HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-2-7, Page 8M, il'-T'huraday, February 7, 1929. THE SIGNAL, St. Valentines Day February 14th GET YOURS EAlkLV Priced from 1 Jr:' 2c to 50c t >ak Sale of Note Paper this Week Cole's Book Store Till: PANAMA CAVAL ✓ Fleet Plan. Were Prep reel by Saave- dra 1,4 1529- Yrllod 1 .ler Retarded ( u Utle 1 The epi, .icor} of Jetsou and his fellow Argonauts, which describes their quest of the Golden Flete, con- tains nothing more of 1/mall('. 'halt does the rectal of the adventurer of those bold spirits whose d,trin: skill, tend hardihood, so ably carried on the work.of Columbus In giviug to the world the continents of the W(:ste:n Heulispherc. COUNCIL SUPPORTS !premium. for ere .insurance on the tin to $267.- Artgqraft factory, amour g 1M/bepaid. The committee 111,11, re - MOVE FOR MAITLAND ported that Instructions had been givenIn the town solicitor to cont - POWER DEVELOPMENT pk.(eea) procedure required to give the town Immediate possession of the trh•nIft property. • - The public works committee reported Elevator Co. Proposes the Closing that the prtltion for a eemeut rade- of Wellington Street to Make walk on the east side of Weeks Room for New Annex street, from Britannia road to Mary erect, WHS sutfl(ieully signet. and re- ---- - commended that It he grunted and the The town council varied the usual necessary bylaw prepared. The coot- , routine h% holding as t'•g+llar oast;- ulittee recommended that the elm* Mg last week on Saturday Dight, write tit ('.P.It. requ4'sting it to at - tech pedestrian walks to each side of leaving the members free for other en- its bridge on the harbor hill road and gageateutR on Friday night. All the that the approaches to this bridge be members were present except Couto repaired. New electric lights had ,itlor Urlwrae. • leen ordered for the council chamber The rert of the 'rotor of Matte ioil ,moose. and It was re.ommen(led W tint four more chairs be purchased laud Cemetery for January showwl fur the emu] elI chamfer. the ceilings 'el4 i4l.rnienes in the month• be repol'sred, the tables and chairs Blue Water Highway Meeting Is' repaired, and new window blinds Notice was revolved from 11e so s'- b.• rut of the Blue Water llighw:ly put on, Association that the annual meeting. the sta'olal committee postponed from last fall would la• that n quarter -page adv rw•om trended advertisement to at Toronto at the slime time as Nil i11 the Onterlo,Jlotnr League road the meeting of the Ontario 4;God Hoods book at Al (vast of $25. and that the! Ass cfatiuu. shk), meets at the enol ' olumiitee ICI' empowered to purchase' of this month. With the meeting iu :Ind Install a new- cable for the town a delegation t, wet't and In- ' I I h tu,ng oho Imes' prices and I tervisw the 1 ron:,1 be readilya,ne cable n „ruximutrly 31st fret The Mayor and the chairman of the p I .sunmitt(e .'ere dere- .lin. gated to attend both meetings• The' fin• couuuittae reported that it A rommuuication from .i London had passed the application of Fred advertising Wilson for permission to erect a pool, toan ad I regard with firm '• on was referred to the nas'''al ot. hi: dwelling 041 111nek. street and committee recommended that the chairman of A letter from Comedian 1t.io:111ies. i thbe committee' have the 11re alarm lAmitel. Toronto, stating that if a .,+..tem collna•ted 111141 tested. number of photographs of the town The water, light .and harbor cum-, and district were sent to them they mittee reported that. (opt. C. E. Rob would he used in iseilug postcards oil iuson had offered to rent the also 1* sold throughout the coueltry, was stall of the town freight shed at the referral to the special committee. ` harbor for the sum of *75 for 11x29, to "Columbus, skirting the wit chore • The (*outwit derided to purchase one d elude the use or the office land Walt - a of the posturer ,f the hnrlr r s H. Wood, to gate street for month lea Murphy, who b the rate of 85 Of this bulldlu tilt the kowu 111 $1O per m gust, limit. and aweceeding iv till! -being the him in 11127. .. Then. rsis'r Mettles. Reeve Turntoe Iteputy Reeve ell emphatically lion passed by • Iia January se electric Power with the devel Maitland River - Another motl resolution on Ire sent to all the county and: villages and t' endorsl'ment end The matter leum and the town hall tic works co 'act. The council o'clock. GODERICH, ONT. bullding on New - months at i15 a and that 1'. T. tiered payment at nea.th for the a")' 1:128, be notified s that be pr) r•ul for July and ,1u ✓ month for the stha-a total of rate 1111 paid by ail adopted. epeeles .' seconde(d 1* e, that tbe come- !1� rot• reelir u- Urlt (.'o+mell at rgImf ' the hydro, 1041 to I.receed of power on the Md. rested that the d River power municipal! tiev in adjoining towns. ps asking their pa•ratbn, aring new' lin"- g the ,room, 'u erred to the pa1b. with power 1(1 trued at 11 I a n found , that the ,rice w• --- r(ovinrlel 1:„'rrel,u.ni1 would be from �'._e to 114• n foot for a quarter -inch PERSONA arrange.!. MENTION with lel o r.om- du rin • the ty itn(er InOn[1 of .he C'artbbran Sea 141 his futile winter fleet. to adorn the walls of the • on13% and the committee recommended search for a e.hort passage to CalhoY 001101I chamber. and ('unneillor Huh- i tlt.ot the offer be accepted, any dem- with its fabled 'tabes of aoid, ailter. u_.,snrgeete(1 it might be good hila!-'.•ige to the premises to le made good and precious stones," writes John F. nese to buy another one and send it to; to the satisfaction of the council and Mr. J. F. Castlt*pf Victoria street. •Ilrautford, 11nnou the engagement of his youngest d ter, Doris Irene. to Mr- Thomas 1. onlt SOW of Mr. tiIulll'Iuat le thwn its . 1ustle[hwelte20Z ell!n� un�rs.Thomas A. xtreet, Brantford. former of Goderich The marriage to take ce quietly about the middle of Fekhrary. • • • • • Mr. H. Creighton, e „ has been ..n the local staff of the standard Malik as ec(nunnlnt for Som, time. has Iss•t transferred to Cateddn. . and his here to taken hy Mr. Borman }'1.111'lT. formerly on the Bal . of Commerce staff here- The Steal rd Bank is. of course. nm a part . ' 111. 11.111k of Btevrus lu aginrerinC. "clsiU d the t (omha•rce, but the to • bran. hes a rr h t YE 1 f fourth and the Minister .of Public Works at (It- the remises not to be sub -let or used. still rouducted sepafat• In l:uderir oleo 1 th th tl 1('sse! e� matter 7.f i omp n>; ,r e . rutd,rt:lad ur . �g ee r men. a tat to er ohistory points4o shores a Panama On his Jaws Ile bang in hid a .v any other that: the isat-'voyag(' is t 011 c o,: d tTt , t T- -the--pier 'Phe 'N 1T1ohat Sh1jA,niliTtpr .voIDmit- harbor of Porto Bello and outwitted ♦ rlr t recommend d ti ti 0Q t F Advertise i 1e Sig11:11 - Limon Bay. which Is now the -Allan- y u I I e g tie en rants to hr Panama Casal. All (11.' rnl i'nrl was' referred jterdly to e-----_ - the public works and Cemetery mud , _puke «,mmittees Columbus died Tn Hie discovered -that urs Relief for Welsh Miners 1 lands which he had discovered were t petition with aloud lofty' sigma -1 a part of the contlnept of Asia. The tures, praying that the council ...tori- I cusrn.Craphy of those far away day's was incomplete Dud- mial.ading, bu: bate out of the funds of the tow, a it war shortly to be extended, molt- • 4"1 bila villa" for the help of the fled, and corrected by a Roup of ad ..weirdo miner+, sus- rteferre 1. after, Venturers, the story of whose exploits some discus -Ion. t'. the tivae . m Would furnish material for another immortal Odyssey. Request from Elevator ('ompany. "Sir Francis Drake visited phi A eonlobut.va1f''TI fr.'a, the Goderich isthmus is 1570. Fifty-seven years Elevntor Co. intimated that 111 order to before Drake, however, Balboa had I secure the requisite length of prop; crossed .he isthmus. eumewhat south- erty for 1114' new annex it wou14 tae 11e. 1.14111 of the line of the pr•l'ut canal, •'''Meir, to en'•rnaeh slightly m1 Wel- and undoubtedly was the first white 1lingtou street• and the eonneil wan man to view the Pacific Ocean. The 1'1'dce'•l to (*.wider the closing of the hope of finding a hidden strait con- necting two great oceans persisted long years after Balboa's (Recovery. and 1: is a most interesting fart of history, that it was four hundred street. welch extends (on putter down 4174' bank to the water's edge. Elpreesion was Shen to the ()pluton that the ennnell should 1* careful In dealing with Otte matter, as by the years, almost to a day. SepMn.b' I 26, I cMrfng of the street the than world 1913, when such a atgalt was given !lose means of access to the waterfront. tote wdrid, Ant It was not a atmlt , The matter woe referred estetly to Me made by nature, but by man - the piddle works and harbor committees. Panama Canal. The resignation of J. It. plays from "As nothing in the nature of a the hand committee was referred to straight could be found north of Ma- ( the special committee. gellan, which would allow of the pas- A (ntnnnudcation from 1110. London sage of °hips from ocean to (mean, lefty council, asking ao-ops'rntion 1n se- tae 'persia4ent ;enders began to talk caring from the Te'gisloture an amend - Of making one. Saavedra. who ne- went to the Munieipnl• Act allowing eompanled Balboa on the latter's vis': municipalities to grant bus (ran- t° the Isthmus which resulted In the chimes. .was referred to the special discovery of the -Pacific Ocean, i e aald committee, to have been the first to prepare plans To the same committee was went n for a canal, which, 1t 14 r'a1'ned. he cummnnleation from, the Ontario Pro - did In 1529. From that ire• en, hibition League asking support in pe- thronch e"nturtes, several (1itinnee-- titioning the Dominion Government to Spn1n, Fr•anee,,Rittafn, 11101 th" Unit- forbid the Ironing of .•learan.e papers ed a'aic.-s --• made sure() and (ie- Per liquor enrgoes destined for the velnp.•d projects. Nothl' tangible United Stales. or reneltslve beyond surveys and die- A (nmmunlcattnn was r.'••eived ftom russfon came out ut It a11, until the the scrretary of the Women's Institute, 111 -fatal da' l,'•ssep'e project was stating that the Institute would like laurelled, with loud acclamations. In to rete some assi"tnnc(' in the np- 1882. - - r- - - --_' -keep of necheeted plots let Maitland "The history of the failure of the cemetery. Ohne is, plots of pas.)d0 • F•reuch.la of it tine too r. r' tot and loo whose relatives have left town or fresh to need repetl.lon 11"re. With died. an aml'l'' supply of funds, their at -The council welcomed this i,tipn8- tempt to build any sort of canal then• tion and the letter ens sent to the won't] have failed, as undoubted', cemetery tool parks committee to 11111 would the Americalts have failed un- sue the platter. ill the great scourge of the whit,' Adam Reek Memorial man In .h'- tropics -yellow fever--- A Loewe frnn, the Stratford cit) had been mattered. The de Less, 104 cnuncfor support of the proposal to Company was reorganized In October. 4'reet n pnhlfe memorial t.. Sir Adam! 1894. and continued operations on a heck on tip' Baden Dill. near the very limited crate, until tts rights and property were purchased by the l'nit- ed States under the Art of Congress of June 28, 1902. ,As SHIM ther•ater _aa__coneltions arid events permitted, canal was begun by Ili.- tolled States Government. and pushed to a suc- cessful rnn(•luafnn. pines• of lib -birth. w05 left In the hands of the Mayor to obtain further Informntlnn and report., A eonununiratfon from the ('Itizens' Rw1Par('h Inetitnte, Toronto, reeinesf- Barber Memorialised. - No bather did as much to make women's heads beautiful as Antoine, Bpi man who earned the title of "King of the World's Hairdressers," and who called his work."psycho- logical hntffure." A statue 1a to be placed on h1s tomb. in Paris. It shows an Impres- sive male figure resembling Antoine standing over a kneeling woman who bas her neck turned toward him, as though for his critical approval of ber shingle A letter from the Workmen's Com- pensation Board with reference to rates f''? the mlullrtpnl otdk•4' stnn and policemen %RS sent to tine finance committee. A request from the Salvation Army for a grout to rid of 1111' Women's Rescue }tome and -The Children's dome In London. (int., was referred to the flnanee committee Committee Reports The finance committee made re- commendations as follows: That the c(uue11 Join the Ontario 3in(11, 1t ,l Assoelatlon and remit the 1929 mem- la'rs'hip fee of 82.x; titnt a cheque be issued to Hays & Bays for 9109 35. 'one-half the appeal costs In the Me- aflclnel .vise• and Interest; that the HOCKEY Junior 0. H. A. Sadden Death Game CLINTON vs. GODERICH CUBS at West Street Rink, Goderich, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY llth AT 8.15 P. M. The grinners of this VIII." W111 meet New Hamburg in home and hnmegain s for the championship of the group A 12 t ie .J‘ ,r\,- l .? + %+'1 t J • aAi2 1.1 i , r rl East Will Ag TESTS FOR AIR-Il,'fl.OTS. Apparatus Intented to Teel the PMt- Itees oat Clandtdate. Au apparatus has beeu Invented to les: the fitness of prospective air pilots, and testify as to whether the candidate would Leel at home at the controls of a real plane. Sitting in a seal like that of as airplane's cockpit, the candidate grasps realistic controls while au in- spector shouts at him: "Lett bank! Spin! Nose dive! Stall!" What the would-be pito: dues with lets Joy -stick and rudder bar, to response to these Imaginary emergencies, 1s recorded on a charting device. By examining the` record the in- spector can tell In a moment whether the applicant can fly a plane. If he has become excited and pulled the wrong control when he Imagined him- self In a nose dive, he is summarily rejected on :he machine's recorded evidence. But 1f he has kept hie wits and reacted speedily and accurately to every situation, he Is adjudged to have " I1 int; sense" and has qualified as a pilot. SAFFXiI'ARDINO THE MARINER. Weather Foremasts Ars • Compares tively Modern 'Duet at The earliest recorded experiments In forecasting by the aid of telegraph eorurnunicatlon are credited to Prof. Joseph Henry. of the Smithsonian In- stitute of America, lu 1849. The est national forecasting set - vice, however, was .stablished In Franee In 1855 and was the result of an episode of the Crimean War. In November,' 1854, a severe storm did much faut.tge to the French and Brlt}eh warahlPe In the Black Set The French astronomer, Le Ferrier. made a study of this storm and came to the conclusion that, with the aid of telegraphic reports, its progress across Europe might have been pre- dicted, and digester to shipgaverted. In the United States In 1889 as experimental ,weather service was established In the Cincinnati Observ- atory by Prof, Cleve land Abbe, with the aid of telegraph contmunlcatlon. His experiments In weather forecast - Ing wore Po successful that Congress Was Induced to establish a tutlonal service. CHURCH NOTES Batelle Church, Feb. 10th. -Morn - lag, "Spiritual Meat for the Soul-" Evening. "le there a pa•r.11onn1 devil here in We world:'" The services at Knox church next Sunday will he is charge of the min- ister. Sermon onuhjeets: Mureing, "Keeping to the Road ;" evening, "Jscoh's Ladder." Sabbath school and I}ible Onsets at 3 o'clock. The services at Victoria street United church next Sunday will be held a* usual. Sermon subjects: 11 a.m., Paul's Attitude to Life;" 7 p.m.. ",t Remedy for et Lust World." The teacher* and officers of the Sunday school will be installed at the morning service. The sacrament of the lard's Supper w'111 be observed at the moiling ser- vile at North street United church next Sunday. Preparatory servl(ee week at 8.15 o'clock, when the pros - will be held on Friday evening of tits eller will he Rev. Geo. Weir. R.A., of St- Andrew's church." ltlyth. At the Men's C'Iuh ,n Smlday morning the .uhJect for dit•usstoa will he- "Which is stronger. (•irclnu.tanees or reapon- sihilit'?" to be Introduced by hey. J E. Ford. KORN 09IISIIOLM.-At Alexandra hospital, Goderlele, on Friday. February 1, to Mr. and Mrs. John ('hisholuu, Jr, a son. Met'l1l''F. At .tlexaadra ho+pital. Goderich, on Weslies.lar, February 0 1 Mrs, Cordon .o Mc- Phee.1. G Mr. and d n M 1 Thee. of Colborne township. twin girl,. DIED. F'1T%1',ITRI('K.-,At hetroit, on Wed- nesday. January 115th, (.irolynn and Edward. twin infant children of Mr. and Mut W. E. Fitzpatrick, PIERCE. -In Goterieb, on Saturday. February 2. Mary 1. Stott. wide%' of the late 1l'lllltm Pierre, In her 71Ith year. CUM Ole THANKS.._„_ Meet West c r 4t 1. The 'Trans -Canadian •Iwcld train takes the tourists across Ma Dominion by one route and tick by another. 3 Th. .scenery at Roof!, enjoyed by the travellers, le among th• most beautiful on the continent- 3. The trees In Stanley perk. t'ancoueer, were grow/low before Columbus discovered America- 4. One of the C. P.it.'• moat powerful Iocemotl'•s, u.ed fir transcontinental thin,. S. "Wooly Westerners" leading a wild life. CO succeeaful and popular have the trans -continental expedi- tions of past years proven and so excellent have the results been proclaimed, that this summer the Fifth Annual "Across Canada and Back" tour, promoted by Henn Sinclair Lnlyd of Macdonald 011 - lege. Ste. Anne de Bellevue. P..Q. over the linea of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway, will be undertaken this year, it hie been announced by the C.P.R. offices in Montreal. This tour leaves Toronto on July 23 by special train. travel- ling wisp via Sudbury, Port Ar- thur, Winnipeg, Indian head, Moose Jaw, Calgary, Banff, Win- dermere. Nelson, Fentlnton, Van- couver, and Vtctorte; and return- ing east by Fmterald lake, Yoh° Valley, Lake Louise. FAmonton, Saskatoon. Winnipeg, and down. the Great Lakes by steamer from Fort William past Sault Ste Ma- rie to ''ort MoNlrholl. and thence by rail to Toronto Of Educational Talse. Altitnllah the traveller is Inter- ested chiefly In the attractions of • the tour such as scenery. "sights' and novel experlrtre5 en route, the educational phase 1s (lie highly considered hy its promot- em. The hulk a the minor dif- ficulties and differences that arise within the Dominion are the result of lack of mutual under- standing by the various compon- ent parts of the cotmtry in the problems of the others Mutual understanding and appreciation can only he achieved by Interest and knowledge, and these are best acquired by travel and per- sonal visits to the other parts of ('anada and int.' . rse with else's neighbours. Passengers on epeclal 'Across Back" train will the glories of wee the lnvigoratbtg b Paella, and the age down the 0 they w111 also with tbe 11te of oonwwtrt(}ts. Aa they through the cowntry they w11 the In- dustrial and agrtcnit act111- ties In progrsas Ajoy WPM' hnvpltali(y M well as aCPvt- fie C.P.R. da and Away enjoy scenery of the ttl+sl ••y- but ted rn cry Tinder the liquidated, (tf On. Of the meet 1,prornlnsat and popular M1rra11nnnlllts In Eastern Can- ada. clean Sinclair Laird Of Mac- donald (lollop., and dompo.ed elderly of traveslera hese EIs1Rern Censda, the visit will dSsoQt^llab nurh to the wa7 (K lrrthertng common knowledge ofd 1mak1ne the Easterner better ' aaqusdatetf with the Weetkrner, and vice versa. Motoring inelnded- The twenty-one day tour will give the tourists partic`pnt.ing a Oomprehene ive and attractive view of the west. Arrangements have been made to ' fireak the journey 1•n many interesting ways. Motor drives will be taken between Banff and W:n(h'rmere over the famous 104 mile high- way; along the new "Groat DI- vide Highway" from Fe Id, 33 R. via F.merald Lekn and the Yon," Valley and Wapta Bungalow Camp and through thegnalnt Du kbobor country and the fertile Okanagan valley. Steamehtps will not only he taken down thn Great Takes, Mtt also on Kootenay Lake, and acroes the Strait, of Georgia between Vancouver and Victoria on the Pa- olftc coast. The equipment of the epeeist train will include dining care, sleeping cars, drawing room and Compartment ears, a mewed bag- gage ear fitted with drre�tng rooms end wardrobe a(rnmmnda- tion, and otmervatlnn ears, which will be an open -top tyle during, the Jnlurneys through the tn(n111- talns The treln will even have special news hullstlns and reedy eopdeo of local newspapers alone the route. TILE FAMILY (t}' 'PIIS LATE MKS. l lhlt(F: nisi to thank their friends 111111 ne•ighlorle for kindness trod symouthy 'extended lo. them dur- ing the illness ami et the time of the Beeth of their dear mother, ..till forMake sttrnpcA to ■n WANTED {/OIT1V(3 BUSINESS MAIN WIS ii to obtain room and board. Pri- vate home preferred. State rte. Reply BOX of 81QVAL OFFICE. 81 'l1t1 M15N WANTIID.--110 FILL entenciee on the Goderlch Fire Rdgade. Applicants must live wlth- 'a• the ere limits. Applications will be received by the uuderelgned uutil soon, March 5, 19211. J. E. 'MIITUD, Sec. Goderich Fire Dept FOR SALE SALE. -SLIGHTLY USED hand power washing machine, WM. MaeVONALI), Ooderleh. Tele- phone 174W. It rpOR SALE. -TWENTY OXFORD COUNTY Holstein heifers of good quality, due to freshen in March, April and May. Also ten grade Shorthoru heifers due to frenheu shortly. Will also 441711 or let out on shares 30 pure- bred Oxford breeding ewes. JNO. F'AItJtISH & StANE 'Phone Dungan - 110u 1*ril _--111 UPRIGHT PIANO (BELL) ma."' O SALE. -la Orstclaae condition. Apply' to DONALD MacKAY, P. 0. bit 457, Goderich. DESIRAJ*LE RESIDENCE PROI'IIR- TY FOR JAL .-At corner of Brl- taania road and William street. Tea rooms besides bathroom, closets, etc. Good furnace- A11 cunvemle•,eee. For terms and further particulars apply to DONALD MacKAY. P. 0. Boz jef Goderich, tt TO KENT TO RfiNT.-lSTOItE 141'ITAIU FOR a grocery or office. lunne.111Re po- 1ePsiotl given. Apply to CHAS... SAI-NDF11tS, Goderlch- Al (TIO,?EEiINO THOMAS GT'NIJdlY."TiWyi CH, LIVE 141114•K AND IJMNIHAI AUCTIONEER' ,Telephone No. 119. floral tributes. They wlsla part it'll - !arty to thank Ila matron and n11r.en of Alexandra hospital, and 111e, d(r•- t(r., for their 'kindness an.j. thought- fulness during the time she acus in the hospital. yebere and even I effort made to give satiefactlee I'ermers sale mutes dlacouute•d WESLEY W. FiSHER, Auctioneer, will conduct soles •uywl.ere. My terms are reasonable and 1 will ee- TIIE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS Carlow 1314, or aoldre-Is It. R. 4. God - donated to their homemade taking erlek. sole last Saturday. They ore indeed pleased to note the growing Interest Of Victoria 11ome and Scholl Club .learur to gi wish to thank all who so generously ve eatisf:(4lion. Pima* DRUGLESS PRACTITIONEEE which Is being talien by parents and the people of this community -In theAg A, N. ATKINSON work of this nrgar,izatlon. D OHIROPRACTOR AND DRUG - MRS. PALMER, MISS WBIGINS, L/SS THESAPIST 'President. Secretory OODEHICH *quipped with eiectioesageoles AUCTION SALES battle.LIeotroelc electrte treatmeems sad chiropractic. Chronic organ* ay CTION SAIAS OF EIORSiS. servo diseaeaa I*dy. ICI attendattte� CATTLE ANI) Sfl**W. llmce boon 2 10 5, and T to P pia, ezet•ptltlg Meaday and Thursday at- At LAt lot5l5, Rayfield Line, A miles te00000s and evenings, and by ap nnrthsnst of ItaytMld, on p,ufatmenL TT'F.SD-1Y, FF,RRi'ARY 12th. Residence and oSlce--Oorase et at 1.34) sharp. rnnsteting .if the follow south street and Brltanala read. -- Horsea-l'ercherou (colt, rising 2 yeare old. (-BARTERED ACCOCNTANT t attie,-Durltnm cow-, 0 years .old, due to freshen time of w+:e; Dnrtrtm, (;RANK 1'. GIBBS, (7HAR'I'EKKD row, 7 3'0140' old, due to fre.hsn in Aaouhtaut. lug 1)otarlu curie• March ; Derham .vow, 8 } ears old. due to I dtratfurd. Plaine 15)40. Res, 1330J, freshen In April; Dnrham cow. 11 years oto. due to freshen 1n March; part; Holstein coo. Syears 0ld,.dueft) fresh- en In February; part Holstein COW, 4 , yesra 01d, due 141 freshen in April: 2 half-hred Jersey heifers, (1710 at time of mile; Diatom bull, rising 2 years; Polled Angus bull. 7 months old; 5 4lrreford steers, tient TOO lbs.; 2 Derhem • steers. about. 7(114 the.; 12' heifers. atw,nt SO0 lbs., holt fat. 1 Sheep --Thirty-fire ehoioe 'Leicester 4'we .i Shropshire ewes. These ere' as except 1,7201 lot of (note young PAPS. and bred to a regletered 'Lel (•ester rum. due to Iamb in Mr+reh and Ill April Thio obove cattle are all dehorned, 1 Suet w•1.11 1'' held Indoors if weather is stormy. TERMS- months' credit will 1* given' ori fflrnishing approved joint hankehle notes, or a discount of. four ter rent. straight allowed for cash, It. STEW,IRT. GFX). 11. F,I,L )TT, I _ _ Proprietor. Anctloneer_ AITEITION SALE O- F DAIRY COWS, Y0I't''t: CATTLE. ETC. w. W. F- ISHER will sell by public an(•tfon tat his farm lit Saltford,r on TdlI RSD.1Y. FFRItl'ARY 14. 1929, commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp: Cattle. -aloe Durham roW, 7 yenrs old, due March 30; 1 him. cow. 10 )ears old. freshener February 214; 1 Holstein row, 4 year' old, due Feb- ruary 2s: 1 Hereford ons, 4 years old, just fresh; 1 Ayrshire row, 4 years old, jnsr fresh : 1 hlnek mow, 7 years old, just (retell: 1 red COW. 0 yenta old, to freshen in Min' ; 1 red mw, 7 yens old. to freshen March 7; 1 Holstein eow, 0 years old. lo freshen March 15; 1 Hereford .'nw. 4 yehrs old. dire time of ea le. :Ming (little. -Three Polled Anent steers, rising 1 year old; 2 ihtrhnm heifers, rising 1 year 01(1; 2 Durham steers, 1 ICAr old, Sharp, -Flue ewes. I'Iga.-Slx pigs. SO to 100 lbs, each. Poulty,--Twenty Barred Rock hen.: 1 pair African China gee*. Mlseellanneus.-125 ('0(1817 4rnce posts; 1 not rack for toholelglra; Pet 1 knee Iohelelghs, In good eonditinn apt learn breaching barnese; 1 light delivery sleigh; 1 Ford track ; 1 pump jack. new. never need; 1 swop shovel; 1 set singe driving harness; 2 driving horse collars; ehont 110 hnshels feed Oat& The abore are a gond 10t Of Cows. Everything mast to5Ulvely Ile *obi. TERMS --All slims of 1110 end Ander, cash ; over that amount, 14 months' erg. dit will he given nn approved joint Rank notes bearing interest at seven per cant- per annum. Come to this Pale WESLEY W. Pi111F,R, Auctioneer. MEDICAL DR, le. J. R. i'ORSTER, EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late house Surgeon New York Op! theistic and Aural tluspita!, aMlstaa9 at Moorefield Eye, Hospital sad Golden Square Throat Iiospltal, Lea- den. Eng. - 53 Waterloo 141. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Ooderlch, ba tae eveaing of third Monday of each month till the following day, -Tuesday, at 1 p.m. LEGAL _ ERsVi11ST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor Dominion Building, 445 Btu street. Toronto 2 -Telephone Adelaide 4168. UIILEY E. HOLMES, reinter, lite: Ofiice-Ilamllton street, Goderleb Phone 27. IR R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. Successor to J. I. Killoran. Phone 97. Office -The Square, 0oderlcm. *taps a Haps RARRI+raM, Fere. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS IR.. B.A. Hamilton St., t8ederitn INSURANCES, LOANS, LTC. McKiLLOP MiJTUAL FIRII IIF SiiRANCE CO, -Farm and IN latcd town property insured, Officers -Jas. Connolly. Pres.. Goo erlch P. O.; Jas. ■taus, Vire Pres Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. Sec. -Tress. Seafortb P. 0. DIrectors-A. Breedfoot, R. B. No. A, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Ne, 4, Walton: William Ilan, It, R. 'No 2, Seem -Lb: John Reenewles, Bred. herrn; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No, S SPeforth ; Robert Terris, harlick Murray Glbeoa Brseed,sd; Jamie Evans. Reaehwood; Janis ConnoUs, Goderich. Agents- J. W. Teo, Goderlc1; Alex. leech, R. R. No. 1, Cllntne ; John Murray, Se'afortb; B. hinobIsy, 8.Oforth. Polley-kolds'rs can make ell permeate and get their cards receipt - ed et R. J. ilorrlie's Clothing Steels. CHttna ; R. R. Ontt'a Grocery, Riee *ton street, (loderteh, or J R. %MN U•a•vet Stare, &LA.l. .4 • Y •