HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-20, Page 14,and Todd Ritchie picked up one assist - " ' St. JoSeph's SchOol R. R. # 3, Goderich, Xingsbrldge, Ontario Telephone No. 529,7646 Mr. David Zyluk, Principal Thurs., March 6, 1980 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Kindergarten children need to be 5 years of age on or before 31st December, 1980. Where there are sufficient student spaces, a child who attains the age of 5 years after the 31st December but prior to the 31st of January may on the request of the parent be registered in Kindergarten for the school year. Please bring proof of age [Birth Certificate or Baptismal Certificate] season, attitudes toward the, Alk Iiik or - in mura ay 's 'game , m . .referees Black and A4ton, game thang!d. ,. --Fin-al 'score, Lucknow' 4, ppareite-S Gallo lu___ . , . Mildmay-,7-1 kawl---werelpreed_to_rall, 22_,minor _Dnthe positive side, Grant „.MildmaY 2- - --- ---- --,------ . . freely to a 3 - 0 shutout,- penalties in the second and Murray had a four goal game The next game is Wed- Goalies Todd Scharlach and third periods. It seemed that, including two short handed, nesday at 7,-45 against -Tiver Bill Card enjoyed the shutout with the score' 4 - 0 in unassisted .goals.-1 D'Onnie ton. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION AT Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic .. may's last • game here this BY GEORGE GMSON turned into a penalty parade instead of a hockey game as McFarlan picked up Vassists --only second of the :year. Lucknow's favour While ' the goalies looked after the back door the skaters managed to keep the puck in the Mildmayione for Most of the game and the y net. Minders were KINLOSS.mucED LEAGUE lend_24/Li441P high triple the busiest players on the :Hi High single for the nien Linda Sticklend 590. were,Frasef MacKinnon and Ladies over 225: Linda Lucknow scoring went to Mike Dalton with 218 and Sticklend 247, Janet Rhody Grant Murray from Chris high triple Fraser lvlacKiii -238, Anne Anderson 227. IrwiK,A),Cx,W09..§1,V.101sisteki,'::;nOn.;*44,03:Sie t,' .4 4---.,,,,p. Men's high single Frank, and Grant Murray fiMirDotiv ' rs,1(4*'20-PSte,tratof"Friie'r•-m/Hawthorne 321; men's high MacKinnOn 218, 211, 206, triple Frank Hawthorne 736. Mike Dalton 218, Men over 250: Frank Haw-- The ladies deserve an thorne 321, Ron Stanley 275, 'honorable mention'' this Orville Elliott' 258, week with Betty'Lou Dalton Standings: Kangaroos 0, and Grace Oeertsma the high 92; Foxes 2, 89; Cougars 3, single of 166/and Nikki Exel 88; Wolverines 7, 87; Cubs' 0, the high triple with ,444. 741/2 ; Tigers 4, 69; Chip- Team points and stand- munks 7, 65; Polecats 5, 65; ings: SnoWs 7, 95; Macs 5, Squirrel's 7, 641/2 ; Zebras 7, 75; Wealthys 7, 74; Spys 0, 58; Gophers 0, 57; Coops 0, league it ,was Wayne Burg- 73; Kings 0, 71; Pippins 2, 31. SIna from Darin 53, Friday's Mirdinay contest MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Ron Stanley had high single of 318 and high triple of 802. Games over 225: Ron Stan- ' liey 318, 265, Jim Bain 277, 248, 234, Gerry Ross 256, 229, Bob .Greet 203, Del. • Nixon 244, Fr. Dentinger 230,, Joe Austin 229. Team stan,dii ngs: Oldsino- biles 5, 59%; Fords 5, 661/2 ; Mustangs 0, 61; Dodges' 2., 58; Pontiacs 2, 7-1; Buicks 7, 83. LUCKNOW-DuNGANNON Ladies: high Linda Stick- nib' On FridaY, the Pee Wees took on the Pee Wee House- leaguers what turned' out to be the match of the night, Both teams played well with good end-to-end 'action and the game ended in a.,1 tie. For the pee Wees, Mark Londry • scared • from Steve Murray and for the -house- off ALL WATCHES Ladies' aniMen's Electric and Digital INTERTOWN BAWLING On February 16th Lucknow defeated Shelburne 9 - 2. Lucknow scores were: Al- lan Stanley 1128, Gerald Rhody 1110,, Dan Davve 1071, Ron Stanley 966, Bob 'Cran- ston 880, Del Nixon 848. LADIES-6:30 P.M. LEAGUE Dorothy .Bain bowled the high single with a .64. Dorothy Bain bowled the high triple with 'a 561. Games of 200' and over: Dorothy Bain 264,' Bernice Kemp 204, 210,-Betty;Firday, son 204, Dorothy Hamilton..: 210. Team points and. stand- ingsi RooSters 88, Ducks 5, 79; Geese 5: 79; Hens 2, 73; .Chickens 2, 72; Turkeys 2, 71, - TOWN AND COUNTRY High spore for 'the ladies went to Anna Johnstone with single of 205 and double of 376. Wes Young had high single for the men with 179. Bill Ross took the double -with 312, Team standings: Reds Al, Violets 88, Blues 51, Oranges 48, Greens 43, Yellows 39, LADIES 9 O'CLOCK High single 'Barb Tyler 268; high triple Barb Tyler 645. 'Games 200 and over: Barb Tyler 268, 208, Wilma .Blake 242, Linda . Stkkiend 237, 204; Lynn Wall- 225, Carol Adanis 208, Marie Scott 208, Marg Montgomery 207, Bon- nie Taylor 205, Karen Allen 2021 Barb Helm 292 Dianne Carter 200. Team pointS and stand- ings: Pineapples 4, 78; Ap- ples 5, 77; Oranges 7, 76; Grapes 0, 71; Cherries 3, 70; Bananas-:2, 69 Special prices in effect until le end of February For * Weddings * Anniversaries * Birthdays * Any Special Occasion See our large selection of Jewelry and China We have a gift that's sure to.please CLOSED MONDAYS DURING WINTER MONTHS OWNERS W. JOS. AND DEAN E. AGNEW FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS PHONE 528-3532 OR 528.3940 Four unanswered goals hi the third period gave the Lucknow Juveniles a 7 - 2 win over Paisley, Sunday afternoon. One of the goals was scored on this play by Joe Boyle when Steve MacPherson collided with the Paisley netrninder. [Sentinel Staff Photo]