HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-20, Page 2Members :of the Homesville Land Fill Site
Committee thought they had worked out an
municipalities for. 'operation of the site
following their February meeting- As coun-
cillor Ali Murray reported to Lucknow
Village Council February.12, the agreement
may not be valid,
Murray told council in January the costs to
the municipalities had increased more than
agreement about the costs to the various
Model 1350. Reg. 549.00
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Stove Pipe
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Chimney Brushes
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R. R. # 5, Lucknow, Ontario
100 pet cent when George ; downerLavis of
the ,site, presented his 1980 budget to the
Land Site-roinmitteT,-1 e. t Paid'
administration costs in' the past. In the. 1980' ''• meeting which would see the municipalities
budget, LaviS include814,000 for adminis, pay an average of $123,000 a.year for use of
-tration costs. --the fan• filr:Sire:-'rlie figure 11ieludeil . an -
*from the page: 1'
she felt it was no serious hardship to drive to
•Cto the company's banking and she did not
see why it should affect the location of the '
head office. She commented that Dungan-
non has increased to twice the population
since she moved- there.
Austiii Martin, a director on the board,
asked the meeting to consider that almost
one-half of-the policy holders live north of
highway 86. He said moving the head office
out of Dtingannon-would not kill'Dungannon,
because he belieked a was the cpmbustion
engine which had killed, little hamlets like.
He said the policy holders north of
highway 86 do not know where Dungannon
,i's any more than policy holders in the
-Dungannon area know where Eden Grove is.
He said Dungannon does not provide the
services other larger centres do. He asked
those who attended the meeting to, consider
that policy holders north of highway 86
should be considered in the location of the
head office.
One policy holder suggested' a house be
purchased for the seeretary-manager and
the living quarters located in the company's
.head office building could be renovated for
more Office space.
to Mr. Lavis by the municipalities who use
the, site had more than doubled, front
$64',000 in 1979 0,8153,454 in 1980. ,
Laois told the committee the reason for the
dramatic increase in costs was the inclusion
of administration costs in the 1980 budget.
Lavis told the coiinnittee he had not included
Donald McKenzie,.4 director on'the board
replied'it would cost more to renovate the old
building than to build a new Office: He said
the ,conipany shou1d build a new building
which would be a. pride for policy holders
and would 'contribute to Dungannon.
John MacLennan, an agent for the
company, said the present office is not a
disgrace, but damn near" and commented
a new building 'should be built. He said it
would be impossible Kir Secretary-Manager,
Stephen Whitney, to work in the present
office while, renovations were being made to
the living quarters of the building to make
more office space,
Secretary-manager Stephen'Whitney told
the meeting that contrary to rumpur, be was
not the person who wanted the office moved.
He said he believes the head office shOuld
remain in Dungannon and contribute to the
viability of the hamlet. He said he would be
prepared to drive to do the coMpany's
banking business if there were no bank in
He told the meeting , the need to expand
was, urgent because the company can now
write car and commereial insurance which
would require hiring possibly twdtmore staff,
He said the present office does not have the
space to accommodate; any more staff. He
said he favours building a new office,
beeause it would be very difficult for his staff
to do .`,a proper job in the midst , of
Girvin Reid,put a motion on the floor that
the head office of the company be located
within a one-half mile radius of concession 4
. of West Wawanosh and Ashfield and Huron
County Road one. It was seconded by Ross
Eadie and passed. '
directors were elected to the board.
Eldon Bradley was returned- for -another
three year term', Gerald Kerr and Robert
McNeil ' .were nominated and Kerr was
re-elected to a second three year term.
eight per cent inflation factor built into the •
Lavis agreed to lower his original proposal ..'figures.
by 825,000 which would mean an 80 per cent Goderich Township indicated they felt a.
increase because the proposal represented three year agreement could not be entered
such a. severe increase in one year. into by the municipalities because a current
The Land Fill Site ComMittee agreed to a council cannot tie a -future council. to -
'three year agreeinent at their February payment of a debt, •
Murray told Lucknow council, although
the agreement had been .reached by the
committee,.he- has-Since-reee!ved a letter.—
from, Goderich's clerk-treasurer, Larry Mc,'
Cabe, indicating' the agreement may be
contrary to the Municipal Act, •
According to McCabe the agreement
would be contrary to the-Act because there
would be a need to' pay beyond the time of
current council. This will affect the amount
paid to Lavis in 1980 and. McCabe' snggeits
_ the committee review the agreement at their
March . Meeting.
Lucknow 's, portion of .the land fill costs
remains at .7 per cent which would mean an
increase from $4,480 in 1979 to $8,680 in
1980. if the agreement sets a total cost of
$123,000 as an average for the next three
*from the page 1
worry about this one here." party pelleY• 'fie" Pnrticularly sup,ported —
At 9:40 p.m., Mr. Cardiff was leading was the apprenticeship program since
the race with 12,513 votes to Graeme "we want to keep our young people in
Craig's 11,033 votes and Tony the area."
McQuail's 2,929 votes. His campaign In an interview with CKNX after he
manager said he felt Mr. Cardiff could was declared the winner in the riding,
announce his victory almost anytime Mr. Cardiff admitted the election
now, but the' candidate decided he results "appeared like a horse race for
wanted amore subgtantial lead. As Bob a very long time."
McKinley said, "he's a cautious man." He said he feltthe excise tax and the
When Murray Cardiff did admit it Tory budget had led to the defeat of the
looked like he'd taken the riding, party nationally, although in his own
reporters asked why he thought his - campaigning he found many people
campaign had been successful. Mr. supported the gasoline excise tax'since
Cardiff said he thought he'd run a good they felt Canada must become more
Campaign and that he had well- energy conscious.
organized people helping him. He-- • When it was obvious. Mr. Cardiff had
added he'd tried to 'be positive• about won the riding, his supporters in the
the campaign and said later, "I always Brussels arena started celebrating the ,
try to be positive about anything I do." victory to‘' the music of a local or-
He said his wife-Betty had predicted--- chestra. Mr. CardiffTthe freshman-MP,
that morning that there would' be a was already planning his next move- a
2,000 vote spread between the Liberals 'drive to London on Tuesday to tender
and Conservatives in the riding, but his resignation as chairman of the
also predicted the race could go either Ontario White Bean Produoers'
way. • . • Marketing,Board.
Mr. Cardiff said he thought some of
his past experience helped him with the
riding, as well as exposure in some of
the organizations he's been involved
with included the Bean Producers'
Marketing Board, the Huron. County
Cattlemens' Association and the PC
riding association.
He said since he was elected against
the trend to a Liberal majority which
swept the country, then voters "must
be voting for the man."
Mr. Cardiff told reporters one of his
' first moves will be to open a con-
stituency offibe immediately, likely in
the Brussels area, which he said is
centrally located So' it's about 45
minutes from any place in the riding.
- - -He-said-he wants to offer as good a
service as Bob McKinley gave to, the•
riding and that his constituents will
come first. He said he will work both
for farmers and to bring industry into
the area. He said one Conservative
Use the
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