HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-05, Page 6George A Greer; 4. Alex liedleyf S. Nelson ILONA O. Nicholas' Hedley,; 7. Hector. McKay, Whitechurch and 8. 'Henry Mothers. Others are unidentified but are believed to be from Whitecliarth. 'The picture was brought to the Sentinel by Harold Greer, Luclmow. "The Sepoylownit . On the Huron-Bruce Boundary '91 Ai. MONA'. P.UStICATION Business and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2822 ' Mailing. Address P.O. Box. 400, Lucknow, NOG 2i-10 Second class nail registration number -0847 SHARON J. DIETZ Editor ANTHONY N ,lor-tfoToNh , Advertising and General Manager PAT LIVINGST,ON Office Manager MERLE ELLIOTT •-• Typesttcr." * MARY McMGRRAY - Ad Composition Subscription:rate; $12 per year in advance. Senior Citizens rate, S10 per year in advance LLS.A. and Foreign, $21.50 'per year in advance Sr, Cit. U.S.A. and Foreign, t19.50 per year in advance Established 1873 Published Wednesday Stauffer Street, back of the old tannery site. The inieting was of the opinion one, well would be sufficient. The second well was not' suggested,to make sure of ample supply-of-water, hut nansparantee against accident. . The view taken by the meeting was that, as we don't do things:that way in our own private affairs, we need not do it for the village, It is something like a than • C4.4044,,MOiactitso4epoofe.. 75 FEARS` AGO . The sliver medal, contest Was,,heitt' in Lucknow Thursday' night. at the Town; Hall, Shr ,contestants Misses Macintosh,' Wiit-7•47711enderseti, MaVI;eudi— Moody and Graham showed 'they possess con- siderable elecutibnary talent and their respective' Selections 'reflect Much credit not only 'on; themselves but also on Miss La Campbell who so kindly 'assisted thefil in their preparation, The judges .decided that Miss Moody should receive ..the' mectal and the presentation was made by Rev. Millyard. From the war reports now dribbling in, it is abundantly evident that the Russian army has met With another &feat, The news is all from. Russian sources; and to it the standard:set by-past fights and former RusSian reports we incline to look for news of great importance. The .despat- ches, tell of desperate fighting, bayonet charges, pyrcpsyliti (gun cotton) explo- sionS, grenade fighting and great loss' to the Japanese, but, they all concede defeat in the end. large numbers of wounded are in, and there are many indications that the battle was a sanguinary .one. Iteeping two cars so that if one won't start, he can. fall back , on the other. ,A consideration which carried much weight with council was that Winghain, a town twice the size of Lucknow, has gotten , -.along with'only one well,for 199.years 'and neVer 'had need Of a second well and puniP. • The outcome of the meeting 'was that it' advised. council to proceed with a one well ' scheme costing $65,000. An electric booster pump, which was proposed in the plan to be installed along with a gasoline booster pump was regarded as unnec- essarY and was eliminated. The estimate of $65,000 will meet every contingency and is not likely to be reached. The invasion of Afghanistan by the' there is little Consolation in the assurance Russians has: renewed the cold war that no one will be stupid enOugh to push between the Americans and the Russians the button and start a nuclear 'war: and brought about a step up in militarism Non.lviolent resistance. was used by in the United .States, Ghandi in India and by the Civil. rights There is an increased awareness of movement in the United States as the military capabilities with the resulting letter to the editor points out. review of Canada's defence strength. Instead of spending more money on Facing a third world, war is a different military weaponry that is outdated as situation , that the preface to A first or soon..- as :.it-is_put into_use.„ Canada should second world war. A third world war establish a peace budget. would mean certain atinihiliation of •the . Canada should use het resources to world. ;promote peace .and bring peace around We need to rethink our attitude they world and to establish a non-violent towardS defence in the face of aggression defence system'to protect the country of from outside our bordrs. Canada from an invader. . A form of passive resistance is worth It requires the involvement of the considering because it is doubtful :that civilian population and it is a"new" Canada's military strength could ever - concept which will 'require some rethink- exceed that of either the Russians or the ing by many Canadians especially those spending can make us stronger than our just global economy. 'The—thirear -orthe ,aggressors for very long. A letter to the editor from the Religious Society of 'Friends (Quakers) in last week's Sentinel., makes a valid point. There is another option to resist agression if -YOU dO not , want to' risk nuclear war, non-violent resistance. Overcoming a superidr physical force by building Up a military force superior to that threat is no longer practical., It is no longer realistic to be 10 times stronger than Russia. They will only become eleven 'times stronger than we are. A nuclear war would destroy the planet and Americans, An increase in our defence who fought in the .previous world. wars. forcesind weaponry can never insure we We cannot risk another world war if we could fend off ,aggressors, should Another want to continue life on this pionet, We country decide to invade Canada. Milit- can however, work for world peace and ary technology is outdated as soon as it is build up our own national defense at the available, and no • amount of defense same time, by=working to develop a more future may not be the Russians and the Ameridans who are 'world powers today, but the poor countries .of the Third World Nations: By working for a just world economy, we can support the alignment of Third World nations with free world deinocracies, such as Canada, It ts in Canada's own best interests to work for peace, to mike peace rather than war: A third world war, is a horrifying prospect and it could well be that Canada would be the battleground. Geograph- ically, we stand between Russia and the United States.. So YEARS AGO:. The Village Council, and the Water: works AdVisory Board held a meeting With the consulting engineer, Mr. Stacie to.discuss the plan and' estimated cost for 4omestic and fire protection waterworkS for, Lucknow. The engineers' estirnat providing_ two. fully• equippe the payments, of a qualified took after the plant. Mr. Stogie said this plan was from tpe engineering viewpoint and was as nearly perfect as conditions . would perinit.' It was what the engineers would advise, but the council were. the men who knew the local conditions„ what could be paid for and so forth. Mr Storie's suggestion is to have a well and storage tank on the hill, west of otters to the editor 25 TEARS 'AGO - candlemaS -Day was a Month ago Lbut there's' oneT groundhog who was. running behind schedule in taking a peak to see, or not fo'sce his. shadow, This fellow had burrow through three feet of snow. which may have - discouraged an earlier appearance. Rbss Henderson spotted him . was $71,000, last Wednesday. wells' and The crows are back,, which is further ngineer to evidence that spring "s "just around the corner'''. . Charles Short is in charge of 'the Lucknow IGA Market which he purchased front. Archie Smith. The :store was closed on Monday for stock taking'and Mr., Short assumed Ownership on Tuesday,: March I. Mr. Short is a native. of ,:Brantford where he, had operated the IGA store in that city. May we take this oppor- tunity to thank Doug Cam- eron ; of 'Whighath who has donated a thermal Copier to the 'aSsociation. Our thanks also goes out to the Wing, ham . Try Hards for their benefit hockey game on Feb- ruary 23 and to those from our area and from Durham Who supported the game and the 'dance. which followed. Parents and friends of the ...Amen tally retarded ate invited_ __Sentinel . The paper arrives to attend an open meeting on regularly every Thursday or Monday, March 10 at 8 p.m, Friday and we look forward at the Winghain United to receiving it each week. Church. To the Editor: I am enclosing' ..a cheque Write a letter for 1980 subscription for the The Wingham and District Association for the Mentally. Retarded. Yours truly, Gladys Moore. (Mrs. Glenn Moore) Hamilton, etitting ice for storage and' subsequent signifier use on the pond of. George A., Greer, highway 86, east of LucknOw on the farm now•owned bybr. R. B. Treleaven. Note the on the road In the background which Indicates a lack of tooti sleighing. Shown are t. George Greer Sr.; 2. J. M. Greer; 3. Refrigeration 906