HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-20, Page 9'APPLICATIONSH 11106.111•••••••••••04110-0641110 - WILL BE RECEIVED BY Lucknow Recreation Committee FOR SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS AND LIFE GUARDS ArLUCKNOW SWIMMING POOL • FOR THE COMING SEASON 'Applicants are required to apply in writing stating qualifications, byMarch 1Sth to WM. R. HUNTER Lucknow Recreation Committee . Box 32, Lucknow, Ont. r:OLUMBIA PICTURES and UNIVERSAL PICTURES. RAY STARK. WILDWOQI5 PROI:&71811 ROBERT REDFORD. JANE FONDA esiden. is re 'es a o current excessive interest „third reading to By, -Law #3., te;iders'for baekhoe•wori; and . rates; and .the ToWnShiP of 1,980' • This by.law replaces gravel trucking for tbe year Brock re the' Metric, System By-Law #14, 1979, to Make . 1980": . . wiere, discussed. Council con- the exacideScriPtiOn. of the The road accounts • were chrred with both resolutions: property being sold to Ray- passed for payment on mo, co that' the Treasurer of nards a part of the by-law. Om of Councillors Aitchison Ontario and the Federal Min- . Motion bi. Councillors and Hickey... ,,. , . istry of Finance be requested Durnin and Matey, "That Motion by Councillors Art to'introduce programs. to chison and Hiekey,-"That the West Wawanosh ToWnship offer, lower interest rates •te Clerk is hereby authorized to ' Council hereby. small businesses and (2) that the v authorizes Clerk to advertise for. advertise for sale 'municipal the Federal Government be .'debentures- in the amount of requested to applications for a .person to defer any furth- S13000.00 .at 12% interest, count the dogs in the Town-• . ,, . --er impleMentatioh of the .ship for the year 1980,, - in two- local .papers -for two ' Hickey:'" Metric System. weeks.., . Liockii;iy :Sentinel, VireOesdsky, February 20, 1980--•Page ondtnent Thee,, regular February. meeting of ,West Wawanosh _Tnwpship Council took place in the Municipal Office' of the. Public Works Building on Tuesday, February 10, 1980, presided over by. Reeve Councillor Cranston was absent, • The minutes of the regular January meeting , and two subsequent meetings were read and adopted on Motion of Councillors- Aitchison -arid' Two Auburn' reSidents Motion by Councillors Ait- Motion by Councillors The general accounts were spoke to Council in regard to chison and Durnin, "That DUrnin and Aitchison, "That ordered paid on motion ; of the . Dog Control By-law for West Wawanosh TownShip the. Road 'Superintendent be Catincillors Durnin and; Hick- ' the 'Police Village. It was hereby give first, second and authorized to advertise for - ey . understodd that the Trusteei were takin$ steps to amend one Section of the by-law which was felt,. unfair and ambiguous. by many of the village residents. Councilin. forined the two 'delegates', that • the. Matter would be investigated no later than the MarCh meeting of Council. 'Neil Stapleten appeared before Council regaid -to a bill for land and crop damage- _due ,,to logS owned by tbq, ess for the-Valentine Meeting has taken her- --home. .to ----read a Helen , Steiner-Rice. .... municipality being drawn. 'of the Anglican Church dwell", , poem -Jesus Loves Thu". froip the bash across: his' Women on Thursday at. her Cards were signed at this • "All is Right" was given by . land. A . motion, by Council- hoine ,when they held .th eir time for a birthday and% a , Mrs. RoY- Collins. Miss Edqa lors 'Hickey and Aitchison, annual. pot f uck lunch eon . member who is. ill. Bo* conducted a contPgt of CAB _ tmat West Wa winos h bi-"ciffht th g e in "-a- pre y Mrs. -Midfdiq Wall a;v6-.1.-- '-'hytnns cOlitaining the,--word. . , decorated birthday cake with some kindly and fitting 're- Love . Strangers are a lighted candle was biOught marks' to Mrs.. Howard . friendS we. haven't ipet" wa's to the table and Happy Birtb- Thompson who has been given by Mrs, Milford Wall, .ciay Was sung to LuCaS faithfYI - ap.d valued member Mrs. Eric Thacker showed Thacker., one year Old. and_ presented her, 'with a and read a, scroll that was py Birthday was also Sung to lovely wall plaque, "The Last over 100 years . old,and also Mrs. Howard_ Thompson who §upper". Marjorie expres,z. 'thanked the hostess and. all -will'celebrate herbirthday on , ,sed her thanks. . ' those who took Part. Suitable February 23rd. The roll call was answered • hyrims were sinig and pray- ' After eVerYene enfoked a with a seriptige vetse con- ,ers Were offered• throughout bountiftil nieal the ladies- taining the word LoVe. the Meeting. went to Ahe living room for The secretary Mrs..Ronald pon Wall returned': the meeting-; .Mrs,,Delbert- • Hedley p'resided and extend:- a welcOMe fo , eVeryone., s..the_theme_lotthe meeting which was _Carried out in the scripture reading bY Mrs. Midford Wall and 'the meditation given by MisS Edna Boyle, stresSing the - fact of ,God's great love in Jesus redemption for 'all. The president cOnducted a very touching "In Memor- iam" and a minutes silence , was observed for a departed member, the late Lillian Hal- o BY MAY BOYLE ICINLOUGH A. CM. Mrs. Roy Collins was host- . denby, concluding with "we bow in silence and reverence fOr one we .all loved Well, but Gad ,in his loving kindness ed. Those contributing to it ' Mrs. David 'Harden. by Who read ,"`A 'Velvet -Heart". Miss , May .Boyle Township hereby, agrees ,to payNeil Stapleton the suit' of - $55:00 as settlement for a -clerk, :for lan.ci and crop daniage caused by logs being rernoVed from the bush across his farm land"; was. carried. M'Otion ' by Councillors Hickey .and, Dtirnin, ,- "That West WaWanosh Township Council hereby agrees to ador7the Road- Frogram as submitted at, $77;500.00 for construction, and $123,400.00 fet1tualtitenance":, A nuMber of items of :cor respondenee Was: dealt, with; Aninvitation from the'lluran" County Federation of. Agri- culture tO„the Reeye,to attend a dinner meeting in -Clinton on February 22 was accepted with Councillcw Durnin attend as the Reeve's rep- resentative: ' Resolutions received. from the Village of Madoctre the Thacker _read, the:minutes -of the previous meetings and also .the correSnondence which included a letter of gratitude to the church ladies from Mr. Arthur Haldenby and family for kindness re- ceived at the time of their recent bereaveMent, with a generous gift enclosed. Tentative plans were made for the: World Day of prayer on March. 7th. - A nice program was enjoy- __home from__ Landon_during, — the .week following surgery. We wish her, improved health. . _ Mrs: Alex .fercy returned . -home froth her visit it nipeg where she Spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Munro and family. Mt. and Mts. Gleri Bald- enby and Gary Hedley were in London on Thursday, Both Men had medical appoint- ments with Dr. WOng. — . or alt rour building ilieeds contnit: • . Biro Oros. Conttruction Custom BUILDERS HOMES COTTAGES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS,- FARM BUILDINGS \ST-7894 29.7177 00 00000 • 00000 WINONAM, oimuito PHONE 357-1630 FOR MOVIE INFORMATION IrYtElititi Uri E:411 W III E: III CI al D Rir° • o • • • DaY . un RODIN . at .:CI'm'a 11 Feb. 21it,•;••••••--: 8:80 P.m. --••••— ••• — EINEIIA • • Friday tit Ours:lily; Feb. 22 to 286 0 • 00 000 0 pd. . set. MO - MO p.m. AI Otior Day. COO p.m ORITI ' II AS THErY ROARED INTO DAMONLY. ONE MING WAS MISSING..NHE ENEMY. Feb. 20th - Feb. 28th - FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWING 7 & 9:15 WEEK DAYS ONE SNOWING ONLY 8 P-8 k WELCOMES YO to .:-.•AFTERNO 'TEA 2:30 to 4:30 7 DAYS A WEEK SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES... Come, visit our unusual country resort for Tea todo! We've prepared buttered toast, freshly Made scones home made jam, Devon cteani, cake, biscuits and Earl Grey tea for the occasion, Relax and enjoy as we serve you in front of an open hearth log fire in ope of our two lounges. (reservations not required) - $ 00 just • per person - Complement your outing with a visit to THE HOLLOW. A unique gift shop just steps from our Inn Recommended os ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Saturday Feb. 2t 1:30 p.m. 'the story of a robot dog' • ,F" LW, w.a a*wew,a .kaa, -aw WwwayW a-- awip- ww- 30 THE-SQUARE PHONE 5244811 AIR CONDITIONED Benrniller Iran Nestled in terimiller, Ont., just 7 kilometres east -of Gecierieh on Huron ';'ounty Road 1, just off Highway 8, phone 524.2191.