HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-2-7, Page 7ry-
County and Distrt
The Klppen Hortleultural 11oele
*torts a nlewbervhitl of ntttety.•IK
E. la Smith, of Hamilton, is 111. n
tuauaeer.of the Bank of ('umwerce
John LVuttera, a lifelong waideut
llowlrk townsblp, died January 17
:1t the age of eixt)-four yeelrs.
Fortner wardens .f Hater coon
,4111 IIv1ng 1111111140r twenty-three, a
*•noting to The Klneardine Kews,
The death of S1is. Maud l rnmuH'
of Tmekeri.mith, li vellrn•,t In the He
eel) 1101,)4t111 oa Jentklry 27th,
At en e1114/11+11.11,1 •tlitg, ,.f re.
d(•tlla`of S. S. No. 1. tsy, It -wore .1
4'1th'1I to have 7411 014 boys \•�reunion, 14)
July 4th war +••t ne the hale.
Het'. s
Ja .1 N 4.y. (.1.11Ir kf 1!s Il•
eluting). 1n.n,;e•+boo,', has ivetnrm
home after .te11411ng twee 111on is
Toronto, 171'1e 114' Nu• ttn,ter6 •1❑
Irealn44epl for eye trouble,
John ciit.41'r. n lifelong r'+ileus .
site)• township. ,tier) Friday teat at th
•14e of' seventy wears, Qte,eide•. hI
wife. he )caret* note r.bn. 'unlet, re
eidiag u7) .the atiJoluiug farm.
Mr. and 1I r•. Itelour, of ' 11,wll
township, were called to 3luntreet la
week by the ashes, and sittioo mea
death of their 44,41, c'Iarrn,•e• ,+ixtee
years of age. The boy wnv attend 10
)'ol'gP• in Montreal.
The amuse! nieethtg of the colla).
1hirwl 1'11441/01.41i1,14 5'01111r1 11% wa••
held in Zurich last week. '1'10
4rgan1zntloll carries 1411 an 0%14'4 ,4,
business. The !.!'owing either4 wry,
elected: President. F:. F'. • Khq, ; i lees•
president, .1 lmp.rr.'; .e,•t•et.lry trv•a,-
ty Toronto of Mary Helen, daughter of
tat. Mrs, James Greer of Rolls., to tier-
ew bert Graham, !telt) of Mrs. Hebert (!re -
at ham of Leeknow. the ceren?+4)y 18'11411
performer) by )rev. J. Inketer. The
of happy temple left afterwnrely un a
th trip to Bermuda and on their return
will reside In 'Toronto.
c -
41, • •
n. 1'he tenth of Mrs. Jelin Mcl'hers+n.
of 1) re,id4N1t of Seaton!) the 11st two
)ears, 'N•evrrred January 211tH 4)t the
I hem•' of her• d,ntgleer. lira Hugh
e U'right,
141 'ihr wedding of •l0nu's Itniilall lion
top and star,:-4torec Wag ao`rmnlae!
1h) Her. G. I'. ri,.,-,, 7)t Stratf,.r,f tin
i1 Jannnrs,• 21.t. The route em11.10 will
" rr,lde in 1eafnrfll. I
e Allriinr, 1rek,. into (' �,.._-Billy I
hardware -tore un F'ri,S�ni_ht and
catried 011' it stole. skates. tele., cart -
c• ridges. 1!1.1 •.terata t:4 in money.
. .1 if. nen!. who 1+ retiring frog) the
a, 1'40, nclt:,'etMnt of the Cann4141
Furniture' I'.tmtenev. "seta prr.ented
,t firm' -map elnhbae end a enure
A Cake and Pastry Expert 'says :
"Sana Purity is a strong, rich flour, with great expanding
qualities use 1 tablespoon las per cup if your cake teespt
calls for ordinary pastry or soft wheat flour. if it calla foe
milk, use half milk and half water (lukewarm) with Pu ity,
And kr light, aakey pastry use 2 tablespoons
less per cup et Purity Hour and 1 1.>e1 table- .
• p.•a inure of shortening. Roll it dry. Foe
4441., rich pastry awe hall butter and hail
A delightful tea specialty. Recipe oo Page S3
d aha }Noir). Flour Cook Houk, seat for 30c.
Western Canada Flour Mill. Co. 44mked
Toronto, Ont. 96
w't4'r•"' }rare, ilu, restrued and has
corn• to 'Jennie, to take a imedilon
tl( tato Iran fr'.In the. f4. .tort ,employeeN 7th a brokerage firm.
is 1 51r t(rt,l b:,. Zorn c14nneenr! N-Ith 'bp 1 dramatic .1114.. to 1.e known as
tone. i01 for forty-three years. "The County `t rulfer.." lige been .r.
4 . - eunlaed ume.ng ihr coung pltveple of
4'lintnn. 34),41 it i+ pk.nnen. !o Rise i
thin-1o•I %hew 10 Clinton. 4lodhrieis and
Mrs: 4'lin .II.'k4,.I. who ha+ boa, S4•4fortl1 and else to pr.N)aee see -
laid up for .1>ye•rn4 ww'k. ar the re- •'rel phtye and converts 17) the 41wlr+le
suit of a fall in w•hi• h she fractured of the year. Applied/Imo for nieruher.
her thigh. is tnakine • isida"t,.ry fm- *hip ntreedy number over 11110 Inuit1•rnyenn•nt. ' -
firer, Matt. ('hark.
An Authority nn Ruim.
Ata L1?gnet l4) honor of the birth;
day of Hulihy Thane 4)t Port !Hiram.
when the chlef dish wan haggis,
fluig. formerly of K1ptm'n, was t4414t•
minter and ate. gave an address on
"The Life and Werke of Burns." Mr.hole was lutrotince, by A brother
tl,,,t as "the beat (Keated
flab history In Port llurott Mi•
d' one
"sten"iwuld (!note mote nitres' poetry
than any other tau -in the Totted
• Diamond Wedding Anniversary'
A happy event trw,k pour• at Rhea
on Januar) __4)d. N14011 Mr. and Mrs.
11ugh Sl.•Key celebrated tti4 stxtielh
anhRereery - 0f • their welding. 1'pr
wank of fifty greets were preeent 7)t ,
the nnnptlolls Ne,l.ling dinner that
was r•rviel, ,nnong tl,...e preafnt 14/..1/)g.(
the only two who now remain of tho'.e
who witnearl the ceremony of (sixty
4Tteif. n brother of the groom. 7)a)
Mr.. A'iloin 31e6.y, a sister of the
bride. 4r. and Mrs .
three rein% and fire danghtere. tweee!
ty wax Rran.le•hihlren and sixteen
greatcranrlehlldren, .111 the nuns and
denehters Were preeent for the cele-
bration. exe'Ppt a son and n daughter'
who lire at --V'an.ouver, B.C. The
family prese•nIryl Mr. and etre. M.IKay 1
with w pane of mild. secompanied by ,
an affectionate a,ldreer
ears 7)v*: Ge..ree M.Kay of Mon-
The annual meting .f ilie ItIvth
Te'epleme Nyasm wag held 18st week:.
The ,empnns Is hl good flnnn.•ial con
.41?I ,,,, The .onatni.4toner. Weigel fu
l:r�l ort, .)okra Herr, r, M. r'h1mter
and .fohn Ftneland.
one of Ore 111.4. t Hurt most e•fn•n)4'.
of Nle 4)144411,' ea014 of Blyth, Enter
Heendee mooed aw•n, lava Thure.lu,4
u„irnirim Mr ite•reler .r,nt ra,'te.
/anal teeinlitis, which noddle a.
wtmert a sirltlent form. Ile wee bort
in Hay township fifty -.ix year.' rago
glut about esprit) -the year, 14g.. 011 1114
to Hirth end engaged in the mer••lnter
litednr444 Ile, w19 ins rried t went."
!ear. ago to %ass Alberta care who
with her v. Edwin, and foster -stn.
(tarry' Baker. is left to mourn his
logy, Mr. iender wa4 e4) aetive work-
er in the United rhnreh.
An omen last ion for the relehr'sNon
of the fiftieth annitereare of the. ID-
eorplrati)n of the town of Winghlim
hag been formed. with Richard Van -
one as preelrlrnt : Arena ?Wing. vire-
pregident ; T. J. McTwean, secretary
J. W. M4Kihlken, treogurer, and ,a•
number of ..emmltteee. .t definite date
has not yet been set for the .elebra•
tion. but it will 4e either the Inert week
or the second last week sof July.
At the anneal eengregerional Ill.v•t
Ing et Wineham fatted (beret'. n
'nnreroent was started for the par
rimer. of a new organels
and for e*
mnrnremrnf4 to the ehnreh brrlldl7)R.
The nnrnlat enmmetternent exereliee
,f Wleehnm, High Sr. -hoot wens held
n 11'►Jda. night last 'n the town bn1:
feature of the pr.emn, wit is nn
rntnrteal contest to n•lii••it Ml'. :fear:•
/Neil 41,014' on 'T' a Moder,' Y::el.,
7)d Mks NHney Taylor on "The
.eacnr of Notion." Nike Taylor wag
.1Jndge.4 the %veneerthe price being
gel.) mMlR1.
r The large tw-4tory Brick building
sI formerly 4.up4w) here the S. 31. S.u,derN
ndDenialrl by Mr. Mindere..
I ,'lei. been sold to A. 4). F:Illott. the /14'Ww
Ford agent 14) Exeter, and will he eon-
! o 17) automobilt, into g:4) 4.H qt, A1171
At the last wa.sion of the 191"4 clue
council of North F4:tttle•foret.Sask., the
eidermerl presented J. A. (iretnry, who
Walter Kerr. ('.\.11. agents. hee. It411• ,
t„ l'h4,a nn a holiday trio.' i0
?14.. and Sir.. 11'. N. Mattmlere, who
we residing - 411 1Mtro)t fur "'7144' ,,
time, }'it -e r*'tnrnert 1.. their 4.1.1 home• f
in Ifni eel+,
ten 114. hose, pr"tired •
eon 1'olet`
'flee property
11o14, on Th.,
It 'Mneeleleil•4th `the Intention of
moving int,. it In the near future. Mr.
Riese 4.,lltrnl1M,
dir4m..intr of ilia
lame 1m+ultry plant here atter tits
season. t
i. flu.
• }'arm '4.•n•. hos pnr.haw'.)
of the bite' Airs. William •:n
7),ae retreat and Is hav141
fin ti'Prine"•tsy. January 16111. in
4)t. fele)'. church. Join Signori..
yonn1eed daughter of Mr. 740.1 Mr..
1.Yameo ,t. Ford 1K Clinton. woo 11111401!
In marriage in 7)r. C. Wiener I'ro-
caner n( 11orehester. son et Mr, and
Mrs. F. A. Prneenier of Relmnnt. The d
eeremnny was performed by the rete a
tor, Rev. 1, C. Harrigan. Mir. and 0
Sirs. Prnennier will reside 7)t One 0
theater. 1
.1 brand. „( the q omPp'ghrialan
Temperate". Union luta been refined 17)1
Ln.knnw, with Mrs. W. P. Re as I
Pre'Ident. 3fry W. .1. i)oHgins a(s`ve
cording sw•retary, and Sire. N. 7„. j
Campbell as corresponding .'•e•'retary,
Thomas /turns, nn old resident of
IAu'know, died January 2.eth at the
hemp of h1s brother, Abe Burns. 'Re
was seventy-six yenta of nee and had l
heed In fo)))nt, health for several
years. Por 'a number of year,, the de-
eessed ()rote the stage between Leek -
noir and (loderlch
The Marriage took piece recently at
had been Mayor for the last fire
3Pars, with the elide which .he had o•- . TO MAI(E
,. �fllfl'!YN'ItaTti.
G1t Dr,aT erre WIlt't alta I'Thg exper-
ience and n• ty nutlork best fiat"d him
-the Speak• -r', tbmn''. Lemieux has 1,
been an • xtraordit::ry success as
Speaker. 11•• has need the rommote
ers with an impartial hand and since
(;"urge P. Graham pasted on to the•
Senate, tuigh well be the most re-
vered and beloved son In the assem-
bly, Ho Ibdens to the debates with
unflageing attentlw; he w•rdgl,s 1b'
enec,g of spe.chM; be seek. out the
Most promising tattle -Liberal, Pru-
gresslse or Toryr.•ssd gives encour-
agement and counsel
Perhaps this later Lemieux would
have desired 4.o boner more than that
of lecturer on history at• Laval t'ni-
versity and at the Sorbonne, He has
Studied, dllieently la recent years
and written much. To lits tn'imatee
he often speaks of t late tribute to
his Immortal leader and some day he
hopes to publlah a monumental life
of Laurier. It 16 even said that he
desires to retire Ina politics In order
that he may havekkisure to complete
the task.
The Tiger Trail
(Continued from page 6) •
Aad it only cost a laugh to remettabet'�
thea 1 hod attributed this tact ty the
mysterious fortes that were at playa
fu the old mauslon, ruttier than to her
. "wa N'iab, (ler lore for him wean evi-
th'ntly late. wont pus'lonate, intent*
kind. hardly to 44' estoetted 111 the
+Raeder. apeen:htg gist. She showed
this fact in Ler wilttngucst+ to u.erttice
for !t(ta,
But why had a4e be'er1 ready to kill
Like that nlgbt i4) the alert The look
u, heleeyes as sbe biased arr0-x the
table could taut bo.mistaken. Yet
Iuatp' banes before, to tate loot; your
o,1' the world, "seiner, hate killed lilt
men 1 1:•.
t v
) loved. Condition* hat
ari,e'n l4) a•hieti IoYe itself was t4
power tied present hack the doge
against thee pistol trigger. 1t wag.. bo
for any man 10 ray. The question
N0111 41t4' 1111„ 4414' ')„tele:' of a N.
'UMW,. he, rt. 5110 had tried to kit
j IIID, mud rel she luted haw. He
brought ..IY.» to her P)eg: un,l-yet
11 hart rude 4)t, dipfrrrti, e•. k w•a
1 samingl)' a ,le»r nut t. Ill• treasured
.and 1 v,isbell that 1 tout! go 1.);'4)!
1 b dull, strange reatelm. 14f ti,,
,s N:1niter. an,) never return to Smithey
Istwns again.
' "-steer all," I heard Iag44'etor Free
with .a)lag, "1 don't gee why I ehould
worry. about !Iwo. !lungs. Suit,
rl,iugg ns the trick* tJlut tin• uiy;gt•o
tall ats,ut in the road-- and that vital
N ho r1111 aw:13 Crum u" ,NI the bill-
ow! all the nest,,( drag irony 4.u.
course the tragedy of the night before'
had uer'nrred outside the house, on the
very hill oil whteh 1 "stood, but throe
remalutrl the, fettling that the reline
had its root and sourer a?d 4auw.
tate house itw•lf. But the moonlit hill
side hasn't mach of a relief. What
tad Alert, wag brought curlers Nmetls t
m ehe marsh. The moon, 1»,'14 4 F
/tae and tale find strange.
'T11 n' gin,: a light in • • the )waver 1,
hems .4t'little huildiee at the rear oft
the, manor-hoiree that eontalae,l the;
ankh* i)', hal pr"4iistork generated
•')elastic Ifgh' "for aha h"1,nse. 1104.!ng
(04. a friend': Forty from vote mellmv,1'
.tfrlcan 4rdne„ 1 wa!!:e4 ed to It. i .
The worknmett Nary Ml' t 4he 1d•ent,,
e 74.7)7)14 to Haab the t ryas, j
s But the irorkteee *teeter .o!t)gg(1 ,
e '4ero7de, after all. They , (49're )wants �
e , neer the entt'ine when 1 lint .aI�
e , prnaoh.,1 the door, ,lora T emettt 't aM
r their ewes. They 41141,'t hear • .tel
t ermine' in the gots erase, and they
seemed' very intent. Then then '
• started up nit my foot crated tar! the
1 threshold. ,
-One of them w'a. ,h' elder h1P4".
• The other wag the lean. 19'w1!i.krrc,l
$ eel m,n, who hod I'ro?:Ii' Mae holt
• 110'.4,,. he eared Mea-er 1 motets!
1 jteit one impree=Ing 4' ;7)t oho,•• h'lt!
He wore robber 1N,ots.
He wag the Only ruin on the polar
teflon. as far a4 i knew, that di.,. The'
were little. ankle length, quaint af•
taloa: and I was amassed at my ow•11
.ngdditr flint -1 h11.1 not remembered
the fart before i turd notiw'.) the
' Loots the minmte l,4. hod -fettled from
the motor boat. They had petit, rut,
her lire)., eueh 7)a hod made the trate
4 we had fonnd'oe the hilt4t.t4. 14' idr
ihr while 4404)4'. dte)nnd a'1 4loubl or
gnestlon, he had beet the nein we had
• chased that after niehtf,lll
11 eyes' leaped over 411m. ale had
long legs -the kind that I'DOld et►lde
4wlf. Ty. 'lie era4 agile, trio.
"I air." he greeted toe. -Would
you like n 1oIF"
Seettbles 1""1...4 4)l. W111, 11 •rn:1e.
'WW.P're trying to get these light,
•et, 3'1ey'l) work." he espbah,ed. '•1'7),
ceft'ag tire,) of ca?dlnllght 1 ,tori
!eluded ,luring that ileriod. The re-
tiring Mayor la at, Exeter old boy who Lady Adsoeatee' elm to Pick l
hem been many year. In the Wrat, An- darn tor "Aril
other honor Erni ,
that has come to him re-
cently lo hie elee'tlon me .a vhr-newt- A forcing Wiese for artatndrr
dent of the 1'nlun of Canadian ;:fool- where perfect .444grots could
t Produced tram the net:melon put
Exeter sports ward by Lady Ealy Luty.ns 1
M are emnaing them• lecture to ,Ne Anglo -Swedish Soo
sNres by hunting Jerk -rabbits. .thnttt at the Swedish Hall, Harcourt sur
forty engaged -rreently -in nn organ-, wrest. London,
teed hunt near Litton in whieh nine- lady' Emily, whs is the wife of
tyown iseka were tagger). Edwin Lutyees, the architect. s
John Ford. of the north end. died en aristocracy was declining all over
Friday of the nee of eighty years. He world. 1; was bell; killed by m
iv enrrived by hue wife. two daughters oerite
and !oren sons. A forting house .,t aristocracy was
The death of Henry Andersen near- both p04athle and !•,strable. It would
red on Friday night at the age of be necessary to early heredity and
•weenty-one rear.. Surviving are the eugenics, and prey'nt the production
Miley and two danattters, Mr*. Fred of the unat.
leewsnn and Mrs. Percy Stone. both •)the teacher meat be the pertect
1'leworne. or rat so that 3e eould Inculcate
s right -Mega tier his Dtsl>}ler
HON. R. LEMIE[ X I haavee seen Palany deemeratle'
aebools for d. tnocr}1ta. i have not
seen a action! for :,1.14:"cerate. In such ; 7
a school 1 wee,: oar, children pick-
ed becau,.. • : •h. • hir:'1. and I should
educate t! • . 10 ,o m. ••' aristocratic
I've got m3 14)87). and that's the only
thin;; float. w:tttera."
I don'/ 1m1W 1141w. much he had aa14
Mal I i.,,4 not heard. My timuglit,.
had Iger t.'> hh4y.
So.you're sura .f It. are your"
"1t' ' u clear . view. ,Illuud-ataiu.,4
shirt--uu(ieut enmity-a4N,te 4111
thingo4 be Ise* shut he's it one man,
cx,rpt •*1a,)Nlird's uw'n 24441. that hasn't
an alibi. lie went outdoors with
h:114. Nothing to it at all, Lara."
%e climbed the steps .,l Ille great
hors., and !cartel in 14.
.:.•seesaw stook tire clod that held the )"o - nos
1 rb.•'tic generator• "
11 hall. the ,c,atin•,le, k anything .boat
"sprint up to his room to 41eposit.wiIb i
11.e shirt. Ise WW1 to 11x4•t the l4) the, I knew quite a bit abort theta
,hH• 'library1.0 immediately utter. , wax•' 1 had the *,'I engineering' Iaag-h1
1 waited u lung time for him to'4.dlcge," 4 cottre.hwl. "1 miglat b
1t,)' come. And 444).' 1 at luso i heard 1)1m alit. to 1Mip')nu."
he on the stair. 11• caulked as slowly as Then I bad a coulees Impression. It
tor, itllttenc3•r w4th a bier. }airy lyre sewed to me that a swift expn'satnn
n a a:1. listinet ;1111 SIoN, instead „( of appreh.•usion -and dismay tit+tle,l
Sort Ito• 'atrusg
t, ( msnnl tapga)r of his quick mbtb,ns. wy torah fart•.' 14 »'earl 4.l
Then t batt* htlu i4) the ''4ndielight 11,. )hoist diplit, . Anil it was so
Sir `ht the d.Nir .f the IR.rary. .tmd never. `''"-••l.wr a thi41g 1 's+neluderl 1 111141
aid tine 1 Seel, st1•h bewilderment pilon INeu mistaken. Isobar bN.e+•d up.
the ,Le• fuof :I hu1011: icing. tat. e.+pleaHa4' qutrzhnily.
•dl- 'T)lis 1s (he' ,luntnedegt 11141,444' 1 ever "1 can tax toe ruling," 11e said hur-
•N" "' he cried.
HP 4talked Into 4h..room with eyes
wide and staring from vll.er amaze-
ment. 110 eat down In :l great choir.
and rocket himself 1N•k and forth. Ila
eyes en the neer. .1n,i moN 11114 th.•n
he swore gen!It. dazed)). 1 have .seen
the snore look. in my professional ex -
In the. laces of men just
up NIJv,• nater •tnrtling anter
(anblle arr•ldents.
"1'on L.,k :, tr'll. 111'4'? lh,rp"•aur,
II..1 ,:i44 !Int•,.•,4 ^I1i1
1 /4.1i. -1 •-i1•-i1,‘•:.1,1 • •1.4. no, , , ,
Forme t+'tvsm the Smoke " of Partite.
mental)" it.o(h. to Hee, rte
illsou Ian.
"lir ?p' L• ; Lt'4)- x. 141••
than the% to hit th
t,, ter fore r ...117)f. I slim, ' 111 : i„• the Au
in i'..• r . ell, pa h, 1,0. 4)i,, , N a er of 7),,r 11.4. :- f. e. I: ratan been
could h- a nnuled up Ili.• .1,radual and I sig ,1,1 1:4k.• th, realise th
transformation which has removed..! tralnin44 tow,ud:i pert.", 'ton (mall
from ae4lse political'life 1n 4'an:ida ' and $0"1""'a 'rem'"duns torr
rieity, " and. kettles. 1 need the Joh."
"1 guess he eau 4.10 well enough,"
shuttle: agreed.
lent 1 couldn't resist the 4wpllSe to
make it curry examluatiun of the
gen.'rater. .1'.rfnpg It was lore of the
engine. festal,+ it was that irresistible
Minion Impel-,• to tinker -and mute
than that, to exhibit knowledge. At
Ars* i round it 4IMDrult to believe Mat
the plant w-11' really severer • dem-
aged. It lo,k(rl'.hl the moot perfect
(dnelitiun, 14e4 ':'hiutl,:eV' oohed aur
aw•.41 tn_a nrnrrNeN and iaylted Inc •n.
N bark w4;li 141)3 1..:'1)11' soar,
h•, •, .
w- i,h. n;rs•rr:,:44 .4.:!:,1 1 •..1• 1'reet1.:n, »„7111 1:
cg, 1..1x. that this ..7)4• lies. 11 el,.. o ,"' -' 1.1 0.4 '44 l e l::. I t 114,"
tat 1.utrie,l to ant away that , , flint t ' a. SonThley 44lei 1 'carni
es tel i the foot '4.,i ,. 1 'p•11r1 2... drawer 4..l „ 141 it 4. ,.4 '44;11'1-u .nu }'on I4.4:n.'
a- At ''r' 1 had put IIle 444.1: :In"th1r heir had !14",4 I. three woe•
one of the greatevt of I:arilam ntary *ponding responsibility. It would
orators and platform 9sp .'ckers. and ' no sense be a school of luxury, but
lett In his strati a man Olt re. rained school of simplicity.
enthusiasms. a devcut student of Always I should uphold with
history, an Impartial, Judicial-1pind••d them that by right of birth they moa
ep.akersaysthe ofTtheoronto HouseStar Weekly. of Commons, 1 rise to the level o[ their best.
There way a time wl en Hon. Ro el
ETbuitS MlltB IiULTIT('UCrI.
olphe Lemieux would have laughed
t the mere sugeestlon ;hat he might Only Two linows Oases of t'era.rl/
7)P day 4.n the Speaker of the House . Being Struck.
f Commons. That was when he was Much 'Is said aad written regard -
n the foremost rank of LiberalIng faIIInF seers poly awn know
Ayd rd oThe Lemieux of that Ceara of pmer.sons being struck by
glorified In the battle. In season tease heavenly missiles, are oa
4)t he tore aloft the fiery ;nett sword.
f Liberalists, enonunt*'ring all
en, great 0r humble, with the gla 1 From Japan eemea the second
eat of one born to the rough and ported Instance of a meteorite hitting
umhle of election campaigns and • human hying. A tiny pebble of
rth'4nl"utary warfare. celestial origin seared the neck of a
He wen three -rear -old babylel a
r g t la
n hisplay agar
spurs schen fcressToryism were on the n the chant` Tokio. L tremendous number of me,
public 4.4444•• teorites.bombard the each each dy.
Fie cregs-'d swords with Tupper and but they seldom (all within range Of
. Borden; he humbtod ihr ;"rat Rou
' tesla whorl that Liberal orator was civilisation. There la only one fatal
at the height of lila power. in (he , accident on record, when a man wee
lour y•'a-v from 1896 1111 191), his killed la ludic, in 1827 by a falling
name w,at' „ talisman in Quebec and stone. The tiny Stene, weighing only
burr a !mitre a few grains, that hit the Japanese
only to tha. of the great inuraer a diets,
himself, still warm, and Droved to 4.r a tes
l.emb ;tx of 1929 is different. One 1 cal meteorite with a black crust,
vr heart' now of itis dally con- formed by mrittag Io its Sight
eats In the COMM( 011 nor is hen through rho air.
ntral figure 4n the electlot, ram- _
lent' In Quebec. To -day he Is Mr
8peakrr, the First Commoner, far r'-
'Oh*rofrom the political )lets )n KNIFE AND FORK
t'"7) he bone• Telma4'lf 4q gallantry. •
To osp who know him, this :ran. -
In Yes to lN' farther aen.ue a interferen.e 411
a ••Soinelioiy had Hebe•:fel the drat
der wit41 a M•rew-driver." •
tai "glad the. shirt was gone?'
t+ ••kno. nothing' Someone had Jrl,
!tarn n -said *mare foot nett of th
' front part of the shirt -flit. And 1
•inred me eo Olaf 1 dr.pp,'d the .•teal
The war veterans of Clinton hare a
ennlred 11 brnneh of the f nnadtan d
T o
t n, with Hn initial mnmler+hip ,if a
tw'e y -flee. (Meer,. ere: f'res(dent, e
rel. R. f omb,'; 144 earn-pr.aidPnt. m
l)r. T. ' '. Slam; 2nd vice-pre.ldont.
M. P. St,T:+4enrt: secretary -treasurer,'*
ti. 9. Turner. pa
T. ..o
.11 k n n a
who lin been with the
local hranrh Of the Royal Hank for o
4.., the working out of tlie,Seufhle•) my -
tery. F:ern white 1 .Iulltell with 11,
1410.►. 1 w7), *maniac the beet 'uk',n 1.,
t !get Ivn.•k to the pa.wpr-hon.P. 1 wo-
e t vette to keep a r4n•r nate!) on 411 r
earruluus, long legged longsh•+remrur
(/'nntinued nest week 4
You need save only five (5) sets
of "Poker Hands" to have this
attractive Alarm Clock ticking
a.vay in your home, keeping the
right time,' all the time.
A "Poker Hand" is attached to
every plug of Big Ben Chewing
Tobacco. All the time ypu are
saving for the Alarm Clock, you
are enjoying a tobacco of
er4(ptional quality, richness of
flavour, and lasting satisfaction.
This Alarm Clock is one of
many presents procurable in ex-
change for "Poker Hands".
Dealers everywhere have Big
Ben by the plug and by the
Vacuum (air -tight) tin.
and Save "Poker Hands"
mall is not difficult to under-
nd• r him the great stage of Since "Fruit-a-tives"
ehb and dew of battle .
Brought Relief From
speech and inter speech, :intend-
ment and au endmere-wag dim-
med and darken hr the eellpae and
death et Laltrlrr. tee: of aN those
who followed be rler's "White
Plume" Lemieux was he tritest an..
the atannrhest. Yet Ile Laurie*
was a Literal of the left -of the
aehnol of Fox and Oladt'to
!mix was was ra ;1.1r a dile," ndan o` the
Whigs, with all the Inernlned a set-
vatlam of his rare. And so with he
panning of )gorier the Ineplrat Et
seemed to go mut of hie Ilfe.
Later day mettles held Interest for
ilea, but not the Daesionate Intermit
of the pnlltleal warrior. He could
got become enthused .tither in the
battle or the 1ee1/44. The hnrn of the RS
old huntsmen watt In other and h looks ilnletasst, ek
younger.rand.. And aomehnw Lem- ' wealthof he,,alth o-bod ways
true wag deaf to 1:s clarion call. 4- " the healiee iolluea5a F
heard only the faint erhnen of b' teen." IYldrmsti. t "' ruit-a-
d and Pain
gone days.
's, tar Patine, e rot
it is wol? Known that Premier KO)); , tion simply d'. ! and Comet s.
endeavored to lure him Into the Cab- 1 E. As 4.s,
White. of t olvlr,tn, ()4.,t ,
net of 1922. He could have named + stetaa:' '1 auferad Rama Indi*eatinn
his own portfolio. But Lemieux ha t for months and r•n'lid not eat a lather.'
become a speetetnr, not a partlripan' meal. Ninon taking 'Fruit -a -Liver'
RS vlew.d the parliamentary lint i every trace of Rtotuaeh Trouble has
with the eye of detachment; the poll- diaap,p.amd. I now eat ettythin3 and
Helen was dead and the Journalist 1 k
and btstortan had emerged.
This ebange was not no -noted by
W oolleasuea and so be was called to
eel sea new person,"
"Fruit. -a -fiver" will quickly relieve
Indignation and [)y&, , 26e. and
607). a hex --at *airs evseerl4`W
The ''intern shalt night ,•nst errs
•gitntra of light nn the floors. Th(' FOR MOWERS OF
nr.loatra of the marsece started 7)p
ngein-the cell of bird•, the anise of
e of itranehee al
deeply -remote and hushed. In the
deninw the, lxrnpanta e( the mannr-
lions. had all ben' ordinary. eenslhle
.trynn-. not afraid to look in a "lark
earner. p7) the night, yen ...nth) w'e
different )fRrren
t reI+ e.a•
n their face*
1 kens remembering t4.' .trnnee
iia:.'7)d of the tiger. Then I thonehl
of .than? teas. 11114 the Veen of re
Incarnation: and finally ,a 7)e nrnnnl
to the ,nlmor41 of these_ two teflon.
t'rr tehes oti tate face of the dhn.l mon.
Again "Pm' only] I had th rt name
eyed4.f flrn1eht.
e r he drawing neon to intn.1f.
cy'•ept for the %macer :.
deteettt•e 44:4.a at work in ht-' ro 'n
!tontb4ry himself had !tone Into ti•e
•?en : whether he 1114 .o ' oat !1:',.r. t
did not know. The ?meow. hot re
t'rr,l to 41,4ir enbin•, 11+ 11411n7 in the
titter .urea of tee ovenin4a.
w7): 'r! .th,' 'ihrery. teeing' to re -e!.
j 1 don't fl
Ink hr ons boring nr
too 401 441144e... The Inst ten .lays
' -',1 mode "t!(en leets oIrnnee' irk Yit:ac.
atm hod ptek.d nn two or three little
-nom. habits% ton, tI ft were Isar"
Warty- di.treaaine to were)) The
riga+ draft cif his fo!!nr 44:!+ of
!hr 4rrntP t Inflnrrr,m: rnt11 the
"r t'f„s+n► mfnne'i', the 'hn,!ow nod
ehr ,4-,rknpas, had .tweeted his nerve.
No"4 1. thp"hrr:!king tmdnt.
f hod notteed n verbal, thine. as
'1,111,C drew on. it -, "7)1.4 2,. '7)e.
A.s t1M ether fM!n4411114 of 4.l ,• 1 -o •>•
were nvMdin_ t'tras. t'er'ra' . ., •1
ins! n MIn•l.lieee: ter 4!..' drat :. 1, •.1
1 41.1 papal three 7)r font t°tn"+ Yr r❑
(''ilia to ten 114' hod "lent nee.* of Ids
tin,. tonne from "7)r re(r.m to "r.
other SYh•Ntmr We. In the rn•,er
when lin .near greotrd him 4ottr'.•wl.•l•
onmtell. int 'ulna hn,i 1,,p41110.44.k.
"slept 1 sow• It vet wlr1,,n"1
nn)r 31on►hl4r. her( Ida ,1,!n4hter n..
welt. Of (41444.44 d'er.• 444'7)' 4.4e. ( 7)a:
4`111 1 .•••etl.tn't -went) g7)! r r!'lmt1e. 7
them F imnglnrd that fills wonht
hat have cared to be 9141.•.' In the 11t.
ears et that mnmPnL If fheee had
twee any other ehnlee F'rnm ?'m. to
tamp he .nmm•'rel the '4'rvent.. 'teem
haler for the moa acid*) *eerier. i
4' t eleven i w 'Ike' oec t. ?!'7)4
Reminds. emetic) te.eawse tie ntnea
cohere of the honer 411,7 Pecan to
west r4. ren 1 danterl fresh •'Ir. the
rrnwlneff .' w -•,ter. hr:
of14)4 a h7freed)),' omrwlthn i
ht ihr eky eteht(1f 1
1 Mothers are (hick to prate. ant-
thing whh•h brines health -tend fen-
( fort to their tittle "nes--line 11104114110
4hnt will make the hnhy welt and keep
well will
nlwnr4 mn'Irr hearty
reeommendatIon from the mother.
That is net HHhy's l)ttr, T:thlets ,are
so 4a•nnlnr. Thonsnn,f+ .f mothers
thrnttghoait the ennntre not only lee
them for their own llea!•' one, hot 7)••e
,41way4 dMltgtited to It*' Alit.'
mend them !•.other n.ntiv'r*' Thees:tet-
of mothers liner proved 1141,3"s (lar
r!t'1dt.., p. be wtthmettm 4.411 7 47) t4.•
rlr 1411..4)4'' of 04'c .f 41,.•
tonna- minor .1 111110111.4 w
of ,L•r;nrgrnrnl!t of rt1' ,ternn•fi
e•4e'- pato,- Own T:,ht'l.. -u,
ileal ),centre s.,• to take 1
•1net. In .11 •tier, Tleo
• .,fine 114.1 1/141e•'•troll : 1,•0:,44 11),
',rot .rlmpb• 4',n r•ra •. 4.47N.! t4urm-
mnk0 the *•'•'thins IN•rlu•I raw
Tablet,. ere ..,',4 to. medh•lne
or 4.y mail :.+ - , 4.• ;rem r'
ilr S4'tltinm-" 4?, r..
elite. Ont.
(nhMgea mea'rlritr•1 ,even
rr•nndthnve 7,.•.., rrn1411 w41.
of est('rttrb•ity in 4"r"m,'
rr•rolntlon4r•• r'"• 4'hrist,re
industry 7.i la Netts
Thereday, February 'T, 1929.-7
The Leading
Men's Store
Everything that's new in
Men's Wear
Ham' Tailoring and Special
(Ude; Qtly Measure
Phone 21e)
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal I
Cheritnut Coal
Pea Coal
Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg)
I can supply your wa1,!9 111
any of the above furl. Prompt
service and reasonable pricett.
T4.1••lIhiIrn• 1 7,,1 t;n,l, rich
Massey -Harris
and Genuine
Massey -Harris Parts
\1'e has'e no display a full line
of ie'a••unal,l.• Inn,•hine•s
H. Clements
Kingston St. tie deride Ont:
Palade aS$
(Apartment) able store)
Clubbing List
lite S.gna1 and The Toronto
Globe *6.54)
The Signal and The Toronto
Daily Star 6.50
The Signal and The London
Advertiser 6.50
The Signal and The London
Free Press 6.50
The Signal and The Toronto •
Mail and Empire . ' 6.50
The Signal and The Fanner,'
Sun 3 25
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weakly Star 3.00
The Signal and Saturday
Night ... 5.50
The Signal and Saturday
Evening Post 4.80
Signal awd The New
Outlook 3.40
The Signal and Comedies
Homes and Gardena 4.81
The Signal and The C*Hope
Record •, 3.76
The Signal and McLets's
Magazine __.. 3.76
The Signal and Montreal Wit.
ae►s renewal3.85
now 3.50
The Signal a n d World
Wide r.a.wd 4.211
sew 3.65
The Signal and Teethes
Companion 3.80
e rgniT-ham --.
Star Weekly 6 75
The Signal and Rod and
Gun 3.85
The Signal and The Canadian
Countryman 2 95
The Sinal and The he V
Home Journal 1.90
The Signal and The Country
Gentleman 2.90
'lobbing Rates With Other Peri -
I ndi4als May Re Had on
Grey and Bruce Coach Lines Motor CoachService
1 :((1
'2 15
2 4
1:1 44.1 I,
' A,'l. 4 11, N. M.
1'' ti 8.25
14).11) ri.Jt►
10.05 5.11.1
9,irA. 7 511
9.4A 7.,11")
14,444 7.-111
9.25 7.25
9.10 7.10
STIIATF11R1) 9.00 7.00.
A.M. 1',M.
We, make ,Inv roarer 11012 with b,44,0 4...11„r •tratf..M for tnn.)on w.1 TOr(.wln
Bus leaves Stratford at 10 pm instead of 7.4.an .i
only. We stop et ell hotels serf farm gates Coach leave. Godarich
from hotels. Coach 1 Stretford 1reek hum depot, phone 763, and
post office. Through conch beth ways
7 (its
! 1hF:R11'14
"T. ('01,1' 1 HiA ti
I'Iitl.l� ,
MIT('iI ).:i,1.