The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-19, Page 14Our patented 'shank assembly couples unique spring-actiOn • With a wide pivot point. Shank action pulverizes soil for • a moisture-saving seedbed. • & E. Sides & Servic Massey Ferguson Dealer Lucknow Phone5284426 MF 'Massey Ferguson , ... -7,••• •••••• •,,*:•••••• • ••• g scores anct stun Bernice Kemp. bowled the high single with a -250 and the high triple with, a 618 in the first plyOff ganie of the ladies 6.30. p.m. bowling league. Games of 200 and over included Bernice Kemp 250, 115; Kathleen MacDonald `205 . Merle RhOdy, 242; 218; Mary Cleland 214; Grace ' Elliott:220; DelOreS Van Osch '249; Janet, McPherson. 206.; Marion ,Cook207; Jessie Joynt 208; and Anne Ander- son 217. Team' • points and stand- ings: Dicks '17; Chickens 131/2, Geese 111/2 , Hens 8, Turkeys 7, and ; Roosters 6. LUCKNOW-DUNGANNON• • Ladies', high single was Linda Stanley with. 258 and ladies'. high triple was Barb Tyler with' 607 in the Luck- noW and Dungannon bowling league. Ladies over' 225: Linda Stanley. 258; Kay' Forster 240; Barb ;Tyler 230; Lois Walden 228,' . Men's high single was Grant. Chisholm with 268; and men's high triple was ,.Del Nixon 'with 653. Men over 250: Grant holm 268; Del Nixon 263; Orville Elliott 254; 'and Ken Adams 251. Team standingS are "A" Foxes 5, 5; Squirrels 5, 7; Cubs 5, 10; • Cougars 2;.' 2; Wolverines 2, 9;' and • Kan- garoos 2, 9. "Ei" Chiprinnks" 2, 2; • Tigers 5, 12; -Gophers 5, 5; Zebras 2, '5; Polecats 2, 6; and Coon's 5, 12! , KINLOSS MIXED LEAGUE The men's high was Jon Zdybel with a single of 283 and a•Itiple of: 682 in the Kinloss Mixed BoWling League 'this week. . Men with a score of 200 and over were: „Yon Zdybel 283 and 222; Eric Eke' 270 and 299; Gerry v.d Klip,pe "244 and 213; Don E. Farrish 230; and: Norm Bolt 204: Ladies' high was Nikki Exel with a single of 209 and a triple of 556, Ladies, with a score of 200 and over were: Nikki ,'Exel 209; Hannah fiarternink 202; and Wilda Campbell 201, Team.points and, standingS are: Snows. 3, 167; Macs 3. 94; Kings 4, 87; Spy 4: 84; Wealthys 2; 83;. and Pippins 5, 70. Congratulations to the Snows on winning' the sea4.- on's trophy, LADIES 9404P.M., • Marie Park'had "the high • single of 326 and the high triple of -673 in the ladies': • •Pames, oven 200' inducted: • Marie 'Park 326; Merle. Rho dy,:, 287, 205; Barb • Tyler,. , . 254; Karen Allen`247;: Linda, Cranston 245; JOatine Hak 1.cerS 235; Betty Stanley 232', 22;•. ChriS.MaeDonald' 220; Carol Atkinson '218; Marg WilSon ..207; and.:'' Debbie Team pilots -:and.stand- ings:' Apples 5; 94; Oranges the ladle?' Town and Country Bowling League Nv'ent to AnnaJohnstone with a single of 203 and a double.of 342. Harry Lavis was high for the men With a .single of 192 and a double of 346. Team standings are: Viol- etS 72; Reds 71; Blues '58; Oranges 56; Greens 54; and Yellows 49.. TAX TIME GOT YOU If taktime.pUts yOy iri the Squeeze, remsrm . .ber, last year the trained specialists at Block •took the pressure-off for over three-quarters of a million.Cana- diansby preparing : accurate income tax returne at an: average cost' of only $17.75. That's a good return for the money. And a lot less. pressure, • This year be sure. - BLCI THE INCOME-TAX SPECIALISTS 19-Victoria Street Nort Open 9 a:m.-fl p.m. Weekdays; 9-4 Sat.'Phone 524-8650 , APOOINTMENTS ,AVAILABLE LADIES Ø;30 I'M. LEAGUE • Chis- 3, 93; Pineapples 2, 92; Cherries 4, 85; Bananas $; 81 and grapes 2, 80., , ,CougratulatiOns Apples for heing"the season champs. nine o'clock bowling league. TOWN AND COUNTRY Hi '11 score this week , for Or. Now EED GRAIN CLOVER, GRASS SEED Tree Mixing] CUSTOM SEED CLEANING AND TREATING Elliott's Seed Mill LucknowAnd Trucking . . 528.3500 Knotty girls meet BY DARLENE KUIK The fifth meeting of the Kingsbridge Knotty Girls was held on February 25 at the home Of Dona Hogan. The secretary's report was read by Ann D,rennan. The girls prepared dia- grams of how they would like -to decorate their bedrooms using samples of wall paper, floor covering•and wood trim.. The girls appreciated the donation of carpet, wallpaper and paint samples from Gary Ceutney of Manning's Build- ing Supplies in Blyth. Ripley news.... •from page 12 hearings there too. • So our thanks goes to Marj and Hartley, to Marion and Oliver, and to• Ewan and Marj for getting this paper to Ab Wylds in Ripley, Ontario.. Ripley area , folks are, glad to learn' that Nelson HOdgins has been discharged, front litigpital and is presently staying with his daughter Linda and her husband Bob Benson in Kornoka near London. Nelson un- derwent emergency s urgery in Victoria Hospital for a ruptured aneurism. This was followed by several days in critical 'Condition in the Intensive Care section , in Victoria Hospital. Best wishes go to Nels for continued recovery. Joe and Mary Fludder and Fran Wyldsef Ripley spent last week, Mon., Mar. 10. to. Friday in London. They motored back to Ripley on Friday afternoon. • Visiting in Ripley and area this week during the school winter break were 'Donna Reid and family of Stroud. They visited with her 'mother Mrs. Arvilla Orr arid sisters Pat. Mead, Bev Peterbatigh, and Gloria Rutledge and family relatives: • '• Muriel Osborne reports they names • of 'the lucky winners at the ,annual St. Patriek's, dance spon- sored by the Ripley: Agricultural Society held' in the Ripley Huron Community Complex last Saturday evening. Spot dances Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Scott of the 4th concession, • Clarence Cerson of Bervie and his sister Mrs. Allan Irwin of R ipley ,and for the draw for the ham '- Brian Cornish. The directors in charge of the dance were Bob Osborne, John Gamble and Keith van der Hoek. Mr. Jack and Mrs. Betty Scott returned home after a happy holiday in Florida. Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Brydon, of Southampton were Thursday guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Doti McCosh. The Brydons are former Ripley residents when Doug was the preacher at St. Andrew's United Church. Marjorie Reid spent the weekend with her 'sister in Kincardine. Elizabeth MacDonald' and Gladys Arnold 'visited with relatives and friends in Bruce' ea Haven Walkerton on Sunday.; Dr. Sandy. and Mrs.. MacDonald and Curtis Kincardine were Sunday visitors with his mother Mrs. Mary., (Donnie) MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks and ' Willetts spent a few days Mrs. Allan . Coiling entertained, a number of neighbours at a quilting last.. Tuesday and Wed- nesday. MANUFACTURED FOR. DEPENDABILITY For any field condition, any size field, you can count on the Wil-Rich field . cultivator. You get constant soil shattering action from the petented spring-action shank ,assembly. The shank tripS up to 16 inches over field obstructions. The sturdy, tubular 4-bar frame and wing have 30" fore and aft' clearanCe between crossmembers. Shanks are spaced at uniform 77 interVals giving superior trash clearante. There's constant depth control over any terrain through the use of walking tandems that minimize bouncing'over rocky or Uneven soil: Models to fit all ranges of power . -all types of fields. In 3-point or pull-type, with widths from 8 to 61 feet. Durability? You're looking at the leader! WU-Rich field cul- tivators are built for yOur'type of farming. See your area Rich dealer today!