HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-20, Page 17titY 11 ARIlE PARK' gave.a few remarks_ and the
.foUr agents were- then -intto-- A capacity crowd wasj,n 41ueed,._
attendance op Friday after-
noon at the Agricultural Hall, The highlight of the after*
to attend the 101st annual noon was the discussion on
meeting of the West Wawa- the pros and cons of the site
nosh Mutual Fire Insuranee or the head offtce. It was.
Company, President Eldon finally decided to keep the
Bradley welcomed everyone. head office •at Dungannon
• and chaired the meeting. with .a '.much larger building
Steve Whitney, secretary- being needed.
manager, gave the financial • Following the meeting cof-
report which was adopted as fee. and-donuts were served
fore 11 o'clock: Mr.. Cowan,'
in his sermon, spoke on the
Howard ' Oodfrey was
brought from, Stratford hos-
-pital-tcrGoderich hospital-las
by the Agricultural Society
Each Of the five directors ladies.
• Celia Chandler, Suzanne
ton;,-Marilyn Jainiekon, The'
win iers of first and second
Fite will be going on to give
their speeches in Lucknow.
Speeches and .recitations
,l,, were also given by the
' Grades 1 - 4 in the gYmnas-
itun on Friday morning. The
winners were as follows:
gra'de 1, Deanna Greene,
Karen Bakker and Kevin
Webster:. grade Z, Julie'
Pentland, Ainslie Martyn,
Melissa Logtenberg; •grade
3, Ken Strong; She Hod-
geS, Laurie Hayden; grade 4,
Jeff McMichael, Michael.,
Pentland, Jason Provo, •
ceived the London Free Press
every day this week for our
our spetial week; Mrs. Kel-
lar, came to give us a very
interesting presentation on
Ththeuelorsdclay, erleh Signal-Star last
To ..celebrate Valentine's
Day, the Students' Council;
sponsored a record hop at
noon on February 14.
On Friday, February 15
the speaking contest took
place, within the gymnasium.
The top three in each division
are as follows: junior, Vicky
Hackett, Lorelee Howes,
Audrey Bos; intermediate,
The choir sang the anthem
• There will, be church, as
usual next Sunday, February
24 and then there will be no
church service held for two
Weeks. During...that time the
, Workers' redecora-
tion project will be. under-
way. 'This group deserves
great credit for their enthus-
iasm and hard work.
By Annette Curran .
and LISS. Or01471
Within the school, we re-
Week. Ate is now getting
around in a Wheelchair.
Congi;atulations ,-to Doro-
thy and. Jack Clement on, the
occasion of their 35th ' anni-
verary. A well,attended'soe-
al evening was held on Sat-
urday at the , Agricultural'
Hall on their behalf,
Some from :our area par- .
ticipated in the annual .50
mile Foresters snowritobile.
• rally held on Sunday. The
proceeds of this Annual event
go to the Cancer Society.
Don't forget the . Agricul-
ture . Society euchre this
',Wpdnesday evening.
Marvin and Evelyn Smith
had their daughter -and son-.
in4aw, Mr. and ,Mrs: Peter
Lattion and finny of Stoney
Point all last week, On the
weekend another daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mts Herman Guilbeault
Kelly' and `KriSty of EsseX
Bditor's NoterOtir Dun-
gatuton columnist would ap-
predate the eU-operation of
Dungannon folks in writing
this column. Please' call with
yOur news or be willing to
paiticiPate if she calls you.
The cblumn will be sadly
missed our cOluninistde-
:dd es to retire .because Dun
. gannOn folks are disinterest
Church service began as
usual with ,a few 'min'utes, of
hymn singing together be
about "Ireland'
• Congratulations to Ma
u Raynard and her bowling
team who, won the tourna-
ment at Coldwater neir Orli-
.lia, over` the weekend. They -
now advance ,to the Provin-
cial Finals on March 8th at
London. Eva Bolt of Lucknow
is also on this teank. • -
We wish a speedy-recovery
to Ella Hackett who returned
home -from University Hos-
pital on Saturday, where-Shd
had been a patient for, a feW
Congratu▪ lations to Darlene
and Ivan - Wattain of Wing-
ham On the birth of their new
baby girl. Christopher -Wat-
tam stayed .with 'his grand-
parents, Donald and Shirley.
Hackett. - , •
Charlie and Mayme Wilk-
ins and Elmer and Edna Cul-
"bert travelled to Toronto on
Satuiday to attend the NW.
hockey, game at Maple Leaf
Gardens, which was part of
the kinsmen "Night on the
TOwn" ticket, that Charlie
tougrattilatiOns folka.',,
Alci their daughter. Etiza-
beth ..Will placed second
in the .Legion Public Speak-
ing contest at Wingham for,
junior Category. of Grade: 9
and 10. Her speech, was
Visitors with Willnie Campbell 'over the weekend
were her: grandchildren,' Bar
ba.ra and Kenny 'Campbell of
Cambridger and Brian, Lila
and Annabelle Stewart of
-Dungannon,' They enjoyed
getting out on..4he' Skits and
some skating.
On • Wed., Feb. 13,
Ripley Schools held its
Annual Public Speaking `•
Contest at Ripley-Hi:won
Central School. Winners
were. Lisa Johnson,
Donnie Shantz -and
Monique Harvey.
Honourable mention goes
to Todd Farrell. These
students will compete in
the Legion Public
Speaking Contest
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