HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-12, Page 8day gaa LUCKNOW DISTRICT COOP s g79•53 DISCOUNT PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL MARCH 2911980 NIANtING' AVAIWLE tHROUGN Per.8,—,1410319W Scathrel, Wednesday, March 12, MO 100. p4rtido. for Dung the street scenes, canals, the windmills, and tulips, the ar- chitecture of buildings, cath- edrals in particular, held the Kerr expressed thanks and gave them a gift: *1146,14443.11160.4 icAt4414.6 '4 ,144.14 A. 4 at 044. . , PLUS $1Sitonne-bulk-,H- - SAVE 513c pe.r25.kg;bag , UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO OFFICIAL FEED SUPPLIER TO QUARTERAMA '80 AND SPONSORS OF CANADIAN BRED FUTURITIES. FOR 3 & 4 YEAR OLD , WESTERN PLEASURE . CLASSES Horse Pellets • A pelleted 12% protein, complete ration for horses and ponies. Eliminates the need for hay. Pellets stay fresh, are easy to handle and dust free. starch 1st weekend. The parade committee field a meeting at the home • of John and Kathie Stanbury on February', 27, Invitations to join the parade on August 2, 1980 during the birthday celebrations have been sent out to local businesses and individuals. It is hoped that any interested persons will contact a member of the hockey team, of which Jamie Bere, Mike Austin and Dwayne Rivett are members, lost to Wainfleet in a game played in Lucknow on Satur- day. 'This eliminates them from playoffs, but they are to take part in a tournament during winter break. The Willing Workers group met at 'the home of Penny Hodges on Thursday, March the 6. The new offic- ers for the coming year are past president, Joanne Whit- ney; president, Donna Sae McClenaghan; vice_presi- dent, Peggy Jervis and sec- retary-treasurer, Aileen Mc- Gregor. It was decided to have a spring supper again this year on March 28th.- The painter arrived at the first of the week and by Thursday the ceiling was completed, with a real improvement shown. • Mrs. Nancy Phillips, a former resident, and daught- er of Ben and Margaret Mole, is a 'patient in West- minster Hospital, London, following surgery on Friday. Two local ladies, Mrs. Brenda Fano?, and Mrs. Floe- ,ence Berry, although both live in the village, did not know each other: Following a recent hospital stay, that has all changed. They were ad- mitted to Goderich hospital lie same day, had surgery he same day and were dis- harged the same day. While .1 the hospital they shared the same room and enjoyed getting to know each other, Brenda McNea stayed with her grandparents, 'Graham of pluy at shoot party Nine tables of players at- tended the regular game night. Winners were Ed Rob- inson, high man with 260. Second high was Jim Coultes with 244. High lady was Isabel-MacPherson with 243 and Kathryn Todd with 217. Low prizes went to Donald Hackett and George Mit- chell. Bruce'Raynard wort 111.9 "Most Shoots" prize. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shetler on their marriage on March • 6th, 1980. The couple were wed in Norfolk. .Several friends and neighbours from this area attended. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd and family visited with Mr. Verdun DuCharine of Wing- ham on the occasion of his birthday on March 6. Murray Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Croskill of Windsor visited at their home on the weekend. •:...."...?"4"•i•••• FOR YOUi ham; (d) the next 4-H club is to be Outdoor Living, includ- ing camping, with the lead, -ers- being Mrs. Win, Stewart to Goderich Township W.L. meeting April 14 was receiv eel; (f) further plans were. Made for the annual Dessert and Euchre party to be at Brookside March 18; (g) Mrs. Warren Zinn 'reported on the progress of the. book; (h) Miss Beth McConnell has offered her front room.' (the former library), for W.I. display room for August 1 - 4 birthday celebration. Mrs. Clifford Purdon gave a splendid motto on Citizen- ship as it concerns young citizens, mature citizens and senior citizens. All can help Make Canada a. land of which we can be proud.. The roll call was a display of-stamps for foreign coon- 'Spain, Turkey, Japan also England, Scotland - col, lection of Canadian stamps. Another, display was a col- lection of thimbles shown by Mrs. Cecil. Blake, and a short- history of thimbles given. Mrs. Purdori thanked her by' adding to this collec- tio.3. During a projector delay Mrs-Hugh McWhinney con- ducted two contests, one on music, the other on birds. Mrs. Purdon introduced her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burgsma, who showed interesting pictures of Hol- land and of Spain. Besides Lunch hostesses were Mrs. C. Purdetn, Mrs*, Rus- sell Alton,. Mrs. Wm. Ste*,' art and Mrs. BOK Irvin. a cup of tea brought 1E6- - meeting to a close, BY iVIAME kARK Ocapitc Ihe icy road condi- tinna_last Wedn indergarten in September. afternoon and evening. ,ome frOrn, our area are DUNGANNON W.I. 'renda and Barbara NiVins' Dungannon Branch of ,the 1l); Keith King (Bill); Tri_ Women's Institute met forits la Ohm (Ken); Roalind March .6 meeting in Nile L wl (Greg), Dana Park Church with CitiZenship and s Rick) ; Denise Curran World -Affairs as the theme. alph); Maribeth Dawson Thepresident, Mrs. )ave); Jeffrey Brindley George Errington, welcomed ROss); and Michael Spivak. • the members and guests. (Laird). Amy Olson will be There were 30 in attendance. registered at St. Joseph'5, Mrs. Sam Gibson was pianist. Kingsbridge. in the ..abseme of Mrs. Kathie Stanbury attended Gordon Finnigan, The minutes and, financial • he annual ' Hairdresser's onventiein in Toronto on- statement were read by Mrs._ Harry Girvin, secretary- treasurer. Several items of business were discussed: (a) the beautiful dahlia quilt, completed, except for its border, was displayed. Tick- cfs are to be solkon kt„a'nd the draw will be rni'd.ejak the August birthday celebration; (b) the tied quilt has already been sold; (c) all are welcome to attend the Summary Day , I ,o,ret mittee . _ for the Indoor. Plants and Mrs. Graham McNee ac- Tylaciame course - at Wing :oinpanied Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan to Un- ion •last Sunday to visit Mr. were played at the Agricul- brother, Craig stayed with ture. Hall. Ladies' high was Dave and ,Sharon DawSon, Debbie Park while Mary while their mother, Angel • Stewart was, second high. McNee attended :the funeral, High gent was Jim Errington of a relative in Sudbury last and Paul O'Donnell was "elc, second high. Stephen Park Mrs. Joy Vella of Clinton had the most lone hands and spent the weekend with door prize was won by Lynda Graham and Bessie McNee. McNee.-.-, Judy and George Smyth Church and Sunday school and Nancy and Neil Staple-. will resume in the United ton returned on. Sunday from Church at usual time, -Sun- a one week trip to Freeport, lay, March 16th. , The Bahamas, with nice sun Kindergarten registration tans. Vas held at Brookside on . A few from our area at- vlonday, March 3rd. There tended the ice, carnival, at re over SO tots registered for Goderich arena on Saturday And Mrs. Allan McNee and amity. to The Lucknow Bantam mow PUT: Sweet. Horse Feed A lower protein feed for 'mature animals on; good quality hay or • pasture. Contains , a generous l'evel of crushed oats, plus minerals and vitamins. Highly palatable. Starter Ration for Foals High protein, pelleted feed that". provided essential minerals and vitamins to enable the foal to grow as rapidly and healthily as pos- sible. Made from high quality ingre- dients, Mrs. Alvin Sandwiches with relishes and in g, nine tables of etictire an'Bessie c ee, an and. Elaine; (v) 4u luvitatinn-7-ttiesr-'-and,—these- 14%.,HOrse Ration' -- A highly palatable, pelleted feed for horses that need extra fortifica- tion. Formulated to be fed' with hay. Contains Mirra-Coat fbr pliable skin and a prize-winning sheen. 24% HorSe Supplement A high protein supplement fortified with vitamins and minerals. Suitable for growing or working horses, mares late 'in foal, and stallions in service.