HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-13, Page 28....fle; 4, et- •
Charlie Wilkins of Ashfield er for the night and made the
was the winner of the tuck- draw. He gave an interesting
now District KinSmen Club's talk on MotocrOss• A filM
"Night out on the TOwn”: was shown frotn a race held
draw held February 6, at the& '
Kinsmen meeting,
His ticket was, drawn from
close to 700 entries and
Includes two seats at the
Toronto Maple Leafs Febru-
ary 16 game, against the
Hartford Whalers, accommor
'BY S.6ZONX raR441g)
Six .mem4bers of the St,
Wens Knotty Knotters met
for the' first meeting of the .
_9.10 projeet, your Cornet
the World.
The'. election of 'officers
followed: The results ,weret.
president., Coleen Durnin,
vice president, Roialea Can.;
eren; secretary/presS report.,
er, rotating and' treasurer,
Michele Humphrey,
,The leaders, Mrs. Norma.
Raynard and Mrs. Luba
Weber, handed' out pamph-
lets for this club and decorat-
ing bedrooms were diseus-
sed. A discussion of macr,
rame, took place and all
uteMberi tried several knots.
The secOnd Meeting of the
: St. Helens Knotty KnotierS
Was ' held: in 'the 'hall oh
February 2
The roll call 'Describe a
piece of .macrame you have
seen" was well answered, by
all slx members.
The game "Coloiscope"
wasplayed. The leaders then
read each girl her colorscope;
The main points of mac-
fame , were read .and the
,members then began on their
required hanger,
? Charlie Wilkins, right, of Ashfield ownship, was the lucky winner of the Lucknow-Kinsmen
"Night out on the Town" draw held February 6 Charlie wins two tickets`to the Maple Leafs
February 16 hockey game with the Hartford ,Whalers, accommodation for two at a Toronto
Hotel and $50 spending money. Kinsmen. club ,treasurer Peter Steer, Lucknow, made the
• presentation. The draW' WAS made from 700 entities by Chris Lee Of_WaltOn, president of the
Maitland Trailblke Riders, who Nits guest speaker at the Kinsmen meeting. Froceeds'from
the.draw will go towards the Lucknow tennis courts. [Sentinel Staff Photo]
On SundaY, February 10,
choir members and, friends
enjoyed a ;'luncheon .at the. .
now is the clib's newest;Luck low thirted -Church t°
metnber, having joined i n show their appreciation to.
Bill Sewers, choir leader fot January.. Claude is employed
by Helm welding Ltd. , two and a half years'. He is
With February 20 being leaving to furt hel. his musical education in England: He. the 60th anniversary of Kins- will be greatly missed as his men; the local club is hosting
an Old Boys Kinsmen Reun- qualifications were excellent,
ion fin' their regular meeting and the choir's best wishes
that night. Around 35 inVita- go with him Mrs, Bill Graham thanked bons have .been sent out to
former mein him for his work' with the bers of the Luck- choir and Mrs Bob Campbell dation tor :two' at -a Toronto •
Hotel and $50 spending mon:i n Quebec and -Chris b;ought The club presented Mtn, With aift " g
Chris Lee of Walton, Pres-
Mr. Sewers thanked all for
the gift and said; he had
bike .Riders was guest speak...
is also involved
ident of. the Maitland Trail- enjoyed the tittle here.
a trailbike to point but the
ditterepoel between trail rid-
Mg bikes and street bikes.
Claude Tetreault of Luck-
with a poster contest being
held at Lucknow Central
Public School in connection
with heritage bay.
MatKINNON - Mr. and Mrs.
Jim MacKinnon are happy to
announce the birth of Mach-
ad James, on February 4,
i1980 at Guelph General
Hospital. •
Loeal. news
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Rell,
ley, of Montreal and daugh-
ter . Susan,- of.. Western. .
versity, London, visited with
their Parents; Mr. and Mrs.
.1. 1,, IvlaaMillan at Pinecrest
Manor, Lucknow.
GEERTSMA Mr. and Mrs..
Oeds Geertsma of 11 R. 5
tutknoitr,' are pleased to an
nounce the arrival .of a son,
Murray Steven, on February
6, 1980 Wingham and
District Hospital.
CRANSTON - Jennifer is
happy to announce the arriv-
al of her new brother, Jeffrey
Robert, on February 6, 1980
in Wingham and District
Hospital. Proud parents are
RoberLand Barbara Cran-
ston, Lucknow...
ELLIOTT - Mr. and Mrs.
David Elliott of Blyth are
happy to, announce the arriv-
al of their son, Curtis John,
at Wingham and District-
HosPital, on February 7,
1980..A grandson for Mr.
and Mrs, Walter Elliott, Mr.
and Mrs-, -Cecil Little and
. Mrs. and Mrs: Gordon Brad-
HUBER - Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Huber, R. 3 Teeswarer, are
pleased to announce the safe
arrival of their daughter on
February 7, 1980, at Wing-
hen and District Hospital.
What did the farmer have
after he had finished
plOUghing his field?' A
harrowing experience.
• r.
. .
Howick fanners' Mutual:fire -
Instirance Company
Wrooter„ Ontario
The 107t1>t;Annual Meeting of the Company win beheld '
- in. the iVrititteteir Conifintoltylifill; WITOjeter, Ontario,
Wednesday February 27th
At 130 p.m.
1. To receive the Annual Statement and Auditor's
2. To elect two Directors to replace,Max Demaray and
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tion. •
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WATTAM - Ivan and Dar-
lene are Pleased to announce
the birth of their daughter,
Amanda Marie on February
5, 1980, in Wingham and
District Hospital, weighing 7
lb. 6 sz, A baby sister for
Christophei. Proud grand-
parents are Mr. and 'Mrs,
Donald Hackett and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Wattam.
COLLINS - Bill and Cheryl
(Kotyk) R. 1, Ripley; are
pleased to announce the
birth of their first child, a
son, Daniel William, on Fri;
day, February 8, 1980, at St.
Joseph's Hospital, 'London,
weighing 6 lb. 42 oz. First
grandchild for Mrs, Marjorie
Kotyk, Goderich and seventh
grandchild for Mrs. Eliza-
beth Foster, Clinton,