HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-06, Page 24FIVE PIECE CHROME Kit- chen set, table in , beige arborite top, 26" x 48" extends 36" to 60", 4 beige vinyl 'chairs. Phone Jim Mc- Naughton, 5283040. -6x MODERN BAKERY and ' Coffee Shop in Manitoba. Sales in $160,000.00 range. Apply to. Plains Bakery, Box 204, Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. Phone (204) 548-2782. -6nc 4. Articles wanted GOOD USED BENCH grind- er wanted. Also'belt grinder. Call 395-5989 after 6 p.m. -5,6,7,8nc limp 4.mm 5. Cars, trucks-for. sale 1972 FORD MUSTANG, 351 (Cleveland), V8 automatic, power steering and brakes, 4 chrome slotted mags, 2 new Firestone Super Sport 50's, thrush muffler. Excellent running condition. Best of- fer. Phone Goderich 524- 9293. ----4ffne BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528:3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 --40tf • NEW & USED SNOWMOBILE PARTS COMPLETE STOCK • Used Tracki • Used Cylinders • Rebuilt Engines' • Pistons our specialty- SNOWMOBILE BATTERY SPECIAL only p49. ARGYLE RINE & SMALL ENGINE 88 Britannia Rd. Goderich 524-9201 21. Personal. PREGNANT and need help?, Free positive confidential • support, Birthright. Call 357- 1066 or 392-6541 or 432-7197 collect. --40tf HAVING" A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. -40tfar 24. Business opportunities MAKE MONEY in your spare time. Learn income tax preparation. For free broth= ure, no obligation, Write U & R Tax. Schools,' 118 Rosbor- ough Drive, Toronto, Ont- ario. M4W 1X4. -6ric 30. In memoriam ADAMS In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Clar- ence Adams, who passed away, February 10; 1979. (fur lips cannot tell how we miss him Our hearts cannot tell what to say,• God alone knows how we miss him In a home that is lonesome to-day. Always rementhered and sadly missed by wife Don- wine, son Murray, and daughter Dawne.' -6x Pimp.k.r..., Pomp ppm...* PP*P. . . 1974 GMC Vs TON truck V8 • • EViscerated. Wm. E.' And- , rew. Phone 529-7577, Dun-. gannon. --4,5,6x JEEP PARTS, Accessories New, Used. All. Jeeps. Low ELECTROHOME Humidif • Prices. Gigantic Stock. Send 'er, $35.00, in good condi- $1 00 for catalegue. Gemini don. Phone 395,5266, -6ric Sales, 4736 East Hastings, Burnaby, B.C. 1.15C 2K7, • USED SIMPLICITY heavy -duty-dryer,- reconditioned, FIREWOOD and' cedar posts. Call 353-5046 after 6 p.m. --50tf DRY AIR Try an Electrohome humid- ifier from Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112, Lucknow. We'also have filters and Sanitaire for your Electrohome humidifier. -45tfar FURNISHED 'one bedroom apartment in Lucknow. Phone 528-2031,• -5,6ar 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Am- berley. For further informa- tion call 395-5305: -43tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately, call 528-2625 or 528-3536. 47 f THREE BEDROOM house for rent in Lucknow, phone 528-3508. -3tfar HOUSE, 1/2 mile west of *St. Helens. Phone 528:6193. -ltf TWO' BEDROOM apart- ment, Lucknow; 2 bedroom apartment, furnished 'or un- furnished, Te,eswater. Phone GlenithaVen Apartrrients, 528.-3234. --:48tfar EXPERIENCED MECHAN- IC for_fatm machinery deal-- ershig in Liicknow. Phone 528-2849 for interview. -6ar MAINTENANCE SUPERIN- TENDENT required for Ven- eer and Saw Mill near town of Slave Lake, 150 miles north of Edmonton. Good level of Technical knowledge required, with emphasis " on skills in AdrniniStration, or- ganization and Supervision, to develop .and implement preventive maintenance pro- gram and supervise 14 trad- esmen. Relocation Assist- ance, salary negotiable. Ex- cellent benefits. Zeidler For- est InduStries Ltd., Box 4370, Edinonton, Alberta. Phone 403-468-3311. -6nc If your mailing label reads Feb. 6543210 your Sentinel Subscription is now due GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION R enovations„ additions, cot- tages, Phone 35'7-3457, - Whitechurch. ,3tf HORSES BOARDED; indoor arena. Phone 482-9960 after 6 p.m. -2tfnc SPIKE BAKKER -2tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES --15tfar Persons will do wall a er- ing, plastering, dity wall and small carpentry work, inter- ior or exterior, phone 357- ' 1073. -3-6 BILL THOMSON • CARPENTRY Renovations repairs Odd jobs, cement patios, curbS, sidewalks etc. Free estimate call 528-3508 after Six. 12. Help wanted TEMPORARY STUDENTS- WELCOME: FULL OR PART TIME Local company looking for people who ' would like to work from 3 to months with a chance to make this a permanent position. Interested people must have car and be aggressive. For personal interview only , CALL 524-242:6 FROM 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. PART TIME waiter or wait- ress required, no experience necessary:--Apply-at-M Hotel, Wingham. after 7 p.m. -5tf APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SERVICE Lucknow Appliance Centre Lowbrow Phone 528-2946 -32tfar. PAPERING AND PAINTING InteriOr and Exterior' Phone Todd Pal( 395-5079 or Joe Allison• 396-7173 Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIRHAMMER BACKHOEING PRIEBE Issocuvris ) 0,0 FARM CALL COLLECT 74c( (619)3044590 RES.V4......L/ (510)3414.2462 (519)3064E80 KINCARDINE, \ R.R. 1 HANOVER; ONTARIO \ Now Booking 1980 Sales SATURDAY, MARCH 1 12:00 noon Property & Contents for , vorstrAten Home Hardware Ayton Auctioneers: N.J. Mint) Priebe W. Holiday, C.R. Baird TAX TIME .r"yit SERVICES BUSINESS "FARM • OR PERSONAL We' are back In the SuTIF0Wit Mall, Goderich 1.9. 7 441otice Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS , • IN THE MATTER OF- THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HENRY CARTER, late of the Village of Lucknow in the. County 'of Bruce, Deceased., N Notice t is The s hereby Trusteesgive our - scant A c t that' ail creditors' and, others having claiMs against the Estate of the.late WILLIAM HENRY. CARTER . are reqnir- ed to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Solicitors for the Th Executors of e said Estate, on or before February 13, ,1980, and that after such date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then haVe had notice. DATED at Lucknow, Ontario this 15th"day 'of January, 1980. ROBERT MOLE AND BETTY', OLE. Executors of the Estate Bytheir Solicitors, GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, O Box 190, Lucknow, O0, -- 4,5,6ar April 5. Tor more mforma- 30. in memoriam BROTCHIE .In .memory of a dear brother and' uncle, Clarence Adams, who passed away one year ago, Febrnary 10,:.1979. We do not ask for miracles But in:day just one would do, ur fro To onedh miss sierseoseu gh. n r i ent so many ndcoeo r owpael kn ways, • - The things he'd say and do, And 'when old times we do recall It's thenwe miss him' most of all. AlwaYs remembered and sadly missed by his• brother, Raymond and Frieda Adams add family; sisters, Lenore and Oliver Glenn and Janine; May and Ken Hoffman and family; Jea.nette Duggan and David, and sister-in:law, Pauline Adams arid family. cards, treats, visits and phone calls -while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. It was all greatly appreciated. Cora Sherwood 6 Dungannon Articles for sale -5. Cars truCkt, for sale, 8. Servides available 18. Services available "!••• !woe • CAPONS, the cheapest meat s125.04. Phone Greer. T.V. and. Electric, 528-3112. ---6tfax Stole automatic, 12. Help_ wanted_ Phone 604-294-2623. -6nc PORTABLE :WELDING. - Will do portable.welding and 1979 YAMAHA 340 ET, good in shoitrepair work shape. Call 357-1697 after Cottons Stabling ,. 6130 p.m. -6x -e.,..--- -- ••••• -I- SPEED QUEEN Super Twin 9.. Accommodation R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW spin washer. Phone '395- to rent , 528:2026 ' 4329. -6 TRAVEL-AGENT Must have 2 years I.A.T.A. experience for our Clinton office. Please call 1-800-265-3181 WORLD WIDE TRAVEL AGENCY AUCTIONEER SERVICE Giant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Lieerited Auetbnieers Sales of all types - Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392;;6170 BERG STABLE Admiral. Sales andService EQUIPMENT Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY RENOVATIONS' -40tfar Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing ' Crat- ps, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls • and._Hog panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-.5390. - • POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY.. Agent for Heintzman Piano's and Panasonic Sound Equip- nient. Reconditioned pianos .for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning arid repairs call , 395-2982. -.,-L40tfar 4 20, Public notices ' BUS ' TO N.H.L. games in Detroit from January 26 to . , • . EXCAVATING, GRADING Cards of thanks 'AN-IX-TRUCKING to •-l- forth, 527-1222. --47tf - - - •"'''' ----'-' ---------- -,-•-•.: tion "call _United Trails, Sea_ 31. Poi P SHERWOOD sand, gravel of all types and - pries PINELODGE REST HOME Special thanks to Drs. Cor- • fill. Phone Robert S R. R. ,. # _„5, A . supervised retirement rin, McKim and' Jolly and Contracting, Lucknow;phone 528.-3047. ' home caring for your person: staff on first floor for their -29tfar al needs 24 hours a day, good care. Also thanks to all Lucknow 528-2703. --50tfar friends and relatives for their a In loving 'memory of dear Mother, and grandmother, _Jennie Grant. Protchie, who pasSecl away one year ago, February 5, 1979, Titne slips by, birt memories stay lremembered in every way. A little tribute small, but tender Just to show we, still remem- ber. 'Always remembered br• daughter Flora, Wilmer, and 0' grandson Allen. -6x - ADAMS I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neigh- bours for all the help, visits, letters, gifts, cards and phone calls while. I was a patient, in Wingham and Victoria Hospitals. Special - thanks to all the Doctors and NurseS. Your kindness was greatly appreciated. Mrs. Mabel McNall HALDENBY We would like to thank our families, friends and neigh- %ours and everyone who helped make our '25th wed- ding anniversary such a very special occasion. Jim and Helen Haldenby -6x 32. Coming events CARD PARTY A Valentine party at Pine- crest Manor, on Wednesday, - Pebruary 13,..1980. Musical , program at 7:30 'followed by euchre and bridge at 8 p.m. Everyone welome...Sponsor- ed by Huron Chapter #89,. Order of Eastern Star. -4,5,6,7x