HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-05, Page 10BY /VIA= PASS Joseph's Hospital, London '
Joan Livingston and son,
returned helm from
Wingbam Hospital last
Mr. • and Mrs: -Gordon
Kirkland of Lucknow visited
ber cousin, Mrs. Cecil,Blake
on Friday and Saturday.
Duane Rivett, Mike Austin
and Jamie Bere went to
Wainfleet on 'Sunday with
their' Bantam team to playa
hockey game, the first of a
Congratulations to Bob
and Michelle Rourke (nee
Austin) on the birth of their 8
lb. 10, oz. son,, on Wei:Ines-
-1.- dayi-FebruarY 27th at St.
10--Lucke w. Senfifielt Wednesday, Mareh 5; 1980
olksinger entertains studentsatBrookside
enYelopes should be signed
and , returned before Friday,
March 14,
The community responded
immediately to the an-
' nouncement about leaving .
clothes ,at the school for the
Pat-,:O'Neil...family , -whose.
home was destroyed by fire
on Thursday morning and,-0
several bandies carne-in both •
Thursday ' and Friday. For
anyone wishing to contribute
there are two boys,. size 14
and 12 and 1 girl, size 10.
Some folk front. Dungan:.
non attended the church ser-
vice at Nile on Sunday, put
on by the Hi-C group. Sev-
era) members took part and
leader Glen. Ribey gave the
sermon.. The Hi-C group are
to be, commended for their
fine job.
By Margaret McWbInney
Elaine 01)ontiell read the •
. skit the club is preparing for
Turn to Page lb*
best 2 out of 3 series. Bryant visited the school on
Wainfleet won 9 to 2. Friday, February 29 and
Several front our area are preseitted a varied program
patients in various hospital. of his own songs, ' accom-
Roger Noble is a patient in parrying himself on the guit-
Goderich hospital with pneu- ar. His wife showed suitable
mania; Gordon Schultz is On slides of Canadian scenery
the---8th-floor-at- Universitr --and-people-to go- with each .
Hospital, London., Benson number, This event was
Shackleton and Jack. Cutran sponsored by the Student's
of Lucknow..(formerly on the . Council, assisted by a nom,
6th) are patients in Winghant _final' fee paid by each child.
Hospital. . Eoth Kindergarten classes,
WOrd has been. received 1 and 2 attended school 'on
here on the passing of a Friday because Monday,
former United Church mm - Marc "s-Regisiration Day
ister, Reverend James Bright fort e ridergarten class of
at Albright, Manor, Beams- 198 -81, rid Mrs. Farrish will
yille, Ontariov in his 101st befr e t welcome the. new-
year; He, was predeceased by comers d talk with the
his wife, Several nieces and parents.
nephews 'surYive. , The boys play their final
VisitorS' on Monday With- hockey game on WednesdaY,
Mrs. Robert Irvin were Mrs. March 12. On that same day
Jim ,Steele and Rose Ann the Student's Council is.
Curran Of. London and Mr. providing school skating
and Mrs. Percy Blundell of from 2 -.3 p.m.
Goderich. . On Friday March 14 the
BROOKSIDE BROADCAST Student's Council is showing
By Lisa Brown ' a film and school will be
and Annette Ciu'ran dismissed at 12,30 p.m. the
On Wednesday, February beginning of the midterm
27, there was no sehool due break.
to stormy weather, the first Report cards go out on
,“snow!' holiday this year. Monday, March 10, .so the
Canadian Folksinger, Wiz
10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m..
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30 a.m. CKNX
10 amt. SUnday SchoOl
11:00 Lin,.
Morning 'Worship
. Nursery yrovIcled
For Pre-School Children
. Jr. Congregation for
5. -8 Year Old Children
George °R.__1f ryan tt1 fontainger from Ballebrito near Peterborough, performed fOr the
students of Brookside Public SchOOI on Friday afternoon. His songs about Canadian
heritage and history were presented -against a backdrop of slides of Canadian scenery. Wiz,
who lived in-AuStrviia for two years, realized he had missed something about Canada when
he returned. He likes to write and sing songs about our country and one of his albums is •
called Ballads of Canada. Following his presentation Wiz talked; with the students including •
Sheila Hymers, left and Duane Durnin, right. - [Photo by Dona Campbell]
Rev. Wm. /vIunshaw
B.A. M. Div,
10 a.m. Sunday'chool
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Everyone Welcome
in Bluevale at the corner of Highways 86 and 87. Phone 357-1222
Fran invites you to come in and enjoy delicious
home cooked food, home battered fish,
soups and pies.
There will be
with every
Hamburger Deluxe
or Fish and Chips.
Tobaccos, Confectionery'
anti Sundries
Wingharn, Ont.
Ph. 367-3072
Heating, Plumbing,
Josephine St, Wingham
Senora! Carrointry •
and Framing, Farm
Buildings, Bunker Silos
All Conetete tiffoth ,
Wingham 357-34.93
Orvilla ,and Herb
Fleischauer wish Mrs,
Keil the very best and
will be there March 10
cooking the fish and
helping with , the
Farm-Home - industry
Bulk a Cylinder Semiida,
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