HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-12, Page 2noising it won't e it go away- Keith NOrton, Minister of Community and - Social Services William Davis, Premier. Ontario 1044;60ir &MOW, Wetilnesdity7 Much ,12, 1980 awanosh want assessment anges explane West Wawanosh ToWn- • ship Connell. met for the regular March session at the ' Municipal . Office on tues day, March 4; 1980; All _._:_mernherS r _attended,,ith- Reeve Foran presiding. The ;minutes Of the Feb- ruary meeting were read and adopted on motion' of Coun- eillors Hickey and Cranston, The Clerk was directed to contact the Assessment:Of- fice with regard to having repreSentatives speak to Council: in connection with .....-___As5essnaent_alierations under, Section 86 of The Assess- ment Act, at the April meet- ing, By-law It '18, 1979 Was given third reading and fin-' ally passed on a motion by ::Councillors .Cransten and Durnin. This is the berrow-. Mg by-law to prOvide aid in the construction of tile drain- age loans. 13y-Law ft 4, 1980 was ' given third reading and finally passed.on a motion by -.Councillors Durnin and Cran- ston, This by-law iitioses special rates on certain prop- erties in the municipality to cover tile drain loans. Motion by Councillors Hickey and Cranston, That West VVawaposh accept The quotation of Corrugated Pipe Co. Ltd. for the supply of--a 49" x 79" riveted pipe arch culvert, at $55.85 per foot. Motion by Councillors Durnin and Hickey, That West Wawanosh Township accept the quotation of Pol- lard Bros. Ltd. for the supply and application of liquid cal- cium chloride at $118.25 per flake ton tequivalent for the 1980 season, subject to ap- proVal by the Ministry of - -Transportation _and --Corn- mu nications. By-Law it 5, 1980 was given third reading and fin- ally passed on a motion by- Councillors Aitchison' and Hickey. This is a Peace Time Emergency Measures by-law which Maitland Valley Con- , servation Authority drafted and submitterffor considera- tion. It offers liability pro- tection to Council for deci- sions made during an emer- gency as Well as, outlining . responsibilities for municipal officials and employees. iviotko, by Couricillor4 Hickey and Aitchison, That 2West. ,Wawanosh Township accept both the tenders of Norman McDonald and Torn Armstfong at $145. per Cu. yd. for the first 6 miles and 51,20 pet inile thereafter' for supplying and hauling pit run gravel to municipal pro-. ieets fer 1980, with, the road superintendent to use. his discretion 'in dividing the work as equally as. possible between the two. • The road accounts were `ordered paid On motion of, Councillors Durnin and Cran ston. • ' Mbtion by Councillors Hickey'i and Aitchison, That the road superintendent be authorized to, advertise for tenders:for crushing and hauling approximatelY 21,500 cu. yds. of granular material to roads and stock, piling, approximately 500 cu. ''yds., in: the 1980-season. The Hamilton Drain pre- lithinary report submitted by Engineer Wm. Shifflett was diseussed, and it was agreed to meet with the engineer and the owners concerned on Monday, March 10, 1980. Motion by Councillors Ait- chison .and Hickey, That West Wawanosh. TownShip accept the application of Gerald Jefferson to count the dogs in the Township at $1,85. pet dog. . • Motion fOr Amendment by 'Councillors. Durnin and Cran' skul l That *e-a-Virawanogh Tovvnship accept the applica, " tion of Kathy Ann Olsoli to count degs in the municip- ality at S1..75 per dog. Reeve Foran voted in faVour of the motion, thereby defeating the amendment. Motion by Councillors. Cranston. and Hickey; That. West WaWanosh Township Council hereby gives -first, second' and, third reading, to.. BY-LaW #'6,, 1980, to author, ize a raise in the rates to be charged to dog, owners in the Township. Rates included -in the by-law are: first male or' spayed female dog; $5.00; , each additional male or spay- ed female, $10.00(first fe-. male dog; $8.00; each addi- tional female, $15.00.• The general accounts were Passed. for payment 'on 4' motion by Councillors Durnitt and Hickey. , • vERCS BIG GAME IN THE WANT a a Child's play Victoria an rey We take the mysterY out .of mcogages.;,.0tir experienced and knowledgeable counSeilors will see , that your rkortgage is: Clearly • explained, tailored to your needs and processed quickly.. If you need a mortgage loan .put • Victoria and.Grey into the_picture and let us help you. ' Contact us in. Stratford at: One Ontario St 271.!2050 Comer CH Meier & Ontario 271-5011 Op?» Saturdays • .New Et -Used ... ialpill;v4 tirill i t t wsai IA ilikr 50 Bush International, Dunhum-Lehr, 1 25 New and S-Tine • New FIELD, ' New & - ALL VAN Clifford John Deere,iiiio , .rti. Hog, ' r*--&(._ -- . t ,,,5 -`q4,1 .0.%,fte." •'2S''''` 1: 0 - : Completely New CULTI -MULCHER FERTILIZER SPRAYERS, Cockshutt and Case DISCS Overhauled (From 9.to 22 feet ). & Used 9 to 30 foot Vibra Shank CULTIVATORS (with or without following harrows or packers) PACKERS 9 to 40 feet. PACKERS 106125 feet- Used SPREADERS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, CORN PLANTERS, CHAIN HARROWS, DIAMOND HARROWS ETC. AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES EYL .BROS. Ph. 32178045 Lucknow Ph. 528-A618 - e m over e The new Ontario Child Welfare Act requires that professional persons who work with or who treat children must report suspected cases of child abuse to a Children's Aid Society. That's the law. Reporting suspicions of child abuse is one of the best ways to help prevent child abuse happening again. • Child 4bLISS is everyone's cOncern. Teachers, doctors, nurses,,sOciat workers-all persons who work with or who treat children-need your active support if they aret6keep children from being abused, The professionals need your assistance', You're part of the solution . To find out more about child abuse. /write for our free booklet, "YOU AND THE ABUSED CHILD". :f)01 ueyea~ Write to: Child Abb§e-Information Ministry of Community and Social Services 7th Floor, Hepburn. Building Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario IvI7A 1E9 SC