HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-06, Page 8Tourist industry unhealthy ... don't go out on a limb when you bud Use the Lucknow Sentinel classifed ads for Great Bargains Donations for the St. Helen's Snowmobile Poker Rally which is to be held onSundaya February 10, 1980: See coming events in this paper for further details. A prize will be bought for any cash donations made. Beckers Farm Equjpinent, grease gun cartridge; Quinn's Flowers, flowers; Loree's Ladies, $10.00-7 gift Certificate; Hamilton's Restaurant, 2 decks of cards; Sepoy Drive-ln, voucher for 21 pieces of chicken; Montgomery Motor's, 2 Cans of STP; Johnstone's Furniture, hassock; Hackett's Farm Equipment, snowmobile oil; Sieckers Store, groc- eries; Diane's Pop Shoppe, case of pop;- Bud Hamilton Fuel, 2 toques; C & M Transport, $10.00; Ron Machan- Hardware, flashlight; Bill's Place, mitts.; Bain's Groceteria, groceries; Spreul Electric, case of 100 watt light bulbs; Four Season's Trailer Park, 2 free night camping; Seers Garage, 4 snowmobile oil; Delmar Sproul, fire extinguisher;, George Smyth Welding; 2 hats; Bully Gully, ladies sweater and 2 toques;. G. &E: Sales, 3 hats; Iteavie Farm Equipment, 2 toques; McGee Auto Electric, sweater; Lynne Hoy, case of oil; C. E. MacTavish, $10.00; Walter Arnold, $10.00; Mac Conley Const., first aid kit; Schmids Jewellery, $10.00; Eedy's Bakery, voucher for 19 loaves of bread; Bryan Stothers, $10.00; Gary Dauphin Hylan Seeds, $10.00; Bere Const., $15.00; Harvey Culbert, 5 lbs. grass seed; Doug Brown Cement, $20,00; Dawson's Plumbing, socket set; Ken's Garage, snowmobile mitts; Huron Laildstaping, $20.00 voucher; Steve Argyle, scarf, toque, hat and key chain; Penny's Hairstyling, wash, cut and set or $5.00 voucher; Frank. Pentland, one 'gallon maple syrup; Rob McWhinney, $20.00;- Chisholm Fuels, one gallon anti-freeze; McDoriagh Inaurance, $10.00; iLes Fetter Shoes, • $5.00 voucher; Sepoy Stati'.nery, $5.00 voucher; Lucknow Appliance Centre, 2 electric alarm clocks; Charman's Work Clothing, 2 pr. thermal socks; Fairview Foods,. $10.00 voucher; The Lucknow Sentinel, one year subscription; Kemp's General Store, jack knife; Chester Hackett, 2 Pride corn hats; Harvey Livingston, 2. Funks corn hats; Bruce Raynarcl, 2 Pioneer corn toques; Russel Irvin, • 2 DeKalb corn toques; Button's Meat Market, 2 - 8 lb. hams; Lucknow Co-op, 3 qts. outboard or snowmobile oil; C & B guilders, $20.00; Phil McCann Masonry, $25.00; Petrie's General Store, $5.00; Jack Cameron, $15.00; Hodges Milling, $20.00; ,Sam Argyle,. snowmobile ' flag; Wayne Durnin, 10 lbs. , butter;' Len Jenkins, set of screwdrivers; Grindley Auction Service, set of wrenches; Gord's Sports, helmet; Porter's Septic Tanks, $10.00; Bernice Glenn, Tupperware cake server; Stothers Sandblasting, dinner for 2 • at the Park 'House, Goderich; Maitland Redi Mix; Gerrie Glenn, '$10.00; Helm Welding-, T‘shirts; Harold Cooke, $10.00; The Lottery Shoppe, 2 Cash for Life, tickets; Conklin Lumber„Goderich, two bar. mirrors; Henderson Lumber, 1 gallon paint; Ken McNee, • $20.00. rialligiollimennill.111110111111.1111111.111111.1111111111 Rage 8,-Lneknew Sentinel, Wednesday, February 6, 1980`. .41140$,_ .coMinittOo. °front page • As the M & V Committee proceeds with the monumental task of preparing materials and guidelines for use in: the claasrooin, it-.4.;•_,-------.....-Willi-relY.,-ilonsiderably,--on-the-- input and critique of the new committee. The Resource Committee is expected to monitor' program development; to offer constructive ideas; to become infertile(' about current developments immoral reason- ing and values formation education; to be sensitive 'to community reaction and be an agent of publicity._ The se-ahead for preParatioik of a values and literals edUcation program-was-given:by the. Board in November 1979. The decision was made (lithe baSis of a report submitted 6 by the V & M Committee response to its Respect for the principles of Judrieo-chnv in, resp - t• ian morality (required by the.Education Act) Mandate to draft proposals for aims, content and a . philo ' s by of moral develOpment and methods as a foundation for the new consistent • wit these •Porinciples undergirds Program. • the proposed program which will be fused The °V & M Committee was formed with the existing curriculum: Subjects such initially in June, 1978 to consider alterna- as environmental studies and outdoor edam fives to religious,educatiOn in the '.schools; It tion, history and geography, guidance,' Was later reactivated in january 1979 to_do a reading and literature lend themselves feasibility study of values and morals 'naturally to the infusion process. education, the recommended alternative.. The edueational design will be two-prong , Original impetus for the program came from ed (a) religious exercises at the commence. the Chesley Ministerial Association in late ment of each day (b) values and morals 1977 when it appealed to the Board to education designed to enCourage a positive re-introduce religious education in the self-concept. An,impreasive 'amount of work 'schools. . • has already been done by a team of super- In the spring of 1979,. permission was visory staff and teachers under the leader. granted from the Ministry of Education to ship of A. J. V. Leeder, project. convener and waive regulations concerning Mandatory secretary of the•V Aic 1% Committee.- Leeder, religious education in the elementary • principal, of Wiarton, eleMentary 'school has schools of the County 'for the year 1979 - 80 been released from the major portion of his pending development of an appropriate duties at the school during• this assignment. alternative program. He .brings to this task 'many • peraonal For some 15* years, religious education resources and considerable -background in the field of values and morals education, In an age characterized by violence, Values distortion and moral confusion it is little wonder that children and youth are confused in the realm of ethics and values. —rho- mike.; county Board orrdttcatiors inclusion" of values and morals 'education in the elementary school system could be a step in 'the right direction. The program is - intended to encourage confidence and instill a sense of self-worth in our children,. It will Make clear personal responsibility for choices arni-their-consetinences-andincnr- cate respect for *self. and others. :NOW .„1/THIBEST TIME.:TO":0101)St: A QUAPTY":cEMETERY:-MEMORIAL. • While selection is at its best. • With all sizes, shapes and colours and price ranges in .stock • All priced well below current prices *Plus cash discount • Over 240 memorials in'stock • Many are one of a. kind. • Will be ready for installation as soon as pOSSible in Spring • Each can be custom designed'to meet your needs. 'courses have limped along and in the majority of Ontario schools are virtually non-existent. This happened f variety of reasons -- their controverial nature -- a dlivisevness born- out of diverse interpreta- - .fien-Of scrip ores, as well as a dearth of materials and lack of support from the Ministry of Education. Months of research, and a strong public endorsement indicated in 'a series of public meetings involving parents, teachers, sec- ondary school students and clergy convinced the V '& M Committee and its consultants that a Program emphasizing moral reasoning and values formation would 'be an approp- riate alternative • to the almost defunct— teaching of religious education. Huron County Council learned Thursday that the county's tourist induStry is not reaching its potential. Ken Hawkes; distriet manager of tourism in this area, told: county council the county should be doinsbetter Oan eighth out of 19 the-PrOvince'S tourist districts. • The mid-western Ontario' district which includes the counties of Huron, Perth, Wellington amt-Waterloo, ranked ninth oaf r. of 10 in the amount of income generated by the industry last year. Some 102 million people touring the area spentsemel4 billion but Hawkes said "there. is. ...room.. for improvement". He, said this area should be doing better but the industry has to 'be developed. The tourism dollar spins off right through the 'economy of the area said' Hawkes. Figures show 16 cents out of every dollar is spent in retail sales and Miscellaneous purchases in this area. , Tourists' in 1976 spent $11 million on accommodation in the four county area, $47 million on food, $32 million , 'at serVice . stations, $8 million on recreation' and the total 'income that year was $154 million. Figures are available for last year but are not broken doWn into . categories. .flawkes told county council the tourism industry in the province is second only to the automotive industry-aild-ii nla---)-i--'1'altotild go • and grab hold of the future". He said One of the problems with tourism is it is the • "invisible industry". • Statistics show that tourism means 300 jobs, in the county. One camp ground and a major hotel employ 100 people alone. Hawkes said the county has a. "charming atmosphere" which sheuld be developed to - the advantage of the county. Now is also the time to orderr' CeMetery Lettering and Markers. ay we- have-the privilege of serving you with your memorial needs monolkiats -•••; T. PRYDE & SON LTD. Goderich .and ClintonAreOlepresentatIve DON DENOMME PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT ANYTIME :OFFICE 432-9505 or RES. 524-6621 ,