HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-2-28, Page 1waPemearrweereeerw"igir:1241. /044117, b Prilttt ')OU have anything to ae11, or want to •uyelenething, the classified advertising colgoons of The Signal will help you to the a purchaser or tete article you wish to buy. TELEPHONE: 33 flo1111IFFY SR('u\D YEAR NO 0. 1!=a"-;•=6.? GODERICH, ONTARIO, THU AY. FEBRUARY 28, 1929 inuat First price.. want a j(bb� TELE! 4, . THE SIC\AL PIt1NTIN1i J. CONNOLLY AGAIN CONSIGNMENT SALE OF BIRTDHAY GIFTS TO SHORTHORNS AT WINGHAM ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL The News othe Town HEADS GODERICH Itlsl Pries $1115. Gfyen by 11. Sprung FALL FAIR BOARD Exhibition This Year to Be Held the Third Week -4 September i Mr. James Connolly is again presi- dent of the 4;u4erleh Agricultural So- ciety for 19'!9. The postponed annual meeting of the 1.814t7 waz held at the town hell Saturday- evening, Feb- ruary 113th. Mr. t'oneolly wished to retire, plen.ling pneasure of other duties. but on the unanimous adoption for Butterfly lydas The Shortle•r, Ir.r•., r- of Iluron county nffere,! a chole.• lot of Indivi- duals at their eighth :n:nu11 consign - meat sole, held tit \Viuc nw on Thurs- day last. Butterfly lades, consined by Peter Stewart k Sons, topped 'the mule, bring - leg $i1ti. Following Is a list id the animals selling fur $10, and over, to- gether wlth the mimes and addresses of the purchasers: N. E. Bushell, i etyrood-\'!!huge Maid. $140. Nelson MItilie11. i.;.towel-Golden Ransom $115. 1t. T. Amos, Moffat- 1':aret-Cup Sth. $113. W. J. I10n.!erzon. N'. ugliam-ilelen Jule mrd. $1461. Thus. Miller. Brume!. -.Bonny Fav- orite av 'orite :tr.l, 8175. W. Borman. Str.tfoni •Iratihoe 3rd, $100. J. F. letw.ua, 1.'a'know-1leatlter Lad 2nd. $100. Thos. (terry. Hamster-Itaud'n.:nb *125. Jos. 11'mIBom, Mfldm:+y- Donn 1.a'i, 8130. 11. Sprung. Londesh..ro--Itutterfly Ludas. ale•5. J. N' $Inikh,ln. ItriveII.ld- Itrowt,dnle boss. $1311. Jas. 1'm. i¢. Auburn -lino.. elate !Milannald. 510:.. A. II. Fraser, J ,.., le-.tuburn Mni. 711. 135 . 1 $ by the meeting of a rewrlution marking blue to remain in the oM.'e for en- Nher yon(. and ph•(lglug him hearty support. hr cunseeed to remain at the bead of the Soeiely forthe coming year. Coder Mr. ('onuolly's leader- ship 11e Society had n aueceesful year to 11r_•s. 41 1111 11 was felt that, as the emuing year would 14' au important aur in eonneetiote with the annual 3111 exhibition. lila experience Stud exe••ative ability were urgently needed. !Ober o1lrrrs tied alert...ton' elected were: Fine vice-president Wm. Moll. 11,17441.U. Second ' vice -ea••.. I'. Gould. Iilrectors -Front ' insi .ri• h town- '. Grimed. kl•1 Geo. Ode: F •h 1 + Sturdy. U. F. Ede«rd; from Cnlbon.' township: Hugh Hili, C. A. ItoIert- snn, M.I'.1'.. Herb. Morris. Tbos, Wil- son: from 1.4%V11: Thos. Gundry. N'm. Doak. G. W. Schaefer. tiro. Andrew's, L . 1. Knox. W. 11. Itoterte01. Thus. Bowler. ,las. 131 14'ynnld.. and two to aI,I kTrtted 1►y the -town amnia". Indy dIr eton-Mrs. J. ('. Stewart. Elbe, M. C. Swanson, lira. A. 1. Max- well. Mrs.. J. 14. 11.1erI1•, wits F:trrlsh, Mrs W. Green. Mre. Connolly. Mrs. 4'. A. It,4,ertsou, Mr*. Tremblay. Miss Noble. Iloroirary director. -John H. Ed- ward. J W. Salkeld, E. It. Wigle. W: T. Murney. Auditors -C. W. Holman and 11. R. Long. A cglmmIttee was appointed too wait •n the town commit and solicit • gent. Moudey, Tuesday and Wednesday, S prte•ra.e-w fT *al SS. were chosen tlpntatively a• the date. for this year's exhibition, with the understanding Heat the question of n two-day ur three-day fair will is. open for discns- Mon at the next meeting of the 14.1. elety. Mr. Connolly. In accepting the e.r'si- denay thanked the directors. and ' perkily the ladle., for their ....opera- tion o op.•ra- tion In the pat year. The It nnc•y of the Society, 1. p,fnfed 'mit, were In siueh letter shape than a year ago. • nd with the new grandstand and the gronndr In good condition he naw nn season why tbe fair thl°year !Mould ant Imo Wi,eeesstul. The tinauclal .tatemen! for the pest Year Is as follows: • RECEIPTS Salem* from 1927 $ 4.61' Anuli from town 400.01) • rant from Government 225.00 •rr.nt from ...aunty 100.00 Ante receipt. 1202.29 •rnnustand re•eipls 241 A5 Reewlvedl from Midway . 75.00 B ooth privileges 9500 Donation. 88.00 Fees for .tall' enii pene.... . 10.05 Membership tickets 49.00 Children'. tI'ke9s 49.60 Ada. In prize list 29.00 M.mhershlps retained for 19!9 54.00 $2653.00 Sauk everdrnft 159.32 •Iteennding r•hequee ,,. 12.10 $2826,42 EXPENDiTI'ft1 ' Prise money of 1� paid ....2 352.912 Prizm money of 19214 paid 624.30 Prize money for race. Attractions S and Printing'and advertising Straw Judge. Poirot bion Pall town from grandstand receipt. eon•tnblrs, gatemen, etc' Lumber POd:ore. telephone and tele• got ms W. F Clark, seIretary-trea,- urer Rent of pIunn Horse.hor mete* Feld note 7n Bank Meal ticket. MenthwerslaIpl tetareed Meteellaneous ,••• ,,•, 413.00 495.41) 127.00 244.86 10.00 10.50 20.00 133.04) 44.A0 12.00 37.42 1001)0 6.00 A.00 101127 10,110 54.00 261%3 • $2.126.42 0...Jerl•I' Rebekah Lodge. No. A9, will hold n spmcl:al meeting In Me• -Kay !Tull on Wednesday evening. Mnn•h gth, for the perpow. of enterhtlning the praldent of the Reb'koh As.eiu- `+ly. ..m yon troubled with your 810,8- sch'� For Indigestion or ulcer, 111'. Met'eds Stomachic Ix gtunrnuteed or money Mick at the Resell Drug Store, Go,IerIes O[Rt4DINI, BAli i IWI$TER Tnetel•1. )carob Sties -Clearing itw•. atom elle �r &eike 4Sta, Joung Pottle and pigs. �•Ry of Martin Mgford, IM 15, ('omARun 2 Osborne town - phi!). •t • •Y • Rev. R. C. Mellertmid Nominated I At a meeting of the l'rerbytery of Hnrou, held at Clinton on Tuesday, Rev. R. C. M(•L)ermid, of Goderlch, was' nominated for the Office of inuderwtor of the Synod of Hamilton and lundon.l Purehares Huron Cafe Mr. Hugh Wong Is the new pro• prletor of the Huron Cafe 1u the Brit ish Exchange hotel building, having recently purchased the business from Mr- Jung ging. Mr. Wong 1s now l� charge of the cafe and sollrlts the pat- ronage of the people of Go,leri.b and district. .Fur some time Mr. Wooe was assistant In W ong s Cafe. Death of J. J.,f . •144.1?:.The death txrurrr ,r \1'ladiror o4 Monday of Jonathan J. !Lerner, form- erly M.P. for Staattk Iluron. Mr. Verner was elite -foe years of NM tie Is survied his wife (foruw•rly' Miez Clara Edithby Orihum , laud. erlch), three sons and tour daughters, Curlers *til at it Tile lm xl cur k tl+P \Vest strte•t rink this week. OD Voeiday evening J. lirophey's rink de- feated C. H. Monist's rink In R el, 'ely ((Intested game ky th. s• urn o 1" I1 'rhe liue•up the a8 f.dlnws: First Firm of lbe Year The skim r..unded between 5 and 61 oi•lo(•k Saturday murtleg for a tire In Ile cott*ge in ML Audrew'r ward owned by William lt/•ere and !tem- pled by Fred Frit:lry. The blew w1114h originated f a defective chimney, was not exliugulsbel uutil Cousideruble damage 118411 1.1•4411 dwee to the dwelling anal contents. 1t was the first tire alarm of the year 1n lialerlcb. - --- 1'ERSONAL MENTION Rev. 8'. 1'. Elliott's Resignation IRev. F. C Elliott has resigned the pueturate of the ...sleri.de Bata tat church, the, resignation to take etre,'' April 1st. Mr. 1:11iott is not taking another pastorate at this time. Ile aud Mrs. Elliott will make their home at Ingersoll, where he thea nu invalid sinter requiring care. lern Eta(► on,• •:ewP at Change at Steel Mere 3 change has taken place this week ' in the management of the local Steel t Store. Mr. Ed. Merklinger, who bad leen in charge of the store for thew P Zimmerman lira. McLeod years, left welch his fimlly on J. hunter T. K. Wellhs afternoon for Galt, where he takes J It soaMehl l$ MacKay charge of the wgmpany'a store there. tea set; Mrs Radley Holmes, 1 pail (skirt t . ( !lumber of Iwney : Mrs. ChM'. Reid, 4 jars 1 ski , a , ....12 (skip' ...11 here by Mr. G. Searrow, late of Kit- 1 troll and 4 Jeri 1 lilts, Mrs. G. L The following g11tt t.. Alexandra 1141,1,11x1, /.0 1110 enc:' -len or the fourth anniversary 0f .tbe new hospital. o1* Saturday, February IGth, are grate- fully acknowledged: 31r. and Mrs. Geo Stewart. Menet of daffodils; NUM's' Alumnae, tulips for nurses' nittiliser•1uat; Mrs. Feer, Walkcrvllle, two cups and manners fer aurins' dlulug-ream . Mrs. It. J. Sault*. 114 babies' uapflk1 flits Catharine Vaughan, 1 Jar,of tiny Mrs. James ('lark, cream end Niger slot for nurses' d•tuing-room: lin. W. G. Mae - Ewan, :3 jars /0(frltit; Mrs. Wm. Mut- nee, Jell powder. aud plate; Mlrs Clara \►ark. 1 'an '•f fruit: MIae 13. Mayt(g jars fruit and $1: Mies Lout lihralner, $1; Miss (tinny lauwr•are. J. 1 C miube Ile is sucteedeel lin the management ----- _ (!ruse' Parson., 4 elk JO*: JO*: Mrs. fitments. A. S. Chrystal Honored i Cameron, Ste;Bra. ra. (Pr t Whitely, 2 An emergent meetisg of Muitlund lirparlmteatal Examtitnatloos Jars M fruit- Mrs. le. 1 pr. bath Latae. No. 33. A.F. d .\.y1 . was held\nuoumruleut is wad' 03 it t' (hat towels; Mrs. tt. _ ars fruit; Halt - In thine Mur.•nle Hnll 'a 'Ic,.e•i hay•even- tarn. llepartmeut of E•lucl thin ford ♦t' (lar►, 21 Jars. of lug and a pleasant facial time was�'the lepartm•ulal examivatiote• Into fruit and pickles: Nims Amelia - Me- lia.' by the members. Mr. Thos. Sow- ( year will c(me ounce .«I Jili R 17th. Lean: 2 jure fault ; Mr. . GUeldon. erl.y receive.! 1114 Gelled degree and Middle mid upper school tele,/ will be Dhalnp, $.5: lira (1)r.) Hunter. pall after the eloping of Ile lodge the meal- I eoudu,.•ted on June 17th, 1'41 11, 19th of honey; Mrs. Chn inher.. 1 Jar fruit, hers adjourned to theheeq,tinl room! and 20th. Ismer school exams. Iwo- 2 roes; Goderlrh Township lleepital where lunch was ser After lunch 1 it:u 4.14 Thursday. .1 111.114 :•ot1• i model Auxiliary. clack for MH•rnling mold: Ver. Wur. l3*' . Alex. rystal. who is' wormier ou Monday, .1 • 2401, iota Mrs. A. 1). M.4.enn. 2 jars fruit; alta. eighty yours youtlg. Willi given a entrance examinations In all brunches pleasant surprise %hes he was pre-1 will cunt Mee until the aBerm oot of 31r. A. J. Cooper made a trip to .e'nted with ds a ha¢am. CUM,. Mr, Tuesday. July 2nd. Toronto this week. 4'hry,tul has been 1. aternher 0f the - • • • • , masonic lodge for fifty-six years. Al- Cheertslet Detnouotratien lbinr ins+:ham-Flora's Mr. N. I. Fierily zptett wveral days, though deeply touched with t he pre0- K $130at Ilumiltua and Toronto the pant n,e•• There+.• were twenty •Iire.• animals "vit. addresses were given by WJr. Bros. R. demonstration of the Chevrolet motor e.on•ign e1. twelve limb- and eleven - - . • • • J. Megnw, W. Bailie. q. 1,. I'ar+ms car at MacEwan & 'l'elrhutt's :show - females. lira. J. E. Kelly bas returned hotur and Ver. Wur. Bro. A.S. MaeKay. The rooter, Kingship street. :A (*.tory. el- OBITUARY' •Ifter a Wait with relatives at $trate ' keINey gathering was richt to u yl.a.e 1 pert will bo ou ,land to conduct the ford. It the 141121118 of 11 8 Jo ly '.noel demon strati.nu and cheer will be u entatlon. he gave a feline reply. Short On Monday evening melt. March 4311, ut S ticlo(•k there '8111 Iwo 'a spacial MRS. (REV.) C. 4'. 4'OI'%ENS There p•s.«•d away+ at 15:14 St•ennn- dr.ah end. Toledo. Ohio, an Friday. 32nd Ina.. Martha - Livingstutle, he - loved wife of Iter ( t 1 mens at a MI m► Josie Itreur.an went to N Ind- i - pictures. ,ve ryone ate rested n the with l t • • • Fellow" and the wardet'r toast. I oerlrs of illuminated Aides and motion k' o i 1 1 Mer on Tuesday to •vizit her sister.! Motion. Grwtlionraa ' !'alert automobile derek,pmenta Is lie Mrs. Gibbons. j .\ new high mark •1 popularity for 1 4 ite,I h, attend. Fuller refereuee to • • • the high' ten given *a:neatly by the'the event will he found Itt the sdver- N'fll. McLean, 1 jar - Parh of frnit, "CUBS" ARE Banque at Knox Obureb to lltepbete of Junior 0.H. A. Team . >I _F -- (Inc orwtthits t It pleasnut even0 that tate q+prn "We Is Goderk•14 Ibis Bea was t1 11anquet held in Knox Murch lecture room en Monday even - bag In honor et the Gedericb "Cubo" 4yo.'key team. About 175 Persons' ru' eluding the members and management of the hockey teem, wore preprint. At the conclusion of an excellent dinner served by the ladles' Aid of the church, Mr. 0. 0. Parson( led wt e gathering 'la ■ merry singsong on Mr. 1). 1). Major at the pian.!. Ful - lowing the singing of :'For They Are Jo14 1;owa1 e31owr," Cheer% wore given enthusiaati ally ,tor the for 11111* itev. It. l'. Glc Der td program of ep'w'hM and muahr.l unm beet 'Filch followed and is no 1441811 way added to the enjeylman nrde nt of the %ala he referred x84{14artPr of hockey and to the good, clean 'port prn/ldrd 1.1 Ile "Cobs' Olt Peawro. The musical progr1im Included laden F. v.w•s1 solus by Mi.. M. were e they e r n• and y ,and Mrs. .A .J .M MacKay •oo- . v heartily encored. Mr. yr1o7. pealed the w.l'ltts at the 31i a ,ar- eral monthnrgaa nele•tloesl by fil*T trite -,8111 George and A It8043 ,Y plckl.. /11141 catsup; Mr. (len- Wil- liam.. 1 b.t' muttpindc, $1; Mrs. Fred Sturdy, 1 Jar murmnInile; Mrs Albert T•,ylnr, 1 ,yes jam. RI; Mrs. Greenwoo'I. $1, 1 pan of lard and 4 calbat': Mina M. it Salkeld, 1 Inn (reit: Mr. .1.'4'- Steasv3. 1 jar warms. lade: Mrs Isaac 8a1ke1d. entst'a pray- er in triune far eitting-room; MT.. i� Walton. 1 W111104 mintml water; Mrs. Wm. ('rice. 2 jars' marmalade and 25.; Mrs. Geo. Miller. 83.: 'Mrs: chrism. Johnston, 50c; Mrs 11. T.. Koos,, 1 Jar fruit and 82; YM. gtey, 1 jar fruit; ( Mrs. Beetle. i belt: Mre. Chris. M.'i'hai1. 25,; rs.w7•itfin, lel; MON Mra Geo. 1.3ttle, of Windsor, la ,':1.!10. of I -Knox .•hunt tans reached using column,/ on pug! 3 of this tsmse, Annie Mel)nn' " visldng her gan•ut MI r. and air'. lam Thurs•Iav Pcenfng both In the. ----7 --- Mrs. * Weller, ! one time miuiater. •tin the .formrr.•Jhn Johnston. ' number, ntt.td111g ani in the enthus- Mn, tiitl ble, heath at ekvalasd Mckleet Mrs, M01h,wli•t churches at \'arra and .\n• • • • lash/. Pxprrssione of appn.val int the Word was re•••lee.l Weln.•.day prem• 1 1 jar Marina burn. She had hteel In IneIlRen•°t Miss Grow Strang. of (:u.•Ip.h Col- splendid suppler. Not, enly W88 the Ing by Mrs. Benj. Alien of the death�1 Jnr t>iltlt: I.-ulrh for moms clic, and Inst ('hrl+t- l0giate Instihu., 'st cut the week end mete] an excellent de• but it was i of Mrs, Ellen Sin"lair, formerly of ay►•• Mrs. (' Was stip had an attack ..f pneumonia. int her home here- served in faultless style_ and hued \town. wM.h Scorned at Cleveland. L. TlorMq.$Q Is. [Ise front whbh she aeppwrenrly recovered. • • yelps of good healthy .ppetlles .here 1►hl,. where Mrs. Sir«•lair was staring Mr.. Thor. G ry.$:jjaars fruit and 1 but her heart was nor able to le:stni(' Mr. C. .V. Williams. of Detroit. delightfully sathaie(L•The ptoreedswpu, her eon, Allen. The levity will;.lar pinkly., > . J. W. i119Pe, 1 jar, the after-effects. She was carie,1 lit tinted his parent-. Mr. and Mrs. GPo. .PrP aM.nt x2:0• ladies folly he brought to Ooderlch. arrlving by fruit. doorht�a: Mtn. lianawsy, 2 �1'rP.' lJ ptaieryt! Maple Leaf <rmoterr, rhxthsm. on Williams this week before they left carnes! fire rnngratul res nom -I the norm l A' it trxln Frtdac and the' Jars fruit; ( ' 111.•set " jars! the splendtyl' InttO�r„t{f 2 in and 'sneers; t g Mr.M.1►ermtd s mute= ThoM00IS (fC well re- ceived. Mr. James mason *coos - panted the quartette on'thc piano. Mayor. H. J. A. MalFwan Wel. the Orsi speaker of the evening •nd he .evoke In spptee.iatlon of the splendid pot np by the Cube this .es (erred to some of the great . �jl roaSafi 1 jar I eau. lie re nll jar Tdcklea and I hockey from. G.plerich had knell h it Tkot. Sandy.(, time. past and in chasing he .ongn,tu at, ] pkg: rte: lilte.l the b.ye on behalf 4,3 the Sown Treat; Mro; W.- ''(lnu''fl End citizens for the ' o e,. ter. 1 jar jam' they had attained in getting the group play-offs. "Bud" Sterdy, .8pt8111 of the beta. gestation of .tdd they r• �a fI ar fr ' would herb/at jC�j. Mote* last. She waw nevenry four on their trip to Europe. pllnalnts which were • etttl� 3➢� funeral seyylho w1U be held 11 years of age end 4r survived by her • • • theti a aeon at SJM1recorthWreetDal t 4�. C "�} -`f'ftP Al; byebaad. wile Jo maga tweets -MIN )fiats of age. Fear years ago Mr. C,5.uz,na enameled the gel, en jubilee of his mlnlstry. Two year• ago the golden jubilee of their ma'r•oge w1*° celebrated. They had ,/lx el .Idren, all of whom surrlve: Iter. Ips 8 Coneens of Maidstone, St. ('lair M Detroit, Ed- ward ,of Monroe, Wilfrid •f Detroit. (;race and Edith of Tol,•do, with whom .their parents made •eir home. Three sisters ore left to mourn the 1os.: Mrs. Mert.31 i1,314 o' Chatham. Mrr, titer. Del Allan 11 Brown .,f !menden. Mr.. Wilson Tayl •r of Iien- mIIk'r. 4he brother, ,Rev Its. S. l,Ivingaunu, lire. in Resudena, Calif. Mr. Consol. spent .111 of '1- ministry In 11e IA111dun Conferee c, serving p'torates est Auburn, earn.. Charing Fuss, H:arwieh, Murpeth. 'f,ullrotcil;e and other pkur.. COI.BORNE -TOWNSHIP Yr. Jail( WoOd and Mr. C. Strnn-i A urge iiotalfer or leirrch. Mrs. Sinclair w,, for ninny *ms• 1 -lar rent; auto!!/. Women's,ft 07 than were at N'Indtenr and London program which was earned out in rhelyenr11 n highly esteemed rrsli,to of imagoes 1 fluor enc: Vr.. ,ins. Ih,n•I . 4' �ler'rhr. 4Hnek cr^Asanrt«tlont as Ia.t wt4'k taking n sales ronrse at the church auditorium. Rec. R. C. V.- i;,sk.rl.h• . aud keen regret is felt by a.lylwm. 2 Jars fruit: Mrs. IPr.I hall. plantar of the Ford Motor Car Cum- !ceroid anted a. rlinirmnu The her many friends here at the m x_ 1 Jor pickles; Mrs. L. C. Chapman, 1 one of the town's boa I,n11.Mrs. Mr pony. mu.idal numbers In'lndad , horn -(•s bt Croft .rid he telt If a great honor fie ••rtPti new% of her death. lar fruit; Mr-. I.. K. Comla, $1 : Mrs., • • • n group of ladle. vn al solos by MIs. - - -- _ Walter Sanlro. 2 Jnr.. fruit Mi s be president of the Club. Ile referred Nr. (till Bilker, who wiled on the Margaret Nilson and Herbert Gn•.•n. 1►nt•Id.en. 141.: Women's Institut.., 1': to the town lengne n year nen and the (:real Luke% lust rwns.n, and hod been n trl.a'h� thee(' boys. org•tn colas L} tt hremm�'e Alleys -s Mrs marmite 1e alis. 1:,lith Wigeins, rood races 11 ani' t Tlmulk•.tt iIg Doe '1n the 110.1.1(81 at ituftnle sites' earls In 31r, D. D. Na,1 r, in'trens•ut:al duets Twelve person/. tock part In the ,ake Bute: Vrs. E. V. 1.".s1.' 4 jots end claimed much credit was due b Ikrrmber, r.hfrned last Friday to lds by Mr. Major est• the omit. and Mfr- p18y-.•ff contest at lerenrnu,'s M,nlioc ,of sly Miss lteynobls, these for H1,:.1 bit.) junior holm Ihnl I�� J Jelly and home here. 4.'. A. R. Wilkinson at t111e pinny, and alleys on Tuesday evening of I1* -r Ia: 1frs..\..1. '.1 Reynolds. 4 jar. fruit c .:odl•rie•te hod had this season. Ile • • • selection. by the Sunday >•.•h,!,•1 air• w'ek t.. 'iodate the winder of tie Iw•:nt Mrs. 33.' 1' c 11' ilker, _ jars pi. Else; w'as w 1 stationed with the pt11141 Mon Ma. 11. F. Horton lass returned rhe'trn. Billy .1,s .lohnaon (ease. w•y• tlfml nate role nwarl0,: by the man Mrs. Alex. Smith, 1 jar marmalade: :Ittair�d by I3 Irpys in J y.•ar, whirl homy alter a visit Of over two months seal readings ru,d was heartily u¢nmer,f to the per.pu nclkfag the Mlr. Ind Mlr• r••.rfrn..1hudo1,• 1 r,ox !"ns their nest season lin jnnu.r.111.A with her miner at Buffett,. While (mcoreel• • does! tally f0 223. Mir. }Sulo }'ish, r ;ill boys had acre.1 like gentlemen b r0{L•. a„,,,,,,1;. L. Parsons. S3; If won the price with n eatre,of 223. ll II (lar.( Greh:uu. 1 Jnr n•il 1111:1 Mr+„ d'II fh.• cnn,/"r p;;ayed. aid Mr. Croft sin many rhe also visited New York (It . % and 1'ntprlton, N.J. Poslele4hwailee�'aaJohnston taus- the runner-up I 1th 2'21! ''. cloy., jrlt�• aud jam : Yrs Moir.. • • • .\ very pretty +inter %eddies wee TI•1• 1' 8.,111,•• Ii. the, tm•n'• I'•ac,•• hen. pickles at, 1 fruit'. Nr- 4' F Ilan. Thnma4 Dilvix, of Regina, -\t• solemnl7P,l on Ont"(•lay. February- 16, teak place 1be POO.%leek- Last 1'ri-' ch,,,,,,,,,,. '. C AI %Ir11oliera•o11, 2 tornry 4»illeral of the Q'rbyin.v of r 230 Lm. *r rhe• ('ark Rnntf.t mime.. dao 4"(it t g ltnmb'era 11 11 two 8:une.Mrs of fruit: 11r', herb 11• rris, 1 SH.katchew: 11, w8s in town over Wed- Brantford, with Ilek..g from Fel..i'. 'The slime 01'4'11111, 11. lar 'reit. 1 jar 1.I.'kl.a; Mrs. W. I;Ild ues.lrty night and was the guest of `ofk'Iatlng. when 1 )I r. IHadley Holmes, K.1'.. and Mrs. I ter of Mr. J. 1' Holmes. 11r. Davi.' wife is a Mere .street. find th of alts. Holmes. I Brantford. be, G. Burrell I. Irene, deugt, minlon. took ten goals from .r.n, don. I pr. pilloa,ases; .\boor, chap Cnstiee. Vfi•tnrlo Iter. till Mlon•Iay night Fal'ons d'' tor. it: ,.I.1p1 dlsh.a, v 1. 44,1'. Maple ere Mrs- 4'nstles. tented Granites In two out of timeIA..f C11:np'4'r. :' floer res¢s and the hrlde of ¢'em4's. cmhlor, rotor-: for 1 t j iron C01.110iRNE TOWNSHIP. Feb. 20. • • • , Thoma. John, n of Mr. and Mr.. League Standing Lust 1.; floor roes: lir. Andrew-. 1 Jnr once Mr. IIeH.. V'.rrls is awntr. Ie out Mr, A. M. Winne. retorted lost 'Thomas 1'cstele:' ,, 202 Welllntf' \brines -- .. R'11n 2 11111,1..c:11111,1..c:,e; Ni. play, III; .\hnu•.•k ('hop again after the week,' of t. rest cure. week (rem Great Britain, where 1. tort 'trent, Hrne, .,rd, formerly „ 7 •tl Mr. and Mr.. Tom }VC -•'u gave • donee and card party on Friday night Inst. Miss Gladys Treble, of 00.Ierlelt, spent Wednesday at her home Isere. • The Farmers/ Club slaiptn•d a ear of hog. on Monday, and Mr- N. I'elr.on one of 114gs 4111 Wednesday. The talo of Tue•dav spoiled the roads to such an extent that our worthy moil man was not able to make his full trip. Birthday CelebratIon.-.M r:. W1,10121 Wafters was Laken by surprise un Wednesday evening of haat week when Iwr children, gr.ndehII Ire, and gre'at- grandchildren gathered at her home to remind her that she w1*. another year older. Mrs. Wolter- 1131IideN was a short time ago, but on aecotf10 of stormy weather the .rlehrntirm .(11111 nut he held est that tent. Mrs, Mnitlwnd Allen rend the 9'11.'11111g 1111" drew,: "We, your children and gntndehild- ren and trent-gran.Mhildrr,i, are de- lighted to gather here tonight to Maar you. We rejoice that you have -been so long spored fo ns and thin von Erne spent the winter and vi.ited Ills child- Gdwlerl.t. The brl•le looked charm. ren. After a few (ley. with friends In ins in r1 victoria b 10 georgette dress town he left for Owen Sound to re- with trimming. of trnn1pnrent velvet mune his ditties am chief engineer of i and 1.140; 'eltIn ha: with slipper. to the steamer Franz, match. She carr'.' it beautiful bridal Immgnrt of note., heather end sweet • peen.. The attendant. were Misr Leta Mnrdonald end Mr, Walter Skergs. The' hrl.Laamadl wore 0 rdwe- • • • London • Advert her: Mr. •Ofway Boyden left the city last night for t seven weeks' vacation In the itritlsh West Indira. Be will sail from Hell-! tlow.rr.t g'vorgette' .ire.. with miff fox on the S.S. Lady Drake for Grin- i I'ffe'f 8nd cowled 11 bouquet of rows ads, where ee will **let some time tend sweet pens. The gift to the w•1th hie eoU iii, Mr. R. M. Otway. brldeamnld w1*' a ;line Dutch 11lher • • • i.,uld1e.tick. .and to the hest inn n Mayor Mn4Ewsn, Conn/110e Mon-' fair of gold entre...-. After (he eery ning., (maty glnwer Trrs, x wel}ing '•ti'Irer wax $Prved et Itnlw•rt Jnhna11t:nn pod Mr.BttChas. 1on'. Tee the home of the grana. Tater. the are at Toronto attending the annual NIPPY ee111ple left 0n the 6.45 p.m meetllg of the (interlo (food Rood. I train for le nden .1141 points west, the ltsuw•latinn, in conjnm'fion with bride travelling hl a bite hron.k•luth which 1. the annual meeting of the rent with snide tramming" and hat to Rene anter Highway Ammo/dation. mnt,h. On their neaten they will re- Reer. 11111 of Colborne and the „flier , "ids at 202 Wellington. street, Brant - members of the county road commis- ford, .ion nl') are attending the gond r..nds eon ren t hr¢. • • • - I Dr. i ionel' Macklin, who has been! very 111 In Beliefley hoepitnl, Tor- glyen us aro many happylandpMasnnl 0nt0, for .evernl winks, ha. taken a ' memories of ,vnnr.elf. It I. our earn- 'Iedddl tarn for 31e better -and his eat pwayer that you will iso %Ilia ns e.Iw'('tt.t fecovPry' is nl)w vonfidenfly for many years and that it May always ex•peeled. 111' 1Mtrenh, I>r: 1, lis he light at eventide for you. We ask Macklin and Gtr.. Macklin, Hare re von 10 nevem this gift • (wIti'h %" a turned ham Toronto, where they »went(( vont.p'tP'PnfMl h1' Dorothy were 'attending him. Their return hell), And we trn.t that It will help tan. 1111.4P11P,1 by nn nnferttmnte nevi - to .h1e1d you from all the .11111' and dent which °centred to Gtr'- Mnrklin• trots of winter. The warmttl that It 1 tall^ 084 Friday hum fell on fangs .tr.et warmth hearts, May find tiles. you .Ind ke•pl Mr. nod Mee neo. Willi/MP left 111. you all your. day,. We want you to week on a trip to Europ1e. In eomprny know volt halve our deepest love and!with their son, Vr. 11. Montagne lt:'it-' modest nitardt. (mlgrre,il Tear;li n1•. of indIminpw/tis, Ind., pre.IIPnt' Children, nrnndrhildretl 01„1 GrenI. of the Mnrmmt Motor ('nr '" 'I fly. gr8ndrhIldren. I rnt Ing herr 11'ednP+day nf(rnuwtt, The group then gang "For She'° a they will meet Mr. and Mrs. G. M.1 Jolly Gard Grandmother" and Grand- William. est New York and Eliee nn mother made n Mtt*h1P reply. The 1 I'A'Iny by S. S. ,tgnitanis for Cher - rest of the P'Oning w14. spent in'Ames I Ionrg, Fre,•P, While on the Cres- , and then tench tan. Screed. mtg. i,ttnent they will make n visit to the; slither. .8711 It 1' nine when yon ore (inset Wier hnttlfh'I4a, whleh will' not forgotten In your odd days. ' here an .1I IIlIonal Internet for them -__ I in ,the fact that their cam ClIfford The play "M'bting lint the Truth"! I (011g1t over them. They will ni.n visit , will i* pre.enterl by the Arthur Circle; England nned wi11 be "'AY about twn. In Knox ctinreh lecture room Mt months, hiss Edith 3VIIIlnma ha. Ther'dny end }'ride, evenln¢. March pow to indln11ntlnlls, where 1111e willi wilt bring to you I° hist n little of the' and broke her nrm. warm we !tare for 71131 In mfr • • • Mk JI If 11 f,1* Pr. Itnmblera , 2 1 Pit 14'41114 . 4 5 f:ranili. 4 '4 Deminlens „ 1 ler. bedside 1:e1'!': Mrs. 1t J. ('alt, 1 !pr. sheet-, 1 pr. plllowc„t ors. Fenner li•llerieh :t18011.11.1.. "'Slade 43Md" The Toned., topers 144411.4• days oro :n.n11nncr.1 flu• r.signntIon ,of Charles' CHURCH NOTES ':ttrrutc, K.C.. 0111.•la1 receiver ll bankruptcy est T'•ronle. Mr. /;arrow'.: dttliew it. In•Orer of 11e Snpr4tuet Hnptfst ('hunch. Mar: and Evening1'„ort h1d14' k'•,t hien mo fully men ,ntbjeet, '.The Career 1 Of1 1111,! 11f t1,1' lor,l Hutt be hal been nnalde to tire• Cnmlug World -rater, ,\11iO4'I1ris►." . fill a11e1ti011 u. 3te.1a*14'„ of r.•,wit0r: hen,'• 1119; resignation. Since Mr 4iar row's :tppsoltment as master at 1) yitude hill hr• ham dist. hnrg'i 110• defies of that important "thee rola manner tlmt 1::•s won general refine rritlou of 111' aldhity, his good Jude mem and his enpaeify for ..o11Aiu,t bars! work. 118%.. 1 11 •e.•1 (Med N•llrng the ohs, lute 1n1111 for twenty -foot hours'( 1'4.n1. 10 the ,3rthur Cir. Ie ploy and ti 11 bevy ,iigicult It M Tie lyric to he di...lesed next Pun day In the Men's Cntb, which mends at girth •Lust 1'tilled church every Sunday morning :t 184 •icleek, is "What Is Fnilnre''" It will be lutro- diued by Mr. R. St •house. Anniversary aervIcee ai11 t.' held In North street United church on Sun- day, Meeh lath. The preacher' for this .lay- will be Rey. W. Stanley 10ren, of Pt. John'. United .howl', Shoat ford, formerly of *'limier. church. BRIEFS Toronto. The Snit ford Banda; .(•h0^1 4.111 1101.1 14 homemade hiking sale on Sat- urday. March 34th. Reserve I:inter Nanday, April 1st, for n "NM" taint ,i:nh •P tender steeple/el of N'^mnn's 3I, 4 ,,t 11 AttxI1l.ry. The rr•gnlnr Inee•inl of the (i.wlerl•h Wotton's iI8tIt)1t. will be held ,In 31:1e1i•Iy 11:111 on '1'"111.d8)' aft4'rt11w,rt. throb 7th, at 3 Mrs. Jn'hne'Th.om:'• he Inld np with severe fnlctatry orf the leg, the rr.nit of a fe11 nn the *biocide on Kingston street on Therelny last. The regr,I' r •me'n'I''y meeting of the Seltford II'oapitnl tllxiitary will ire held at the home o' Mee Wm. Sym- onds on Thirsdny. %larch 7th. 8t 2.30 A euchre and dat•'P ender rho an•- plees of the Cnn°'li:: Legion In old of the HriIlsh miner•' r.41ef fend wilt he held In (►ddfelI.w•' Ilall on Ttsealny. Meech 12th. ('nal- at O.15 neloek. Lunch. Mete by I'rlver's erche.tra. Atlml..lnm :a tent - The ndverttsrne11• In last week's 1lgnal of n b.er pin Toned bron¢ht a query from iI 111) n the tao•knnw neighborhood who 1,14 lost n,tP. The letter has Leen telAh'.d and art x direct reply /sheet he tent. The pin toned. 7th and 8th. A !risedow: Adult. rAl remelt. during the ab.enee of her bra- 1 however /toe• not nnwt•r the de'•,rIp- crnty; ehlldren 35 cents. cher and .Istrr-In-law. (tion Riven la the letter. The :1 lloue! 0111gri•gntiofla1 meeting of North .treat t'niled eberel, w't+hilol on Wednesday rtMIhig- of thea week when reports were pre...Me.l by Ihr• various orgies hollena , ( the tonere geet0.1, 'a11d n6ic81,1 %Pre Malin!. .3 detailed report of the mewing. cll.'h .hesa'.el that rhureh to Ise In n flourish Ing ,ondrflnn, 1. Meld Dyer t.. nett week. In .inning. ' - Mr' }',l. Mr•rklitt¢0r. who had 'acted s . etf:•iently as manlier tend ,,Pe'r't' tat. 1.1 the flub, taus next railed ay. .111. Vr. Mcrklln¢er expressed 'reerel that Iwo. was nearing ..way from Iowa and referred t.. (hslerich as aro' of the best pla,•es he find reser lived in. TM Iooys had dune well tieio year, he mild, and he withal themi every siweeP*• la 'he future. - .►ther• whn'apok4 were 1)(r. 11aru11/ Miern'y. roach: Mr. 11. V1 .►•Brien. vic0 president of the ('hub; Mr. F. R Darrow. treasurer: Public School la epeeter F.. Beacom and Mr. G. L. Per eerie. n member or the Markey Pxe(-u- tive. Mr. Itenrnm spoke of the ad- visaablifty of eoceurt18ing hockey among the students or the penile and high srhal.l'. Mr. Croft nnnaun.ed that In all probability 1111 exhibition game with it outside tenet wouldi Iwo held here before the. .moon closed. The hippy oi•ca+ien was brought M a clone with the singing of the Na• tiounl Anthem, . The filo.' .fr the ,anlalu 'Olivet to c',Fstry." to be rcoder...1 by the choir of Non it street Il:it.'i .hnreh, has been changed from 3i•'11s•sday, Marek Ji• '1'cesd'ay, \larch 211111. The "tweed .edoias lent he Mr. Bert ("Ma, of Galt.' aril Mr 1e•o11 :\damn, •t 1.osdon. • The Goderich Fund for the Relief of the Distressed British Miners _ • 4'nnr,J,ned interest in the etTurts for tlii• rj1lef of the unforhu,ate British miners' is indieate.l he additional eon- 1rihnti'3 s f0 the I'tr,d y'hitli is twilit; rnis..3 in tknlerioh in their l.•1 alr. The fond now' ananit'It. eta $113!'15. 11a.b ri.h Post of the I'811 0i:1n i4* ('ie.ti iv .taking an iltti\•e ilnt,•rest in the fund and is 11111 11 f nn a benefit euchre and 1111'" in Odd fellows' hall on 'I'u.r.l:te, :lurch 12th, the proceed!. •p1' which will he hand,•.1 10 til. !lova! fund, 1 1 • 4'40r11'utions aro' hein(sr lannd.,1 in almost every day at • 1he•Si2n,11 OM:* and all amounts, lar_1e or small, will be p1ln,lly' r•''t•ived and a knmt'Io.lte.l in these eolur1ns. l'ONTRIIII'TI(INyi I'reelonely ackrn.alc.:x,•,1 $1.'30.15 r q, R, 1.00 1 Ad.ktld* Pt., le'nd.m. 11. ('Iunon. I eebnru.. 5,(10 1.06 1 E. TOM ...., S.INI I ('lmtrvman '.I•w Jen k, , ....,. 311.e. W. Ilii I I . , .• {.ending opo t.. Easter, Rev Mp 1• 1'err. twister of 3'Iet'31)1 atra•t fele•• church, w111 take np the follow ni: subjects; Mar. 3,-- 11 n.m.. T .• First 3".'ciI from the Cross 'The 1V•n•.1 • f flintily.- 7 pin.. The Second from t1e 4'ro..---"The Westin o' MC_rc7," Mar. 10. 11 n.m.. The Third Word. . 'The Word of Fillet I'lety." 7 p.m., Tle, Feerth Word. ••The Nord ,' of ,Vmteerent," Mnr. 17. 11 a.m.. The Fiftth 1Vi1rd. L "The Nord of \gam." 7 p.rn., Tl..• i- S!xth Word, •Tie Nord of Per, 1 fe.'t l.m," afar. 11. 11 S.m.. The 'ltor,•nrh Word, ; "The Word of $.mshlp." 7 p.m.• f. 'tithe.... 'The Ruble* ..f Life." JIM(, 31: 31 , n.m., '.nhject,Tinybr.nk 041 a i.Irkw.I Road," Itaptient 1 and r' e3,thM !.ester e°nt•,rn In .i0ry f,ii711- inns- • Trinwph°nt." • t'. 1.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 $169.13