HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-1-10, Page 8144
...• se;
8 -Thursday,
Januar loth. 1920.
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Cole's Londing
$3,000 bonds of the
Village of Blyth, Ont.,
5 , due 1944. Ad-
dress BON 44, SIG-
Chas. C. Lee
wishes to extend his
hearty thanks to all
who so kindly offered
and gave their slrrvices
and their cars, also all
others who assisted and
the electors who turned
out and gave him such
a splendid . vote for
Mayor at the polls last
Ii»piior Devon's Report 011 boderirli
Collegiate institute
The relent of Mr. 1. M. Levan, Pr..
%Weird leoptc•tor of high Ycboole, on
l �ia visit lust fall to Goderich tWI.cglate
Inistitute had been reeeiied by the 1"-
,141 board.
First -coatis gmding is given fur most
of the items under the heading of s''-
rownmdatiollr. but altenttuu la called
to the congested condition in two or
I irer classes because of the itk•rea..ed
attendant*. and the engagement ,•
Iwo, or at least one, 11 I l 1 ..ini1 , a•
ers 1s recowmcuded.
Following are some extracts from
the report:
"The uccuwwod:uione is a whoh•.
are good. The heating. lighting :Incl
.entilation are psr'kularly good."
"Satisfactory addhtons have Ines
wade to the library."
"Attendance -bays, 112; girls,' 11_.
Total. 254."
''rhe major de{.artinciit- of the
x•h,ad'n work are in charge ..f ler,
skilful teachers. Practical work 1
-tressed in arbiter: the ditticult:es of
uultht•ttkuics are• clearly .1oalt with:
and 1 rnuunelatlun is 111rcful:y I.s.ked
after in the leaching of ib.sk•rn
languages and the e10ss1. s. lu the
.caw of the othersubject,
ug doh.'actory
work is. III graced.large classes are naturahy lui4III1
their effect on the teaching. hing. '\\•1t11
1uu14 r chase:+. better .work • our.! be
-The saline! has an e11crg1.1 and
enthusia+tte and for the most }cert n
...ulls'1. 111 staff of teachers. who,
_ilInc tbeinscices whidelie:rt. .1.) 1..
)heir work. 1t hos also a ,cr) tine
body of well-mannered and earl.est
-talents, will, are d.•s.rvipx of -the best
,.t,'antages 111e board con afford to
n .fde
for them.
The orgauleatine, however. is
not thrn11gli• tatty r100t"n.'., ":
!1,.• Principal. but because the sniff fs
mad...ltot.. for the ...boors needs. 111
., ni the r pari of this'r•tr.rt I have r.•
ferrel to this defect. which result- it
ohgat+ta.l elaRV'14 which slow up the
work. lay too heavy a burden ou the
• leachers. and inereesc the dtfn.•ulty of
nsIinr.,iniug di . iplin•. T.. make con-
ditions shite s:uisfael.%ry. awn addi-
tional teaeliers world be required; bur
1 great Impe.vement taunt' he effected
by the Inert of one. 1 sou t
Was Thoty&t to Bring Iliad Link to
MRS. A!t('111114LI) CAMPBELL •Kemarkablr Booklet stoma How AecI- Alezaarder 11. of Rurala,
For the w.vnd time within less thou dents May Be 1'rrrented Sneezing was once prohibited In the
three weeks Mr. Jas. Ar ljampla•ll, of
town. •teas been bereaved by the 4101101 We are apt to ase,, •' moat of the Russlau army. A passage from the
„( II parent. Illi father, Mr. Anhlr fatal accidents these vs to autumn-, history of the coronation of Alexan-
Nod - ('anq�a•11, 0f Cawpla•Ilville, OCR.. Idles, but statistics s ,c that one in der 11. to 1866 reads as follows:
[our .f all the .b killed on this, "Opposite the house from which
• 1lsse,l away. on DK.•m111r 19th; and IeU1 we saw the procession was drawn up
1111 Thursday last, Januar' :;rd, how continent last )ear ,..re killed by
of a..idents in their own ' >� 14 regiment called Pauloveki. after
a 011 pil11,111 m,Mdwt0 an a. site was 111 Much has been dol in towut and, the Emperor Paul. all the men hav-
lain a, week. Burial took place 1111 cities in rt.ent years minimize the i ing turned up noses, thus resembling
Sunday at the East Flawboro Baptist •larger from aet•Ideiit- in homer, bin him. It seems It wee the fashion to
tuirch cemetery.*1Ol,chlch 1I1 Mose at the little lase been done . an organized; compose regiments of men all having
•-I iir(ell home. Mr. Campbell at- oily to prevent aecl..• is in country' the same features. The late emperor
traded the funeral and /lent a few homer and on ow faro. where the hoz had recruits sent to him, and took
.!acs :It his old b"uu•. The d,.ea+e,f tints 11f life and limb :,re manifold. them according to looks. There b
was seventy-four years of age and A welcome moveme, • 10 pr•evcut ac. one retameut of men all marked with
,'idents in 0141 141 u - the "bn ntL> the rtnallpox, This Paulovski regi-
ment did three sons and one daughter' home hos 11ow sero lu, urattd hY the went tilt one thing which amused
Bank of Montreal, wl...h, through Its me. Just before the cortege came
MRN. ARTHUR WILLIAMS .railches, is distribnti' _ ,a remarkal.;c up they all ,blew their noses at the
\luny it lawn /1 1141 ,.aullry lemnu'1 booklet entitled eh.rm RIMS Hs- word of commando This was in ors
aith-.w.rrow of 1114• dell 111 of Mrs. Ar- showing luuutuerable •lays in whi.l. der that none of them might anew*
dale Williams. of Colborne l..wusbi d when the emperor paused, as their
R a,.Idbe pi'ee cause o In which tic) doing so would bring him bad lues."
which ,s.vrrel en Friday evPnilig Iasi may be prevented.
as the result of an attack of "tfu" It has been said thin ieeldents never Lha Accordion.
11,, ,
1 Junin. l h,
rut T
•. lino t a a. rue.
rlPl et 11, re heal. , i t
I ha n n 1
'h' . a It
Willett 1 1
P w s Introduced
•� co on a
114(1141 111((i. whose 11111 1(1141 uiu1M was Ilappeu in 11* flash an eye. lout The ac rd
Clown dna tiara!' Charlotte.. Spence. the things that cam,. �ct•Ident, often from Austria about 100 years ago.
11-:114 t..ru 1111 the is:and of •'rkuey in •lo develop ,,lowly -ti • sagging stair.
the :ear Palo awT 1111111' ro 4'•11)11:0 at tile skew decay. of b ling support.. Handcuffs,
tie as. of se,eu years with her Par- the little arts of care'• -Mess the: sow lest of the world's handcuffs are
Int••. the late 11r toil Mrs. Charles • the seeds of amide' -these thln1:. made in Birluiugham, England.
Spence' teem' time toter
the family develop slowly, prepay _.•. the way for
s,'tied ;11 (:...:.•rieh tuwus; it,, and in sudden dis:Iblowent 01 ,teeth. '
1' ' - 14114' wit. married t.. her now Ice- No line 1.wking thr. , 1i this los'klel BORN
r. ft , husband and .went to lice 1111 the can wonder that a. lents so otter M-\It'l'I N. - In Gudcrich, on Dec. eats•,
I..ke !There x411 111 e..11k.rlt t..w,asli111. over 'n In and arum the hunts. for tttb, to Mr. and 11rs. M'h'tie
near._.i'mtlop. 111 1919 the family neer 3(11) a/fual pie •_raphs of th
come to 4;..derich. residing here until
Inst spring. when they :weed to the
fernier 11.11u•riueton farm Isar Nile.
nide], doe hail pur•haswl. Reseda*
her hur.tsind. Mtn, Williams leave.' one
daughter. t'Ieua•uthle 1111•',. who
te•ne tu•s At Toronto, 01141 two ,mos.
Harry. ..f co.ls'ri a teem -hip. mid
Reg., .of' Torou:o; also n +aster. miss
Fallen spruce• a retired ssh....1 fen, 1140
oin. recently ''owe t.r make her home
with the deceased. 1411.1 a brother. 11r.
the. Martin. a daughter.
c'11°PP 0f Acidenra ' re repm, ' 'rAY1A)R•-At Aleanudra l ue.iit.il
i111 ufany of these p'• •.",tial a,.•fdent G11derltil. on Saturday. January rah,
creators eau M' seen. •n almost any to Doctor and Mrs. A. Harold 1':.y Eastern U1'Ashion of the aforesaid!
farm. The booklet Is au amazing m sere*.
hip of AshflIW, containing lute
veinti.ln uy common ; azerds anti au
dor. a daughter. a. rev mere or less, nod .k arilad to
l I Frank l
Notice to Hereby given to all werep*
having claims agaluet Ude estate of
Alexander Young. late of the Township
of Ashfield, in the Comity of Huron,
farmer, who died on or about the 24th
day of Itecember. A.D. 1938, to send
same, duly proven. to the undersigned
on or befdre the 211th day of January,
A.D. 1920. as on anti atter that tine. the
Eu'e tors of the acid estate will pro-
ceed to make distribution thereof,
having regard only to the claims of
which they shall ham. had notice.
Detest at Goderich this Sth das of
January. A• D. 1929.
Su llctlors for the Executors herein.
1R COUN('i1..
The Huron ('aunty Council for Itr!11
will meet in the County Council
rrin thelCourt House,tGoderich,
eii 230
o'clock in the afternoon. Alt accounts.,
certificates of election. and return, re
number' of voters for each municipality
/Mould be In the hands of the Clerk
not later thau Saturday or Montle%
preo.dlug the day of Meeting. laws/
municipal clerks will please see that
all these certificates and returns are
scut In by mail as soon as poaulhle.
County Clerk.
Goderich, Jan. 5th, 1929.
flJl -- TA(iE, Corner Quebec and Emsex
Under and by virtue of the power's'
streets. Immediate peseta IOU. Apply
of sale contained In. a ,ertatu mere'i HAYS & FLAYS. tf
page which will Ice produced et the I1� RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR
time of tale there wall be offered for 11 grocery or ottke. Immediate pew
sale by T. Gundry & Sods. Auctioneers, 1 0Pasiull given. Apply to OHAS. K.
at public auction Wadue'sday, the 111th 1 ►t•tl'NDF)RS, Goderich.
day of January, 1921). at the hour of
two o'clock in the afternoon et the'
farm of Frank Irwin. the following
property, namely:
All anti singular that certain parcel' Ul•RIGHT PIANO (BELL) FOR
or tract of laud and prewls44 situate, 1 v SALE. -In first-class condition.
lying and being in the Township of 1 Apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. O.
Ashfield in the County of Huron, being Rog 407 Goderich.
• composed of the south half of boil
Number Six, in the 11th cone siou. i
i •• 1 f I .•m..ii.. DIED. the mortgage was, ,y ran' ruin.
u,z u„ recital
" lu. .1111
It alae► contains an .'�tremely towel! HENI.F 1 111 Colborne township, on of the Township of .\shth lit, In Mei
( f 11 sl •r 1 I t the
h:.pler on first qld. 'idling Pxue,tl) \Vtdles.11Iy, January out. Fred lien• 'onuty a neon. registered e. 1
h (Registry
oat.* for the Registry 1)i -
\i'4' do not doubt t : much ..nrrovy vision of tic' County of Duren as No.1
NTF:\\'.\R 1. In - (rale rich uu lion- 131(11•
--what to 110 when we . t hurt." 11'v aged tat years and 1 mono .
and suffering will be ,a.vented by the day, J11IIuary 7th, William Stewart,
11oirfmtlon of this bo.•i.let. a full I.•1!y on the said farm there 1■ Bald to be
Charles 'Nlelke of G,slerilh. Mrs. of which Is arailel)le anyone 11n at- fn\his word year. erected a dwelling house with suitable
Willem, was 0 kind neighb'r.- y good lineation to She leen brnneh .If the
t\ 1LLIAMS.- In. Collalrue towustuip, [arm buildings.
on Friday. January 4111. Clementine •rhe lam) will be sold subject to a
friend. and w0s highly esteemed ly all Bank of Montreal. Nletttr, IreI,,ved wife of Arthur reserve hid.
win. knew. her. She was devoted to
her family and will I.1' II:y wlos1',l is lapin From (Leml..tl Fertillmrs. Williams. TERMS pI l►F SALE.Teel per teat
the hone Artie. ili•r dotigl�tcr and When chemical len.•Iser to applied - 11t the the tima.ee
money, n be paid
iter were ho from Toronto for In the hill or drill, c,.:caul consider- ('ARD OF THANKS tomo at the tomo of sale and the Gal
ante within thirty days,
she r••e1c,l the most as,.Iduou• amen of injuring th) gerepamiuug s.edling. r 111lE ELEX'TORN 1)1
. 't1' Allied mitering awl ,; di! available � ► • Y►LBOI
ht.lidays When -.h.• was token 111 an' atlon must be given to the possibility
THE Fur further jlarNcnlar:+ and condi
tem. but despu d R Chemicals high La r . ) ION \hull '4 F ( CNF:. tiuus of sole, alydy to
medical aid her spirit winged its plant food such aa nfuate of suds or 11.\1(l( W. PAGE.
11 Night. Ti.' fuuerol was held oi,Nun- ammonium sulphate or muriate of laldbes uud Gentlemen. --1 wish to East Block. I'orlluuent` Buildings,
ncerefere ,:In,r-tl, urge MI the )..nerd day afternoknl, the services at htol-.• potash are most injurtuus, while thunk you most heartily for the .s.1. Toronto, Ont-,'
the need of ...'wring ai,uther teieb'r-au11 grace. being.•onductell he Rev. R. phosphates and organ', nitrog'•u ars - part Riven me at the pelts uu the 7th NoI,,'lt r to the M to.. Ont..'
as x.1,11 a+ p,.sil•k• - pr•f.•rally a male ('. M0(1ermid. minister of Kn' less so. Large seed, such as corn. nee.. iv which you expre+v.I your Telfa.) at Termite this twentieth
;emrhrr,who o.oul.1 roko. neer the phy' cirri. G.s1.•rich, of which dwrtl •,i beats and other, that grrwlnate '!wire that 1 shau:d agate o.cUPy the day Of December. 11)21, 31
•n1 1n1 • 1 f l 1 1 t The quickly, are more apt t., be itljurist 1 term l
. •lo
-mpa•rrl.4 4411 theit at le atter . \laitlnnd cemetery. four f .hail erateaver, aw in the past, tod s -
"A1: s,saihle ,•Ire s4ould he taken to- bore A.t1tir ie ,nths•arers: •\ H. Cita. The toll moisture also has an influ- I
k.ei, the building foe .,f dos:. 1 ton. flora..' Homo!), F:. i•. 1,,,'set: no cove when chemicals are applied as ''orse Ch1 ditties of tout "dive it as
It determines the decree of dilution, efficient :1 manner as 1 wmlhl my own srN}�'I'TI►ICN s-U.F: OF F.\It)IS•
w,,nld suggest that all 11w floors he school
lt. Starr Shaw: •hence there is less danger on clay affairs Again thanking you and wish- Ei F••\It\t !114)14 1*. IMI'1 1'.1EN'rS.
!n the gymnasium rhand In the ,•(Meal _
;Toter. Is• thoroughly ,;caned :and -- muck, than there Is on the drier ing you n healthy and prosperous New .;ILUN. F'1'1tNlT1'itF:. FTC.
oiled. and that no pupil to admitted to ii'li L 11M STEW tT d it Th sandy Il hold so \ear. I am
turn t• II
n 1 1. ways and w•:+ n MPm IPJ'. k• Inh•r1114''1t N:,• ;n
i h lir r rlth ..Marr 111 ieh than those that genutnate slowly: Ltnitiow of Rr.•ce In aMrt the r
Mandy soils. a sen' ). w ■
One by one the oldest res outs of little moisture that the chemical goes four-. sincerely. The Executer• of the.e•tet4' of ale
the grnu:aslnm a•fth.r for pia} or for town are Ists.tng from the .' atlti Into a more concentrated solution, HUGH IiiLi.
•he usual cynutllsinm exer•lse.. without this NC.•l, w•1' regrettull) record. the and Bence f1 more injurious to the Ince T___ - ___
.raring rubber•sohol running shoes. JOIIN o .,.E DRUGLESS rRACTITIONE>;
,h•oth of Mr. Willlnm Stewart. which germinetln'g treed. Beet results are trtr THE ELE(" oRS (►F COL .eI'I 111 hr imbue au tb,n. 111 the
secured where ni:izer is applied 1 •� '+• rn t .soon
TY FOR SALE. -At (turner of Bri-
tannia road and William street. Ten
rooms besides bathroom, closets, etc.
Goodfurnace. All conveniences. For
terms and further particulars apply tp
DONALD MacKAY• P. O. Box 46'f
Goderich. tf
Telephone No. 119.
Sale. atte-oocd to anywhere and every
effort made to give ,satisfaction
Farmers' sale note. discounted.
The Auo•tioncer•
will conduct and arrange any sale as
the latest methods to get the best re -
suite. See him or drop a lard and 11s
will give . it Immediate attestioa
Fares sales a speelaety. Eldon lit,
will conduct aures aaiwhere. My
terms are reasonable and 1 will en-
deavor to give saliafaetion. Matta
Carlow 1314. or addree; It. It. 4, God-
The urgent nerd of whoiPsome sand- tecnrre'I early j(opd ly morning in lt• cu ed the to DD I1.. lNF, TO\\N. Illi . homestead. lot. _.4 and _•). n •e+
,dry •orditions Is my juotlfleatltn for pin4'ty•thfr,l year. \I r. Niewnrt owl
i' ra•li.';tl rr111g4'nti"n; hilt 1 trust the
.1r.! ...in- ore 1T serious eon'1 T i'a• -`kL" nay- v"""'.► Llrthda,F
t ion " niver0arc 1111 Ile e•mler 26th and en+
To the Electors of Goderich
Allow me to thank all my good workers. and -my, good
.upportcrs, who so unseiti.shly faced the rigors of a very cord
and stormy day to Meme out to vote and work for ale.
i ata sincerely grateful and hope to measure up to the
trust and responsibility that is now thine.
May 1 also assure them that their loyalty and hard work
under very adverse circumstances is intensely gratifying and
words tail to express any thorough appreciation of oursplendid
H. J. A. MacEwan
Bethlehem Steel
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Ruildit g. (:(wit-Tieh, (int. flumes 4:'111 and 445
In two streams to the sides and a
little below the level of the seed.
�n light soils where beavy 10011-
then bright and henry. and cnntlnil1'•I [(Ions are wade It is often deal,-
so mitt' Natnelnv afternoon lase epic to apply a portion of the ter -
when he was suddenlyftorn' with an , tillz'e�r at planting time, the halance
seizedattack of influenza wldch nt his ad- to b. . evled a:1' a ept.ide of Eng later.
' y:lnte,l age he could not throw off. Ix 0v.mrun, D. cot Extension,
O. A. College.
Mr. Stewart was the last to •revive'
of a family of four brothers and three warm tr for Laying Hens.
+inters, (h4' mans and daughters ..f Mc Ice In the ater pan will not help
' and Mrs. ('has, Stewart, who erne to 1'(g productio
this country from Scotland over •e,'- If trouble lie experienced d•lr!nz
enty cabs ago. Mr.' William Sieh the very cold weether, In keeping the
art. w9a, was Morn In llnnffahlre, Scot• poultry drink, wa\1'r or milk from
land. cnn,q ant to (°Honda with -ht. lreezfng, 1t may be /ivercome by using
brother John a year before tb1 otfyer any one of several evices. The
A constructed
It will keep
all day,
he house
t there
a limited number of shares of
The Goderich Elevator
& Transit Co.
I' r t r r 42; i t e r s 11 a r e
Phones 230-231 GODERICH
members of the family and Itis r- vacuum water fountain
that warm water put In
warm until used, lasting
`Ives very good service. 1r
11 equipped with electric I1
are a numher of device such
paints" and "carbon' bulbs" tha
M susp...drd partly in the wate
�ilk to give the necessary hest
sep the drink palatable. There a T. THF. EL0471`. Rs OF COL-
erosene heated fountains available` I R(►RNE TOwNsiliP•
that are generally satisfactory when
and _Geptlewen,-.-1n asking'
ion to nevem my thanks and my deep
apprechttion for the splendid rote you
bare giren me. 1 trn+t and hole that
you will feel that 1 will make every
osslble effort 111 serve yon mpselen-
t:'ii Iy during the ...ming year. With
,very Ansi wish for 1929.
Yours sincerely.
la T(4'4VNSHIP 4)8' COI.1u)1LN}:.
None.. and Gentlemen. --1 full- ape
1 ,eclat,• your ktndne•s In returning mei
.is off( of your councillors for the peel. -
tad year and can sedum you f will en-
diseier to further your Interests to_my I
Thanking you. and wiohing you a
itallpy New Year.
Yonas faithfully.
Ea•r iVAwannrll. nn
WPh\t vl)iL y R1tT'AR ';`',
onlmencin2 at 12 o'eloek. sharp.
llorae11,-l)n,' heavy draft mare; 1
'.•r.•h:•ron more.
Cattle. --4 Me red ••'w• ju-t bred; 1
white cow, due May 10tH: 1 white anti!
red cow. dile In March; 1 grey cow.
hie April 18th : 1 Meek row. due
Moral' 21'.111: 1 rein ,.,w. Atte time of
sole: 1 port .1.rscy ,..w, dote time of
•A14.: 1 faire Jersey ,..w, dor shout
30th: 1 red end white lbw, 11111•
In July.
j'uung (Mlle. -Peer 2 -year -..1.1
'steer+ 1,11'! ),lfer.: 6 1-yP:lr-ohl steers
Anti heifer.: n e1lyP•.
Sheep and Poultry.-Slx ebep; 1
seri-tere.l 10cfor.l rntn: a n,mher of
given close attention as to adjust- �•„flies. 'and Gentlemen,-[ take this
ment and cleanliness. The birds must rrtP'(tfr
drink 1f ,they are to produce• and
snow or Ice water are. not generally ,tat"'
palatable to high producer.. -I.. Stine the P"
enson, Director of Extension, O. A. y"n tint\
Colles, Guelph. sha1
.4uI#,ll re.tio•en.
Keeping Track of the Farm income. merits. of the
In every other 11210 business worthy inn
of a name, record is kept of the re-
celpta and expenditures. A study is
made of theme business records. SALE BY
Knowledge Is accumulated and im-
provement made. The farm business �NFr i •lltltl(' BALE
cannot make much progress toward
providing an increased income until
The Executors of [h4' r
the farmer adopts a system of record
TLATE \VILI,IA)I FTE\\Al{1' keeping. and ut'idles his balance Ih•nry Young. Inti of the T
sheet, every week, every month and ilenrrne. in the County
• rival in Go„jerich was on May 24th, every year. Such study reveals the former. a,h'ertise• the herelna
('4r,(t. HP w'n• engaged on a farm in reasons for prnht and the cause or of land by tender. viz.. portions
1;,olerirh township for n tee years, but causes of loss on operatlonr it Is windier!' r. and 8 In the 4414 carves.
for over sixty years lie lived in the only once In a groat while that we Western itivl+Inn. of the said To
home on Trafalgar street In which he meet a farmer making much progress ship of ('ollrnrnP. COW/111141g by A
died. For thirty years he w•o1• on the Without keeping r.•eorda-of his farm mcasnrement together fifty. and fmtr-
-1,,fT of the lncnl brnucll of the Bank Operatlnns. Tim ':rest majority need fifths nems of land, excepting therront
of Montreal. rettrin2 on pension six- 10 do It for theft own and the farm's those wild minion. of snit' lot sold end
heti y'en's ago. Ile was :1 I'rv•.byteri:u, oke. -L. Stevens• n, O. A. College. •'onveyod to the (tun' it' find •:nderich
mid a Literal and Lehi to Lis pain
viol.•+ quietly but tenaciously. 11,• (:1'1
leen a ).cider of The Signa' ever sec,
he came to Goderich. 11e is survived
b. two sons :Ind 01:. d:,I 011t,r: WII-
li:un I'. of Ottumwa. Iowa; ('an9Pron
and firs. ,1"mea 11oele. of town: And
by n gr:intldnn¢hter and a - areat-
_nrnd.+'u. '94.e tamer,( tt'.k p1.ue tits
I'rhur'dny1 afternoon from flip familc
residence, 'I'rnfalg:Ir street. to Malt -
hied cemetery. The w'rv!te. were
cnttducte,l b) Rev. IL C. 11.1Mrrnid.
and the pallbearer. were messes.
James Reale. Geo. Westbrook. W. M.
Knight. .1. .1. McEwen. .1. it. I'ip• and
r, ' (:rlllsun tin Altamont, Man , a
brother -In -141W of Mr ('ameron
• Stewart). Mr. Will:nm 4'. N1cw1r1
arrived from Ines to attend his
father', fw21Pra1.
s of extending to you my tippre-
for the support I received itt
on Monday last, and I assure
the interests of the township
c my prompt and best con -
Wishing you the comp'1-
Season, -
t4' of Tame
nshlp of
r sole
Association of Ideas
NA cup• w.metimes gel ane mixed lip.
We asked n O'II-know'n Durham man
the other toy what kind of a radio be
hod. and what do con think he tolyl
n.? ('roeol4.y and Hunter---=('hronlele.
1t 1. raid that m••tor neeteh•n(o are
[ten cnn.ed he loose tint.-1mnetlttler
o "tight" one Ir the r now.
Rtop And let the train go by; It
hardly take. n minute; your fair
•tarts ant Again intact, and better at111
- you're 1n 1t.
A Ponitry Lose.
The egg -eating habit once acquired
by membere of the poultry flock 1n
difficult to atop. Prevention is easier
than breaking the birds nt the habit.
Bird. that have on abundant supply
Of oyster shell or lime before them
at all times and are fed a liberal bal-
anced ration, with abundant green
feed seldom develop the egg -eating
habit. Arrange the neat,, at least
eighteen Inches above the floor and
bare plenty of them-aoithat 1f a hen
wants to lay there will be a neat tot
her. This prevents them crowding
two or three into a neat box and
there breakfn4 the eggs. Keep the
nests dark and well supplled with
straw. Any birds caught In the act
Of breaking or eating eggs shottitfld be
geaslgsd to the feeding crates,
We•!new.lay. Fchrnart 0th.Ex eon
tee; -.1.• of flrnts, farm stork, Imple �AN'1'Fi1) TO 141'1'. :\ ROLL TOP
. grain. furniture. pts. property
of 1)24' estate of the late John Hoare at L►fiRK. F.ngnirr of SIGNAL
the homeefee,. ,it 2e and 29, cont.'. OFF1(�F" It
elan 2, 8)uat N'awann.h. MilLiSEES FOR SALE-251,�c. A
111 gal. WM. WATSON. R. R. 5.
I Some mets stn•reed by who, they (Pwlerihh. Phone Carlow 15r13,
know : POMP he what they do; and a
few by whet they ire. vOVVNO T.ADY DESiRES ROOK
■ and boom with all modern con-
venieneeo. Apply 1'. O. BOX 9111.
Railway ('nmlwnc. There is n good
hon'.' and tarn on the property. The
farm is well watered find within A
mile of McCaw station. .lhont Ail
aces are .ceded dawn, mostly to or.
alfa. The prnferty will to ado gtlh•
11,•t to ,1 reserve bid, • Tenders will
be revolved. In an encelol ' marked
"Young rotate Tender," by ilnys &
llny...nlh•itnrs for the Yo21ng FatntP,
111. to February 1st. 1D29, et 2 p.m.
T11111114 Twenty -tee per cent. rash
nn m'•tq.tnne.• of t.'nder and in eneP
of said Lair/1114.e price within thirty
day• without interest. The property
must 1s.' sold to •Pole the estate,
4'. .1 110IIFRT1'e►N. Egg..
Eac.attors of the lanai. Henry Yonne
at Solicitors for the Above Estate.
bens and pullets-
Ma.rhinery. Efe.-On4' 15-30 Mc('or-
mick iheriog tractor. nearly new; 1
thrde'fnrr tw tnu•tor plow ; 1 tAndellt
16 -tractor dIse: 1 Mageey•HArris
power !Troyer; 1 Masse.-Hnrrls n ft.
hinder : 1 Mes.e•y-Ilarris 5% -ft.
mower; 1 NIA1.ey-Harrie spring tooth
•nitic,uor; 1 Massey-tlnrris aped drill
1 gang 2e walking plows; 1 land
roller : 1 waif ler: 1 wagon with box ; 1
t.ohsk•I¢h : 1 long sleigh .with box; 1-
Mnsse.4iI,urris hay rake. 18-11.: 4 -
section diamond harrows; 1 top baggy 1.
1 cutter; 1 light wagon: 1 pnlpter; 1
ear rope and. pulley. slings and hay
fork : 1 fanning mill ; 1 De level
cream 1.eper.ttnr. No. 12; 1 No, 7 Daisy
,'horn: 1110 sap polls nod spites; 2
good Iron kettle.; 1 sop turn, 7 feet
iing: 1 tarp pan. 111 long1 1-
vanlze'd tele stnragp tank.fret.) barrels: ga
: 1
set double barn4'ss: 1 set .Ingle hat,
nes.: number of collars: quantity of
timber; 6 barrels; garrote ttf hay;
7 feet ensilage in silo: 400 hos, oat.,
4)00 bus, mixed grain; 3 goal ladders;
chains. forks, ehnvels, etc.: quantity
of household fnrniture-
Parrel No, 1 -Homestead. south part
M lots 28 and 29, East Wawanoolh,
consl,,flag of 150 sere+, one mile north
of Auburn. Twelve teres hardwood
bulth, never falling spring creek run -
Ing through barnyard. Good bnilti-
s, consisting of frame house, barn,
ceslent silo, deicing tolled. straw 1111441
and 011fep pen with loft above. Apple
orchard of winter varieties so/Mating
of eight ....req.
Parcel Nn. 2--(lrns1 farm, lot 27.
concession 2. West Wawnnnsh, one
Dille north of Atrium, ronal'tlng of
1(110 Acres. All well eeede1, never
felling spring. running across f,Irm.
Rank burn; welTERNSl drline41 and fenced.
On heal Est:11e. -Ten per cent• of
p11r•hase prier to be told to the F:xeen-
tors at time of sale. the ►r,lahee wIth-
In it aA}s, when possession will he
On the ilcCormlck-lhering Tractor.
- (hie -third cash nt time of ante: one-
third 011 (1r•tober nth, 19211; bola nee
F'phrnnry nth. Nk10. :\ +tralght dee
remit of 5 per o.nt. wIl be allowed If
pirrhn•u price 10 land in fell st time
of 04114'.
f►n Farm Stork. implements end
other ('hatted.. --$10 and ander, en.111
nr4.1 that amnnnt. * eight montho' cre-
dit will be given on furnishing ap-
prq•ed joint note*. A dieennnt of 4
per rent, straight Allowed for cash on
credit amonnta.
All hay and straw will go wink the
forma, whieh will ie sold in a•parate
petrels. at 2 n'elOek, sharp.
ELWIN K11,TA11.10H,
Executers, Anhurn P.O.
AMw4M. fa Thi 101101
Equipped with electrrunagnetie
balls. Electronic electric treatment.
and chiropractic. Chronic organic and
nervous diaeseea Indy In attendance.
Otsce bours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m.
excepting Monday and Thursday af-
Lterno,n/ and evenings, and by ap-
(1uIfllmen 1 -
Residence and once--l.orner sf
Youth street and Britannia road.
Accountant. 102 Ontario street
Stratford. Phone 15(10. Res. 13301.
DR. F. J. R. k'ORSTER,
Late House Surgeon New York Ople
thalmlc and Aural Hospital, asslstaas
at Moorefield Eye Hospital asd
Golden Square Throat Hospital, Loa -
dun. Eng.
53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel-
etephone 287.
At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on the
evening of third Monday of each
month till"the following day. Tees■tiley,
at 1 p.m.'
as Barrister and Solicitor
Dominlon Building, 405 Bay street.
Toronto 2
Telephone Adelaide 4163.
Barrister, Etc.
Ofce-Hamilton street, (ioderiek
Phone 27.
Successor to J. I« Killoran.
Phone 97.
Office -The Sonnet. Goderich.
Napo & Nape
Hamilton St.. Oodericn
SURANCE CO --Farm and llro
lated town property insured.
otkeere-Jae. Connouy, Pres., God
erieh P. 0.; Jas. Evan., Vice -Pres -
Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor.
Ser.-Treas., Seaforth P. O.
Dlrectnr.--A. Brnadfnot, R. R
No. 3, Reaforth; John G. Grieve, Na
4, Walton ; William Rlnn, R. R. No.
2. Reafortb ; John Bennewles, Rrod-
hagen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 1.
Reaforth ; Robert Ferris, Harlock ;
Murray Gibson Rrneefleld ; James
Evan., Beechwood: Jame. Connolly.
Agent. ---J. W. Yeo, Gnderieh
Alex. Leitch. R. R. No. 1, 011ntoe
John Murray, Reaforth ; 18. Hlnchlay.
Reaforth. Policy -holders ran stake aft
payments and go. their earda reo'Mpt-
ed at R. J. W'.rrlah's Clothing Stores
Clinton; R. 11. (lntt's Grocery, Ring
alarm street, 0oderleh. or J P Estf'e
amoral Ston. Hayfield