HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-05, Page 20=MD TOLLOCK1WiJSIC CENTRE- - IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock- Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equipment;' Recondi- tioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted, For - piano tuning and repairs call, 395- 2982. -8tfar PORTABLE WELDING • Will do portable Welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528-2026 -2tfar ' DON THOMPSON Ty!. - & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and. Antenna • • Installation 4 395-3466 • 'RIPLEY --15tfar 22 FT, WELLCRAFT - 188 Mercury 1977 remote Spot anchors ropes, Stereo cuddy cabin; compass, many ex- tras, must sell .$13,000 (New $15,000), 'Phone 705-789- '2384 (Huntsville(. --10nc SICK ROOM $L" PPLIES, patient .aids. suppo•-t gar- ments , convalescent. products, etc-. S-ee Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, .14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-8tfar .22 -GOOEY-semi-automatic, rifle. Must have firearms certifidate. Phone 529-7839 . after 5:00 p.m. -10,11 MILKING GOATS. Phone Bon, Forster at 528-2346. -10 • OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. See It ieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-8tfa r 4. Articles wanted OLD. CUPBOARDS, side- boards, tables, chairs, dres- sers, dry sinks, tool boxes and old tools. Also some —glass and china and quilts. Please phone Mark Smalla- combe, 391.6840, Box 301,, Teesikater. 10,11,12 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1.10•1 1211•11111 -NMI. =MO Mil dorm Also= .••••••• km. 1972 FOliD MUSTANG 351 , (Cleveland), V8 automatic, power steering and brakes, 4 chrome slotted mags, 2 new Firestone Super. Sport 50's, thrush muffler- Excellent running condition. Best of- fer. Phone Goderich 524- 9293. -4tfnc 1971. % TON CHEV truck 60,000 original miles. Will certify, • excellent condition, Phone Mark, 392-6840. • -10,11,12 • reads Feb. 6543210 Your subscription ruary, 1980 William Ross, Administrator of the Estate By his Solicitors, GOODALL, CAMPBELL 21. Personal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066 Or 392-6541 or 432.7197 collect. -40tf HAVING' A' DRINKING PROBLEM?0 AA can help, PhOne. doderiCh 524.6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. --40tfar Newspaper advertising can make a big difference... ask any successful businesiman. He's learned througlt expeti- ' ence that the best way to reach: people and bring in customers is through news- paper advertising. is due 84BROPitY, Box 190, • Lucknow, Ontario; NOG 2110 CLEF* AND SAVE FOR 'mug ►etwIAD. Beauty Counselor Products Call Pat Livingston 529-7607 After 6 p.m. ri '1 0101.114141*I"Tiritlelliri*" )i'l)f SENIOR CITIZENS OF LUCKNOW •AND AREA• - I will provide part time• assis- tance: light cleaning, meal preparation, laundry, 'coin- panionship. Reasonable houily wage, references sup- plied, Call 395-5558 or write Box 571, Lucknow, -10,11 7. Real *estate for sale 12.: Help wanted 18.' Services available. 19. Notice' to creditors 20. Public notices - • • " - -GEORGELUBBERS CONSTRUCTION RenoVations, additions; cot. tages. -Phone 357-3457, VVhitechurch, -3tf EXCAVATING GRADING AND TRUCKING • Sand - Gravel Tepsoil Paving • Robert Symes Contracting -Lucknoiv 528,3047 , BILL TITOIVIPSON CARPENTRY . Renovations, .repairs,.. odd call 528-3508 after six. • Custom Drapery - by Linda For. Your Home Or Business Call 395-5629 -7-10 Notice If your Lucknow Sentipel NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN Pursuant to The TruStees Act that all creditors, and others having claims against the Estate of the late RODER- ICK DONALD ROSS are re- quired to send particulars of their• claims, duly verified to GoobALL, CAMP:BE/4., & BROPHY, Solicitors for the Administrator of the said EState, on or before March 19, 1980,• and that after such date the Administrator will Proceed to distribute the assets_ Of-the said -Estate, having regard only 'to the claims of which they shall • FRONT APARTMENT, 'main SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS jobs, ceinet patios, • •curbs, • street, newly decorated, All inakes and mOdels, snow- Sidewalks, etc. Free estimate mobile and snowblower en gines, chainsavvs and sharp ening. Cecil tittle, R. R. 3 Wingham (Whitechurch), phone 357-1963., -.-7eowtf INCOME TAX , PREPARATION Accredited and inexpensive, Phone 528-6945: -9tf • CUSTOM BUTCHERING Cattle-and hogs Monday---7 _Reasonable rates ---=-10tfar •-••• IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE__ OF, RODERICK DONAL1 RO,SS, _late of the - Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Deceased. A, Articles :for, sill • -CAPON.S.ier.40.1e,. 114 now. . for Easter, Can deliver to. Or. in Lucknow, r*,,, A: Andrew, ' R-• • 7 • 'Lucknow, •710,11x * FIREWOOD and -`cedar poSts- Call 353-5046 after- 6 -50tf • DRY MR Try-an-Eiectrohorne, ifier from Greer: T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112, Lucknow. We also have fil iers and Sanitaire for your Electrohome humidifier, • -45tfar ONE-YEAR 01,131,-3 bed room, double wide modular home, located in Turnberry Estates, R. 3, Wingham; 5 minutes, from ..downtown Fully carpeted, appliances included, 'pool, recreational and laundry facilities; large river lot; excellent fishing and canoeing: Immediate possession, ,$31,500.00. Phone 357-1500, 7-10,11 to rent THREE 'BEDROOM apart- ment on Main Street, Avail- able April 1St. Electric heat, carpet throUghout;• 4 piece bath. PhOne 528-3932. TWO BEDROOM apartment' 'available immediately, call 528-1625 or' 528-3536. • THREE BEDROOM house for rent in LucknOw, phone' 528-3508. -3tfar heated f available now. Phone 528-2701'. TWO BEDROOM apart-- - ment, Lueknow; 2 bedroom apartment, furnished or un- furnished, Teeswatef. Phone, Glennhaven Apartments, 528-3234. ,-.•48tfar THREE.BEDROOM house in Amberley,. For further infor- mation call 395-5305. .2-43tfar • APARTMENT on Main. Street of Lucknow, fridge, stove---and-all _utilities paid The price is right. AVailable March 15th. Phone 528-3811. MOBILE HOME for rent, two bedrooms, AVailable May 5. Located in Dungan- non. Must have references. Phone 529-7988. -10 • ••••• 12. Help wanted. APPLICATIONS are now be- ing accepted for the follow- ir,g jobs. Ntirses aide, laim- they and house keeping, at. Pinecrest Manor' Nursing Hume, Lucknow. Contact Mrs. P. Dymer or Mr. D. Newb )1d. Phone 528-2820 for. an -interview. -9,10,1 lax CAFETERIA CONTRACTOR to operate the cafeteria 'at the F. E. Madill Secondary School as a private business venture. The school has two lunch periods 'and an enroll- ment of 1130 ,students. All enquiries and letters of appli- cation are to be directed to the principal, F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wing- ham, Ontario, by the • 7th of March, 1980. Telephone 357- 1800. -9,10 FULLER BRUSH Company • has openings in this area full or part time, earnings of $5 - $6 per hour, Phone 1-1%- 4646, -9,10,11 PART TIME waiter or wait. ress required, no experience necessary. Apply at Manor Hotel, Wingham after 7 p.m, -Stf WILL DO BABYSITTING in' my own home. Dungannon or Nile area. Phone 529-7890. .1043 WORK WANTED FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - With Class. A licence; ex- perienced on Ford and Mas- -sey Ferguson equipment and small engines. I am 24 years old, a family man and looking for 'permanent employment. COI 395-3584. -10,11,12 18; Services available , • 41.11111.• 111•111•111,1111.10. 14•40., wow ,mtg, man me, mom': Guaranteed Workmanship For appointment call • Ripley Abattoir 395-2905 -7971- • TAX TIME vor4lik SEPIVICEs: SuricoastMaii °death ACCURATE RETURNS GUAR ANTEED BUSINESS, FARM PERSONAL H. MITCHELL: 482.7584 or 524,4433 PAPER AND PAINTING -Interior and Exterior Phone Todd Park 395-5079 or Joe Allison 396-7173 ---4•6tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE ' Grant IVICDOnald; Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneer's Sales of all typeS Phone Ripley395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar • BERG STABLE , EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water. Bowls, Cow Stalls• and Hog' Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 "Holyrood, phone 395,5390. -40tfar Cecil Cranston: R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529,7691 AIRHAMMER 13ACKHOEING -5tfar NOTICE Whiteehurch garbage collec-. fion has been taken over by,,, • new . people. For garbage collection on a regular basis phone-357-3139 or 3574963. 19 ,NOTICE TO'• HENRY MONS1VIA • AND OTHEO AUCTION5-ALE Pursuaut to the provisions of the MechanicS' Lien Act, R.S:O, 1970 c267'; S48 (1) arid (2), • a MasseY Ferguson Tractor Model..165 Diesel ; Serial Number 9A 161908, shall be sold, by 'auction' on the premises of Harold Gor- don 'Brindley, Concession ,4, Township of West Wawa , .nosh, County of Huron, r/i mile East Of' the Village of Dungannon." on Tuesday the 11th day of March;, 1980; by Harold , Gordon Brindley, Auctioneer, on behalf of G. & • E. Sales and Services Ltd., Claimant, in satisfaction of a debt owed by Henry Monsma in the amount-of $2,56.82,, which debt is. owing as a' result of work perfOrmed by. G. & E. Sales' and SerVices Ltd., on the aforesaid tractor. --D ATED-at---brc aril:), this 25th day of Feb- ruary, A.D.1980 G. & E. SALES AND SERVICES LTD., by their Solicitors, GOODALL, CAMPBELL & Brophy, Box 190, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0 --9,16ar BUS TO games in April 5. For more informa- Detroit from January 26 to tion call United Trails, Sea- forth, 527-1222. -47tf PINELODGE REST HOME NOTIoETO CREDITORS- AND OTHERS • - IN THE MATTER OF`.THB ESTATE OF JOHN DAHMER, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of, Huron, Deaeased. Notice is hereby given Pur- suant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the , late JOHN DAHMER are required' to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to GOODALL,' CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Solicitors, for the Executor of the said Estate, on or, before March 12,.1980, and that after such date th'e Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets, of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which :they shall then have had notice. DATED at Lucknow, • Ont, ario, -this 12th day of Feb- ruary,, 1980. John 5terling Dahmer, Executor of the Estate by his Solicitors, GOODALL; CAMPBELL Sr liROPHY,, Bok 190, 'Llicknow.„Ontario.- NOG 2Hb NOTICE TO CREDITORS' AND OTHERS BEEF By the QUarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On TueSday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications ' Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCIC.NOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call • 528-2112 ---40tf --SALES OP_PORT-UNITY_for_.... newly - innovated Canadian product; Distributors or sales people, part-time or full time 'needed immediately. No in- vestment, obligationor past sales experience necessary, Write giving phone number to; Opportunity, Box 295, West Lorne, Ontario. lOne '14.,•Employment wanted 9. ,Accommodation then have had notice. A supervised retirement home caring for your person- Lobetreads_ , DATED-at "LucknowT-Ont- -al needshours 24 a d •ario, this 20th day of Feb- Lucknow 528-2703. --50tfar ' -