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Published under the authority of the-Official Agent for -
Murray Cardiff Headquarters, Main St., Brussels, Ontario.
14!geknoW Se104ielo,..Wedneadliblantfiliy:Slii108age 33
Mrs. 4 'an,Owl t . Ann
Graham died,in
Alexandra Marine . and.
en ern.L.4:1-1.04til-al,
Goderieh on WednesdaY,
January her '82nd
year. •
She was born "and
'raised . on .the. 10th , con
cession of'. Ashfield
Townihip, . the daughter
of the late Daniel K. Alton
and hiS wife. Elizabeth
She married Percy
Graham in. 1923 and
moved to a farm at R,R. 3
GoderiCh: She lived there
until:-moving to Lucknow.
in 1957.-
For the last Year and -a
the late Mrs,
Grahatn had beerier
residing at Maple. Grove
Lodge in Goderich . '
She was a member of
Ludkriow United Church.
She - was predeceaSed.
by. her husband., two
sisters and, three'
She is survived by one-
daughter, . Blanehe.
`StOriehouse of Guelph;
two sons, Jack and inn of
R,R. 3 Goderich; five
grandehildreni and
nephews and nieces
whose-love-and7visits all
ivir. Ferguson, a
former- resident of Ashfield
township and Lucknow, pas
sed away . in Huronview,
__Clinton,_in his 77th year on
Saturday., January 19, 1980.
Left to mourn is one
daughter, Lorraine (Mrs.
James Olson) of Toronto and
one son, James, of South-
ampton. Mr. Ferguson was
predeceased by his wife,
Pearl, and son,. Reg.
Funeral service was held
from the. MacKenzie and
MeCreath Funeral Home,
Lucknow on Monday, Jan-
uary 21, 1980 ,at 3:30 p.m.,
the Reverend Doug-Kaufman
_officiating. -, Temporary -en-.
torabinent followed at the
South Kinloss, Cemetery
Meant soginch to-her
The body of . the late
Mrs.' Graham rested. 'at
the,-,""MaCKenzie .-and
McCreath Funeral Home
-in . Lucknow- :where 1945, during which time he
funeral and 'committal accumulated a. wide circle of
services were, conducted friends and businesi ac-
at 2 p.in: on JanuarY 26bY quaintances which • was
the Reverend . Doug shown by the number who
Kaufman of LucknOW called at, the MacKenzie and
-1J,rilted Church. . McCreath Funeral Home
k:ritorribrnent. was- iii - where the funeral was con=
Dungannon Cemetery. diicted on January 23, 1980
at 2 P.m. by his lay minister,
_HAR_OLDYERG_USON„ who-Taki-a-----Tretireirielit7arid—Whre they
Ruby Jean Finnigan,.
Wheeler Street in Lucknow,
died of a. heart attack at her
home on January 18, 1980.
She was 53.
She' was born in Ashfield
Township on March 10, 1926
to parents Alfred and Mary
(Hunter) Sherwood, both
now deceased.
She was married October
29, 1950 in Lucknow to
Chester Finnigan, who Surv-
ives. Also surviving are two.
sons, David Alfred and Jam-
es Douglas both of Lucknow,
and one sister, Mildred
Kathleen Henry, R. R. 1
Kincardine. .
Mrs. Finnigan was a mem-
ber of Dungannon United
Church, of the , Duigannon
United. Women and
Of the WoMen's Inatittite, -
Funeral service and grave-
side : service , • was . Monday,
January 2I'in Lucknow,at the
MacKenzie and MeCreath
Chapel 14:64:"
Kaufman officiating; Organ-
ist was. Mr's. 'Tom Pritchard.,
Pallbearers 'were Tommy
Culbert, Lorne Hasty, Stuart '
Curran,- J. C. Drennan,
Grant Curran and Gordon
Interment was in Dungan-
non Cemetery.
There:. passed .7-aW4Y. in
yietoria Hospital in. London
on. Sunday, January 20;1980
Robert Earl IrVin .of Dun-
gantion in his 63rd'year: He
was born. in Ashfield Town,
-e•Sitip on July 21, 1917, 'a ..son
of the late William Irvin and
Mable Alton: • '
Ors :Jiine 28th,' 1947, he
Married Elsie Ritchie. He is
.suivived by, his wife, and one
daughter' 'Betty, Mrs. Fred
Stirling of R. ,R.• 3 Thames-
vine, two grandchildren
Darlene and Harold Robert ,
three sisters, (Anna) Mts.
Percy, Blundell: of Goderich,
Willa (Curran) Mrs. J. H.
Steele of London,. (Doreen)
'Mrs. Eldon Irwin - of Sarnia
and one brother Russel of
Ashfield-ToWnShip. He *as
predeceased by :his parents
and an infant son.
Bob, >as he was popularly,
--known, -operated -a garage
bnsiness in Dungannon since
special tribUte at the close of
the service by singing "All!
ide with Me".
He .was 'a faithful member
- of -Dun gammen -Unite d'Ch arch
and a member of the L.O.L.
The pallbearers were six
nephews, Mel . Blundell, Bev
Curran, Richard 'Irwin, Dan
Curran, WM. Irvin; and
Murray Irvin. The flower
bearers were Brian Ritchie,
Jim Ritchie, Dale Irvin and
Alex IrVin: Spring burial will
be in Greenhill Cemetery,
Lucknow. 7' .
her 89th year. `
Mrs. Hunter, a life long
resident of Ashfield Town-
ship and Lucknow, *as born
July 3, 1891 'to James and
Mary Ann (Marshall) John-
stone, 10th of Ashfield.
On April • 2, 1913 she
married Wm: 0 Hunter and,
they lived on the farm at Zion
until retiring -to LuCknow in
1957, ,
Here Mrs. Hater enjoyed
working at her hobbies of
iluiltin4 and making mats
the whiter time and caring.
for hen flowers and garden in
the sun-inter, as long as her
health permitted.
She had been in failing
health for'the past two years.
Mrs. Hunter was a niem-
bet of Lucknow United
She was predeceased by
her husband in. February,
Mrs. Selina (Jonstone)-
Hunter passed away at Pine-
ereSt Manor, Lucktio
w, Sat-
inday, January 19, 980, in'
the service..,.. , Heart.
Pallbearers 'Were John He worked for a 'combined
Hunter, Wm, G. Hunter,- ,25 years at Purity. Flour Mills
Eldon Culbert, Gordon John- • and 'the Goderich 'Elevator..
stone, Charlie' Webster and , He Was predeceased by his
HarveY 'Ritchie. , parents. in 1943 and 1928 res-
Plower • bearers were neetively; his sister, Cather-
grandehildren Eoin Mackin- , inc (Mrs. Michael J.
non, Herb Hunter, Murray Wynne),: of Southfteld,.Miph-
Button and jack Miller. igan 1956; his brother,,
Interment was in Kinloss' James T. O'Neill of Detroit' .
Mausoleum with filial resting in 1962 and his, nePhew,
place .Greenhill Cemetery, Michael P. Wynne-1 .Of
,Lncknow. Greenbush, Michigan in
MrS. .jane E.., Eastman
PaSsed away very suddenly
On Friday, January 18, 1980.
in her home at -Burlington, .
Ontario, in her 75th year.,
She' was born in_ the Zion,
area, daughter of the , late.
James E. Ritchie and the late
Charlotte Ferguson. She re-
ceived her public -.school
education in'. the Zion one
thorn- school:
Following her marriage to
Clifford E. Eastman of the
Arkona area in 1927, the
couple liVed for many years
in Pdrt Hope where he taught
in the high school. They .
resided in . Smith Falls for a
Short time before moving'. to '.
Burlington in 1948, Where
Mr. Eastman taught until
1966 and one son Lloyd, July, • Elizabeth (McCann) °Weill. Wynne of Belleville, Michi-
1978, ion parents were natives of gan, and John D. wynne of
She, is survived by,'three Ashfield and West Wawa-. Redford; Michigan; also
daughlers and one son: Mrs nosh owns ips, respective- grandnephews and nieces,
John L. (Alma) MacKinnon; ' Michael, Leo, John and Judy
(Lois) and Mrs. family to Ontario. He at- and Tracy and Shannon
Lorna Button, both, of Luck- tended St. Joseph's School at Wynne of Redford, • •
McIntosh. .
now; and Jim, Ashfield Kingsbridge.for few, years The Mass of 'the Resur-
township. She is*- alse sur- before ,InOVing to Goderich, section was concellebrated
Vivecl by 12 grandchildren where he attended„ St, Pet- ' on Thursday morning Jan- • • , anTclhle4 fugrneeartaig.rasenrdveibceii:sdrweans. er s School and ..Goderich uary id, at 11 o'clock, by the
Collegiate- Institute. ' Rev; Father A. F. Loebach,
held- January 21 from "-the gel. was a member of -St:, -pastor of St. Peter's' Chinch,
MacKenzie and IvIeCreath Peter's Roman: Catholic and the Rev. Father S. J.
Funeral Home, Lucknow Church, the, SOcietY19r the McDonaldof_Sinicoe, a
with her. minister, the 'Rev. 'Propagation of the Faith and in of the deceased. father
Doug Kaufman -in charge of the League , of, the .; Sacred meDonajd gave the .:homily
continued to teside. She was
a very faithful and, devoted
member or the Baptist
leaves `to mourn two
daughters, Mrs. Jas. (Lois)
Unsworth of Port Elgin; Mrs.
Elaine Sheridan Of Burling-
ton; and two sons, Philip'of
Waterloo, Donald of Bran-
don, Manitoba; eight grand-
children; two , sisters, Mrs.
Sam (Esther) Gibson of God
erich, Mrs. 13111 (Edna) Ross
and 2 brothers, Alfred and
Frank,' all Lucknow.
Besides her parents, she
was predeceased by her hus-
band, four sister's and' three
brothers, Mrs. Ernest (Mai-
mie) Gardner, Mrs. George
(Ruby) Saunders, Mrs. Rob-
ert (Myrtle) Helm. and Bod-
en, all of Lueknow; Mrs.
John (Margaret) Grant of
Saskatehean, and Edgar and
Fred of, Huntsville. "
The funeral's'ervice was
held in Burlington on Mon-
day, morning, January 21,
1980 with burial in the
Arkona Cemetery that after-
The pallberers were six
nephews, two nephews from
Arkona area and four neph-
ews from the Lucknow area.
A former resident of Ash-,.
field Township, William lok-
Oh Peter O'Neill,- died in
University Hospital, London,
on Monday, January 7, 1980,
as the result of a car accident
on the previous Friday.
He was born at Fanny.
stelle, Manitoba 'on Novem-
ber So 1908 to James and
JANE EEASTMAN He is survived by one
two nephews, William
sister,' Carrie, of Geaericli: interment Was in St. Pet.
A large stock of monuments at fair prices
, :Available for evening appointments
er's 'CemeterY, : Colborne
Township, with rather Mc-
Donald officiating-
kprayer service took place'.
at the Stiles Funeral Home
the -eve of the trineraT,T
with Father ' Loebach in
charge: -
The pallbearers were Wil-
liam Gower and Kenneth
Fitzpatrick, both of Goder-
ich; Joseph CourtneY of
Kingsbtidge; Joseph Duffy
of Ingersoll;; and John D.
Wynne of Redford, Michio '
-gan-rall-relatiVe§ deceasi._
ed; and Dennis WilliamsOn
of Gederich, •