The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-27, Page 1tanley Township reeve tom Camila, left; with, Huron County warden, Bill Morley, .newly.eiected ...MP. Murray '.Cardiff and ..Merlo Gunby, •:president of the Huron . County • Federation .0tAgriculturel. before -the members of parliament dinner in Clinton •on -Saturday. The dinner :Sponsored by the Huron :Federation provides federation committees and other county producers' organizations with a chance to :preSent briefs to the three politicians. • [Seitforth Huron Expositor 'Photo] representing the area. ' • • •, ,••••,1, .1••••07.".••••.47 • • ••,-e••••••".4”.•••• In further business the board passed, a motion saying questions that memberi Of the 000-j--board_ivish to place before-the-hbard-at regular meeting, are to be, written. out and sent to the board chairman, 1-3.0v4 MilaseVie, one, week prior to the:regular monthly beard meeting. The. questions can then be given a proper response at .the regular board meeting. Mr. MilbseVic said they would be, referred :to . the proper committee, the executive director, hospital treasurer or board chairman so research may be done, to give adequate answers to these questions. Board' chairman Milosevic said it would permit whoever is called upon to answer the question to have the necessary information available. Ijiider the -present procedure; statistics must be taken from memory' to 'answer a question. Milosevie....so4d,, it would not preclude, 'Members asking questions during the {nisi.: ness Oa regular beard meeting. He said the board has active committees working well and many qUestiena can be referred rather than being`dealt With at regular meetings of the board.' . • He. said this would permit the board more time during general meetings for education speakers, film presentatiens', and the ,most important subject, patient care. -:•Mary--Vairir.4i,ospitaL p resident, reported that3the auxiliary has received donations from area Women's Institutes and the auxiliary is :now~ only $125 short of providing ,the equipment for the hospital's new stroke unit. ers win • LucknoW Central Public School came the winner at the Royal Canadian Legion Lucknow Branch 309 public speaking contest on Friday night. Lucknow speakers:captured . the senior and junior division trophies. Craig Kaufman, grade 4, took the junior title with his speech, TV Violence and Helen Maclntyre, a grade eight student, wen the Eselenpiohrataittle With a.• speech entitled, Jumbo the • Winghain and District Hospital board learned at their February meeting.the hospital hatsrecovered`the defielt_of $46, accumulated in'September„ 1979. - The deficit had resulted when the hospital board decided to keep open 14 beds ordered •• closed by the Ministry of Health. The costs of operating those 14 beds were not inclu in the hosfirart global budget received from the ministry and a deficit situation resulted. Hospital treasurer Gordon B.axter told the board, the deficit has been mainly recovered as of Jannary 31, 1980. The deficit, was recovered through the closure of the 14 beds in September, 1979 and the layoff of fulltime staff who worked on a partthrne basis to make schedules more flexible. , Hospital .executive administrator Norman Hayes •told the board inembers, the addition .Of one laboratory „technician will start..a ptocess of bringing staff back on staff on a fulltime basis and by April 1 all, who wish to return will be back on staff, Board'member Mary--Vain:president of the hospital auxiliary; said it felt "nice to be back on an, even: keel": now that the hospital no longer faces-'a deficit situation. desd 32 PAGES . . FtigRtAitY 27, 1980 Raise p1;496 To date $1496.56 has been donated for the 1980 Ontario March of Dimes campaign in Lucknow, Dungannon and rural'. areas,. Replies from rural residents are still most welcome. - In the villages thirty-nine canvas sets' made calls: in Dungannon, Penny Hodges; ' Mary. Ann Brindley, Kathy .Olson, Sandy MeWhinney and Bev Storey; in Luckriow, Vi• Ainold, Joanne Pentland, Vernon Hunter; Lillian Ab- bott, Greta Johnston, Helen Hall, Darla Allan, GlOtia Ritchie,. Marguer- ite SancierSon, Lorna Boyle, William • Schmid, Jane tauchi, Beth 'Ritchie, Gloria Murray, Norma Weatherhead, Cora MacDonald, Margaret Wilson, Betty McInnes, Sara Ritchie, George and Jessie ..loynt, Mildred Loree, Kay Crawford, Roberta Whytock, Tena Gardner,'Mary McMurray, kay Col.. lyer, Sandra Collyet, Jarie Treleaven, Art and Rita Gilmore, Alene Clark, Hennie Hilverda and Bernice Davies. The donations received frOM Our communities will help enrich the lives of physically disabled in so many ways - by providing etriplOyment and job training; camping holidays; wheel- 'Chairs —ainr-other aids iiiiprOVing - transportation, services and housing and helping disabled people re-dis-• cover their potential and get on with the business of living. • • Lucknow Figure Skaters performed • a truly -ClaSSshow when. they present- ed their ;club carnival; liblidays—Con Ice, at the -Lucknow arena`en Sonday to a standing- room only crowd. 'Highlights of the carnival apear in today's centrespread, pages lo and 1.7:' ' HighInterest rates are getting a strangle- hold on many farin businesses and making, it increasingly difficult for young farmers to enter agriculture; according: te---Jim7Mcln- tosh, a member of the eicecutive of the Huron Federation of Agriculture. , . Mr. • McIntosh presented a brief on, problems: created by the current high int- erest rates to MPPs Jack Riddell (Lib. - HUronMiddlesex) and Murray Gaunt (Lib. -• Huren-Bruce) and • newly, elected MP Murray Cardiff (tons. Huron-Br-4e) at the federation's annual members of parliament dinner in Clinton on, Saturday.— Mr, McIntosh. told dinner guests the._ increase in interest rates from 10 to 15 per cent has "added` six cents to the cost of • milk, • 39 cents per .pound of beef at the retail level and 27 cents per bushel of corn, to cite only Ttliree examples." *— He said established farm operations can withstand the high interest rates for a longer period than the younger farmer just starting He said many Canadian provinces offer either a farm loan program or an interest subsidy on specified existing loan programs to qualifying farmers but added, "Ontario may be the only province which does not offer • any incentive to yoig farmers borrowing the large sums of money neces- sary to get established in agriculture." • r McIntosh told the members of Parliament that the province of Quebec .for. example, Offers term loans to farmers at an interest rate 'of only eight per cent per annum. The federation director said the province of Ontario should either consider reintroducing the Junior Farmer Loan Program or' else establishing a program in which the interest rate,to qualifying farmers "is redueed to a manageable level". Mr, McIntosh :said a $100,000 loan,, -anicirtized- over 20.:years'r Witlf"41$'15er Cent interest rate, ends up costing the farmer $381,455,"' • • "For the survival of agriculture, the government of Canada should do everything • within its power to reduce the Bank of Canada interest rate. For Ontario agriculture to be truly competitive in the future, the province of- Ontario should operate. a 'loan program with a preferred interest rate or offer an interest rate subsidy to existing loan programs," Mr. McIntosh, told the politic- ians. • The federation director said Ontario must initiate loan programs "to keep us compe- titive with sister provinces". He said while farmers in the European Common Market countries can bortow money, at, three per cent interest rates, and many: established farmers in Ontario have outstanding loans at five per cent interest, "we are asking our young people to get into agriculture and pay . 12 - 15 per cent interest rates." • John Van Beers, second vice president of, the county federation, delivered a plea to the politicians to keep Saturday rural Mail delivery in effect. RURAL MAIL DELIVERY Mr. Van Beers said there are again rumours that the Saturday delivery is going to, be curtailed. He told the members of parliament that a farmer often receives important business mail on a Saturday "which gives him the weekend to deal with it: time which would not be available on. Mondays." • "The government has removed passenger tinin_services from tural..communities •and bus service is practically useless. Now our rural mail service is being diminished, It Would apicar that the federal government is trying to increase the 'isolation 'of rural Canada. Maybe the, government is hoping that if they just dose their eyes, the rural Turn to page Ss