HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-2-7, Page 3The Clubbing Rate
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lilacti as lTi�lt
yeegbuxng Ging/u,
There's nothing quite like
POLISH for keeping your
kitchen range as glowingly,
beautifully black as the day
you bought it.
Try it next time! It's new -
and a wonderfully clean and
easy polish to use.
JZ,i{ o �7ii B) c>
For three oho ',refer it, Zebra
Paste Stove P0/44 /1 AN still to be
had at all dealers.
14/41114.4* IL /Na.. M.•T F• •ti
IE 11- 1-1 t�IT
Mork Parliament Held by North
Street %ou lg I'evq)IP
The meet lag of rhe 1'auug 1'wrl,le's
floe'lety of North street tutted church
on Monday evening •'f last week wile
especially interest lug and successful
It took the form of a "nock partia
meat," gtvIFg opisirt wily for the
holding of u debate to welch the
young !met. of the /hickey had chat
Waged the young ladies.
Mr. Donee- e- 4',uni.4 .11, president of
the Society. acted are 1'rirne Minlxter:
Mr. Geo. Johnston re•preeeuted the
Governor- :enerel: Mr. Gee. Buchanan
was the Speaker of the House; mei
Hary Farrow was the ,aert:mint-at
arms. and Miw Thelma 4'heer wit. the
leader of the 4lggs/oitiatl.
The r.•-..hni111 up for dio'n4ston in
the House was: '"I'hat women shout.
keep out of plitle44" The Govern
nett. which staked lt•, exietener un
this resolution. wetly upheld he the
Toting men. while the Opposition
formed ..f the young w4.u11'u of the St'
4-(011•, milled ngatn•I ft their forces of
nrc,tnent. ildiatuu!on and eareamn.
The speaker+ mi the Government
.1de of the House leaned heavily an
the fart tent Adam was the first tole
crent041. and the Opposition tnomler'
made the meet of Lady Actor and Mk.
)bu phonic
Nearly every epeaker on
the Government side gave water to hie
belief that women's Dime .:t. in the
home. hrincing u� children amt train-
ing them In the war they •hmrld go.
\1'lei•i, :u, 4tt.ls..;tiou Neaker staterd
that the majority of (TWO/inlet were
nen. n Government r'nppnrter weekly
,eame hark with the retort that if the
women did their duty In the training
nI-ehlldren 0 large perentsge' of
erfmp wnu1.1 not be committed. now,
it wise asked, e•ould a woman at1Tnd to
her home du11p' when she wonT4 he
bionic eneaged in running the affnirte
of tt.e country?
FEBRUARY 7, 192'
„hould hold the rein,
eve( terW.
Theo all bat dow
which war enjoy
Much of the as
was due to the
thswyer of Khoo
a member of the
merit, and who gave
In keeping thin;;.
order. The meeting
thank. to Mr. saw,
towo as a guest
8. 8. N(l. 16,
Following Is the
16. Ashfield. for Ja
*Y544 PerU4.-
le prover
43aote of
thj was in
8. ? o.
Sr. I\ .--France. er R1 per
vent., Eileen Trete))
Jr. 1V. -Anna ° Titl reit 76 per
cent., Colin Crozier 74.
Sr. 111.... -Alex (;a *) per cent.,
( •hath M(('onuell :.o. 1
Jr. 111. -William Rttt 62 ler
vent.. }tenant' Shaeki lfi.
Sr. 11.--Beitrtce ten SO per
tent.. llarry Sean 72. tete Re •ty 6.;.
Regg4e (:anley 53.
1r. 1I.-Tomruc Cnlert S2 11Pr
arms, Violet ('nlhert 80. tela Swan 73.
Sr. Pruner-l+ennetb Reoley.
Jr. Peine ---Cee Ila int.
The pupil marked the.' watt ollsent
Ger n few days.
a'A7.51rR R11F.tTl1Tf`K.•
The (Sppo•(tien '441.1 that ati4r 140
ent•tanding and eievereet among the
women wined he eloolo., to Parlia-
ment. The reply to tide was .that
these "'treat" women in politic.. and
there who now dpTnte n large part of
tbetr itven to afternoon ten•. atrial
affair./ and femittle.• yani4'e• norld no4
he bothered with large famille.. and
the rearing of children would he left
144 the nteolnented and 44,eultnre.l type.
The Opposition held that •lee Im-
migration bad Jerome en important
and vital a queslien ft WAR 'only
through woman'. qualities of love and
kindness that the newenmers could be
dealt with in a way to make them
nolle Canadian citizen..
After moth argnment and many
witty saltiest a motion was passed
the sessionn�+be•��..•�.closed. Over t
medlar,. tit ver •IIP . n
gelte a nn
was their first effort of the kind.
i After an interml.vinn, during which
is hearty singsong war enjoyed, with
l Mew Alma Howell at the Haim and
Mr. Campbell wielding the beton, the
deeepion of the judges -Hr. W. F.
Nitric!, Hr.. C. M. Itohrrtemi and Mr.
( R. ('. Prldham--was nnnnttneed. The
I Oppu1'ltlon was declared victorion.. !
lad 'It was decreed that the ladies
8. •8. `''f1. 7. ('Oi.P.MINE
Th following i+ the meet of 8, 8.
No. 7. Colborne. for Jsowry:
Jr. V. _-Nonoil,; Dor.' Its per ,1•tlt.,
Jr. 1V. -.Willa Reties T per cent..
John lint/•hlne R9. Lraarrsan 1?urst
711. Elmer Lea ;i,' Here M.Mi4-oael
Sr. 111. ---Harold ' Peens S6 per
emit.. Dorothy Fi-her Al F.Imer 1•'I+1(rr
76. Ruhr llntch'n: 75, Lena llnt.•hin,+
rt. Edward H.•litebeel(4.
Jr. 1)L -Norma It'ttft per tent..
Rnhy Young >14, Frank 4'X1. -),t''-1 61.
Sr. 11. -Roth Darst •1 /ter 4-0414..
11ot.v McMlehnel 32. .lrthur Me-
Mictinet 73, Lorrho• FIA•" 17, Lenard
I•'i,her 61.
Jr. 1. -Edwin Lee. - e
Pr.-42eleo Fisher.
Perfect attendance Emmerson
Dant, Dorothy Fl.her, rimer F'I.het,
' Ruby Toting. No4 na toe, Lerrine
Fisher. Lennard Fisher Helen Fisher.
IRi•]\'E J1:t'PF.EI )K, Teacher.
H.8. S. NO. 1, O/11ORNtE
Pellowtat i• the re;•re of U. S. 8.
¥0.,j. Colborne, for Jn:1ery:
.--Kathleen 1lllpnrns 113 per
ant, t'e,, Horn ,;
,- tt'ifiner R.:erfee 8fi per
n FPncan ee Keith 'saw
n Rrladlp . to mu
loon t!1s.
nano F it.ci
IL -4 -,Donald Wil.i•in, !4; her teat.
Ouetea William. at, •*il.,dfred Wat-
ttleaeon herr 61. 4Ktnneth Kerr
L-•44by:fls Kerr ghod,
Pr. (accord lo.: 4 a4::r.l--Dards
Williams at:, Ja•;k 11'iheon *
Elwin Ryan 46, Arnold Young 31.
•1)4411141 Horde 2a, •4.lett WI flame 24.
•Margaret McKnight 14.
Ttn'oe mnrkcd • here m.• -r) more
than ten days,
i XnrnhOr on rail 21; average sllsnd-
�arce ]838 ,
31.111EL W011es, Towle,
Will It Help Business
To Mark Time?
By 1934 Ontario and Quebec will need
a million telephones and the Bell Tele-
phone Company_ �fants /stew moneyto
provide them.
The company does not want any
money from Parliament. It only wants
permission to try to sell new shares to
The investors will supply the money if
they are allowed to. If they are not
allowed to, the telephone system must
mark time.
In 48 years the telephone company has never suggested nor
received a government grant; if only tyska freedom
to take further part in Canada's progress,
8. B. NO. 3, AS
School report for 8.8. No. 3. Ash -
44.44 (honors 73 per emit., pale 00 per
Farm V. -Gann MaeGnegor 72 per
cent., Duncan Simpson 64.
Sr. 'V.--t:forge TMneGO�..r *2 peer
Pent., Donald MacKay 7i. Cecilia
Bowker 47, (tram Mo. -Gregor (17. 1110411,1
Mackenzie 110, Joe Hackett 00; Joe
Ma,•inly r.- 30,
$r. ii1.-rEfhwl MacKenzie tel ler
0414., - Donald MacGregor 76. Mur
Cera Ilibben 655.
Jr. H. -Maurice Rewire N(% per
rent.. Billy Collin -on 6.i, •R.,t.ert
Rllly ) rr•ntm
(;orlon Ha,4;re,ior good
1t:1ITY -$l•4 10.\ l + s t:n it N4 I 6
GRADING ..\U for \1. '111R1iET-
l'Ol •NTS
(lee. P. Gould I. president and .1. T.
yell Secretary for 1929
• The is.Ntph.IIIV1 atnnill meeting of plied by t
the (oderk9, 1tortk•nttaral x,a•M.ty reli e:enter
was hold on NV/relay night at the town
hell. There ts:40,4tty a small St -
The pendent. Hr. Geo, P. 4;4411141. •py,
was, la the chair turd iu opening lite Year 110
meeting' NI/eke of the eperati.u, of 1924
the Soel et)• tiering the pe.t )*.,r. For 1IIL'5
1926 ..6
1927 ..73.
1fY_•c .. cyl,
work wee permanently 41mpyell. Imat ship
.Members of the Society had (liven v:ll-
uable aesi.itanee ft. conneetinr, with
the floral dlspli- at the fall fife. and
In other Ways the Society was proving
Its nw•fnlne'fn► S1,1 111 _
The wrrehtrT-trennirer. MY. H. T Point. 1
EdWardn. pre.entwl ' the financial .kill
Thr following figures us to 1yarl;et
lug of hog. in Iluron could) are sup -
he office of 1114. ngrlrulttiro4
iia at (4lttoi. -
Per engage
Per- Per- Per- ). gh4N
1111 veutti 4' coit:!I4• and
gv Select• Ile;lcle. Feeder,
('*41 26.6 1 1 ! 1 t
:127 :GI.a I '.
4(;4 21.4 4.:t
864 31.11 31 ,i.9
44.1 :G4 ',' 4.S
ping Point.. Hurn County,
Percentna ge
Per, Per- Light.
Total N'tltnee cent11e and
leg,' Select. I4,',,- e• 1'e„!er•
4.441 'i.7 7 _' e;
1.110 37.1 1 - 7
..2.402 262 2.7 6.0
1177 _ell 23 5,0
. 2.11414 264. 3.9 . 4.R.
..0.:91 311 4 1.3 5.7
.3.(;72 • 233 4.6, 4.6'
.5943 ' 40.3 74 2.3
750x s
I I eel :1.372
Exeter -4.422
Fontein!, 5.(843
Go,letfeh 917
Corrie 1.22:"
ration. rearing, no flower show o 4s
held lo 11121, but that did not mein
tient this feature of the S.cl.tc'4
antrmrnt. 441111)1 was n• fallow•+: ih•t_-niwe
1teICE11'TS ithlerate
Rnl:(nt•n from 1927 .. It 4. 7•' itis rh
f.eglslntive grant 911 41° 4:n101114.1
Metntere' fees for 1921 ^'1` 00 l.rn•,4.1y
Rale of belle., plant•. Ole. "41:. IT. Celt -valla
8711 40 Clinton
Rpent for civic intt.rn'tvnent
(plot at .n:,l(Prv' monument.
etc..) 8 17 rill
Punrtrnw' of anlh.. rdnnt-. ,4e 14$ is
Reerelary-treeserer. 'nlnrr 20 A11
leepres• end 'freight
Advertlsing - •
Reed for ••hihlren
tint n/do 1Tortiedtnrel 5o,•te4F•
fee .... ... 4 til
Bnlatree nn hand 70 "U1
214.6 1.2 4.R -
leR 3.3 6.0
:40.4 .^, 1 611 ,
2644 • 9 7.p.
^6 71
209 4 4 6.6 I I
13 4R. ►IPn•all .82214 20.9- 1*q 3.3
L 141'4 .•hoe.,' 2,C4•: 40.:1 2.0 8.6
Huron Investments limited
Stock I3rohers
Bond Dealers
Royal Bank Building, 6oderish, Oil.
Phones 430 and 445
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
All:II/ENT. SI('KNF S, ll' TO,
Some Big Bargains in Rouses just now
and easy terms for payment. Just a
few of the many:
Modern equipped home (.lose' to ttie
j Square. Must be quid. l'rke 71000.
jt Eight -roomed house, large lot, good
dry cellar. Fine location. Nearly en-
tire bourse heated by kitchen atoll.
j peke $1200,
t Cottage, 710011.
Good dwelling bailee, 2 lots, 111200.
A number of fine brick houses, full
modern equipped. Bargain prices.
A few hourren to rent.
5 (In MMs.vl• f..et4141 • 311" - 29 414
(4 23
See forth >'_444 29.9.
9.9 2.0 Fv Ilarfsa
R'nlr, n .5,:.av 27.3 3.4 8.3 �''l for e:ehauge for town pro-
Winghnn, .1. R1 8214' :t. 4.5 perty-
Wr„vr1.•r .8 79Nt 237,,41°
3.1 4.0 !.R cal scree, eery close to (loderle•b.
' . j s -t'nc(:rwft9'f Tntnl 141 I,on. 1'ri,r..11i Sett/.
x71 4t' xx Tlin. f to export-- Total 21(1 hog' -140 acres, wit taaproved, some tits
her. t'riee - ti
The ete_.I__ ./f ..,Iter. r,nitn.,1 ,.-
re'l,1rv: Prm.t.leM, non. 1'. Ronht; 1•t A F1tre Lawn Gara+a
For 4hd ruaking of ;nen,1 there t•
prnhnidy no ern.. .nlr•rior In what
nre kll0Wn t:, the it•n:t., of w'hicl, there
are two varleti4...f onitnnding vide"
I'rimc Edward L:en,i 18'ut. ts•lIIlii-
eally known n..tgres4i. tonal-. and
Velvet 140nt. Agruai. conn. T1*
t►omhdo❑ Seed 4'omitil•eloner tillCleen
olesercing the ebaraelertstiee of this
orris.'. pnrtlettlarl• ..n colt rnar.e'
where the plrtting green4 err r eptired
to 1.' densely 44.40404 w'i41t a erne. of
fine textnro. The growing of T'r{n4w
Edward 1.lar•d Tient•.sed 1. leromine
an industry of con.idpr,hlm import-
anee. The production of the seed ie
aaperriw'd t.y the In•peetere of the
See.) Rrnn.•h, witn examine the M'hl'
lefere hnreealtltt and efterwarls
grade the wed for tem trade. Prince
Edward 1•tnnd Rent. ,,wording to
Seed , Onniatanaoner titlark, products,
a very Ute. ober. dark seen tart` ft
:row" nnricht. %proud. by %bnrf under
:ground stores or riot -trek•. null ',toke-
n fine lawn gnl'•k!r from Rowing.
Ir anld to he r(e!n(red mil.
'fertile dry period. and ecrerfenm let.
,rhow•n that the turf IN 1•!rhlr re.l-tont 1
to what 144 knawn as "h►nwn patch " ;
in its infirm hnbftnt the fMet 4-r•.•-•
4-r. u. welt on hinds ran„her from dry
r.. m.>:'4. • venni from Inset s',!!, to r•in1
loom. nor) Oren nn No!'• that tiro
'fronelc :n•44. ft !v eln(mr'I '' brit,.
the farther merit of lersi.tlnc throne'
dry or wet summers and ".tnn•ls ex
mentre 4...err'r,' winter '•nndltinn.. Ent
4nwn mekfnc Prins) F..1werl (.1•tn.i
Kerr' mac very snf0ly M' Ghon n trio"
ritm 1•re•Idmnt, Mr. F. 11, 11nrsl; 2t1
r•(ct.preadcnt. 'ir..J. C. atewnrt: .Ii
reefers for,‘. ('(^-!180. 11. W. Knight.'
Mr.. Econ.,. Yji.• SwaBel.1. 14 11ark.r.
W, R. Barkelon. J. 1V. Moore.
The directors elected 1n -t year 1,..-
197"-29 pre: W...4\.1.1.114,0. J. 1'. Felt.
30a. Jock, Mrs. Entre. A. 11. Robert.
ant. 419'. i.nithroeite.
Tlu' pre„i.lent n,nl SIP --r-. 11. T. ) .I
ward. and J. T. Felt were ephdnted
a purohn•inc rr.mmittm.
A' r(esnlitlnn wen• 1044.0,1 that n
(lower !flow b' 4)01.1 thi. soar, 81441 It
was de0idma to john the Ontnrin Hor-
ttealtnrn1 .tel*jatinn and s n4 the
.e rotary n• the Sor•iotr': delecale. By
another regio otlnn the Society proffer-
ed its en-oneratinn nn,t •ts•letnnee in
the beautifying of the hoepttal
general meeting had ad-
dlre•'tor. trot and pro
4'4044'4to the nnr•,•inrmerit .,1 1t .4e.re-
Mry-lr•ateirer. Sir. F,,1 varl-. who Surd
held the prwtftnn for three true-. eon -1
*tiered that he hn4 served '"ng.,
mooch :,n.1 ,leeptieil rennnrri,,tment. i
And 54, .1. T. -Fell wen- tmrsnnfis.l to
serest the pxwition. whi••Ii entail. a .
Mn•ldernlde t,irtinn of the mSernt it
wort( of the Stu•lett%
The dlreetor. will meet acorn on
Frhtnr flight to ,liens. plan. tor. the
rom4,, roar's work. •
Relief Comes Through the Use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
The most a de -emetic enRerer can
hope for Itt robt,I,:g snmPtltint: nn the
.4nllen. aching joint, to a lilt!.• relief.
:and i,11 the while the freebie i. tte
coming mere firmly rooted. 14 is eetel
known tont rheumatism is rooted in
the MA.•.d, and that n. the 1ronh'e r.e.
on the blond become. .till further
thin nod -watery. Tn get rid t'1 rhea-:
mnti•m. therefore, yon m11•4 go 4, the
rant of the trouble In the bhs.d. Tent
WEST W.4.WA1(10411
The conned met Jnnnerc 1411, n• ler
't:etnfe. The 11129 emeteil ht'. the
feliowing nernlf'r.' Re .,'. Wn, Mole.
fee,nrillore 'Mtn. onewnrl,
Todd. Wm. Carr end Tb.. 1V•0. -ter;
The minutes ..f Inst meeting oro rend
and adopted and the fnllowine ofitrre
mere appointed:, ("ark. 1), •Plrlllipa;
74ea0nlr,'r. INtn. 1\'rhaer: n-'c.'a,r.
84444 lfnrr,y : eelleetor.
nn.119 rr, tin,. Rtewnrt .n,,4 Th",' 1:
Taylor:.nr4•tnkrr, John Forth: itna•
Jr. 1.-,44.4.1y 11n•'Oregcrr, Donal et why hr. Willintn•+' fink ]'ill tette of 114•'lth. i)r. Weir and 1) 1i. Ilei'
Sfmpae'n. Ilarold John•tan. prn4't w. ►enrflcial when token for ray: 4,nitnrr inals•.•!.r.. C. W. Ale Ili
Pr.-Ar•hle M*1iutyre, Jack_ prep., trntttlh'.. They make now. rich I ".n...1ohh Redmond- sheep vole/Go,: ,
non. i4onti whkh. pets _t_h_e_p lw.non. prrhl.' 1e•4'le ("Iran,. .\ Anderson. 1V Tbom•-
• Tho -.e who 110r,• absent nn tee► n114 tem rbemmutl'nnil Jnmm., Serotd : penndk(elc:
many drys during the month to be
AN1-)14FiV N. 711(712P9(131,
Folloning la die rcpert of the Port
.Siert wheel: •-
Sr. t t'. F;don l'rnwford 7s per
•( Wont it„y' 75. Roth/Pen
Crawford 64, Corr lacks/on (12 Ise
4.111 Murray (R5.
Sr. 111.Nil rgnret Led nor 71 per
rent., •Fehot Sinekonsle 73, *Arthur
Murray 611: Elton Draper 4441, CriffnrI
('riwford 61. groan Renreett 60.
Jr. 111.- KajEven Latinor 72 per
cet,4.. Einond *array 71. Rom )4,,j)n
•Annie Toting 64, •Wondtnw Noy
Peened-:f`ltnrtntte Crawford 77 Pse
een1., 'Warr'MeNfil nn'i4. Fred. Craw-
ford 67. Elmer Pra f 644, •(:eof)te
Frttriet 62. Prat
First --Marjorie gip'' enale 74 ver
rent., Marltnref Craw( ,18, Dorothy
McMillan 71, 'reel) 07.
Pr. --Norma Mnrray •len (Wil' ee.
• Ahsont from one. nthtatlnn or
more. a.
Neither tete nor', ,atr4nt--Adnn
Crnwfnrd. Clifford ('tfwforl.
\nmlw'r nn roll. 29: overfly, attend -
aver for ,Tnnearc. 245--1�.
L. M.\orivni ?Pi. Tencher.
mint or world neva Is s tele-
phone tell that will ton *ha 44 ring-
) fort nt .the other' et d 7tI,*ntha
There err thnu.o(n4• of fnrtnpr 4.11,ert P.rown. R. Tal lir. lt. f ebt. ,1.
rt•emme.tic enfferier• In en mon, now ,''11 h,.i.on. .T 1\'11.1,. .t. Kee. n. Aed'
well and 'drone, tsho {},rt ..__lam ii. llnmphrec. 3V..1 Miller 0tn.l 1)..\14"r'
holo.' Pink Pill, that- 'mot are row r-n4•e11mw•er. .1a. Ellinft. S, r,,bow.,•
free frmfi the action nn4 pnln• of Uri.. ft King. J."Teinrin (..tatrniaa_•;
"Trended tenon,'. One or tees. 31r• tyro Armstrong. T'. t\'at•,.n, 11. .l
W. F. Taft. 1f .K.Rnr. (tnf . even Greer. The eroutell fel lnnrnp,l 4
• T• --"1 nm 0111' of 4em wlNlnc (We.; meet F.hrnnry 40) nt 1 ern
to tell roil of the crept hnnrtlt, 1 re- nr-nviN P111Lt.f1'S. ('irrt
evolve,( from let' lisp of Pr. 1Vi111 m.' I -- -
Pete. .\fter lrin't In bed for woven ,1 heat ioaded with 560.000 eerie
wenk..nffer+n" ttninl4 !WWII' with in
N•'mmnlorr rheem•teem. relief flnnllr
rime tl.rnnR4 the 11.0'41 tilt• mo,ll•Inm
7 00141,7 not Thom•"!n hF,I onto n. tr:nr
'ifted me. and 1 eeltl4 AMC e'een when
001..4n. !fere given me. The medimel
treetme't f 1411. tnking .mmmr,l of n••
n"a'1. Then f w•'. 't,lri4a,4 to try Pr
velnicres' 4'40: Tette, end 4)474 f he.
,ran to cm rt''ref. After tektng •t4- or
o0• -,'f brae. fen rhmmmnf"sm wt'. lint
1.00.4 end 1 hare rover felt' tetter In
me Pre, 1t le'mrer,l '-rare etnee 140.1
I'nee en,A sip) 4 lent,. ht',, tlr' 4414(47) of
the trn.'hlr •IoM T mor n44 tent 1
eeeemm4nRal the n(tt•-fn- two of me
foenee who were ....Roane with sheen- '
rnotte,n and Ihm r4'1. were egnnllr et-'
en^.ere to ) fb ..nem•"
Tr,- Dr. Wilif'm.' Pink PtiT. for
enenmin. rhottmnteert. neerni„!n, 11.40-
ee•ttr.n or nerTntemews. Take them ne
a tool,' N eon are not In the beet per.
ea^•1 ran.1ft(nn end mete -lite n renPf-
once that will keen yon well art'
strong. Inn ran tet these Mita throne)
any mA11Plne denier m be malt a► !ilk'
a 10i from The Pr.W111(am•• Steell -
eine Co.. arnekvllte, Ant.
, enMrnhan,l liquor ennk eft K,•y 11'1-'
' n few dsy• ego, pr.hnllr roving men,
Styes._ Detroit Free Press.
o en to properly Iege
than price of timber. and lmpr.'e-
ments, at low valuation. Easy terms •
Many other farms. Ask about them.
For ail parti,ular1 nee or write
Reid Estate Agent
•:a= 210 Square Galerieb
Geo. Williams
Ih'alrr !n
Ml \1('Ii'AI..4N1) ('(1RPO.
Fire. Accident, Automobile, and
General Insurarre Agent
4 4thce, nest to Hank .d (:.unenw
Phone fib 4h.deriel.
Real Estate and insurance
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
idlers many slimily.. forma
••1 1 lues. ol.�u1[ ij8
regarding there.
Dntrirt Agent
Goderich Phone 115
When looking for an investment.why not buy
tile safest anti best
are represented here,
i WO good houses for sale. One furnished
house for rent.
INSURANCE.: Fire, Life and Auto
Phone 292 P. O. Box 438