HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-13, Page 25HAY 75c a bale, straw 65c a TuRNBERRY - 207 acre. hog *bale; 67 Ford 1/2 ton. Phone farm, Excellent modernized 395-5510. —6,7 brick house. New hog barn i 36 x 136, Other barns 57 x 90, li 36 x 72, 2 silos, 4 feed tanks, PIONEER' 2 cleaners and much more. 31. Cards; 'of thanks FERGUSON The families of the late Donald Ferguson:Wish to ex:, press their Sincere- appreCia, tion to relatives and friends --for'llorattributes; "donatiens to the Heart Fund and Salva. `tion Arty. A. very special thanks: ' to. relatives and friends fpr -attending the funeral in Toronto :- and to those who sent cards and fOod to otirbomes: Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson; Clarence and Marie Greer, Bill andWancla Harris, Judy Ferguson —7 Wingharn Sales Arena North End or Wingham, al/Josephine Street] . NOTEIS good -used lurniturni-' . . antiqUeS, and appliances, will bny,partial hoaseholds.er Complete estates Or Consign to out weeldy, :auctions.. Realty World, W.J. Hughei Realty lithited are pleased to announce the appointment of Chris Holloway to the Realty World Sales Yeam. Chris will provide a fulLtime Estate service to the 1.ecknow area. Please call: Res.: 395.3448 Office: 524.9131 arov.e.m...."+"••••••••••Iiri.•P., $1. Cards Of 'thankt, McGUIRE I wish to thank all my friends, neighbours and rela-, tives , for their gifts, cards, telephone • Calls and_ visits -While-l-was—a—pattent- in- Victoria HoSpital. Special thanks to management and staff of G. and E.• • Jack McGuire —7nc . tueloow Seutinek Wednesday, Faresry 1$ 1980,—Page 23 Si:44 4.110 A AuctiOnSi.0, ;sat tha 14'1411 LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD, Amberley PHONE 3954286 CLAY Silo Unloaders, -feeders-,-CleirpersrStabling, Leg Elevators :-Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog Equip- ment., BUTLER - Silo' Unioaderi Feeder$; Conveyors. FARMATIC Mills,. Auger:, ,ete. ' ACORN '- Cleaners, Heated Waterersi WESTEEL-ROSC_O...1. Gran- aries. • B & L -Hog Panelling.- -40tfar chores, and - who have sent I Would like t4. thank every. Dance with Tiffin's Orches., TOWER ICING PRESSED food, Clothing and furniture one. who remembered • me. Ira Square and round dune. , STAVE SILOS helped clean• things tip. with cards, phone calls, ing, gigs and reels. No bar. • Oxygen limiting silos with Special!, thanks to all who treats. etc.. while in University Laclies, pip* bring lunch, bottom :unloader• Liquid organized and donated to • Hospital. A. speCial thanks to collection At dOor. Bring . manure tanks. Phone'Frands Showers and the benefit Dr. Knox and staff at Kincar family 'and,' friends, come Boyle, 395-5088. -3tfar early, stay - late, .Sponsoted; Gladys , ,by Lucknow District Liens you. " ' EUCHRE PARTY -NOTICE 528.3530 Home or- 528-19 Yards Tuesday 'or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF CHILD. HEALTH CLINIC REPLACEMENT'CATTLE.'' The ,Htiren County'Health: ..L.Igtfai. , .. Unit invites ,you to attend,the Winghani :and District .1-los- ..:, 'nrito Spring Flower Show, Child •Health. Clinic, held at pit al. A -special thanks to February 2.. 1..: 7 -ipg 'Luck- , the HealthUnit office, 'Whig: Drs.. Corrin, McKiM and now 8 a.m. Admissio-:: tickets ' hain Hospital ' on Wednes- Jolly and the staff on 2nd must be purchased by Feb- day, Febru ary 20,, 1980, from floor. ' - ' ruary_15,. $9,00. Contact Ruth, 9:30 ,i. 11:.30,' ,aim for: Matt-O'Loughlin " -13egues, 528-3609. —6, ar 1. Health Surveillance ' CARD n n n Y: .2. Anaemia. Screen ing ' 1, Immunization . JOHNSTON A. Valentine party at Pine- 4, Hearing Screening We would like to thank the crest Manor on Wednesday, 5. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride bryshing for ages 3 to 5 years. 11111111.1....M1Mili .• Attention Fairmeks av illaraSer .22! Coming events PARMDRAINAOE RECULATIONS The West Wawanosh Feder- ation' Of Agriculture will be holding a discussion meeting, on-ThtirsdaYrFebruarr2S-at 8 pan in the St, Helens Hall, Representatives of the Min- istry of Natural Resources will Present the current regulations on farm water systems, questions and dis cussion vyiltfollow', Everyone' is welcome: —7,8. • E. Farm services. • .4N.i...**Foi•••••.**e••••ir.IN.,•fsoi.,.. • Vander'HOEK We Would like to thank the Ripley Fire Department fgt. being so prompt and efficient and to all those who.brayed - removing things, from . the' house.. We are very grateful to those , who helped with., NICHOLSON LIONS FAMILY NIGHT. DANCE Saturday,•• February .23 - at Lucknow District Commimity Centre, The Olde Fashioned SNOWMOBILE CLUB: Thank you. to all those who • donated prizes, looked after check peints; worked at the-. hall, and thank you to alfWho participated' making : ,.our snowmobile :rally a success. St Helens Snowmobile Club dance.. Your. ',kindness and :dine General. generosity will never be for gotten. We will, always be —7X grateful to our family, friends, and neighbours for 32. "coming events being there when we :needed O'LOUGHLIN- „ I would like to. thank friends for their visits and cards while I was a 'patient in Keith, Gail, Jeff, .Darren SpOnSOred by Grade 8 at the join them in celebrating the: arid Bryce van der Thiek Lucktiow, Public School; Feb- 40th Wedding anniversary of - • ruary 14. at 8' p.m. Luriely,- their 'parentS,-',DunCan and prizes. Everyene welcome. • Kathleen Tborburn, ,at their home in Amberley .oir .Feb. • man,' 24tb from 2:- 4 and -7 - 9 p.m. Best wishes only. --7„8" 1 <4,A.Lucktiow.Legion Branch No, 309 Valentine Dance FebruarY 16 9:30p.m. Ian Wilbee Orchestra =6,7ar . •./ HORTICULTURAL . SOCIETY BUS TRIP TEEN.DANCE At kolyrood FridaY, February 15, 9 to.12. Admis. sion $2.00. Music by Circuit Sound Systems. :Sponsored by Kinloss ToWnship Recrea- tion Committee.-7x 40TH. ANNIVERSARY Janet, Joyce and. Judy and their familieS inVite you to • UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK. DEPT., TOR9NTO Ship your livestock, with BILL TAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW• On Tuesdays' Or groups of ,5 or,m6re /ORThursdays From Lucknow Stockyards,- -CALL • . WATrAm Amanda and I would like to thank everyone for their lovely cards, gifts and visits during our stay in hospital. SpeCial thanks to Drs. Mc- - Kim, Corrin and Jolly and the nursing -staff On second ,,floor. • Amanda and. Darlene Wattam —7x 'LITTLE I would like to sincerely thank all my friends, neigh- bours and relatives for their lovely cards, letters, visits and flowers and my neigh- bours for their help At home. To Drs. Corrin„..MeKim and Jolly and the Winghain Nurs- ing staff my appreciation for their care. All these kind- nesses make, a hospital stay easier; Evelyn Little 7 staff at Wingham Hospital; Drs. Corrin, McKim and Jolly for their care of our-- dear mother and ,wife, Char- lotte Johnston. Also all our friends and 'relatives • who sent flowers to the funeral home, donated to ;the heart fund or sent food to the house. your kindness in our time of sorrow was very deeply appreciated.' The sympathy cards were apprec- . iated also. Sincere thanks, The Johnston Family, Dungannon, Ontario EUCHRE PARTY Senior Citizens Euchre Par- ty, Satni day, February 16th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.ni. at St. Luke's Anglican Hall, Point Clark. Prizes, coffee and do- nuts; No charge. Sponsored by the Point Clark District Kinsmen, —7 • CERAMIC AIRBRUSHING SEMINAR. presented by. Don sodding of Etobicoke on March 30 and 31, 1980. For full details and registration call Sepoy Ceramics & Crafts Lueknow, Ont. 5284600 PANCAKE SUPPER Will be held at' the Anglican Church Parish Hall on Tees- day, Febrnary 19.5 pan. to 7 p.m. Admission $2,00. Child ren under 10, $1.00. February 13, 1980, Musical program at 7:30 followed by euchre: andbridge -at -8 Everyone-welcome. Sponsor- ed by, Huron Chapter #89, Order of Eastern Star. THE SCHOOL SHOW By Ted Johns is . Back! Blyth Memorial Hall, Monday and Tuesday,. February 25, 26, 8:00 p.m. Tickets $5.00 Ad- ult, $4.00 senior citizens, $3100 children. Write Blyth , Centre for the Arts, Box 291, Blyth.. -Phone 523-9300 or 523-9636. —6,7,8ar, ' A. ,For sale SERVICE AGE HAMP. York4, Hamp x York and York and Landrace boars. Also York x Landrace gilts. Bob Robinson, R. R. 4 Walton, 345-2317.. —7,8,9 WAWANOSII ,65 acres in Wingham area.. No build- ings, over half hard and softwood bush. Access to two paved roads. VVAWANO8H - 150 acres - . restyled house, 2 yr. old' 00 x 50 hog barn. ' Two -other barns, pit silo, implement shed, granaries. Asking $139,000'.. 50 ACRE Highway hog farm'. Brick house, 2 hog barns, real good set=up. RIPLEY 100 acres, 81 sys- tematically drained acres )/ 3 yr.' old 3 bedroom bungalow, new steel implement shed. 100 ACRES on paved road, 95 workable, two storey brick house, barn 62 x 108, asking $130,000. Try your offer. NIEL MATHERS Wingham Phone 357-$208 Repel,. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine 11.00•4111004110111.0 PARTIAL LISTING OF. AUCTION; ExCeptional 9 'pc. dining rm. suite laeludes buffet, China cabinet and eitensitin table [Circa.19201; '6. pc. dining rm. 'suite is Mahogany with oval tablUand book front china cabinet [measures: :35" x '72"); 4 " bedroom suite ,[triple dresser]; octagon 'Parlor table; eye maple dresser' with Matching comode; knee ':hole desk; wahilit 4 posterbed; *Matching press back: vhairs; table;, leather top. 'caffee table; reclining chair;'. occasional chairs;: Vietorian ..dresser. chest of, drawera; 2 pc. 'chesterfield sulte;' sofa;bed; tied cold* • T.V.; . W litievcst gold electric range; refrigeratori copper boiller;- brais and copper pea.; glass and china ,antl' other' Useful household items. PLAN TO ATTEND THIS OUTSTANDING AUCTION. FRIDAY EVENING AND WHILE AT THE. AUCTION SEE OUR . Shot,/ room Offlew.turnituie aiid offeiethe ides managers:dial he can't refuse.. OPEN WEEK DAYS 9 --5; AUCTIONEER. SALES IVIANAGER Ed Kikkert Jake Midget( '357-1730 or 357-2987 litoolutoNtA ,AucTiptit Banner flemish type alfalfa fine itemmed fast, regrairth excellent winter hardiness early• alfalfa. Brute Reynard R: R. No'l Liteknow 528.6144