HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-12, Page 21• • LIDDLE We would like to thank everyone for, their cards, visits and.gifts whilewe were in Wingham Hospital- and since returning home. Spec- ial thanks to Drs. Jolly, McKim and Corrin and thus- itiitaff of the hoSpital. - `c barb and Kent Liddle 32. Coming events ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE Saturday; March 15th at Dungannon Agricultural Hall: Music by Country Companions. $10.00 per couple. Hot Buffet provided.. For tickets to the dance or for the, draw on a micro--wave oven or $500 (to 'be drawn at the dance, March 15th) or for T-shirts, call 529-7796,, Pro- ceeds for Dungannon's 125th birthday. .-10 • , ' c.i .? NOTICE TWO BALE THROWER hay racks with under carriage; also step saver with vacuum pump. Phone 395-5510. —10,11 2000 BALES. OF -STRAW. Call 529-7890 or 529-7469. ' 5 ROW A.C. TOOL BAR planter; 12' spring tine culti: vator; both units .set s at 24" rows and suitable fOr soya;- beans. Contact. Gary Dauph- in, 39575617. 7-11 NEW' HOLLAND baler,.good condition. Phone 395-3239. -40,11,12 140 BALES OF HAY and 105 _straw. Phone 395- 2444: 7---11,12x 80 Acres Bush GODEPICH TOWNSHIP W. J. Hughes REALTY LTD. Rita Allen 524.9131 Res. 5244480 PIONEER Banner flemish type alfalfa fine stemmed . faro regrowth excellent winter early — early alfalfa &wee lioynord R. R. NO 1 Lucknow 528.6144 311.„ 004:0 thanks -PARRISH would like to titanic friends and' neighbours for. visits, cards, flowers and gifts while was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Thanks also to those who helped at home. .All, was very ..much., apprec- iated. Robert Famish • • • STEER THORBURN We wish to thank 'gilt friends Duncan and Kay. wish, to - and ,neighbours for their thank their family,, friends wonderful support and acts • and neighbours for helping of kindness shown to our . to make, their 40th wedding faniily during this time of anniversary such a happy sorrow. The: deep, loving OccaSion. We appreciate your sympathy expressed by all kind thoughts, cards, 'gifts will strengthen us in the. dayS --and-personal greetings.- -..:.—ahead: A special thanks-to, Rev. D. Kaufman for his words of comfort and, the ladies of the. South Kinloss Church for the lunch follow- ing the service. Ena Peter and .Elaine Ruth and Don Phyllis and. Eon Margaret and Fred and grandchildren —11 WARDELL I wish t.f.i.:.-thank sincerely my ' doCtors, Corrin, McKim, Jol- • ly, MacGregor and Moore, also the nurses and staff on 'the second floor of Wingham. Hospital for the excellent care all of . them gave me while. I "vas in,. 'ho:spital. Thanks also to inny , filen& for their prayers, visits, gifts, flowers., cards and phone calls. They were Much ap- preciated. , Dorothy Wardell —11 :NIXON The family of the. tate Clara Nixon wish to express their. sincere appreciation for the kind-expressicins of sym- pathy shown to them at this time. Special thanks to those who sent food, cards,. flowers and charitable &Mations, to the ladies of Lticknow Pres- byterian Church for the lunCh they served and to Rev. Wm. Munshaw for his visits and comforting words. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. —11 110ESTON --11X I would like to thank all those with sent cards, telephoned to my home, and visited me, during my -stay in hospital and since returning, home. Thanks to the Doctors and nurses at Lucknow, Wing, ham and London, University hospitals. Special thanks. to Dr. Corrin, my neighbours for their acts of kindness. Harvey Houston —11x CARDPARTY Euchre and Shoot on Thurs- day, March 1 .3 at 8:30 p.m. at Brookside. School. 'Sponsored by Luckno,w Agricultural Soc- iety. Lunch provided. oe. woe err Pee eor mee ore. *eerie tee lee ern!, re, ere rre DESSERT AND EUCHRE PARTY• At .Brookside School, Tues- day, March ,18, 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by Dungannon W.I. Everyone welcome. —11 Lucknow Legion . • •• Branch NO. 309 4 ' St. Patrick's Dance Saturday, March 15 9:30 p.m. Ian Wilbee Orchestra —10,11ar LttelcuOw Sentinel, Wedne 'ride yp March 121 9897PI.1011 ...ear Teo ',ire Are. err ere ...ore* e, Farm, services . The Httron County , Health TO ,Uitit invites you to attend the UNITED CO-OPERATIVES Child Health Clinic,',held 'at OF ONTARIO. . ' the Health Unit office, Wing- LIVESTOCK DIEM hatn Hospital. On Wednes- TORONTO day, March 19, 1980 from Ship your liVestock" 9:30 - 11;30 a.m. for: 1- Health Surveillance with TAYLOR 2,Aoo4ruia4cretmieg:—.....:',::—RJRJt 5, LUCKNO-W 3. Iinmunization On Tuesdays 4. Hearing Screening Or groups of 5 or more S. Vision Screening On Thursdays Viuoride brushing for ages Froin.Ludnow StOckyards 3 t..3 7ars. cat 528-3530 Home or 528.3119 Yards 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ',ASK BILL-FOR- - REQUIREMENTS OF. REPLACEMENT CAT= —39tfar LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS.LTD. Aniberley . PHONE 395-5286 CLAY / - Silo. Unloaders, Feeders; Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog Equip- ment. ° BUTLER.'- Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC - Mills, Augers, etc. ACORN - Cleaners, Heated Waterers. ' WESTEEL-ROSCQ - Gran7 aries. B & L = Hog Panelling. ---L40tfar ford, R. R. '3 Goderich. seed. Contact Fred Craw- DOUBLE CUT Red. Clover Phone 529-7134. —11,12 bottom unloader.' Liquid Oxygen limiting.-.'silos with 'TOWER KING PRESSED' STAVE SILOS manure tanks. Phohe Francis QUANTITY OF FIRST CUT Boyle, .395-5088. —3tfar conditioned hay. Highway 86 CUSTOM COMBINING west' of Lucknow. Duncan Farrish, 524-2286. With Gleaner N5 . rotary, —11,1243 wheat, mixed grain, beans, corn, etc. For further infor- mation phone 528-2072. 11 14- — 111111.11111118111MMIlliaill AUCTION SALE Of Modern Farm Machinery, 50 Stockers Approx. 200 pigs, 65 sows And Honsehold Items will be held for ELMER SCHULTZ .Let 28, Con. 12 East_ Wawanosh Township, V: block west of Whitechurch Then 1 corner south • on county , road 22 or ' 5 corners east Of Lucknow on 86 highway then 1 corner south SATURDAY, MARCH 29 at 10:30 a.m. For information phone 519- 357-1499 Terms Cash Day of Sale FARM SOLD Lunch Booth Owner or auctioneer not - responsible for accidents or losses George Powell - Clerk Jim Stephenson Bookkeeper BRIAN RINTOUL Auctieneer —10,11. MacMILLAN Sincere, thanks to all those Who remembered nie while I was a patient in University Hospital. Your kind thoughts were most appreciated." Sadie' MacMillan —11 _STEER _ I would personally like to thank all the friends and neighbours of my mom and dad for their genuine expres- sions of sorrow, in word and deed, at this difficult time. It Makes me realize how much I miss this close-knit commun- ity. My own special thanks to my 'sister RAir•-atorinY brother-in-lawNDriff; and my brother Pete and sister-in- law, Elaine, for their love and care_ not only now, but always, Phyllfs —11x BENEFIT DANCE For the Pat O'Neil Family in Lucknow. District Community Centre, on, Saturday, March 15, 9 - 1. Boyd's Orchestra. Lunch served.' —1 lnc THE IRISH & SCOTCH VARIETY NIGHT The St. Mary's C.W.L. will again sponsor their fourth annual Variety Night on Fri- day evening, March 14th at 8 p.m.' A program of Irish and Scotch songs, western and country music; also the excellent male eulogists. Bridge and euchre will .be be played, good prizes given.. An excellent lunch will be served. Admission, adult $1.50; children under 12 75c. —11 31, Cards of 'thanks 32, Coming events BLACKWELL CHILD HEALTH CLINIC I would like to thank every- one for the cards and visitS-.., awhile I Was in Wingham Hospital, Special thanks -to Dr. Jolly, nurses on first flour and Harold Ritchie, All was greatly'appreciated. Ed Blackwell —11 ere oemo lipeR4ow-sHippER Attention farmers Tuesdpy. or by A. For sale 1500 BALES OF' HAY. Phone 529-7604, 7-10,11 5RE'S IN THE.,WANTADS. C. Wanted Lae .41. WANTED TO BUY Holstein bull calves and cross bred calves • four days to four weeks. Call 395-3597. —9-12 ()lce tf your Luck Sentinel Lobel reads March 6543210 Your suOstription is due .Ohn,000:.>0170C: (Bothwell 134,1 ' Phone . Phone Wardsville 6934383 Kozneka 471-3959 Dungannon 529-7947 Washed 'Materiale.Crusbed Stone ' 'Cement Gravel: " Crushed Gravel-4-Road Contra:eters OURIED SILOS Seal and Open Top Contact CLARENCE HEHti R. R. 3, Walkerton 881-2348 p THE MAN TO SEE IS ' HOMES-. ---- ifisINTEE 504 ACRES Culross, excellent brick home with barns feeding 500 beef cattle, upright and cement bunker • silos, also area for 90 sows. 100 ACRES West Wawanosh, no buildings, approx- imately 15 acres of hardwood bush. 172 ACRES Kinloss, Whitechurch area, approximately 65 workable, balance pasture, mixed bush. 300 ACRES, Ashfield Township, 3 bedroom home, every convenience; barn has capacity for 45 sows, finishing 1000 yearly; liquid manure storage, '70 ACRE FARM, Culross Township, clese, to Teeswater; -9 room brick home, Well maintained; older. barn and new impleinent shed and corn crib. , NILE, red brick 3 bedroom, home; ideally situated on,. • about ...3 acres, a stream crosses the land, there is 'a small barn and mature trees. Must be seen to be appreciated. DUNGANNON, 3 bedrOcim home, with 4 lots. This older home has 4 pc. bath, sunporch and electric heat, asking $29,500. LUCKNOW comfortable 2 bedroom bungalow, full -length sun porch, all electric heat, on an exceptiOnally nice lot, asking $21,000. LUCKNOW, dUplex, well' located, check this property over and make an offer. Ripley area, brick home on 2 acres,. good solid 4 bedroom, Oil heat, priced at $25,000: Owner will consider 'holding a first mortgage. 'FARMS • 1.1 We have inquiries for farms, both large and small acreages. If you are thinking of selling, give us a call, we would be pleased to talk tO you. • Warren & Terry Zinn R. R. # 2, LUCKNOW, PHONE 529.7350