HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-12-20, Page 9TO our faithful old friends, our cherished new
friends, and to those whose friendship we
strive to deserve, we tender our hearty greetings.
happy and
privilege to
May the New Year be for you a
prosperous one, and may it be our
add to your success.
Sturdy's Cash Grocery
,)�Good` fo1r'the Table 'L►"►'''004141►*�a 4"+►► i►x4KICC irICtwA1aiw
Durant, Hodson sad Esta, Cenral Slam Automobiles and Trucks
Eitpert ea Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service
Yon can invite Police Inspection when they are repaired by us
Aosenaebile Supply, Electrical Parte for All Makes of Autos in Stock
$25 -To anyone ale, can ',ring a ear we can't repair --$15
Shes always
THIS YOUNG LADY is coming to work.
She is an operator. She is always on the
job whether it is stormy or not. And at what-
ever hour you call her she is pleasant and
The people in the telephone service make cour-
tesy a habit. It is part of the efficiency with
which they serve.
There are 15,000 men and women engaged in
the telephone system of Ontario and Quebec.
They handle over four million calls every day
and, in spite of the constant cry: for speed,
• there is scarcely a case of conscious discour-
tesy'or neglect.
15,00() men and women and has endeavor-
ed to make their work as agreeable, healthful
and stable as possible. Several hundred.present
employees have been with the system for more
than twenty-five years.
This stability of staff maintains high standards
of operation and is encouraged by the Em-
ployees' Pension and Benefit Fund, established
to 1917, tri protect employees in illness or acci-
dent, and to provide for their future and for
their dependents.
There is also a plan of Employees' Life Insur-
ance, by which out of salary, employees may
carry without undue burden insurance to care
for their dependents. This plan has been ar-
ranged in co-operation with Canadian insur-
ance companies at regular rates.
�(V ADDITION to this factor of stability an
Y active interest in the telephone system is
encouraged by the plan of employees' purchase
of shares and by the plan of employee ee repre-
sentation. •
Some years ago 'telephone employees were
givenopportunity to become shareholders in
the company and 10,390 of them have subscribed
for shares on instalment payments. For some
years also, spokesmen selected by the staff
have met with representatives of the manage-
ment to discuss such matters as wages, hours,
tools and working conditions. This has not
only stimulated interest but promoted cffici-
fI, IIESE TIIINGS are the basis of the alert-
ness and enterprise which have become a
tradition of telephone work.
It is demonstrated among the 4,9(X) men in the
plant department. Over 3,500 of them have
qualified for St. John's Ambulance Corps first
aid certificates and because of their outdoor
duties they are frequently nearby when acci
dents occur. There have been many instances
in which their voluntary response has saved
life and relieved suffering.
The same spirit has become familiar in the
enterprise and courage with which operators
rise to an emergency.
wHETHF.R IT BE the night operator on
the job at midnight or the linenlan fight-
ing a winter storm, the men and
women of the telephone service
give their best in contributing
to Canadian progress and weft
deserve whatever benefits the
company is able to offer.
Published Ar rat R fl Tdrpa sss C.ws•.r 01 (swain M tall r•..
iimiw /aced oboe/ tea oLepl 4'.0 boatman. amid this r•^pra i. i,
e;oderich, Out.
hour draw. near. however delayed
and lute,
1'heu at Jhe Eternal gale
We leave tie. word. and work* we call
our ow'u
And lift void heaths alone
For 14)14' 111 .4111..,ltur nakedness of
soul :w
. Ilriug• 10 that trate no toll;
Giftless w4' Bowe to Him, who all
things gives,
And bier hw•ause He lives.
We lwswrh ''he•. 11 our Owl. that
we may know Thee, love Thee and
rejoice i4) 'Plow; toot if i4) this life we
i . 1*141144 d41 all three 1lsligs fully, grant
that we may progn•ot ler them from
.het to day. .tilaure in 4)a a true
knowledge of The• now, that i4) the
,tfet_let wins• it may be complete; in-
. rens.. In us the love of Thee here. that
there it way 1... full. through Jesus
,'britt our dp.rd. Anwn.-St. .lu4elm.
S. S. 1.1:1e4IN FOR DR('. 30th. 1928
Leeson Topic -Review: Paul. the
World Christian.
Golden Text -1114 1:21.
Oct. illi -fated in Ephwws.
-.\res 19:K-10. 18-20; F.ph. 4:'
*if other religions beeaue• of the I /r ash�on Fancies
Cross which is time wonder, the refuge; s
and the hope of the world.
Nov. filth ---Paul's Experirlwea 1. Jr'e.A
- tett, 21 :27-22 :1. 22-23.
_(•:pec 6:11.
ISurl. e11 arriving in .1-rusulem. re-
ported to the church a;l he hail•ue-
eOmpllslied among the c;ruiUes; tett
report, had already .reached the eh,
that Wet,, likely to artetw opposition
to him 'Then it was that James, the
epistle to charge of tli4', Christian
ehur li. advised lrimtG,xhow openly that
1w was still a believer in the i;aw of
Muses so far as the Jew); sere con-
.ernel. lie agreed to do so, but all the
sante a great film*►it ar"4e and he was
in da tiger of tieing killed. Ile was taken
into custody by the captain of the
Roman guard and brought before the
Sa n hied ri m.
-Eph, 2:10.
foul '{a'tatwo )ears anti three
neaps.. i4) E{dwCt(s and so mightily did
1 I r 'Moor that he atirr.d up much op -
Nov. 25th -The Prayers or Paul.
-Arts 20:36-38; Ell.. 1:1:,. 16;
-l. Thee,. 5:16-18.
l'aut in his prayer .r1• followed
very closely the example .et ley .jest!»
of Nazareth. He. In !hi-, lesson.
slow•* his interest in the oliiireb at
Eaiheeus wlwre he had '1.•nt threw
busy years of 11s Mfr. Ile prayed
for all his convert,. for all the suints
In all tlw odium -hes. that 1'hrl,t might
dwell in their hearts throng -1i faith:
that they might lie filled ,..th all the
fulness of (:ape.
Dee. 2nd. -Pard Before His ,fudges.
-Acte 21:21-27; 26:19-29.
-Ada 26:19.
The chief captain. Navin_ for safety
went 'Paul to 4'esarea to he judged of
'Felix- the governor, wrote a. letter
,aating 11w ease. Felix heard both the
ae•uea•r' and the ue•ueed', 1.114 drfered
Judgment. The wise drae_'.d 1111 and wrap I11 *loitered with a soft nt.•h. pro -
Paul was dern)iue,l until :i new g'tv- dsdfurtla•r trml la i h.;rby,tlw lining of
ernor was appointed. Again the case 1* to satin. It is worn over a white
was cullet. and Festus. not finding
anything criminal against hint. teak sutlu ecrulue dyes+ with traildnt rob•.
position: but I;od *u honored his
Luxurious Eve ' trap Lavishly'
Ilene tie all c•vrniuK wrap of cant anal
loveliness. It features the .double
Band ruffle that is so smart this sea-
son, and -what is more Important -so
universally becoming.
Of eerier traislaar"nt veh'c•l. finis
1 c.oun4.•4)t King Agrlpl.I- w•ho bad
work *hat we read "that all tbwy ,,,,m,• ,,, maty iii, respects to Ile trees WTl:ItAT('K5 AT WORK.
1 1 1 1 ,rd of 1. 1 ice lgaiu gheu
which dw4'a i4) Ata wan tlw we governor, an end ,ten Translate English Into spaniels
rhe legal .1 esu*. I:ot11 Jews and a. change to defend himself and w, '
t:reeks."ry appwiled to Agripia that he admitted for Benefit of Clgar-nutkers.
Int. 17th -Spiritual Gifts. he was tempo wren/oiled bo Iw.vur• a Cigar makers most have their news
-1. ('or. 12:1-7; :11: 1:1:8. Christian. and literature while they work or
-L Cor. 13:13.Dee. 9th -Patti (roes to Roar. productivity of the factory decline*.
Paul. haringcr'ta.-Ion tee wri! te tc'' -acts 48:11-".L 30; 31. So when the starting whistle blows
1.tlw +hones at 1'unlnth c4)taernlnq -Rom. 1:16. each morning men who translate Eng-
- Bowe-irre¢ulorities :aid disorders that t':oil. wheel terming Rom,. was much tlahrapidlyr into Sp anish th.mount any high
had chair lawn Introduced into the church' ,.h.wn•d by two deputations stent by thetortes In i lorida and begin their dip
el.w•.t Ills epistle by •exhorting them
to covet the best gifts; especially that
nue euduwment that was above all
others and wldelr, it was p,stll.lc• for
everv(ne to obtain. -Mid now abdd-
eth faint, hope. chatity-, thee.. three;
lowed hltq fn.w Jernsalena. :mid' for
hitt the greatest of these is charity."
two years he dwelt In a hired house
. Ort. 21st-Cheiseian Stewardship.whrre'IW tilt:grntly,�tearin+l the Owl-
-11. Cor.11:1-9; 9-6, 7, 15. 1 gel.
-IL (or. 8:5- I lice. 164h -Paul and 11l�letstit• events the reader goes through the
St. r'.Paul. Jr' the etRhth amt math -Philemon 8.21. .entire morning paper. Ile repeats the
Ilia perste deals with a Mans tig. How , -Prov. 17:17. N process when the afternoon dailies
114' persuades 11w a with
to follow 1 140 lepton WWI one of 1'at tr even -1 come off the press.
loo their.tai ly set
with their gift, is rooves In l'ulosse, and. loving 'Masi In additloa he has Spanish papers
here plainly set forth. Ile .-bur's them clearly. 1w made bold to write on he.! and magazines, novels and non -
:r Resnl example in I tin gr*t trial
hair of another convert. One•simus. the' action books from which he reads.
Sin+winnan r'Huw that i i a Brest trial runaway ,.lave belonging to I'hdlemnn.�-hlegazlne serials are especially popu-
Jo and th the t o poverty
of t oled St"1, 1,y step he point* out Philo-- lar with the workers.
Joy and their deep {whertc lie alitwl t first the reader wall regarded
nib, flu• rinc�•.- of their IllieraRty.^ luau s duly to a fellow -Christian now.
I"iiII would not Imre the i'urinthtan i 0 gh owe a slave. At firer lie puts more or teas as a luxury. but now he
I t the r t st goes 1 has become a necessity. Operators
1 r h r:01 '!..!111141. . , he .revs : ' I I i n4'r report p
It ,r4) Chores me'e'ting him +'ime of reading, while below them workers
miles out and conveying him in. Ile I limen and roll I•axf, tobao co deftly in-
going as n stair prritwut.•s. krwalm>n .to cigars ranging from the "stogie"
not what the ou1.• • w•o1uld Ire. 1110W-
ow- to the highly Priced "perfecto."
ever, no tieenslrrim {free"1441 or ¶. 1 The r.•atler's desk is at the end of
a long hall 1s. which Cut an and Span-
ish workers sit in rows at tables.
Silence. but for the reader's voice.
prevails. often reviewing slotting
forth tl4 plea t 1s to el ,.• , rt ,ere productivity of a tactors'
nt a e- freeman old man ,o * also .c pr s4)
"Therefore a• ye als,un.1 li .•very- 1.. nue who owe- unt.la to .bion. Inv ft Increased by 10 to 60 per ant. when
thing. 4)w that y� abound i4) this - .- t., b e grant*. 1 in 1 " end for tlove s 1 readers are employed.
grace oleo. -kr. In Romp inslanet•s cigar makers
Oct. 28th -Pane+ t.aM Jeurnry to have refused to Werk without a read -
►Ram 11,1. 223rd -maul'., 1.a•* Message.• -r and a subetttute 4ually_is at hand
-.Artie 2" 1 -21. 28.38; IL Cor. -11. Tim. 4:141. 16.18.
11:28. to occupy the chalr'• it the regular
-11. Tim. 1:7. reader is absent.
Paul do writing t• Timothy urged
IAds '20:35. him to he x faithful prcvuhwr of the Tree In a l'hurch
t'anl l! time. and on hi+ way to. Jerti. len grows an mod-
' for the last while lit )(nettle/ word of life, and not to let danger or A chestnut tree
1 Ephesus to come
for the elders of the church fear of any kind dixrnurage him. for eetly flourishes In toe parish cheers
nte tl. l 1►.•y Worcestershire, Eng. It
dm. and lie there s a''rcrown of ri,ldw.u.ne_ laid of Kemps
-poke ver)' urennc ante•Ifi. aNrinR•
rheum. ib• warned then to take bind : i 1'I
to their 4.5.11 con.ttu•t that May might -
the letter instruct and guide those Pity the lti.hup.
over al they had 1*.'n placed. Hr He was a gond-natu,••d Irishman
reminI.,l them of his ra'nluus work on I and was
fs'1innIr to up ter all sirs. and for all 1.1141 luxe has it* roots In the tomb of Sir Ed-
one of a numb,, of men em -
behalf of tlw souls under his .N re.pleytng In erecting a re w buildtng It took root and flourished.
Before from them he cog- The owner of the huildin: said to him
mended them in prayer to the keeping
ward Wilde. The Reboot -children of
the village used to alt In the chancel.
It 1s said that on one occaslunthe
teacher found a pupil eating a awed -
nut, and that he snatched It away
and threw It behind the tomb, where
one day: The Beard.
of Gott. "Pat, didn't yn,t tell rte that a
It was the custom among Romans
Nov. 4111 --World's Temperance Sun- brother of yours lea a bathop"' to shave or the beard at the age of
em. ' "T1s, son." replied Pat twenty edge and present It as an offer-
-Rom. 13:1-10. 13. 14• "And ll(a hod of q: r' y hr Rood ing to the household gods. A beard
-Rum, 13:10. thlngo of Ilfe are note equally dlvidl, was grown after that age only u a
Paul in this chapter states the emu,-
are they?•' sign of mount(ng.
trine respecting the rights of civil NO, sore" said Pat. "Poor fellow.,
rnl•ry and the duties 4'hnislians owe My brother couldn't do this to save N0 More Aerials.to them and to all men. Ile slillws his lolfel"
that government is a.sentlal and has A new wireless invention makes •n
Ise,; arranged by 1;1111. and tlslt man Deer on .Ant(eosti I.Iand. aerial unnecessary It Is known as
1• to wrbmit; to those i4) authority lie -Addressing the Engin, ering Inst!- an Acceptor, and Is connected to
I retie. It pie the will of Gest. and n rue of Canada at Montreal, J. H. earth by the usual methods and ev-
tMrrhtlsu take. it a part of 1115 m- Valiquette, manager of Anticosti Is- eepts the .earth waves sit up by tiro
IIKion to maintain and olwy the Just land (In the Gulf of St. Lawrence), broadcasting station.
I *r of his laud. He shows that till said that the herd of 300 Virginia conditions it Is sa emc'I.•nt as the
WV. Is fulfilled by love between min white tall deer imported Into the Is- average outdoor :tel,
and min. 31 1141 to Ealy Inver who land Iti 1898 had now multiplied to Any 4'.'t bt made portable. preivided,
.works no evil townrts in. iwield.or. about 500,000 and tad become Im- of course, It is 'toot' of reasonable di -
Nov. lith-Pe•ee and good Will Portant as a meat supply to the mensinns. All that 1* n crrsary for
Asislanders. reeeptlon Is a copper ea,' it -pin and a
HPO. few feet or copper wire connecting
- Rom'. 12 12:1; 2:9 -1• Handkerchief* In the Blot. with the Acceptor, which Is about
R- ete 4):21.
111 ttwee verses fail exhorts his
brethren to (illy snrre,dPr tlwm-
selvPs 'lswly Anil spirit to tlw ATV ICC'
4)r Gid. He then wets up an I11P/1I like I
4. to
tlnndty is the religion that trnnseends I
t the Sermon on the Mount. (hris-
Jeanne Dusseau, Canada's great
lyric soprano, who w111, at the Fes-
tival of Sea Music to he held In
Vancouver, January 23-26, Interpret
many of the songs Of the sea, which
are those of women. Madame
()unseen will render some of the
sea pones which are st111 alive in
the Hebrides.
In principal railway Mations, ho-
tels, and restaurants, machines are
being Installed where the forgetful Or
cold -smitten traveller can. for •la -
pence, obtain a fresh handkerchief,
says an Old Country despatch.
Water Neff-Purlticetlon.
As a result of n.s.'at' lies of the
Public Health Service, it is point-
ed out In the Scientific American.
the 'widely popular Idea that running
water will purify itself within a mat-
ter of a few miles is definitely rele-
gated to the limbo ..I exploded
fallacies . The Public Health
Service states that "Irrespective of
distance from the nearest upstream
sources of pollution. no river water
In the United Slates can be eonslder-
ed hygienically safe without treat-
Th.• inereaain4 poliulinn of our
streams Is the result nt the rapid
growth of rifles and the consequent
Inereaae of sewage. The condition 1s
a perpetual source of possible danger
and even of epld.•mles and It points
to the necessity of treatment of cOm-
munity wastes for the relief of rltlel-
Ing nuk,anee conditions.
A limpid woodland stream may he
• thing of beauty for poets to sing
about, but beware before drinking or
Its waters. it may lie so sadly pol-
luted as its bit brothers, the rivers.
Plymouth • ('lel.
The dignity of a city has been eon-
f•rred by the King upon Plymouth,
of Rlortoue naval fame. This honor
may seem • ands ane - Plymouth
was Incorporated a. a town 400 years
ago. and now had a populatIon •f
four inches square and one Inch deep.
Atmospherles and oeelllittlou are
greatly diminished, •viol.• selectivity
Is increased and lightning danger
Thu , December 30, 191''s :n
McEwen's Everyday Prices
Shelled Almonds, Ib 59e: Shelled Walnuts, lb 49c
Cut Mixed Pieel, Ib 25c _Lotion reel, ib 25c
Orange feel, 16 25e !lest Citron Peel, ib 35e
Fresh Currants, Ib 11'4c oatmeal, Ib ac
5 -Ib tin Syrup.. ....
Sakai( Japan Tea, new line, #-1b package.. :ifie
Tit,. new crop of Seedless Navel Oranges to hand, a fin.
Inv, aft per dozen Ltk•
Fresh Creamery Butter every day from the factory
Try a Ib. of our 59c Tea. . It's a winner.
Fresh ground No. 1 Blend Coffee, Ib ....................
Phone 46 South Side of Square
r„i r -'. 4.'ly 1,..,,, p.tr:e''i 1Lr 4.511 wtlhnrll rhar'Be
The Signal's Calendars
Are Here !
Handsome ones they are,
with large figures
One for each paid -in -advance Subscriber
Make Sure You Get Yours
Before You Buy
-Hear This Set
Nothingfiner in radio has ever
been ofered than the new Kolster
All -Electric Radio. A "plug-in"
set of beautiful appearance. See
it and hear it and you will want
to own it.
Huron Motor Sales
t ioderyeh Tel, phone K:t
"All that you seek in Radio"
Pool nal Daniell baritone. who
dletingulshed himself at the New
'anadian Festival at Winnipeg,
will star with his repertoire of
Viklne sones at the Sea Music Fes-
tival to be held 1n Vancouver. Janu-
ary 23 to 26. The Sea Music Fes -
Deal will revive the ship chanties
Iof many nations. hesidee a great
deal of other must(' associated with
the sea.