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defend a country stresses McQuail.
"I do not believe we can build an army
that will defend Canada from either the
United States or Russia or nuclear missiles.
Military spending is a red herring because
as soon as weaponry is built, it is obsolete,
How do we defend a country as vast as
you think fitness is
a ctstant goal,
-consider this:
you can walk
all the way.
pagravatrion The.Calladian rhovembnlIOY:plorgon61 I
"The economy is not a housewife's budget
like -Joe Clark thinks," he adds.
"You don't stop spending until you .haVe
paid off your deficit."
MeQuail likens Canada's economy to a
business, "like a small business or aiarm."
If • we have profits to re-invest in - -
productive activities we can bring down the
, deficit proposes McQuail.
"Some times as on a farm, you have to
bortow to produce, but then you use the
profits to pay off your deficit,"
Our country .can pay off its debts, says
McQuail, -but it takes commitment on the
part of the government.. ,
To--regain control of , the economy, a
government must insist on royalties, for its
resources: It must also 'insist that companies
doing.brisiness here put some of their profits .,
into research and development here. If they
refuse to Co-operate, we'have" so we will tt\
do it ourselves, McQuail sugges s. .
This may upset the oil compa les says
McQuail, but the NDP do not depend on the
multi-national oil companies for money and,
they cannot pressure the , NDP, as they cld
• the Uberals and Conservatives who owe
them oasts amounts of money. ,
Canada can also improve her balance of
payments by increasing manufacturing in.
Canada, instead of selling off more of her
:-aw Materials and buying more manufactur-
ed goods.
"Canada is resource rich - and energy rich
and to be as weak as we are is appalling,"
states McQuai . .
He also sees a place for, the Huron-Bruce
• area in 'developing energy alternatives so
Canadians danot have to be'held ranstrin to
high energy costs for oil.
help younger farmers •keep their families' The remaining money will be put into a i
removing capital gains tax on any land peoMote development of energy conserva-
., sold which stays in agricultural use ' tion and develop. new energy resources.
-establishing government credit to foreign McQuail believes it is the sensible way to
countries to help them buy our food develop Canadian energy, security.
surplusei and an international grains agree- The government energy fund would work
merit with other countries to stabilize prices. with local individuals and groups to develop
For farmers in Huron-Bruce, McQuail demonstration energy} projects appropriate
would work to preserve agriculture and.
.support the family farm as the basic unit of,
agriculture.. He sees a need for job opportun
ities in the towns and Villages, but he would, 'Huron-Bruce.. Small scale water power
work, lor a balanced clevelopnient which ,systems and 'a methane or liquid fuel plant
would not threaten the agriculture tase of •would be two others.
the area;'yet provide more job 'opportunities; If there 'is interest" shown by people in an
McQuail would like :-to see a balanced Area, there would be:cost sharing with the
mixed indUstry base in HuroniBruce but - government to prothote these:Projects out .
until we. improve the economy at the•national the areas Where --they will be used:' If the 't
level and:get control of our own industry, interest 'is shOwn in trying prOjett, the
cannot bring small! Clean industry to Huron, government shares the risk, McQuail points
he stresses. , • , out: ,Because there is interest before: the c
"We have to straighten.things oat at the gOvernment gets:involved, it will riot:end up.-
national level first." . being another government "beon-ilOggie".
February 18, they would immediately ioWpr
rates two per cent which they believe' can be
done without affecting the Canadian dollar.
_High interest rates discourage investment - government to' promote these prOletts oat in.'
in productive activities and' attract foreign'• the areas where they :will be rised. If 'the
investment, which.-will haveto he repaid in'----interest is shown irrtrying a project, the •-•-•
time:at thoSe high rates. The high interest government shares, the risk, McQuall points
rate, policiesof both ' the Liberals and out. Because the interest is indicated before.
Conservatives have been4LinisguittectLin- („-the -becomes-involvedritwill-not
terms of strying to hold the Canadinan_clallar____end-up-beirigariother government- ``boon.
up and curb inflation, McQuail says: doggie". - Inflation is a combination of high energy On the issues of national defence and
costs and: high interest rates. step-up in Military 'spending; McQuail says
"Stability in Canada will never come, until nn he supports.defending Canada, but we need
we have control of our industty and re-invest to-relthink. defense in a general sense"'
the '.profits, in Canada," observes MeQuail.• Military expansion is ineffective way to
n To effectively deal with Canada's econom- demonstration energy projects appropriate
is problems.the New Democrats would do for our area.;,: MCQuail 'Suggests a pilot :
two things according.to McQuail; loWer.rates alcohOl plant working with farm produce is
and regain control of the country's rewrite- ' one such project which eoald be developed in -
es* ' ' ' • • ' '' ' HurOn-Bruce, Small scale. water power
If the NDP forms the government after .tSystems and a inethaneor liquid fuel plant
•from page 1 .NDP policy on the price of oil is to freeze
gasoline, lower interest rates at least two per prices where they are and appoint a coia-
cent and create'programs to suPport rnissiOrromoil prices and Profits which would
farmers. Such programs would include: -report by June 1,'1980.
- tuarantee that farm product prices don't The commission would establish, costs to
earn less.for the farmers than they need to the oil companies.of eittacting,_processing.
meet.the cost of living and delivering oil: It would try to establish
- orderly marketing and planned production the future replacemeht value of oil in terms,
to reduce the sudden surpluses „and of frontier sources and renewable energy
shortages, that force prices up one season, alternatives'. The commission ,would }then set
and drive 'down farmers', incomes the next a price based on the replacement cost. From •
- make the Canadian Wheat Board' the sole • that price the oil companies will receive a
marketing' agency for western grains fair-return on their investment and costs, but t
- low-interest loans to improve farms and no windfall profits.
McQuail believes the NDP policies would' McQuail belimies it is the. sensible way to. h
help get the Canadian economy ha& on its develop Canadian energy security:
feet and the would- reach" all The govetnmenf energy fund 'woad work
joint federal - provincial energy fund to• t
with local Individuals, and grouPs to develop
for . our area. McQuail suggests a '.pilot •
alcohol plant working, with farm produce is
one Such project which could be developed in
would be .two others. '
If there is interest shown:by people in an
area, there would be cost sharing with the
rive; McQuail' points out
We can also build up our national defense
by working now to develop a more just global
• economy, so Third World nations.' will ioin ,
free worjd democracies,~ rather than aligning
with the super, powers, Russia and the
United States.
A third world war is a "horrific prospect
for humanity" says,McQuail, and we need to
work-no*, to continue negotiation through
. treaties and the United Nations and to bring
diplomatiC, trade and political pressures to
bear on countries which abuse civil liberties -
and commit arts of aggression..
• •
loans for small businessnien arid farmers,
• and a major increase in funds for the Farm
Credit. Corporation,
John VanBeers; second vice4iresident of
the Huron Federation says high interest
rates, are , going to slow down the whole
economy. All farmers are interested in is
paying off debts, tither than expanding or
improving buildings says VanBeers •
VanBeers suggests fatmers should be,
encouraged lay the governinent to invest'
their money, in the Farm Credit Corporation
when•they retire. They would not, have to pay-
capital gains tax and this, system would use
" Canadian money -to help Canadian people. •
High interest rates are the nimber one,
ntmediate concern 'of the farming.cominun
tY" according to Merle Gunby, president of
he Huron County 0 Fedetatien of Agrical-
`,`Current farm Practices require large
apital to operate,'" explains .Gunby.
"If something is not done, in the short
erni now, many people are going to go
bankrupt, I've been told bank managers
ave never seen as many farmers in trouble
as there , are riow.
' ;
Ralph Barrie, presiden of the Ontario
Federation of AgricultUre: sent a ',telegram
Friday, to each of the three federal politiCal
parties, demanding low interest. short term
Canada which has $9 few people? -Since we
cannot make an army to deal With an
aggressor, effectively, we must develop a
civilian population to nonviolently refuse to
to .co-operate with an invader. This can be
done through work stoppagest_sabotage of
vitareominanication, while'opetating a small
scale-communications network independent •
of the central media for the people of the
country and an underground media.
When an invader moves into a country, as
Russia, has done in Afghanistan, they expect •
he country's civilian population to co-oper-
ate. For the most part, it is business as usual
n fghanistan because most of the popula- ' If there is a nuclearwar, Canada will be
ion, is co-operating. the "dumping ground" observes McQuail.
If the citizen population knows how toatop—The-Soviet Union and:-the United States are.
hings from woiking,inVasion is unProdue- our closest neighbours.