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'Published under the authority of the Official Agent fir Murray Cardiff• Headquarters, Main St.,, Brussels
rap 12-Ltielatmv Sentinel, Wednesday, February 13,: 19$0
non w
Congratulations to Kathy
and Vito Stecca on the birth
of their daughter on Satur-
day,- February 9th at Alex-
ander Marine---tunitteTal
Hospital, Goderich. The
Steccas reside on the fOrmer
Benson Finnigan firm, '
John and Kathie Stanbury
and Jamie Bere visited
.Marybelle and Dwight Aid-.
ham and family of Ingtewood
end with Betty's mother,
Mrs, Elsie Irvin.
Irene Hasty of Stratford
spent the weekend at her
home here,
Member$ were given Mat-
erials to begin a macrame
ts were
egevrery .A
about this craft. t Some had
done a hifof macrame but for
...-others_it_was_a• new---exper_
ience that they enjoyed'
:.On Monday, February 4;
the senior boys challenged
the -teachers to a game of
volleyball.. The senior boys.
won. On Thursday, February -
on.Ross Studs. from Lucknow. the' home of Mrs. Jean Er- the weekend. ' McKee. Seventeen members , • 7 the boys again challenged
Fred and Betty Stirling; DUNGANNON. , and four insitors were in .at. In a most interesting way rington with 14 members the teachers this time the
Darlene and Harold Of UNITED CHURCH ten-dance- 0m-this_ perfect-. Mrs.- Shiells explained - present, - teachers won.,
Tharnesville- spent the week- George Cowan, in, his W.W. (Associated Country • The membets are' Elaine On Tuesday, February Sth, Winter's day
Women of the- World). and O'Donnell, Annabel Stewart, ' around 30 pre-school child-
reviewed .the projects studied. ••Lila SteWart, Sharon S p roul,' p •. rep showed up for the story •
held at Oslb, Sweden, when ski • Pentland, Irene Logten-
in 1971 the .conference was voinney, Cathy. Snyder, NI- 1'1 Sproul Margaret .Mc- hour in the library. 'AlsOg on
n o teams.K n b d e senior
Kingsbridge'ss sensi-
at several: conferences, e.g. Nancy en.
study was, on overcoming - berg, Debby Kerr, Deb or 'teams playedi Bgrooiltiside.,'s
blindness; in 1974 at Perth; Gregory, 'Betty Errington,
Australia, re flags and Pen; . Martha Curran and Nancy team won the •majOrity Of the , ..:..,.
hies; in ' 1977 in Nairobi, .Carmichael. The leaders are .day, February 7, .
Kenya; re clean water 'wells; mrs. Wm. Stewart and Mrs. mrs: On Thursday;
Wilson's Gricle One ..
once; is to be in Hamburg,
and in May 1950.,, the confer' George Errington,:The preS- invited their parents into the -
Gerniany, with . the theme
"Forward Together", Mr .,
Shiells stressed the. import-
'Si e news
Toward' Godfrey is a pat
ient in Stratford hospital
following a foot fall onto: a
cement floor. He broice..his
leg above the ankle.
Mrs. Florence Berry has
returned--heme fruni GG~lbr
ich, hospital ,following surg-
ery on January 28th. She is to
return to hospital again' in,
March. Florence .ipent Sun7
day with her • daughter-in-
law, Ann:Berry and family at .
Port. Albert.
sermon on Sunday merning,
spoke on "our Church" and
explained the meaning of the
various parts of the United
Church crest .andthe "roots"
The program for 'Interna-
tional Month" was in charge.
of the Branch Directors, Mrs.
Robt. Irvin, Mrs.,. RuSgil
'Alton; Mrs. Gordon Finni-
gan, and Mrs. Sam Gibson.
Mrs. George Errington,
?resident, welcomed all.
lresent. Mrs, Sam' Gibson
A' as „pianist Mrs.. Errington
read a poem arida moment of
and Mrs. Clifford. Young and silence was observed, in .
On February 7, 1980 the
Dungannon W,I, met at Ahe
.home of of Mrs.: Ceeil Blake,
LoVely desserts were enjoyed,,
before the. Meeting began,
HOstesses Were Mrs, Ebner
BlaCk and Mrs. Graham,
of the United Church in.
Canada The choir sang the
anthem, "The Old Rugged
Cross", led • by organist,
Mrs. Jean Elliott.
Mrs., Jean. Ertington, a
4-H,Jeader said there are 14
girls taking • the dub on
macrame. A lovely macrame
hanger, made by one of the
girl's, was displayed. -
The roll call waS'ansWered
by showing an article from a
rbfferent country, and the
story of each was interesting,
Mrs..: Russell Alton read
from the handbook
about Internatitinal Day and,
introduced her guest, /vim.
ance of good Public Relaiions
through Women's Institutes
at their various levels from
each.Branch up to A.C.W.W.
Mrs, Gibson expressed
thanks to Mrs. Shiells and
Mrs ' Errington also expres-
sed courtesies to all,
The firSt meeting of the
Dungannon 4-H club, Your
Corner of the. World, was
held. Saturday, February 2 at
ident of the club is Sharon
Sproul and the secretary .will
rotate, this week being Betty
library with them whileth,ey.,
were working on a whale
William were Mr, and Mrs; memory of a meniber, Mrs.. '
Jim Ynang, Marty, Jamie, Russell Johnston,, who PiS-
Karen and Liasero Lisa Stone, sed away January 31: The
Ken Young, Russell Springer minutes, the treasurer's re-:
and Wesley Young. - port, ;and.., correspondence '
Lisa Stone of 'Whitechurch were 'read by Mrs. Harry
spent the weekend with Girvin. BusinesS followed: a
Liane Young:. /quilt, tied, is on display in .
Mr. and Mrs: ,Len-Cough-- Mrs. A. J. sherweed's store
Steer saw five one day last` _ anniver letter from Mrs. Clarence -
week. T
was their wedding
his has .always been sary, in Hamilton.
the very first sign of spring, .
but with this winter being so Glenn England,, who was
fine, maybe.they didn't go so seriously injured in a car
far away this year. acdient last November, is
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young now out of hospital and stay-
visited Saturday with her ing at his .brothet, •Donald's
sister, Mrs. Don Wall, who is home. His leg has improved
a patient in Victoria Hospital, so' well hp can now get
London, She underWent sur- around on crutches. His arm
gory earlier this week. We is not doing as well and he is plans re.a building for W.I.
wish her a speedy recovery. -taking therapy-treatMents for display-at-I-the- Dunganneti--
. The Whitechurch Young it. If he can find, the right birthday party; ,the annual
Peoples held a church service treatments around these dessert-euchre , party at
at the Pinecrest Manor, parts he may come home and BroOkside school is being
Lucknow, on Sunday after- stay, with his parents, Mr.. planned for Tuesday, March
— and Mrs:Donald England of IfStirand more t'nqurests for
Sunday visitors with Mr. Whitechtirch, for some time. quilting have been received.
Happy Valentine's day to
all. ,
Next'Monday will be vot-
ing day again,. Hope every-
one turns out to cast their
Crow's have been seen
around the country. On -Sun- •. day we saw two and Philip lin spent last Monday, which window, priced at $25.00;• a
Diamond, presid-
cot, told of adult education,
officers' 'conference, the Lee
Home, and other WA. activ-
ities; Rural DeVelopment
Outreach Project material
was read; hats With green ,
bands and white lettering
will soon be ready for the
August birthday celebration;
Hon. Donald
Beef • On A Bun
Friday, February 15, 1980
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Published By The Official Agent For Graeae Craig, Walton, Ontario
'1 •