HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-05, Page 17CARPETING SOLARIAN AND CORLONS
or 044T
has been a benefit in later
The other members of
the family are in order
brother • Viehelm at the
home place at Asferg, a
sister Gerda deceased.in
the 1950's, a second sister.
Mrs. Ebbe. . Jensen of
Grendaa, in -Denmark,
Florence Mad,Lennan, and his youngest brother
member„„, of the Kin-
cardine Nursing Staff and
native of • Lochalsh, and
graduate ,of the. high
'school in Ripley did •a
. radio interview with
MacDaaiel . on the day
BY AB WYIDS year in at school at Rind.
Then the family moved'. to A week ago last a-farm at the village of
Monday evening Feb. 25,. Asferg near the town of
the Ripley Huron Corn- Randers where he
munity Centre Complex . completed his Schooling,
was crowded with people. Re took a course at, the
for the fun-filled hockey ,,College—of Horticulture
game between the ladies and' Landscaping which
and the men on the staff
of the.Kincardine • and
'Distric . Hospital, On
hand to describe and
comment on the comedy
events taking place on the
arena ice was the popular
radio and television
member. at C.K.N.X. in
Wingham, namely
MacD,aniel Phillips,
daily . drivihg to the
Kincardine Golf and
Country Club where he'
assists; manager Ifni Bell
in looking 'after the
grounds ktpd club house.
Four Years ago,
M-vember-and December_
in 1978, Niels made a trip.
back to Denmark where
he visited the home, farm
• at Aiferg and hiabrother,
wife Rigmor, and
daughter Lene.
Incidentally when the
late Dr.-Herbert A: Bruce •
wrote his memoirs called
"Various Occupations"
e -wrote-a page on Niels,:.
who was also his
chauffeur .. drivingn e
official car of the
Lieutenant Governor.
Friends of. Niels In the
Ripley Kincardine. area
extend to him best wisheS.
on his 72nd birthday - just
three short of Feb. 29.
known. RipleY
resident Nelson HOdgins
Suffered g. sudden blood
"clot last Thursday and
was rushed by am
bulance to hospital% in
London. His son Joe and
daughter Kerry 'went,
at the time. Ripley
friend§ wish Nelson well.
Our neighbourhere
Jack Johnson haS 'just
handed in note which
states that Ripley's
hardware- .. Man John
Kosirierly of .Kintardine
will not be:having 14s`twp
stores open from Mar. 6
to Sat. Mar. 22, John
operates both 'the hen,
dWare store. .and the
nearby appliance store on,
Ripley's •main street.
. • Another neighbour of
ours, Mrs.. Elsie
Forrester of
Street, has just.dellyered
a ifore Of- a meeting 'that'
took Place this Monday
morning - just before the.
news deadline for pick
up.. It was a note from:
Mrs, Mad (HoWard)'
Thompson , '.over on
William Street in Ripley.
Mari had the Senior Nifty
Crafters Club meeting at
ten this MOndaY.'Morning
at her liome to Work at
their crafts.
- A letter received last
Tuesdayi, Feb. 26$ from
the ',Bruce COuntY
Agricultural Office tells
about :the' annual• meeting
of the Bruce County 4-11..
Club . Leaders',
Association. The meeting
was held in the Hartley .
House in Walkerton. on
Fri:, Feb. 8 and Randy
Willick of Walkerton was
' Turn, to page 23• •
Hans. Frederiksen, a
consulting engineer in
Mexico City, who has also
worked in other countries
such as Argentina, India
and others. ' .
By`the end of 1929 Niels
prior to the game. This had Completed his years
was brOadcaSt. '•to -ad. of service' in the Danish
vertiSe the game. And did Army including a period
the cars ever stream into in Egypt. In the spring of
Ripley in groupS of four, 1930 he emigrated to
five and six for Something Canada and spent a short
iike an, hour. Entering time Working in Mori-
into; ,the :fun spirit of,the' treal. By the afternoOn
night was the ne w14,, train in the early summer
:elected . member of Of 1930 he came to Kin.;
Parllainent for Bruce, Dr: dardiyie During . that
Gary, Gurbin of Kin- summer he worked on the •
eardine. Lou Kosmerly farm of Mr. and Mrs.
and his restaurant-staff in Herb Farrell on ',con-
-Kincardine started the —cession-12 east, in Huron
thing:a few weeks ago by township. In the fall he
offering two htindred came to work at the
dollars and asking 'other Ripley ChOpping ;Mill and
restaurants . to match lived with Mr; and Mrs:
their deflation. 7 Charles Wyld •• to 1937.
By 'the time Monday Then he and his wife Nora
evening'i game was •over lived in ..York Mills . now
tiley raised over $2,600 called WillOwdale.. For a
for a new transport in. nuMber of years they.
cubator for Kincardine worked at the big estate
hospital. Everyone at of ' the Lieutenant
Ripley felt -good about Governor of Ontario, Col.-
.the_way. of Dr, Herbert A. Brnce.
Kincardine 'joined with Niels kept the lawns,
the follth of the . Ripley gardens, orchards, bees
area to make it' a •sue- horses, pheasants, etc. at
cessful , evening,and as tWOoverricier-place--in
well as an entertaining Willovvdale while his :wife
eyent. Nora assisted Mrs.
'With regular paperboy Bruee..0n.Oct. 31, 1971 a
Darry Robinson. visiting Hallowe'en night - Niels
in .0akville last-Weekend—And Nova moved_back_to_
Doug Benjamin of Ripley. For the Past six
William Street carried years Neils has been
the Toronto Star around
Ripley's frosty cold •
snowy' streets on Friday,
Saturday and Stinday.
The item in last week's
column naming those in
charge of the voting of the
Ripley folks froth the
west side of the village
was incorrect. It should
have been Florence Kirk-
patrick,- Annie Scott,
Frances_ Godfrey an.d
Donalda McLean,
Phone . phone
Wardsvole 6934383 Komoka 470059
Dungannon 529-7.947
Washed Materials•--..Crushed Stone
Cement. Gravel
Crushed Gravel—Road Contractors
12' x 12 to 12' x 18'
(16 sq.yds) (24. sq.yds)
C 1.0
Also Special Purchase
Rolls of Carpet
All 1st Quell
Savings of $2.00 sq.yd. to $9.
Custain Draperies
Ki rsck of Canada' Limited
Drapery Hatilware
Ripley District School
Thursday,March 6, 1980
8:00 p.m. -
On Saturday evening
Feb. 23, .1980, John . and
Karen. Wyld held a bir-
thday dinner party at
their new home on
Malcolm Street to mark
the 72nd birthday of Niels
Frederiksen. ;At the
dinner were Bill and,Nina
Wyld of the sixth, Donnie
Wyld also of the sixth
concession in Iluron
township, and MrS.
Minnie Wyld of Huron-
villa in Ripley. Niels also
had a congratulatory
phone • tall from his
brother Hans, an
engineer in, Mekico City.
• Niels was born on .Wed.,
Feb. 26, 1908 at -Rind in
Denmark. He was the
eldest in a family of five
and Niels got his first
Members of the
community are invited
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Home Decorating
. Centre
Open Every Monday i Closed Thursday
C.K.N.X. TV 25th Silver Celebration Store