HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-05, Page 23Du'l'l Appreciatel ese
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*tram page 1.7
in charge.. The new
president for 1980 elected-
at the meeting is Robert
OsbOrne of 'the fourth
coneession east in ,Huron
township. Also taking
part in the meeting from
the Ripley-Huion area
were Jim Farrell and
Kermit Goodhue.
Ab Wylds will need as
much as possible of the
news items by Sunday-
evening because Mon.,
Mar, 10 looks like a real
busy day with-time away
from home.
Th tineral-sery ice -for- -
Lorne Becking who died
early last week was held
last ThitrAday__rnorning,--_
Feb. 28, in Teeswater
fol,lowed by interment
there. The late Lorne
Becking at one time drew
loads of firewood slabs
into Ripley.
The funeral serviee for
Mrs. Ruth Steele of
Mississauga, formerly of
the 2nd concession west
in Huron township and
Kincardine., was held last
Saturday afternooninthe
MacKenzie McCreath
Funeral Home in Ripley.
Mrs. Steele, in her 82nd
year, died last Wed-
nesday in' Mississauga.
Spring interment_will— . be
in the'Ripley Cemetery.
She was predeceased by
her husband . Walter
. Steele of Huron. Sur-
viving are her son Sandy
and two grandchildren.
Sandy is a graduate of the
former Ripley Con-
tinuation School - class of
1950 when we were in the
Ripley Public School. He
is remembered as one of
its track athletes.
Sympathy is extended at
this titne of bereavement.
A resident of Ripley for
the past few years, Alex
Wittig died last Thursday
in Kincardine and
District Hospital. He was
close to his 80th birthday,
, The funeral service was
held in Kincardine last
Saturday afternoon with
interment in Tiverton
Cemetery. He was
predeceased by his
parents and one brother.
Surviving are two sisters,
Allan Alexander Millei;Of
died in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London on Tuesday, Febrti
ary 19, 1980 following a
lengthyillness: He was 58.
A farmer he was a direCtor
of the Huron County Pork
Producers, for 12 years until
the, time of hiS death and a
past president° of the ttiek-
Born in WeSt W. avitanosh,
he was a son of the late
Wallace and Christina Miller
of West Wawanesh.
He married Eileen Elliott
of Holyrood on September
.1953 at Lucknow linked
Church. .
He is. survived by his wife,
two sons, Douglas of Milton
and tyro, at home and one
daughter, Lori of Edmonton,
Alberta, A sister, Laurine,
Mrs. Frank McQuillin, IL 2
Lucknow, also survives.
The funeral Was 'from the
MacKenzie ,and McCreath
Funeral Honie on 'Friday,
—February 22 at- 2--p!rna
Douglas Kaufman of Lnck-
now United ChUrch conduet;•
ed the service. •
'Flower bearers were Lloyd
Mrs. Arehie MacKay and
Mrs: Lena (RObert)
Kearns : both of Kin-,
cardine. Sympathy is,
extended at this time of
° Mrs. Mary (Donnie)
MacDonald of Ripley .
called' to inform us of the
sudden, death . of her
,brother Donald in.
Toronto, Donald. was a
patient in Wellesley
Hospital in Toronto when
he died from, a sUdden
massive heart attack on
Sunday, February' 24,
1980. He:is survived by
two sisters - Mar'Y of
Ripley and Sarabelle of_
Toronto and four brothers
Mac (Malcolm) and
Kenneth of Toronto and
John: of V enezue I aiSon
America and George of
A native of Lochalsh,
Donald was born on
January 21, 1908, and
spient his early years on
the family farm on
sideroad 20 just north of
there. He attended the
Lochalsh public school
and the Ripley. Con-
tinuation Schon1„,
Graduating from R.C;S.
-in 1924 he took the Upper
School .work at Kin-
cardine High School.
Then he attended Normal
School and taught in
Manitoba. During this
time—he took'the first_
years of the engineering
course at the University
of Manitoba in Winnipeg.
For his final year he
transferred to the
Engineering.School at the
University of Toronto
where he graduated as a
civil engineer in 1937.
Seven. years ago on his
retirement as an
engineer Donald got a
hothe in Sutton. And the
funeral service and in-
terment service • were
held in - Sutton last
Wednesday, February.27.
There are still a
number around who
remember Donald, at
school here - -a clever
student with good
common sense - which
was something back in
those years. Our sym-
pathy goes to all mem-
bers of the Finlayson
family at this time of sad
At the Kitchener-Waterloo.
Hospital on Saturday, March
1, 1980, following a lengthy
illness in her 69th year, Della
Gilmore of SO Lucerne Dr.,
Kitchener. A member of
Blessed•-Sacrentent R; C.
Church and the Kitchener
Senior Citizens. Daughter of
the late Edniond•Gilmore and
-Teresa Kelly. Wife of-the-fate
Conrad Krett. Mother. of
Conrad, John, Theresa, Mrs:
Michael Schwager; all of
Kitchener, Joan, Mrs. Keith
Mitehell, of Waterloo and
Stewart, Clinton; Adrian
Vos, Blyth; George Camp- Gammie, Larne Forster,
Seaforth; John Paul Willi de Boer, William Ross,
Rau, Zurich; Elmer Harding, Donald J. Gaunt and INI,urraY
Gorrie and. William Leeming, Gaunt. , Seaforth,
Jessie Isobel, ,died at the
WellandWelland--County : General
Hospital, on February 28,
1980, in her 68th year. Mrs.
Allin is; Survived by one
daughter Mary (Maude)
Mrs. Ralph Haines Jr. of R.
R. 3 Wainfleet, 'on son
Russell Min of Australia,
stepson till Allin of Burling
ton, . Stepdaughters, Jean
(Mrs John Ke lly) of
Harold, per.parents, William
and Mary Ann MadKenzie
and one brother, Dr. Grant
MacKenzie. Mrs. Allis rest-
ed at the Armstrong Funeral
Heine, Port •Colborne; then'
to the MacKenzie. Funeral
Home, Lucknow, Ontario,
where funeral serViee was
held on Monday, March
Intermentat 2 p.m. Interent in Green-
hill Cemetery.
ton and Carolyn (Mrs. Penn rock Funeral Home, Si 1:/en
Norris), of Michigan,
- 3 ton St.,' Kitchener. P4tish cardine. Due to ill health
grandchildren and several rosary Monday, March 3, at she lived at Chelsey Park
stepgrandchildren.- She was 8.00 p.m. PrayerS were offer- Nursing Home in
predeceased by her husband edon . Tuesday, March 4, Mississauga from 1972 so
Clifford Ph. 327,8046 Lucknow Ph, 628-3818
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All available • in certified
registered Canadian No, 1.
Clara Belle. MacLeod, Wil-
loughby Street, Lucknow.,.
died on March 3, 1980 in her
87th year. Wife of the late
Harry Nixon. Dear mother of
Dorothy; Mrs. Cyril Brown,.
Lucknow and Evelyn,. Mrs.'
—Jaek- HuSsey of Walkerton;
also survived by three
grandchildren. Funeral to
take plaCe frorn the MacKen-
go- and. McCreath Funeral
HomejuCknow at 2 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 5, 1980
with Rev. William Munshaw
of Lucknow Presbyterian
James and Arthur of Luck' daughter of the. late
'now, Gerald and Miss Fran- Alexander ' and Ellen•
ces.Gilmore of London; Map-. Nephew.
garet, Mrs, George Halloran, In 'Oetober ,1927 she
of Buffalo, and Helen, Mrs. ' married Walter Steele
Wray Pearson, of Stone37- and resided in Toronto
creek, also survived :•by: 12 until:. 1930 when they
grandchildren. Predeceased returned to the family
1?y one daughter, lv.fary, farm on the 2nd coo-
natton at the nitretter-Sand- cession of_Huron. In 1958
they 'retired to Kin-
Elgin and Highgate
• where she founded -the
local—chapter—of —the
C,G.f,,T, •
She attended Kin-
cardine Baptist Church
passed away at Pine River United
MiSsissauga Hospital on Church, Kincardine
February 27., 1980 after a United Church ' and
,short k Coosville United
The -former Ruth Church, When health
Agnes, 'Mrs. Douglas Bey: Marion Agnes Nephew permitted she attended
non, of Lawrence, Kansas,- was born,'.in Kincar,dine and worked in all •the
Sister of•Edward of Calgary,---Auguste 7 1.-80, the Women's Organizations
of these churches and
19 at the Funeral Rome at until date of death.
.30 a.m. followed by MaSs---"- to the ' b
of Christian Burial . at. St. profeSsion, she taught in
Francis R. C. ChurCh at 10.00
a.m. Rev. Edward Sheridan
officiating. Interinent to fol
low in Woodland Cemetery.
Donations to the Canadian '
Cancer . Society would be
appreciated as expressions of
Pallbearers .were Ross, Spring burial in Greenhill the high, scheols of Port
A large stock of monuments at fair prices
Available far evening appointments
• .
Ruth Steele, wife of the
late Walter B. Steele,
took an active par-
ticipation in community,
Surviving, are her son
'Sandy and. two grand-
children Jayne-Ann and
Scot, all of Mississauga..
She was predeceased
by a brother William-and
a sister Bertha
Funeral services, were
held" at the MacKenzie
IVIcCreath Funeral Home
in Ripley on March 1. 1980
with interment at' the
Ripley cemetery.