HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-2-7, Page 2~ ' �:.•� a ::�" ``!
=-Thuredayt drebruary T, 1929•
1CSTIABI.It9FlFD 1.003
Member of CentdIaa W d L3' News.
Wen 'toweled=
Published every Thursday morning.
Bubserlptiou grim Vette per year
strictly In advance.
Telephone 35 , , Goderich, Ont.
W. 11. Robertson. Fdttor and Manager
T,'itlaursday, February T, 1929
Twelve Ounces of Energy.
Pleasant winter weather.
• • •
It 1R probnbl) unne,rssury to rc-•
mind the young folks that utast Thur•+
.day le -St. Valcntlu.•'s Day.
• • •
Webellsve wr :saoweow what lathe;
natter with The 111oh•--it was bitten.
some doe by a Commtmi+t.
• • •
The Dominion Parliament open. this
week. The Signal he- arranged for a
aeries of letter* from Ottawa to bei
puhlhihel during the session.
• • •
The United States Semite. a few
days after endorsing the Kelloall
peas pact. liar toted for ,a big naval i
construction program. !tut It mu* he,
remembered -that time Senator* are!
• • •
Bruin saw h.4 eitadnw on Candle -I
ma, Day and, anooriling to tradition,
went tack to -suck his paw for anothalr
six weeks of winter. With nothing to
do nut Just lie around until spring
comer. isn't Bruin the fortunate
• • •
The Orlllia Packet points out that
steam railwxs. do not run their trains
a. Last now as they did sow years
age,. This is certainly true of the
Odleisf :auu.�ur.•,•nell lag. been made by Itt. Hoe. W. 1.. lia,•kenv,e hoe that
Ia'rtt'1 1e view• of 1he•rumored 1'a,.ibiiity-+.6 a ire44 *l alaaistil Delft fa,i I' t• .4 4''e 1
-tfikeu tbreugh an ar-1, of the eertie., of the Kist Block. 1411 the right i. •'in •••hint
leader. 'and left. below, Ilan. Rodolphe Lemieux, Speaker of the House of l'owtenur.
1 tt?I • atrut . will o eu Fehruu ry T. -t live+. _•.:.:ou i•. ex -
..111 shows a moa 01141 lel clew• ,.f 11,e 1.• -tory Tower
the• tett above. Ilea. 1t. U. Ikuue;t. Conservative
he l'rninelal Government- squarely '?IT.%LFIELDS MARKET.
!eels its elongation of fifty' per cent. ----
s other I'roclu:ws are doing. 1 Has Every Known Improvement 1n
Market Methods.
No (:round for Peedmi!ua The Cut•at fruit and ,.'••table mar-
Titere between Toronto and a:.nleriereeh. t NHue,rc• Reformer I ket in the world that at ipitaltlelds.
ha! been disetatl-feet a here 111 independent +nth'.•y ..f figure"
WWI opened r,•c•eull•. by the Queen
ever sinew the arrival of the noon dPalhag with the'wlwroalr'nl+ of our
i rota an eschart;e.
Spltaltlelds has been a rt.irk.1
C...11. train was put back to its ores- ,inivrr+ity graduates is +.s •w -hot too- eine.• 1Gu2., and for centuries carafe -
it time. and to the request that the light0ufng in the war of rrfutiaig ed only of ae dInall guturl nh ,n re-
ruuning time ts• redutwd, iu order that exaggerated statements to the effe't Alen. Eden seventy est. ago Its
Goderieh'$ business men may get their' that they are tioc king t.. the United , value was fen •e tirant, and the for -
Stater. The latest available stat!►, mer proprietors found difficulty In
mall at a more convenient hour, the'
tiles ele,w• that I(.tt per ,wttt. ..f the'selling [belt ri;ht. Eventually a Mr.
reply 1s that it cannot be done. I living graduates of the UniversitycatI. Idorner, a poor ealeswaa, bought th e
• • • • i Tornuttr are resident in Canada and I rights himself, for he weld and none
The authorities at Toronto are corn- only 11.11 per cent. fn the 1'nUel i ot. his cotleague•s doing business
Stet Pst the l'nlcrrsity of \\'r+tern Im• there wi It settle, at faith 10 the fe-
mPncing to hear --what they sh.ruld � tar, . has retained s o ps•r +rut.. I lure to assist 61ca In the pufehaae.
bat .• 111'441 4111111111111.1110 hoar long ago, %hilt• 101.p•r cent.• of the University 411 Horner with . fortune, The mar-
--that there is dissatisfaction in some' )tau 1011a s graduate* have remained ket became a growing centre of
of the counties este the matter of HS le their native Country. This story wholesale distribution, and •MfeEab
,•.,4Cads a retorting, In &tweet *serf col- 1 ly the.Corporatlon of
4*We to tDlnsinion, 03 a his mei ter some £50.0
*1 anfly graduate. hive Sound theft way To -day the market doalr
dile It'rovinelal Peeer 1'omndseem,el.•where onlyk•ufpor•.aril} awl Will 1.500 tont of produce a day. Vail
omni in ,Hat• course. Evidently there Improvements have been made ane
*Ought to crush 11 ()Tivoli` fse ' of . , nnd•' r.'"" se f E dent) i •n+ re a
A perfect food, contains every needed
element . easily digested- eather
you to meet wintry W
Mair by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd.
_ •
our problems and meet our needs, ti„ -n • Minister's Partiality for,Mf.
we fora lune no four of Chios n'it ae•' lei a certain district la the north of
• ...Wing Chriethutity, or of becoming Scotland. about twenty years age•
there lived a Presbyt•gtan minister
snit 1i lsttun• f who ,�st.•t,twJ a keen
e.* ee tit hu0aor
It e. a wonderful thlug that li:i l- and Sada parUC ee partlallq for a
I our educated men -note ih'utklug i Itt.at u• snuff.
are inttKrstel 111 (Jhristitlulty and P Ou . day be was visiting one of the
their t•ritiebens are very constructive-' elders of his church. Before leaving
t ¢eltlewatt, nota Christian. said to a tide rani* the minister was a lead to
odeeonary•: "lou are dise•ouraged; tats• a rincb from the elder's suuQ-
you think ('laristktnity is spreading' bot. 'banns advantage of the offer,
urn' slowly. 'Give It feu scare &tail the divine helped himself to a "Kood-
a'hri.tianlir will spreadrivet China Ly.• pinch and applied It Cot to one
like wildfire." 1 would Lot hate the noon*, saying, A. little hero" thee
faith to say that 1n ten years Chrisnoon*,
the other with the remark. "A lit-
tiotity would have spread over China.+ 0,. te..ro."
1 would sac that In'twentydive}"ettf+�_ nuttily. sniffing the rehkat�S
• it might. Rut here be a lton'('hristian i irglf vigorously with both wastrel,
• +ayie¢ to a ('hrkRtian that 1n ten; lir exclaimed, "And a littleevesp•
cars this thin¢ would 1s114wa wt re."
There are three things that i welt
sageest as alt`.-es'etr% if ,we are to
I,.k forward to -this: 1
1. Christians unt+t nod live i,
, Christian compound*: thesemaat stat
in their homes and live th.•'r ,Phe.
• tltn live. among their can people. I
2. l'hrl+tlan•' must talk more
ahnnt the teachings : must not rem
port+ that more itt ' e. nere sold fa, promise. but tell people shout it.
China than iu any other pevbwsi g Christians' 'mn*t support
y�ir. That naeata more people are; Chrlatltn (+giro' as though they r' •
-.tidying .t ie Bible.. are interested in i Iv did believe in Chrt+tianity.
tri+tiauity. than ever before. If we We have a great deal to be tbot.k
.,1: help aur young Issrplet and all cutitui for -that oar iwnl>k' ere in s +'r�•e
eop:r to iutdPr+t:Dol that the liilole II open-mindal. Tttb. give+ p:omi+P of
1. 11.1'1I1.Tt 1N.
e dict, 4 Int.
Come. my
Jesus lives
He, Him's'lf,
Thou. 40
Thy di•o•iii"'
our l�tir,hot 1
Thee and ask
p i to wt •r tem 1 11 the old dltht•uttita of access nave
pony. had Pee •h.s•s In 7ornnto, fwd the+ is 1,10 4 have imagined. been thoroughly considered. The
,tiler (lay. In the Leglalature, the new- i total urea of roadways surrounding
1)-4'..4`,14.41 Cou.rrcatice member for Teaching Chinese laborers. the mg rket. part of %hien will be
S,rnlh Brute. 'Mr. Moffatt. asked the A number of night sc!,,ols for used NI -la) bye," will to• about 2%
(jor'-rnnn•ut. hi, oevu• leaders, what laborers are t0 be opened :non undo!, urns, providing accommodation for
the auspices of the Peiping. Porosity b.,Ween four and live hundred t.•h1-
tiro rates in his lis^t the country. unions. Attendance at these a noses 220 feet on the ground door and up- en'' :n 1110 corners n the ...reef,. tttp- conducted during working 'mfrs :ur ,,_ the+ ern• '.e went of mho." 1:
lIt een nr .off also •- oe done n
tortes which
of an hour each dray. Fac-
muni.•ipalitier to press their claim for tortes which employ more than fifty will have a total warehouse frontage and w, may ict*e their value. It 1
relief from present conditions. either men are being asked to establish to the streets of 2.000 feet, and the I eight to give. right to pray. right to
by way of a readjustment of rates or labor schools on the premises, with aggregate frontage of the warehouses i fee het ekes mar all le .!one to •e
by the development of Maitland River an hour a day granted to everyone and stands will exceed one and a hall r R
for attendance. Factories with fewer miles.
power. workmen are to co-operate with big- Some of the chief items in the to-
• • • ger Institutions, sending their es- tat capital expended are: the free -
11 1e a Hie thing 4,, P"tend "hand+ ployea to these larger places tor theft hold, £183.855; leasehold. £299.4(22;
��� v property for the extension. (235,-
a,•ro.s the seals" for the relief of .li+
thy suit prepare,
an+e'er prayer:
* bid thee ;.ray.
not sae thee nay.
-John Newton
id. wit,. didst tench
pray. teach us. WIjk
n we would e.,.• tie to to free us from
K rsd ern n't'
Tky sill. .1area
A. S. 1.etiti0' FOR FEB. 17th. NM
IA'.*On Topr-Prayer.
Lc -'.on Pat•age-Glatt. 6:' -13; Luke
13'il-I I; 1 .1.hn 5:I1, 15.
Golden Test --.Hohn 15::.
With regi 1 t.. prayer. J,••nts Flys'
"When thou •,rage+t. thee ,halt not le
as the hsps rite* ere. f •r they, lose
rtes intended to d., *+situ the high 217• of Education and the Inca+ labor cies at etre time. M oras stn dung to the s11107r+11''
t f I The 10 0!4:4 ,'xteneiou 1* about 9R,- f t ' '
to .wok+ hl the "psychologicaln wards of 101.000 feet in the bas
t" f 1' iodic' and other Huron 1 being arranged fbo with compuhurry
went When cautpit ted the market thing. ni.it t 1 a wrong w .,
ir.,1 Christianity tire for the Chinese
,.• Pell as for" the whole world; that
the Bible anti Christianity can solve
development. Are tee ready to meet
these develonm:•111 ? !Front The 111•
ulonarc Monthly.
wort way. it had come to be in
Christ'.• Inci, matter of settled ,'..tt-
rlctton among certain people, to whore
11e now delhlltely refer+. that If
they Only !.raved time. (non et. aeil
931; and rebuilding, £151,121. The kept CM*ay in the same things o, ".
and over again, they would p*trehl
total capital sunt, namely, £2,000, heaven •* a matter of right. Je-:
tress in the mining areas of (:rent'ltrl-
tain. but it would le better .till if
[addle opinion. aroused be the reve-
lotion of cohtlition+ among the
miners. should comp'l1 it reorgn11lza-
Uun of the mining industry under
which the miner, wined revive more
for their work and the "coal borons"
would receive -less for their ownership
of the mines. It Is said that two of
the men who own land In Wales from
which coal is produced hove been
taking nearly a million dollars n year
In royalties an.l rent.•',, The itritleh
people fire noted for their praet11v11 it
common sense, and here IR a ease In
w•hteh the ever'•i+c of that (nullity Is
raltel for.
"III fares tate land, to bn+tenlug itis n
Where wenIth roost mill nft. nnd mon
• • •
ItehOrls frena T,mn11a-gerr enryinR'
tandem. pf itremi.'r Ferguae'o'a Intru-
tleds with reg®M 1.1 old -age pen+lons.
ale report 101 that the i'rorince will
tw,ty-ilre per cent. nf• the ort
Mthe. pension.. leaving twenty -ti,
per Cent. for the mnnleilsilltiee to pity.
the Iloslnlon Government having,
offered to pay fifty per rent. Another
torsion to Mat the Gnvernmel:t pro-
poses to •� a proportion of the up-
keep of Aged indigent. in institutions.
ee-h Ile houses of refuge. if the f:oc-
ernmP honl.1 adopt a:ther•ef thee,
cotireP %r dip 1* open to attack for
ionise short of «fiat Is expe'.9tri of
It fine would preeent the Oppmetlon
with first -elate fighting ground. for
there ion() ,loiiht that till. pN1•1.111 pro-
seral it generally popular. The Tor-
onto • clegrlett (Conservative) warns
Mr Ferguson that the munl+ir*iIt e,
is view of the large
by the Province through lienor e
teal, the weedier tax and the ner..
sten+tax. will not aerept ehnerfuily
en added s'Imp,sltios In (he form ..f
ehargP for n14 ego pensions. There is
considered the encoder
oleo to he sediment
whwhethergip tirominlon (i(4
t, wNld My its share of the cost only*s
Ne,• Catalog Now Ready
000, is eeeured on the rates, which
may he drawn upon gip to threepence
in the pound. but when the market
ie operating; lolly It is anticipated
that the rates will no longer be called
From Sunny California
Mr. Dash+ Id. .Utkeu, Ititdwiak.
Calif. -nits. writes: 'l hook for The,
.";igsa,yl.ea+•lt week. Kee . we in touch
with tau• old 1n441 bet wpm tr
-The Humorist. Leaden.
'having reference to this meehanieni
piety. said: "14uat le a _vent mistake',
on their pert: they think they «In be
hetet for their ranch emitting. Tone
Father knoweth' what things ye here
need of before ye eek flim." No
Dreyer la Tong that 1w tensed With the
heert. - oar - prayers should he mes-
.nred by our Beetle --Joseph Perlter.
,oke i11:11-14.
Chriwt here spike a parable trntn
111s dint•iple, to teach them that.
though their prayers should long ap-
pear to 11e uatn*wered, yet they
should p'rsP4ete, end not grow weary
In 'npplicntion to Ood. sus tenches
phi+ try h•Iting, them Je(1t.0 :t I"sur
willow. 1. ler perseverfinee only.' oh
mined from tin rn$tvt mon. what nth
erwl.e she w mild not lu140
i:od Is not mdse. Ile Is good. and
disposed to t', InRthw, :Iia( to Iw'+tow
nerrr. tf, therefore. phi. wicked min
by persevering praxer was lotion+ to
do Jn"tbw. how mit,•li mare shall (31111.
1i,1 Is good. and who I. not nrtnntr l
ht• ehy nte1,s111111h111111base twin
,•II.les, do Jttstie*to them ,%1(n nisei)
to Tlim
Cit. tst.111
«twshoi!Deft w'If-r
"tt',' theta. si•s
them. 'ile en
1'h,rlsew' and n
hew the former
what he was
forget tine flint
114,1 knnw't the
tin the nth h
..-iota of 111•
his rirhtennE
, 1. 4P1'4e to 91W1
t the other
tars "!
1 MM, 3:14-15.
:.and thus i*
hire in 111m. 1
ncexrding to Nt1
.and If WP
wMittrerer we
have the petit
to teach the I'Itnri
teousne9+ Woslld tee
Another par'uhle• to
sled t4r nett. :'
hlIenn, and showed
001 before (1o,1 of
what he heti doer.
links Intnthe 1,,'•1r,
e from the fil-e
the pnhll.nn. eon
. mode no linnet of
towards (inti nr
Itte was a winner. 1101
god It. in their+
one Ives approved:
,--narne+ ('omm01,
Mnfidenee that we
• If ye risk an, thi,. •
4111. iie 'egret' it.
that ile hear n•,
.we know that we
that we desired of
Wo i %fl ilfl ITONS
China Through ('hinge ',yet
((ventlneed 1
Then. In spite of the nnr,*t. of
wars. In •tette of 1hP •offering of nor
Ipeople• last year the Bible Society re
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Use The Signal
Phone 35
Goderich, Ont.