HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-2-28, Page 3_.._�..•.-4'444.._,_ . •••••••1111g.-�,�_,.�.��
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Hotel, of (hararter and I►istinrtion
kepi alwa5• up to Modern Standards
It„1••. 2"" r '4°-° s...yl.
4..... H h.,. 4.4.111„
Was Member Of Parliament for %lest
Huron Oyer '111irty leers Ago
utW548, Feb, 17. 11011. Jun4e' Cole-
brook*. Patterson, whoa*• political
career, started tithe than half -a•
century ago. is etublazole,l w'ittt WS
steely.. a. Secretory ..f Site, Minister
of .1i11111 and Lieutenant -Governor of
Manitoba. diel today. .The end came
at his residence UI the capital. Ile
was ninety yearff of age.
11u:. Mr. Patterson was a link in
the small political chain whi.•11 blade
1111• Canada' of today with the Canada
a. it -Wit. tein1 titter Confederation and
I..•f..re Sir Wilfrid Laurier formed ha
11rsl nllui•ary. Sir t:eorg. Foster 11tot
Sir Hugh John Macdonald now remail
us the sole surviving members of the
tote -Laurier ministries.
11.11 FIELD,
(intended for iu•t w.•I•l)
lt.tl''FIF)I.D• I•..I,, 21.' Mr. X.•.t. tt
Woods retllrneMi t„ Tor.na, u,
on )IuLly
u. resume 11141 teaching ,:u!ie%.
Mr. A. F:. Er 444, tib, wa. it/ God-
erich auditing Iow'k• ;,r •.•Iera1 111444
lust week. returned n +mr u:: ,Saur-
%1r.. 1). I►ewar and •,n; .liu1111) lelit
a• few days lard week with her s4 -ter.
NII•.. .1. M.ssiip, in A.1113.
The Women's- lily „t !'raver was
obw•red 11y all 111e ,i:orchc. ..n Fri-
day lust. The won.... •.f a•rin11
church .attended the 4.4.11,1 ntr $t.
John's church. Varna.
Mrs. A.' New•tonl11.,•iy returned
home on Saturday after 11•1\in; x1.1111
the week with her nr,:hcr, Mr,. Nlac-
111.uald, 4n Sarnia.
Mr. Harry Baker retorted to Lon-
don on Saturday after Maung spent
the. week with his ;mreut•. Mr, and
Mrs. F. W. hiker.
Lenten services are Le;ng held in
Trinity church OU '1'1wn,l,y to4cnillgs.
Mrs. Mary MaeK*1•z..•.' lt'1I. Water
1Ilj;hwuy, is visiting sal. her daugh-
ter. Mrs. S. Keye-. ,:: Varna till.
Ogvers E heeled. -'1',. anima: meet-
ing of the Junior ,:Intl of Trinity
.•lutrlh was held at 1'.. Lome ..1 Mrs.
N. w. Womd•y m1 1v,•.h .: ;. 1lftei-
11uW1 of last week. T..,• ,• .•, t inn of
°ulcers fur the count._ •••,r .,•.u;1od
a. follo.
: Preside' U.- Su.fe
'V*-'tlake•i 8M'retary. \I • '1.,r% Wid-
rowle; treasurer. NI••• I.:ia NL Knr.
The Treasurer's regtl.r . .,,,,'d a tine
balance. A motion t, ,'Res't' that
flu be sent to 4he•Br.t.-„ millers' fund
441144 carried.
Junior W.A.-The ;iris` branch of
Women's auxiliary of 'Privity
church stet on We•u..'.dar After:mon
of 141-t week. '11 wen. divided to com-
ikeuce work on anoth.r outfit fdr the
Italian girl at St. Paul's school. (ilial!
Ite.erv'e. .t letter or appreciation
from Mrs. Middleton. 9.4..of thi'.prli-
cipll of 111e school, war• read. Mrs. F.
H. fault took the fire chanter of the
study hook oat 10411:1 The devotions
were led by the 4,r"-id.•nt and the
meeting olenal and elo'ed with p
by tau. . 1
,t .nn of the late Rev. Jame• Patter -
he wens bowl tie•ar Dublin. Ireland,
111141 ,'111111. 4,. coleitis 11 lst;.7. 11e
entered rile civil service at Gt48wo,
but ri•;Igted 144 devote his time to the
surly of iaw. and the year 1.4741 marked
his t•tltry to the lair. Ile j,rm•t1sesl
law' 81 Windsor, Ilnt., and wa. reeve
of Windsor for ten v(MIr44. and warden
..f Es41•x couty.
The 011111 who,*. figure w•a• to rise ,It1
1,ig11 in , the political world entered
the *Ontario Leg4.latllre am member for
North Essex in 1y74, and In 1x7S first
went 'to rhe House of Comtnons as
member for Essex county. He held
Ili. common. seat for thirteen years,
but the general elections of 1591
marked 'his defeat. .Ile returned to
the 114,11w• the 141,114iwing year as McUi-
ler for West Huron and 1114'11 MY Secre-
tary of Stpte 11 the .%hls.tt All III iu-
1strati..u. 01'111141 111 the sllcree•.11ng
Thom4,,.'t1 141111 1 11191e1 admiui,•!rat404144
he was MN,isler .rf Militia.
His appointment. a, Lieutenant -Gov-
ernor of !bonito's' ,was 1111ole on Sep-
tcnils'r _. 1.405. and lie Ner'(4 ill that
capll;ity for live years, Later as a
comwl,+wioner he in vest igvted trio
titles 44. owner.liip, by Great Britain
of lands in the arctic Seas. -
111111. Mr..1'11t1*.rs.a1 wa44 predeceased
by his wife in 1911. They had Uo
ch I Idren.
The funeral will be held from a pri-
vate burial parlor on Tuesday.
A plodern bride seems much more
domestic If the has a 'phone in the
kitchen to use when ordering canned
dinner stuff. ---Brandon gun.
As pear as we earl snake out from
the I'urk report., the only things
about oomeu's gowns that will be
longer this year will be the shoulder
straps.-- l'eterb,ro' Examiner.
][��x�vITAT ON
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OttSt ortolet Kis
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velopmen oLe of the time an p fG
Make a n
All SIX 144
On Monday, March 4th,
at 8 p. m., in showroom of
MacEwan & Tebbutt
Goderich - Ontario
By 1• 'Nachman
lit(:Iwa. Feb. ,i. --Thi. oas a quiet
weak 111 1111•..•ir4 of 4)ttaw'al.
Why shouldn't It le?
'floe chief 1.ubje.•1 Under ttI, ti alm1
was the treaty for the re•ualrhtion of
war. siglll"I :It Pari. last year. f.1r.1 %ice. :1, f1•anl re which baa- boa 1as"oule
Misw•Itaneous . • •.. :MMr,IMw
ItaIlw'1t'w and Dana;• 1, a{,: '
tail) • • • '
Suulmllg 1141 thew' .4 114.4\ 1.• ,•Irl.
(11111 we hare nut yet r, a'hw1 4Ia peak
of expenditures for p.•11.1..114.
11111 111.r or fact, w.• are 1..,1 I.k.-I\ 1.,
reach it for .1.111• y'P 1 r- t„ , •,:1 .N, w.•
naive further from 1tc o,.I the ur
gency .11( COMO"sal"1111.. 41111:44)' L•
comes greater. Th.., uiu•t he mel
and no ,tau• lerMan:.:1 4:,!. ,-v•,q,14on
to Iliew.
Po,.toMee Exps•ndi111' 4-.
'sVc are expanding ,1;1 114.1;1 .ea'
King told the story to the (louse, It
alnouuis, to this. the treaty 5..I'cd it
..ileum renunciation of war a+ 1111 (1-
4ruuaaIt ••f liliaril policy. 11 offer-
ed to. obsolete guarantee that oar
.huuId wase, l.t was Si 1111104 the
opening of a path. whli•h, trod by 1111
111111,141'., might .•v.•utimlly lead to
petite. and that iu half 14111' It highly
.Iecirable cud to he
Mr. Bennett of ...air*. was out op -
[word to peace; he was 5v11111g to have
peace, provided it ,lid not mean hu -
mediate pen., with the G.o1•ruu.•ut 444
ismer: at lea -t, that 4- shat luight
ite drawn front his remark- Iltue or
tw'iee there was a somewhat brilliant
flare-up between the too gentlemen
who lead their respective parties, int
1111the whole it was ai 4041I4. VOW
du1•u•d 1111 a high plum., not only by
the leaders themselves, but by others
who joined 111 11.
Touch of War!
Annuli; others win. look plrl 41 11e
discussion wore Mir. t\aluut. Mr.
lt',44nl.sw',rth, Mr. '1'hur.Aai of NN'itmi-
pog, N1r. T. 1.. Church of Toronto and
Miss Agues Nl11cphnil. Mie Mac-
1411ai1 Is the ./1/1 1.1 .1111 11114011 of
peace In the Blouse. She mil." probably
lirsl un al) the world to-renoan,•r war
--1411*.• 14(444 horn with reuupeiution 1.11
her tongue; revert bele... When it
Huron Investments limited
Stock Brokers
Bond Dealers
Royal Bank Building, 6odench, Oat.
Phones 430 and 445
more ..r WS'', ettrtilltal to modern ,11 re
:11111 111111 add* W .
I.1`vain.'.' .•xp•n4i -
1uns. Thew• thing, lo•wr1, r. ulu•I
be "ofl'itl`il:II-''T
,ucapal.I,..La ID he Armstrong Real Estate
creased revenue w•il. .4 its. cud. n•
>I1)1 111141 pos•Amttk'' I'r1R44m,•. III('. ' 11 and Insurance Agency
habit 11f coming erre close to Ir'wlnl LIFT. INSI K tNI1: (Set Life Co.).
The Increase In the item of govern- ACCIDENT. SI('KNESo4, AUTO.
meat for the Nurthoe,t Territ..lp,) rev, LNSUK,AN('E
.-otic* from the fact that w,• are posh -
ing 0vl11z8(1uu luso 11,..,' terrilor:c-
The sweep of the ::cm.;.l.u.c ha„, • , Large number of good p.operttes for sale
tied tilt• pruslleet0r ilia„ regiiu1•e L,1 et low ptes and manof them very,
beyond Jhe• ordinary haunt- of mea easy tearms cur paymy ent Just
-and thin Involves sea,eat,,Mlun of • few of them
tit• fuuctluntl 111 Govert.uanl 4n(t 111.••.• A ►"••I (o. k house•, h:tho" ,,,. light,
areas, It *illi) mean• -1 hat we m11a L.t and•n1all lwrn. 1 nuued ultr(. bir,N�
Provide extra help for t'm• natives, be. 1': 't' $1:4MI, ,
411119e the white mal: HI'l*.• the KV 1111. Erick boom.. midi bathroom. lights.,
and 11141 11h1'rlglIles 144.4441, to fall buck lanlace. cellar, small IN1r11. tine location.
11111)11 (hto l;mvertmemt f..4' ui,t.•'Thus 0141 I'nc.• f:9MM1,
141,11 111 item thea y4-.,) f''• ;pe htordlu_ luck house, hill modern equipptnl•
u( re•indw•r, eyeuhui lc intruded .4;1.0,1: I'ricr faLhMl. . -
a Ieruuluenl fa.d •uppl> fur Itnek h•alra•, elwtric lights and haUr
pMople, rom. frit• $271(11
The' inrre,lsell+•14""1"Nr.•. ”r41.1 111•. I•luc 1•rw•k 11.11(14'. hna(.11ern wplip-
(alrtmenf Of Trade :w•; .'.. r.'.• :u. p"I. �Irun hrxb"1, pertill p44.hxhwl hsnl•
tip.. mitral reset: of mer gruvvi,, it 8.4.4 floor*. well 014u44.d 141111 litany con -
trade. 'Phis item )11111.11? Ir• nn•nsur'd 5,•Itielllea, tine garage. choler hel(tinn,
In, I.ulkl%'.' dust lake into consider❑ convenient to Squaw. Price $3'4M).
thin the results ft.s11 4lc..xp•Odittir• 1 1.2 story (name hosts.', light., Orth
11( y in (h4, bray.- Incre:,,• of n.au, w,'ll lend"1. Prey * 1'111.
trade Juai.tles the )xleudilurl'. Fire.• L I-2 awry nin.•.roomell homy'lie Iledrtlistts wilt arranxad for 1•otr.•Im.•t11•e 111111 Ieat-
4.1111*.• 10 a combat 111 55(14)11 the ,11.44.*.
of (r itions. 4M left to ° the c bauuts . f'.!titlug to the n,ho tins+, the main hug. just tino;.hevl, choice interior decor-
Nlis L111cphail 1111, the oplp44.r. !dent consists in the d,',Tea•e in in along and 'Pushing• bot atilt eukl water
t44uity k. )INla.' Maguey. she 1111. tic;terest naw' paid oris. 11111 1141111 1 debt. .opply, .uN44lcrll four -poen. Iodine=
ht.redlw•tion in (lets 1'islyear Iv:MIe,d *.'nib'. electric lighted. g....1 cellar,'tws
capacity for .har4oe.s 11 tom• ..f )one I4,"a deslded doerea•e 444 the Iuterto.t Tote, well 11.•4.,1. colvclelt l01i,Nleriet
mod w'hrd11 h44 re•ry •hail to match' 1alym,ut44 this year 4 ..i)cy that <, 4'olicgbtc 10,4 ll tote. Prise $,',1 0.
441 r. Chard' threw the outs di.'oi 1,1 l f11nu,'ri,- spent upon 4if,rest call 1111'.' A x•.441 1 I '1 story house, eight name),
note into the whf)le theIle. Ile .1e- , be 4441111 upon matter 41lti.rprt.1•.. wood cellar, lot awl bairn. tine 11.•:atinet,
w•riled 1414* treaty for 1144• r.uuncl:l- T..61 expenditures •o"•m tn•uu'ndo,,, 4'A,c Irma, Innn.rhute posee.$II.I. Price
lieu of war n. a cul. trirk .14 Ain..r.1 i .,'".4
I luteuded for 1:1.1 %% eel:
11'IIITF) 1ll'W II, Fel..
and Mrs. Roht. Stewart gave on oy-
ster supper on Wedrealay last to a
number of their relatives and neigh-
Mr. John M,•f:ee 01,1+ . •Il led to Gmd-
erlch . n the Jury chi, week.
There prised a1'.l} on M01111ay' last
Mrs. J11 SI. Martin, a iioneer of this
district. 'She 118,1 been confinedto her
bed since taut-tpiril. a111e leii'(•s two
sons. ('harles and Janos, find five
daughters: Mss. Fallahay, of ' Tor-
onto; Mrs, -td8!r and Mr.. Mc1:111, of
Turnberry: Mrs. Bert -Thommwrn.
F:fiat Wnwanosh. and a daughter 111
I)::kutII. Stu• wa44 1.1111.41 In Q'huhani
cemetery on Th11r.doy. hey. J. Pollock.
of Chalmers church. taking 'the o'er-
rl.rs. a•sieted at 11:11 hove bt pica. 11.
R'9iittleld of Wfdte,•hnrl'h I'niled
church. •
The NVomen's Institute realized $40
from the bo ' social In the hall on
Thur",(a' night. Nlr. J. 1►. NI, -Ewan
auctioned off the triaes. ,t debate.
"Resolved. that i:• tern finals offers
greater opportueity than Western
1'an:ola." 5'844 14,14 by the negative.
Ir. 1'tarles I..aver and Mis, the r,'.11:: of the 111,1.11•.41111, 11 5511+ Men ver} 4 11 • talo -n t.. Toronto
May Wightm11,, had the' aftlrnw111 re, agreed that the resource+ ,1fou14 be tn-,ttrN•u t,
against Mr. J1a,. Wilson and Mies returned t.. the I'ro%ineeo wilhont sly q-„
(;race Blake. Word h:,- , • n r.• ei11•dlr-(
reuicti.n as 41 miniui.lnti.nl ..I' the lire:•,)' .n I1•, .klsth ..r
Nor. Alec, Rela, fartnerls' a r,''hie t s4 h,a.l 1.411.11. mal every'I..ly appar
of Ln ugside, pins*.d cess at /1444 home to Is. .alistie,l, except certain gentle
in ll'hIter•hnr(•h 00 Fri.Iey las). Be- hien from th,' Maririlne I'ro%Iaees.
sides his 'ire he leaves one dm,ght,'r. 'fisc attitude of eurt.,i1 NIaritium
Mrs. (1)r.) B•ilfOnr of Lueknovv, and . n,end.•r, upon . Irolilienl i,wlilert
tomo polilicinns That i,e-a .•Ilaru't1•r-
i••tit littera:we for the aniazIIlg m:111
who 40111e•s 'friar the city 4,f 'Toronto.
The saute Mr. Church brought 111
the Ilr.t division of the se•,siou- Ili.
pngowal 5421:. 1 4 amend the Nin•Iga1.1,'
Waters Act so that 4n future all anvil -
venous i1 coon..•lion with water-
power development %mild have to
1141114' before Parliament : at present
they are decided, by Order-in,vunril.
Mr. Church's proprw"I 'amendment
1t LIS defeated $.i 1,* 72.
l'he Natural Kesourera
t1 1!sAo, Iwo Western 1'r.vint•..
Saskatchewan 111141 ,►Items, entered
al first Ih,Nlght, bid thew• things uu1•! ' - ' FARMS
be considered against the ba:kgrunnd
of Nie titers la .which w,' Iiv. .. 14.1, targe number hired to sell,all improved,
Hays *1011. the writer rail lITo44.1 1111 ••I . with b termgs, low paces, easy
diary belonging 1.. his father. It r,• terms if required
4ealeil these .facts: Fagg. were w•Ilim_ JIIMta leo of lir Many. 45 items, $2300;
al (.• a pound, shunt !h• 11 110%1.11, 1.111 :al acnes, 9:121 0: SO acnes,(24.) Mt: hO amen•,
ter 148" w,.rth i261,1 :11 14. 11 fairly. I}IIM71; 1171 arn•M, i.(*l , IY0 arnI4 f•'7M10;
IIMI acnT, ai•F-',IM;. 1171 s('r•.. ttor Mol: la)
dlre•nt tneal eouldeumhal44.•d 'i1 time
city of Toronto :m that 1411,,' for 1121414...,,,,her 1lfifil7); .-411 acres, *"44we. Many
There w'a, no tn,alec ex{end,'d for Others. A.k abota them.
pw(rc11tto• .1 autono•h11es. radio 4'ts,l
mu.ing pleu1rew- DMI the nntibnaI I For all particulars see or write
budget of the Dominion of 4'an,.(11 J. W. ARMSTRONG
adduct o h. I,'1•. than. the . Thi.
I Real Estalr ,agent
bndg,'t 0f 111.1• city of Toronto. This
wt144 in the ' n)'s.'- ktox 89 Spuare lioderld
(1411 4'auudian Confederation. at 11181
time the natural resouriev were re- ieyoa,i. im,,k in 7h,' •'04)'•'= am) "744'•'•
tailie4 1.y the Government. 4lrrr an N1'hcn a Ilully'vcood *tar .h 011)' her
tufcneling .1•r 11.1 of leek( •..:stir obeli the pinnter44 were,• cb•arhlg the
old hn*'l'. I an.l talcs a new m1e, NDe
1 ) lulsh Ifo IIIU'rto, p•h I•kr, s1eGl of lir.•
years, rho right of thew• l'ro•inle•. 1,!� 1r -$tele lenlg rrlitl,•,I r ('nthu
gall11 it
f11r :(ptN), N�,': 11y IhI• time= it,'. Standard .
their (mil Imola ha. 14,•11 subject to 1 hut,. 4.111,10.:•11 :red 550 541111 the nre.' _
dl+•n.s40ur Negotiation ha. Ieen.I ,1,.1 g.u1•rnmcnt a. 14e'lI as other _
more or leer:, • all intermittent aft lir. fhibgs ,-o.t••Il,''I'e iii I1'3'1,
lilt Whit14/.1/1141114/.1/11411ythat, many' year-
%• Whitheti ole wn. w'ilHHug. the other 5511, i
not. The llforninato , thing 4•. 41
rake. 1w'o par1L•s to uvlk.' nut 4144."•
144.1,? "Voll iu 11•411'.! 411 t1,• r.••n,r,l hon
of ualural n•4411ur,'e., Tb,' 81,..1:,} ❑I hometin• tiro...
,• ..:r.. n .. Toronto t,
1f1 .144• 'T.r nt1 sill
S.bOu• of threw• 414'. Iia q,4.+lion. i. f
H,on NI,r. r vfh m•t
l . plug su.• '
'ing to tae mottled anti there will he e, , 1,,,,
onto (ewer problem t.. Worry orer. It N.
o at dor. wh,.-: •,"curre,l :.t the home -•
her r:ie,M', alit, 4411,411 !.t'' hand 1.•)1
1 15111 for the past Ole }ear= lie
!•44,-4-.L mh.' h.•r ry 1:r441111
year. aa• the.'5idu+r of e:.-oreight,' 1'a,11Il-
wo sons, Bosse!. of • Brantford, nuaouuls In 1114• whateier :, riw•- 44 a nt•utl.•r of , •;n4. ,f 11,' „111.•-! " 441
:end Will, of Paris, He was buried in' '.dead t1, a ,fiscus,4ou of the rights 1141•. •d ink h••allly, ah„ I,ro•,.. ,
Tiftln's c(•in.•tt•rc on Mnndny. Rer. II., or the Mnr(rim,' Pronto,- '11m• idol her 1.5 41i¢I,r ,elu, '1'lu•l• 11,.- 1
ll'hittle?l. of the United church, 1'Iki:g of 8.114. Of (111..1• m,•m1.•r- 4. 1.. •••1 filmily. ►ltranen( talc+ pbl)e
the eric,'s nt hou44e and glav,'. 44(1tute rh,Iiisel,c. the bad 4074. Ot 1111' uregou.
Mr. Ntnc 14.rss and Mi.q Catharine organization and get something for
attended the funeral of the Int- keeping Ont ..f the m3.1. Ther, I•
danger 111 that altitude There 1- n„
ter. stater -in -too, Mrs, ,fns. Ries., at
11.1y-r11od On Friday. 11(44111 1..1 her hu.-
b:rtul deeeniell pelves to mourn font'
adopted sons,
Mrs. 'Ilodlgkirnen, of Kfillongh, 444
visiting 'her brother, N1r. Herbert pie of the Nhtrilinle•s ,of their r
1'rttapieee, unr of generon. Ireatne:tt .1 ,1:
It may be of '.tere.t to old real- Canadian Confederation. '1•
dent. or Fast West NN'aw:in,sh to 1111w,'v,'r, the • probability 1114 c , ,:•
kn11w• tint Nir. rr11. Tindale, son of the wl,.lonr might 1.' ,h.1%n on the oil'? ••
late Nir. and NU,. Geo. Tisdale of some 71 ('4141 7','I,l (3' hotel,'-- •,
Donnybrook, wli.. left here over fort) tranfs. (:4.l,'rnsity-ire"ahs. _
y,'11rs ago for ''' trahin, 1111. been - 11111•own)",' leads to u.1r1- 44''' •
visaing thi. ail,:,•1 With hi. brother. Fortaiitf,'ly there aro Maritime mem
and sisters in Saskal.hewlin Auld ter. without .hype. on their .Il..nh',•,-
1)11kf)u1 :Ind Is :.,. at S.•aul,' o, Thu h4. -1 hat 4•, flit; hopeful thong.
nmirn to his hnmo• a In Anotrllioe EstilnaM,t
:t milted sa,rvLr Of the W. NI. S. 0f 'I'Il)' 1111111 ht,'rc"tiug fe•arnre• of
('1alnl,'rs church and Iles W. M, S. of 55'..'l 4441, the pre.entallou of the c--
thc United rim was 1,044 on the owes. Everyone 55•11 11 411 hoot
Day of Prayer i' 4 'hn liner. church. much we rperld and why we s4..l.t 4•
Mi.. Ida M)1!,.- pre44Id,'t,r of the NN'e•I:, the estitnnl'•,. total $:1!II_7417..N1.-
4'1411m,'r. NN'. NI c 011144 In the *glair 77.
and ,aIle,) NI•- M:ty Ito•.., pre•si- l%'/• shall', spend. lhtring the 'ontilr,
dent of the %t \I S. of the 1'nit,'11 year. approximately 14i,::a),t44 111411.,•
,•hnrrh. to OH' ;. `arm. 1"l,,' regular than we spent last yc;1r. The 111*
preurnn wen. r 1 • r • d ant. Mrs'. Harold items of i11c11111144e are:
Sltrrling tontrll,,•-I n wolf) and Nlr.. Pensions
Yulean Kenm•,i, and Nir.- 4l'e.ley .tgri, altar,'
le•ggatt n deet MI'. ,'s .tlutir WO' National def,'mc,'
ad Swoon Carr,,'k also wing r1 duel. Flshrrlr r
Mr• and Mr.. ,trchie Anderson, 1l! ' 44. 4':,?, and river sel'v'(('4' .,
St. Miens, spent Soothe; with Mr. nml Gov,'rnrn,'ir) of the North-.
Lar,. Rohl. I'ur4om weal Territory •wf7�w,o
Pensions and national health Ia ,lsbo
Pnsl tine 1 421,""
Triodeand .onetn,'rr•e *IWLr44ni
TIN. other 4ll l'.•:I11". conlrl-1 mf 411, 1
,'ms, *hk ewhe
•eeM littlIle, but in fiice wggrIne•thg:U,'nnm•,Ike
.Iniac 11 441,m,
TAe Ilt'teelstrea
.tgaiti.f this may he Olfw•I the fol-
looing r'.ht,'tions;
inl,'n a on pnbllr 4eht IF . i1Au1MM1
Soldier' land settledpnt •27(4,/04)
1.a1N1r i,M4,110D
I)Mahtion tondo, and Islrk9., '2142,tlltll
de+Ire, nor ever ha. leen on the I,u:
44f tuenller• of the Ilou•,' of 4',ninu11t
from (ju,'44.), 4)n(,nt. or 114 of 11:,'
1t'e•.Iern I'ro5In,r.. to depril4' /h.•
',I.!, tor.,
N,w Ca.ah,e New Reads,
*1.10 MON , VANCOUVta
1'n'Ie Sana has outlawed war a1..
4h,'reAre .11+plclo11. .111114 111114'1
,t 111 bootleg it 'Ilrnmdon SUn•
Telephone 230
I'etnple Building
Geo. Williams
I',•al.r In
IN4MINION. I'K(11 IN('L%l.
111 NI('II'.%l. %NI) CORM
Fore. Aetillent. Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
(idler, next to (tank of Commerce
Phone fig ioderich
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
ItfT,'re many attractive forms
of policies. Consult
r,gar,ling the!ie'.
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
\1 hen Iooknlg for an investment why not buy
the safest and lest '
are represented here.
Two good houses for sale. One furnished
house for tent.
INSURANCE: Fire, Life and Auto
Phone 292 P. 0. Box 438