HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-05, Page 2131. Cards of thanks' LIVINGSTON Our sincere thanks to Drs.' Corrin, McKim., 4011Y and Wilkins and nurses on the second floor of •'VVingham Hospital.. We would also like to thank our relatives, friends and _neighbours for - their flowers, gifts, cards and visits , and also' to the ones who helped, Joan and Leslie -10 CARD PARTY • Euchre and. Shoot on Thurs- day, March 13 at 8:30 p.m: at Brookside School, Sponsored by Lucknow Agricultural Soc- iety. Lunch provided. -10,11ar ° ST. PATRICKS DANCE The Ripley Agricultural Soci- ety are sponsoring a St, Patrieks Dance in "the Ripley • Community Centre, Satur- day, March 15, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music by Impressions. Tickets available from direc- . ters.-9,10ar SEAT BELTS SECURE OUR FUTURE TriE RE- ,N ENE WANT 110 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted ' 13. Wanted [general] 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In Memoriam 31. Cards of thanks 32. Coming events DEADLINE Classified Ads 5 P.M. MONDAY COmIng events 32, Coming eVo3ntS Ads cannot be aceepted after 5 p.m. Monday for that week's paper.. ' pick/tow Sentinel, Wednesday, Karel! St 1980-Page 21: In loving memory of a dear Will run March 3 to April 6. In St. Helens Institute Hall, • FARM SYSTEMS LTD- • F.00. !PF .1!!!..f LYNNLGWRY II " 410 "1 11, " • '• 11! 1,0 iu itt r? • Alexander, 9:30 p.m. Ian Wilbee Orchestra I . -Terms-Cash Day ofSale FARM SOLD Lunch Booth Owner or auctioneer not responsible for aCeidents or losses George Powell - Clerk Jim Stephenson Bookkeeper BRIAN RINTOUL Auctioneer -10,11 ASHPIELD TOWNSHIP• Beef set up. 200 'acres. Level ACORN - Cleaners, Heated land. Good buildings, Waterers. ,- WESTEEL-ROSCO arres, ' AUCTION SALE Of Modern Farm Machinery, SO Stockers Approx. 200 pigs, 65 sows And Household Items •:ELMER-SCHULTZ Lot 28,''-ton. 12 East Wawanosh Township, 1/2 black west of Whitechurch Thep '1 corner south on county road 22 or corners east'of Lueknow on 86 highway then 1 corner south SATURDAY; MARCH 29 at 10:30 a.in. For information phone 519, 357-1499 Feeders, Conveyors. • FARMATIC - Mills, Augers, NEAR DUNGANNON - Hog operation, 100 acres. Excel- lent buildings. . ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP NORTH' Cash crop, 100 acres, No buildings. NEAR BLYTH - Hog finish- ing operatien. 128 acres. Good buildings. NEAR BLYTH - Hog farrow to finish. Also beef set up. 147 acres. 2 Harvestore silos. ;ISM 41 a 4 " • Lucknow Legion Leg EleVatOrs, Liquid 750LAcEs_cash eref,_Lui,,, Wineries keep you 04er... Next clinic. March 12th Blyth. Good-buildings. Saturday, March 15 BUTLER:- • 5flo Unloaders er, and great grandfather Ted Collyer.,•:',10ar• PHONE 395-5286 away eight years ago, March IIVINIUNIZATION CLINIC GODEOICH524-it7/ Fee.ders Cleaners Stabling • -.Y.. husband, father, grandfath" Local campaign chairman is On Thursday, March 6. -10 ' • Amberley Realty ltd. . Orville Tiffin, who passe • NOTICE CLAY - Silo 4Unleaders, FARMS FOR SALE • Bruce County Health,Unit As time unfolds another Infants, Preschooler ,Adults ____ h--No-.10 -------'1,ir e Equ-ipirnent, Hog Equip-, Morris.. Township, Near • year, . 2nd Wednesday each month St. Patrick's Dance ment. A. For_sale_. L - Hog Panelling- ---40tfar 1500 BALES OF HAY, Phone 529-7604. -4-10,11 TOWER KING PRESSED STAVE SILOS Oxygen limiting silos with bottom unleader. Liquid manure tanks. Phone Francis Boyle, 395-5088. -3tfar 2000 BALES OF' STRAW. Call 529-7890 or 529-7469. -8tf r. will be held for epached on __his_ mobile telephone. Ask Oper, ator for Mobile YJ6-4367: 4, 1972, • near, • Always reniembered and 'sadly missed by wife and family, -lQx -Oar.---10,„11ar FAMILY NIG4T VARIETY CONCERT AND DANCE Lucknow Legion, March 8, 8 p.m. Ladies . Please bring AdultS-$2-,--Students'$1 Or $6 'a faMily. Icouritry Kats Orchestra. -10arx WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The Women's World Day" of Prayer Servide will be held, in the Lucknow Christian Re- formed Church on Friday; March "7. at 2:00 pan. Nursery 'available. EveryoneWelcome to attend. --10x HO WICK LIONS BINGO Will be held on Friday, - March , at. 8:00 "p.m. in VVrthreter Cominunity Hall. Admission $1.00, 12 Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00 Spec- ial; Jackpot $160.00 on 58 calls; Purple .Ball $60.00. Door and Cons- cation Prizes. -10ar. • RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Will be held on March 5, 1980' at 8 p,m. at the Tciwn- ship Hall. 10 regular games at $15.00; PUrple Ball of $50q 4 corners jackpot on 5 calls, -$30.00; one share the wealth; 2 'specials, $25; one jackpot of.- $600.00 on 56 calls; consolation game of $57:50; 5 door prizes, --10ar 80 Acres Bush GODERICH TOWNSHIP W. J. Hughes REALTY LTD. Rita Allan 524-9131 Res. 524-8480' ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE Saturday, March 15th at Dungannon Agricultural Hall. Music by' •Couriti•-y- Companions. $10.00 per couple. Hot Buffet provided. For tickets to the dance or for the draw on a micro wave oven or $500 (to be drawn at . • the dance, March 15th) or for T-shirts, call 529-7796. Pro- ceeds for Dungannon's 125th birthday. -10,11 AMBERLEY 2 bedroOm bungalow under $3$,000. Call Chris Holloway 395-5952 or evenings 395-3448. D-3 rtuNe:Amoo 6 _building _ lets 66' x 168'. Municipal water available. Call 'Chris Helloway 395.5952 of even- ings 395-3448. 5-9 DUNGANNON - All conven- iences of Town. living in this nearly 'neVr 3 bedroom brin- galow. Low taxes. Call Chris Holloway 395-5952 or even- ings- 395-3448, B-153 DUNGANNON - Single stor-- . ey, 2' bedroom 'home. The storey steel shed attached. Lot size 72' x 165'. Barn 18' x 33' included. Call Chris Holloway 395-5952 or even- ings 395-3448. S-75 "LUCKNOW - Well eitablish7 ed hairdressing business. Fully equipped for hairstyl- est and barber. Main street location. Call.Chris Holloway 395.5952 or evenings 395- 3448. Mc-L LUCKNOW - Brick split bungalow, 4 yrs. old. Large lot with above ground Swim- ming pool. Finished base- ment. Call Chris Hollowly 395-5952 or evenings 395 3448: C-2 30- In Mernerlan1 E.. Farq,.0.0nOces. F. For rent 150 ACRES OF LAND for rent, in Ashfierd Township. Phone 395-5300. -10 17; Auctien Sales Modern set up). with good buildings. NEAR' LONDESBORO - Beef and 'hog set up. 290 acres. New home. Hardwood bush. Good buildings. COLBORNE. TOWNSHIP - 200 acres on edge • of dod- erich, 147 workable. Hard- wood •brish. Gravel deposits. "Driving shed.-Excellent re- modelled heuse. • Good corn and cash crop land. DAIRY SET UP '- Near Kincardine. 150 acres work- able land. All equipment. Priced for irnmediate• sale. For these farms, or if you are buying or selling contact R. A. (Gus) Chisholm. Phone 524,8554 or__Business _524- For your convenience "Gus" BRECIKLES • In loving memory of a dear wife, _mother-and grandmoth- er, Theresa Louise firecIdes, ,who passed away March 7, 1978, leaving behind mem-, ones of a dear Christian wife and mother. The leSsens she taught have lived on after her death as God intended they should, for to die in Christ is to live. Sadly missed by •husband Arthur, family and '.grand- children, Ti! we Meet again. -10 MILLER Words cannot express our appreciation for the kindness we received from so, many in the less of a dear husband, father and brother, Allan Miller. Special thanks to - friends, neighbours and rela- tives and all doctors and nurses at Winghain and Dist- Stje-s-epli-s- - Hospital, London during Al- lan's lengthy illness. Many thanks for the floral tributes, donations to the C.N.I.B. and also to Rev. Doug Kaufman for his many visits -and com- forting words , and the Ladies of the U.C.W. who served lunch. Your kindness will always be remembered. Eileen, Douglas, Lori and Lynn Miller Frank and Laurine McQuillin --10x FIGURE SKATING CLUB The Lucknow Figure Skating Club wishes 'to thank the following who donated door prizes for their club carnival:. Ashton's Ladies & Men's Wear, pair of mitts; Bain's Groceteria, case of pepsi; Becker Farm Equip., nylon jacket; Bill's Place, pair of pillow cases; Charman's, merchandise voucher; Chis- horn Fuels, torque; Fairview Foods,' grocery voucher; G. & E. Sales & Service, M.F. van; Hackett Farm Equip., cash; Helm Welding Ltd., T-shirts; Machan Hardware, merchandise voucher; Rea- vie Farm, Equipment, toque; Lucknow Sentinel, subscrip- tion; Sepoy Stationery, mer- chandise voucher; Quinn Florist, decor4ed fan. , -10ar TIFY,tN EASTER SEAT, cAisempt, & Chapinan SHOOT PARTY, Bruce County Health Unit Office 3 - 5 P.m. 12 FT., COCKSHUIT DISC, heavy duty, in very good condition; New Holland bal- er, good condition. Phone 395-3239. -10,11,12 TWO BALE THROWER hay racks .with under carriage; also-step saver with vacuum pump. Phone 395-5510. -10,11 5000 FIRST CUT conditioned hay. Phone 524-2286. Dun- can Farrish: --8,9,10x PIONEER 520 • 69TH ANNUALIVIERTING- bf the Family and Childrens Services of Huron County will be held in the Board- Room Assessment Building, 46 Gloucester Terrace, God- erich, Ontario,- on Wednes- day, 'March 12, 1980 at 2 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. -10ar, Alfalfa long term stands exceptional yield tolerance to bacterial wilt excellent winter hardiness with fact regrowth Bruceltaynard R. R. No. 1 Lucknow 5284144 • HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING The Lucknow and District Horticultural Society will meet on Wednesday, March 12, at 2 p.m., for their work shop meeting, in the Luck- now Legion rooms. -Oar C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY Holstein' bull calves and cross bred calVes four days to four weeks, Call 395-35.97. -9-12. E. Farm Services LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNIT D COOPERATIVES F ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. #5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528,3530 Home or 528,3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m, for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE -."-39tfar W.j. Hughes 395-5952 POINT CLARK ---- Only $34,900 for this •2„ tiedb5titn - winterized cottage. Situated on large treed lot with •geed --aecess-to-sancly-beaeh: Chris Holloway 395-5952 or evenings 395-3448. H-19 POINT CLARK - 3 bedroom, year round--home _with. OIL basement. 10% per cent mortgage. Situatedl on large lot. Priced in :Forties. Call Chris Holloway 395-5952 ,or evenings 395-3448. G-1.9 PORT ALBERT - Access to sandy beach, year round 3 bedroom bungalow, private location. 10'/2 per cent mort- gage. Call Chris Holloway 395-5952 or evenings 395- 3448. M-46 NILE - 3 bedroom, one storey home on large well land- scaped lot. Call Chris Hol- loway 395-5952 or evenings 395-3448. S-W13 "BE YOUR OWN BOSS" - We have a variety of busi- nesses and commercial prop- erties for sale in the Goderich . area. For confidential infer- arntion and personal showing please call Don McCauley 524.8100 'or Res. 524-4226.\'s •\ • Attention Farmers HOUSE OVERFLOWING? CLEANUP WITH CLASSIFIED ADS