HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-13, Page 15Vhf ill Be Held in
The Lucknow Arena,
Lnek00* Sentinel,' Wednesday, rekluctY 13, 1.088--Page
• Lancers ill still in first place
" still In a tie for first place ,
with after the.
weekend, • On Friday , the. Lancers
' played God. erich and came.
out of that game on The
bottom end of a• 6 4 score.
The:first period was, a ClOse 'close. Lucknow scored • two" from the Lancers, Lucknow's
wit God
.. ; . • .
lone 'goal tif the third peried as exciting and as close as with a goal to. pull out •' the
was scored by Grant Gil- the first. Lucknow Cnitscored ' victory and a sharg- of first
Christ.- ' Wellesley three goals to two. plaCe.
On• Sunday ' the- Lancers . Goal scorers for Lucknow This coming Wednesday
,bested Wellesley and again ;Were John MacKenzie . with''' night at:8.30 p.m., the God-
wete involved ' in a close ' Om 'and Dennis Burrows, erich Sailors. come into Luck-
checking contest -t•. Both teams ---lirtlieTtbitd period--Welles'.--- now-for a laine-that--may
scored one goal in'the' open., ley put the, pressure on and decide finally who finishes 1n
ing period; • . ' came up with a goai to tie the- first place. -T1* is tucknow's
The Lucknow Lancers are checking affair With only, one goals to 'Oodericit's three.
goal being scored, coming off Scoring goals for Lucknow
the stick, of Dave MacKin- were' Grant Clark. and Carl
The second period produc- The third period 'belonged
ed a .little more offence than' to Goderieh as they , scored
the, first •period.. Thant 'the three gals to Lucknow'Sorte
checking continued, to be to take the win and first place '
with 1.56 'remaining the.. strong goaltending by. Ron regular schedule and could
n t t ac fit,
mark: of
of the period.
Clark evened Martin kept them from add- prove to be the most exciting
Lucknow finally got their out and cheer the Lancers on , the score at the 32 second big to their score. game of the year. So come
• The second period was jot act together .and came up to a first .place finish. •
• •
• Wellesley dreW first blood game at four . all and only , last home game of the,
litina" Tohriitotielad "high .
score for . the ladieS ; With
••;., . single of 190 and donbie of
: 338. ,
Jim 'McNaughton
high for the Alen- With -a
single of 214 and double Of.
353, •
• Team standings: Reds 56;
Violets.56, Blues 4$, Oranges._
48, Gieens 43, yellOWs 34.
High single and tiple'
went' to Jim Bain with 288
: and 792.
288,‘ 266', 238; Getty Ross
259; 233,. Mel Cortin 252;
• . Terry Austin 250; 241.,3On
Stanley 246,: Gordon Fish
243,.239; Donald' MacKinnon
241, • Brian SteWart. 235,:
Wayne'Cranston 230., Ran
Elliott 225.-
.Standings: OldSmObiles 0,
54''z;' Fords 2,. 61V2i Mus-
tangs 7, ' 61; Dodges 7, '56:
Pontiacs .0,. 69;.Bnicks 5-, .76:
Ladies high single Dianne'
Carter 258; ladies. high triple
:Dianne Carter 672..
Ladies over 225: Dianne
Carter 258, 226,' Gerda de
:Jong_ 244, .Lymi_VialL 242„,_
Shirley Hawthorne 233, Barb
Tyler 230, DebbieSearie 221.
Men's high single' Brad
Petteplace 265; men's high:
triple Roii _Stanley 612.
Men Over 2S0:. Brad Petle-
place .265, .Joe ..Agnew 255:
Team standings: Kangar-'
oos: • 7, • Foxes 2, 87;
Cougars 7, 85; Wolverines 2,
80; Cubs 7, 74%; Tigers. 7,
65; Polecats 0, 60; Chip:
iiintiks 0, '58; 'Squirrels 5,
576; "Gophers 0, 57; Zebras
5, 51; Coons 31.
On February 9thlticknow
defeated Shelburne # 2 11.
0. •
Lucknow scores were: Har-
vey Culbert 1176, Thin Stan,-
ley 1141, Dan Dawe 1113,
High man this week was
. 'Keit LaidlaW with ;a: Single of
273 and a triple .of 651,.
Men 200 and over: Ken
Laidlaw. 273 239 D E
Fattish: 201.
Ladies' highsingle Yvent to
Eva Bolt with , 211 and high.
.triple to Jan Zdybel with 502.
Ladies 200 and over: Eva
Bolt 211, xileen Wilson 209;
Linda Stanley 204.
Wealthys' 2,.';67; PippinS 5;
. •
High single 'bowled 'by
Sharon Cuillerier, 276. High
-triple bowled by,13-atb-Tyler,
594. • •
Games 200 and over: Shar-
on Cuilleriee 276; Cheryl.
Haldenby -236', -Chris "Mac-
Donald 226, 206, Barb Helm
220, 206, Wilma Blake 219,
Barb Tyler 216, Kay Craw-
ford 208, Kathie Stanbuty
Team§ points and. stand-
ings: Pineapples 5, 74; Api
pies: 5, 72; Grapes 2, 71; -
Oranges 2,. 69; Bananas 5,
67; Cherties 2, 67.
Joy Jiirjens bowled the
high Single with a 234,
Sbaron Culbert bowled the,:
. high triple with a 546.,
.Games of 200 and over:
Joy Jurjens 234, Susan Men-
gus 223, Kathleen .MacDon-
als 229, Delores Van Oseh
, 205, Becky Culbert 208, Sha-
ron Ctilbert 209, Isobel Mil-
let 203, Lorna Button 218,
Joanne Menary. 233.. •
Team points "dife-stand-
• • •
Del Nixon 1049, Gerald Rho-
dy 973,' Allan. Stanley
. A . Fitness is a nauonal issue.
We call it Body Politics.
ings: Roosters 5, . 83.; Ducks
2 74; Geese 3,.'74, HenS 5
71; Chickens 2, 70;,Turkey 4,
Teai,i- points and stand,:
ings;.Snow,s 4; 88; Spys 2, 73; Schedule ..-• Kings • 5, 71; Macs .3, 70; .
• ,
1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Moms and
Tots Free Skating
3:45 - 4:45'Brookside Boys
01-1 1-1nr. C. dame--
G-Odefielf Sailors --vs
Lucknow lancer§
7:30 p.m. Aiom Game
Ripley. ys Lucknow
8:45 Industrial Playoff ,
Holyrood vs Kintail
10:10 LucknOw vs
Flying Dutchmen,.
3:45 - 4:45 Brookside Girls
5:45 House League vs
oft - 19791TD -Landau .
2 dr, sedan, Advt. raiit6;''Oliiritifia.;"'cliiiix7iiilieer'44;6":ii,IiiiiAnyl roof, 302
automatic, split bench seats, with recliners, whitewall tires; bumper groaP, rear
window defroster; air conditioning, tinted glass, heavy. dirty battery, heaily ,duty
Listprice Ts-91745.00 Sale-Price:.
No SaletTat:'- $8.000400-..
Pee Wee Bs
7:15 Pee 'Wee Game
. Mildmay vs Lucknow
• 8:45 Midget Game
' Skating Club Carnival .. SATURDAY,FEB. 16
• • ----'--- -- 2 - -4-P.M.„-Public-Skating
Holidays ' 4:30 Wingharn•Midget Bs
vs Lucknow
on Ice 6 p.m. LucknoW Fleas
- 7 - 8 Lucknow School Band
Sunday, February 24
at 1:30p.m
Adults $2,00 Students $1.00
Children .500
Guests will be stilt skaters,
Mary Penny and Jack Lawson
1:30 - 3:15 Public Skating
3:45 WOAA DD Juvenile
Finals, Game 3
Paisley vs Lucknow
7:30 WOAA DD Bantam
Finals Game 3
Paisley vs Lucknow
Broomball League
8:00 Ashfield vs Deckers
- 9:00 Teachers vs Lanes •
10:00 Holyrood vs Lucknow
1:30 - 3;30 Morns and
Tots Free Skating
3:45 ,'4:415 Brookside Boys
'2 dr. vinyl roof, 6 cyl. automatic, power steering, power brakes, bumper group,
rear window defroster, A.M. F.M. stereo with cassette deck and premium sound
syStelin, power 1/unk release, dual bright mirrors, light group, wire wheel
EXTENDED Montgomery Buy
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