HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-06, Page 15,.....eynmep.p! or, 4 c11.! ....* • f.q=1( ^ IC • ro,; 1:4',V.T.PerV.0
Last- •Friday the Lancers safe and not taking many erY, Grant Clark and Jim
travelled fo Fergus. The chances. The Lancers'struck Murray with his second of
game turned out to be a low, first, fdr two goals off the the night.
scorin • fast skating contest sticks of Carl Stanley and Jina -• In the third period Wi
and fonr ties, good enough
for a share of first place with
the Goderich Sailors: -Luck-
thitia-iiPergus come Out on
top by ;the score of 4 to 2.
Scoring for the 'Lancers
were John Hamilton with his
first of the year and Grant
Clark notclied Lucknow's
second goal. ;
On Sunday " the Wingham
Royals cone Lucknow.
The game started out slowly
with bath teams )laying 'it
ended with. Lucknow holding
a:2" . 0 lead.
The second period belong-
ed to the Lancers as they
puntped five gOals . past
Winghani goaltender,,Steve ,
de Jong. Goal scorers in the
second period`.were, Blayne
Shewfelt with two and •sing-
les going ,to rani tilo3itom
now has a total of five games
left and"with a strong effort
from everybody, the Lancers
ng- have-a-good chance 'of win
ing up in first place, The
remaining home game dates
are SUndayi February .
Wellesley vs Lucknow at
7:30;. Wednesday, 'February
13, Goderich vs Lucknow at
8.30. If you' haven't seen the
LancerS play yet, come on
out to these last two games of
the regular schedule.
Murray. Thy ham came to life and out
scored I;ucknow four goals to
one, Lucknow's goal came
from Carl Stanley. Final
score • Lucknow 8, Wingham.
The Lancers haVe a record
now of 11 :wins, seven losses
The tueknovv Atoms skat-
ed, to their first well earned
victor last Thursday night,
as they defeated Mildmay 4
"" The -Lucknow team opened
the, scoring with a blistering
shot by Jeff , dammie assist-
:ed. by Kirk Livingston- 'and
Fred Flanaghan. Milthriay
'fought back to tie the game
three minutes later.
Persistent forechecking, by
John van der Veld •e of Luck-
now p e slammedd•off, as hslammed
one into the net, assisted by
Sam Murray,,: Kirk Livingston
got the: insurance goal, a
slider; from: just inside the
•• blue 'line,: aSsisted by.Scott
Hackett and Sam Murray..
To >put the icing on ,03.2
'cake, Kikk LiVingstOn slid
another one into the net,
assisted by Scott Hackett, to ,
end the game 4 to 1 for
The boys were tickled to.
death with the victory, the
coach was very proud of -4".
them and the manager Ar- •
chie has to buy pizzas.
Henry W. Block
Should your income tax return be questioned we will
not only, take responsibility for. how it was preOared,
we will represent you to r the 'District Taxation Of-
fice...ali year round and .at 'nig extra cost. At H..&' R
Block, we are income specialists. '
Open 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Weekdays, 974 Sat. Phone 529.108
in Paisley, February"13 and if
A fourth. iS•riecessary it
will be Friday, February 15
in Lucknow..
Tuesday, January 29, the ,
Lucknowjnidgets travelled to
Paisley tO play the' first game
in a three out of 5 W.O.A.A.
series. The locals: ;managed
to squeak by 6 - 5
in .
a close
scoring contest.
--Back--in-lucknow-en-Feb- •
ruary 1 foolish penalties, lack
of desire and over-confidence
on the part of the. Lackno,w
squad resulted in a rather
poor showing in front of a
good. home crowd.
Once again, however, vict-`
ory was ours by a score of 7..-
5. .
Scoring in the two games
were Ed Davidson 2 goals, 3
assists; Art Clark 3 goals, 1
assist; Dave Gibson and Glen
Raynard 1 goal and-3 assists
each; Al Rivett 3 goals;: Don
Greer 1 goal, 1 assit:, Paul.
Finlay 2 assists; John Hopf.
and Kent Alton 1 goal each;
Lance Sanderson I Assist.
Due to the Paisley boys
writing exams this week, the
two teams will not be ; play-
ing. The series will continue
Peanuts By Chorles Schulz
3;45 - 4:45 Brookside Girls
7 p,m. Pee Wee Game
A.M. House League
8:30 Canadiens vs R. Wings
9:30 Bruins vs:Maple Leafs
if 2 - 4 p.m. Public Skating
0.4440.-tsli, 8;15 p.rn.,C:11..C.. Hockey
1:30,- 3:15 Public Skating
3;45 WOAA 'DD' Finals
Paisley Juveniles vs Lucknow
(2nd game of this series)
7:30 0.11.A. Int, C Game
Wellesley vs LliCknOW
8:15 Holyrood vs Teacher,s
.0:15 Ashfieldvs LucknoW
10:15 Beckers vs LaneS
1:30 -3:30 p.m. Moms, and
Tots Free Skating
3 .45.445'Brookside Boys
8:00 WOAA 'DIY Finals
Paisley Bantams vs Lucknow
7:30 p.m. Atoms Game
Teeswater vs Lucknow
Industrial League
8;45 Flying Dutchmen vs
10;10 Kintail Flyers vs
Holyrood Butchers
24% Sheep
Nighty fortifier! 'and. deeign-
eci to be used in combination
with" on-farm grains to pro-
duce a balanced ration for
fattening iambs, rams and
,dry and lactating ewes.
Feeding represents the largest single
production cost sheep farmers must
make. That means to maintain op-
timum production,rations must be
formulated to be efficient,' yet
economical; and at the'same time
minimize nutrition-related problems.
16c,11/0 Lamb
A pelletedration medicated.
with Terrarnycin to' help•
reduce the incidence of
bacterial diarrhea.
Your CO-OP can help you meet
these goals.by providing rations,that
are performance proven on Ontario
farms. Talk to the people at , your
CO-OP soon and pick up a copy of
the informative. CO-OP Sheep Man-
agement Brochure.
Provides' dt good source 'of
all required minerals and
vitamins for sheep. It does
not contain copper, an ele-
ment which in excess may
cause poisoning.
ucknow District Co-op