HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-20, Page 13Public speaking contest at gsbnidge scho
LOcknow. Sentinels Wednesday, February 20, 1980-Page 13.
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4: - . *44 •pro.,4•••••4, •ar..,4emv.-..1410,4,4,.wo44/4ole tri•
held on, Thursday, Februcaly
14th at'3.30 p.m. for parents
of pupils to" receive the
in March,
The IVIinistry of Education
courses run by the University
of Western Ontario in St.
Joseph's Community School
commence in September.
Id. 113 14 1V
I II I iy
Notice:, of
Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire-
Insurance Company
Wroxeter, Ontario *Finandal assistance
* Managenkont counselling (CASE)
* 1Vianagement training
* Information on gopernment
programs forktsri ess
-Cant he you?
See our Representative
Dan Handford and/or John MacKenzie
at: The Bedford Hotel
Goderich, Ontario
Every Tuesday on: Next Visit: February 26th
Do*-Blarcker 5244147
BY received word on the passing DELORE$ Van 0$CH Lalonde, Four Feet Off the. Dalton and :Linda Nan Osch Wednesday, February 13,
. • Ground; second, Shawn Do- in the intermediates, and. 1980. A new brother for of BettY's uncle, Mr' Ed
-:7—'-`411e-anhhal-P'arverPnhlic--hei'tY•r--SuPer'atitioris;---thirk---Kenny,--Van- --Osch-in the Tonliny and-Mark and _ Kraemer of Waterloo- at the
age of 95-.-Tli,e-fitneral-rMass -
1; Don Boak, Paul
- A Nine Year - Old Nurse; . rii grades 'seven and eight. Gaunt 14.P,- and Father Sem.; Dalton, son of- Dennis and-
rian naskel
_ .Ftayne, Paul. Eedy and Fran ,. grade four, first; Lisa Card,' Maria, Dalton. ' Wednesday were Murray Ruth, is' Married• to. /3
second, Marianne .Franker4 they, were:. first,'; Christine ple,,Parish Priest at Wing- Irene Dalton of this Parish, . cis and.KINLasreBnitc/De Hogan
MY , Pen Pal, and . R ald londe. „,, 1 ' 'Legion .in Lucknow, the fol- Chatham. ;
Plasschaert; My Trip to Nia-, ,, These six winners comet- lowing ., representatives will Several young high school Ministry is no longer giving . .
Katherine Stapleton, Einbar- Wednesday, February 13 leton,' Christine Stapleton Legion Public Speaking held : School Co-ordinator and the q
11-1!')/Uo.R-9AIN gara Falls- • ed in the 0.E.C.T.A. Public be , speaking; Linda Van students from the area' were' Mrlinunity School Grants,. 7
In . grade five, first, Mary. Speaking held . in Goderich °' Osch, Mary Katherine Stay- participants in the Wuighani Denise Dalton is no longer
ra,ssinetit; second, Andrea and will, comPete. in the. and Kenny: Van Osch. in Wingharn on Saturday, principal, Dave Zyluk has, IA' i G
Smith, FestiVe Season; third; Liicknow ,Leglon competition •• A meeting for the parents. Winners in the junior div. taken over her duties, PIG
Pali], Van itO0Y,.C.N. Tower;.:on Friday t February . 220,, of eh4dien receiving the ision were; first; Shirley Dor... Grade 7 and 8 are .writing
fourth Tanya Westecort Several arents' t-tended the SacraMent of Aeconciliation scht . ;1-11 Clubs; second,
SPealcing contest vvas held at Perry ,Van Osch, Pencili and. senior group.' • er grandchild for MrsrClar-
Joieph's .School recently Pens; fourth, Betty Jane Maria Dalton will repres- ice. Dalton. , Was held on Saturd" morn-
with:children .from grades oran, DionneQuintuplets, ent the zone at the 0,E.C. Word was received this i°g .from St'14ais' '119M n Catolid Chureh, Waterloo, four to eight competing. The PverallWirmers were chos- T.A. finals in Dublin on week of, the death of Mrs, Shr. area men 'attended a judges were Mrs.. Bev Miller en in two categories.' hi the .Saturday with . Linda Van Murray Rankin of Chatham three', day bus tour to. the
High chool. Van °soh; second,' "Tula as an a ternate in the seniors. an Eileen
, , p a .. ,-
Popular Sports on 'Georgian speaking contest at the was held at the school on Elizabeth Wilkins, Ireland; , Toronto won the :• junior
house- league floor hoekey. Bay. _ School. Thursday afternoon. , third, Christine Messenger: Grades 2, 3 and 4 c'elebrat
In grade :six; first, Linda , On Wednesday,- February Grade seven and eight : John McRae. In the seniors, .
Mans . ed Brenda Van Osclr'S birth ,Van Osch, a Dairy Farmer's 136, 'six pupils from St. exams are under way and so first, jack Whytock, day. On February 14 the Datig ,:eri._;,.second... , Maria _ ,_ „Ic seph's School, Kings, there's. plenty of work 'for Construction; second, Mary
had -ta, birthday party.. Dalton,. My Canoe 7Trip; bridge, were among the--24 'these students;---- -._, , .. . . -:, . Luanne Clare?, International -Our school is on the liSt of third, Sally' Van 0Sch, Prince competitors in the, 0.E.C. This Friday the senior boys- Year of `"the Child; third. •- -13 schools that have an out Edward Island; fourth, Cathy T.A. Public Speaking Con- and girls will' be travelling -to Murray Gilchriit, Students of ,.,
- In grade eight, first', John Franken in the Juniors; Maria ing is to be held Wednesday, toying a week s vacation at birthday.
In grade •seven, first, The other contestants were Vicki Delbergue is repres- Gaunt, M.P., Jahn StrOng, en and Grade l's valentinc Christine Stapleton, My-Mis- from 'Sacred Heart, Wing- eating the Goderich Knights Wingham and Rev. Roberts ' , Party on Thursday. On Fri haps on fhe Farrn; second, ham, ' St, JOseph's Clinton of Columbus Conned' in the peigrave. * day the Kindergarten and Kenny', Van Osch, A Traffic and St. Mary's Goderich. District Free Throw tourna- Mark Frayne, Jim. Val Grade 1 class went sleigh Ticket; third,' tied between Four the of nine winners ment at Stratford this Sun- Osch and Bridget Dalton wh
Vicki Doherty, Supersitions„ bridge School, Marianne A family and school meet- versity in Wat,erloo are en
O'Connor, Relatives from test in this zone held at St. St. Mary's School, Goderich the Older Days.
special gnest at Kindergart Denmark. : , . Mary's SChooi, ‘Godericla. for basketball games. Judges were Murray Father Dentinger was _
,'riding at Tom Hogan's., On Billy Card,. Football, and chosen were-. from _Kings day, attend Wilfrid Laurier Un Friday, K and Grad 1, cele-
. orated Jennifer Redmond's
and Mr. John .Gaetz, both grade five and six' group they Osch as an alternate in their at the age of 51. The Rankins,
richS dWilson, d f . 'merit Show at Louisville;
Equip- teachers at Kincardine Dist- were as follOws:. first, Linda group and Kenny Van Osch formerly lived where Dan North Ainerici% Farm
Youngest in the Family d Stapleton; , seCond, Kenny ham- Dennis arid Irene attended
Due to the fact that., the (tied), . Maureen Staple Van Osch, third, Joho La,-. This Friday evening at the the funeral on Tuesday in • KURRICULUM
Mrs. Neil MacKenzie held ' en by Mrs. Warren Wylds..' going to 'grow next year. 'Mrs ban Mulhern and Mrs.-'
the -February meeting of - Business co` in- SOCIAL NEWS iyle Mulhern. Brother Carl
Ashfield W.m.S.. at her .cluded Mrs. Stuart MacLen- Congratulations to Eddie attended a film on a Preview
Kentucky. They were Doug The winners were; in Katherine St .l third,. Judges in Goderibb on now live. Their daughter,
February 27th at the School. their respective homes. 11,1m Eedy attended a
is to be held in the af-ternoon and Brother Carl Voll spent tion Week. ' • of Thursday, Mara 6 and it ,Wedriesda.y and Thtirsday in A Parent'S meeting was looks as though-our school.is Chatham visiting, Mr. and
meeting in Dublin for Educa Kindergarten registration Betty Frayne, Mary Boyle • • -
an a
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home. Mrs.. Warren, Wylds nan being elected -to the and Maureen 'Chilton on the of his trip to the Holy Land at
opened-the -meet ing-witft-a--- nominating- committee . ,---the-Holiday4rtm -Brother-has
poem followed by, the devo- Jonathon Williams at the the trip planned for this
tional.. An article written by Donnybrook Alexandra Marine and Gen- . spring. ' •
Rev, J. A. Davidson from eral Hospital, Goderich,, on' * Gene and Betty Frayne ers
Ottawa entitled, "Baffled by UCW
your behaviour", was read
by Mrs. Wylds.
A reading, "Change My
Life No - Yes", was read by
Mrs. Neil MacKenzie. Offer-
ing was received and pray.er
given by Mrs. Lloyd Collins.
Mrs. Warren Wylds spoke
about the Korean Church in
Japan and chapter two of the
study book on "Minority
rights", was read -by Mrs. r Golden Clasp", and "Impar-
Neil MacKenzie and Mrs. tial Lave". A' reading,
, Lloyd Collins. A discussion "Love", was given by Mrs.
followed the chapter. Stuarta Chamney. Mrs. E.
_ _ Roll ,all, something we ,Robinson.....took_ over for the ,
hope to learn from our study, business. • . . was answered by eight mem-. ;me 'ladies quilted on a .11
bers. A reading, "First quilt following the meeting.
Things First", and a poem, Mrs. E. Robinson assisted
"Valentine Wish", were8- i v: the hostess for a social time.
"Builders For Todays
Building Needs"
Carpentry and Cement Work
Mix Chisholm 529-7114
• ,
Donnybrook U.C.W. met
at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Hardy for :their Februaiy
meeting on Tuesday after-
Mrs. Wes Jefferson open-
ed the meeting with a
reading, "Golden Clasp".
Mr's. Wes Jefferson gave
two readings, ",Love' is the
Wednesday February 27t1r
At 1:30 p.m.
1. To receive the Annual Statement and Auditor's
2. To elect two Directors to replace Max Demaray and
George Adams, both of whom are eligible for relec-
• 3. To amend by-law #33 - .Directors Remuneration.
4. To consider amending the Company name to'the
"The Howick Mutual Insurance Company."
5. To appoint an auditor for 1980.
6. To transact any other' business whith may IightlY--
come before the meeting.
President. Manager.
The 107th. Annual Meeting of the Company will be held
in the Wroxeter Community Hall, Wroxeter,, Ontario.
(Branch Office Address) For prior information
please call 271.5650 (collect] or write 1036 Ontario
Street, Stratford