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E:N;11TY-Sllef t\1) YEAR NO. 14. •
inapeeter Report's Good Kesulta from
Instruction to Musk
Trustees Cutt (in the chair), Wal-
lace, T'homaon. Pursotee and Naftel
were present at the mo ly meeting
oe the pubes. shoot board, held Mon-
day night at the town hall. The re•
port of inspector Iieatom on the town
schools was read and discussed, and
several tatters arising from the re-
port were dealt with by reaolul for of
the board. The tntcgested planting of
shade trees at lath school grouuda was
left In the hands of the property com-
mittee. and prutstsed repairs and im-
pr vements at Victoria school were
referred to the same committees e re-
paragraph Of the iespec
u -the excellent work
referred t
- by Mr.
• of h 1
the s h
n e Ill music d u
Major. The pupils take a great ural
of intereet in and derive ankh- enji.S•
meat from the ii tructiou,'• said the
The chalrtna11 of the board and the
chairman of the ti•huul management
eommhtee were apls.inted to coneult
with the prlueipluls on rs•h,sd open Mr
,lay of tach tern. to allot the pupils
between the t .. schools. Roughly,
East street and )Vest street have 'seen
the dividing line In school attendance.
with • the area !tete-mei Weet street
and Elgin avenue a neutral territory
from which either school might draw.
It was dee•lded to ask Dr. S. It, Sin•
elalr, of the Department of Education.
to .wet the board the first Moudny in.
June t.. •discuss the matter ..f auxil-
1ary clas.,•,4 for backward pttpilr-
('entrel iteheel reported for March:
On roll, 0t} boys and 84 girls -total
177; avenge attendance, 8S boys. sad.
77 girls -total 11Kt. or 92 per cent.
Penny ;fink deposits, $67.77.
Victoria school reported for March:
On- roll. 191 boy" and 176 girls -total
307; average attendance, 167 boys and
161 girls ---total :Cs,. or hit per cent.
a 117.81.
i'ltpy }lank deposit , f
Mr. Adam Barrow se t Easter in
New York guest
Mr. W. Heitman waw n hu ay' L
at ',1s hoose In`tratfordt. hupte�fnttu
Miss Grace K
Guelph for the Easter vacation.
Mr. Bill Johmtton visitt•d iu Winds
Mud Detroit over the week-end.
Miss. alargaret NVilea.i is
the week with friends in Toronto.
Mks Mamie Foster k home from
'reroute for the Easter vacation- with
Mitsn Jean finder is vivttinK
relotises at ushawa and 'rut'onto•
Mr. II. Creighton., of 1:uteduniu,
spent the Easter vacation In town.
Mr. J. H. '1'twsley, of Windsor,
visited friends in town over Easter.
1r I.umby Ls visiting
\lie „<.••••
vrs ill Kitchener this week.
relatives with n
sten ►,
McClinton I 1
Mmiss C. M
E;arStr motels With relatives In Toronto.
Mets" Marion Muruey, of Toronto,
Doroth y week -end
Westbrook. of here.
(nttu, spout the weekend at ber home
Good Friday with sir. and- Mrs• (•
Miss E. A. Martin, of l..dtduit. ,=hoot
the Set-k-1•wl w•lth her sistl.r, Moa J.
' Hussey.
Mr. awl Mrs. J. It. Graham have zr•
tunnel front their winter sojourn lu
} iorida.
Dr. 1.. M. Nilehee event the holiday
we•leetel with relatives ill Norfolk
Miss Gertrude hoist silent the holi-
day and weekend ut Ler bone nt
Miss Gladys Murrey, of Toronto.
spent the week -end alt her home.
Keayw street.
Miss Bertha 1).wn+• of Toronto,
vent the holiday ens! w.•ek-end at
Ler hemp here.
Mr. Wm- Abell and sou Jim re-
turned .i TLur,tay from a two week•.'
visit ut Turoutt.
Mint Ethel Mit
Easter week with friends and rela-
tives at Detroit. Walker
Felker, of
vine. has been sieeoliug the week with
Mrs. T. Kane, of Stratford, •tout
!lough 1.• spcudiug
The News of the Town
Victoria Seising He y Fair
The annual hobby fair will be held
it Victoria school un Thursday, April
and will be open to the public
from 4.1i to 6 ..'chick and in the
-ening •from 7 to 10 o'clock. There
e• 1 be no adull:tsion charge and .111
eh • are Interested are invited to at,
tend lid view the exnlbits.
Mrs. t'raiide
Washington, 1
i.tcnwtut and lot
were present` at t
President Hoover, a
d from Washingtor, L.C.
.eve J. W. t'raigle and
•1Irttc 1 ..n - Mend.y from
\C., where they spent a
estiug month. Tiley
e luauguratiou of
impressive cere-
mutfv which at1rnele thous:utde of
, de 111 Washington. •ton. \a chairman
Ns L
• of
r •s
mitts*. '•i al ak n
of { I
Craig's! w
r .
Gods -rich. Mr.
iutererterl in observing the 1 ks and
other public areas of the'magl ir•eut
capital city' of the Coifed States. aid
we may expert him ti present Gtr
town i-,uut•{l *sate new ideae in lin
with his desire to wake Goilericlt, in
51410 of the hack of a White House
and it few other things, the Witelting-
ton of ('auada.
Horseshoe Pitchers Organize
A measly laiiu,•hed organization in
town is the Godtri.11 Horseshoe Asso-
ciation. At a well attended meeting
held In the town hall on Monday even-
ing steps were taken to form a club
and the following 111&•ere were (•1e•ted :
Preeblent, Dr. J. A. Graham;' were-
tary-tre.tsurer, 1'. II. Humber ; mem-
bership and management committee, S.
D. Croft (chairman.. W. Barlow. W.
Leitch, J. It. Slwafileld, Geo. Iteae.tm,
Jus. Jeffrey.' The membership fee for
the season was fixed at one dollar.
The grounds at the rear of the town
hall were suggested as the plate where
tie tvuUists sh,Ntl,l take plate. The
mbersbi , u a
local club will kiosk ux p 1
Wester', Ontario As:••"'cation 'nein/ling
Itrnaall. ('1lnhon, Seeforth. 1)til.411h
Mitchell, Auburn. Brussel; and Lon-
Non-Jairy 4.,i/r. ' Rand to Keorptdse
Non -jury adsixtes w1,1 t,• 1.44,1 it:. There sri11 le- .t meeting of the mew-
uu'ruesday', April $'ti. with Mir; Jus- -hers of the Gode•rit•It band in the baud
tier Kelly presldloti� It .4 e%1rr•te,1 i room at the emu hall on )Ltta;'
that the docket ' 11 le -i rather ; evening next. April t,th, at !, o'clock.
lengthy one. - - ' ' fur the purpose of re,rganiziug and
�--T -- nodous; preparations for the ....ming
Flretrtell (Veil Out ' ststwu. All the members are nee
The Are brigade Via- ..riled oat on quested to heprseut-
the atterao n of Goal Friday t.. put
out a grasw tire in a iar:e:.t lot iu ?I,• Gollerirh Township ilea a ('lean Sheet Ea -ter s ueation-
e of the town •The tine Nat.- Mr. 11. 1.. Salkt•l 1, treasurer of God- Mr. and N1rs. Wittstt'•1't tr.r;hastof thttariotal' lUld osiot.11 M.
pour hi for
south aid
spreading rapidly led was eaol• tigeroug, crtth township, announces Goat the Toronto,
am J sulshtiou trataiorns•ry •from the
'buildings chase by• A'fr•• o! L. -t aa.- lout outsiandamount r s 1 was hamlet visitors riirk w`sc it mud her ser. Mr. H. \\'rrtiuglwaw E'le. tele ('o. at a pricy
hail and the brigade ecce Lc tire' sldtis tux levy for 1' _
de ertutrul. - in onlay by the collector. Mr. ]Inward Ihnlsuu, of Toronto. weer. Fowler ,•f f9.U[S7.LU. When the new h:u.s-
un r Sturdy, and that there is now not u gutas at tit• Dome of Mr. and Mrs. formers air iustaI e,t thuat Glow ha use
► w111 he kelt •n ltaud to tate carr ..f
rent of taxes owing to the township. \\'alter HPrn- Puy future increase iu the load.
n i o tuxes for hist Miss, Ellelpor Dougherty, of Wood.
The total amount t [
e 1
I 1
r• iu•- Inst w It s u e•
'� -Nr -Ivnti NI
the Meeting, eek
s s -pending the E.
a r ‘a
ration n
t 1
record { g
• enu e
t :t . This clean r
w 3ait111.7 r
year a.
'. Ih•W:1 Ili
1.1 •1' Lincoln 111
min.' Is• a settee of great saCSitfa.•tuu ,ut her hoar here.
Bided Iu puree a 1 u
•' to the nttlein1.' urid ratepayers el tit• i Mr. IL Earl Ell lot t. of Paper ('an ammeter for showing the load carried
when his abdomen tuaush11 I aide ('ollege, is speid:nz the Easter' on the transfi rwrrs. 'Chit) is hieing
a sptlite•r about pave,. e, _ , :.d - vae•:Uiin at his home here, 11.urba tt t through the Oub.r1., Com•
all Inch wide. The. tc „recd Mrs. .\udrew. Porter hos returned mission at a p.rlc0 of >tl(k..
tit • N - .,.•: u.. TNa SurePsstu� F:t'entr
Au the railtuts ob The \V..g1eu',. 11.••1.11:.1 Auxiliary fntm cle. i:uld, where she was visit- It Was do -doled h• add Ise per cont.
luw'tp the .harbor slant had, :t very- snt,-essful cur.( party mud ing Iw•r daughter, .Mrs. Palter. as n tx•ualtS ou :JI muter runs not
'ate f t street. Ede::tt'r • daut'e hu tit+ Masonic 111111 1111 Noonday all -s 1 ktrot by Smith. of Toronto, alit by the rod of the •cu rr(•t.t year.
nc u! sliding tomo ti •it .ht. 'hire prize -winners at ":s5)"- repent F:ish•r at the home of her par 1'bit:rtuan Murw•y anti ('..onus,^•suer
II.- r,uws nit I r.. James Swit11, Taylor were rwiottereti to make a ra
the (.eidcut took ph were lir. H. T. Edw;trds, Mrs, W. G. encs. Mr. mid M J
whore 1+laying (:•' 'I'•' ''"i lite -Feat'. Mies Ik,nilliea Felker and )kiss Margaret and Mr. Joe Spain, of :•rnutgeneur of duties and a rel -,'.n
tmmrdlaaly oilti,sl •. Miss Edna Miller. _ Detroit. were .holidnv visitors with of wages -qui allowances to 1s• Islet
o II", the )'• ,:,_ ' tilt . Wednesday night the basetiull their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter members oft tlu• local Hydro stuff
Alexandra 1. -\"
chiles euchre au.l donee was will at- sea'''. \.conhit.g I„ ;a report nvrlvel troll
f 1 , ' tri, e• .'- 'n • is - winner- air (curds less D•ris Wtwll ond.e. woo 14 au- •_the 4l ainrht ConlnAss.on there wits a
SI•D Sk► th • o er
TIIE SIGNAL L•ItIN'rr\l: CO. LIMITED, Publishers_
Mr.. Rey. Williams was up from Tor- Connhirsiou is Purehaeiing New Trans-
fonuers for Inerrased Lard
Tire +%liter and lig!.. c,•luwi-moi. .a
prel1iriug to wake additions to Owe
transformer, inpaclty at the poarr-
Mr. lied Mrs. J. D. Stewart. •,f De- house to take care iii the iareely iu-
truit. are visiting friends, in intoem crease( load now itrrir•l by the ',wet
Mrs. Norman K. McLeod he visiting d -trivia syestew. At .+ usetiug of the
relatives at Port Colborne this Week. ct+mml-'alon on March 214 Mr. J. 11
i+s Jean MacEw•iii. of the Orillla Caster, district fly •ire engineer. was
unto. for Laster.
Mr. 0. E. Fleming, K•C-, ut Wlud-
raw. is in town today.
Mises, Esther Hume 1" spending ,he
Easter , :,soli in New York City.
Kiat,. Institute, is horn. f,•r the present an.) quotc,i pricer, ..0 1aua-
furmers and it en.+ •:tpido'd t. ask the
k at 'Lit
tUt �
' I• JeRf(Itl:
ss" . I
F. I
Mrs. :,•sepal Jaffee).
wet mith a painful
1 i MI ruen w •
with It
Chit tor. I'
moved to
operation Iva,ltrr iiri 'i '' 1 I
Hunter and the -elitist,: a•.- r,•w..,,,1 M E F Welsa and Yrs J• feuding Toronto 1'niverur, t.. opeuti- net profit of $ •,t• the i
Edward was a to
were r. thous of (lie local Hydro department
Is :. , I' -
Sturdy. ing the Cooties varnth+h at her Int in I'
home at Monday ' '''''^''' •t K Each of these events realized a suer here• for the year lt.'s. after meeting all
likely. 1stantlal aim for the .rg:urizatiuit Mrs. It. A. King, of Detroit. is,cttrrent vile -nee- anti sattia,g aside .n
- proiuoting it, spending the Easter week with her , aw(Nmt of *1-44.. for hoot dt•preeriu-
FYederillt teaks _ _-,- _ sl -ter. Mrs, A. Davide. n, Colbori,• tiva
e street.
Sunday everring• AP.. lie• r•gu• M. II. H. Reid Goes to Toronto
lar s,•niee In Mortis str•rf I'uin•'I Mr. II. I1. Itch!, who for the last • Messrs. Douglas Nairu and 104,
elturth, the -... I'w,l7.. three years has Isen malinger of the Hetherington. of Osg.s"le hall, Tor
c•1et had an fttnereather m,etiug with luck brul, h of the Standard Bank i onto. spent the holiday and week toil
Mr. Frederick llotsttq 111. 1h•utnr on (now ttmalgamatel with the Bank.uf ail town.
ehamptitt orator, as the hs..ial oleo - 'Conine -reel. has received ward that bel. Moe W. A. Diener and sen Alex. and
atteudatw,•• s CObe tra lsferrel to Tnrout„ ate MIs" , Irene Abell- of '1'omuto, were
er. There way a ell the guest. t
•nngelp�itou g:etb•tolg , naKer of Uhr Collette and Clinton k" d Mr. and \Ira. Wm. Abell
over the week -e d.
t branch of the Bunk of (:om-
h people. Mr. ,
h the
a eh
Wit R 1 {
dwu"r7airs 11�
• Hotton's subject wail -'r,•tttta•rtutee . mere
from the Christian 8tandprint," on ;place
which ie had gathered very :uteresting 1 of me-
w' 1 c n P ty
w r e le
`7t of Emma )loss Istalel John.. The eaulltduu of isc tionWiller tLse
Wednesday, March . h lh spa supple was under discussion at the duet by Mrs. Jenner and Mr. D.+tiun with the w
Nott, wtd,•w n[ Gtr Liu T;Mtuaw Asir the St.e sardwu ati.n,x,l, spent the regular monthly meeting of the board Campbell was appatiei tel Variety j, which he has re
f waR ht list elghtS work cud in town. t tided b the fit ;ire 01 twine fol tsar..
Mi -as rt'gr t t
MRS. THOMAS ASHTON • material, 11 h atedles� t ny was
Board of Health Meeting rx ll r tic gt'ven The lout g mea., orally. 4
The death acurre,{ - Clinton.•on friend,. in town. son u•ach0r of , quartette sang well, anal t test. -piano will be u
•iss .\nn .11 II (hetingtrin, . te•a.ht r
The transfer will -not take M a
-Ail early of June. The news • In \1'hentlec continua hon Ilti+u, 1, is
id's remolxl Is reeelved with
`Pending the Easter siltation at her
tJle lsople of I:cidrrirh g,to-; home here.
a been a good citizen and i Mr. and Mr. Lawrence Neuert and
ton.1)rreaae.London, was a
of Lnt .noon. A
seventh year. She w+.a born in the Mr: Arlen ,UtkOn,of health on Monday otic
of Tuekersmith. Huron the weak -end with his parents, Mt• sample sent to the Institute of 1'ubee hymns projected by the lantern, to
tot►trdtlpHealth. London, on March 1:db, was the aeeomptanitatlestt a{'Ile two pianos
They ))'III Ire Missed
coasts, where she resided tlr;ll her and Mrs. 3 L Aitken. Cleveland. (►•. ',ported 'unsatisfactory.- and a letter and the trumpet played' k Mr. Jenner. Mr. a•.,1 )Drs. t:. M Elil,•It and M►
marriage to toe late Thomas lAedtot, err. Fred Lloyd, f MI Nary eta loots reeeised from toe Ile
of Colborne towttstsip. She lived to tis visiting her mother.
rims ran. t
particularly In runner- airs. $lotuw are mending two weeks
k of Knox church, iu
with friends at Detroit anal Niagara
k an active alit .tar Falls. N. -Y- `
Miss Beatrice Lauder, M.A., of the Robertson n, s a
.ori(• keenly cont. -tett games in the
league et the Royal hoe ling
tt:4 5 hal,•, Nilsen place rw-ently.
1.1..1 , and 4irigitie1s are uuw' tier( for
liras pia,'.. cavil ti. It having won
thirteen gtttites au.l lost eight. Salt -
feel is the next higheat team with
nselye wins and six Weeps.
late, Friday Saltford defeated Lions
in two out u[ three gamest F'ur Salt -
ford Wm. ltieeet was high luau w.tle
b67 fur three games and 341 for
sltigle• gnus... For the Lions E. C.
had Pio for three g:I nt0a
fit. Catharines Collegiate Institute, isIand Fmk Ilutet 2741.for single game.
,ilending the Easter vacation at ber Two games took plate 4111 'fur/stay
some ►tete. laeuollp. urlgtuals wyu thestraight
�yytl�lr Mesa x•o'.ae 7 Ti �r�a? she w 1 t yet aid' 314 Fir
1 take ti nnftea trsining course at the man for Otiglne'', and for GoQeetere
General houepltaL It. Elliott with ihl auad '2411 wits liest-
i Miry Jtlielte and '(Tara Maivel and - Raeford tack tine• games from inlets
Mr. Norman Masse', of Kid -limier. }tangs. 'Chi. high. .,corer for :Sanford
: visited their aunt, Mrs. Ralph Graf. was W. Itis•et ...Ili 774 and 2D:, and
:t tit• week -end. for VIiiat Iivags.\.'fayl..rhndei".9 for
and Mrs. J. Ernest Itoberts�'n 1hrr g:roes. ati•1 ')'- I-.rri.-k.- fat
mid- fe.rui-, of Tontnt,t', spent the ving.l.Itun0.
we.k-eud with Mw. htdb•rtia'ii ' pear Men's league Standing( ars ui,l brothers here.
won • lost
trees Madeline Marlin. ..f Ittt:nst Li,•ahs
:n..1 Mr. J. A. -Barry, of Detroit. were Irriglnale
III.' guests of Mrs. J. i'. it, Clue -h• ; Snitford
West -1 re•t. ever Easter. Goa;fMtPTr
Mr- ,Irick Salle 1.1. who is w•it1, the 11'Ilizz Ihtigs
Taylor 1;1e/ire-al t'untntair Toront.., hing 1•nas
--•Fault till. 1::1-1 1.'r mirk -cud with Itis 4
parents. \Ir. aid \Ire, 11. 1.. Salkeld.
Nl.--re. Ii•.. 110 1'eudry all.( 1r.N,atti
NI--K.uzie leave this week for•l_'.rain.
fell,. whore they will Join their, (salt,
rho t1', 1. White. for the :sensors
•ailing: -
('ai•t- lex. 4ralgie nil Mrs.
('ratgie•, of Cleveland. spent Et- t,•r in
r mother
ow cis -i In • th lYt aim', m ti r
I n, t k enplanes and s1stcr, Mrs. A: ('raigte and Mrs.
h.w 11.'.
Miss Mars 4'larke and Mr. Douglas
Clarke. ..f the 1'niserrity of Toreiru,
spent Good Friday and' the week -,cud
Fat their finite at the North street ; I.inet.ler hill"'
Snp•rsilks • 1. 12
elite Streaks 1.- • 13
• N ghthawke 19 20 .
�14 dltTli the ;S 'C '
41.01•"Pk i! ITter AIT mar foink
Ceryl nntll a irt.M r sJ
M with ber ]aKtffn^'11 �
treating• on the bash of this •refiort
that the ehlerinatIoti plant was no
functioning properly. T'hlt camp]
was taken at the height of the sarin
The attept on tot g 1 11nst
.husband to Go,lers•11- Mr- Ashton stent 1>aeter at the Lowe of L
died als•ut tweltc years ago. Sur- mother, Mrs- N. Dougherty• t►AvP tl I I i Mr. and Nn Elliott
viving her are ten tlagghtees and two ?Ilea 'Rose Strang, of Kingsville. Is -
stmx ern. Jos. I
hor•hl0r HMI • Mrs. "1"'►Idiug the Easter tauatlon with her freshet. and inter samples. scat March step 'eigrm,. Now that the motoring and theft danghrt•r N1r,• ani acrtrh
', Crich• Ge,.r:^e•, of wither. ter. H. 1. Struntl. _Sad and 2tih, .Pre reported "fair.".season has fairly .poled and r:,rp are workers. lieforr• they left all nreivlJl �
James, Jewell.1 of 1. Nt Mei*. C. W. Ferrier, of Oshawa. is
collier's- township. and John, Of Tivek- It aas dt'dded to scud 011 the. rr+rres=rlNrumiug numerous tat the streets. the .•1 lienee or app,lw ifition ..f their mer-
e del •. Ono- 'sister. Nltw ti siting Mt the home of her p:ueut"' iolideme relating to the ehborinntinnIIrisk of remittent Las c$fresise,!iu_Iy tides ill tli elistr.11, in the way ,dpn+w
Prsmtth t )NRI {
r' . Golvelch, els•• "Ihr- Mr. and tars. W. H. Piteler• plant tt the iyntrr and light commis- incfea vd un,► toe necessity ..! ..t. to:ati.•tW from tFw• ur::au'... .•ns with
Ilene Fisher,' . f Mks Morn hurley. of Salm i-'..'
ho funeral took .la.e from Fun. Another matter up for ,onsid-'.erring trate, reCnl:alh.pt► Is more tui- whish they were pa rti.ulirly ass••
Tice.. T I s sndiu• the E:ueter so+•attuta :I1 her ..ration carts the Itrpe•tlon ..f dairies.' perative. It should _i.1 be left' to n rifted. lir. E.Itiott will he tepeet:1111 -
the stat, n.r of Mrs. J•ea•ph Iteerhh•.• I ►
street. on Friday afteneeni to hone .,n' St. IMvld's street. and arrangements -for ouch inspection sarins accident t to demonsr.:en -the remembered in I;udeArin sued ill Itr.on
Park . tr \Ilst FIVIannt Whitty has return("t were left in the hands of the chair- need of the !ttnOst rape by w•.1••rist 1 •'•.alloy for his spit -n.1;4 cork rot.
('tn lit ti ehtwn n -y. Het, \L ('. Pari 1• town after spending the past ten • [rto of the hoard.
conducted [he nen-Mem and the pall- s Rln•uts ill Toronto.,nt.nrticularly -in the molter of stopgdng tinned .err snug year- in c••nue•ti••u
teasers Were Gw.rge Itaw•hler, Corn weeks with herhefnre drh•ine- on the 1?qu:n•• air on cith the ('hil.trei's -\td S..-:.ty.'for
Aidtt.tn, Lome Ashen, Cecil Mason. Prof.1 I1. 11.' \liKay. of Toronito. Taevn-Nletarlarte ,uty of the through. roads in tow-.. if „!.,c11 he was ..uuty suIa•riitemh•tnt
P Je•wvII and Flervey Ashton, all visit,d Mt the twine of .his father. 1lovely Easter itedding Bas solea the step signs are 11'•1 oherrve-I they 11 .1.1 his retirement a year or so ago.
Isom ('a t 11. McKay, art the wtek-end.
p;nulsms o the 4/rense,p• 1' , • nize•1 to Shcrtsninhe• Ihuw• flub, Tor- are w•.rsP than users.•. for pedestrians
f Ite•c. W A. lean, .•f port i in,bt„n• onto, on M,.h•hat Mende, la .t, when trusting to them to make crowing,
i The SSI n :t has beenj.•Thelr departure is regretted by ,:
t drawn to the diereeard of trate reset -14 friends, and more particularly- by
e lateens by motor titre in town, partici-; the people of Victoria street United
g', early in the failure to rep to ,tune, n which
A w t
in the Is -nom .f George Drew pastil - Mi -s. 4/lire Goldthorpe, of 'rorente• onto (formerly of (:oderich t, became out that every time o motorist runs 1
nasty en Tlueduy. April 2nd. iAee/1}441 M".ilt Gosl 1.111.141y Mill the •..e•k4t•ud the bride .f fur. Percy- fleury 'norm. toast a stop sign lie renders himself
was in his sixty-s0teuth year, He with her sister. Mr. W. G. Mt,•'Eaatt .,f Kit.'hencr. Rev. Dr. Alexander liable to u tine.
was bent in Glengarry county and for Mia. Dorothy 31.0►.,ut 1d. if Kit• \1cMillan officiated. using the dotrhtl
the past forty rears had been n rest- rhener, 14 spending Faster bulidnys ring ceremony. The wedding mull.Notes from the Waterfront
it McKay. n .
been i \ ' r, .l
n I r l
Ile had .l l S
Gods-rich.4 \ i. 4
.,Nevin .t ss yet i Miss Muriel Idler.
sent fwith herr wets da, 1 .lar el G -
1 S Several of the boat. 1n the harbor
alNtllt five weeks. 110 is survived he miss Ce,dlfi Hero. -of T,tr'iiiu, silent The Drlde, who wax given in marriage are preparing for the upsetting .f uMv1•
hl. widow and tette ism and one the holiday and week -end at thehome by Captain11'i1liam•I'roudfoot, lookedgft.iin nod the ert•ws are beginning to
daughter. Mrs. N. P. Warrener and of her entente, Mr. and NITS. t charming in a French gown of white arrive. April loth is now named as
Mr. William Drew, both ..t 1•ontiae. •horn. chiffon with rose -point lace. The tit- the probahle date when the first steam -
Mich. One sister and one brother Mr. nail Mrs. Norman Shelley and
spent n few day's this week with his
F.,1„, Jeanette. sloe u[ Mrs. Peter sate are lu great danger of toting run CHURCH NOTES
011 -known resident or G,slerich s1sN•r. Nlra. J- It•.cle, Victoria, street. NI.Fnrlaue of St. (Jets^e street • Tor• down. it -addition, it may be pointed
also •rirvlse, \ors. T. W. Parks and +4n Alex: mot,t(csI up from Kitchener
Mr. Sanniel Drew, of Detroit. The and sPC►It Sunday with relatives in
fnneni1 leek place from his late resl- town.
dente„ Bayfield road. this (Thurdnyt Miss Margaret itedditt, who Is at-
afterno ou to Maitland ,emetery. The tentling Toronto University, ie !venti-
late Mr. Drew wns it member of Vic- Ing the Easter 'vacation at her home
torte wire t United ehnr,•h and the here.
funeral"Prices were conducted by his Mow %lnnde Howell. .teacher in tae
pastor, Rev. M. C. Parr. The pall- Otterville, muklnteition pschooE - 1.
bearers were R. Stonehouse, R. Iver, spending the vacation at her home
R. ('. Postelethwalte, T. Hawkins, J. here.
Thompson and - 3. Naigle. Relative/ Mrs. Henry Robinson has returned
present at the funeral front it dlitante from Waterloo. where she spent the
included Mr. tad Mrs. Warreger, Mr. winter with her daughter, Mrs. 1111 -
and Mrs. W. Brew, of Pontiac; Mr, liard.
and Mrs, S. Drew and Mrs. Parks, of Miers Evelyn Clark, who tenches
Detroit. near Exeter, is spending the holiday
JOSEPH M. McT.R.►W week at the home of her parents, Mr.
The death oerurre1 in (,+cnlerich on
and Mrs; Robert Clark.
t a Mrs. G.o. 11. Bisoth nod children left.
(;raw. 111 Nlun h rah, of ye \I. M(-• Wednesday morning for Toront11,
(;raw•, in•hls seventy-second year. De -
where Ni r. Rooth will Join them next
eeas.rt 1111,1 heel) 111 elsoit lwelye
weeks. He wits Morn nt-%rthur, (int.,
and about thirty years ago mus -el to
Colborne township. For twelve {'ears
he was a resident of Snitford find for
the pest five years he had resided in
Goderrch. 11e is survived sty his
wi,ktw end three daughters and one
sfttl Mre. D, A. (Dray, of London,
Mary. AIlle and John, of (:odcrieh.
The funeral took plaice from the fam-
ily residence. Brack street. on %Ved-
n,wltiy afternoon, Nltrch 27tii. to Mait-
land i.•nuetery-. Ret'. R. ('. N1cI1,•rmid
conducted the aersit•et and the lstl-
beercrs were Messrs. John, Joe and
Alex. McNevin, Charles Carey, Wm.
Andrew and Abner Morris. These
present at the funeral from n dietnnt•c
included Mr. and Mrs. W. Crawford
and Miss Mary Crawford of Cro-
marty; George Gray nnil WIIIfam
Gray, of Mitchell; Mr. and Mn- D..\.
Gray. of London; John M,Nevin, sr.,
and John Me\evin, Jr.. of Dundas.
Ilortieultural Society Premiums
Any Sermons desiring to hate full
ehoiec of premiums as members of the
(Ntterlt•h 11ortieultnnn1 Sudety should
apply for membership not Inter than
Saturday next, ell the directors'intcnd
to send In the order for premiums at
onee. The memlerwhip fee of one dol-
lar maybe paid to the secretary, Mr.
T. rpm or any of the directors. The
8oaiety already has over 200 member.
for this year.
week en route to China.
Mr. and Mrs. McGotkiu, M Detroit. During the signing of the register Mr. still'.
spelt the holiday and week -end at Hobert Cult, of Galt. snug. _% ret•ep-
the home of the Intter'1. parents, Mr• ton was held after the ceremony. at
nud Mrs. Rlehard Ryan- which Mrs, lleleariane and Mrs. George Rymomis Heads lawn Howlers
Mr. Gilbert ('lark and sister, Mrs. 'rio-it, reeefv rl with the bride and
Sayers, and son Itay, of Sarnin, were groom. Mrs. M,'Iarlant• wore a
week -end vlsitore with their uncle. French gown of black lace and chiffon
Mr. M. 4'lark, (•oltntrne street. and n corsage IaNIgllet of orchids aid
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 1.. Glow and 111Ies-of-the-.alley. Mrs. Tilcoi't, ggwi
daughters. Olive and Mndelon, .f (lin- was of gray georgette and she wore a
ton, spent Fleeter with Mr. and Mrs. (-,orange .f Drury roses and Iilles-of-
Melvin ('lark, Ib11►nrne Street. the -valley. The bride's travelling cos -
Mr. 51111 Acheson, of St. Andrew's
rolleee, Toronto, is spending the
Easter veettion et the home of his
prtrents. Mr. and Mr.. 1t. 3. Acheson,
Nelson street.
\iia•. Orel Cooper. of the High
School stag at Port Elgin, Is spend-
ite the vaeatIon at the home of her
teirents, Mn, and Mrs. A. J. Cooper,
iFamllton street.
ted bodice was beautifully beaded with
Mirk, as were the mousquetaire
sleeves.- The skirt was long, having
flat circular finuncee. and the train
was lined with flesh chiffon. tier veil
of tulle era caught with a bandeau of
.Flier tilique' and orange blog sums.
1Vhite satin slippers' were dainttiy em-
broidered In silver and .he carried a
shiner Isiuquet of butterfly roses and
Mlles -of -the -valley. The maid of hon-
or, Miss Edna hunt of Goderieh, wore
a Jenny model of aqua green chiffon
with satlu slippers of the wane
slu,de. Miss Claire Chinn. the brides-
maid. were a gown .of ,tea -rose pink
clriffon, -fashioned similarly. Iyer satin
slippers matched her gown. Both at-
tendants wore silver (Iiigree bandatits
and carried large bouquets of sweet
peas- The groom was attended by (;oderi(•h township, have the contract.
Mr. Freeman Talbot of Kltehener, nod for the !supplying of tie gravel, which
the welters were Mr.' Clare Snider and will ' be delivered by motor trucks
Mr. Cyril Philp, also of Kitchener. from a gravel pit in i:oderleh town•
er will laic this port. The harbor Is
practically free of ice. but there is
Iat111-coneidenttrte ice in the lake out-
side the break -eaters:. This lee. however,
1s not considered heavy enough to
hinder navigation.
The heal fishermen are making
preparations for the opening of the
fleshing season at an early date.
Work on the coutra.•t for the con-
creting of a portion ,.f the south filer
is to be resumed tit ,•ace. Mr. Bishop,
representing the contractors, is ex-
iwr•ted here this week, •
'flhc John S. Metcitlf io., eontrnMnrs
for the new elevator building, are
,'artiste a chute deet) the- bank at
Wellington street. This chute will be
need for the delivery of grace for the
eoustrtction work. sell Bros,., of
Dr. W. F. Clerk hat returned from
Toledo. 01110, where he was visiting
Ills daughter. Miss Botta Clark. Mia
('lark Is making a good reoonery from
the injuries which she respired in a
resent automobile &evident.
MINS nine Horne, 1w home from
Pass lake for two mnntha' holidays. i,l,trle•I Parsons. Harry•
No. peke le In the neighborhood ..f S Sturdy, Dr.
Ora ham and Walter IbN'hatMn--ere
the end men in the Lions minstrel
revue. The east includes forty men and
Wye And fifty girls. (tear thein sing
-see them dance.
fume was an .ensemble of red and
beige, Mr. and Mrs. Ta 1.011 left on a lows: Honorary ptesidcnte, Wm. Ione,
motor trip to United States and on Rtiwart 11,•nry-, iIr. N1:.eDonell; urest-
their return will lire In Kitchener. dent, George Symonds: vire-president,
Out-of-town guests wire from Wind- ))'m. Powen1 neeretary. Charles. Mee.
*.r, Detroit, Kitchener, GoderieJu, i'hall: treel snter. Andrew Porter;
(warm, Brantford and Hamilton.
committee. T Meiernwttr O:
Much Interest Is taken iu this helms
01ent tty,the people of Golerheh, the
?wide hating ist•n n re'.Ident of this
town anal a few cars alto. It,wlde•e
Misr Edpil Hunt. the maid of honor.
there were present from Godcrich Mr. and the .natter of making n now nt►
and Mrs. Fret( Hunt, the Misses Et1, I p int...mit was left w,!h the gronn•It
and Olie Whitely and Mete Margaret eennrnittee. Tho date- for the 111111
N'llsrro, tournaments this year were not name(,
this natter (wing r,fesre,l to the ex -
The old favorites in mir.striletv- rwiitive committee Tho.i 1 r,- int
were of the IMAMmnusopdnlon that the
lighting systetn at the• I'Ictin 'street
greens should he inmproved and the
executive committee was given plower
to look into the matter and bare the
lights rearranged.
The annual of the God,•rich
!Arun Dowling Ass's•;atlon wns held
in ISrophey- itr...' office on Tuesday
evening. The pro•-1.I.nt, Mr. Jos,
Itrophey, presided. The trea.urer's
report presented by Nlr Andrea• Porter
shewe,I that the Chili had had n suc-
cessful season in 11►_'4. Offi,ters for
the etissuing year were electeO n9 fol -
Ginn, J. 1t. Nwaflk•I.I : exe iiblve teen-
mitt.r•. F. Hunt. lir. 11. It. Hill, Jae
MeeVi'ar; m0mlers!.:p (ommltt(r,
(sero. Symonds, 11. Itis• W. Symonds.
Mr. Fred 1V, it resI , I as (-nr•take-r
Port Arthur and the nada being In
very had condition at this season of the
year the school In whtet Miss Horne;
tenches is having its long vacation
now instead of at midsummer.
.i .tA1Ai, 1
Rev. .111.1 -son Nbo lnitsh. of Toronto. '
will e.iduct fl... sors1,,-'• In the flap-
tist (iturch nn Sunday next.
Tlic sa,•r:n11ent ..t the i,►nt's 51 '1 tr
Will he +ulauin.serr,i at Victoria street
sere i. .
morning ,• north at
United t
next Sunday. Tither services of tie
day ar Osual.
Eater was tlst•rted by appropriate 1
sprvlees • in the church.... 55 it It sae
tial Easter music% iturJJl•. cony;re_a-
1 iTt,. attendee et tit various house+
,d w•irltip, and ninth interest was
manifested in the ,4.sertan'e of the
great festival of the Christian ,Church.
Large coigrekations ntt.nd.nl lit the
Baptist (1111rch,on Sunday to hoar Iter
F. C. Elliott's last sermon+ as pastor
of the church. \ir. Elliott left on
Monday for Ingersoll. where be and
Niro. Elliott will reside, but he ha -
promised to return for seine Sttuduy iu
the near future
The satcrnuaent of the iunl's Supper
will he „bs•rvel n1 the morning a•r_}
rice :It ktiox ehuri•h 110.1 Sall.blth. '1'Is•
prgaarat•try service. .11 Friday evi.nitig
will be condeeteti by Rev, Chas. P '
Dungan, of ('listen. iter, G,•..rte
Ihtoth will occupy the pulpit Flt the
evening ser•ioe cal Smiley.
The pastor's sermon ssibje•t. et
North street knifed enure', next Sun
day will Ise: Merit ing, Those t••
tit:tined. yet very much land to tie ism
s,•ssel;" evening, •The Greatest Thing
In the World.- The tapir for •Ioe•i:i.
tit the Men's club, meeting at 10
o,•Iis•k, will be. -IS II ever 1•••. ...t.` t••
send?" Mr, 11: LMtalkeld will intro•
dor the sib}t'-I
Daily seri-100e were held in St. (J,tr-
)(e'e t•n11reh during Holy Week. Eto•h
morning holy communion was 11,14, -
dented at 10.30 ,'.lack. and ea
evening. at K o'ea•k, 11 11 iodising .•
tires+ Wag given by the rector, Ile.
J. N. 11. Mills, The members ,rf
of the turbot,: orgirniz:mous of !).t•
(hued' were asked tit attend t•sist ialtt
mae of these meetings, n different
evening being eenr•1wl for each of
gtutiznni.n. On. (rood Friday a three
heirs' service wit, held. tram • 12
..'shtick to :S p.m., and in the evening
there wits ivcn«tng. All the ervie•s
during It'ut and linty Week were we11
attended. On Sunday to t•hirch was
b-uhtifully deornted with lilies and
other flowers, find the veriet e. serines
s.the tiny itesutifully•remphasized the
plrltf of EttaN�_
la s
12 I:
111 17
-1 17
In the i t le.' b•.lg a.• Lei -ender t; is
:Irt•-Itadiug and SIIp•rsilks and 111ne
Si nook' ere tied roar .tt 'Fid'
Italy one gent.• t•s•k place the past
seek. I ri 1\'e•! ue s In c of Fast 'murk
1..5,ide•r I;Irh' won ll.nr• Ka now -trim
Nighthawks. 5liss Worthy Itlack with
-.`•I for tire• g:uls•l sue 1151 for single
high nu•I. for Nighthawks Mrs.
o -,•s of
.. . + t will. scores It. 1.1 s .was N•+f
1. I
.., .711.4 211.
l4tlies League Standing
Won lspt
}'our radio Ii muse expired Morch
It.•w•w at .tif. Tct.butt h •'•n'•.
41.1111 ler a5.55m. 21
l in Thnrdny iiuof last wick a
1.•aut of Stratficverd ,isgtwlens ptlit3i I a
frc•ndly game eitit a haul team at ti.e
1,114. 4. '1•he lis -al" won four •Int
of to4. goof•. The total. ag4r0gate
were as felt .sa: I:etlrrirh
:0.741; Sl nu ford .1044. The return -
game tit Stratford will Take plaice
sh.rlly. -
The increased gasulIbl tax bell. 1111.
.DTI-.ttv,• la:tt w,r•k. and now the price
of wart' Pollan if •'gas" Imitates the.
.ars. instead oLthree, for the I'rotin-
cial '1'11-lstiry.. -
11he young people of. Veil hitt street
United church are wet...wing, the plies
-The End of the Lane" in MaeK:n
tlnll in Thursday and Friday ,•seuiug-
.,f thief week.
A chin' and dnnee miter the rots -
Of the (r1tr.adleti ie•gi.Nt will le
'h.hl ti the Mms...nit }lull on Friday,
.\aril 12th. \1,si. by Driver orelhF,-
ha. Keep this date open,
lion'. (argil the minstrel re% no.
III tilt opera:Mouse next Tuca1.tj.
11'..Ines hay and '1'Itursday. It is big-
gt•r Find latter than "Smile," auui
that's varying it l,t. flan opefle at
ltuuivp'. drug store /Saturday worn
The Godcrich Fund for the Relief
of the Distressed British Miners
iteeerve April lath and 19th for the
(1. ('. 1. entertainment, ennsisting of
mnslenl numbers, folk denier, a skorfl
play, knd the Parade of Nations by tole
students. J. iL Cameron, noted vow
adian entertainer. of Toronto. wit)
take an important part It the program.
At Ilrennon o .tIkys v
Scoot 1:!.r..* 'BS took part in the play-
ed' •...tesI at I►reunau's bowling al-
ley• on 11•111.hty et.•uing 1n. der•t.b• the
winner of the,dtitiig outtit"awurde4
by Ihr ttwnugelliettt 10 the p•M,a
nrtku,g alit. rho. -t Ia1I1 to. 21, Mr.
lo.h.•rt ('nrtck wall ter.•• prize with a
on ..t
tiiturdny. .tor 1 11-A110,4m sate of
sulk. ace prnIery and hour• fnrnitM
ings, property of Mrs. 1;eo. 11. 'tooth,
Itrihnu,la rend, Gude-rich.
The f;ntlerich Mind for the Distressed British \Inners
still he cl.sed oil April 1"t h.. This mill itlloty time .for ttnc'
I+trrenl:i it organizations that intent! to eohtrihute to do so
herfire the money•is remitted to Great Britain.
The rtilill MOW totals This week a t-itelue for
:ft121 11'115 received i'ronh Knox ehllr.Ie• I;th•rieh, heir¢ the
proeeeds of a eollecti.n taken in the elmreh, with a centric
hutiott of *11) from the 1Vestmitister (ittild.
I're%iou•ely ackunwl0dged
Knox ireebyttrinn ('her. 1,. 5I11; 1Vest•
minister t;nthi, 4111 121 00
A. F. 1.151