HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-20, Page 25mews 960& Clos5ified lidverhSin3 " '13rog aretif 1?esult! Eric THE HEART FUND sloth --ear AUSTIN - In loving memory, •Of a dear . husband, :father and grand- father, Harold Austin, who pissed away ten years ago, • February 25, 1970. Never More than a thought away.,- Quietly, remembered every'. No need.for words excepti to What it meant to lose you, Mom, No one will ever know. Each time we see your picture. • You, smile and seem to say Don't cry; I'm only. sleeping, We will meet again, some day. ' Always loved and forever missed by daughter 'Joy, son-in-law Frank, and son Sam. --8 WOODCOCK In, loving memory . of our "Nan", Carrie'Woodcock, who left us February 23, • 1977. .„ SO many timeSWe've needed So many times -we've cried If our love, could have saved. Yon ' You never would have died, If we had one lifetime wish true, We'd pray to God with all Otir . hearts For yesterday, and you! Loved and remembered always. Grandchildren Lynne and Frank, 'Laura and Adrian 30 in- memoriam • HACKLETON say, . , Still loved, still, missed every Always . reinembered by emories we treasure no his wife 'and family. one can steal, Death leaves a heartache only. God can heal. WOODCOCK Lovingly remembered by In, loving memory of, our. MOM, Dad, , Carol, Gerald "Mom", Carrie Woodcock, ,and Valerie. ' who left us February, 23, L.g 1977. No farewells were spoken No time to say goodbye, You were gone befote we knew it And only God knows why. Out hearts still ache 'with sadness And the secret tears still • HACKETT In loving Memory of a dear Mother, Mrs: David J. Hack- ett, who Passed away, Feb- ruary 19, 1969; We cannot bring the olddayi Your hand we . can riot touch. . But still we have sweet mein- orieg; . - Of the one we loved so much.. Ever re-Membered—by Family.. 31. Cards of. thanks CRANSTON We would like to thank all who visited us, sent Cards and gifts to us in hospital and since returning home, Speci- al thanks Drs. Jolly, Carlin and McKim, nurses mid staff on second floor..All was greatly appreciated. Jeffrey and Barb Cranston —8x HALDENBY I Would like to thank every- one -who sent cards and Visited while I was in hospit al. 4 special thanks to the • Doctors at the centre ,and the nurses on second :floor. •--Thaitir-Year'rilso--to-the-boys- from Madill who visited. —8x •His• lovely smile. and happy face, • A broken link ,.we can never replace, . The sadness of parting_Ao.... one can. tell, Bo sudden on earth the • . -sorrow fell; In memory, of Lindeen Wil- liam Shackleton, Who passed away Tuesday, February. 23, 1971.. Beautiful memories are all we have left Of him we, love so dearly; 8:00 Tuesday or Thursday by 8 30 a.m, for prompt service ASK BILL FOR p.m. Tickets $5.00 ad- ' and Landrace boars.: Also EVANGELISTIC STEWARDSHIP DAYS Join us with speaker Rev. Gorden Williams:and Father • Bob MacDougall and singers Bruce and Elaine Stacey at , the F. E. 'Madill' Secondary Sehool,_ Wingharn, 231 Vic- toria Ave. E. on Friday, February. 29, 1980 at 8:00 p.ni Watch , StewardShip Days on. C.K.N.X. Thuraday. and Friday, Pebrury ;28-29, 19800 8:30 a.m. -10:00`a.m. and, Saturday, March 1, -1980 at 8:30 - 3:00 p.m.-8,9. ° LEGION MEETING All members are requested to attend the regular meeting Tuesday, February_ 26th at 8 p.m: 7-8ar JOHNHENDRICKSON IN CONCERT Hear one of Canada's prem- iere pianists, March 5 at 'Myth Memorial •Hall, 8 p,m. Tickets, Adults $4.50. Stud- ents. $3 available from Blyth Cenre for the Arts, Box 291, Blyth or call 523-9300 or 523-9636. —8,9ar FAMILY NIGHT Family Night Variety Conceit and Dance at Lucknow Leg- ion, March 8, at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunth. Anyone wishing to take 'part in, concert, call 395-2454 or 528-2299'. —Ur owd.•1*.• PUBLIC SPEAKING The Royal Canadian Legion, Lueknow Branch 309 Public Speaking Contest 'will be held on the 22nd of Pebru? ary at S p.m. at the Legion; Brookside, Lucknow . and Kingsbridge competing, EV- . eryorie welcoine. NO admis- -is welcoino. •Kathleen ,Thorburn, at 'their horn in ,-,'Arnberley -on -Feb ruarY 24th from 2 - 4 and 7- 9 p.iii. Best wishes Only. —7,8, LIODiSFAMILY,SRGHT • DANCE' Saturday,. February.': 23 at LucknOW District Caininunity Centre, The Olde. Fashioned Dance with Tiffin's torches- tra. Square and round danc•:. ing, gigs and reels. -No' bar. Ladies please. bring ,.lunch,. c011eotiOn at door. Bring' family and friends, • come early, stay late. Sponsored by ,Lucknow ,District Lions Club: ship 'Hall. 10 regular gamei 40TH ANNIVERSARY Janet, Joyce and jUdy -and their families 'invite 'you to ' join them in celebrating the 40th wedding! anniversary of their 'parents, Duncan:and.;. .ult. $4.00 senior citizens, $3.00 children. Write Blyth Centre for the Arts, Box 291, • Blyth,Phone . 523-9300 -or 523-9636.--60-7,8ar REGULATIONS' • The West VVawanoskfeder- ation of ,Agriculture will be holding a discussion Meeting on Thursday, Febriiary 28 at 8 [Lt, in the svineiens-Hall-.-- requested to be ...M'esent. Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- . paved roads. Representatives of the Min: —Bar ure Equipment, Hog. Equip istry of Natural Resciurces . meat. ' WAWANOSH • .150 acres - will , present the current SHOOT PARTY BUTLER - Silo Unloaders; restyled house, 2 yr. old 100 . regulations on farm water. At 4t. Helens Institute Vail Feeders, Conveyors. • x 50 hog barn, .TWo other systems,, questiOni and dis Thursday, February 21 'at FARMATIC - Mills, Arigers, barns, pit silo; implement cussion will folio*. Everyone 8:30. — etc. ACORN Cleaners, - Heated 110WICK LIONS:BINGO Waterers, Will , be held on Friday, • February 22 at 8:00 p.m. in WroXeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00: 12 Regular -740tfar games for $10.00; 2 Share , the Wealth; one $25.00. Spec ial; • Jackpot... $150.00 on 57 calls; Purple :Ball $50.00; Door and ConsolatiOn Prizes: THE SCHOOL SHOW . By Ted 'Johns. is Back! Blyth 'Memorial Hall, Monday and LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO .. UNITED CO-OPERATIVES : OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT TORONTO Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R.; #'5, LUCKNOW • On Tuesdays Or groups of 5'or more On Thursdays • , FrOm Lucknaw Stockyards CALL , SERVICE AGE RAMP, 528-3530 Home or Tuesday, February 25 26,York, Hamp.x York and York • 52&3119 Yards. 2. Coming events heifers and.ters ' $1.00: per • • lb. Phone 39 -33i0. *-8 100 HUNTLEY STREET FARM, DRAINAGE.. AGIRIcinisuREMEOiNO " ixt441,0NRT utton, . .• at$15..00; Purple Ball of $25; 4 corners jackpot on 5 calls, • $20; One share the Wealth;' .2 specials, $25; one jackpot-of $575.00 on 56 calls; conSola- tion gaMe o • $57.50; .5 door ' prizes, —8ar Attention Farmers Society will hold their regular - meeting on Tuesday, Febru- ' ary • 26 at 8:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. All direetors ,are RIPLEY LIONS BINGO, ' Will be held on. February 20, ..1980, at 8 pan. at the Town- , The Imcknow Agricultural A.For, sale • ID. Livestock 10 YEARLING EWES lamb for sale, due in next two weeks. Phone Wm. Dickie, 395-5007, —8, 25 .CALVES b 500. • . REPLACEMENT'CATTLE' ,a out lbs.,- ,..._,.39.tfar :32. Coming events ' York x an race guts.Bob binson, R. R. 4 Walton, 345-2317. —7,8,9 C. Wanted • WANTED to .buy 10 tonne mixed grain. Phone' 357- 3331, —8 P1ONEER 20 lateltneW Sentinel, Wedneadayi .February: 20, 1980-..Page 25 - • P.m FARM SYSTEIVOLTD. WAWANOSIT Wingham area. No build- ings, over half hard and softvvood bush. Aceessto two , E. Farm SerVICe$ „IP • 4 • a .0 • • Amberiny PHONE 395-5286 Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Cleaners, Stabling, WESTEEL-ROSCO Gran- aries. • B &,.L - Hog 'Panelling. TOWER KING PRESSED • STAVE SILOS Oxygen limiting silos with' bottom 'unloader. Liquid - manure tanks. Phone Francis Boyle, 395-5088, 3tfar. Regarding Problem Weeds - Their-Iden— tification and control. Herbicide recom- mendations and rates of application .will be discussed. LUCKNOW LEGION WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20 - 800 p.m. Sponsored by Pfizer & Monsanto REQUIREMENTS OF Phone 52848n Lucknow .Sentinel. -ION FARRIERS-- Inform ation Meeting shed, `'granaries: Asking -$139,000. - TURNBERRY - 207 acre hog farm. Excellent modernized brick house. New hog barn 36 x 136. Other barns 57'x 90; 36 x 72, 2 silos, 4 feed tanks, 2 cleaners and much more. 50 ACRE Highway hog farm. Brick _house, 2 beg barns, real good set-up. RIPLEY 100 acres, 81 Os- tematically drained acres; 3, yr. old 3 bedroom: bungalow, new .steel implement shed., 100 ACRES' on paved road,. 95 workable, two storey brick house, barn.62 x 108, asking $130,000. Try your offer. • . J rep. 20..Public notices 30. In. memoriam. • In loving:Memory of our dear Mother and grandmother, -Violet-Webster, who passed away.February 19, 1973,,' • ' Though: her' smile: is. gone: • forever.' ' And her :hands we cannot touch,. We have so many':memOrles Of the Mom we loved so . much. • Her memory is in OM' keep- ing, With which we will: never Part: . • God has her in His keeping But we have her in ourheart.: Lovingly ' remembered her children anti grandchild- ren. • MEWHINNEY In loVhig memory' of iny, dear husband, Frank; who passed away 'February. 24, 1979.. No more than a thought away, Quietly remembered every day; No need for werdi except to say; Still 'loved and- missed.:-in every way: Sadly missed by Doris and ,family BUS TO N.H.L. games' in •WEBSTER, Detroit from January 26 to April 5. For more informa- forth, 527-1222. 7tf . iong tern' stands exceptional yield tnieriuice to bacterial' wilt • : ' • excellent winter hardiness with tact regrowth Bruce Rayitard R. R. No 1 Lucknow - 528.6144 5000-FIRST-CUItcindnioned hay.' Phone 5244286. Dun can -Farrigh....-8,940ic 2000 BALES OF STRAW, Call 529 7890 or 5294469 - REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD bulls, ready for service. Good conformation, gain. Sire gained 3.5 lbs, per day. Ed Powell, R. R. 1 Whigham. Phone 335-,3893. —8,9 ONE YORK . Purebred boar, May be seen after 5:30 p.m. Phone 529-7839., —8 • MEL MAINERS, VVingliani Phone 357-3208 Rep. L.1V. Hutton Real Estate. Ltd. Broker, Kincardine 110111000111•11111110100111111/V WANT ADO) PINELODGE REST HOME; A supervised 'retirement ho, me caring for your person- al needs 24 . hours a day, Lricknow 528-2703, 50tfar 21. Persona „PREGNANT a rid need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066. or 392-.0541 or 432-7197 collect. —40t1 HAVING • ..A DRINKING PROBLEM? 'AA can . help: Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. • --46tfar .• • - • .24'. Business-- • ,.. • .opportunities.: CARPET„ BUSINESS - Well established in progressive, southwestern. Manitoba town. Retail 'carpets, resil- lents, drapery. Modern block building, includes three bed- room living quarter& Phone (204) 75972748. —$nc