan 70 (tier. Ebner Draper 07, George Fritzley 65. Jr. 11.--M a rga ret Crawford 77. Dorothy McMlllao 70, Marjorie Mac- kenzie 74. Cecil 51,44ee 68. Pr. -Norma Murray, Helen McGee. Neither late tier absent: Normo Murray. Helen M4.':c4.. Cecll Melee, Knthle'n ('rawfnrd. Edna Crawford. Clifford Hoy. M:,rcaret 1'.ednor, W.x.l' row Hoy, Kathleen Lednor, Charlotte Crawford, Fred era wford, Elmer Draper, George Fritzley, Margaret Cr.*ford. Sara Martin, A1'ItIRN' The following the report or Au- burn eontInmatien'ial* for the month: Form I.-Dorn11,. Wilson x9.0, Elea- nor Wilson 417,• Monte Spoilt $at.5, Grace 14eott All:'. .I, sephine Weir M5.4. Doris Wagner'*:::. Melissa Stater top, Phyllis Taylor y''• Verna t'hamns' 7 5.4, lwobel itobe•rtson 72.8. Form IL •Fr:ui. " Meisrty i5).2, Annie Stninghnn ss.R. Gladys Taylor 441.6. Sr. ('nmmerel:,l Mildred Scott. Bertha Wagner 449.1 .Ir. f'urnmen•iai 'il'nrglna IAN•khnrf 71!4. Norman Ito.!_er 744.4. 1 'alt }lean 74.3. 0. M. REDIft1N1), Teacher. S. S. N41. ...'ohnonrxr. The following is 'he report for A. S. Nu. :,, 1'olls,rlle The im4d14 have been tested in on 41,.' eubjeeta: Jr. IV. -Doris .iohnaton tt4 • per Pen*.. Jack Founder 72, Cre' Freeman 110. Eva Horton reh: Sr. III. -Evelyn ';Irvin 71 per tatiL. Harold Freemen C. Robert Cook 57. Jr. i1f.L-Jack' cook M percent., Andrew Freeman 04. Orace punter it$. (1Ir. H. -Clifford Horton 8:1 per cent., Pearl Ilunter 70. Jr. 11. -Beryl Freeman 74 per '`rot., !'rank Cook 62. , !lumber on roll. I5; overtire atrend- ante. 13.5. R ORANT, Teacher. Shruldiery and Fruit Trees Fruit and ornamental trees, shrub bora and new• hushes, are planted 1,• soon as the ground 444 they enough to dig. This also applies to hush fruits. etre wherries and perennial flowers. [true the oil !OSP. the moisture of early spring and hot dry allots eon) mane, n remelt lancer proportion of plants w•111 d•it' than If plrinte.i earlier. In planting these. trim oR soli broken and weak growth and shorten the top; to compensate for the shearing, oto of the rad growth. P1.1nt a little deeper than these things were in. before and make n hole hag enough to re,eis.• all the r.o t. without crowding. It is well f.1 till In it Ph goal Moil. finely poker irrd.,nnd pour from half to a p111 of enter on (iii.' will after it i. nutted *how the roots. The water will fore MO fine will in tight ormnl.f the tiro rootlets and exclode the air able!) wmild otherwise he fatal to theplant, Nitrate Or snde sprink1e11 sot the rate of 11 teaspoonful i,cr !shrub in the clew• n' newly 4.11nted wdline. 11p to holt' n primal for a large Mel' e.rabll.he Nigh will stimulate growth noroler fully. EMPLOYEE OWNERS The 10.11 'I'rlephnne 4 01114.0*) in et -eased Its permanent 'sing by 134s, employee. •.Inripg the past year Tills brings the centrally 's total number .1f employer. up to 10.240. If is Inter, est ing to note from the romlmny's .1 IF report for 1f1444 that of I:l.3:dI employee, eligible to smhewra141' to the 1'ompint•a sleek. under 441+ employees "tock plan, 10,818 workers ere sot pres- ent time anhaerlhing for 441,1,I6 shares lire often wonder hew Atlas ,',114111 hate leen at earrylhg nit ishee - Det mit News. Farming Is more profitable Than It hard to hp /l,.• farmer eenll hi•'dare for an airport hat week and got Caul' for It. - -Brentford Beacon-ilerald. .was .a , •,114 r' . ` .. 4s. leer . -./^.. •-t.4P2 s't i•+r •..4^1,..6,4 David Brown w ill pay; highest VOA pricer for Goose and Deck Feathers Horse Hair Hides, Skins and Furs Phone 270 Goderich venal% full suite. rooms, including. four tadr.wmis well arranged (or Conseni•Ice land comfort, nicely dewur•tel, line full- 's-quills-it ull- 's-quil lsel bade and toilet nimne, electric lighted. Just timeliest Convenient wCul- l'giatr Institute a n d Victoria school. 1'riwe $I410. - Many nl"n' good 1..11144.11 with Mere us. 1.,44 modern convenience's. Prim =144041, 71}50(1. $1:k10, 111.441, 41401, $INN), $$00, pti1Nl, $509, etc. • Ark about 1144.111. FARMS Large number listnt to sell, -almost any I size, prier, terms and location desired, , n•ady now, irnn..diaic p1aN•usi4n. for all parttcnlara see or write J. W. A1BISTRONG Real n.tale Agent Box 811 ,Square Iiodrricb Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Assurance in Force - $1,896,915,000 Assets - - f !}488,958.000 Dividends to i'olicyholder- increased for the ninth iUPces ive +year ilkaddition to a special nuiturity dividend bnni:- Office 115 H. R. LONG, Residence "i4!' 1'II11NI'S District Agent . WE NOW OFFER Second Standard Royalties which will mean for you good dividends with safety NOT A SPECULATION -- A REAL INVESTMENT Aek for i,onkl.•t on Royalties w'hieh will convince you That Royalties are illy gold boonds of the oil industry 1 Initial Royalty of $40,000 Has Been Paid and Much More Is to Come Ap(1ersen, Okla. - Fortunes has reached intothislittle1►sagrcollnty team and favund two orphaned girls not yet old enough to realise fully their gond lock. The Ririe ate Doris a n .1 l'no !haulms, 5 and 7 years old, alio have joist been notified that they are to share in a first royalty pay• meta of $2.13,51NI from the farm their parents left them. Their share ail) an, anll 11. $4o,44Nz and is only the beginning of wealth which 4''.1.11• tiredly %ill Come from theeiglll pro" dncing oil %ells on their farm near Mural. Okla., in the 4:renter Se'ni• 11141e I lil field an•a. The girls live with their 1411114, Mrs. A. 1'. lemon, at AP11.•rsion. Their mother on her deathbed in 1920 1.1ac1Nl 1414' gl ri- i11 the care of her sister, 31rs. Lenon. The girls' father, 1lwP41 H,'tnbne', diel in l!r21 from injuries sustained slam he fell from the roof of a barn he um. building. 'When the mother diel a debt of several hundred Medlars stared the children in .4 he face. After the father's death the neither barely manag•sl t, .'kr one 811 1•x Weiler ami could not reduce the debt. NI rt.. Lemon end her husband, loot - ever, after the there .IeMIl, managnl to keep the farm, then thought te hr w•urthleas. . • 11u1 now the girls and their guardian, iie'rt'Harris, Maud bank • es., have 141.11 ordered a ap rear anonit court anon to claire their share of the Istat' winch iN 11'411 worth a rnillion or wt! It I11 a safe het They will 1.' t lrrr. Mrs. !emelt baa chil lrrn of her own. and 411e house in which the whole family liver, together with the grandfather, D. N. Brother", Is no larger than Ow ordinary oil field re•sitence--three or four r.4.111e, 11111 (byre always has born rsiu for the orphan sisters. • I'll,, the e'Ider, has started to se'INsd, nal 1411,' 43) "naps a piano No she may peke ninon. Watson., and money for arts lessons for which rya shows aptitide. Neither girl can e prebend }bolls, anti mon' to Loth', end ih.ris, 11410 doeen't 1114.111 then' is 'lain, In the world. Merely grins when she Nlld her sister are inter- viewed. They prefer to leave Sin- aneinl 44,.rti1* to their aunt. • • Inci.l•ntelly. Irk girls have a brother, Al•a, alio is right tears pill and lies with Mm.11de Hamm at Washington, Okla. Alva,, too, will share in the royalty pnre'ds-• but then this in • story of Doris and Una. W. J. POW ELL Phone 292 P. 0. Box 439 1' s 11 • t •4