HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-13, Page 40°.
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Special Rack $0eciatRock
$.29:...98 • '$12,98
Ali remaining dresses a off
fi b..
• a 0: •
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•••:t4 4•,*
4-4,u0aKi Sentbri, edneaday$ February 1 980
•from One 1
Marketing Board. •Tony McQuall,
plugging reneWable energy sources for
the New Democratic Party.
West Township farmer Is'
disenehanted • with- the'.' fall of the
government and the subsequent
election , Call, Craig inists it is,
While voters may ; have been
necessary. •
• -"There were bad feelingi about the
election call at the 'beginning because
_people 'weretiPt prepared for it,"
said. "But theyeouldn't support 18 cent:
a gallon excise tax."
The COnserVative budget • which
would have brought higher energy
costs upon Canadian consumers has
become a •key election'issue, one that
Craig believes would be detrimental to
.the deVelOpment of Ontario:.
"Higher prices do not lead to con-
servation," he stated. "Farmers here
useper cent of the, energy and the
excise tax is -just like putting a tax on
The increase in the excise tax on
fuels would have • resulted in higher
transportation costs and subsequently
higher prices would be passed on to the
"It -would have put Ontario in an
economic bind,": Criag Claimed. "We
have to blend the price for oil taking
into account the import costs and costs
etcleyeloping our own resources.'
Canada; he says, imports 30 per cent
of -Lits-7-oil, consumption b -ut inSisted
Canada-:is not an energy short nation-
but an oil short nation.
Recently Canadians have been:more
well versed on the spbject of foreign
policy than in recent years. With the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the
assistance given to six American,
diplemats by the Canadian Ernba.ssyln
Tehran and., the unending speculation
ori-a-bnycott of the Moscow Olympic
games and the tartteli' Embatsy
question, Canadians'. have :become..
conversant with foreign affaiii.
Craig lnaded Canadian ambassador
Ken Taylor's efforts in assisting with
the removal, of six americans from.
Tehran but simply offered: "They had
to make a move and they did."
4•Taylor's heroics came at a con-
venient for the Conservative's, a time
when they lagged in the public opinion
• polls. Craig believes the heroics
haven't • -given the party, as much
benefit as first was theught.
As far as Canada's role is concerned
in protesting the Soviet intervention in
• Afghanistan Craig said any type
• boycOtt ,should be. a united western
front andnf they economic variety. '
The Liberal party has enjoyed a wide
margin of popularity in . the recent
gallup _poles. and although the Con-
servatives have gained some recent
support, the Liberal party is coasting
on a team effort. •
.: Pierre Trudeau has maintained a low
.profile, generally doling out, prepared
speeches that lack his fornier
and punch. Craig is hopeful Trudeau
will come out swinging in the. final
"The 'party is working on a' tearn
effort theme and some believe that
when he does, speak out he is being
arrogant," Craig said. "I think in the
last week he will come on stronger but
netlike last_May."
Craig is adamantly dismayed at the
national advertising 'campaigns per-
sued by the party claiming they are
openly negative and demeaning
without propoSing alternatives.
"Why oppose if you can't propose,"
he said.
Craig now views the riding As `wide
open' and believes that voters here are
more personable, giving support "to 'a
play .a.n.:.important role here if people
haven't met the local 'Candidates, but
Man, not a leader.
that much here," he ad0.e.d.
insisted the 'electorate was more issue-
Ile maintained that leadership could
"Leadership hasn't, beln mentioned
Minded in this campaign,
Craig is concerned with the aspect of
spending and in particular, needless
and wasteful - goVernment spending
which can be 'cured.
"People have had it with takes and
the ..government must set an example,"
he said." The interest rates are too
high and there is no justification for it
running 2-3 per cent abOve inflation."
He is, concerned with government
-spending claiming we are, overrun with;
adMinistration costs andred tape,
While he is ,eoncerned with Cutting
costs he: sees a need for additienal
funds, in the private business sector to
Stimulate growth and employment
opPortunites. • , •
"We are Unwilling . to invest in our-.
selves , and are 'basically a trading
nation," he said. • '
Although thiS is his second atternpt,
seeking the, riding seat, Craig is a
relative neophyte in.the field of politic,.
at any level.
• To that he offers assurances of hard
work and dedication to the riding.
0 00
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Hash Assortment
Forks, Teaspoons and
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450 each
, Knives and
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69' each
Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat.,
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Special Rack 'sin n 0
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Now on thru February 23rd
New Arrivals um off
Bill's Place Variety.
Lueknow Phone 528.2238
-Specie Iiinegain-Coener
1.00 each for a selection of items
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