HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-02-06, Page 1tivt mortgage interest deductability scheme. He added that "interest rates should be lowered.." Conservative Murray Ca.rdiff told voters the PC government was. "broeght down in the middle of . business", 'He said the election was "unnecessary" and would not have happened had not the Liberals and NDP joined forces in ,pecember of 1979. The PC candidate said Canada would have 'to takea hard stand on energy policies.*He. said the country.was a net exporter of oil in 19.74 and now relied on oil imports, Cardiff said that situation forced Canada : to rely on Oil producing Deporting Countries (OPEC) nations for its energy needs ~and that reliance was shaky due to political itstability • in some Of-these nations. "We can't be controlled by the whims of OPEC nations,!'. he. said, He said the tax the Conservative goverprdent Proposed in the 1980 federal lindgetzeduced the subsidy-paid-on-import=- ed oil leading to lower taxes for Canadian oil producers. He said that lower tax returned Money to the oil companies for increased exploration and production. '-' He added that the higher prices prompted Canadians to conserve energy to save their money, . • Turn to page 24 Mank. -fEN: j Target date for introduefion of ValueS and. ' Morals Education in Bruce County elemen- tary schools is September .1980, Trustee Lloyd ‘Acitert, Ohairman of the. Bruce County Board of Education Values and Morals (V & M) Committee made this.announcement at the initial meeting of the newly; formed citizen's Resource Committee *(which is to function as an. advisory arm of the V & M Committee) held last Thursday at,the Board OfOce in Chesley. The Resource Committee Wasborn out of the Y & M COmmittee'a need to keep abreast of public reactipn to the new program as it developes_ and the necessity In interpret public opinion to the Board. The committee, comprised'of six clergymen, six 'parents and six grade 13 students, all citizens of Bruce County, will act as-a sounding board for the V & M: committee. Ackert sees the new committee as an advisory group offering • "advice and service"", Judging, from the high degree of interest . displayed in ,discassion , the in,depth clues, tioning-and-creative-recominendations,-the— Resource Commntee should• prove to be a , valuable adjunct to the V & M Committee and. a vital link with;the community. Turn to• page The ..Leektioiv Sentinel has received , an award for best classified advertising in the Ontario Weekly; Ne.viSpaPera. AssOciatiOn's better newspapers dbinpetitiori • !. The award will • be presented-. at the association's annual convention to be held`at Hotel> TorontO id March. The:, Sentinel eompetes in the annual • ards competition in the' lass of newspap- ers having a circulatien. between 2,001 and Other area newspap,rs to-pick up aWards - in the competition were the Huron •Expesit or, Seaforth fOr best local advertising; the Goderich Signal.Stai for best sports pages and the Kincardine N• ews for best local 'adVertising. The News., also received an honeurable mention kir best photo layout. • failed to Show it in an all candidates .meeting Tony McQuail, faded over 400 voters in the Lucknow Tuesday night • Lucknow Community. Centre highlighting their party pOlicy and *fielding questions fF981vi3t.P.17.k- The meeting-was-organized by an !ride: pendent group of citizens interested, in hearing what each' candidate felt he 'could offer Voters in kuron-Bruce. Craig. told voters he felt energy and finances were at stake in the election. He said the government put in „power by vOters would have to manage:national finances ensuring that taxpayer's:Inoney was ; used efficiently, strive. for energy self suffialencY with national energy prices fair to all ,.CariadtanS promote economic gro*th' with the aim of increasing, the nUmber of jobs and greater-econeinic strength in -every region of Canada and.' helping those that need assistance. The--Liberal-said-his- government:would -.-"hold-the: line on government spending". He . said any increase in government spending would he less than the increase in the gross national product. Craig told voters a Liberal government would not impose a tax on gas or diesel fuel and would not ,continue with the Conserva- If voters in: , the north . end. of the The three candidates in this riding, Iiuton,prece riding feel any one issue Liberal- Graenie Craig, Progressive Censer should teynete the February 1'8 ,election they vative Murray Cardiff and New Democrat Over 400 interested voters attended an all candidates' meeting, held issues in 'this election. The candidates are., from the left, irony at the Lucknow District Community Centre on January 29. Organizeil MeQuall, NDP, Murray Cardiff, PC and Graeme Craig, Liberal. by a group of loial citizens, the three Huron-Bruce candidates fielded [Photo by Rick Gibson] - questions from the crowd aiul gave their policy statements on certain January was a> lucky -month for a LticknOvii. couple, Sharen . and Brad Petteplace were the lucky winners of over a $1,000 in .'a hockey draw and a, radio, bingo.: :Sharon won a trip for two to Las in •. Vegas, Nevada a draw sponsored by the Black Hawks hockey club Walkerton on Janiiary 25, She has decided to accept a cash prize of $600 instead of the trip; Brad won the Lion Club radio binge on CKNX radio, January 31 and splits .$1,000, with a Walkerton woman. Sharon says , Brad is usually the' winner as he won $500 playing •bingo. once before and has won severaltimes in lottery draWs, but they were small • The couple are winners in another way as well, as they are expecting their first child in the near futnre. Car fire Luck:xi* District Firemen answered a, call to, Lueltnew Custom Welding around 7,45 a tr4,Tuesday morning to put, out a car fire. The car owned by Larry Barker, received minimal'dam- --age and there were no injuries. Takes-thir-d at tractor pull The Noisy Lady pulling team of Art Helin and Glenn Porter claimed a third and a fourth at the CTPA tractor pull - held in conjunction with the Canada Farm Show, at Exhibition Place on. JanuarY 31 and Feburaty 1. Porter placed third in the 7,000 modified class and took fourth in the 9,000.. Heim Made a "couple of exhibition runs" with the new Packard, but did not place in the winnings. Conservatiye headquarters The Huron-Bruce Progressive *Con- -servatives have opened' committee rooms in the former Lucknow Co-op storefront on Campbell Street. T-he Lucknow PC headquarters will be open from 1 - 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday until election day, pebruary 18. Anyone who haa-questions about voting, or wishes to get in touch with PC candidate, Murray Cardiff, can drop into the committee rooms or call 528-3837. . No ciolurnns The Dungannon and Kingsbridge news columns do not appear in this week's issue because they were Mailed to the Sentinel and did not arrive until late Tuesday afternoon. Unfortunately, they were received , too , late to meet s our press deadline of 4 p.m. We usually receive these col- unins late Monday or early Tuesday morning.